“elektriği o kadar ucuza yapacağız ki sadece · hanehalklarını yerleştirmek ve latin...

Post on 11-Jul-2020






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“Elektriği o kadar ucuza yapacağız ki sadece zenginler mum yakacak” Thomas Edison"

Bitlumens, Latin Amerika'daki kırsal köylerdeki yenilenebilir kaynaklardan şebekeye elektriği, Nesnelerin İnterneti (IoT) ve

Blockchain'den yararlanarak kadınlara getiriyor.

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Feragat Önemli bilgi Önsöz Giriş Kerosen ve biyokütlenin yer değiştirmesi Feragatname İlk PiyasalarıGüneş SistemiBlockchainSensör Veri AkışıKullanım DurumlarıYazılımı bir Mikro krediyle lisanslayın Varlık FeragatnamesiSertifikalı Emisyon Azaltımına (CER) İzin Ver ve DoğrulaYol Haritası Jeton Spesifikasyon ve ICO kurallarTakım 17

Önemli bilgi

Bu tanıtım belgesi, sadece bilgi amaçlı olarak Bitlumens GmbH tarafından sağlanmaktadır. Bu Resmi Raporda yer alan hiçbir husus, herhangi bir yargı alanında menkul kıymet satma veya satın alma teklifi veya yatırım talebi veya yatırım tavsiyesi olarak yorumlanamaz. Teknik İnceleme, BLS tokenlerinin (Whitepaper'da belirtildiği gibi) herhangi bir satışını ve satın alımını düzenlemez. BLS jetonlarının satın alınması Token Satış Hüküm ve Koşullarına tabidir ve Bitlislerin kullanımı Platform Hüküm ve Koşullarına tabidir.

Bu Teknik Rapor, Bitlumens için mevcut vizyonu tanımlar. Bu vizyonu gerçekleştirmeye çalışmak niyetindeyken, bunun birtakım faktörlere bağlı olduğunu ve risklere bağlı olduğunu lütfen unutmayın. Bitlumens'in hiçbir zaman uygulanmayacağı veya benimsenmeyeceği veya vizyonumuzun sadece bir kısmının gerçekleştirilebileceği tamamen mümkündür. Bu Raporda yer alan ifadelerden herhangi birini garanti etmeyiz veya garanti etmeyiz çünkü mevcut inançlarımız, beklentilerimiz ve varsayımlarımıza dayanırız; bunlar, oluşabilecek çeşitli ve beklenen beklenmedik olaylardan dolayı güvence altına alınamaz. Blockchain, kripto-rents ve Bitlumens için kullanılan teknolojinin diğer yönleri henüz emekleme aşamasındadır ve birçok zorluk, rekabet ve değişen bir çevreye maruz kalacaktır. Bir şeyler büyüyüp değiştikçe topluluğumuzu güncellemeye çalışacağız, ancak bunu yapma zorunluluğunu üstlenmeyeceğiz.

Düzenleyici eylem veya rehberliğin retrospektif doğası gereği, herhangi bir yargı alanında Bitlisens veya BLS token lansmanının yasallığı konusunda hiçbir garanti veremeyiz. İlgili yargı alanlarının yasalarına uygun olarak faaliyet göstermeliyiz. Bu nedenle, BLS simgeleri belirli ülkelerde hemen mevcut olmayabilir.

BLS jetonları, Bitlumens platformunda fonksiyonel kullanımlı akıllı sözleşmelerdir. BLS jetonları İade edilemez ve spekülatif yatırımlar için değildir. BLS tokenleri ile ilgili gelecekteki performans veya değer vaatleri verilemez veya vaat edilemez, içsel değer sözü verilmez, devam eden ödeme vaadleri ve BLS tokenlerinin belirli bir değeri tutacağı garantisi verilmez. BLS jetonları, Bitlumens GmbH’da hiçbir menkul kıymet bulundurmaz.

Bu Teknik Makale, Whitepaper'ın önceki sürümleri üzerinde geçerli olan en son sürümüyle güncellenebilir veya değiştirilebilir ve herhangi bir değişiklik veya gerçeği içeren içeriği size bildirmek zorunda değiliz. İngilizce belgesinin en son sürümü, https://bitlumens.com adresinde bulunabilir. Beyaz Kitapta sunulan tüm verilerin, ilgili versiyonun yayıldığı tarihte doğru ve güncel olmasını sağlamak için her türlü çabayı göstersek de, önerilen Beyaz Kitap, bağımsız bir üçüncü taraf görüşüne başvurmanın alternatifi değildir. Teknik İnceleme, Bitlumens GmbH, müdürler, memurlar, çalışanlar ve iştirakçiler tarafından, Beyaz Kitapçıkta yer alan herhangi bir materyalin doğruluğu, güvenilirliği veya eksiksizliğinden doğan ya da bunlarla ilgili herhangi bir yasal yükümlülüğü garanti etmeyen ya da bunlarla ilgili herhangi bir yasal yükümlülük üstlenmeyen bir anlaşma teşkil etmez.BLS jetonlarını satın almak isteyen kişiler, bağımsız uzmanların tavsiyelerini aramalıdır.Herhangi bir eyleme geçmeden önce, Whitepaper'da belirtin.

Bu belge Bitlumens projesi, temel kavramsal fikri, iş modeli, rekabet avantajları, takım, ICO detayları ve ilk MVP'ye yönelik yol haritası hakkında bilgi vermektedir. Çekirdek mimarinin ve API'lerin daha teknik bir açıklaması yakında takip edilecektir. Bu tanıtım raporu Mart 2018'de yayınlanmıştır.


Important Information

This Whitepaper is provided by Bitlumens GmbH for informational purposes only. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be construed as an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction, or a solicitation for investment, or an investment advice. The Whitepaper does not regulate any sale and purchase of BLS tokens (as referred to in the Whitepaper). The purchase of BLS tokens is subject to the Token Sale Terms and Conditions and the use of Bitlumens is subject to the Platform Terms and Policies.

This Whitepaper describes the current vision for Bitlumens. While we intend to attempt to realize this vision, please recognize that it is dependent on a number of factors and subject to risks. It is entirely possible that Bitlumens will never be implemented or adopted, or that only a portion of our vision will be realized. We do not guarantee or warrant any of the statements in this Whitepaper, because they are based on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions, about which there can be no assurance due to various anticipated and unanticipated events that may occur. Blockchain, cryptocur-rencies and other aspects of the technology used for Bitlumens is in its infancy and will be subject to many challenges, competition and a changing environment. We will try to update our community as things grow and change, but undertake no obligation to do so.Due to the retrospective nature of regulatory action or guidance, we can make no guarantees regarding the legality of Bitlumens or BLS token launch in any given jurisdiction. We must operate in accordance with the laws of relevant jurisdictions. As such, BLS tokens may not be immediately available in certain countries.

BLS tokens are functional utility smart contracts within Bitlumens platform. BLS tokens arenon-refundable and are not for speculative investment. No promises of future performance or value are or will be made with respect to BLS tokens, including no promise of inherent value, no promise of continuing payments, and no guarantee that BLS tokens will hold any particular value. BLS tokens are not securities hold no rights in Bitlumens GmbH.

This Whitepaper may be updated or altered, with the latest version of the Whitepaper prevailing over previous versions and we are not obliged to give you any notice of the fact or content of any chang-es. The latest version of the Whitepaper in English is available at the website https://bitlumens.com. While we make every effort to ensure that all data submitted in the Whitepaper is accurate and up to date at the point in time that the relevant version has been disseminated, the proposed Whitepaper is no alternative to consulting an independent 3rd party opinion. The Whitepaper does not constitute an agreement that binds Bitlumens GmbH, directors, o�cers, employees and associates do not warrant or assume any legal liability arising out of or related to the accuracy, reliability, or complete-ness of any material contained in the Whitepaper.People who intend to purchase BLS tokens, should seek the advice of independent expertsbefore committing to any action, set out in the Whitepaper.

This document provides information on the Bitlumens project, its core conceptual idea, business model, competitive advantages, the team, ICO details and roadmap towards the first MVP. A more technical description of the core architecture and APIs will follow soon after. This whitepaper has been published in March 2018. We recommend following updates on our website and other media

Yeni bilgi ve güncellemeler için web sitemiz ve diğer medya kanallarındaki güncellemeleri düzenli aralıklarla takip etmenizi öneririz. Ayrıca, gelecekte, özellikle uzlaşma ve yönetim mekanizmalarına ilişkin daha ayrıntılı makaleler yayınlanacaktır. Ancak, mimarimizin bütünsel olduğu, tüm bileşenlerin birbirine bağlandığı ve modüler bir şekilde sinerji içinde olduğu unutulmamalıdır.


Bitlumens misyonu, kırsal topluluklara gazyağı, ahşap veya plastik bağımlısı hanehalklarını yerleştirmek ve Latin Amerika'da daha temiz, daha güvenli ve uygun

fiyatlı enerjiye anında erişim sağlamak için seçenekler sunmaktır.

