aplikacija za sustav kap po kao: humusna kiselina...

Post on 14-Feb-2020






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Proizvodi: Humic Growth Solutions Made in USA / www.humicgrowthsolutions.comUvoznik i distributer za jugoistočnu Europu: Anturija d.o.o.Braće Radića b.b, Zgoni b.b., 88300 Čapljina Tel./fax: +387 36 808 849 / Mob.: +387 63 383 589E-mail: vladosakota08@gmail.com


Guaranteed Analysis

F– 1900

112 Badger Park Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32092

(904)-329-1012 www.humicgrowth.com

Made in The USA

Shake Before Use

Proper timing, rate, and placement of Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid is important for desired results and highly dependent on stage of crop growth, soil fertility levels and environmental conditions. If unsure of application rates for your specific soils, please consult your local Ag Extension Agent. Disclaimer; This product may not be available for purchase or authorized for use in every state. In addition, some states, counties and cities may require special licensing and training to sell, purchase or apply the product presented in this brochure. It is the responsibility of the distributor, retailer or profe-sional applicator to verify before product sale/ purchase, that the product is approved for the use intended in their city, state and county.


Soil Amending Ingredients: Humic Acid………………………………….. 12.4% Derived from: Humic Substances - (Humic Acid) Total Other Ingredients………………..…………… 87.3%

Product suitable for use in Organic Agriculture conforming to the annexes of the (CE) regulation n° 834/2007 and 889/2008 or of NOP Regulation. Inspected by ECOCERT SA F - 32600

Net Contents; 2.5 US Gal (9.46 liters) Net Weight; 21.25 lbs (9.64 kg)

Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate is a soil conditioner designed to aid in breaking down organic matter. This is an activated humic acid product that may enhance micronutrient uptake and increase moisture retention of your soil.

APPLICATION RATES Crops - 1 to 3 gallons of Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate per acre Turf - 3 to 5 gallons of Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate per acre MIXING DIRECTIONS Mix 1 gallon of Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate in a minimum of 15 gallons to 25 gallons of water. SHAKE WELL prior to mixing. When mixing with water, Fill container half full, then add Liquid Humic Acid to the remaining water. When mixing with pesticides, dilute Liquid Humic Acid with water prior to the addition of buffering agents and pesticides. DO NOT tank-mix with carbonate-based pesticides, as efficacy will decrease. Follow all directions and precautions on pesticide labels prior to mixing with Liquid Carbon. Ensure adequate agitation in all situations. DO NOT mix Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid with calcium nitrate, phosphoric acid, zinc sulphate or other solutions with a PH of less than 6.0. CAUTION: When combined with aqua ammonia, vapor releases may result in pressure build-ups. For such mixtures, only use mixing and application equipment that are vented and/or have pres-sure release valves. Apply directly to the soil in fall or early spring and as many as 4 to 6 applications per growing season. Always conduct a soil test to determine nutrient levels and make needed amendments to assure good fertility levels in your soil. Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate is an ideal supplement to your fertilizer program.

Manufactured in the U.S.A. by Humic Growth Solutions Jacksonville, Florida 32259


Guaranteed Analysis

F– 1900

112 Badger Park Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32092

(904)-329-1012 www.humicgrowth.com

Made in The USA

Shake Before Use

Proper timing, rate, and placement of Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid is important for desired results and highly dependent on stage of crop growth, soil fertility levels and environmental conditions. If unsure of application rates for your specific soils, please consult your local Ag Extension Agent. Disclaimer; This product may not be available for purchase or authorized for use in every state. In addition, some states, counties and cities may require special licensing and training to sell, purchase or apply the product presented in this brochure. It is the responsibility of the distributor, retailer or profe-sional applicator to verify before product sale/ purchase, that the product is approved for the use intended in their city, state and county.


Soil Amending Ingredients: Humic Acid………………………………….. 12.4% Derived from: Humic Substances - (Humic Acid) Total Other Ingredients………………..…………… 87.3%

Product suitable for use in Organic Agriculture conforming to the annexes of the (CE) regulation n° 834/2007 and 889/2008 or of NOP Regulation. Inspected by ECOCERT SA F - 32600

Net Contents; 2.5 US Gal (9.46 liters) Net Weight; 21.25 lbs (9.64 kg)

Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate is a soil conditioner designed to aid in breaking down organic matter. This is an activated humic acid product that may enhance micronutrient uptake and increase moisture retention of your soil.

