answer the question “what do you do?” with confidence!€¦ · chapter 10 - continue building...

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Answer the Question “What Do YOU Do?”

With Confidence! By: Karen Pattock

The key to unlocking your success as a

Health & Wellness Practitioner

A Working Manual


Copyright © 2012 by Make A Difference Make A Living All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, taping, scanning, or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher and/or author except in the case of brief quotations embodied I critical articles and reviews. This is a work of non-fiction. This publication is designed to provide accurate information on the subject matter covered. It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering professional services or advice. The information is not intended to replace any legal counsel or other professional directives. If professional services or advice or other assistance is required, the services of a professional should be sought.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 - Are You Struggling Too? ..............................................................................5

Chapter 2 - The Power Of A Well-Designed Dialogue ...................................................7

Chapter 3 - Influence Of The Media ................................................................................9

Chapter 4 - Help Them Connect .....................................................................................10

Chapter 5 - Draft Your Simple “Who/What Conversation” .......................................12

Chapter 6 - Create Your “Who/What Conversation” ..................................................18

Chapter 7 - Practice, Practice, Practice .........................................................................23

Chapter 8 - It’s All About Them ....................................................................................25

Chapter 9 - “I NEED and WANT Your Help” .............................................................27

Chapter 10 - Continue Building Relationship ...............................................................29

Chapter 11 - Take Your Confidence From Fizzle To Sizzle ........................................30

Chapter 12 - Move Past Your Fear ................................................................................37

Chapter 13 - Building Personal Trust Through Commitment ....................................38

Chapter 14 - Do One Thing Each Week That Scares You ...........................................41

Chapter 15 - A Bad Decision Is Better Than No Decision At All ................................42

Chapter 16 - Pick One Thing Each Day That Moves You Closer To Your Goals .....44

Chapter 17 - Pick A Coach Or Mentor To Follow, Hire & Model ..............................46






Chapter 1

Are You Struggling Too? Are you a health and wellness coach, Reiki practitioner or fitness coach who struggles to confidently answer the question, “What do you do?” You’re not alone! There are many other holistic practitioners -- just like you, that struggle with that very question. In fact, I struggled with it, too. When I was first a student at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition, I would get flustered, overcompensate, and then say way too much and regret it later. My conversations went something like this: Them: “So where are you going to school?” Me: “Oh, I’m going to this great school in New York called the Institute for Integrative Nutrition.” Them: “I see. So you’re going to school to become a nutritionist?” Me: “Actually, I’m going to school to become a Certified Holistic Health Coach.” Question Asker: (With a look of puzzlement on their face.) “Uh…. What does a Certified Holistic Health Coach do?” Me: (This is always where I hit the brick wall. Too much info, not enough info, I couldn’t tell.) “I’ll help people get healthy through diet, exercise, addressing their career, spirituality and relationships.” The explanation grew as their look of puzzlement grew.


I learned that my babbling only created more confusion. There had to be a better way. I began to ask my classmates what they were telling people. Some hadn’t told a single soul what they were up to, specifically, because they didn’t know how to explain it. Others were telling everyone under the sun. I focused on the “everyone under the sun” folks. I sent emails, private messages on Facebook and posted in our school group asking, “What do you say when asked about what a Certified Holistic Health Coach is?” I received all kinds of responses. I copied and pasted each response into a word document for my personal review. But in the end, I still didn’t find the “perfect” answer that suited me. I realized that I needed to answer that question for myself. I needed to craft my own answer based on what I had to offer, my personal area of expertise and the audience I wanted to serve. Based on the fact that you’ve purchased this manual, I’m certain you’ve felt this way, too. You’ve come to the right place! By the end of this manual, you’ll not only learn to create your own unique and authentic answer to the “What do you do” question, you’ll learn to say it with confidence! That confidence will allow you to experience what if feels like to be comfortable in your own skin. Are you ready? Let’s get started!


Chapter 2

The Power Of A Well-Designed Dialogue

Are you terrified to have someone ask you, “What do you do as a Health Coach?” because you’re afraid of scaring them away?

