ansi o1.1: safety code for woodworking machinery o ansi 01.1·1971 revision 0'...

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Legally Binding Document

By the Authority Vested By Part 5 of the United States Code § 552(a) and Part 1 of the Code of Regulations § 51 the attached document has been duly INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE and shall be considered legally binding upon all citizens and residents of the United States of America. HEED THIS NOTICE: Criminal penalties may apply for noncompliance.


Document Name:

CFR Section(s):

Date of Action:

eANSI O1.1-1961: Safety Code for Woodworking Machinery

29 CFR 1926.304

44 FR 8577, Feb. 9, 1979; 44 FR 20940, Apr. 6, 1979



ANSI 01.1·1971

Revision 0' 01.1·1954IR19611

American National Standard Safety Requirements for Woodworking Machinery


American Insurance Association International Association of Governmental L.abor Officials

Approved August 23. 1971

American National Standards Institute. Inc


o 0864

American National Standard


An American National Standard impliu I consensus of those substantially concerned with hi scope Ind provisions. An American NaUonal Standard i1 Intended I •• ,uld' 10 lid the facturer. the consumer. Ind the lener.' public. The e"lltenc. or an American NIUon.1 Stln. d.rd dOl' 1'10\ In In), ttlpt" pt.~hutt Ift)'ltl'ltl wht,ktt hi 1m Il\lnlWlI lhl 1II1\~ .. i itA"" from manuracturing. marketing. purchasing. or using products. proccsses. or procedure. not conforming to the standard. American National Standards are subject to periodic: review and users are cautioned to obtain the Jatesl editions.

CAUTION NOTICE: This American National Standard may be revised or withdrawn al any time. The procedures of the American National Standards InstitulI: require that action be taken to reaffirm, revise. or withdraw this standard no laler than five years from the date of publication. Purchasers of American National ':;ldi:'l~!Jtds may r\lefive current information on all standards by calling or writing the American National Standards Institute.

American N'ariona' Srandards- 'r1$firure 1430 BroadwiJY. New York. New York 10018

Copyright C 1912 by American National Standards Institute. Inc All rights reserved,

Nil pall of Ihl~ publ"";&lIon may bo: I~plodll~ed In any ('ulm. In an CIt:L'ltunIL"lctrtcvaI5yslcm 01 othcrwl~. withoul the: prim wrillen pc:rmlssion or the publisher,

Prinled in the United Stales or America




(Thl, Foreword II nol a pOri of American N.tlonll StlU1dllrd Safely Rl!qulremenl' for WoodwurlclnJ! "tlchln· ery,OI.I·1971.) .

The revision of Ihe original Safety Code for Woodworking Machinery was approved In 1944. In 1952 the Standards Committee was reorganized, and the scope was changed to exclude the manufacture of structural plywood. and to include a comprehensive revision of the cooperage machinery sectiun and an entirely new section dealing specifically with radi:Jl·typc saws. The resulting standard was issued in 1954.

Thc present revision is the result of a thoroughgoing review and upd:Jling of Anlcrican National Standard Safety Codc for Woodworking Machinery, 01.1·1954 (R 1961).

Suggestions for improvement gained in the use of this standard will be welcome. They ~hould be sent to the American National Standards Institute. 1430 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10018.

Thc 0 I Committee on Safety Codc for Woodworking Machinery, which reviewed and approved this standard. had the folluwing pcrsonnel at the time or approval:

Ronald A. Nelson. Chairman David Zabriskic. Secretary

OrKoni:o/;nl/ RC'","$"II/"t/ Nome of R",lr"S"/IIo/il'"

Al1Il!rh:an SlIdL'ly nl' s .. rL'ly I'IIj!inl'L'r, " ... " .. " ... , ..•..............• Churll!s II. Barhunl t\~Mlcialed ('mlllela)!C Ind\l~lIie~ of t\ml!Iica , .•.•...•.••.•..•...•. , •••.• Charles Wligh I

Wilbur l. Cirarr(AItI Amelican hI5ulan':l' l\s~ul'ialiL'" •..... , ...•...•..• , , ..••...•• , ••..•••• Rnnalll A. Neislln lnlluSllial SafelY Flluillineni A~sudillilln •...••• : ••.....••......•....... Ilarley N. Trice

Charles Sum ..... all (All I Intcrnational Associaliull Ill' C;uYelnmcnlal L~l>t1l Oflidals ..••••.•.•......• Robert DUnll3!!an

Georl,'I! WeSl:lIllln (AliI Natiunal Furcst 1'lI\dul'IS I\ss,~i .. lion .••••••.••.••.••.•••••••••••.••••• J. S. Bowman National Safcly (','undl .•••••••• , .••••.•••••.••.••••.••••..•••. , ••• R. C. Chitdle~s

JOS4!ph J. P,abnlos I All) Unih:t1 ",olhcrhu,ltI of Call,enten anll Juiners llf Amerka ..••••••••••••••. I'ctcr M. Ita!:!cr Woudwnrkinl! Mal"ilinclY Manul'aclurl'rs Associ"lion .••.••••• , •.•••••••.•. lloyd Quick

1'011 III .. hu I (Alii U.S. \)cparlllll!nlllf LaIIlH. lIur.:au III' L:lhur SI'III1j;ud~ , ••• , ••.••••..••.•.• SHanll'Y J. llalll'llcI

IlruL:c 1'. lIillcnbralul (All)

I'II ..... Cl TtlollnSlllUll'. lilt' ...•.....•.••••.•.••••....•••...•••. , ••••.. J. L. Sla.:khouSl· J. A. PlOyen (Alii

Rock well Manufal"lurin!! (''''"pany . , ..•.•..•..........•......• , .....•. R. DI!!!hucl'


rJdb 7


1. General ., ......................................... It • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ... 7 1.1 Scope •••••••.•••.••••••••••••••.•••.••••••.•••.•••••••...••••.••. 7 1.2 Application and Exceptions •• '.' • • • • • • • • • . • . • • • • • . • • • . • • . • . • . . . . . • • • • •. 7

2. Related Standards .•..••.•••••••••••.•• : • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • . . . • . . . . . . . • • • . . •. 7

3. Definitions ........•....•••..••••••.••••.• " •••.• '. . . • • • . • . • . . . . . . . . • . • .• 7

4. Plant Layout ..•••......•. . . . • • . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . • . • . • • • . • . • • • • . . . . • . • • . •• 7 4.1 Machine Layout .••••••••••.•••...•.•.•..•• " ., ••••••.••..•••••••••. 7 4.2 Floors and Aisles .•.••..•.•.•••....••..•.••••.••••••••••••.••••••..• 8

S. Machines and Equipment. • • . • • • • . • • . • • . • . • . . . • . • • • . • . . • . • • • . . . . . • . . • • • . . •. 8 5.1 Machine Construction. Drive. Feed, Speed, and Control ••....•........•..... 8

6. Woodworking Machinery. . . • . . . • . . . . • • • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . . . . . . • • . . .. 9 6.1 Circular. Rip. Crosscut. Resaw. and Swing cUl.orr Saws ..•.•..........•..... 9 6.2 Band Saws and Band Resaws .....................•.................... I I 6.3 Jointers and Planers ..•...•...............•......•..•................ II 6.4 Tenoning Machines ......•........................................... 12 6.5 Boring and Mortising Machines ............•...........•...••.....•..•.. 12 6.6 Wood Shapers and Similar Machines ...•...........................••.... 12 6.7 Planing. Molding. Sticking. and Matching Machines ......................... 12 6.8 Pranle and SWing.Head Lathes (Including Wood Heel Turning Machines) ........ 12 6.9 Sanding Machines ..... " ..........................•................. IJ 6.10 Combination or Universal Woodworking Machines .......................... 13 6.1 I Routers ........................................................... I J 6.12 Glue Spreaders (Feed Roll Type) ....................................... 13 6.1J Guarding Operating Treadles .... '" .......... " ••.................... , 13 6.14 Other Machines Not Excluded .......................... ; .............. 13

7. Veneer and Plywood Machinery .•.........•.......•...•........•.......•.•.. 13 7. I Steaming Equipment and Soaking Pits .........•....................•.... 13 7.2 Log Handling Equipment ..••.•..•••.•...•..••••••••••....•....•...... 14 7.3 Saws ....•..................................•...•...........•..... 14 7.4 Veneer Lathe ....••.••.•..•.......•.....•........••.••......•...... 14 7.5 Veneer Slicer .....•...............•........•...••...•.•.......•..... 14 7.6 Veneer Clipper ........................•.............•.............. 14 7.7 Tray Systenl ........•.............................................. 15 7.8 Veneer Glue Spreaders .•.•..............•..•......•.............•..•. 15 7.9 Veneer Dryer ................................•......•.............. 15 7. I 0 Core Saw and Fishtail Saw ........................•................... 15 7.11 Hot Press or Veneer Press ...........................••..•........•.•.. 15 7.12 Veneer Stripsaw ....••.......................•••.................... 15 7.13 Patch Machine ...........•.............•...•...•..•....••....•.•... I 5 7.14 Veneer Chippers and Hogs .•.........•....•...•..•.•.•...••• , ......... 15 7.1 S Electronic Laminating Press and Edge Gluer ••••.•••..•••••..••..••••.••••• 15 7.16 Edge Gluer Jointer ••••...••..••..••.•.....••.....•.....•............ 15 7.1 7 Crowder .•..••....••.•.•...•.•..........••••••••••.•..••••...••.•. 15 7.18 Sanders .....••........ ' .•....•..........•.•••..•..•.•••••.•.•...... 15 7.19 Scissor Lifts . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • . . • . . . . • • • . . • . I 5

8. Cooperage Machinery ...............•...•.........•••..............•.•.... 16 8.1 General ....•..••.•...•.•..•....•........•••..••.••....•........... 16 8.2 Saws .........................••.................................. 16 8.3 Stave and Heading Planers (Single and Double Heads) ...•.................... 16


8.4 Stave Jointing Wheels •.••••.•••..•.•.••••.•••.....••• ' •••••••.••••...• 17 8.S Guarding of Heading Jointer lind Doweler Machine (Wheel) •..••..••.•.•...•.• 17 8.6 Guarding or Heading Rounder •..••..••••..••••...••..•..•..•....•.•.... 17 8.7 Gwrding of Power Windlass Machi~e •.•.•.•.....•.....•....•....••...... 17 8.8 Crozing Machines (Stationary Heads) .....•..••..........•............•.. 17 8.9 Guarding of Gear·Driven Heading·Up Machines ....•.... '.' .....•............ 17 8.10 Guarding of Head.Charring Machinc ...•..........•...................... 17 8.11 Bilge. and Head·Truss Hoop Ring·Removing Machines ...........•..........• 17 8.12 Guarding of Hoop Elevators and Conveyors •.••.••..•...•..•••...•........ 17 8.13 Guarding of Barrel.Sanding Machine ••.•.•.•....••......•.•••••.•........ 17 8.14 Hoop Drivers and Trussers .•.••...•...••....••..•..•......•••..•••.... 17 8.15 Head.Sanding Machinc ..••....••....................•.....•........... 17 8.16 Hand Jointcr .....•.....................••............... , , .•... , ... 17 8.17 Hoop-Punching and Coiling Machine ...•.•...•.. , ...... , ...• , .. , •.....•. , 17 8.18 Hoop·Riveting Machine ..... , ................. , ..... , ..........•...... 17 8.19 Guarding of Hoop Flaring and Expanding Machinc ............. , , .. , ... , , . , , 17 8.20 Bung.Boring Machinc. , ...... , ....... , , ............................... 17 8.21 Hogs ............................................................. I H 8.22 Blower. Collecting. and Exhaust System~ ................................. IH 8.23 Dusl Bin ......... , ................................................ IM

9. Operating Praclices ....................................................... 18 9.1 Inspection and Mainlcnance ........................................... I H 9.2 Sclccliunur Machines. Tools. :lI1d Equipmcnt .............................. H! 9.3 Opcration of Machines. Tools. and Equipmcnt ............................. 18 9.4 Personal Protective Equipmcnt ................. , ....................... 19 9.5 Occupational Nuise Exposure .................................•........ 19 9.6 Respiratory Prutcclion ....•.......................................... 19 9.7 Scleclion and Training of Operators ................................ , .... 19

10. Revision of Amcrican National Standards Referrcu to in This Doculllent. ... , ......... 19

Appcndix ...........................•..................................... 20


() .~----~/


American National Standard Safety Requirements for Woodworking Machinery

I. General

1.1 Scope. Spcdlications for the safe installation. oper· ation. and l11aintcnunee "f woouwurklng IIllu:hincry and acccssory equipment. incluuing cuuperage and vcncering opcra tions.