APPLICATION RATES Crops - 1 to 3 gallons of Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate per acre Turf - 3 to 5 gallons of Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate per acre MIXING DIRECTIONS Mix 1 gallon of Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate in a minimum of 15 gallons to 25 gallons of water. SHAKE WELL prior to mixing. When mixing with water, Fill container half full, then add Liquid Humic Acid to the remaining water. When mixing with pesticides, dilute Liquid Humic Acid with water prior to the addition of buffering agents and pesticides. DO NOT tank-mix with carbonate-based pesticides, as efficacy will decrease. Follow all directions and precautions on pesticide labels prior to mixing with Liquid Carbon. Ensure adequate agitation in all situations. DO NOT mix Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid with calcium nitrate, phosphoric acid, zinc sulphate or other solutions with a PH of less than 6.0. CAUTION: When combined with aqua ammonia, vapor releases may result in pressure build-ups. For such mixtures, only use mixing and application equipment that are vented and/or have pres-sure release valves. Apply directly to the soil in fall or early spring and as many as 4 to 6 applications per growing season. Always conduct a soil test to determine nutrient levels and make needed amendments to assure good fertility levels in your soil. Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate is an ideal supplement to your fertilizer program.

Manufactured in the U.S.A. by Humic Growth Solutions Jacksonville, Florida 32259


Guaranteed Analysis

F– 1900

112 Badger Park Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32092

(904)-329-1012 www.humicgrowth.com

Made in The USA

Shake Before Use

Proper timing, rate, and placement of Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid is important for desired results and highly dependent on stage of crop growth, soil fertility levels and environmental conditions. If unsure of application rates for your specific soils, please consult your local Ag Extension Agent. Disclaimer; This product may not be available for purchase or authorized for use in every state. In addition, some states, counties and cities may require special licensing and training to sell, purchase or apply the product presented in this brochure. It is the responsibility of the distributor, retailer or profe-sional applicator to verify before product sale/ purchase, that the product is approved for the use intended in their city, state and county.


Soil Amending Ingredients: Humic Acid………………………………….. 12.4% Derived from: Humic Substances - (Humic Acid) Total Other Ingredients………………..…………… 87.3%

Product suitable for use in Organic Agriculture conforming to the annexes of the (CE) regulation n° 834/2007 and 889/2008 or of NOP Regulation. Inspected by ECOCERT SA F - 32600

Net Contents; 2.5 US Gal (9.46 liters) Net Weight; 21.25 lbs (9.64 kg)

Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate is a soil conditioner designed to aid in breaking down organic matter. This is an activated humic acid product that may enhance micronutrient uptake and increase moisture retention of your soil.

APPLICATION RATES Crops - 1 to 3 gallons of Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate per acre Turf - 3 to 5 gallons of Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate per acre MIXING DIRECTIONS Mix 1 gallon of Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate in a minimum of 15 gallons to 25 gallons of water. SHAKE WELL prior to mixing. When mixing with water, Fill container half full, then add Liquid Humic Acid to the remaining water. When mixing with pesticides, dilute Liquid Humic Acid with water prior to the addition of buffering agents and pesticides. DO NOT tank-mix with carbonate-based pesticides, as efficacy will decrease. Follow all directions and precautions on pesticide labels prior to mixing with Liquid Carbon. Ensure adequate agitation in all situations. DO NOT mix Diamond Grow Liquid Humic Acid with calcium nitrate, phosphoric acid, zinc sulphate or other solutions with a PH of less than 6.0. CAUTION: When combined with aqua ammonia, vapor releases may result in pressure build-ups. For such mixtures, only use mixing and application equipment that are vented and/or have pres-sure release valves. Apply directly to the soil in fall or early spring and as many as 4 to 6 applications per growing season. Always conduct a soil test to determine nutrient levels and make needed amendments to assure good fertility levels in your soil. Diamond Grow TM Organic Liquid Humic Acid Concentrate is an ideal supplement to your fertilizer program.

