antepartum hemorrhage (aph).pdf

Post on 11-Jul-2016






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Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


The lecture seems to be long but it's important and easy one inshalla =)

Antepartum = before delivery.

Antepartum hemorrhage means Vaginal bleeding after age of viability (during the

antenatal period and during labor, but before delivery .

The age of the viability is 24 weeks.

This is a very important topic because blood loss is a major cause of maternal

mortality! And that IS CATASTROPHIC EVENT, it's death of a young healthy

reproductive woman.

Maternal mortality rate

- Maternal mortality is 8 per 100,000 live births in the western communities.

- in Jordan it's 19/100,000 live births.

- in Africa it's 500/ 100,000 live births or even more (due to non reported cases).

and we consider 19 per 100,000 a figure that should be reduced.

now the incidence of APH ,,, is about 4% of all pregnancies .. when we are talking about

APH there are 2 main causes; placenta previa and placental abruption, and the 3rd group

labeled as unclassified causes which includes :

50 % marginal separation of the placenta abruption which is premature separation

of the placenta.

the 2nd is passage of show during labor (bloody discharge)

local causes like polyps, cervical erosions , malignancies , local trauma

small % of vasa previa which is not maternal bleeding

unknown causes

So Let's start with;

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Placenta Previa:

Placenta previa is an obstetric complication in which the placenta is inserted partially or wholly in the

lower uterine segment. It is a leading cause of antepartum haemorrhage,

In the last trimester of pregnancy the isthmus of the uterus unfolds and forms the lower segment. In a

normal pregnancy the placenta does not overlie. If the placenta does overlie the lower segment, as is the

case with placenta previa, it may shear off and a small section may bleed. Wiki

Diagnosis of placenta previa is made after 28 weeks .

Incidence 1/250 deliveries.

20-30% of APH.

Characteristic of PP : Majority of cases present as painless vaginal bleeding. Very

important point because clinically it's considered the main difference between

Placenta Previa and placental abruption .

20% of patients complain of bleeding and abdominal pain (the cause of this pain:

placenta previa is a risk factor for preterm labor,, and labor means uterine

contractions (uterine muscle ischemia = pain).

Incidental discovery: used to be very small % but nowadays it's being common

incidentally diagnosis early in pregnancy. Mainly late in the 2nd trimester!

o Note these 2 pictures showing fetus in cephalic presentation – longitudinal lie

with normally situated placenta in the upper uterine segment by the left


o While the one in the right represents abnormal implantation of the placenta in

the lower uterine segment.

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


What is difference between upper & lower uterine segment ??

- Muscle content, During pregnancy each muscle cell is getting longer and larger

and arranged in an interrelating pattern , after delivery of the fetus, the uterus

will be contracted and retracted (shortened),after the contraction subsided,

retraction remains, this results in what's called living suture or natural ligature

that closes blood vessels perpendicularly.

The lower uterine segment is thin, less contractile opposes very thick musculature

in the upper segment.

- Blood supply (higher in the upper segment). Poor blood supply in the LUS, now

as placenta is the organ that transfer oxygen and nutrients for the baby, it will

compensate this by getting wider and thinner, and normally after delivery of the

placenta, the natural mechanisms will close the vessels to stop bleeding,, but in

case of placenta previa, it may need manual digital try to deliver it, not retracting

LUS >> loss of physiological ligature >> more bleeding . so it increases the risk for

postpartum hemorrhage not only for APH.

Predisposing factors

Multiparity , but may happen in primigravida

Increased maternal age

Previous placenta previa, recurrence rate 4-8%

Multiple gestation: here either we have 2 placentea or one large placenta which will

go to the LUS (by gravity).

Previous cesarean section (placenta comes over the scar of previous C/S (in the LUS

which is common type of uterine incisions >> further replacement of the muscle by

fibrous tissue which increases the risk for placenta accrete, increta and percreta – a

very serious pregnancy conditions.

Uterine anomalies. Like Fibroid occupying the fundus..etc

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


The lower segment is a potential state which is formed after 28 weeks gestational age, after

that it gets wider and thinner.

Classifications into Major vs minor and others into different grades

Minor in other classifications equals low grade 1 and grade 2 anterior = low lying placenta,

in which only the margin of placenta is reaching the lower uterine segment, and major

includes grade 2 posterior, grade 3 (partially covers the internal os ) and grade 4 which is

called centralis or complete placenta previa (total internal os covering).

The more major the degree, the more serious the condition is, and more bleeding is to be



- Grade I, Low lying placenta (neither reaching nor partially covering the cervical os,

mostly stable pregnancy, vaginal delivery is possible.

- Grade II anterior, marginal.

Major = incompatible for vaginal delivery.