1.2 AI,plication and ElI:ceptions. The puqlllse of this stanuaru is In prnviue rcasonable safety I'm life. limb. ;lIld Iwalth.

NOT!'.: It I' 'UI\~~SI~d Ihal. \\'h,'1\ ~"'ell\lt'n' aIL' .. ,keu. II ... ... nfuI':III~ alllllllril~' .·nn~ull \\'111t tin' ('UIII 111 II I.·.· UII Sa"~I)' ('lid.· rnr Woud,,· .. rkint! Madlln,·r)·. In .... ,. ..... lit,' AlllcliL":1II Natiunal SI~lIdall.h Inslilutc. 14:10 IIrlla(\\\·a\·. N~w 's' urI.:. N. Y .. lOOt K. Such ':UII~lIllaliulI will lend Iu hlmp ;lhuUI ulli""1I1I aplllu.'alilln uf II", ,Iandaru and will kL"'P IltL' Cllllllllill,·C in· furnwd or crilll:i~lII~ whieh \huLild II<! cUlIlidclCd.

2. Related Standards

This stanuaru is intcllucd 1'111 usc in ~Illljtlll~tillll with thc following Amcrican N;ltillnal Standarus (scc Sectiull 10):

Al1lcrkan National Standaru I'ra~tkc fill Inutlstrial Lighting. AII.I·I%5 (RIl)70)

Amerkan National Stlll1dard Safety ('lIue fur th~' lise. Care and I)rotcclilln of Abrasivc Whecls. B7.1· )1170

Amcrican National Standard Safcly (mlc I'm Mechanl· cal Pnwer·Transmission Apparatus. 1115.1·1953 (lU 95H)

Amcrlcan National Standard National Electrical Cude. CI·1971

Amcrican National Standaru National Elcctrical Safety ('nue. C~

Al1Ieric;t1l National Standard SlIfety Rcquircmcnts for Sawmills. 0 :2.\·\1./69

American Natio:lal Standard for the Installation and Operation of Pulveri/.eu·Fucl Systems. Z I :2.1·1961

American National Standard Codc for thc Prcvcntion of Dust Explosions in Woodworking and Wuod Flour Manufacturing Plants. ZI:!.:W·I962 (RI%9)

Amcrican National Standard for thc Installation uf Blower and Exhaust Systcms fur Dust. Sluck. and Vapor Rcmoval or Cunvcying. Z3.t 1·1 % I


Americlm Natinnal Standard for Vcntillition Control or Grinding. Polishing. and Buffing Operations. Z43.1· 11)66

Al11cricllll Natinnal Standard Safety Color Code for Marking Physical Hazards and thc Idcntilication of Ccrtain Equipment.Z53.1.llJ71

Americlll1 National Stanuard Practicc fur Occurational and Euucational Eye and Facc Protcction. ZH7 .1·1 %8

American National Stanuard Practiccs for Rcspiratory Pwteetioll. ZXX.:!· I 961)

American NatillIHl1 Standard Safcty Requircmcnts for Inuustrialllc:lu Prntectinn. Z89.1·1969

3. Definilions

point of operation. The terlll "roint of operalion" shall be undcrstlludtu mcan that puint at which culting. lihll!,ing. buring. or forming is lIccllmplishcd IIpon tlte shIck.

\lu~h block. The tcrlll "push hlock" shall mean a short hlo~'k of wlIlIlI. pTIlvidell with a handlc similar to that or a pl:lllc and a shoulder at the rcar cnu. which is used 1'01 pIIshin~ short stll~'k lIvcr rcvolving eu lIers. (Sc~, AJ of the Appenllix,)

push stick. Thc tcrm "push stick" sh"lImeall 1I narrow strip III' wood ur IIthcr suft matcrial with 1I notch cut illto olle cnu lInu which is used to push short picccs of matcrial Ihrough SaWS.

"shall" Dnd "should." The word "shall" is to be undcr. stoou as mandatory; the woru "should" as auvisory.

4. Plant Layout

4.1 Machinc Layout ( I) Machincs should he arranged ill a manlier thai

will permit an cven now of matcrials and eliminatc backtracking and criss·crossing. Sufficient spacc should bc provided to handlc thc matcrial with the Icast possi. ble intcrfcrencc fruOl or to workmcn or other machines. Machincs shoulu be so placed so that it will not be nccessary fnr an opcralor to stand in or nellr an aislc.



and the layout or machines should allow ror easy main. tenan~c and repair.

(2) Tu prevent overturning or unintenliunalll1(Jve· mcnl. wuudworking machinery shall be firmly secured. Small units shall be secured 10 benches. tables. or slands of adequate strength and design. This rule docs nol apply to porlable hand electric and pneumatic lools.

NOTE: Whcrc:ver rlanliayoul permil5. II IIl.dvjsable to 10ClIl! hCllv)'·duly machinl!s on Ihl! j:round noor.

(3) Machines should be localed, with respect to sources of natural and artiOciallight, so that light of sufficienl intensilY will fall on the work. Supplemen. lary illumination OIl the puint of operation shall be pro. vided where necessary. Direci or renected glare and shadows shuuld he avoided.

NOT!': 1'1" ~I,..dlk rellllm'l1I~n" SC~ AI1I~ric'lII NOilillnal SIan· d .. rLl. I'ral'lin' fur In"II~llIal Lil!hlin~. A 11.1·1965 (H 19701, (!)..oc ,\4.1 (Li(!hllngl nr III.· App.:ndis.1

(4) Provisiun shuuld be made for the removal uf dust. shavings. and waste material. automatkally ur sCllliautlllllalically. if pussible.

NOTI:: I'm srccific requilcl1lcnls. ICC American N~liun:1I SIIII1'

dard. It"gulalhllls fnr Ihe Inslallation lJr Hluwel ~nLl Exhausl SYSICIl1~ fur \)U~I. SIU\:'-. anLi Varur HCllluval1ll C"l1w)'in~. Z.lJ.I·1961.

4.2 Floors and Aisles 4.2. I Floor Maintenance. All nuors shall he kepI in

good repair and shall he free frum prulruding nails. splinters. holes. uneyellllcs. ... luose boards. Dl\d uther tripping ha1.ards.

4.2.2 Nonslip Floors. Fluurs ill the wmking area ahout all womJwnrking machines shall be providl'd with cffe.:tive means to prevent slipping. (Sec A4.2.2 uf the Al'l'clldix for suggestions for nonslip noms.)

4.2.3 Aisles and Walkways. Aisles and walkwOlys shuuld be as s\rai~ht as pussible. with ~urners fllunued lH diagunal. Aisles for one·way traffic shall he not less than the width uf the widest vehicle or load, plus three feet. For two·way traffic. the minimum width of aisles shall be not less than twice the width of the widest vehicles or luads. plus three feel. Lines marking aisle· ways shall be painted on the noor. or some similar method employed to mark them.

S. Machines lind Equipment

S. I Machine Construction, Drive. Feed. Speed, and Control (See AS.I of the Appendix)

5.1.' Machine Construction (J) The heighl of a table, working surface, ur


machine shall be related 10 the worker. Either the equipment shall be adjustable or the worker provided wllh a means to Idjust to Ihe equipment. (See AS.I.I of the Appendl" for a gUide.) I)rovlslons shall be made so that large or unwieldy material can be handled in a safe manner.

(2) Each machine shall be deSigned, cons!rucled. and mounted in a manner which will eliminate hazard· ous vibration at any operating speed while using any tool designed for the machine.

(3) Arbors and mandrels shall be constructed so as to have nrm and secure bearing and shall be free from excessive end·pla)' Ihal would cause a condition hazard· ous 10 workmen.

(4) Band·saw wheels shall be designed and manufac· tured sn that Ihey will be capable of withslanding Ihe strains imposed. Band wheels seven inches or more in width shall have a minimum rim thickness of S/K inch if l11ade or ~ast iron ur I/'J. inch if of cast steel. except fur a distance nlll 10 excced one in~h frum either edgc.

C 5) Where employees arc ex posed 10 their autolllatic cUI·tlff saws that stroke continuously. wilh· out the operatur being ahle 10 control each stroke. shall not be IIscd.

(6) Saw frames slullI be pruvideu with permanenl means III limit the siz~ of th~ S:IW that can be llluullted.

(7) Fences. material guides. and spreaders shall be designed and cunslructed in a manner which :!lInws Ihel11 tn be pmperly secured In the lable or table assem· bly and tu remain in alignmenl wHh the cutting blade. Fences. male rial guides. nnd spreauers on CUlling mOl'

chines Wilh tilting lahles or lilting arhms shall also remain in nlillllll1cnt with Ihc CUlling bl:lde in any pusithlll,

1M) Gruoves \II' Itacks fur sli~ing ll1:!terial guides shall,he :lccuflllely machined parallel III insure :!lign. Illcnl with Ihe blade I'm all pOSitions of the gUide.

(9) lIinged (If tilling lables shall be so construCleu Ihal the table ~an be firmly secured in thc desired pOSition ami in alignment with the CUlling tool.

5.1. 2 Machine Drive (I) Whenever possible. driving powcr for wuudwork.

ing machinery should be prrlvitled by individuaillmtur or IllUlurs IIlllunled 011 the machine. or on a separ:llc base adjacent \\1 thc machine. All bells. pullcys. gears. shafts. and lither moving parIS shall he guarded in accmda~cc wilh the specine requirements of American National Standard Sarely Code for Mechanical Powcr· Trunsmissilln Apparatus. 1315.1·1953 (I{ 195M).

(2) meclfically driven wliodworking machincry shal~ be grounded in a~cordancewilh Allleril;an National Slanu:ud Naliunal Electric:!1 Code. C 1·1971.

(3) Elich power.driven wllodworking machine ~hall

be provided with a positive discunnect from the lIuurce or power which cun be secured III Ihe uff p()Silinll.

(4) Exposed non·current·currying me till, purts uj' portable eleclrlc equlpmenl operated at more Ihall SO valls to ground shall be gmundellllccording to the re· qulrements of American National Standard Natiunal Electrical Code. C 1·1971. For purposcs of Ihis rule. uny cor~·c{)nnecled and plug.connected equipment shall be considered portable.

(S) Hand·held, power.driven touls shall bc provided with "dead man" control, such as a spring'lll:tuated switch. valve. or equivalent devicc so tlHlt the power will automatically shut off or disconnect whenever the operalor releases the wlllml.

S.1.3 Machine Control (I) Each machine. whelher mechanically or elec·

trically driven. shall be provided wilh a device which will make it pOSSible for Ihe oper:llur 10 cui urf Ihe pllwer supply 10 Ihe machine withoul ICllYing his nor· 1,11alllperaling posiliull.

(2) On machincs driven by bclts ami shafting. helt shiflers shall be easily accessible. prolecled frolllllcci· denial conlacl. ;lIld within re;lch of the operalor. They shull be eqUipped wilh :1 locking device III prevent lIccidcntal shining.