Bitlumens, Latin Amerika'daki kırsal köylerdeki Nesnelerin İnterneti'ni (IoT) ve Kadınlara Blok Taşı'yı kullanarak yenilenebilir kaynaklardan elektrik getiriyor. Güneş enerjisi ve teknolojimiz sayesinde, insanlar elektrik kullanabilir, elektrikli cihazlarını şarj edebilir ve hatta ürünlerini sulayabilirler! Kadınlar bizim hard-ware'imizi kiralar ve BLS tokenlarındaki taksitlerle ödeme yaparlar. Bu, finansal dahil etme ve yoksulluğun azaltılmasına yol açan bir kredi puanı oluşturulmasına olanak tanır. Ayrıca, aile üyeleri makinenin masraflarını karşılayabilecek bir havale göndermek için jeton alabilirler, yani su ve elektrik faturaları karşılanabilir. Ayrıca, kadınların daha sonraki bir dönemde karbon kredisi veren kuruluşlar haline gelmelerine olanak sağlamak için her bir hanedeki karbon azaltma ve partikül madde azaltımını da ölçüyoruz.Bitlumens'in güncel kilometre taşları şunlardır:

1. Nisan 2018 sonu itibariyle 100 off grid güneş cihazının dağıtımı.2. Yazılımın eklerini Mayıs ayı sonuna kadar jeton kullanarak çalıştırmak için eklenmesi.3. Karbon ve siyah karbon azaltımını izlemek için IoT'nin dağıtımı.4. Haziran'dan sonra güneş pompalarını donanım ekosistemimize ekleyeceğiz.


Misyonumuz, kullanıcıların karbon emisyonlarını azaltmak ve şebekenin olmadığı yerlerde ışık ve suya erişim sağlamak için grid Solar sistemlerini benimseyen bir akran platformunu sunmaktır. Platformumuz, Güneş Ev Sistemleri'nin (SHS), Bitlumens Tokens (BLS) 'de belirtilen taksitlerle yapılmasına izin verir. Amacımız pozitif ölçülebilir sosyal ve çevresel etki yaratmaktır.

Uzak köylere güneş enerjisi sağlıyoruz ve sonuç olarak CO2 ve sağlık risklerini azaltıyoruz. Aydınlatma ve sulama amaçlı olarak kerosen lambaları, dizel, plastik, biyokütle ve biyo-yakıtların kullanımını güneş teknolojisiyle değiştiriyoruz. Bu, çiftçilerin maliyetlerini azaltmalarına ve tasarruflarını artırarak finansal katılımı artırmasına ve bazı durumlarda istihdam sağlamasına olanak tanır. Dijital platformumuz, düşük kaynak hanehalklarında dağıtık, konsensüs ve kapalı şebeke akıllı enerji çözümleriyle yönetilmesini önermektedir. Platformumuz, BM SDG'lerine, özellikle; Ekonomik ve Temiz Enerji, Sürdürülebilir Şehirler ve Topluluklar, İyi Sağlık ve Refah, Cinsiyet Eşitliği ve İklim Eylemi. Bitlumens GmbH, İsviçre'nin Zug şehrinde kayıtlı ve birleşiktir.


Important Information

This Whitepaper is provided by Bitlumens GmbH for informational purposes only. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be construed as an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction, or a solicitation for investment, or an investment advice. The Whitepaper does not regulate any sale and purchase of BLS tokens (as referred to in the Whitepaper). The purchase of BLS tokens is subject to the Token Sale Terms and Conditions and the use of Bitlumens is subject to the Platform Terms and Policies.

This Whitepaper describes the current vision for Bitlumens. While we intend to attempt to realize this vision, please recognize that it is dependent on a number of factors and subject to risks. It is entirely possible that Bitlumens will never be implemented or adopted, or that only a portion of our vision will be realized. We do not guarantee or warrant any of the statements in this Whitepaper, because they are based on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions, about which there can be no assurance due to various anticipated and unanticipated events that may occur. Blockchain, cryptocur-rencies and other aspects of the technology used for Bitlumens is in its infancy and will be subject to many challenges, competition and a changing environment. We will try to update our community as things grow and change, but undertake no obligation to do so.Due to the retrospective nature of regulatory action or guidance, we can make no guarantees regarding the legality of Bitlumens or BLS token launch in any given jurisdiction. We must operate in accordance with the laws of relevant jurisdictions. As such, BLS tokens may not be immediately available in certain countries.

BLS tokens are functional utility smart contracts within Bitlumens platform. BLS tokens arenon-refundable and are not for speculative investment. No promises of future performance or value are or will be made with respect to BLS tokens, including no promise of inherent value, no promise of continuing payments, and no guarantee that BLS tokens will hold any particular value. BLS tokens are not securities hold no rights in Bitlumens GmbH.

This Whitepaper may be updated or altered, with the latest version of the Whitepaper prevailing over previous versions and we are not obliged to give you any notice of the fact or content of any chang-es. The latest version of the Whitepaper in English is available at the website https://bitlumens.com. While we make every effort to ensure that all data submitted in the Whitepaper is accurate and up to date at the point in time that the relevant version has been disseminated, the proposed Whitepaper is no alternative to consulting an independent 3rd party opinion. The Whitepaper does not constitute an agreement that binds Bitlumens GmbH, directors, o�cers, employees and associates do not warrant or assume any legal liability arising out of or related to the accuracy, reliability, or complete-ness of any material contained in the Whitepaper.People who intend to purchase BLS tokens, should seek the advice of independent expertsbefore committing to any action, set out in the Whitepaper.

This document provides information on the Bitlumens project, its core conceptual idea, business model, competitive advantages, the team, ICO details and roadmap towards the first MVP. A more technical description of the core architecture and APIs will follow soon after. This whitepaper has been published in March 2018. We recommend following updates on our website and other media


Bitlumens kırsal alanları elektriklendirir, CO2 emisyonlarını azaltmaya yardımcı olur, cinsiyet eşitliğini teşvik eder ve platform aracılığıyla finansal katılımı teşvik eder.

1,1 milyar kadın, finansal kimlik belgelerinin yetersizliği nedeniyle en az finansal sistemden kilitli kalmaktadır. Kimlik, finansal katılım ve ekonomik güçlenme için bir engel olarak kalmak zorunda değildir. Buna ek olarak, Dünya Enerji Görünümü'ne göre 1,2 milyar insanın elektriğe erişimi yokken, 2.7 milyar insanın temiz pişirmeye erişimi yok. Kırsal kesimin sadece küçük bir kısmının elektriğe erişimi vardır [bkz. Tablo 1]. Bunların çoğu, biyokütle, kerosen, plastik, pil meşaleleri ve mumlar gibi verimsiz ve tehlikeli yakıtlara bağımlıdır. Yakıtlar ve yanma süreci, sera gazlarının atmosfere salınmasına katkıda bulunur. Bu yakıtlar arasında, kerosen bir CO2 ve siyah karbon kaynağıdır. Siyah karbon veya kurum, partikül madde (PM), bulut damlacıkları ve aerosol partiküllerinin birbirini etkilediği pıhtılaşma hap- kalemleri adı verilen doğal bir fenomen olana kadar sadece birkaç gün veya haftada bulunur. Bu olay, aerosol partiküllerini çözerek atmosferi temizlemeye yardımcı olur. Bu nedenle, dünya çapındaki tüm kerosen lambalarının güneş ışığı ile değiştirilmesi, küresel ısınmayı azaltmak için kısa vadeli bir işlem olarak kullanılabilir. Tek bir gaz lambası, günde dört saat kullanıldığında yılda 100 kg CO2 üretir.

Global olarak, aydınlatma için yanan kerosen, yılda küresel emisyonların yaklaşık% 0,5'ini oluşturan 240 milyon ton CO2 eşdeğerini oluşturdu. Aslında, sadece Afrika'da ve Asya'da güneş panelleri ile değiştirilen gazyağı lambaları, yalnızca 2014 yılında 1,4 milyon ton CO2 eşdeğeri tasarruf etti. Üstelik, genel olarak bir günde 20 kg odun yakmak yaklaşık 200 gram PM2.5 yayar, bu da 10,000 sigara içmeye eşittir.

Latin Amerika'daki enerji sektörü ve diğer birçok gelişmekte olan bölgede enerji gereksinimlerini karşılamak için büyük zorluklar var. Aslında, bu ülkelerin bir kısmı enerji talebini karşılamak için fosil yakıtlara güvenmektedir. Fiyat volatilitesi, fosil yakıt kıtlığı, fosil yakıt fiyatlarına ilişkin hükümet düzenlemeleri, jeopolitik ortamlar, elektrik kesintileri ve iklim değişikliğinin azaltılması, enerji güvenliğini ele almak için dikkate alınması gereken ana anahtar değişkenlerdir. Ancak, Latin Amerika çok miktardagüç güvenilirliğini ve enerji güvenliğini ele almak için kullanılabilecek rüzgar ve güneş gibi konvansiyonel olmayan yenilenebilir enerji kaynakları.


Important Information

This Whitepaper is provided by Bitlumens GmbH for informational purposes only. Nothing in this Whitepaper shall be construed as an offer to sell or buy securities in any jurisdiction, or a solicitation for investment, or an investment advice. The Whitepaper does not regulate any sale and purchase of BLS tokens (as referred to in the Whitepaper). The purchase of BLS tokens is subject to the Token Sale Terms and Conditions and the use of Bitlumens is subject to the Platform Terms and Policies.

This Whitepaper describes the current vision for Bitlumens. While we intend to attempt to realize this vision, please recognize that it is dependent on a number of factors and subject to risks. It is entirely possible that Bitlumens will never be implemented or adopted, or that only a portion of our vision will be realized. We do not guarantee or warrant any of the statements in this Whitepaper, because they are based on our current beliefs, expectations and assumptions, about which there can be no assurance due to various anticipated and unanticipated events that may occur. Blockchain, cryptocur-rencies and other aspects of the technology used for Bitlumens is in its infancy and will be subject to many challenges, competition and a changing environment. We will try to update our community as things grow and change, but undertake no obligation to do so.Due to the retrospective nature of regulatory action or guidance, we can make no guarantees regarding the legality of Bitlumens or BLS token launch in any given jurisdiction. We must operate in accordance with the laws of relevant jurisdictions. As such, BLS tokens may not be immediately available in certain countries.