In this manual, you’ll learn to answer that question and feel confident with your answer. This step-by-step process will help you create an interesting and concise answer that specifically works for you.

You’ll also learn how to engage others in a two-way dialogue that gains trust and helps them see your point of view. You’ll be able to share your thoughts and let them know that you understand how to solve their problems.

You’ll learn how to create interest and intrigue in your conversation so they’ll want more.


Engaging the person in a two-way dialogue rather than a one-way monologue is a success tool that will serve you in your business well into your future. Depending on where they are in their own personal health journey, you need to be able to filter how much information you give them. It needs to be delivered in bite-sized chunks.

An example of a bite-sized chunk would look something like this.

When talking with someone that should be eating more fruits & vegetables daily, you wouldn’t want to tell them to remove all boxed or prepackaged food from their diet cold turkey. That would feel too overwhelming to them and most likely turn them off. Instead, you can suggest one small change to start, such as adding one cup of fruit and one cup of vegetables to their diet each day. No subtractions! They won’t feel deprived and they will be incorporating a positive change into their daily diet. Once they’ve conquered that you can suggest another small change for more improvement.


Chapter 3

Influence Of The Media

There’s a current trend in mainstream media, which makes it easier than you think to explain what you do as a health coach. Everyone’s talking about how to be healthier. Obviously, many people are suffering and are not able to find help for their health problems. Consider that you’re being ‘lifted’ by this tidal wave of public awareness! .

You can thank high profile media authorities such as Dr. Oz for getting coconut oil, green smoothies, and chia seeds out of the organic, “hippie” food bars and into more kitchens in America. Why not use this media push to your benefit?

People NEED your guidance so they can side step their way through the minefields of conflicting information. Once they understand the value of your services – and what it means for them – they’ll be curious to know how they can work with you.

Use the swell of public awareness to your advantage and build your confidence beyond belief!


Chapter 4 Help Them Connect

You can help others connect what you do to something familiar to them. At that point, you’re ready to start a dialogue that makes sense to them. Follow the question “What does a Health Coach do?” with another question. Try this script on for size… Question #1 Someone says… “What do you do?” You say… “Do you ever watch Dr. Oz or know who he is?” (80% of the population will now say, “Yes, I know Dr. Oz”.) Question #2 ‘You know how Dr. Oz is all about educating people on natural and simple ways to improve their health?” (They will likely say, “Yes”.)


You have started the process now of creating a picture in their mind of what you do. The next step connects for them how YOU uniquely provide health mentoring to your clients. It will broaden their understanding of the holistic health and wellness world. Because you’ve created a mental picture for them about holistic health by tying a familiar and credible person to their view, they’re going to be more open to further dialogue. After working through the following exercise, this concept will become clearer. . Let’s get to work. P.S. Should the person you’re speaking with raise the objection that you aren’t a doctor like Dr. Oz, you can reassure them that you have no intention of providing medical advice. Any time a person begins a program that encourages dietary & physical activity changes, (whether on their own or with the assistance of a health coach), the client should discuss the changes with their regular doctor first to be sure it fits their individual needs.


Chapter 5 Draft Your Simple “Who/What Conversation”

Now that you’ve created a mental picture for others by tying a familiar and credible person to what you offer, you’re now ready to take the next step. Remember, that you’ve already taken the most important step. You’ve engaged them in dialogue! This is key for effective communication. Don’t lose your momentum by backsliding into a monologue about what you do. Don’t lose that back and forth connection. The next step is to draft what I call, your “Who/What Conversation.” I believe this helps to describe the process you use, which is a continuation of the conversation. Some call this, drafting your elevator speech, elevator pitch, or sales pitch, etc. I’m not fond of these descriptions, however, as they’re clearly intended to be one-way conversations. As I’ve already pointed out, watch out for the monologue factor! When giving a speech, a person pours out information without any feedback or input from others. This is exactly what you want to avoid! Design your “Who/What Conversation” to be unique and authentic to you and your potential clients. Practice it over and over until it becomes second nature to you. Are you ready? It’s time to create your “Who/What Conversation!”


