antimicrobial finishing methodologies

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Antimicrobial Finishing Methodologies

By fibre2fashion

The definition of different terms associated with antimicrobial and antimicrobial finishes

are broadly classified by many authors, as antimicrobial agent, bacteriostat, bactericide,

disinfectant, sanitiser and detergent-sanitiser. The broad categorization of a range of agents covers:

• Antibacterial agents - Substances effective against bacteria

• Antimycotic agents - Substances effective against pathogenic fungi, and;

• Antivirus agents - Substances effective against viruses.

The USFDA definition of anti-microbial agents put in the practice to those products

which have relevant application to living tissues.

Textile materials

In close proximity to the human body, cotton textile gives a perfect living environment

for bacteria, yeast and fungi. All the circumstances that needed for the increase of theseorganisms for fulfillment in textile materials are as follows:


Soil, dust and many textile finishes can be the roots of nutrients for microorganisms.

Perspiration includes salts, amino acids, carboxylic acids and other necessary nutrients.Dead skin cells or oils hidden away from the body skin and degraded cellulose from thetextile material is a healthy resource of nutrients for the microbial growth.


It has been projected that perspiration of human beings discharges an average of 100 g/hr 

of water, which collects in clothing and bedding. A humid environment will giveadequate water to keep up the fungal growth. It is observed that bacterial growth needs

more water and damp conditions.


The atmosphere gives a readymade resource of oxygen.

Human Body and Odour 

Most fungi and bacteria will spread at ambient temperatures of 10-20 degree Centigrade

and specific bacteria chooses the somewhat warmer environment of clothing or bedding

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that is in close proximity to the skin. Bacteria such as S Aureus, S Epidermidis, and

Corynebacterium sp are established in the human skin and Staphylococcus, coryneforms,

micrococcus bacteria have been detached from head, legs and arms of the human body.Human body covers two types of sweat glands namely, eccrine glands, which are

scattered over the surface of the body whose secretion is inhibited by atropine and

another gland is apocrine glands that built up from the hair folloicle and are originatedmainly axillae. Their secretion is not inhibited by atropine and is encouraged by

epinephrine. It has been demonstrated that stirred sweat together from apocrine glands do

not have characteristic of perspiration odour for instance cleaned skins and have odour only in task of uncleaned skins. Eccrine secretions are not drained in the production

odour however they may aid in the volatilization of the odiferous products.

Survey carried out earlier explains that bacterial expansion keeps on in human body all

the time, through out the year irrespective of the seasons, however the type varies in between the seasons. A few numbers of bacteria and fungi are almost present in the

human body; even the "clean" skin proves a normal population ranging between 100 -

1000 microbes/cm² of the skin. At these level microbes neither create health problem nor the odour. In a perfect condition, with all needed circumstance as mentioned above, themicrobes can multiply at a faster rate and single bacterium can multiply into 1.6 million

in just eight hours, which can finally produces odour, discoloration of textiles and

sufficient infection of skin. The related odours are the outcomes of these microorganismsdigesting nutrients in the perspiration and discharging volatile pungent waste products.

Filth of the skin in the appearance of feces and urine and other body wastages, burns,

diaper rash on the skins of infants, supports the microbial expansion. Over 75 percent of 

foot infections were recognized by the dermophytic fungi, trichophyton interdigitale andtrichophyton rubrum, which are developing in socks while wearing. Laundering

techniques are not helpful in eliminating these athlete's foot fungi from the socks, whichdenotes the chance of the cross infection.

Hospital mops can be a resource of bacteria if they are not correctly sterile and nurseuniform has a function of passing of S Aureus. For instance, in the pillows the microbial

counts in textile materials are found 1.3 x 104 per gram, in the case of socks it is counted

to 4x 10s per 5 cm² and in the case of T-shirts it measured up to 5 x 106 per inch².Synthetic fibers such as nylon and polyester do not offer perfect living surroundings for 

microorganisms. Nevertheless, these fibers will also support microbial growth.

The existence and progression of microorganisms can be a source of health problems,

odours and of course the weakening of the fabrics. Nearly all textile materials that are being utilized in the hospitals and hotels are conductive to cross infection or transmission

of diseases originated by microorganisms. The increase of HIV and Hepatitis viruses by

contact of impure material has produced large stress for protection of personal withfunctional clothing and materials.

Experiments have revealed that polio and vaccina viruses are able to keep on a variety of 

cotton and wool fabrics for the adequate period of times and create these materials to be

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 potentially able to their transmission, which can capture in duration of 20 minutes and

which is lower. The transmission can take place during casual contact and also during

laundering process. Microbes like S Aureus can bear up, even with various detergentwash sequences.

Amongst the thousands of species that are situated in the atmosphere and on our body,there are good ones and there are bad ones. Control strategies for the bad organism must

cover the acceptance of the good ones to make sure that the non-target organisms are notinfluenced or adaptation of microorganism is not supported.