(3) Electrically driven equipll1ent shull he controlled with magllelic swilches IIr olher devices which will pre. vellt autllinulic restarting of Ihe IIla~hine :Ifter a power failure. if automatic restarting"f the machine would creale a huzard.

(4) On equipmcnt which lIses steam. air. hydnllllh:. tlr a puwer source other thun electric, Ihe valves \If

power supply COlltruls shull aUlUllullically he positioned to OFF when the sourcc or power is interrupted. in order \U prevcnt aUlolllatic rcstarting or cllmplction of

the cycle. (S) Power controls and operating COil troIs shall be

located within eusy reach of the opemlur while he is :It his regular work localinn. They shall be pusitiolled su as to muke it unnecessary for him III reach owr a hazurdous area to actua Ie I he con I rol.

(6) On machines operated by electric 1l1lltIHli IH

other sources uf power. Jlusitive ll1eall.~ of IllCkllUI shall be provided for rendering such cuntrols or devices in· operative while repairs or adjustmellts arc being made III the machines they control,

(7) Each operating control shi.lll be protccted ag,ainst unexpected or accidenlal activuliun.

5.1.4 Self·Feed. Fceder attachn.lcnts. such as feed rolls. chains. sprockcls. gears. Of uther l\Ioving parts which crealc a hilzard shull be adequately safel-\uurded.

5.1.5 Speeds. The operaling speeds shall he etched



lIf ulhcrwise pCrJnalu:,llly marked un all circular IlUW

blades anti Illtallllot bioi run at U tll"llltllll cKc01l1l uf '"u' rceummendud hy the lIIanuruclllrllr. frur billde' wlthllut a lIIanul'lIcluror's recollllllendatiun. IICC A~.1.5 or the Appendix.

6. Woodworking Machinery

6.1 Circular. Rip, Crosscut, Resaw. and Swing Cut·Off Saws

NOTE: II is rCcnl!ni1.~cJ Ihal Ihc ~llIndurd5 fllr sal\' l!1J:lld5 in Ihh sect inn :ltC nnt universally a\'plil'ablc to ull uperatlons I'm whil'h suws :IIC uSl·d. The slund:uds !liven arc thoSt' whit'll arc J!"nelally a"~cl'lell ill Ihe inllllslry. Since th,'re alc a 11111111\\"1 lIf silualinns nnl s:lli~"""llIIily covered hy Ihese slalldards. Ihc l'lIfllll'inl! aUlhorilY should excrl'ise lalilude in :llIo\\'inl! Ihe usc or lIlher dcviccs whiL-h afford adequal': prllICl·linn.

6.1.1 Guarding of Saws Benealh and Ilehind Tables. The exposed portiun "I' the saw blade eilher bcncath or behind Ihe tahle shall he covered with an exhallsl hood. ur with :1l-\IJ:lrd or olhcr :lrranl-\ellleni Ih:ll shull he so :manged as 10 prevcnl :1I:cidenlal cOlilill:t wilh the blade.

6.1.2 Bund-Fed Ril' Snws ( I) bdl I.'ir~·lIlar hand·red rip saw shall he pl'lIviLleu

wilh a hood.lype Illiard Ih:lt will cliver Illl' hl:.Ilh: :It :111 limes when 11\1. ill II~. This may he :Iccolllplisheu hy the USl' or II j.\lIaru whkh \vill all IOll1atically lIujuSI 10

the Ihkkllcss III' Ihe IIwtel'jlll hcinll cut. IIr hy .. ri."l·d III

ll1allll:llly·adjusted guard. If a fixed \11' 1I1:lI1ll;lIly· adjllstt:d ~u'Hd is ust:d, Ihe space hl"WCl'll 'he blllhllll "I' the Iluard alilithe nWINial being cut shull nol exceed JIX III' un in~h If 1·1 I~ Indws (If more from Ihe hhlde. and 1/4 inch if cluser Ihall 1·1/ ~ inches.

(2) When in usc. 'he houd·type gu:ltd shull enclose that purlilln uf the blade abuve the material.

(J) Huod.type guards shall he so designed and Cllll' structed as III resist blows and SltilillS inch.lelltal til reasulluhle uperal iOIl. udjusling, :lIId Iwndling, ill littler III protecl Ihe openlllH rrmn nyil1ll splinters ami broken saw leeth.

(4) The hUllo shall be so lIIuullled as til inslIl'!! Ih:1I ils opera lion will be positive. rcliahle. anLl in alignlllent with 'he S:IW. Thl' mounting shall be adequllie 10 resisl :II1Y rcitsllllithle silk Ihrust or other fmce Ihal wuuld disrupialignllleni.

(5) Where it hnnd.lype guard cannol be uscd because Ill' unusllill slwpes or ClItS. :I jig or l'ixlure which will pwvide e4u(I\ safelY I'm the llpCrutur shall be uS\!d. On the completiun of slIch operiltiuns. the guurd shall be illlntediiliely replaced,

(ll) A push slick shull be used when clIlling short ur narrow l\hlCk.

(7) Ea~h hund-fed cir~lIlal' rip SlIW shall be equipped


with II spreadcr 10 minimizc Ihe possibility of material the saw or of material kickbacks. The sprcader shall be Illude of tempered sleel. Of its Cllulvu. lenl. and shull he slighlly Ihlnner Ihan the laW kerf. It ' shall be Clf sufflcienl width to provide adequate stiff· ness or rigidity 10 resisl any reasonable side thrust m blow lending to bend or Ihrow it OUI of position. The spreader shall be attached so that it will remain in true alignlllent with Ihe blade. even when either the saw or

, Ii,lble is lilted. and should bc placed so that there is not I11me than 1/2·inch space between the spreader and the back of the blade when the recollImended saw blade Is in its II\llximull\ "up" posiliun. If a blade smaller than the llIaXilllUllIl1ermissihle si1.e is used. the spreader shall he muved tn within I/~ inch lIf blade. The provisionuf a lipre:lder in connectiun with groClvinl:\. d:ldoing. ur rabheting is nllt re(luired. On the cOll1pletilln of such uperatillns. Ihe spreader .shall be hnilledialely replaced.

(H) E:II:h hand-fed circular rip saw shall be proVided with unlikickbad; devices so I\lCaled as lu oppose Ihe Ihrusl or lendency uf Ihe saw blade lU pick up Ihe 1lI:llerial or Ihruw it back loward Ihe "pcraWr. They shall he designed III provide holding pllwer fur allihe IhkkllCSSCS IIf material bcirS cuI.

6.1.3 Hand-Fed Crosscul Table Saws (Including Trimmer Saws)

( I) Each circul:u CruSSClI\ lahle saw shall he g\larded hy a hood which shallmcctallihe requirements Ill' this secliun fur hoods,

(~I Ea~h circular crosscUI saw shall ul5(1 be provided wilh :1 spreader which shall llIeel Ihe rC<juirel1lcllts IIf 6. J.2 (7),

6.1.4 Revolving MUltiple Arbor Saws. Revlllving multiple arbm saWs shalt be fully guurded in accord,lIlI:e wilh ulllhc requirements of Ihis seclion.

6.1.5 CIrcular Resaws ( I ) Euch circulur rcsaw shull be guardcd by a hUlld

or shield above the saw Ihal lUeelS all requircmcnls Ill' Ihis section.

(2) Each circular resaw (other than self·feed saws with a roller or wheel at back of the saw) shall be pm· vided with a sprcader fastened securely behind the saw. The spreader shall be slightly Ihillner than Ihe saw kerf.

6.1.6 Sel (-Feed Circular Saws ( I ) HUllds--ln addition to guards ovcr blades as

specified in Ihis seclion. feed rulls shall he prolected hy a huud or guard til prevent Ihe hands of Ihe opcrator I'rlll1l coming in conta~t at any point with Ihe inrunnlng roll nil" The bottom of the guard shall cOllie dllwn tu within JIM inch uf Ihe plane formed by Ihe bottum or wurking surfaces of the feed rulls and be at least 1-1/2 inch frum Ihe nip poinl. This dislance (3/8 inch) may he increased til 3/4 inch. provided Ihe lead edge of the hood is eXlendcd III be n(ll less Ihan 5-1/2 inches in


front of thc nip point bel ween the front roll and the work.

(2) Anllkh:kbu~k l>OYI~IIA ... UII&:h lelMood Illtc:ullir ,II" SIIW shull be provided wllh sectionalllntlkickbuck dc. vices for Ihe full widlh of Ihe feed rolls. They 'shall be located in front of the saw blade and so arranged as to he in conlinual contact with the stock being red.

6.1.7 Swing Cut-Orr Saws and Sliding Cut-Orf Saws Mounted Above the Table (For Radial Saws. sec 6.1.9)

(I) Hood-Each saw shall be provided with a device Ihat will cOIl1plctely enclose Ihe upper half of the blade. the arbor end. and the point of operation at all posi. lions ot' the suw. Thc device shall be constructed in such a manncr as 10 prolect the operator from nylng splinlers and broken saw leeth. This device shall be so designed Ihat il will automatically cover Ihc lower por. tion of Ihe blade. su Ihat when the saw Is returned 10

the back (If Ihe table. Ihe hood will rise on lOp of Ihe fence. and when the saw is moved forward. Ihe device will drop Oil lop of.and remain in contaci with the lahle or malerial being cut.

(2) t'uuIlIcrweighls,- Each swing cut·off saw shall be provided wilh lin effeclive device III return Ihe saw bl:lde aUlulllalic,llIy Iii Ihe back or the lahle Wilhoul rehound when released al an)" pllinl uf ils Iravel. Whcre the cllunlerweight is cxpllsed til contact. il shall he en­c1used hy " gu:mltu the num ur a S:lfCIY device Ihat will hold twice lhe weightuf Ihe counlerwcight.

(.1) Limit SIOJls-A Iilllit chain ur olher e(IUally el'feclive <1evice shull be pruvided hi prevenl the SOlW

blade frull1 swinging heYlIlll1 Ihe fronl or back edge of the 100ble.

6.1.8 Inverted Swing Cur-Off. Jump Saws, Under· slim,. Saws. A huud.typc guard, us reqUired in 6,1.2 (;1), shall he securely fastened 10 the lable Ihat will cover the blade and shall exlend utleust IwO i"che~ in frunt (If the saw tecth when Ihe blade is in "back" plIsitillll, In OIdlliliun. a I raveling guard slullIlIluve with Ihe blalle over Ihe malerial und cliver Ihe exposed pari of blade uhovc the lIlalerilil. The width or the hood ofjump SOlWS

shall he limited Sit :IS III provide not n",re thull 1/4-1I1ch dearancc 011 each sille of blade,

6. 1.9 Rad ial Saws ( I ) Iloods and Guards-· Elich S:IW shall be proVided

wilh a device IIHlI will clIl11plelely clldllSC thc upper purtiun III' the blade down In a puint Ihat will include the end uf Ihe snW arbur. The upper hood shall he S(I conslructcll III pruteci Ihe uperalm from !lying splin. ters. broken saw leeth. und will deneet suwdust uwuy from the uperator. The 5idcs uf the Illwcr expused por. liun of the blullc shull be guarded tu the full diumcter or the blade by :I device Ihal wili autumalically adjusl ilself tu the thickness of the stuck and rcmuin 111 CUll­

tact wi th stock tieing CIlI.

/---"" \ : ',,-,/

(2) Spreaders-When rudial SIIWS lIFe used fur ripping, II spreader shalt be provided and shall be aligned with the saw blade.

(3) A"tlklckback Dcvlccs-·Anllklckback deviccs located on both sldcs of the saw blade on the out feed side,50 as to oppose the thrust or tendency of the blade to pick up the material or to throw it back toward th(.\operator, shall be used on each radial saw used for ripping. They shall be dcsigned to provide adequate holding power for all the thicknesses of mate­rial being cut.