Exercise #1 Here are some examples of “Who/What Conversations” for health practitioners. Example #1: “I work with people who want to lead a healthier life but have a hard time making it a priority. You know, people who want to go to the gym but never seem to make it there?” Example #2: “I help busy working moms find the time to lead a healthier life so they have energy and stamina to keep up with their kids.” Example #3: “I teach business executives who work 70+ hour weeks how to eat better, reduce stress, and make time for exercise so they can stay at the top of their game and be successful in business and life.” Now it’s time for you to create your own personal “Who/What Conversation” outline.


“Who/What Conversation” Creation Exercise

Answer the following questions to develop your own statement:

Who am I?

(e.g. I am a health coach, I am a holistic health counselor, I am a fitness mentor, I am a Reiki practitioner, etc.). What specific words do you like to describe “who” you are in the health business? (Write your answer below.) _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Who do you serve?

Who is your target audience? If you’re not clear on the specific people that you serve, you may need to spend some time defining your target audience or otherwise known as your ‘niche’. (Write your answer below.) ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


What are their problems?

Do you know what problems the people you serve most want to solve? List them here: ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

Examples of potential client problems:

Ø They want to lose weight Ø They want more energy Ø They want to look and feel younger Ø They want to get fit for an upcoming event such as a wedding or

graduation Ø They need to release stress Ø They are an emotional eater and need to learn to address their

emotions in other ways rather than food Ø They need to cure food allergies or a chronic health condition

that’s keeping them from living the life they desire

Now it’s your turn! If you don’t know what their problems are, begin by talking to them or listening to what they’re talking about in various public places. Join clubs they belong to, attend meetings, or hang out on social media sites where they’re active. You can also send a survey to them via email if you have a list of target people to ask. Survey Monkey is a great and easy tool to use, (And, it’s free!)


What are the ramifications of those problems for your potential clients?

_______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Examples of these problem ramifications could be:

Ø They feel badly about themselves because they can’t lose weight and they have a poor body image, which causes them to lack confidence.

Ø They aren’t present for their families because they are so tired when they get done with work all they want to do is lay around in front of the television or lay on the couch.

Ø Their emotional eating habits cause them to often hide what they are eating. They’re embarrassed that they can’t control their eating and now feel like they have a deep dark secret.

What solutions do you provide? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ For each specific problem you listed above, now write a specific solution you offer for that problem.


What are the benefits of those solutions? ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ For each solution you listed above, now write what the corresponding benefit will be for your client.


Chapter 6 Create Your “Who/What Conversation”

Now you have all the elements you need to script your very own personal “Who/What Conversation.” Look through the answers to the questions in the previous chapter. Take your answers from the 5 questions above and combine them into your own unique and authentic “Who/What Conversation.” Don’t get too caught up on the specific wording. Speak in simple, straightforward language when creating your “Who/What Conversation.” If you’re stuck, go back to the examples in Chapter 5 to see all the pieces that should be in your statement. Take another look at your “Who Am I”, “Who Do I Serve”, “What Problems Do They Have”, and “How Do I Solve Those Problems”, questions.


Here’s an example of what a first draft of your “Who/What Conversation” might look like. Don’t worry that it’s a bit “wordy” to start: “I am a health coach that works with high level executives and corporate leaders who find it difficult to stay active and take care of themselves due to the demands of their job. They work long hours, travel extensively and always have to be ‘up and on’ as people are looking to them for leadership. They may sit a lot at their desks or in meetings, eat for convenience and miss exercise due to travel or business demands. They are away from home often and when they do come home they are exhausted, and have no energy or desire to take care of themselves or be their best for their family. Their stressful jobs are taking a toll on their health. They are overweight, fatigued, stressed out all the time and depressed. They worry that when they do retire some day they will be so unhealthy that they won’t be able to enjoy it. Overall they are sacrificing their quality of life and all the things that are truly important to them (family, hobbies they enjoy, spiritual life, etc.) for their job or role as a business leader. I help them break free from the cycle they are in and first get them to prioritize what is most important. Then we work on developing a simple, easy to follow and realistic plan with goals that align with their values and priorities. Once the plan is developed I get them into action and hold them accountable to their commitments. They find that they, with a small amount of preplanning, do have time to eat well, exercise and reduce stress. They actually find that with their increased energy they are more effective and successful in their careers and they feel SO MUCH better about themselves and their quality of life. They regain the hope of a quality life during and after a successful business career - playing golf, traveling or spending time with the ones they love the most instead of being in a hospital or nursing home!”