BLS tokens are functional utility smart contracts within Bitlumens platform. BLS tokens arenon-refundable and are not for speculative investment. No promises of future performance or value are or will be made with respect to BLS tokens, including no promise of inherent value, no promise of continuing payments, and no guarantee that BLS tokens will hold any particular value. BLS tokens are not securities hold no rights in Bitlumens GmbH.

This Whitepaper may be updated or altered, with the latest version of the Whitepaper prevailing over previous versions and we are not obliged to give you any notice of the fact or content of any chang-es. The latest version of the Whitepaper in English is available at the website https://bitlumens.com. While we make every effort to ensure that all data submitted in the Whitepaper is accurate and up to date at the point in time that the relevant version has been disseminated, the proposed Whitepaper is no alternative to consulting an independent 3rd party opinion. The Whitepaper does not constitute an agreement that binds Bitlumens GmbH, directors, o�cers, employees and associates do not warrant or assume any legal liability arising out of or related to the accuracy, reliability, or complete-ness of any material contained in the Whitepaper.People who intend to purchase BLS tokens, should seek the advice of independent expertsbefore committing to any action, set out in the Whitepaper.

This document provides information on the Bitlumens project, its core conceptual idea, business model, competitive advantages, the team, ICO details and roadmap towards the first MVP. A more technical description of the core architecture and APIs will follow soon after. This whitepaper has been published in March 2018. We recommend following updates on our website and other media

Tablo 1: Potansiyel Piyasalar

Tablo 1, güneş dışı şebeke projeleri üzerindeki gelişmeyi yönlendiren mega trendleri göstermektedir. Elektriksiz çok sayıda insan, giderek daha ucuz güneş panelleri, artan cep telefonu penetrasyonu (SIM kartlar) ve verimsiz yakıt kaynakları üzerindeki yüksek enerji harcamaları, grid enerji çözümlerini modellemek için kullandığımız değişkenlerden bazılarıdır. Buna ek olarak, yüksek cep telefonu kullanılabilirliği, düşük elektrik oranı, yüksek sayıda erişkin olmayan ve yüksek oranda kerosen veya pişirme veya elektrik için kullanılan diğer verimsiz yakıtların kesişimine odaklanıyoruz.


Elektriksiz Nüfus

Kırsal Elektriğin


Mobil Penetrasyon

Konut Elektrik Fiyatı

Milyonlar % Tones % ¢/kWh Haiti 7.5 17.2 0.23 55 33

Nicaragua 1.4 57.1 0.77 78 21 Trinidad and

Tobago 0 99.4 34.52 140 32

Ethiopia 73 12.2 0.11 18 9 Zambia 11 3.8 0.25 40 15

Peru 3 74.5 1.87 66 9 Guatemala 1.7 74.8 0.87 51 18

Brazil 0.8 97.8 2.49 57 10 Honduras 0.9 76.3 1.05 66 17 Panama 0.3 65.65 2.7 81 16 Ecuador 0.5 97.05 2.78 55 8

CO2 (kişi başına metrik ton) 2013

Kerosen ve biyokütlenin yer değiştirmesi

Temiz teknoloji, fintech, blockchain ve cloud computing'i birleştiren Bitlumens, kırsal köylerde yaşayan ve güce ihtiyaç duyan kadınların Sun Home Systems'a (SHS)

erişebileceği bir hizmet (SaaS) yazılımı sunmaktadır.

Gelişmekte olan birçok ülkede, kerosen (parafin), ışık ve pişirme için yakıt olarak yaygın olarak kullanılmaktadır. Kerosenin aydınlatma yakıtı olarak kullanılması önemli bir siyah karbon (BC) kaynağı ve karbondioksittir. Özellikle ailelerin çoğunun kısık gazyağı lambalarını kullandıkları kırsal alanlarda geceleri geceleri ışıklarını yakmak için. İçerideki yanıcı yakıtlardan kaynaklanan yanma, havayı zararlı parçacıklarla kirletir, bu da gözleri ve akciğeri tahriş edebilir ve ayrıca kazalara neden olabilir. Farklı çalışmalara göre, her yıl meydana gelen 3.5 milyon prema-ölüm vakası, dumanlı iç mekan ortamlarına bağlıdır. Yenilenebilir kaynaklardan sağlanan şebeke dışı enerji hizmetleri, yalnızca etkin Işık Yayan Diyotlar (LED'ler) ile kerosen kullanımını değil, aynı zamanda yanma sonucu ortaya çıkan tehlikeli yan etkileri de azaltabilir. Diğer yakıt kaynakları, Latin Amerika'da bir ışık kaynağı olarak kullanılan çam çıradır. Kerosen gibi, çam çürüğü de uzun süreli nörolojik ve böbrek hasarı gibi sağlık sorunlarına neden olur.

Gazyağı ve biyokütle destekli fitil lambaları güneş enerjili LED fenerlerden çok daha az verimlidir. Gazyağı tarafından belirtildiği gibi, güneş fenerleri ile karşılaştırıldığında daha az yararlı ışık sağlayan fitil lambalarında kullanılan tehlikeli ve verimsiz bir yakıttır. Gazyağı fitil lambaları metrekare başına 1 ila 6 lümen sağlar. LED daha yüksek verimliliğe sahiptir - gazlar için lümen cinsinden ölçülür - kalite ve gazyağı lambalarına eşleştirildiğinde aydınlatma miktarı. LED fenerlerin kullanımı sera gazı emisyonları ve işletme maliyetlerini azaltmaktadır. Günde dört saatlik bir süre boyunca 37 lümen üreten bir gazyağı lambası, ayda yaklaşık olarak litre başına 0,35 USD ortalama maliyetle yaklaşık üç litre gaz yağı tüketecektir.

Çoğu şebeke dışı müşteri kırsal alanlarda ve günde 2 dolardan az bir alanda yaşıyor. Bu nedenle, enerji harcamalarının önemli bir bölümünü oluşturur. Bununla birlikte, dağıtılmış enerji şirketleri (DESCO) kırsal alanlarda yaşayan insanların evlerine yeni finansman biçimleri getiriyor.


Güneşten yenilenebilir enerji üreterek DESCO, güvenilir enerji hizmetleri sunmayı ve maliyet açısından rekabetçi bir şekilde sera gazı emisyonlarını azaltmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu şirketlerden bazıları, paraya erişimi olmayan kişilerin krediye erişimini sağlamak için “sistem olarak ödeme” yöntemini kullanır. Bu çözüm, tüm taksitler ödendikten sonra teknolojiye sahip olmanın seçilmesini sağlayan bir kiralamadır. Bitlumens, köylülerin güneş panelleri ve blok zinciri kullanarak kimliklere, mikro kredilere, elektriğe erişimlerini desteklemek için bir çözüm sunmaktadır. Temiz teknoloji, fi ntech, blockchain ve cloud computing'i birleştiren Bitlumens, kırsal köylerde yaşayan ve güce ihtiyaç duyan kadınların Sun Home Systems'a (SHS) erişebileceği bir hizmet (SaaS) yazılımı sunmaktadır. Sonuncusu, güç şebekesi olmayan yerlerde güce bağlı olmayan, güce ulaşan, (IoT) cihazların kullanıcı dostu, çevre dostu ve akıllı interneti. Kısacası, platformumuz, kırsal topluluklara gazyağı, ahşap veya plase-bağımlı hane halklarını yerinden etme ve Latin Amerika'da daha temiz, daha güvenli ve uygun fiyatlı enerjiye anında erişim olanağı sunuyor.

İlk Piyasalar

Yüksek cep telefonu mevcudiyeti, düşük elektrik oranı oranı, yüksek oranda erişilemeyen yetişkin sayısı,% 10'un altında enflasyon oranları olan ülkeler ve yüksek

oranda kerosen veya elektrik için kullanılan diğer verimsiz yakıtların kesişimine odaklanıyoruz.

Tablo 2: İlk minimum canlı ürünü kurulacak yerler


Lat Lon

Guaramal Panama 8.337543 -82.551045

Valle Departament Honduras 13.422095 -87.547689

Chinandega Nicaragua 12.896268 -87.537753Escuintla, Guatemala 14.3009 -90.7882

Güneş Sistemi

İdeal olarak, Solar Kitimiz başlangıçta 15/20 / 50W güneş paneli ve 3000 mAh, Lityum Ferro-Phos-phate (LFP) Pil kullanacaktır. Farklı cihazlar ile gelen 3 sistemi, yani iki USB şarj portu satacağız; entegre kısılabilir LED ışıkları; LED Arkadan Aydınlatmalı LCD TV; Radyo ve televizyon.

Pil 5 yıl sürmeli ve sistem 2 yıl garantilidir.

Sistem en son kullanıcıya: mevcut kredi, batarya kullanılabilirliği, tüketilen elektrik, aydınlatma süresi, günlük maliyet ve enerji çıkışı sağlamalıdır. Veriler ağa her gün 7-10 arasında gönderilecektir.


Güneş kiti bir akıllı sayaca ve kullanıcının cep telefonuna bağlanır. Akımın ölçülmesini sağlayan programlanabilir mantık kontrolörleri (PLC) kullanıyoruz. Voltajı ve akım üretimini / tüketimini belirlemek için kullanılabilecek çeşitli devreler vardır. Her bir sensör, Denetleyici Donanımındaki bir analog-dijital dönüştürücüye (ADC) bağlanmalıdır. Güneş Paneli girişinde en az bir devreye ve batarya çıkışında başka bir devreye ihtiyacımız var. Bu değerler ile üretilen ve tüketilen gücü hesaplar. Akıllı sayaç, birkaç kilometre mesafe için çalışabilen IoT için LPWAN çözümlerini kullanıyor. Sensörler, verileri mevcut kredi, pil kullanılabilirliği, tüketilen elektrik, aydınlatma süresi, günlük maliyet ve enerji çıkışı gibi metin mesajları biçiminde sağlayacaktır.