- Grade II posterior

- Grade III, partial

- Grade IV, central, complete.

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Nowadays we have a better way of defining placenta previa;

Any placenta that is 2 cm or less from the cervical os by U/S is placenta previa that

need to be delivered by cesarean section.

And this is most accurate way in setting the degree of placenta previa.

So 2 cm and below is PLACENTA PREVIA.

Presentation of placenta previa

OTHER THAN accidental discovery are:

- Painless vaginal bleeding, more severe with major degrees.

Uteral placental blood flow reaches 700 ml/ min in pregnancy, 800-1200 in

American schools, and so these patients can lose about 1 L/min! A very

serious problem.

- Recurrent bouts of bleeding may be from early pregnancy.

- Very high incidence of Malpresentation and high presenting part. Breech

presentation, transverse lie, and even in cephalic presentation, the placenta

interferes with normal engagment.

- Uterus is soft and not tender. Clue to differentiate it from abruption.

- Fetus is usually alive and well even if the mother bleeds heavily, unless she is


- More serious for mother than fetus. How??

Maternal risks

Maternal mortality 0.1% mainly from hemorrhage.


Complications of C/S and general anesthesia (bleeding + hypotensive effect of

anesthetic agents). But spinal or regional anesthesia is associated with low risks.

Sepsis because of C/S.

Air embolism


Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


DIC, it is not a complication of placenta previa but can result from prolonged

shock and hemo-dilution if I don't correct blood loss early.

Fetal risks

The major risk to the fetus is prematurity. Because of the risk of bleeding by the age

of 30 weeks.

IUGR in 15-20%.

Congenital malformations doubled.

Umblical cord complication (risk of cord prolapsed in case of partialis placenta previa

if there is no presenting part and ruptured membranes.



o Ultrasonography

o Abdominal U/S is accurate in diagnosing 95% of placenta previa and its


o Vaginal U/S usually for placenta attached to the posterior wall and difficult

to define by abdominal ultrasound (done in hospital).

o Double set up examination is rarely needed in patients not actively


Double setup

Double Set-Up examination : vaginal examination in the theater patients are prepared for caesarean section. At vaginal examination, placenta praevia is checked for. If major placenta praevia is confirmed or bleeding occurs then a caesarean section is performed immediately.

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


What if you don’t have U/S?

How to take decision of delivery mode by differentiating it from abruption?

Never depend on clinical picture in differentiating between the 2 conditions

because it's suggestive not diagnostic and that mean you may see patients

without classical symptoms, so follow the double setup procedures.

This is U/S view shows Grade 4 Placenta previa, the grayish part that

totally covers the cervical os.

Again here the placenta is reaching the cervix and partially covering it so it's grade 3 but

still major placenta previa! And I can measure the distance between its lower edge and

the cervical opening. I can say this is 2 or 3 cm away from the os…etc

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group



Proper assessment of maternal condition and resuscitation (any patient

admitted with bleeding should receive two canulas, until determining if she

needs fluid replacement or blood transfusion to establish her circulation, if she

needs resuscitation the first thing that I should start with is crystalloid solution

- we don't use colloid- we use FFP to avoid Hemodilution*, and blood

transfusion by packed RBC. this is the most important step.

In severe bleeding, resuscitation is not enough and emergency cesarean delivery is

needed irrespective of gestational age, 26,30 ,35…etc. (Mother's life is my aim).

If bleeding (either mild or heavy) is after 36-37 weeks, again deliver her. For cases of

mild bleeding I will plan delivery to the next day but not more because no benefit

from waiting and the next amount of bleeding will be even heavier and might lead to

maternal mortality.

If bleeding is not heavy and in early pregnancy (prematurity), we try to reach fetal maturity

(36-38 weeks) without risking maternal health. So any time she encounters severe bleeding

you have to deliver her by C/S.


Increase in the fluid content of blood, resulting in diminution of the concentration of formed elements (RBCs and other blood elements.

If placenta previa is present or suspected, DO NOT PERFORM VAGINAL

EXAMINATION, especially in acutely bleeding lady. Why?

because palpation can cause local placental separation and precipitate more



Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Expectant management should be followed if haemorrhage is not severe and pregnancy has

not reached 36-37 weeks. Postpone delivery until 37 weeks unless earlier intervention is

indicated for fetal or maternal reasons.