(4) Adjustable Stops and Return Devlces-(a) An adjustable stop shalt be provided to preven t the for· ward travel of the blade beyond the position necessary to complete the cut in repetitive operations. A limit chain or other equally effective device shall be pro· vided to prevent the saw blade fmlll sliding beyond the edge of table, or extend the tabic to eliminate over·run. (b) Installation shall be in slich II manner that the front end of the unit will be slightly higher thlln the rear, ur other devices installed so as tll callsc the clilling head til return gel1lly III the starting position' when reieased by the operator. CAUTION! Return system shall not allow rebound.

(5) Direction of Feed-Hipping and ploughing shall be against the direction in which the s:rw turns. The direction of the saW rolation shall be conspicuously marked on the hood. In additinn. a permOlnent lahel not less than 1·1/2 inches by 3/4 inch shall be lIrnxcd to the rear of the guard at appruxilllately the level of the arbor, reading as follows:

DANGER: DO NOT FEED MATERIAL INTO CUTTING TOOL FROM THIS END. Such a label should be colored standllrd danger reu Ill'

mange is accordance with American National Standard SafelY Color Code for Marking Physical 1I:lzarus :lIld the Idcntilkalion of Certain Equipmcnt. Z53.1·1971.

6.1.10 Portable Circular Saws. All pottablc, power· driven saws shall be equipped with guurds above lind below the base plate or shoe. The lll'per guurd shall cover the blade to the depth of the teeth, exccpt I'or the mlnimul1l arc required to permit the base til be tilted for bevel cuts. The lowcr guurd shall cuver the blade to the dcpth of the teeth, except for the mini· mUl1larc required to allow proper retraction lind con· tact with the work. Whcn the tool is withdrawn from thc work, the lower guard ~hll\l alltlllml\k:llIy und in· st.lI1tly return to covering position.

6.2 Band Saws and Band Resaws 6.2.1 Enclosing Band Saw Blades. All port ions of

the saw blade shall be enclosed or guarded. except for the working portion of the blade bctween the bollom of the guide rolls and the table. Band s:rw wheels shall



be I'ully encased. "he uulShJe rllrll,her)' or the cnclnsurc shull be snlid. The front and buck or Ihe hund wheels shall be either enclu5ed by sulld I\\uterial or by wire mesh or perforuted metal. Such mesh or perroruted lIletal shall be not less than 0.037 Inch (U.S. Gage No. 20), and the upenings shall be not grellter than 3/8 inch. Solid 1I1l1teriai used for this purpose shall be of an equivalent strength and firmness. The guard for Ihe portion of the blade between the sliding guide and the upper·saw.wheel guard shall enclose Ihe saw blade al the front and outer side. This portion of the guard shall be self.adjusting 10 raise and lower with the guide. The u'pper.wheel guard shall be made to conform to the travel uf the s:rw blade un the wheel. and the top mem· ber 01" the guard should have at least a two·inch clear· unCl' outside Ihe saw blade and be lined with slIlooth material. preferably lIletal. Effective brakes sh:rll be Ilfl)vided In SlOp the wheel in case of hlade breakage.

6.2.2 Tensiun. Each blind saw machine should be provided wil h a lension con tTOI device \0 indh:ate propel tellsion flIT the standard saws used un the machine.

6.2.3 Feed Rolls. hed rolls of hand resaws shall he equipped with glt:lrds tu prevellt the hands of the oper· ator I"rom coming intu contllcl with the roll nip points. The edge of the guard shall come to within 3/R inch of the pl:llle formed b}1 the inside face of the feed rull in COil tact with the stock heing cut and the work table.

6 .. 1 Jointers and Philters 6 .. 1.1 Pllint (If Operation ( I) Each hand· fed "laner ;lIld jointer with horii'.llntal

ur vcrtk:rI helill shall hl' eqUipped with a cylindrical culling head. Ihe knife projection of which shall not exceed I/H inch beyond the cylindrical body of the heau.

(:!I Sqllare clitlin!! hl'ads sh:1I1 not be used. (.I) The opening in Ihe table shall be kept as SI11l111 as

possible. The clearance between the edge of the rear tuble :lIld the clllling head circle or knives shall be not 11I0re th:1O 1/8 inch. The table thron t opening shall be nut l110re than 2·1/2 inches when tables are set or aligned with each other for zero cut.

6.3.2 Automatic Guards ( I) Eaeh hand·fed jointer shall have an autol11atic

guard which will cover all the sectiuns of the CUlling head on the working side of (he fence or gmlrd. The guard shall he designed to prevent accident:,1 contact with the revolving knives and shall automatically lIdjust itself to cover the unused portion of the head and shall remain in conlact with the material at alltil11es.

(2) Each hand·fed jointer wilh hori1.llntal cutting head shall have a guard which will cover the section or the head back of the gage or fence.



6.3.3 Vertlcal·Head Jointers. l~uc:h wllod juinler with veri ical head shllll have either un exhllust hood or Ilther guard su arranged as III enclosc cnmplctely the rcvolvlng head. except for a slot of sllch width as may be neces­sary for the application of the material \0 be jointed.

6.4 Tenoning Machines 6.4.1 Guarding of CUlling Heads ( I) Each tenoning machine shall have all eu t ting

heads. and saws if used. covered by guards. These guards shall cover at leasl Ihe unused pari or'the periph· cry IIf the cutting head.

(2) Where an exhaust syslemis used. Ihe guard mily form part or all of Ihc exhaust hnod.

6.4.2 Feed Chains and Sprockets ( I) Fced chains and spmckcts uf lill double end

tenlilling machines shall be clllllph:lely·cnclllscd. excepl for Ihal portion uf chain used fur cunvcying the stuck:

(~) At the rear ends IIf frames ovcr which feed CUll' veyors run. sprockets and ch"ins shall he guarded al Ihe sides by pliltes projecting heyuml the periphery IIf sprockCIS and thc ends uf lugs.

(31 Where space permits. Ihe rear end uf the frallIe liver which the feed cunveyors run should be su e,,· tended Ihat the material. as il leaves the machine. will be guided tn a poinl within easy reach uf the persnn "taking away" al th~ rear ul' Ihe telluner.

6.4.3 Hand·Fed Tenoners. Hand·fed tenuning IIlll' chilies shall be provided with a clamping or "huld· duwn" device un the fix lurc.

6.5 Uoring and Morlising Machines 6.5.1 Chucks. (,hucks with projecting S4.!t screws

shall nut be used. 6.5.2 Chain Mortiser. The top uf the CUlling chain

and driving mechanism shall be enclosed. 6.5.3 Counterweight!!. Where there is a Cll\l1ller·

weight. suitable means shall be used to prevenl its dropping.

6.5.4 Universal Joints. Universal joints on spindles llf boring machines shall be guarded in slich a way as 10

prevent accidental cuntact by Ihe operator.

6.6 Wood Shapers and Similar Machines 6.6.1 Guarding of CUlling Heads ( I) The cutting heads uf each w()ud shaper. hlllld·f4.!d

panel raiser. or other similar machine nOllllltlllllatically fed. shall be enclosed with 1I cage or adjustable guard SII

d4.!signed as III minimi7.e uperalor contact with culler head. The diameter of circular shaper guaJ'ds shall be greater than the diameter of the cutler. In nu elise shall a warning device of leather or oll,er material bc allached til Ihe spindle.

(2) Cylindrical heads should be used whenever the nature of the work will permit. Single CUller knivcs in



shUI)Or hOlldll Ahull nllt h~ ItA~d ullh~,~~ I,ml,orl), hllllllu:od. (J) Tcmll,III10K. jlgl, lind ""IUfOi wlth:h will rOl1ltlYo

Ilw uperlllllf's hUllds I'ront the Imlnllll' ul)Qrutinn Ihan he uscd whenever Ihe nature IIf the wurk will permit.

6.6.2 Single Slarting and. Stopping Devices. All • double.spindle shapers shall be provWt:d with a spilldle

starting and stopping device for each spindle.

6.7 Planing. Molding. Sticking, and Matching Machines 6.7.1 Guarding of Cunini Heads ( I) Hach planins. molding. sticking. and matching

machine shall have all CUlling heads and saws. If used. covered by II guard 10 minimllo accldenlal contact with thl! CUlling hClld.

(2) Where an exhaust system is used. the guards may form part nr all III' the exhaust IlUUd.

6.7.2 Feed Rolls ( II Feed rolls shall he prnvided with a guard !If hllud

10 minimize uperator contact with the wllllil' points. The guard shall relllain in adjustmenl for any thickness 1\1' stock.

I~) Surfacers or planers lIscd in processing multiple pieces ul' 1I1;lIerhll simull3nellusly shall be provided with sectillnal infeed rolls having sufficient yi'cld in Ihe con· struction of the sectiuns to provide feeding contacl pressure un the stuck. IlYer the permissible range of variation in stllck thickness flir which the machine is designed.

6.K Prufile and Swing.Head uthes (Including Wood Heel Turning Muchines)

6.H.1 Guarding uf Culling Heads ( I) Each prufile and sWing·head la'lhe shall have illl

CUlling heads Cow red by a guard tUll1inimize accidenlal cuntact wilh the culling head.

(2) CUlling heads un wood.turning lathes. whether rotating or nOl, shall be cuvcred us completely liS possi. hie by huods or shields.

(.1) All autumatic wood.turning l11achine~ uf the rUlating knife type shall be equipped with guards ell' closing the culler bhu.les completely. except al the con· tact puints while the stock Is being CUI.

(4) Lathcs used for turning long pieces of WllOd stuck held only between the two centers shall be equipped with long curved guards extending over Ihe lUI'S ur the lathe in order to prevent the work p'iece from being Ihrown (lui of the machine if it shuuld hecume loose.

(5) Guurdll covering the work piece in wood·turning lathes should be so constructed tll permilubscrvallun III' the turning uperations.

((1) Wuml'lurning lathes shall be cqulpped with suc· tillll houds, properly connected III cfl'icient exhaust systems Ihat will remove. a\ their puint of urigin.the chips and (luslS prmluccd.

(7) An exhllUst systelll may fUrlll pari or all or the suard.

(II) Tnol rests shull be !lCl:urely fastened tn avoid accidentalmovelUellt.

6.9 Sanding Machines 6.9.1 Feed Rolls. Feed rolls of self·feed sanding mao

chines shall be protected with a semlcylindrlcal guard til prevent the hands of the operator from coming in contact with the rull nip points. The guard and Its mounting shall be designed to remain in adjustment for uny thickness of stock. The bollom of the guard should Cllllle down tll within J/8 inch of a plane fmmed by the botlulll or contact face of Ihe feed roll where it touches the stuck.

6.9.2 Drum Sanding Machines. Each drulll sanding machine shall have an exhaust homl, or uther guanl, SII

arranged as to encluse the revolving drum. excepl for Ihe wnrking portion of Ihe drum above the tahle.

6.9.3 Disk Sanding ~Iachines. Each disk sanding mll· chine shull have the exhaust huod, or uther guard. so arranged as III enclose the revolving disk, except for thaI portion uf the disk ahllve the tahle.

NOTE: Th" dhlllnC4' belween thc disk and Ihe IlIh"! cd!!&: shall be kCI'1 ~. a minimum.

6.9.4 Bell Sanding Machine!! (I) Dell sanders shall have all pulleys encloscd in·

cluding sides and periphery. This docs twt include Ihe wur king end llf an edge sander. An ex.hausl hood may be part of the gUllrd.

(2) Till: edges uf the unu~d run of the belt shall be guarded.