USB Led ampullerLed ampuller Radyo TV 15.6’ Pil PV panel

200 lumens 400 lumens mAh Volt

Ilk yapılandırma

2 2 used for 6 h - 1

- 3000 15

İkinci Yapılandırma

2 2 used for 4 h

1 TV for 6 h 4500 20

Üçüncü Yapılandırma

4 3 6 saat kullanıldı- 1 TV for 6 h 10500 50

Tablo 3: Güneş Ev Sistemi Yapılandırmaları

Tablo 4: ışınım değerleri, tepe saat ve performans oranı.


GHI PSH PR Ye Ev kWh/m²/a [h/a] [-] [kWh/kWp/a] [USD


Ecuador 1641 1641 0.80 1313 11

Honduras 2230 2230 0.80 1784 30

Nicaragua 1909 1909 0.80 1527 32

Panama 2000 2000 0.80 1500 24

Guatemala 2200 2200 0.80 1760 31


Kadın çiftçilerin kredi puanlarını hesaplamak için açık ve kapalı zincir veri kaynaklarının bir kombinasyonunu kullanıyoruz

Kapalı Zincir: Dijital kimlikler blok zincirinin bir parçası değil, merkezileştirilecek. Her kullanıcı kendi kimliğine ve kredi geçmişine sahip olabilir. Bu bilgi, mikrop çözümleri, hükümetler ve kalkınma bankaları sunan üçüncü taraflarla paylaşılabilir. Kullanıcılar kişisel ve davranışsal değişkenlere göre belirli bir faiz oranı ödeyerek mikro kredilere erişebilirler.

Açık Zincir: Fikir, yatırımcılarımızın, kullanıcılarımızın yaptığı işlemler ne zaman yapıldığını bilmeleridir. Sisteme acentelerimiz tarafından girildikten sonra, Bitlumens bu aracılara jeton cinsinden bir komisyon ödeyecek.

Inc Mali dahil edilebilmesi için iki önemli bilgi, Kimlik ve KYC (Müşterinizi Tanın) bilgileri sağlanmıştır. Bitlumens, mikro kredi çözümlerini şebekeye bağlı olmayan ve SHS sunan kullanıcılara bağlayan bir platforma erişim sağlar. Kooperatif bankalara, bir hesap açmak veya geçerli mikrokredi kanıtı verildiğinde finansal hizmetleri kolaylaştırmak için ihtiyaç duydukları önemli bilgilerle sağlayacaktır. Her kullanıcı kendi kimliğine ve kredi geçmişine sahip olabilir. Bu bilgi, mikrop çözümleri, hükümetler ve kalkınma bankaları sunan üçüncü taraflarla paylaşılabilir. Kullanıcılar kişisel ve davranışsal değişkenlere göre belirli bir faiz oranı ödeyerek mikro kredilere erişebilirler.

Sistem aşağıdaki bileşenlerden (minimum) oluşacaktır:

(i) Bir simge oluşturma akıllı sözleşmesi (Ethereum)(ii) Bir faturalama sistemi sözleşmesi (Ethereum)(iii) IPFS (karma tabanlı merkezi olmayan depolama)(iv) Daha fazla baskı verilerini tutmak ve kimlik taleplerini noter onaylamak için merkezi bir sunucu (onaylama / reddetme)

Bitlumens ekibi, aracı eklemek ve kaldırmak için özel anahtara sahip olacaktır. Aracılar, müşteriler için faturalama faturaları ekleme gücüne sahiptir. Çalışma şu şekildedir: ajan müşterinin evine gider, parayı toplar ve müşterinin kullanması için OTC piyasasında bir jeton alır (böylece donanımı kullanabilir). Ek olarak, aracılar aşağıdaki grafikte açıklandığı gibi jetonlarda bir komisyon alırlar:


Ardından, aracı, istemcinin faturalandırma verilerini içeren bir blockchain işlemi yapar. Aracı, ayrıntılı bilgileri IPFS'ye yükler. Bilgileri kendisinde saklamak için IPFS use leri kullanırız. Daha spesifik olarak, işlem aşağıdaki bilgileri içerir: jeton değeri bilgisi, potansiyel olarak enerji tüketiminin bir kısmı (ancak Ethereum'da depolanması çok az maliyetlidir) ve ayrıntılı enerji tüketimini içeren bir IPFS hasarı. Her müşteriye, onları benzersiz olarak tanımlayan bir kullanıcı numarası atanır. KYC amaçları için, bankanın bir müşteriden (iv) istemcinin numarasının doğru baskıyla eşleşmesini istemesi yeterlidir. Kullanıcı numarasına güvenebilecekleri zaman, müşterinin kredi notunu tahmin etmek ve bir mikro krediye katılmak için blockchain (ii) akıllı sözleşmesine bakabilirler. Bir kredi derecelendirme kuruluşunun müşteri sayılarını kredi notu ile ilişkilendireceği bir kredi derecelendirme işlevselliği eklemek de mümkündür, böylece işlemleri bankalar için daha kolay hale getirir.

Bölge yöneticisi, aracı ve yatırımcı, web ve mobil uygulamamız aracılığıyla etkileşimde bulunur. Açık ve kapalı zincir verileri oracles kullanarak iletişim kurar. Jetonlar, Ethereum aracılığıyla halka açık bir blok zincir üzerinde değiştirilebilir. Önceden belirlenmiş koşullara dayanan talimatları uygulamak için ek bir akıllı sözleşmeler katmanı eklenmiştir.

Sensor Data Flow

Women farmers are the owners of their own data. Sensors collect data to verify carbon and black carbon mitigation.

Our clients own their own data. These data can be sold to the government or to development banks. The data runs in a private blockchain and is connected to our sensors.


Temsilci, OTC pazarındaki

jetonları satabilir

Müşteriler tarafından satın alınan jetonlar

Temsilci komisyon olarak jeton kabul eder

Temsilci BLS jeton satıl alır

Temsilciler için Komisyon olarak Jetonlar

Then, the agent makes a blockchain transaction that contains the utility bill data of the client. The agent uploads the detailed information to IPFS. We use IPFS files to store the information on the file itself. More specifically, the transaction contains the following information: the token value informa-tion, potentially some of the energy consumption (but only a few, as storage on Ethereum is very costly) and a IPFS hash to the file containing the detailed energy consumption. Each client is assigned a user number, which identifies them uniquely. For KYC purposes, it su�ces for the bank to ask a server (iv) that their client’s number matches the correct fingerprint. Once they can trust the user number, they can look at the blockchain (ii) smart contract to estimate the credit rating of the client and participate on a microcredit. It is also possible to add a credit rating functionality, where a credit rating agency would associate client numbers with credit rating, thereby making the process easier for banks.

The area manager, the agent and the investor interact through our web and mobile app. On and off chain data communicates using oracles. The tokens can be exchanged on a public blockchain through Ethereum. An additional layer of smart contracts is added to execute instructions based on predefined conditions.

Sensör Veri Akışı

Kadın çiftçiler kendi verilerinin sahibi. Sensörler karbon ve siyah karbon azaltımını doğrulamak için veri toplar.

Müşterilerimizin kendi verileri var. Bu veriler devlete veya kalkınma bankalarına satılabilir. Veriler özel bir blockchain ile çalışır ve sensörlerimize bağlanır.


Sponsorlar /Yatırımcılar

WEB Server

Bölge Müdürü

Ethereum Ağı

EVM - Ethereum Sanal



Biyometri Parmak İzi / Resimler


Köyde Operasyon ve Köylüler Kimliği

Her bir makinenin bir seri numarası vardır ve bunlar, üst baskı kullanılarak tanımlanmış bir kullanıcıya bağlanabilir. Kimlik ve fingerprint için bir ortak sağlayıcı ile çalışacağız. MVP, Ether kullanımını desteklemeyi amaçlamaktadır ve şu anda akıllı sözleşmeleri uygulamak için en olgun blok zinciri olduğundan, Ethereum ağı üzerine kurulmuştur.

Aşağıdaki grafikte, kadın çiftçilerin makinelerini çalıştırmaları için ihtiyaç duyulan BLS tokenlarının durumu gösterilmektedir. Bu kadınlar, elektrik veya su için güç üretmek için kullanılan makinelerini çalıştırmak için jeton satın alırlar.


Güç üreticisi

Güç kullanılan sensörler


Bölge Müdürü

Veri okumalarını ayıklar.

Yerleşik küçük bilgisayar


KYCBölge yöneticisi bir fotoğraf çeker ve köyün parmak izini tarar ve verileri bir Kimlik Kanıtı olarak Blockchain ağına gönderir.

KöylüBölge Müdürü

Bitlumens Jetonları / Veri SahipliğiVeri IoT ve oracles kullanılarak belirlendi

Müşteri veri sahibi

Veri Havuzları Müşteri, belirteçleri için fikir birliği yapar

Veriler alıcıya gönderilir+Akıllı sözleşme katmanı

Jetonlar ek cihazlarda indirim elde etmek için kullanılabilir

Misyonumuz, kırsal köylerde yaşayan kadınları mikro-kredi sağlayarak finansal sisteme dahil etmek ve çözüm olarak ödeme yapmaktır. Bu nedenle, Bitlumens, Aralık 2015'teki Paris İklim Anlaşması ile ilgili olarak karbon azaltım stratejilerine katkıda bulunurken, köylülerin yaşamını iyileştirmek için platformu lisanslamayı ve küresel ölçekte kooperatif bankacılık hizmetleriyle çalışmayı hedeflemektedir.

Buna ek olarak, aile üyeleri bizim app aracılığıyla BLS belirteçleri satın alabilir ve su ve elektrik faturaları için ödemek için bizim nihai kullanıcı (leasing partisi) birine bir havale gönderebilirsiniz.