Expectant management??

o Keep in hospital. especially in patients with major degree and those who are far away

from hospital.

o Corticosteroids to improve the development of pneumocyte type 2 which are

responsible for surfactant secretion and thus decreasing the incidence of RDS, it is

given in gestational age from 30-34 weeks.

o Correct anemia ? (for example a pregnant lady in her 37 weeks or in labor comes

with 9 g Hb and I confirmed that she has IDA? Then what to do? Give >> oral iron

supplements and it's ok, I will do for her cross matching and see if she will bleed or

not, I don't need to do blood transfusion because it's a serious thing. But in cases of

placenta previa you have to reach Hb to at least 10 by blood transfusion because

they don't have time, they may bleed after 2 hours. Bleeding of an anemic patient

leads mostly to shock.

o One unit of packed RBCs should increase levels of hemoglobin by 1 g

per dL.

o Cross-matched blood should be available all the time for those patients depending

on the situation, sometimes they need 4-6 cross matched units

o Assess fetal well-being by routine checking of growth, daily fetal heart and CTG.


Delivery is by cesarean section. any patient with PP who is bleeding must be

delivered by C/S even if it's marginal.

Very occasionally ?? fetus with anterior marginal placenta with lower margin >2cm

from the internal os (by USS), in which there is no bleeding and no other indications

for C/S,, may be delivered vaginally.

Observe for PPH.

Prophylaxis for Rh isoimmunization with higher doses of anti-D because of more

fetomaternal hemorrhage.


Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Other important conditions of the placenta not mentioned by the dr.


Placental abruption

Normally the placenta is separated after delivery of the baby, in the 3rd stage of labor

- Abruption is premature separation of the placenta (before delivery of the fetus either

in antepartum period or during early stages of labor).

- Common, Incidence 0.5-1.5%.

- Very serious problem leads acutely to fetal hypoxia and lately to deprivation of

nutrients and that depends mainly on degree of separation.

Placenta accreta

The placenta attaches strongly to the myometrium, but does not penetrate it. This

form of the condition accounts for around 75% of all cases.

Placenta increta

Occurs when the placenta penetrates the myometrium.

Placenta percreta

The worst form of the condition is when the placenta penetrates the entire

myometrium to the uterine serosa (invades through entire uterine wall). This variant

can lead to the placenta attaching to other organs such as the rectum or bladder.


Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Predisposing factors

- Hypertension, mostly PET, thrombophilia in pregnancy.

- Previous placental abruption- a major factor- because recurrence rate after one

episode is 8-17%, after two episodes 25%.

- Trauma, mainly blunt trauma of the abdomen, mostly in RTA

- Polyhydramneous by itself doesn't cause abruption but if ROM happened, sudden

drainage of the liquor and contraction of uterus may result in placental separation.

- Premature rupture of membrane PROM; especially if they develop chorioamnionitis.

- Short cord ( cord maintains blood supply and drainage of fetus) so the fetus is having

all his needs thus he is healthy and moving, fetal movement with short cord acts like

traction force to the cord and placenae resulting in increased risk of separation.

- Smoking.

- High parity and low social class. Why? Because unbooked status, common

multiparity, lack of antenatal care and traditional abdominal massage during

pregnancy are predisposing factors to abruptio placenta.

- Idiopathic, represents majority of patients.

Clinical presentation

- Concealed: 25-30% ,no vaginal bleeding, when the separation starts from the

center of placenta, the blood will be collected behind the placenta (between the

placenta and the uterine wall). رحمكبير في المختفي، غير مكتشف، يتجمع الدم على شكل تخثر

very serious condition, may lead to consumption of coagulation material and

development of DIC.

- Revealed 65-80%: vaginal bleeding, Majority of patients. Note that half of those of

concealed presentation, by time they will reach you with vaginal bleeding.

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


You have to keep in mind that vaginal bleeding in abruption does not reflect the

actual amount of bleeding.

- Another classification of abruption depending on the amount of bleeding, maternal

condition and fetal condition is:

1. Mild : Many mild cases left undiagnosed until delivery mainly in cases of marginal

separation of placenta.

2. Moderate.

3. Severe; in complete separation.

Classification BY Grades

Grade 0.

Asymptomatic, small retro-placental clot seen after delivery.

Grade 1.

* External vaginal bleeding.

*Uterine tetany and tenderness may be present.

*No signs of maternal shock.

*No evidence of fetal distress.

So again don't depend on clinical picture alone in diagnosis. Don't say this is abruption and I

can do vaginal exam because even in major separation when the placenta is located in the

posterior wall, abdominal tenderness may be absent.

Grade 2.

o External vaginal bleeding may or may not be present.

o Uterine tenderness and tetany

o No signs of maternal shock.

o Signs of fetal distress present.

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Grade 3.

o External bleeding may or may not be present.(concealed).

o Marked uterine tetany (very tense uterus, fetal parts cannot be felt due to

Couvelaire uterus.

o Persistent abdominal pain.

o Maternal shock.

o Fetal death or distress.

o Coagulopathy in 30% of the cases.