Manufactured in the U.S.A. by Humic Growth Solutions Jacksonville, Florida 32259

Proizvod je pogodan za uporabu u organskoj proizvodnji sukladno dopuni zakona 834/2007 i 889/2008.

Također proizvod posjeduje certifikate od:

Aplikacija u tlo:10 litara tekućeg humusnog koncentrata pomiješati s 250 litara vode. Aplikacija se treba izvršiti izravno u brazdu, radi bolje učinkovitosti. Pokriva površinu jednog hektara.Folijarna primjena: Pomiješati tekuće gnojivo s tekućim koncentratom humusne kiseline u omjeru 5:1, s dovoljno vode da se prekrije odgovarajuća površina.Aplikacija za sustav kap po kao:1 litar tekućeg humusnog koncentrata pomiješati s 100 litara vode. Svaki mjesec tijekom vegetacije izvršiti jednu aplikaciju.Tretiranje sjemena:Pomiješati sjeme s otopinom u omjeru 1:18 (1litar tekućeg koncentrata hu-musne kiseline s 18 litara vode na temperaturi od 20°C, 8-10 sati)

Mjere oprezaDobro promiješati prije nego pomiješate. Kad miješate s vodom napunite spremnik do pola, te dodajte tekući koncentrat.Iskoristite svu razrijeđenu količinu, ne čuvati razrijeđeni oblik.Nakon upotrebe dobro oprati opremu i ruke.

Diamont Grow 12%-tna tekuća Humusna kiselina

12%-tna tekuća Humusna kiselina je dobivena iz najfinijih, najbogatijih i najčišćih izvora humusne kiseline u Sjevernoj Americi i u svijetu.

Pravi se od prirodno nastalog humusa koji je bogat humusnim organskim tvarima, huminskom i fulvinskom kiselinom s najmanjom mogućom raz-inom teških metala.

Zašto koristiti Humusnu kiselinu?

Danas je priznata njezina učinkovitost i blagotvorno djelovanje na rast i uzgoj usjeva( povrća, voća i žitarica), citrusa, travnjaka, cvijeća, te posebno u organski siromašnim tlima.

Tehnički, Humusna kiselina nije gnojivo, iako neki stručnjaci smatraju da jest. Humusna kiselina je učinkovito sredstvo za upotrebu kao dodatak umjetnim i organskim gnojivima.

U mnogim slučajevima, redovita upotreba humusne kiseline smanjit ce potrebe za gnojidbom i tako će biljka i tlo imati veću učinkovitost.

Humusna kiselina stimulira mikrobiološku aktivnost, pružajući domaće mikrobe s izvorom ugljika za hranu, tako da potiče njihov rast i aktivnost.

Prednosti humusne kiseline• Poboljšava apsorpciju hranjivih tvari.• Pomaže u sanaciji tla.• Poboljšava strukturu i razvoj korijena.• Povećava mikrobiološku aktivnost.• Povećava klijavost sjemena.• Povećava prinose.• Smanjuje otjecanje gnojiva.• Promiče zdravije usjeve.• Poboljšava zadržavanje vode.• Povećava antioksidativno djelovanje.• Potiče biljne enzime.

• Sprječava bolesti i toplinski stres.• Poboljšava plodnost tla.• Povećava biomasu.• Smanjuje ostatke herbicida i otrovnih tvari u tlima.

2 aplikacije Hu-musne kiseline s 20% manje gnojiva.

Gnojivo bez hu-musne kiseline.

Pješčana tla siromašna humusom ne mogu zadržati hranjive tvari

Upute za uporabu

• 100% vodotopiv proizvod koji neće dovesti do začepljenja sustava kap po kap ili prskalica.

• Pogodan je za izravnu upotrebu, ali također može se miješati s gnojivi-ma i herbicidima.

• Pomiješati 1 litar tekućeg humusnog koncentrata s 25 litara vode.

Učinak kationske zamjene kapacite-ta tla, s dodatkom humusne kiseline

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