6.10 Comblnatiun or Univerlilll Woudworking Machines. Fur cumhinatillll UI unlvcrsal wllOllwurklng l11achincs, each Imillt ul' operatlun shall he guurded as specified in the rules nl' this standard fur each separate machine. Such l1\a~hlllcs sl\all be provided with a separate SlOp· ping lind starling devlee at each puint of operation.

6.11 Ruulen. The pulleys, spindles, lind Cll It Inll tuuls shall be guarded. Turn plates, jigs. and fixlures which reqUire the Ilperlllur's hamb til be rCl\\Uvcd from the polnl Ill' opellllllllll1luy be u~d as a I'llillt IIf operation guard.

6.12 Glue SllrcllderH (Feed Roll TYIJC). Where there is a hat.alliin Ihe upcratlll, Ihe feed ruli shall be guarded at all nip poillis. The botIlH.; of Ihe guard at Ihe in·feed ~ide shall collie III within JIM inch of a huri1.0111l11 plane flllllled hy Ihe bo\llll1\ llf cunillci facc of the feed roll and the lUI' surface uf the stuck und at least 1.1/2 Inches away frolll the cunillcl point. It Is recollll11ended thalli reversing bar m switch. or II kickplate be used in additioll to Ihe IIiI' guard.



• 6.13 Guarding Operating Treadles. Uach operaling trelldle IIhllll be c(wefed by II deville wlth:h IllltillltlllllC 10 IIvold IIcllldetllllllu:tlVlIlluH ur ItIPI,IIIS.

6.14 Other Machines Nol EKcluded. The mcnlion or specific machines in b.1 through 6.12 inclusivc, is not Intended to exclude other woodworking machil1cs from the rcquirement that suitable guards and exhaust hoods be prOVided. Reduce 10 a minimum the hazanl due III the poin~ of operation of such machines.

7. Veneer and Plywood Machinery

7.1 Steaming Equipmenl and Soaking Pils 7.1.1 Steam Vats and Soaking Pils ( I) Steam vats shall be pmtectcd by standard guard

rails or sidcs eXlending to a height of not less Ihan 42 inches above Ihe noor. working plalform, or gruund.

(2) Large steam vats divided into sections shall be proVided wilh " substantial walkway between sections. equipped with a standard guurdrail on each exposed side. These guardrails may be of the removable type if necessary fm specific opera lions and shall be replaced illlllleliialely fnllowing completion of the operalion.

Non·: I'rllvided Ihe Nile of Slock handled willpcrl11il, il is atlvlsahl~ III k~cl' Ihe size or Ihe val scl'linliS to cight fCl·t or le~s.

7.1.2 Loading and Unloading. Steam vals and soak· ing pits:

(I) The nom s\lrface at Ihe sides being used shall be so conslructed ali to minimize slipping, and all em· ployees wmkins at Ihe vats shall be provided with and shull be required 10 wear foolwear having soles and heels of slich composition as to minimize slipping.

(2) The employee working at a steam vat or soaking pit shall be provided with and ~equired 10 wear a safety belt allached to a lifeline. The lifeline shall be attached to a traveling trolley on a monorail or to a fixed anchorage or similar arrangement. The lifeline shall be permanently adjusted so thai the empluyee, in the event of slipping, falling, or tripping, cannot fall inlo the vat or soaking pit.

(3) Mechanical handling nr conveying equil'mellt shall be provided and so designed that the logs can be removed wilhout requiring manual assistance from an employee al the edge uf the vat.

(4) Safe and adequate means shall he provided for draining the lilJuid. Nu employee shall be permit tcd 10 sland on the vat. and no unloading shall be started unlil the liquid has been drained from the val.

7.1.3 Ventilation (I) Insofar as possible, vats should be located In

buildings, or in special sheds. heated in cold weather 10



keep the amount of steam at a minimum. (2) Adequate means shall be provided for ventilation

of buildings in which steam vats are located. High ceilings with roof ventilators or louvers are desirable. Where. ceilings or roofs a~e low, exhaust fans shall be provided.

7.2 Log Handling Equipment 7.2.1 Cranes, Log Trolleys, Etc. All gears, sprockets,

and other dangerous parts shall be enclosed with stan· dar'd guards. (See American National Standard Safety Code for Mechanical Power·Transmission Apparatus, 815.1·1953 (RI958».

NOTE: Th!! US!! ot' 10111rolleY5 ur cranes is urgenlly recom­IIlcnded ellcepl where Ihe stuck handled is very small.

7.2.2 Barker. An enclusure shall be constructed for the barker operatur to protect him frol11 being struck by flying bark. Similar protection shall be provided for personnel walkways ncar the barker. (Refer to 4.4 of American National Standard Safety ReqUirements for Sawmills, 02.1·1969.)

7 _2.3 Conveyors. Reversing switches shall be pro­vided for conveyors, and such switches properly identified.

7.2.4 Stairways, Walkways, and Ladders. Stairways, walkways. and ladders in and around machinery shall be kepI free of debris, cans. tools. etc. and kept in good repair. Necessary guardrails shall be provided.

7.3 Saws 7.3. J Log Cut·Off Saws. Saws shall be so located as

to give safe clearance for passage when the saw is at the extreme end of the stroke, or if such clearance is not obtainable. the saw and its driving mechanism shall be provided with a standard enclosure.

7.3.2 Circular Cut·Off Saws. The operator shall be provided with an enclosure as protection against saw· dust and flying chips.

7.4 Veneer Lathe 7.4.1 A mechanical lock shall be provided to prevent

the back.up roll from closing until activated by the operatm.

7.4.2 A guard or positive interlock and necessary hydraulic or air controls shall be provided to prevcnt forward movement of the charger. if such movement may be hazarduus.

7.4.3 Positive means shall be provided to hold the head in the open position while servicing the knife.

7.4.4 A protective device for the knife edge shall be provided for use when transporting the knife.

7.4.S Where there is a hazard from "exploding" logs, both lathe operator's and charger operator's stations shall be protected against flying slabs and chips.

14 0876

7.4.6 Means shull be provldQd In knife grlndlna arell to drain cleaning or cooling liquids from the work station.

7.4.7 Knives and other cutting eqUipment shall have planned storage areas.

7.4.8 The area under the elevating ramp (tipple) from the lathe to the stock trays shall be guarded to prevent entrance while the lathe Is in operation.

7.5 Veneer Slicer. Knife shall be guarded at front and rear to prevent accidental contact with the knife edge.

7.6 Veneer Clipper 7.6.1 Clippers shall be provided with a guard on

both in·feed and out·feed sides to protect the operator and helper.

7.6.2 Guarding Operating Treadles. Each operating treadle shall he covered by a device which is adequate to avoid accidental activation or tripping.

7.6.3 Power·Driven Guillotine Veneer Cutters (Except Continuous Feed Trimmers). These shall be equipped with the following:

( I ) A starting device which requires the simultane· ous action lIf both hands to start the cutting motion, and at least olle hand on a control during the complete stroke of the knife; or

(2) An automatic device which will removc the hands of Ihe operator from the danger lOne at every descenl of the blade used in conjunction with one-hand starling devices which require two distinct movements of the device 10 start Ihe cutting motion.

(3) All power.driven veneer cutters shall be so de· signed that the knife positively returns to the starting position after each complete cycle of the knire.

(4) Where two or Illore workers ure employed at the same time on the same power.drlven guillotine veneer cutter equipped with two·hand con trot, the device shall be so arranged that each worker shall be required to use both hands simultaneously on the controls to start the ell !ting motion, and a t least one hand on a. control to complete the cut.

(5) In addition to the brake or other stopping mech· anism. a nonrepcat device shall be provided which will prevent the machine from operating in the event of a mechanical failure.

(6) Where no olher device serves as protection, a gllard running the length of the knife shall be Installed on the in-feed side.

(7) A protective device, such las side shields, shall be pmvi'ded Oil the out·feed side. '

(8) A protective device for' the knife edge shall be provided for use when transporting the knife.

(9) Positive means of opening and locking the con· trol circuit and supporting the mechanism In the "up" position shall be provided for use durind knife changes.

( 10) When the huld·down c:llIl\\lllind the knIfe IIUI In Ilu:ir uPI,errnnsl pn,ilionl, th&: knife edge shall nul ex Icnd helllw the I"wer edge 111'1 he hllld·dllwn cluml',

7.7 Truy SYllte", ( 1 ) The tray 'ystem shall be equipped with controls

al each end so that the system cannol be operated unless b('th switches are In Ihe "on" posilion.

(2) A wulkway shall be constructed the entire length of Ihe truys su Ihal Ihe IUp Imy can be rcached In Ihe eycnl (If II "plug.up" Wilhoul having 1(, climb up the frumes.

7.7.1 Dryer Feed. A standard siairway and calwalk acmss Ihe IrllY lines shall be cnllS\rucledlu pmvide !.afc access In Ih&: event IIf a "plug.up." ;lI\d dryer feed contruls, including a pusitive lock nut, shall be pro· vided at the feeders' statillll.

'.M Veneer Glue Spreaden. Spreaders shall be equipped wilh an allllllllalic reverse devh:e which will work Oil

bUlh 'he in·feetl ami nUI·feed sides, anti 51) anangetl Ihal Ihe spreader will be autumalically reversed in Ihe evenl cllntllcl is made with Ihe device nn either side uf the machine.

7.9 Veneer I)ryer ( I ) Warning signs lin Iluurs and rne;1II11 uf pressure

relief shall be plllvided III prevent injury frum hoI steam. gar.cs. UI slIIuke flllm "\lIlllal operation or nrl: cundlt luns.

(21 Stealll lilies oUlside the dryer whidl may be COli'

tacted by personnel shall be insulated or enclosed.

7.10 Cure Saw and fishtail Saw. Where a band saW is used lu trim panel cOle. II shall he jtuarded in accord· unce wilh I'rllvisillllll of fl. 2.1.

7.1 I HoI Prelili or Vt!neer rres.~ (I) Steam lines which lIluy be contacted by person·

Ilelshall he insulated ur enclosed. (2) Standurd guard rails shall he provided un the

ends of loading lind unloading elevators or hoist platforms or both. (Sec American Nallonal Siandard fur Ihe Installutiun and 0l)erallun uf·Puel SYllel115. 7.12.1·1 \)h 1.1 .

(3) 111)1·pte,~ hulslSlihall be provided with a braking ;md hoh.ling I1\ccl\lllll~1\I which will operate aulolllati· c:llI)' III case of failure of lifting chains or cables.

(4) 011 II hot press eltuipped with an automatic charger. all electrically interlllcked gate or chain shall he provided across Ihe opening hetween the charger Iltll.l the pres~ which. when openetl. will open the cir· cuit tll prevent the charger from lIIoving.

(5) Where Iwu workers arc employed in loading the press, closing contrul devices shall he provided within reach of each wurk stlllioll. !it! Intercunnectetl as lu



roqulre IIIHlvullnl\ uf hulh ll\1"lmlll~ t)POtIlIO Iho IUDIIII, and a quick opening device 'hall be provided al each stallon nn the prCli5 hoisl platform.

(6) Fluor openings on nonworking sides of press and pit shall be prolected with standard guard rails. (Sec American National Standard Z 12.1· 1967.)

(7) Means shall be provided for safe access inlo Ihe press pit, the top of Ihe press, and each side, and a positive means of blocklng up the hoist platform.

7.12 Veneer Strlpsaw. An antlklckback device and hood guard shall be provided as covered in 6.1.2.

7.13 Patch Machine. A guard shall be provided to pre­vent upcrator's hands from entering the punch area, and the fuot treadle shall be guarded as in 7.6.2.

'.14 Veneer Chippers and Hogs ( II The lop feed rull shall be equipped with a guard

and a shield or panel shall be provided on the operator's side tu prevent operator fmm reaching the roll.

(2) Where there is a pussihility of the operator fall· illg intn the opening of a hog or chipper. a lifeline and safety helt shall be provided.