Kullanım Durumları


PERAKENDE - Uygulama Sunucusu

Akıllı sözleşme makineler için BLS üretir



BLS jetonu satın alır

Bitlumens Jetonları / Genel BakışERC20/ BLS ICO

OTC pazarı Değişim ve Akıllı Sözleşme katmanı

Oracles and IoT

Veri belirlendi Karbon Kredileri Belirlendi

Jetonlar maks. Yeni makinelerin satın alınması% 10 indirim

Bitlumens yazılımı, ücretler veya gelir paylaşımı karşılığında bankalara (SaaS) lisanslanabilir. Bitlumens, Kooperatif Kredi Bankalarının yeni sürdürülebilir krediler oluşturmasına yardımcı olur, daha sonra bu kredileri, her bir mikro kredinin teminat olarak bir donanım parçasına sahip olduğu 3. taraf yatırımcılara dağıtır veya satar. Bu süreç, kredinin yasal olarak oluşturulmasına ve mevcut bir bankacılık lisansına dayalı olarak borçlulara fon aktarılmasına izin verir. Ödeme tarafında, iştirakçi bir İşbirliği Kredi Bankasıdır ve platformda ödünç alan tüm üyeler, tam AML / KYC ve ilgili hesaplara sahip bir banka üyesi olarak dahil edilecektir.

Bir kredi oluşturmadan önce, aracılar davranış değişkenleri de dahil olmak üzere her ilgili köylüye gereken özeni gösterecektir. Platform, kredi ölçümlerini değerlendirecek ve toplanan bilgilere ve her ülkede benimsenen düzenleyici çerçeveye dayalı olarak bir kredi puanı elde edecektir.

Sertifikalı Emisyon Azaltımına (CER) ve Doğrulamaya İzin Ver

Bitlumens emisyon azaltımlarını ölçer ve yeşil projelerin doğrulayıcılarının bu indirimleri tasdik etmesine izin verir.

Bitlumens, Kyoto Protokolü'nün 12. maddesi kapsamındaki temiz geliştirme mekanizmasına (CDM) dayanarak gereklilikleri karşılar ve sızdırmaz şekilde onaylanmış emisyon azaltma (CER) kredileri kazanır. Emisyon azaltma, köylüler aydınlatma kaynağı olarak biyokütle veya kerosen kullanmadığında ortaya çıkar. Bu bilgi, Paris Anlaşması kapsamındaki ölçüm, doğrulama ve raporlama (MVR) çerçevesine dahil edilmiştir. Ölçüm metodolojisi iklim değişikliği konusunda hükümetler arası panelden (IPCC) alınmıştır. Raporlama, sera gazı emisyonunun azaltılması için alınan önlemler ve iklim değişikliği hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilmesi ile ilgili olarak kabul edilen uyum yeteneği ölçütleri aracılığıyla yapılır. Ek olarak, veri doğrulama ulusal MRV ve ICA aracılığıyla yapılır. Buradaki fikir, platformu farklı alanlardaki emisyon azaltımlarını algılayıcılara, IoT'ye ve blok zincirine göre görselleştirmek için hükümete lisans vermek. Bu, net bir şekilde izlenebilirliğe ve Karbon Kredisi piyasalarına girme imkanını sağlayacaktır.

Bitlumens Jetonları / Para TransferiProfil oluşturur

OTC pazarında satın alımlar


Jetonları yeni cüzdan adresine gönderir

Akıllı Sözleşme katmanı

Yeni kullanıcı jeton kullanarak makineyi çalıştırır


Bitlumens Jetonları / Karbon Kredileri (BLS Jetonları olarak değil)Temsilci, kullanıcının KYC'sini oluşturur

Model karbon azaltımı

Müşteri 1 yıl makine çalışır

Model karbon azaltımını hesaplar

Akıllı Sözleşme katmanı

Jetonlar maks. Yeni makinelerin satın alınmasında% 10 indirim

License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices.2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May.3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation.4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their a�liation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also a�liated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology O�cer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice tra�c of over a billion of voice min-utes.

İyi bilinen ormansızlaşma, Orta Amerika'da bir konudur, bu nedenle PM2.5'i ölçen ve odun ve kerosenin aydınlatma kaynağı olarak yer değiştirdiğini doğrulayan sensörleri dahil ediyoruz. Buna ek olarak, faaliyet gösterdiğimiz köylerin çevresinde ormansızlaşmanın azaltılmasını yakalamak için uydu görüntüleri kullanıyoruz. Görsel veya analitik kullanım için 4-bant (RGB ve NIR) görüntüleri kullanıyoruz.

Müşterilere kiralama makineleri

Kadın çiftçiler SHS'yi BLS jetonlarını çalıştır çalıştırabilir

Seri numara ve yer gibi tüm Bitlümanlar cihazlarının bilgi bloğu ile ilgili bilgilerBitlumens, biyometrik için bir üçüncü tarafın sağladığı maliyet ve projeyi sahada yürütüyor. Guatemala'da, Amigos de la Aldea ve Brightlight Vakfı ile ortaklık yapıyoruz.

Tipik bir işlem örneği: Her hane halkının riskini değerlendirmek için, acentelerimiz her çiftçiden KYC bilgisini toplar ve risk modelini bu verilerle besler. Aracılar, müşterinin evinde makineleri dağıtır ve kurar. Makineler 12 ila 24 aylık bir süre için kiralanmaktadır. Müşteri, kira ödemelerini BLS belirteçleri içinde yapar. Gerekirse, müşteri acenteden kiralama ödemesi için BLS jetonlarını satın alabilir. Ödemeye kadar makine ödeme yapıldığında kira ödemeleri yapılmazsa. Kullanıcıların bir kira ödemesini karşılamak için aile üyelerinden havale alması durumunda, Bitlumens% 1 işlem ücretini ödememektedir.

Bitümler, kullanımda olan her makinenin yük tedarikçisini kaydeder. Jeton tutucular, bu zincirleri blok zincirde izleyebilir. Böylece projenin gelişimini ve çevresel ve sosyal faydalarını görebilirler.

Proje zaman çizelgesi

Her 100 kullanıcı için bir proje yöneticisine sahip olmayı bekliyoruzher ay 60-100 sistem arasında.

Müşteri varsayılanlarının oranlarının her bölgede değişmesi beklenir, ancak basitlik nedenleriyle modelimiz ortalama% 10'luk bir oran alır. Veriler, ödemeler söz konusu olduğunda erkeklerinkinden daha güvenilir olduklarını gösterdiğinden, kadınları nihaî müşteriler olarak seçiyoruz. Bununla birlikte, bu vakaların düzenli olarak değerlendirilmesi gerekmektedir. Model niceliğimiz zaman içinde varsayılantır. Temerrüde düştüğünde, sahada çalışan aracı sistemi geri toplar ve ikinci elini satar.

Sistemimiz, her kullanıcı için bir dijital kimlik ekleme, kredi verisi toplama, kredi puanları oluşturma ve daha sonraki bir aşamada finansal hizmetlere erişim sağlama seçeneği sunar.

Kimliklerin toplanması söz konusu olduğunda, şimdiden blockchain altyapıları ile çalışan şirketler ile ortaklık yapmayı planlıyoruz. Örneğin Hindistan'da, Aadhaar sistemi artık 1,1 milyardan fazla insana ulaşabiliyor. Kullanıcılar Aadhaar numaralarını sunarak hesapları açabilirler. Acentaların kullanıcılarımızın en üst baskılarını topladığı ve bunları şifrelemeyi destekleyen merkezi sunuculara kaydettiği Latin Amerika'yı planlıyoruz.


License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

Buna ek olarak, aracılar kredi puanını kullanıcının kredi geçmişini temel alarak hesaplarken, aracılar KYC'yi yükleyecekler. Her bir ayda 60-100 sistem kurup, her 100 kullanıcı için bir proje yöneticisine sahip olmayı umuyoruz. Microlend-ing kurumları, kadın projelerini yakından takip ederken teknik destek sağlıyor. Bu nedenle, amacımız kadınları eğitmek ve onları ekibimizin bir parçası olarak temsil etmek. Ücretleri bölgeye bağlı olacak ve komisyonlara dayanacak. Üçüncü üç aylık dönem boyunca, ülkedeki projeyi ölçeklendirmede bize destek olacak bir bölge müdürü olmasını bekliyoruz.

Aşağıdaki tablo, fonları 3 yıl boyunca nasıl yatırım yapmayı beklediğimizin dökümünü göstermektedir:

Bir API geliştirmeye başladık. Web APImız oraclize ile iletişim kuracaktır. Sistemler arasında ön uç gösterge panosu, kaydediciler ve mobil uygulama ve Bitlumens arka uçunun HTTPS sunucusu olarak Ödeme arasındaki iletişim, RestAPI / JSON üzerinden gerçekleştirilir. Bitlumens arka uç sistemi, gerçek veri noktalarını ve kimlikleri saklamak için bir PostgresSQL veri tabanı kullanır. Tam bir eternum düğümü çalıştırır ve veri alma ve analiz için kullanılır. Ayrıca, Solc derleyici, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Yerel iOS / Android, PHP, Düğüm, Golang ve Haskell kullanacağız.

Blocklumchain'in Bitlumens operasyonu içindeki rolü, her bir kullanıcının KYC bilgilerini ve önceden belirlenmiş akıllı sözleşmeyi, her bir taksit sırasında sözleşmenin koşullarının doğrulanabilir kayıtlarını korumak için kaydetmektir. Buna ek olarak, kullanıcıların ayda ne kadar ödeme yaptıklarına, yük kapasitelerine veya elektrik tüketimine ve her cihazdaki güç üretimine ilişkin verileri topladığımızda mikrogruplara geçmeyi planlıyoruz. Enerji iletmek ve dağıtmak için kilometrelerce güç hattını inşa edemeyen hizmet şirketlerinin maliyetlerini azaltmayı amaçlıyoruz. Merkezi olmayan enerji sistemleri, karbon ayak izlerini azaltırken kırsal toplulukların seçilmesini sağlar.