Exercise #2 It’s time for you to write your 1st draft. Write your “Who/What Conversation” here. Use the answers to the questions in the previous chapter as the main focal points to get you started. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________


Whew! That might be quite a mouthful to say, but it’s a great start. It has all of the following components that need to be addressed:

1) Who am I? 2) Who do I serve? 3) What problems do they have? 4) What are the ramifications of those problems? 5) What solutions do I offer?

Your next assignment is to make it shorter (and easier to say).


Exercise #3 So now it’s time to condense your statement. From the example above, this is what that might look like. “I’m a health coach that works with high-level executives who find it difficult to stay active and take care of themselves due to the demands of their job. Working long hours, traveling, bad food choices and lack of exercise cause them to be exhausted, leaving no energy for their family and friends. With my help, we develop an easy to follow plan that includes specific goals, which incorporates an element of accountability. They soon discover that with a small amount of preplanning, their food choices and exercise routine are better, giving them weight loss, increased energy, decreased stress and an overall better quality of life.” Now it’s your turn to make your statement shorter. Take a few moments to make it even shorter. Try to make it no more than 4-6 sentences. You can have a longer version and a shorter version but generally people will stay engaged if your response is short, concise and focuses on what’s in it for them. ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

CONGRATULATIONS! Now you have the answer to the question – “What do you do as a Health Coach?”


Chapter 7 Practice, Practice, Practice

Once you’re happy with the way your “Who/What Conversation” sounds, it’s time to make sure you can easily say it with enthusiasm. Write it out on a note card if you need to at first and say it out loud at least 3-5 times each day for one week straight. Here are some other ways you can practice and get really good at your “Who/What Conversation.”

Use the mirror Watch how you look and sound. Does your body language and facial expression match your excitement for what you do? If not, try to over emphasize enthusiasm at first. It may feel fake, but others aren’t likely to think so. Passion makes all the difference in getting and keeping someone’s attention. Record yourself Record yourself on a tape recorder, computer, phone, (whatever you have available), and listen to how you sound. Again – do you sound excited and passionate about what you do to serve others? Practice with someone Ask a family member or friend to role-play with you until you get it down.


You now have your “Who/What Conversation” complete. While this is the basic response you’ll use from now on, you may find it necessary to make minor tweaks here or there depending on the person you’re speaking to. There’s no substitution for practicing and fine-tuning your “Who/What Conversation!” The level of commitment you show to this phase of your business, builds the foundation for everything else that follows. This is your opportunity to create a strong first impression! This defining moment in every conversation determines what will come text. What first impression do you want to make on your next potential client?


Chapter 8 It’s All About Them

Now that you’ve crafted your perfect answer to the “What do you do?” question, it’s time to engage your prospective client with more questions. This is how you’ll get more clients! How do you move from what you do to getting them to sign on the dotted line? Make the conversation all about them! People love to talk about themselves and have someone focus on their needs. You can easily determine their interest in what you do after you respond with your short, concise and passionate “Who/What Conversation.” How? By asking more questions. Here are examples of questions you could ask that will keep the conversation going but aren’ t too personal in nature. They’ll help you determine if they have an interest in your coaching services. Question #1: Can you relate at all to the story I shared about the people I help? Question #2: Is there anything about your health that you would like to improve? Question #3: Do you sometimes wish that you could be healthier? (If they respond yes, then ask, how so?) Question #4: If you could change one thing about your health that would make your life better, what would it be? Question #5: What is the toughest thing for you to do: eat right, exercise or manage stress? Once you have answers to these questions you will be better equipped to explain how your coaching will address their needs. As you continue the conversation by focusing specifically on the things that they’ve said are important to them they will begin to visualize working with you. When you paint a picture for them of how their life and health will be


improved at the end of your program the vision will begin to crystalize even further. It’s at this point that you’ve created a situation where your coaching program isn’t another generic diet like they’ve tried 100 times before. Instead it is a custom built, step-by-step plan that includes you being with them every step of the way.