7.1 S Electrunic Laminating Pre!i.~ and Edge Gluer (I) Interlocked gates shall be provided Oil in·feed

ilnd out-feed sides of batch-Iype presses which arc interlocked to prevent power being aClivated until gates arc completely luwered.

(2) Shielding shall be prOVided to prulect against harmful exposure til radiation Ihat may be elllilled.

(.H All weens ami fj\'crli shall he equipped wilh interlucks which will shUI off all power in Ihe evenl they ure removed.

7.16 Edge Gluer Jointer ( I) A barrier shall be installed at Ihe end of a Iravel

of the head h) prevent nylng splinlers from injuring personnel.

(2) A gate shall be installed to prevent access be· tween the edge sluer jointer and Ihe grasshopper, Sl)

arranged thai when Ihe gate is upened, all electricity, air, and hydraulic lines will be shut off and the cylin. ders bled.

7.17 Crowder. A device ~h()lIld be positillned across the front of the in·feed nip poinl, S(l arranged as to shut off the equipment if contact Is made with it.

'.18 Sanders. Wide·belt sanuers shall be equippetl with n()nkickback fingers aml a barrier at the in·feeu siue :Idjusted to prevent mOle thall one pallel entering the sanuer at a lime.

'.19 Scissor Lifts. All scissor IiflS, regardless of size, shall be pruvlded with a mechanical means of support· Ing the iiI" \1\ a raised posilion independent of the



hydraulic system for purposes 01' cleaning and repairs. , ,

8. Cooperag~ Machinery

8.1 General. All bells, pulleys, gears, sharts, and moving parts shall be guarded In accordance with specinc reo quirements or Ihe American National Standard Sarety Code ror Mechanical Power·Transmission Apparalus. BIS.I·19S3 (RI958).

S.l Sawl 8.2.1 Heading Bolt Sawing Machine ( I) Each heading saw blade shall be guarded by a

hood curved 10 Ihe conlour tif the blade. The hood shall cover the saw at least to the depth of the teeth. excepl for thai portion actually used in making Ihe cut. The exhausl hood shall be Sll arranged and maintained as til guard elTeclively Ihe bottum purtion Ill' Ihe blade. The huod shall be madc uf adequale strength to resist strains incidenlalto reasonable operatiun. adjusting, and handling and to prutect the operator frum Ilying splinters and broken sawteeth.

(2) The balance wheel shall be covered 10 encluse the rim and oUlside portion of Ihe wheel.

(3) The swing carriage shall be provided wilh an effeclivc device thai will return the carriage automati· cally tu a position in front or the saw.

(4) A limit stop shall be prllvided to prevent the carriage frul1l SWinging tuu far back and thereby expos· ing Ihe unguarded portiun of Ihe blade lu cuntac!.

8.2.2 Hsnd·Fed Flal Table·Type Heading Saw, The saw hlade shall be guarded by a homl curved lu the CUlIlllur of Ihe blade and 1Il1iunied on the lablc lop ill such II manner as 10 cOll1ple lely cuver the bladc whcn iI is nol engaging Ihe malerial,

8.2.3 Boll Equalizer, Slave, and Heading Saws (Till· illg Table Style)

(I) All heading and slave bull equalizer saw blades shall be guarded by hoods, curve~ to the cllntour of the saWs. The houd shall cover lhe blade al least to Ihe dcplh uf the leelh. except for Ihal purtioll actually llsed illlllaking Ihe cuI. The exhaust hood shall be so arranged and maintained as to guard errectively the hnltmn pmtiun of the bhldcs.

(21 Huods shall be all ached 10 each eml ur Ihe lilting table and shall extend fmward til cover the purtiun or the blades which cannot be enclused by a stationary guard.

(3) A 1i1l1i1 Slap shall be provided to pr~vcnl the table frum coming too far back and thereby exposing Ihe unguarded pori ion of lhe saw blades 10 contac!.

(4) Hydraulically operated saws sholfld he guarded as Ilullined In 8.2.3 (I),



, 8.1,4 P!ll'I'el StllY.e SIWI (Cylindrical Saws) (I) Each machine of this type. shall have the saw

hlade and lhe reyolving pari (head) to whl~h the saw blade II bolted enclosed with a hinged guard to prevent accidental contact, except for-that part of the saw blade immediately adjacent to the carriage, which is the: point of operation of lhe saw.

(2) The exhausl hood shall be 50 arranged and main· lained as to guard effe:clively Ihe boltom portion of the blade. The houd shall be made or adequate strength to resist strains hlcidenlallo reasonable operalion.

S.2.S Hand·Fed Staves and Heading Ripsaws ( I) Each circular hand·fed stave and heading ripsaw

shall be provided wilh a hood· type guard that will covt:r Ihe blade al all times when not In use.

(2) When in usc, the hood.type guard shall enclose Ihal portion of the blade above Ihe lable and Ihal por· lion or the blade above the material by adj~stil1g auto· matically lolhe Ihickness of the l11alerial being cut.

(3) lIouo.type guards shall be so designed and con· slructeu as III resist bluws and slrains incidental 10 rcasun:Jble uperation. adjusting, and handling and to protect the operator from flying splinlers and broken saw teeth.

(4) Each hand,led' circular slave and heading ripsaw shall he equipped with a spreader.

8,2.6 Radial SIIWS. The upper hood shall cOlllplelely encluse thai portiun of the blade down lu a poinl Ihal will include Ihe end ur Ihe SlIW arbor. The upper huod shall be constructed in a manner Ihat will prolect the IIJleralm fflllll l1ying splinlcrs, broken saw teelh, and will dellcci sawdust away frolll Ihe operalor. The sides III' the lower expmed purl ion or the blade shall be guardcd 10 the full diameter of Ihe blade by a device Ihal will aUlol11atically adjusl ilself to Ihe thickness uf stock and remain in conlacl with Ihe srock being cut.

8.2.7 Self·Feed Slave and Heading Equalizer .. Saws ( I ) Self·feed equalizer saw blades shall be guarded

with a huod guard which will cover the top and sides uf Ihe saw blades. The hood shall adjusl itself automati· cally tu Ihe thickness IIr. and remain in contact wilh, the material heing cut.

(2) The homl shall be cunstructed of material suffi· ciently heavy ttl serve as a hold·down device while Ihe slave is p~,ssing bel ween the blades.

(3) The pUrl lUll of Ihe saw blade exlending benealh the urbm shall be enclosed in an exhaust hood and be easily accessible fur changing blades.

8.3 Staye lind Heading Planers (Single lind Double Heads) ,

8.3.1 Guarding or Cutter Heads. The exhaust hood, or oliler guards if IlO ex!laust system Is required, shall he so arranged lind maintained as 10 guurd effectively

against accidt:ntal contact with all cUlling heads and knives.

8.3.2 Point or Operation ( 1) Feed mils, except for such portion as may be

necessary th admit stock, shall be completely enclosed. Sectional feed rolls shall be provided for heading planers. Effective antiklckback device should be pro· vided for all heading planers, regardless of the type of feed rolls. '

(2) Pressure bars or hold·down arrangements shall be provided to assure correct pressure and clearance at all times.

8.4 Stove Jointing Wheels. Requirements for guarding double Independent stave jointer wheels, double jOinter stave wheels. single jointer stave wheels. and all kinds of keg stave jointer wheels arc as follows:

( I) Stave jointer wheels shall be covered on both sides with a removable metal hood connected to the exhausl systel11, excepl for Ihal portion where the stock is applied tll the knives.

(2) A limit stop shall be provided 10 prevent allY pari of the carriage from coming in contact with any Illoving part of the wheel.

8.5 Guarding of Heading Jointer and Doweler Machine (Wheel)

( I) Each heading jointer shall be equipped with a removable guard covering the upper half of the of the wheel, except for that portion where the stock is applied tll the knives.

(2) The lower portion of Ihe wheel shall be guard. cd to prevent accidental cuntact with the knives.

(3) Dowel bit pulleys and belts shall be guarded.

8.6 Guarding of Heading Rounder. The culler head shall be enclosed in a hood all:lched 10 the exhaust system. except for that portion of the CUlling head where the stock. is applied.

8.7 Guarding of Power Windlass Machine. Windlass machines having counterweights shall operate with the weights in a stationary casing. On all machines having a friction gear. the gear shall be properly guarded.

8.8 Crozing Machines (Stationary Heads). Require. ments fur guarding alltypcs of barrel. keg. bucket, tub. and individual stave crUi'.ers. chamfering. and doweling machines arc as follows: Feed chains and sprockets shall be cOl1lplelely enclosed.

8.9 Guarding of Gear·Driven Headlng.Up Machines. Drive gears for the racks shall be cl)lnplelely guarded.



8.10 Guarding of Head.Charrlng Machine. All trip· ping mechanisms shall be completely guarded.

8.11 Bllge.and Head·Truss Hoop Rlng·Removing Machines. Guarding of horizontal and upright.type machines shall be as r ollows:

(I) Bolh eccenlrlc cams and gear works on hori1.On· tal machines shalt be guarded.

(2) Combined ny wheel and gear shalt be completely enclosed.

8.11 Guarding or Hoop Elevators and Conveyors. Lower sprockets and chains shall be guarded by com· plete enclosure to a height of at least seven feel.

8.13 Guarding of Barrel·Sanding Machine. Iklt sanding machines shall be pmvided with guards at each nip point where the slillding bell runs onto a pulley. This guard may he il parl of the exhaust system. The unused run of the smllling belt shall be enclosed.

8.14 Hoop Drivers and Trussers. Requirements for gllardin~ keg hllllpS. tin harrel huups. truss hUops. and huth screw and lack and pinion·type hnop drivers arc ;IS follows: All friction pulleys shall he enclosed by a guard. A hinged gate should be pruvided for that por· tion of the guard covering adjustments to the frictiun blocks.

8.15 Head.Sanding Machine 8.\ 5.1 Hand Sanders. I)urtahle electric hand sander.s

shall be properly grounded. (See 5.1.2 (4) Ilf this standard.)

8.1 S.2 Machine Sanders. The cxhausl hond of auto· matic horizontal disk·head sanders SIHIII he so arranged as to enclosc each disk. except for. that portion neces· sary for. the application of the heads being finished.

8.16 Hand Jointer. All horizontal hand·fed jointers shall comply with 6.3 of this standar.d.

8.17 Hoop.Punching and Coiling Machine. Guarding of horizontal hoop.punching, upright hoop.punching rna· chine and colling machine shall be as follows: Miter gears. spur gears, drive pulley. and pulley for coiling allachment shall be guarded.

8.18 Hoop.Riveting Machine. Guarding of automatic. single. and double hoop riveters shall be as I'lllrnws:·. The balance and drive wheels shall he effectively guarded.

8.19 Guarding of Hoop Flaring and Expanding Ma· chine. Gearing shall be complelely enclosed.

8.20 Bung.Boring Machine. The reamer shall be com­pletely enclosed whcn not engaging thc wood.



H.2t Hogs ( I ) I log Mills shall be so L10slgllud and arranged that

frum no pusillun on the rim of the chute shalliho distance tll the culler knives be less than I'urty Inches.

(2) lIog Feed Chutes shall be provided with suitable and approved baffles, which shall minimize material from being thrown from the mill.

(3) Employees feeding hog mills shall be provided with safcty belts and lifelines. unless guarded.