Bitlumens'te, blockchain'de çözülebilen tek durum güncellemesi, tokenlerin aktarımıdır. Platform, jeton karşılığında ödemelerde allows sağlar. Verilerin depolanması ve doğrulanması sadece yatırımcıların erişebileceği özel bir zincire yerleştirilir. Bununla birlikte, kadınlar kendi verilerinin tek sahibidirler ve Bitlumens sadece süreçlerimizi optimize etmek için ona erişebilir. Bitümlüler çiftçilerin sahip olduğu verileri satamazlar.

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices.2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May.3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation.4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their a�liation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also a�liated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology O�cer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice tra�c of over a billion of voice min-utes.

Eylül-Nisan 2018 Donanım ve Yazılım


Nisan 2018 Guatemala'da Pilot Kurulumu Sonlandır

Ekim 2018 Bitiş Test Aşaması

Diğer ülkelere genişleme ve

ölçeklendirmeNisan-Mayıs 2018 ICO

Donanım 35% Yasal 2% Ücret 35%

ICO Giderleri 2% Yazılım geliştirme 20%

Pazarlama ve Halkla İlişkiler 6% Genel Toplam 100%


License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

Bir elektrik şebekesine ihtiyaç duymadan güç alışverişi için eşler arası bir ağ oluşturmayı planladığımızdan, akıllı sayacın ikinci trimesterde hazır olmasını bekliyoruz. Akıllı sayaç kullanıcıya, jeton karşılığında işlem yapılabilen bataryada ne kadar güç üretildiğini, tüketildiğini ve depolandığını bildirecektir. Buna ek olarak, 2018'in ikinci trimesterinde sensörler, karbon azaltımının doğrulanmasını sağlamak için solar ev sistemine eklenecektir.

Bitlumens, iki haftalık bir süre içinde sisteme girdiğinizde, 100 üniteden ödeme almış olan bir solar üreticisi (Greenlight) ile çalışacak. Bu makineler zaten Guatema-la'da. Ayrıca, Bitlumens Guatemala'da bir pilot proje başlatmıştı.

Yol Haritası

Şu anda, Bitlumens Latin Amerika'da bu kilometre taşlarını takip ediyor:1. Guatemala'da Nisan 2018'in sonunda 100 adet kapalı güneş enerjisi cihazının dağıtımı. Şebeke dışı güneş enerjisi cihazlarının dağıtıcıları olan acenteleri zaten eğitiyoruz.2. Yazılımı, Mayıs sonuna kadar BLS belirteçleri kullanarak donanımı çalıştırmak için ekleme.3. Karbon ve siyah karbon azaltımını izlemek için IoT'nin dağıtımı.4. Haziran'dan sonra güneş pompalarını operasyon yerlerine ekleyeceğiz.

Jeton Spesifikasyonu ve ICO Kuralları

Jetonumuz bir ERC20 yardımcı programıdır ve tüm kazançların Guatemala'da bulunan yazılım ve MVP'lerin gelişimini destekleyeceği sosyal ve çevresel dönüşüm sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Bitlumens jetonu da yatırımcıların göstermelerini sağlayan bir sadakat jetonu olarak görülebilir.proje ile destek ve destek. Hisse senedi temsil etmez.

Hizmet jetonları başlangıçta 26 Nisan'da başlayan ve 30 Nisan'a kadar CET gece yarısında devam eden bir ön satışa (ön ICO) dağıtılır. En fazla 10 milyon BLS jetonu, 72 saat öncesi ICO sırasında 2 BLS / USD fiyatı ile sunulmaktadır. Sadece ETH'de ve fi para birimlerinde ödeme kabul edilir. Bitlumens, ön ICO'ya katılmayı tercih eden taraflara para biriminde yardım eder. Ön ICO'da 10 milyon BLS'nin tamamı satılmışsa, 2,5 milyon dolar artırılacaktır. ICO havuzuna tahsis edilmeyen jetonlar ICO havuzuna eklenecektir.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also a�liated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology O�cer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice tra�c of over a billion of voice min-utes.


License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices.2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May.3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation.4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their a�liation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

ICO'nun süresi 28 gündür. 1 Mayıs'ta CET gece yarısında başlar ve 4 döneme ayrılır (bkz. Tablo 4). ICO BLS tokenlerinin ilk gününde 1,5 BLS / USD bir fiyatla sunulmaktadır. 2. ve 7. gün arasında, fiyat 1.4 BLS / USD ve 8 ile 14 arasında ise fiyat 1.3 BLS / USD seviyesine yükseldi. Son olarak, ICO'nun son 14 günü boyunca fiyat 1.2 BLS / USD'dir.

ICO, 25 milyon dolar eşdeğer ise, erken sona erecek. Bu miktar 3 yıllık bir süre için öngörülen finansman ve yatırım ihtiyaçlarına karşılık gelmektedir.

Jetonların toplam kaynağı 50.000.000'a, mevcut en küçük banknot ise 0.0001'dir. BLS'nin çeşitli paydaşlar arasında ayrıntılı olarak tahsis edilmesi Tablo 6'da gösterilmiştir. İkincil piyasaya likidite sağlamak için başlangıçta BitLinkens tarafından% 25'lik bir pay tutulacaktır.


ICO aşamasındaki tüm katılımcılar, İsviçre'de en iyi endüstri uygulamaları ile uyumlu KYC standartlarını karşılamalıdır. Bitümenler de bir AML / CFT risk değerlendirmesi gerçekleştirecektir.


Veronica Garcia: CEO / Kurucu, Veronica Garcia, Credit Suisse ve UBS'de yatırım danışmanı olmuştur. Zürih'te ETH'de yüksek lisans eğitimini tamamladıktan sonra Zürih'teki IBM Research Lab'e katıldı. Dünya Bankası, IADB ve Castalia için danışman olarak çalıştı.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel, 2017'de ekonomi dalında blok zincirleme, finansal istikrar ve merkez bankacılığı gibi yeni dijital teknolojilerin etkisini inceleyen Peterson Uluslararası Ekonomi Enstitüsü'nde misafir oldu.

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also a�liated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology O�cer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice tra�c of over a billion of voice min-utes.

Tablo 5: ICO Fiyat Çizelgesi

Table 6: Token issuance



ICO Gün 1 1.5 ICO Gün 2-7 1.4 ICO Gün 8-14 1.3 ICO Gün 15-28 1.2

Tahsis Jeton sayısı (milyon) % Toplam 50 100

Ön ICO 10 20 ICO 15 30

Bitlumens 12.5 25 Takım ve Danışmanlar 11.5 23

Bounty 1 2

License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices.2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May.3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation.4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their a�liation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

Daha önce İsviçre Ulusal Bankası'nda finansal istikrar, Uluslararası Yerleşmeler Bankası Ödeme ve Mutabakat Sistemleri Sekreterliği Başkanı ve İsviçre, Polonya, Sırbistan, Azerbaycan ve dört Orta Asya cumhuriyeti İcra Direktörü Uluslararası Para Fonu'nda. Doktora derecesini Bern Üniversitesi'nden aldı ve Stanford Üniversitesi'nde araştırma görevlisi olarak çalıştı. O da University College London'da Blockchain Teknolojisi Merkezi ile bağlantılı.

Ali Askar: Teknolojiden Sorumlu Başkan. Ali, Akron Telecoms'ta bulut çözümleri danışmanı ve ağ güvenliği mimarıydı. Ali, platform ürünümüzü ve özel uygulamaları desteklemek için bulut hizmetlerini tasarlama, dağıtma ve yönetme konusunda uzmanlığa sahiptir.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash, Onata'da Yazılım Mühendisi olarak çalışıyor. Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 ve React JS kullanarak yüksek son web uygulaması geliştirmek için ön uç teknolojilerinde uzmanlık. AWS bulut bilişim platformunun temel ustalığı ve ölçeklendirilebilirliğin birçok boyutu - bunlarla sınırlı olmamak üzere: VPC (Sanal Özel Bulut), EC2, ELB ile Yük dengeleme, Bulut Oluşumu, Bulut İzleme, AWS API ve farklı bunu yapmak için araç takımları.

Rekha Jain: Arka Uç Geliştirici. Rekha, bulut hazır ölçeklenebilir uygulamaları geliştiren zengin deneyime sahip kıdemli bir Java / J2EE geliştiricisidir. Analitik bir düşünürdür. Sorunları ya da kusurları gideren, çoğu zaman başkalarının kararlarından kurtulmuş olan soruna başvurmaya çalışan analitik düşünürdür.

Priya Gupta: Tasarımcı. Priya, kullanıcı arayüzleri ve kullanıcı deneyimi konusunda zengin deneyime sahip kıdemli bir grafik tasarımcısıdır. Yaratıcı bir tasarımcıdır ve noktalar birbirine bağlandığında, daha iyi görseller için düştüğünde yaratıcı bir sürüm sunar.

Thomas Kansy: Karbon Kredi Uzmanı, Danışman. Thomas deneyimli bir nicel modeldir ve varlık değerleri ve düzenlemesi arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırır ve karmaşık araştırmalar yapar. Thomas, çokuluslu enerji şirketleri, OECD ve Dünya Bankası gibi çok taraflı kuruluşlar, dünya genelindeki hükümetler ve Avrupa Komisyonu dahil olmak üzere geniş bir kamu ve özel müşteriler portföyü ile çalışmıştır.