Chapter 9 “I NEED and WANT Your Help”

Go from hearing, “What do you do?” to hearing, “I NEED AND WANT YOUR HELP!”

One of the best ways to move from a casual conversation about your work into a more focused discussion is to offer them something for free that has real value. It’s a great way to begin to build a relationship. Consider offering them a free health consultation or short Reiki massage session (depending on your personal expertise). If they’re interested in improving their health, (based on their responses to your questions), they’ll likely jump at the chance to get to know you better. It’s their opportunity to learn more without a real commitment from them other than their time.

Your initial consultation can simply be anywhere from 20 - 50 minutes depending on what service you offer. It will be an extraordinary opportunity for you to continue the dialogue with them and you will be able to obtain answers to more questions about their health goals. These questions can be asked verbally or put into a survey (written form) that you can send to them ahead of time. Either option is fine depending on your personal style. Just remember, if you send a


questionnaire ahead of time it will give them the opportunity to think through the questions and you will have a chance to review their responses before you speak.

You might say something like this if they seem interested in what you are sharing:

“If you are interested in learning more about how I might help you, I offer a free, no obligation consultation where we can talk at more length about your challenges and health goals. If interested, when would you like to schedule this visit?” If they say yes – schedule a time, (I recommend that you do this before you walk away), for the following week or so. Be sure to get their email and phone number and follow-up within 24 hours with the written survey, or confirmation of your appointment. Also, touch base with them 48 hours before the scheduled discussion to remind them of your appointment and answer any questions they have after filling out your questionnaire (if you’ve sent one).


Chapter 10 Continue Building Relationship

Back to Dr. Oz…and creating more credibility for yourself.

During your conversation, make a mental note of the areas of health this person is most interested in. Jot things down as soon as you walk away, after you’ve gained their contact information and confirmed a free consultation appointment. Next, (and this step is critical), within a few days send them a simple tip or an article that you saw that might interest them. This step begins the process of establishing you as a health expert. This will remind them of your services, build rapport, trust and make them much more likely to call you in the future or refer you and your services. You can also ask permission to add them to your mailing or email list, which is critical to your future business growth. Answering the question “What do you do?” can be fun and highly engaging if you think of it as a mini coaching session and ask questions that come naturally to you as a health provider. Speak from your heart and be enthusiastic. Most importantly, focus the conversation on the person you are talking with. Any nervousness or fear you have will disappear – I promise! Remember to practice your “Who/What Conversation” in order to build your confidence. There are lots of ways to build your business confidence. I’ll touch on some of the most effective ways in the following chapters. This confidence boost will help you to interact successfully after sharing your “Who/What Conversation.”


Chapter 11 Take Your Confidence From Fizzle To Sizzle

Step #1 – Commit To Yourself and BELIEVE Henry Ford said, “If you think you can or you think you can’t, you are right!” Nothing happens until you truly believe in your heart and your mind that it’s possible. What you tell yourself every day becomes a reality if you believe and persist in taking consistent action to move toward your goals. Do you really want to be successful and are you willing to do anything it takes to get there? Close your eyes and picture yourself “showing up” for life as the confident person you want to be. Now say to yourself … “I love myself for who I am and the world will support me in using my unique gifts to serve others.” How does that feel? Write your own personal affirmation that you can post and use to remind yourself every day. Say it every day until you get where you want to be. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Step #2 – What Are You Passionate About & What Are Your Unique Gifts? Research shows that when you are making full use of your gifts, you’re hundreds of times more likely to be successful. You’ll be working “in the flow” instead of feeling like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill. Most of us can easily state what we are NOT good at. We play the “I stink at math” or “I am a horrible public speaker” tape in our head day after day. To be successful and confident you need to reprogram and FOCUS on what you ARE great at and design your life around your authentic self.