Antimicrobial finishes

Based on the stability of antimicrobial characteristics of textile material with

antimicrobial finish it can be categorized in to two types, namely temporary and durablefinish. In temporary finish, the biocidal characteristics of the fabrics are without doubt

vanished throughout laundering. Durability can be gained by a method of slow release, in

which adequate antibacterial agents are integrated into the textile materials in the wetfinishing process. The finished fabric moderates the bacteria by deliberate discharge of 

 biocide from the materials. Except the antimicrobial agents are covalently adhered, they

will have a drift to disappear totally. Integration of antimicrobial agents can be received

through fiber creation in the case of man-made fibers.

Properties needed for antimicrobial agents

In view of the fact that the antimicrobial agents including fabrics are intended to be

applied closer to the human body touch, the antimicrobial agents should have some

 properties like:

• Should prevent/control microbial development• Should not be toxic to the human body

• Should not change the handle and other needed properties of fabrics

• Should be well-matched with other finishes

• Should be colorless and odorless

• Should be fast to washing, sunlight

• Should be cheaper.

Fungi and bacterial resistant compounds and its technology

The resistant chemical composition of fungi and bacterial, which poison themicroorganism, are somewhat water-soluble in a range to disperse into the cells or 

microorganisms. Commonly, the toxicity of the fungicide rise as the solubility rises. This

agent joins chemically active groups of susceptible microbial cells named "receptors",dislocate the metabolic function and bring about the successive death of the

microorganism. The chelating characteristic of the antimicrobial agents also influence the

characteristics, since the chelating agents destroy the microorganisms by chafing them by

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necessary metals or by making metal complexes that are toxic inhibitors i.e., membrane

lysis action.

Another theory agrees with the capability of the toxic inhibitor to respond with theenzymes, which are concealed by the microorganisms and interfering with their 

capability to breakdown i.e., enzyme inactivation. Regardless of the mechanism and of the pretend, it is obvious that these agents disrupt the regular metabolism of 

microorganisms and reduce their capability.

The categorization of fungicides and bactericides covers:

Phenolic: The phenolic compounds cover the chlorinated phenols and their sodium salts,

which are somewhat soluble in water, broadly applied to the fabrics where the toughness

to weathering is needed.

Metallic organic: Metallic organic agents cover Cu, Hg, and Zn compounds.

Commercially available fungicide for treating the fabrics rendering to outdoorsweathering is copper based ones.

Inorganic: Inorganic agents cover cuprammonium hydroxide, carbonate and fluorides.

Miscellaneous: Besides the above agents, chemical modification of cellulosic materialsthrough acetylation, phosphorylation and reaction with formaldehyde, cyanoethylation

can be applied to receive the resistance to degradation against the celluloltytic


Devices of antimicrobial action

Common approaches for caring textiles and their applications against biohazards aregiven in table.

Physical obstruction or blocking action is received by either applying inert films or 

coatings for physically blocking bacteria, or by films & coatings containing direct surfacecontact progression against bacterial growth. Coatings can be universally used to all fiber 

types and other surfaces to make progressive against a wide variety of micro-organisms

and be robust to normal washings. Hydrolysis product of trialkoxysilyl quaternary

ammonium salt for example is used by surface bonding to provide such protection.

Though micro encapsulation is not a chemical finishing process, is a physicochemicalmethod where a substrate reservoir of antimicrobial compound is placed between two

layers of protective plastic. As the active compound is applied, it is substituted by extra

amount from the reservoir by a monitored discharge mechanism. Substrates like polyester, cellulosics, vinyl acetate and polyethylene can be so taken. Mattress includes

for example are protected against mites and other microbes for over 6 years this way.

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Though, the majority of antibacterial finishes work by the monitoring discharge

mechanism. It is work on the standard, using a chemical finish that would make an active

germicidal species frequently recreated by, say, addition of a bleaching agent whilelaundering, or, exposure to UV light which would break some strategic covalent bond in

the chemically modified fiber during recreation . Hence, the model has an unlimited

reservoir of antibacterial agent in practice. The micro-encapsulation processes come intoview next to this model, while its reservoir of antibacterial compound is not unlimited.

The other chemical process covers insolubalization of chemical reagents in or on the

fiber. Insolubalization is received by integrating agents into spinning baths for synthetic

or regenerated fibers, or by padding natural or synthetic fabrics with solutions that whenevaporated by curing or other process, put a water-insoluble for slightly water-soluble

agent onto the fiber.