8.22 Blower. Collecting, and Exhaust Systems. Blower, collecting. and exhaust systems should be designed. constructed and maintained in accmdance with Ameri· can National Standard for the Installation of Blower lind Exhaust Systems for Dust. 5t'lIck. and Vapor Removal or Conveying, Z33.\·\ % I, and American National Standard Code I'or the Prevention ul'Dust Explosions in WOlldworking and Wood Fluur Manufal.'· turing Plants. Z 12.20·19f1:! (R I %~J),

8.2J Dust 8in. All dust stm:lge hins shall bc cquipped willt sidc and tup \;penings fur entrance hy persunllel when "I'unching Down" material that has arched ovcr or /lIust be loosened. Workers required II) enler the bin ror the above reason shall be equipped with an approved airline mask assembly attached to a nxed air supply and an approved safety harness equipped with spark·resistant fillings and lifeline. attended by an Clll'

ployee uu tside the bin.

9. Operating Prlll:liccs

9.1 Inspection and Maintenance 9.1.1 Inspection ( I ) Emphasis is placed uplIn the impmtance uf main·

taining systcl~latil.: inspection of all woodworking ma· dlincs and safety equipment tll assist in the discovery or detectiun of developing defccts and 10 permit their prompt correction. Inspcctions to be performed by a plant safety engineer, forcman. or supervisur. Inspec· tion shall dctermine that safety equipllloot is in work· ing condition and in place. that noise/time exposure levels arc within allowable lilllits. that the machine uperator is properly trained in sare operating proce· dures of Ihe equipment. and Ihal Ihe operator and 111:ll.'hine are equipped with the sarety aCI.'cssories suit· able for the hat-ards of the operation.

(1) Each machinc is 10 bc inspected al least every six munths. and a (rugged) lag or card afnxed to the machine. It shall contain a minimum uf the follOWing: machine number, inspection date. periud ur validity, and Signature or a qualified person familiar with the mal.'hincry.



9.1.2 Maintenance (I) .Dull, bulll), 801. hnl'WI,orl)' l'IIod. ur hnlnoperl),

tenK/ulled ~l.Iwblude. shall hI.! IIl1ilUidlllilll)' ;(!Ii1ilYed I'mm HOfvleo bot'ufo thoy rOllult In Illlullinp IhQ mlliorial 10 stick, jam, or kick back when It Is fed to the saw al

normal specd. Sawblades to which gum has adhered on the sides shall be cleaned before its thickness is approxi. mately t~o.thirds the looth set.h is strongly recom­mended that users obtain and follow instructions. from the sawblade manufacturers for proper maintenance of all sawbladcs. Band saw wheels should be kept clean and fre~ frum accumulations of sal', gum. or resins.

(2) All knives and cutting heads of woodworking machines shall be kept sharp. properly adjusted, and firmly secured. Cutting heads shall not generate sensible vibration. .

(3) Mounted CUlling tuuls or culling tool arbors or hoi h shall be free (lr excessive lateral and radial play. Ilearings shall have proper lubrication.

(4) Sharpening or tensioning of Saw blades ur eu t ters slllll1 be done only by persons of del11unstrated skill in this kind Ill' work.

( S) Cleanliness aruund woodworking machinery is tn he maintained to insure proper functioning of guards. hearings. 111010rs, lind clectrical equipment. and In prevenl generation of nrc hazards.

9.2 Selection of Machines. Tools, and Equipment 9.2.1 Machines ( 1) Work should be scheduled to avoid frequent

adjuslments Ill' l11achines and altering of position of guards.

(1) Machines shall.Jlot he used I'or work beyond the slaled capacity ur usc (Iype operation) as outlined by the machine l1lanufacturer.

9.2.2 Tooill. Nu sawhlade. cUllerhcad.llr tool collar shull he plal.'ed or Il1llunted on a machine arbor. unless the tUlll has heen accurately sized and shaped to fit the arbor.

9.2.3 Equipment and Accessories ( I) Adequate lighting In the work area shall be pro.

vided. (See American National Standard Practice for Industrial Lighting, Al 1.1·1965 (RI970).

(2) Only accessories (or allachmcnts) of the type recommended by the machine manufacturer for use on the machine shall be employed.

9.3 Operation or Machines, ToolN, Dnd Equipment 9.3.1 General. Machine shall not be operated unless

all guards arc in place and in working order. ' 9.3.2 Circular Saws ( I) Cracked sawblades shall be removed from service

and shall not ·be usea until they have been inspected and repaired by a skilled sawsm!th. If a skilled saw-

smith is not available, sawblades should be returned to the manufacturer for welding, slotting or tensioning as required for safe operating speed and service.

(2) Sawblade teeth must have sufncient clearance (set or hollow ground) to prevent burning.

(3) The sawblade .hall be balanced or tensioned or both to avoid sensible vibration and cracking and to be stable throughout the design speed range.

(4) The practice of Inserting wedges between the sawblade and the collar to form what Is commonly known as a wobble saw shall not be permitted.

(5) Push sticks or push blocks shall be provided at the work place in several sizes and types suitable for the work to be done.

9.3.3 Band Saws (I) Before starling a band saw machine not equipped

with a tension indicator. the blade shall be tested for proper tension.

(2) Back thrust shall be adjusted to the normal posi. tion of the saw blade.

(3) To secure satisfactory operation. means should be provided for preventing the accumulation of dust on the rim of band wheels.

(4) Using a small saw for large work or forcing a wide saw to cut on a small radius is poor practice. The saw blade should in all cases be as large as the nature of the work will permit.

(5) Saws should not be stopped too quickly. or by thrusting a piece of wv<'ld ap,ai"o:t Ihe cu Bing edge of the teeth when the power is off.

(6) To avoid vibration. brazed joints sha~l be the same thickness as the saw blade.

(7) Band saw blades shall be periodically examined to avoid use of cracked blades or blades which indicate probability of breakage. '

9.3.4 Jointers (I) The hazard of jOinting pieces which arc too

short is excessive. Minimum length of the piece jointed should be not less than four times the width of the bed opening. Neither half of the jointer table shall be adjusted horl7.0ntally so that the clearance between the edge of the table and the revolving knives is more than 1/4 inch. The knife blade shall be so installed and adjusted that it does not protrude more than 1/8 inch beyond the cylindrical body of the head. Push sticks or push blocks shall be provided at the work place in the several sizes and types suitable for the work to be done.

(2) Except for rabbeting operations. a guard shall cover the unused portion of the cutter head on the working side of the fence (guard shall be checked regularly for proper operation). The unused portion of the cutler head behind the fence shall be appropriately guarded.

9.3.5 Lathes. See A9J.S of the Appendix.

.. d r\ 1


9.4 Personal Protective Equipment 9.4.1 ClothIng. Sce A9.4.1 of the Appendl". 9.4.2 Eye and Face Protection. Eye and Facc Pro·

tection, in accordance with AmerIcan National Stan· dard Practice for Occupational and Educational Eye and Face Protecllon, Z81.1·1968, shall be provided where there is a reasonable probability of injury that can be prevented by such protection. In such cases. employers or educational authorities shall make con· veniently available suitable protectors (devices). and employees or students shall use such protectors.

9.5 Occupational Noise Exposure. Protection against the effects of noise exposure shall be proVided when the soundtlevels exceed the latest state or federal regu­lations or both and any American National Standards pertaining to noise requirements.

9.6 Respiratory Protection. (See Section 7 of American National Standard Practices for Respiratory Protection, Z88.2.1969.) In the control of those occupational diseases caused by breathing air contaminated with harmful dust, (ogs. fumes. mists, gases, smokes. sprays. or vapors. the primary object shall be to prevent atmos· pherlc contamination. This shall be accomplished as far as feasible by accepted engineering control measures (ror example. enclosure or confinement of the opera­tion. general and local ventilation. and substitution of less toxic materials). When effective engineering con· trois arc not feasible. or while they arc being instituted. appropriate respirators shall be used pursuant to the following requirements:

(I) Respirators shall be provided by the employer when such equipmellt is necessary to protect the health of the employee.

(2) The employer shall provide the respirators which arc applicable and suitable for the purpose intended.

(3) There shall be regular inspection and evalulltion to determine the continued effectiveness of the program.

9.7 Selection and Training of Operators. Before a work· man is permilled to operate any woodworking machine. he shall receive Instructions in the hazards of the mao chine and the safe method of its operation. Refer to A9.7 of the Appendix.

10. Revision of American National Standards Referred to in This Documcn t

When the standards referred to in this document are superseded by a revision approved by the American National Standards Institute. the revision shall apply.


, .

Appendix CThl~ ApJ'I!ndlll 15 not a part of Anlllrican Nalinna' Standllrd Sal'l!ly Rl!lllIlrllmenl_I'or Woodwurklng Machin· ery, 01.1·1971. but is included for informatiun purpo~~ only ••

The sect;ollS and subsectiom of this Appe"dlx are III,mOOred to c(J"espOlld with those o/the standard. Since appendix maler;al',as "ot been prollided for ellery item of Ihe standard. the nllmbering of this Appendix i.f noncrmsec:lltille.

Al. Definilions

Push hluc:ks shuuld be al leasl 3/H.inch thick, if made (If hardwood. or 3/4·inch thick. if made of suftwood. Wherever space permits. Ihe block should be alleast 10 inches hy 6 inches so as 10 give prolection to the hand pushing down on th" work,

A4.1 Machinc Layout Operator Space. In order to give c:lch llperalur suffi·

dl'nt space in which III handle the material with the h:asl possihle inlerference from ur tl.lother workmen IJr IIl(H:hines. il is suggesled 111011 Ihe rollowing comli· lions hc m;lilllained:

( I) For rip ami crosscut bench ur lable saws. the minimul1l dislance or clearancc on cach working side Ill' the saw table shuuld be equal In three feet more than Ihe lungesllIlalerial halidled.

In a production shop which uses jigs alld fixtures. dcfinile space eilher at the saw or in a storeroom shuuld be pruvided fur sioring these fixlures.

It is alsll important in the location (If a rip saw III he sun: Ihat nil uther cmpluyee is regularly working in line with the saw where he might be hil by material in case of a kickback. I f it is necessary til locale a Illu.chine in such a pusitiun. a heavy lUetal or plank harrkade should be erecled 11l1,mlect the workman.

(~) For band saws, the minimum distance ur clear· ance on three sides of the lable should be equal to a drcle wilh the puint uf operation of Ihe saw blade as a center and a radiUS equal 10 Iwice the diameter Ill' the band wheels.

(J) FlIT jointers. Ihe minimum distance ur clearance should be at·least three feet greater Ihan the length of Ihe lungest material worked un the machine.

(4) Fur shapers. Ihe minimum distance or c\earunce should be at leaSI three feet greater than the lungest dimension or the material worked Oil the machine. 1\ is vilally important to buth safelY and productiun tll protect shaper operalors ffllm interference. To this end. shaper lIlachines should be so scI Ihal the operalor . fm;es Ihe aisle and is protected al the h:lck by a partl' I ion or railing.

Lighting. Proper lighting is of vital importance. II is ,I widespread helier anlung men experienced in ucddent· prcwnliol1 worK Ihal improper IighI il1j.\ is a factor in



perhaps 25 percent of all avoidable accidents in the country, Too much light is often as bad as insufficient iJlurninution. •

American National Standard Practice tor Industrial Lighting. A I' .1·1965 (R I (70). gives values of intensl· tics. It is also important that proper attention be given to the maintenance (If all lighting eqUipment. for example. cI.eaning and adjustment of reflectors. Dust (Iccumulated on the lamp bulbs quickly cuts down the inlensily (If t he light. Makeshifl renectors, or those whuse ad.iusllllent has been impaired. have a lendency 10 spuilthe efficiency uf any carefully worked out Jighiing system. Hecenl investjgalions indicate Ihat the color (If ceilings. walls. noors, and equipment has a definite bearing on Ihe absorption of light and Ihe :II1IOunt of energy required for Ihe seeing task. In gen· eral, it is suggested Ihat preference be given to culors which ahsurb less light and that important or danger· ous parts (If equipment be in a cnntrasting color in urder thai they will be seen easily.