Ask yourself these very important questions: 1) What are your greatest strengths? List them here (at least two and no more than three). Examples: ** People are always comfortable talking to me, even when they first meet me. ** I have tremendous follow-thru skills. I always complete the projects I start.




Still not sure? 2) What comes naturally to you or what activities do you find

yourself “lost” in and cause you to lose track of time?

Example: ** Helping others work through their problems is something I’ve always enjoyed and find it’s where I truly excel. a.______________________________________________________




 3) Think back to your childhood – what things did you love to

play with, games you created, subjects you LOVED in school? Allow yourself to go back to that time to get in touch with your natural talents.

Example: ** When I was a child I always played “school” where I was the teacher or “store” where I was the storeowner. Is it any wonder that I now am a business owner who teaches others how to build their skills and their businesses? a.______________________________________________________


c.______________________________________________________ Last technique: If you STILL don’t know the answer, ask someone close to you to tell you what is unique and special about you? Write their answer here: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Step #3 – Surround Yourself With People Who Build Your Confidence?

“No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

~Eleanor Roosevelt So who are you spending time with and how are they influencing your confidence level? If you don’t know the answer to the second half of that query, here are some questions you can review to help you identify the influence others have over you. 1. Are the people you’re spending the majority of your time with

typically positive or negative?

________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________

2. When you spend time with them do you leave feeling like they have raised you up or brought you down? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________


3. Are your conversations ALWAYS about them? Do they ALWAYS download their problems on you, leaving little to no time to talk about you? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

4. Look at the posts you’ve sent and received through social media in

the last 30 days. If you were to categorize them in two groups, how many are negative and how many are positive? ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________

Positive thinking leads to confidence. Get started now! 1. Make a list of the top 3-5 people that you spend the most time

with. Would you define them as generally positive or negative? Do you feel that they are pulling you forward or dragging you backward?

Person #1:____________________ Positive or Negative Person #2:____________________ Positive or Negative Person #3:____________________ Positive or Negative Person #4:____________________ Positive or Negative Person #5:____________________ Positive or Negative


Make a commitment to yourself to spend more time with those who have a positive influence on you and less time, (or no time), with those who don’t. Identify new people that can replace the “Negative Nelly’s” in your life and make a commitment to start connecting with them within the week.

2. Put a filter on your daily social media feed, (e.g. Facebook &

Twitter), to block out posts from those who consistently leave negative comments. Using an automated filter will allow you to avoid the confidence zapping chatter that so often occurs.

You can accomplish this without their knowledge and still technically remain “friends.” You can unfriend them or unfollow them at any time. You will stop getting their posts and they will stop getting yours. 3. STOP posting anything negative. Post only information that

positively influences anyone who reads it.


Chapter 12 Move Past Your Fear

Pick One Thing Each Day That Moves You Closer To Your Dreams & Goals Trusting yourself is a critical step to build self-confidence. Trusting yourself comes from honoring the commitments you make to yourself and others. This is also known as being “accountable.” Think about a time when you said you were going to do something. Let’s say you decided you were going to start a new fitness program so you could have more energy and lose 10 lbs. You started out strong, getting up early every morning to work out. At first you were feeling great and very proud of yourself. Then as the weeks go by and travel, illness or family demands increased you started to miss workouts. Eventually the “slippery slope” syndrome set in and you decide why even bother. How would you then feel about your personal accountability? Frustration, doubt and yes – lack of self-trust – are all emotions that would likely arise. The gremlins in your head would say things like –“I knew you couldn’t do it.” Suddenly your confidence is at an all-time low.

Now think of a time when you made a commitment to lose 10 pounds and you did reach your goal. You worked hard, stuck to a pre-determined routine and accomplished what you set out to do. What was your confidence meter reading then? Probably pretty high! That is the feeling you want to focus on to take the next confidence-building step.