Wide spectrum of anti-microbial processes has been applied to acrylics, nylon, poly vinyl

chloride, cellulose acetate, polypropylene, and polyethylene fibers by chemically

modifying the fibers, by applying insolubalisation of 0.5-2 percent of various nitrocompounds into wet or dry spinning baths. Composites like 5-nitrofurfural, 5-nitro 2-

furfurylidene 3-amino 2-oxazolidone etc are applied. Cellulosics are modified byapplying a different approach viz. by introducing carboxylic and sulphonic acid groups

and immersing them in cationic germicides.

Multifunctional property fabrics are repeatedly made by implanting polymers,

homopolymers, and/ or copolymerization on to the fiber or by chemical modification of the fiber by formation of covalent bonds. Graft, homo, and other copolymers are

normally attached to fabrics to make positively or negatively charged functional group on

the fiber, which is then wrapped up in counter-ions. Graft polymerization of cellulosic

textiles with poly ( 2-methyl -5-vinylpyridine) or poly vinylpyrrolidone followed bytreatment with potassium iodide solution imparts antibacterial and antifungal activity.

Agents and finishing methods

As a part of a group of alkoxysilane, 3-(trimethoxy siJyl)-propyldimethyl octadecyl

ammonium chloride or Quaternary ammonium chloride which possesses antimicrobialactivity against E Coli, Stretococcus faccalis and some of the mixed fungal spores gives a

short-term result against microbial development on natural cellulosic fibers,

 polyester/cotton blends and secondary acetates.

A formula including zinc acetate,hydrogen peroxide

and acetic acid can be prepared and processed on the fabric along with short curing process, also contaminates antibacterial

effect to the fabric. This process carries the peroxides of zinc in a highly stable form in

the fibers and give results in a gradual discharge of hydrogen peroxide in normal regaincondition, which works as a main antibacterial agent. Zinc ions are also discharged

gradually while laundering and may contribution to the remarked bacteriostatic

 properties. This finish remains active survives as many as 50 times even after machine

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laundering and tumble drying process. This formulation has the ability to pretend against

S Epidermidis and S Aureus.

Zirconyl acetate with phenolic composites can be applied to divulge rot-resistant propertyto the textile materials. The capability of the zirconyl acetate to attach other composites

to cellulose depends on the capability to make a compound with the composites to be joined and its chance depends on the formation of Zr-Cellulose compounds. But these

composites are very much responsive to alkaline conditions, which creates not as much of appropriate for laundering conditions. One bath, pad-cure process or two-bath pad-cure-

 pad cure process can be applied for divulging the antimicrobial properties to the fabrics.

This finish can work against 5 Epidermidis, 5 Aureus, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

Commercial antimicrobial agents made by Zeneca Biocides (UK), built on PHMB (Polyheamethylene biguamide hydrochloride) provide tremendous characteristic against a

 broad range of bacteria, fungi, and yeasts as to survive long-lasting.

The recreatable method covers precursors of biocidal composites, instead of biocides,which can be set in motion by a chemical process like redox process, in traditional

laundering system.

Recreatable biocidal halamide composites are considered as the outstanding renewable

 purifier for swimming pools and potable water filter and have been examined by manyresearchers. Halamines are oxidative composites that have adequate capability to

inactivate a broad spectrum of pathogenic microorganisms. The inactivation of bacteria

can be signified by the following equation, in which the chlorine solution works as

chemical agent for both activation and regeneration of biocidal function.

By applying laundering process, chemically bound hydantoin derivatives will betransferred into halamine structures, in its types of biocidal. This process gives a suitable

technique for activation and regeneration of biocidal functionality. Halamine bondshaving their own biocidal characteristics, since the halamine elements such

chlorine/bromine mixed up in halamine bonds bear positive charge that are capable to

oxidize many chemical structures and these bonds also permit reversible dehalogenation

without ring hole and is basically a reversible redox reaction. The halogenation reactionis stimulated by applying chlorine bleach, and the dehalogenation procedure is the

inactivation of microorganisms. This mechanism has been described to have durable and

re-creatable tasks, after huge machine wash and frequent recharges with dilute chlorinesolutions and the finished fabrics holds anti-microbial properties against 5 Aureus and E


Antimicrobial activity of P/C fabrics having cross-linked polyethylene glycols was

founded by Tyrone L Vigo and Karen K Leonas against a diverse group of fungi and bacteria. Hydrophilic nature of cross-linked PEG dries out the microbes and the dual

hydrophilic and hydrophobic character interrupts the cell membranes. Besides the

antimicrobial activity, PEG also gives a variety of characteristics like thermal

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adaptability, improved flex life, water adsorption and exsorption, soil release, wrinkle

resistance and resistance to static charges.

Integration of antimicrobial activity by chemical finish has been tested as a collective  process along with strong press finish with applying citric acid and chitosan. This

collective procedure imparts finish that can tolerate 20 wash cycles along with tumble-drying. The salts made in this reaction get in touch with the negatively charged

 protoplasm of the microorganisms and demolish the cell membrane.

