answer this question: 1 costs $0.50 12 costs $1.00 215 costs $1.50 what is it?

Post on 26-Dec-2015






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Answer this question:

1 costs $0.50

12 costs $1.00

215 costs $1.50

What is it?

Question: What do you Question: What do you already know about the already know about the Holocaust?Holocaust?

Definition: Holocaust = the mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life…

“The Holocaust” happened in Europe from 1933 to 1945.

Only 70 years ago…

Millions killed including Jews and non-Jews alike

Before 1933 and at the start of the Holocaust, Germany was unstable in a lot of different ways:

A. Upset about losing WW1

B. Hard to find jobs

C. Hoped Government would solve problems

D. Suspicious of outsiders

In 1929, Stock Market crash leads to Great Depression

Massive Unemployment (42%) and inflation

In 1933, Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany.

Promised a proud new Germany, and blamed the Jews

Translation:“Germans defend yourselves

against Jewish atrocity (evilness), buy only at

German shops!”

-Hitler later declared himself “The Fuhrer” (Leader) which allowed him to act without limit.

-Hitler believed in “Master Race” called “Aryan”

-Characteristics: Blond hair, Blue eyes, Tall, Strong, Perfect

Look at a photograph of Adolf Hitler. How are his beliefs ironic?

The Nazis thought some people were inferior, including:

JewsGypsiesPolesAfrican-GermansJehovah’s WitnessesCommunistsPeople who were mentally or physically handicappedHomosexuals

Why do you think Hitler targeted these groups?

Citizenship was revoked; Kicked out of schools

Doctors, lawyers, or people who owned businesses were forbidden to do their work.

Park benches and the beaches had signs saying, “No Jews Allowed.”

Life improved for Nazis

Jobs were taken from “Non-aryans” and given to Nazis

Nazi sympathizes were given

more food and supplies

Offered a sense of pride and belonging

They convinced some Germans that people who were different were sub-human.

They used the mass media, like radios and newspapers, to spread Propaganda.

How is this poster propaganda for the Nazis?

In November 1938, Nazis began to use violence.

For two days all over the country, they destroyed Jewish businesses, and burnt down the synagogues.

Homes were broken into. People were beaten. About 30,000 people were arrested, and many were never seen again.

Hitler and the Nazis wanted to control all of Europe, so in 1939, Germany invaded Poland, and World War II began.

Soon Germany invaded many other countries. By 1941, they had over taken Poland, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, and Norway.

The Nazis made all Jews move out of their homes and into ghettos…gated areas to live. The ghettos in Europe were dirty and crowded. Food was scarce, and many people were sick and dying.

In January 1942, The “Final Solution was created”

Goal: Kill all 11 million Jews in Europe

The Nazis built death camps. They wanted to keep their homeland “pure,” so most of the death camps were in Poland.

The largest death camp was called Auschwitz.

The War ended in 1945 when Allied (American) forces invaded Berlin

By then, 6 million people had already been killed

Motto: “Never Again”

Explain what this quote means and how it relates to the experiences of the Jewish people during World War II.

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