Differential Diagnosis

Revealed: may present like placenta previa or local causes.

Concealed: differentials of acute abdominal pain:

Intraperitonial haemorrhage .

Ruptured uterus.

Abdominal pregnancy.

Acute polyhydramnious .

degenerated fibroid or complicated ovarian cyst.

Volvolus & Peritonitis.

"Couvelaire uterus"

Is a phenomenon wherein the retroplacental blood may penetrate through the thickness of

the wall of the uterus into the peritoneal cavity. This may occur after abruptio placentae.


Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Clinical presentation

- Vaginal bleeding, variable amount, no bleeding in concealed

- Abdominal pain( majority of cases), discomfort and backache in 65% of cases.

- Uterine tetany and tenderness over placental site, more in concealed.

- Normal lie and presentation, like any other pregnancy.

- High incidence of fetal distress and fetal death. Fetus is dead in 25-35% of

cases at admission (perinatal mortality 4.4-67%). Variable statistics depending

on the site of abruption of the selected samples.

- Blood pressure may be normal or elevated (majority of them are originally

hypertensive), protein urea (IUGR present in 80% of cases delivered after 36

weeks of gestation and this indicates evidence of vascular problem occurs in

abruption even if there is no risk factors), Over distended uterus, rigid, difficult

to feel fetal parts and fetal heart may be negative in concealed hemorrhage.

- Evidence of DIC; skin ecchymosis in 13% of cases, bleeding from puncture sites

or hematuria, usually those admitted with fetal death.


- Mild cases no fetal or maternal compromise with early gestational: Conservative .

it may progress into an established abruption so you have to do:

- Admission.

- Blood workout and cross- matching

- Steroids in less than 34 weeks GA.

- Strict observations may change to severe.

Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


- Twice daily CTG

- Ressuscitation, IV canula ,IV crystalloid

- Cross match blood and FFP.

- Assessment of mother, put fixed catheter, CBC ,KFT (because of early involvement

of the kidney, catheter for urine output measurement Urine for protein,

coagulation profile: (thrombocytopenia is the earliest indicator of DIC ,

plts count < 100,000 / microL= thrompocytopenia.

Plts < 50,000 bleeding from any site of injury.

Plts < 20,000 bleeding from any site.

- Assessment of fetal wellbeing, CTG. If the baby is distressed, aim for immediate


- Definitive treatment by delivery, assess for labor,if the cervix is dilated do ARM

(artificial rupture of membrane even if you are planning for C/S, Why?? Because

this will reduce the pressure inside the uterus and separate the clot from the

uterine wall and thus reduces more absorption of coagulation factors from the

circulation. Give syntocinon infusion, and note any fetal distress or deterioration

of maternal condition happened, deliver by C/S.

- DIC management ,DIC is a self limiting process, once you end its cause, the

coagulation profile corrects itself ! Our role is to maintain the patient for the next 2

hours by giving him packed RBC and FFP and platelets if needed.


Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


- Observe for PPH. Why?? Because of 1- DIC, 2- the uterus will be containing blood>>

risk for uterine atony because it results in Couvelaire uterus, if you do C/S you will

find an organ with blue like a blood clot. Fibrinogen degradation product (byproduct

of DIC can prevent uterine contractions in addition to its action as anticoaugulant.

Observe urine output even after delivery; Early deposition of blood byproducts in the

kidney>> renal hypoxia>> risk of renal tubular or cortical necrosis., Some patients

with severe abruption may end up with chronic renal failure.


The left picture shows normal pregnancy, normal site and attachment of the


In the right one, part of the placenta is separated from the uterine wall. Once the

clot reaches the margin it will bleed.


Antepartum Hemorrhage by Dr. Haifa' Hope Group


Sometimes there will be tear in the membranes >>> parts of the placenta will

go in >>> ROM>> bloody liquor >> which is one of the urgent cases of


Note the two parts of placenta, pale and dark.

About 50% of the placenta is separated (Dark clots

covers half of the placenta.

VASA previa

Is included in APH but it's a fetal bleeding.

Fetal bleeding presented as acute fetal distress after ruptured membranes.

Abnormal placental shape >>> blood vessels running from lobe to another, so during

artificial ROM , cut to these vessels is a possible cause fetal bleeding >> because of

very small intravascular volume of the fetus >> so loss of fetal blood loss more than

10ml has a considerable effect to the baby.

In Acute fetal distress, immediately deliver the baby by C/S and many of them

needs blood transfusion to correct their anemia.

The END =)

Done by: Fatima Al Kasasbeh

"Do not take someone's silence as his pride, perhaps he is busy fighting with his self." Ali ibn Abi Talib


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