Integrated treatment by applying Fluoro polymers and chitosan to the textile materials

exposes water repellency, oil and soil repellency and antimicrobial property. This

repellency property has set up a unique uses for the surgical gowns where this can be

applied for both antimicrobial properties as well as blood repellency.

Protective dressings which are disposable, have been described as applying a polymeric

material and an amine salt, which is an antimicrobial agent possessing a prolonged

discharge activity towards 5 Aureus, 5 Epidermidis and E Coli.

Although a variety of procedures are exists for imparting the antimicrobial property to thetextile materials, the choice of the process and numerous agents require to be examine

with reference to the end use application. Numerous commercial techniques of imparting

antimicrobial finish and their techniques of action can be summarized in Table 1.

Benefits of antimicrobial finish

• Provides freshness to the fabrics,

• Removes odour created by microorganism,

Restrains staining due to microbial growth,• Make the durability better for the fabric by controlling growth of microbes,• Stops skin diseases.

Antimicrobial fibers

Besides the chemical finish for allowing the antimicrobial properties to the textile

materials, antimicrobial fibers have also been grown by integrating the antimicrobialagents into the fiber. Representation of products made from antibacterial fibers will

relates to a range of factors such as, fiber type, blend ratios applied, existence of other 

ingredients, technique of manufacturing , surroundings of end use and the applications of 

a number of cleansing agent.

Antibacterial fibers are presently engaged in the production of traditional textiles as well

as in nonwoven products, where antibacterial fiber substances may differ according to the

needed applications. Triclosan, a chlorinated phenolic derivative, is widely applied as anantimicrobial agent in various hygiene products such as soaps, deodorants, skin creams and

toothpaste and this is also applied as the antimicrobial agent in the commercial fibers

such as Microsafe AM, Biokryl, Biofresh.

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Chitin, a naturally found substance digs out from the shells of the crabs and shrimps have

an outstanding antibacterial agent, which is also applied in the antimicrobial fibers like

Chitopoly. Beside these, adoptions of fibers utilizing bactericides like nitrovin,nitrofurylacrolein, nitroduralacarbazone, and glutaraldehyde exposes bactericidal

 properties in the fibers like nylon and PYA. Antibacterial fibers are presently utilized in

the production of traditional textiles as well as in nonwoven products, where antibacterialfiber substances may be 15 percent or above according to the need.

Testing for efficacy of antimicrobial activity

The main test method to check antibacterial textiles are mentioned as bellow:

Agar based zone of inhibition tests and bacteria counting tests

A swatch of textiles taken onto a dish of nutrient agar, and suspension of bacteria

inoculated on the textile in the agar tests. The dish is then kept on warm, at 370 degree

Centigrade for 1-2 days. A successful finish will stop growth of bacteria on the textilesurface. Some finishes also transfer from the textile and spread into the adjoining agar.

This provides increment in to a zone of inhibition around the textile. Large areas of inhibition recommended that the finish will not be robust. A robust finish will stop the

development on the fabric, but give no or very little zone of inhibition.

AATCC Method

Bacterial counting tests such as AATCC test method 100 (1993) are theoretically further tough, and take long hours to complete. Though, they provide a quantitative assessment

of the effectiveness of an antibacterial treatment. A swatch of damp textile is inoculated

with a bacterial suspension in aqueous nutrient solution in this test. After incubating for 24 hours, textile is treated with a neutralizer to prevent the bacterial action. The existing bacteria are then counted.

To protect from biological harm, divided in three types:

• Safeguarding the wearer or consumer of a textile material from microorganisms

for aesthetic (suppressing or killing odor-causing bacteria), hygienic (preventingskin and connected infections normally developed by dermatophytic fungi) or 

medical uses (checking or killing pathogenic and /or parasitic microorganisms

 problematic in hospitals and public institutions)

Safeguarding the textile itself from biodeterioration originated by mold, mildew,and rot-producing fungi; and

• Safeguarding textiles from insects and other pests safeguard the fiber and or 

safeguarding persons wearing clothing from insects and pests.

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Latest lifestyles of the modern society have encouraged the demand for superior and long

lasting fabrics and also tight fitting clothing, which is habitually non-machine washableand low temperature washing recommendation with less aggressive detergent gives in

superior intensity of microbes than was observed in previous. As an outcome early odour growth, fabric degradation and discoloration are examined in the fabrics. The possibility

of uses of antibacterial agents in household items covers bathing towel, face cloths, and bed linen. Moisture in bath room gives a perfect atmosphere for microbial development

giving in stale odours. This is mainly true in closely populated humid situations such as

gyms, and public changing rooms. Besides these, the finish has outstanding ability in anassortment of textile applications, like undergarments, carpets, upholstery, pillow

fills/covers, etc. Beside industrial application, the antimicrobial finishing has an assured

future in household front also.


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