Chapter 13 Building Personal Trust Through

Commitment What one thing could you accomplish to make a substantial difference in your life? Choose something “meaty” yet not unrealistic. Maybe it’s something that you have said for years you were going to accomplish. Take the time to really think about it. It’s now time to acknowledge that desire and JUST DO IT.

Here are 7 secrets to follow for success: Step One: Write a goal in the space provided below. Be sure to include a form of measurement, such as: how many weeks it will take you to lose 5 pounds or how many new clients you will get in the next month. Writing it down makes the goal more real in your mind, as well as making a stronger impact on your commitment level. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________


Step Two: Write out the important benefits of achieving this goal (don’t forget that one of them is building confidence in yourself). Write out the downside of NOT achieving this goal. Research shows that actually “writing” the goal on paper is a big key to success. So DON’T SKIP THIS STEP! Benefits: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Downside: _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Step Three: Tell others about your goal so they can help you stay accountable. Or use the website “” to help keep you on track. Set up a regular check-in time each week with your friend or to update them on your progress.


Step Four: Take action quickly. Pick a date to start, get prepared and get going. Procrastination has defeated more good plans than probably anything else out there. No more procrastination! It’s time to jump in with both feet. Step Five: Break down your goal into “bite-size” pieces. Celebrate milestones for meeting the smaller goals along the way. Let each success inspire you to the next step. Step Six: Post affirmations that will keep your mind focused on your success.

Step Seven: NEVER GIVE UP. Jimmy Dean has been quoted as saying, “I can’t change the direction of the wind but I can adjust the sails to always reach my destination.” Nothing builds CONFIDENCE more than honoring the commitments you make to yourself and others.


Chapter 14 Do One Thing Each Week That Scares You

The greatest antidote for FEAR is “Action.” Remember that FEAR stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real.” So take action against a FEAR and it will disappear. You will prove to yourself that your FEAR is ONLY in your own imagination and you are in control of it, not the opposite. As a mentor of mine once told me years ago… DO IT AFRAID and you will be amazed at what you can do!

Write out your 3 greatest fears that are robbing your confidence bank and think of one action step you can take each week to - KILL the fear. Now GO DO IT! It’s that simple. 1) _____________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________ 3) _____________________________________________


Chapter 15 A Bad Decision Is Better Than

No Decision At All One of the most debilitating aspects that will feed procrastination is the inability to make a decision. When you’re overwhelmed with multiple decisions it gets even worse. What decision needs to be made first becomes the over-riding decision. Here is a simple system for getting the decision-making process going.

List 3 decisions that are holding you back from moving forward. 1) _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 2) _____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ 3) _____________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


Pick the one that you want to focus on first. If you can’t decide put them on 3 slips of paper and pick one. That is the first decision you will make. Commit to making the decision about the item in question within “x” hours or days (but no more than 1 week). Write a deadline for yourself and consider asking someone else to hold you accountable and support you in meeting the deadline. Now – make a DECISION and go with it. Don’t look back and don’t second-guess. You can do it! Each time you accomplish your goal it will build confidence. Keep moving forward and add another future decision to the list of three. Then start the process over again. Making decisions is like building muscle. The more you use it the stronger it gets. Your confidence steadily grows along with it. Planning without action is called ‘wishing’. And action without planning is “chaos.”


Chapter 16 Pick One Thing Each Day That Moves You

Closer To Your Goals If you only do one thing each day to move you closer toward your goals, before you know it, you’ll have built a stable foundation for your business. At that point, it’s likely that you’ll also start achieving goals in other areas of your life. It might be helpful to break the “type” of activities down into categories. Some examples might include: Client Relationships & Partnerships: Build your network, send an email or update your Facebook or LinkedIn profile to let people know what you are doing. Reach out by doing something for someone connected to your health-related business that gives you ‘nothing in return’ (pay it forward and what goes around WILL come around). Marketing Activities: Writing blog or newsletter posts, teaching classes or anything that gets you noticed as an expert in health. Administration: Setting up systems, organizing files, getting business cards and invoicing procedures set up.