Ben Bunker: İş Geliştirme Danışmanı: 6 yılı aşkın tecrübesiyle off-grid güneş enerjisi projeleri geliştiren bir sosyal girişimcidir. Halen Latin Amerika'da elektriğe erişemeyen insanlara uygun fiyatlı güneş enerjisi çözümleri sunarak yaşamı iyileştirme misyonu üzerine bir amaç örgütü olan Global BrightLight Vakfı'nın (GB) CEO'su olarak hizmet vermektedir. GBL'ye CEO olarak katılmadan önce, Ben, ICF International ile ABD Uluslararası Kalkınma Ajansı ve Amerika Birleşik Devletleri Çevre Koruma Ajansı'nı desteklediği bir danışman olarak çalıştı.

Mihaela Ulieru: Büyük Veri Uzmanı Danışmanı olan Mihaela, World Economic Forum'da bir Blockchain şampiyonudur ve Scientific American ile işbirliği içinde 2016 En İyi 10 Gelişen Teknolojiler listesinde yer almasını önermiştir. Mihaela’nın dağıtık akıllı sistemlerde yaptığı araştırma, Blockchain’de yönetişim, lojistik ve yurt içi güvenliğin sağlanmasında oynadığı rol için kurumsal bir teknoloji olarak güçlü bir temel oluşturdu.

holds numerous board appointments including the Science Councils of Singapore, Canada and European Commission and to the Global Agenda Council of the World Economic Forum. She is a Global Leader with the Aspen Institute and President of the IMPACT Institute for the Digital Economy.

Carolina Casa Froga: Investment Relations Advisor. Carolina grew up in Barcelona (Spain) and studied Business Administration in Lausanne (Switzerland). She also holds a Masters Degree in Finance from Eserp Business School. Carolina has been working in wealth management for the past 7 years. Before she was at Citi Private Bank for 3 years where she won the Global Excellence Award. Carolina is a blockchain advocate and an early crypto investor.

Herbert Sterchi: Advisor. Herbert has been the Lead Finance at Thomson Reuters Global Resources. He specialized in accounting processes, SAP implementation and audits based on IFRS. He had pioneered controls and procedures, bringing increased accountability to technology and content development and reducing overall spend while increasing product functions and features and reduc-ing time to go to market.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Expert, Advisor. Jim is an Assistant Professor of Finance at Johns Hopkins Carey Business School and revels in pushing the boundaries of financial knowledge and product development both as an academic and FinTech Data Scientist. He has published pioneering research in the intersection of social media big data, crypto-currencies, and financial markets. He currently teaches "Big Data Machine Learning," "Advanced Hedge Fund Strategies," and "Leading Entrepreneurship and Innovation" at the Johns Hopkins Carey Business School. Additionally, he serves as the Chairman of the Johns Hopkins Innovation Factory and has received the Dean’s Award for Faculty Excellence 2015-2017.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Expert, Advisor. Ian is a serial entrepreneur, investor and consultant with business experience from around the world. As a leading entrepreneur, Ian is on a personal mission to develop a culture of entrepreneurship, helping startups achieve their full potential as well as helping to expand existing companies. Ian has founded ‘Binkplus’, a startup incubator in Europe. A leading expert in Bitcoin, Blockchain and Crypto industries, Ian is at the very heart of revolutionizing the financing industry across the globe and currently consults and advises for a range of multi-million dollar companies.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Expert. Advisor, Dean is a visionary innovator in disruptive technol-ogy development and business management with more than 20 years of experience bringing an industry-changing approach to designing and launching dynamic new technology products. He is the founder of Bloqchain Science that builds secure decentralized systems using blockchain technology for identity solutions, tokenization-of-things (ToT), on-chain/off-chain payment solutions, security and audits of smart contracts. In telecoms, he has signed more than 100 interconnection agreements with carriers around the globe and managed a streaming voice tra�c of over a billion of voice min-utes.


License the Software to a Microlending Entity

Bitlumens software can be licensed to banks (SaaS) in exchange for fees or revenue share. Bitlumens helps the Cooperative Credit Banks originate new sustainable loans, then it syndicates or sells these loans to 3rd party investors where each microcredit has a piece of hardware as collateral. This process allows for the legal creation of the loan and transfer of funds to the borrowers based on an existing banking license. On the payment side, the depository is a collaborating Cooperative Credit Bank and all members who borrow on the platform will be onboarded as a bank member with full AML/KYC and associated accounts.

Before originating a loan, agents will perform the due diligence on each interested villager, including behavioral variables. The platform will evaluate credit metrics and derive a credit score based on the collected information and on the regulatory framework adopted in each country.

Allow Certified Emission Reduction (CER) and Verification

Bitlumens measures emission reductions and allow green project verifiers to certify these reductions

Bitlumens fulfills the requirements based on the clean development mechanism (CDM) under the article 12 in Kyoto’s protocol and earn sealable certified emission reduction (CER) credits. The emis-sion reductions occur when villagers don’t use biomass or kerosene as lighting source. This informa-tion is included in the measurement, verification and reporting (MVR) framework under the Paris Agreement. The methodology for measurement is taken from the intergovernmental panel on climate change (IPCC). Reporting is done through the actions taken to mitigate GHG and on adapt-ability measures that are considered relevant to the achievement of the climate change objectives. In addition, data verification is done through national MRV and through ICA. The idea is to license the platform to governments to visualize the emission reductions in different areas of the country based on sensors, IoT and the blockchain. This will allow clear auditability and the possibility to enter into Carbon Credit markets.

It is well known deforestation is an issue in Central America, for this reason we include sensors that measure PM2.5 and allow the verification that wood and kerosene is displaced as lighting source. In addition, we use satellite imagery to capture the reduction of deforestation in the surroundings of the villages where we operate. We use 4-band (RGB and NIR) imagery for visual or analytic use.

Leasing machines to clients

Women farmers can run the SHS using BLS tokens

Information of all Bitlumens devices such as serial number and location will be stored in the block-chainBitlumens is partnering with a third-party provider for biometric solutions and to run the project in the field. In Guatemala, we are partnering with Amigos de la Aldea and with Brightlight Founda-tion.

Example of a typical transaction: To assess the risk of each household, our agents collect KYC infor-mation from each farmer and feed the risk model with that data. The agents distribute and install the machines at the client’s house. The machines are leased for a period a period of 12 to 24 months. The client makes the lease payments in BLS tokens. If needed, the client can purchase the BLS tokens for the lease payment from the agent. If lease payments are not made when due the machine is locked until the payment is made. If users receive remittances from family members to cover a lease payment, Bitlumens charges a 1% transaction free.

Bitlumens registers the load profile of each machine that is in use. Token holders can monitor these profiles on the blockchain. Thus, they can see the evolution of the project and its environmental and social benefits.

Project timeline

We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month.

Customer defaults rates are expected to vary in each region, but for simplicity reasons our model takes 10% average rate. We choose women as final customers as data shows they are more reliable than men when it comes to payments. However, these cases need to be assessed regularly. Our model quantifies defaults over time. In case of default, the agent working in the field will collect the system back and then sell it second hand.

Our system gives the option to add a digital ID for each user, collecting credit data, creating credit scores and giving access to financial services at a later stage.

When it comes to the collection of IDs we plan to partner with companies who are already working with blockchain infrastructures. In India, for instance, the Aadhaar system is now accessible to more than 1.1 billion people. Users can open accounts by presenting the Aadhaar numbers. We plan to deploy a similar scheme in Latin America, where agents collect the fingerprints of our users and save

these in centralized servers supporting encryption. In addition, agents will upload the KYC, load profile while the system will calculate the credit score based on the user’s credit history. We expect to have one project manager per 100 users, installing between 60-100 systems each month. Microlend-ing institutions are providing technical assistance while working closely with their women’s project. Hence, our goal is to train women and make them part of our team as agents. Their wages will depend on the region and are based on commissions. During the third trimester, we expect to have a regional manager to support us on scaling the project in the country.

The following table shows the breakdown of how we expect to invest the funds over a period of 3 years:

We started the development of an API. Our web api will communicate with oraclize. Communica-tions between Pay as you go systems front-end dashboard, loggers, and mobile app and Bitlumens back-end’s HTTPS server are via RestAPI/JSON. Bitlumens back-end system uses a PostgresSQL data-base to store the actual data points and IDs. It runs a full ethereum node, and is used for data retrieval and analysis. In addition, we will use Solc compiler, IBM Hyperledger, Ethereum, Java, HTML, IPFS, Native iOS/Android, PHP, Node, Golang and Haskell.

The role of the blockchain within Bitlumens operation is to record each user’s KYC information and the already predefined smart contract to preserve verifiable records of the contract’s conditions during each installment. In addition, we plan to move into microgrids once we had collected data on how much users pay per month, their load profile or electricity consumption and what is the power generation from each device. We aim to reduce the costs of utility companies who cant build hun-dreds of kilometers of power line to transmit and distribute energy. Decentralized energy systems give the option to rural communities to get electrified while reducing their carbon footprint.

On Bitlumens, the only state update that can be settled on the blockchain is that of a transfer of tokens. The platform allows for fiat payments in exchange of tokens. The storage and verification of data are placed on a private chain where only investors can access. However, women are the sole owners of their data and Bitlumens can only access it to optimize our processes. Bitlumens can’t sell the data owned by farmers.

We expect to have the smart meter ready in the second trimester as we plan to create a peer to peer

network for power exchange without the need of having a power grid. The smart meter will inform the user how much power has been produced, consumed and stored into the battery which can be traded in exchange for tokens. In addition, during the second trimester of 2018 sensors will be added to the solar home system to allow verification of carbon mitigation.

Bitlumens will be working with a solar manufacturer (Greenlight) who had shipped 100 units togeth-er with the pay as you go system within a two-week period. These machines are already in Guatema-la. In addition, Bitlumens had already started a pilot project in Guatemala.


Currently, Bitlumens follows these milestones in Latin America:

1. The deployment of 100 off grid solar devices by the end of April 2018 in Guatemala. We are already training the agents who are the distributors of the off grid solar devices.2. Adding the software to run the hardware using BLS tokens by the end of May.3. The deployment of IoT to track carbon and black carbon mitigation.4. After June we will be adding solar pumps into operational locations.

Token Specification and ICO rules

Our token is an ERC20 utility token, and aims to provide social and environmental transformation, where all proceeds will support the development of the software and MVPs currently placed in Guatemala. Bitlumens token can also be seen as a loyalty token allowing investors to show their a�liation with and support of the project. It does not represent equity.

The utility tokens are initially distributed in a presale (pre ICO) which starts on April 26 and lasts until April 30 at midnight CET. A maximum of 10 million BLS tokens are offered during the 72 hour pre ICO at a price of 2 BLS /USD. Only payments in ETH and fiat currencies are accepted. Bitlumens assists parties preferring to participate in the pre ICO in fiat currency. If all 10 million BLS were sold in the pre ICO, USD 2.5 million would be raised. Tokens that were not allocated in the pre ICO will be added to the ICO pool.

The duration of the ICO is 28 days. It starts on May 1 at midnight CET and is divided into 4 periods (see Table 4). On the first day of the ICO BLS tokens are offered at a price of 1.5 BLS /USD. Between the 2nd and the 7th day, the price is 1.4 BLS/USD and between the 8th and the 14th day the price increases to 1.3 BLS /USD. Finally, during the last 14 days of the ICO the price is 1.2 BLS/USD.

The ICO will terminate early, if an equivalent USD 25 million have been raised. This amount corre-sponds to the projected funding and investment needs for a period of 3 years.

The total supply of tokens is capped to 50,000,000, with the smallest available denomination being 0.0001. The detailed allocation of BLS among the various stakeholders is shown in Table 6. 25% of the tokens will be initially held by Bitlumens in order to provide liquidity to the secondary market.


All participants in the ICO phase will have to meet KYC standards that are in line with best industry practice in Switzerland. Bitlumens will also perform an AML/CFT risk assessment.


Veronica Garcia: CEO/Founder, Veronica Garcia has been an investment consultant at Credit Suisse and UBS. After finishing her graduate studies at the ETH in Zurich she joined the IBM Research Lab in Zurich. She had worked as a consultant for the World Bank, IADB and Castalia.

Daniel Heller: CFO. Daniel was a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in 2017 where studied the impact of emerging digital technologies such as blockchain on the financial sector, financial stability, and central banking. Previously, he was head of financial stabili-

ty at the Swiss National Bank, head of the Secretariat of the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems at the Bank for International Settlements, and Executive Director for Switzerland, Poland, Serbia, Azerbaijan, and four Central Asian republics at the International Monetary Fund. He received his PhD from the University of Bern and was a research fellow at Stanford University. He is also a�liated with the Centre for Blockchain Technology at University College London.

Ali Askar: Chief Technology O�cer. Ali used to be a cloud solutions consultant and network security architect at Akron Telecoms. Ali possesses sound expertise in designing, deploying, and administering cloud services to support our platform product as well as custom applications.

Yash Patel: Frontend Developer: Yash is working as a Software Engineer at Onata. Expertise in in levering front-end technologies to develop high end web application using Angular, Bootstrap, HTML5 and React JS. Fundamental mastery of the AWS cloud computing platform, and its many dimensions of scalability - including but not limited to: VPC (Virtual Private Cloud), EC2, Load-balanc-ing with ELB, Cloud Formation, Cloud Watch, the AWS API and different toolkits for instrumenting it.

Rekha Jain: Backend Developer. Rekha is a senior Java/J2EE developer, having rich experience developing cloud ready scalable applications. She is an analytical thinker that resolves on going issues or defects, often called upon to consult on problem that have eluded resolutions by others.

Priya Gupta: Designer. Priya is a senior graphics designer, having rich experience in user interfac-es and user experience. She is a creative designer & feels a creative release when dots connect, things fall into place for better visuals.

Thomas Kansy: Carbon Credit Specialist, Advisor. Thomas is an experienced quantitative model-er and designs and carries out complex research on the relationship of asset values and regulation. Thomas has worked with a broad portfolio of public and private clients, including multinational energy companies, multi-lateral organisations such as the OECD and World Bank, governments across the world, and the European Commission.

Ben Bunker: Business Development Advisor: He is a social entrepreneur with over 6 years of experience developing off-grid solar energy projects. He currently serves as the CEO of the Global BrightLight Foundation (GBL), a for-purpose organization on a mission to improve lives by providing affordable solar energy solutions to people living without access to electricity in Latin America. Before joining GBL as CEO, Ben worked as a consultant with ICF International where he supported the United States Agency for International Development and the United States Environmental Protec-tion Agency.

Mihaela Ulieru: Big Data Expert Advisor, Mihaela is a Blockchain champion at the World Economic Forum where she advocated to list it in the 2016 Top 10 Emerging Technologies, devel-oped in collaboration with Scientific American. Mihaela’s research in distributed intelligent systems created a strong foundation for governance on Blockchain as an institutional technology for its role in revolutionizing manufacturing, logistics and homeland security. Mihaela has been awarded the “Industrial Research Chair in Intelligent Systems” and the “Canada Research Chair in e-Society” and

Mihaela, “Akıllı Sistemlerde Endüstriyel Araştırma Kürsüsü” ve “e-Toplumda Kanada Araştırma Kürsüsü” ödülüne layık görülmüş ve Singapur, Kanada ve Avrupa Komisyonu Bilim Konseyleri ve Dünya Ekonomik Küresel Gündem Konseyi dahil olmak üzere çok sayıda yönetim kurulu atamasına sahiptir. Forum. Aspen Enstitüsü ve IMPACT Dijital Ekonomi Enstitüsü Başkanı ile Global Lider.

Carolina Casa Froga: Yatırım İlişkileri Danışmanı. Carolina, Barselona'da (İspanya) büyüdü ve Lozan'da (İsviçre) İşletme eğitimi aldı. Aynı zamanda Eserp Business School'dan Finansman Yüksek Lisans derecesine sahiptir. Carolina, son 7 yıldır varlık yönetiminde çalışıyor. Global Mükemmellik Ödülü'nü kazandığı 3 yıl boyunca Citi Özel Bankası'nda bulunmadan önce. Carolina bir blockchain avukatı ve erken bir kripto yatırımcısı.

Herbert Sterchi: Danışman. Herbert, Thomson Reuters Global Resources'ta Lider Finans olmuştur. Muhasebe süreçlerinde, SAP uygulamalarında ve IFRS'ye dayalı denetimlerde uzmanlaştı. Kontrol ve prosedürlere öncülük etmiş, teknoloji ve içerik geliştirmeye daha fazla hesap verebilirlik getirmiş ve ürün fonksiyonlarını ve özelliklerini artıran ve pazara gitme süresini kısaltarak genel harcamaları azaltmıştır.

Jim Kyung-Soo Liew: AI Uzmanı, Danışman. Jim, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School'da Yardımcı Doçent olarak görev yapmakta ve hem akademik hem de FinTech Data Scientist olarak finansal bilgi ve ürün geliştirmenin sınırlarını zorlamaya devam etmektedir. Sosyal medya, büyük veri, kripto-para birimleri ve finansal piyasaların kesişiminde öncü araştırmalar yayınladı. Halen Johns Hopkins Carey İşletme Okulu'nda "Büyük Veri Makinesi Öğrenimi", "İleri Düzey Riskten Korunma Fonu Stratejileri" ve "Lider Girişimcilik ve İnovasyon" dersleri vermektedir. Ayrıca Johns Hopkins İnovasyon Fabrikası'nın Başkanı olarak hizmet vermekte ve 2015-2017 Fakülte Mükemmelliği için Dean'in Ödülünü almıştır.

Ian Scarffe: Cypto Uzmanı, Danışman. Ian, dünyanın dört bir yanından gelen iş tecrübesi ile bir seri girişimci, yatırımcı ve danışman. Önde gelen bir girişimci olarak Ian, girişimciliğin bir kültürünü geliştirmek için kişisel bir görev üstleniyor; bu da yeni şirketlerin mevcut potansiyellerini genişletmenin yanı sıra mevcut potansiyelleri de artırmaya yardımcı oluyor. Ian, Avrupa'da bir inkübatör olan “Binkplus” u kurmuştur. Bitcoin, Blockchain ve Crypto endüstrilerinde lider bir uzman olan Ian, dünya çapındaki finans sektörünü devrimden geçirmenin tam kalbinde ve şu anda bir milyonlarca dolarlık şirkete danışmanlık yapıyor ve danışmanlık yapıyor.

Dean Karakitsos: Blockchain Uzmanı. Danışman, Dekan, dinamik yeni teknoloji ürünlerinin tasarlanması ve piyasaya sürülmesi için sektörde değişen bir yaklaşım getiren 20 yılı aşkın tecrübesiyle yıkıcı teknoloji geliştirme ve iş yönetiminde vizyoner bir yenilikçidir. Bloqchain Science'ın kurucusu, kimlik çözümleri için blok zincirleme teknolojisini kullanarak güvenli merkezi olmayan sistemler kuruyor, işlerin tokenizasyonu (ToT), zincir / off-zincir ödeme çözümleri, akıllı sözleşmelerin güvenliği ve denetimleri. Telekomlarda, dünyanın dört bir yanındaki taşıyıcılarla 100'den fazla ara bağlantı anlaşması imzaladı ve bir milyardan fazla ses seviyesinde bir ses akışı trafiğini yönetmeyi başardı.


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