Business Planning: Creating a financial plan, selecting your “go to” marketing tactics, mapping out your calendar for the year to


determine how you will spend your time, and setting goals that are measurable. Ideally you will make a list of all the things you will need to do for the year – stemming from a business plan. However, to get yourself GOING, just begin doing something every day that you know is a fundamental part of any business building plan, (as detailed in the examples above). The momentum you gain from making progress will lead you to take more strategic steps in the near future. Don’t let one day go by without taking ANOTHER STEP FORWARD, no matter how big or small.


Chapter 17 Pick A Coach Or Mentor To

Follow, Hire & Model The easiest way to get overwhelmed and lose momentum is to try to follow every blog from every “so-called expert,” listen to numerous webinars or take bits and pieces from every person that offers advice. Sure FREE ADVICE is nice but it will only take you so far in your business building efforts.

There is value in “sampling” the coaches and experts so you find whose style and approach you like the most. However, don’t let this last for more than two or three months. Make a decision to follow one person who can lead you, step-by-step, through a methodical process that focuses on both planning and action. Every single successful coach and mentor invests in himself or herself regularly. The investment provides structure, guidance and most of all ACCOUNTABILITY!!! As we’ve already discussed, accountability in a business is an essential component to the success of that business. No one was born with all of


the knowledge it takes to build a business and we are all in different places in our journey. Guidance given by someone you trust and that you know has solid business building experience will be the difference between meeting your goals quickly or struggling for months and possibly even years. It’s time for you to take what you’ve learned and apply it to your business. Practice the “Who/What Conversation” that you’ve created in the mirror, in the car and with family or friends. Getting it to roll off your tongue easily will be essential to your success. Use the confidence that you’ve gained through the exercises to present yourself confidently and with conviction. Know that you are the answer to the prayers of many people who need assistance with their weight and their health. Apply what you’ve learned to your daily routine and watch your business not only grow but thrive beyond your wildest dreams. It’s been my honor to share this time with you. Thank you for the opportunity to serve you. Should you have any questions regarding this working manual please feel free to connect with me at To Your Success, Karen Pattock


Karen Pattock is the Founder of, as well as a Certified Holistic Health Coach.

Karen is a Certified Health Coach and Mentor with a track record of 7 successful companies in 20 years. She uses her expertise and proven step-by-step systems to help health-centered entrepreneurs thrive in building their businesses.

Karen takes the guesswork out of building your business. She offers tools that show you how to create a strong foundation for your business and grow at a pace that fits your lifestyle. She makes marketing and building your business easy and fun all while implementing a component of accountability that keeps you on track. Her easy-to-implement programs provide the tools that you need to successfully market your health practice. When marketed appropriately, clients will find you rather than you finding the client. More importantly,

marketing will be made easy so you can spend your time doing what you love – working with your clients.

As a Certified Holistic Health Coach, accredited by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners, she understands exactly what it takes to build a profitable health related business. She combines her health certifications, expertise and degrees in Accounting and Business Management, to give you the ultimate coaching experience. With her help, you will be able to create multiple streams of income and apply the “one-to-many” model to your business. Through these modalities you will be able to work less and earn more.

Karen is a no-nonsense mentor that breaks down seemingly complicated marketing processes into easy to implement, step-by-step procedures for


Entrepreneurs in the Health & Wellness industry. She has been featured on Women’s Marketing Network, which is a network dedicated to helping women learn how to market their businesses effectively and professionally.

Make A Difference Make A Living helps the average business owner market their business and grow an online presence, which in today’s world of social media and online connection is critical. Her programs are designed especially for people in the health industry and are known to be easy to understand and easy to implement.

Karen married Michael Pattock 14 years ago in a romantic sunset ceremony on a gorgeous beach in Maui, Hawaii. He is truly her soul mate and they share a very deep connection that transcends words. She has two grown children, Carrie and Alex, two grown stepchildren, Amanda and Adam, and two adorable kitties named Bailey & Hemingway. She counts her blessings every day and truly loves her life and everyone in it.

Karen would love for you to contact her in any of the following places:





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