1\4.2.2 Nonslip Floors. Suggestions for treatment of smuoth slippery noors about woodworking machines:

( I) Paint the Ilour with glue or paint and throw on sharp sand or abrasive grains and. after Ihe glue or paint has set. remove the material which docs not adhere.

(2) Some manufacturers now make n paint which includes an abrasive. making it nonslip.

(3) If a nonslip platform,mat. or other nonslip malerial is placed aboul Ihe machine, the edges should be beveled to not more than 1/8·inch high atlhe point or edge of the bevel, or Ihe noor should be recessed so that the material will be flush with the floor. Excellent maintenance tn avuid tripping hazards Is essential.

(4) Woud chips and sawdust, particularly on top of a wouden 110m. may in themselves cause a slipping or a tripping hazard. The continued rubbing or sliding of chips and sawdust over a wooden noor may also cause the noor itsclr 10 become very smooth and slippery. 1\ is Iherefure important that proviSions should be made for collecting chips or sawdust so that they will nut get on Ihe 110m. or the noors should be thoroughly cleaned al frequent periods.

AS, I Machine Construction, Drive. Feed. Speed, and Control. In order tu attain the safest and Illost efficient

opcralion. the proper type oj' saw blade should be used for plastics. plyw(}ods and synthetic boards.

AS.1.I Mnchlne Conslrucllon. For maximum effi· ciency. it is recommended that for operators of average stature. the height of the table or pOint of operation above the noor for various machines be approximately as shown in Table A I.

Whenever machines arc used by persons of other than average stature, sultuble adjustments should be made In the heights speclOed In Table A I.

Table AI Recommended A bove·Floor Height

for Table or Point of Opera lion


('ill'ulal S:IWS Olalll.l fed) {,ir~ulal Saw~ (I'"wel fedl Band 5aw5 ShupI!l% Joinlen Lalhclo Sandcl~ "-adial Arlll Saw5


:It. inches 32lnchc5 4b indlcs 3& Inche~ 33 InchcK 4t inchc~ 36 inchc5 39 inchc~

NOTE: Ilc1llhb arc Iccllml1lcndcd by Ihe fllllowlnll: DAMON. A.; STOUI>1'. II. W.: and McFA"-LAND. It. A. rill' Human 80d,v ill Jo:quilJIllf'1I1 DeSQt,II. Cambridl!l'. Massuchu~II~: Harvard Unive/silY !',CU. 1966. MORGAN. Co T.: com:. J, S.; (,IIAt'ANIS. A.: lind l.UNI>. M. W. lIumall /:'/lxillrrrinK Gllidr 10 /:'qlli/JIIlrlll /)r:siKII. New Vork: McGra ..... ·lliII Uuuk COlnlluny. Itw. 1%3.

A5.1.5 Speeds. III the absence uf specifications by the saw blade manufacturer. Table A2 shows revolutions per minute fur various speeds of saws when the periph. eral speed is J 2 000 feet per minule.

Table A2 Saw Speeds at 12 000 Peripheral fllmin

I)iurnel",r 1(lIIin

II inches 5729 9 inchcK S(J93

10 illchc~ <1511<1 121nchcs ]1120 1<1 illChcK 3274 16 inches 2865 111 inch,'~ 2546 20 in~hl!s 2292 22 inches 2083 24 illl'he, 1910 2b inches 1763 28 indIes 16)7 30 tnche~ 15211

A6.1.2 Hand.Fed Rip Saws Circular.Saw Hood Mountings. Saws are used for so

many operations that it is doubtful if anyone type Ill'



mounting will fll all possible conditions. For efficiency and serviceability of the guard, mountings arc recom· mended"ln the following order:

(J) Huod mounted on spreader at tached to thmat piece (throat piece should be locked in position)

(2) Other spreaders attached 10 framc. carriage or

table (3) Arm mounting attached to table or frame (4) Cellins. side·suspension, m noor·stand mount·

ings should be used only when other Iypes of moun ling are impractical

Discussion of Mountings (I) If the hood is mounled on spreader. it can be

used even if IlHllerial being cut extends heyond Ihe sides of the saw table. b\1I this mounting is nnt practi· cal for grOOVing. dadoing. or rahbeting operations,

(2) If the hood is mounled Oil an arm allached III the side of the tublc. il can be used on 1110st grooving. dadOing and rahheling operations. \)UI Ihis arm will restrict Ihe siZl' of work thilt can he Cllt un that side of Ihe table.

(3) The design aOlI quality of malerial used will alsu affect the alllullnt IIf supervision nceded tu be sure that the guards are properly used. Attachments shuuld be such Ihill it is easy 10 allach the mounting the right way m in the tight pushion. but, at the same lime, difficult or il1lp()~sible to attach it the wrong way or out of line with the saw. If counlerweights arc lIsed 10

make it easier I'm Ihe workman to lift Ihe huod. then exira supervisillll Illay he requircdtll see thai the counterweight is nlll illlered or adjusted to keep thl: hood in a rilised position al illI tillles.

(4) II will be an alhleJ advantage in sOllie uperations if the huod and l1l11untillg can be designed so that the hood will prevent the malerial being cui from being r:lised off Ihe table by Ihe upward force or Ihe saw in case uf pinchinG or binding befme material rellches the spreader.

(5) for tilling·arbor or 1lIllng·lllble saws, the hnod should be moun led un Ihe saw framc or carriage so that the hUl)d will remuin in linc with the saw when the saw or table is tilled lit an angle.

(b) For multiple saws such as saws, hoods should be moun Ie!! so Ihal they will be adjusted to true alignmcnt with the saw whenever the lucatiun of the saw is changed. When these machines lire provided with individuall1lolors for each saw. the hood should be mounted to the same frame as the 1110tor Sl) thaI il will automatically mllve with each new locatiun of the saw.

Circular·Saw Spreaders. Each spreader should he Sll

shaped on the side loward the saw thllt it will follow the curve of Ihe saw uppruximately and shuuld be 1101



less Ihall .1., /2 inches wide III Ih.: lev'" of 1111: luhle. In slime special cases. Ihis widlh cannol be nhlalnetJ. hUI il shlluld be tllIl less Ihall 2 inches.

The value or a spreader depends (In ils Illcalion direclly hehind Ihe saw. If a saw machine is regularly used wilh :1 S:IW hlade smaller Ihan Ihe maximum size permissible Oil Ihe machine. seriuus cUlIsideraliun shuuld be given 10 Ihe possihility uf lucating Ihe­spreader within 1/1 inch of the clearance "I' the saw blade regularly used on Ihe machine. even thuugh this would require moving the spreader if the machine were to be used for the maximum si1.e saw.

The design of the spread.:r mounling shuuld provide for case in aUaching Ihe spreader ill the currect IOC(ltilln and should make it diff1cult (If impossihle til mount Ihe spreader in all IIlcnrrecl ur d(\np.efllll~ posit iUI\.

For llper:llillns which dll 11111 perlllil Ihe usc "f a spreader. serious wnsiueralillll shlluhl he givcn II) Ihe lis\" of jigs IIr IhuHl's I" Imld Ihl' work SII Ihal Ihl' h;lllds or I hl' IIpl.'ra lor arc rl.'II\11wd OIl Il'asl 12 illches 1""1\1 Ihl.' puint IIf oper:llillll_ II spfl'ader mounted on the saw arbor frame. and 1111 hi~hcr than thl' saw leeth. lIIay he used to gllod auv:ll1la!!e III ,I.'rlaill t111l'ratillns. sUt.:h ;IS gfllllving.

Cireular·Saw Anlikickbllck Ilevkes. Kkkha~ks 1111

rip saws arc usually cillised hy IIlle IIf the follOWing: ( I) failure hI provide sprcaJI.'r (.2) Improperly cIIIHJitioned saw. allowing lIIaterial

10 pinch Oil saw and risc from Ihl' 1:lhle (3) Improper alignlllenl of gage or fence (4) Illlpruperty cIIIIIJilillllellllr twisted·gmin IlIlIIber (5) Illlpfllper design IH Illllullling of :llllikickback

devkes. Sllllle 11111 ikickback devices arc SII designe\1 as III be

very effective fur une thickness (If materiul but have very lillie holding power wh~'n IIsed un eilher much thil!kef IIf milch thinner n\:lleria!. Olher anlikickhack devices haVl.' very gllod Imlding power but are so 10' cated Ihat they do not cnlllC in cuntact wilh the male· rial when il is in PUSilill1l 10 be Ihruwn upward by Ihe saw. Where fingers or dugs arc used as lin anlikickback device Ihey should be mainlained in a shurp condition.

A6.1.3 Hand·Fed Crosscut Table Saws (Including Trimmer Saws)

Filler Piece. In order 10 IISC Ihe hond guard effec· lively nn circular rip saws when culling narruw sirips, a filler piece should be IIscd. This should be lIlade or wmid ahoul :! inches wide. II should he ahuuI 3/4 inch thick. or slighlly thinner Ihal1 I-he Iltkkncss of Ihe material heing I!UI. It should he provided wilh cleats or hrackels al the ends. SII Ihal il will eilher fir down over the front and hack ends of Ihe Ilible or C:1I1 he quickly allached tu the fence or gage.


SI,c:cllll CUlIsldllfOtlUI1 shuuld b~ Blyen In Iho uso nf ,jigs ur I'lxlurcH whcn CUlling Irrcgullir pICCOli ur obllelull angles. A special application nf this prinCiple _Is Ihe jig fur culling wedges and pointing Slakes.

A6.1.9 Radial Saws Blade Coasting after Power Shutoff. It Is recom­

mended Ihal a braking device 10 stop coasling or a warning signal to indicate Ihal Ihe blade is slm in motion be provided. The practice of slopping blade rolation by placing II plcce of wood against Ihe rotaling b,lade should be prohibited.

A6.6.1 Guarding of CuUing H~ads Shapers (I) Knife blades and collars (or shaper heads should

he precision ground so as III give uniform pressu~c on all knife blades and keep Ihem from Oying oul while Ihe lIlachine is in muliun.

(:!) It is reclllllmendeu Ihal collars he provided with "slIlp-pini\" :lIld thai knife blades have a recess CUi in thelll fur thl.' pin. Serra led collars and knives arc an al:,epleu alternate. This is an added precautiun to keep the hlades from Oying out.

(.1) Allenlio" is called 10 Ihe deSirability of incorpo· rating :.In aUllll1l:lIic brake in order tu Slop the reYolv. ing heads as suon as possihle after the puwer is shUI off.

A9.3.5 Lathes (I) Parlieular care should be laken lu have all male·

rial f:lslelled '" fuccplates or held properly between cI.'nlcrs.

(~) Wmk 8h:111 be perfmmed on the lathe within the size capacity and speed runges recul11l11ended by the llI:11ll1faclurer.

(3) Rlllale workpiece by hand to check clearance before engaging power.

(4) Oefore perfnrl11ing faceplale turning. rough out workpiece to obtain rough balancing on a band saw or uther machine.

A9.4 Personal Prolective Equipment 9.4.1 Clothing ( I) Whefe the wearing (If gluves creales a possible

hazard. Ihey shall nol be worn. (2) Lung hair shall be conlined. (J) Loose no wing garmenls, sleeves, neckties, etc.

offer a decided accidenl ha1.ard :lnd shall nut be worn by operalors of machines.

(4) Where there is a danger of kickback from any "penlliun. antikickback upruns shall be provided and worn.

(5) Where Ihere is dunger frum flying or falling malerial. hard hUls shall he provided and worn.

(6) Where Ihere is danger of materials falling un the worker's feCI. safelY shoes Shllliid be required.

A9.S Occuplliional Noilie EXI,oHure. Sec Tahle A-'. I)cr· J1tlssihk' Noise Exposurcs.


Table A3 Permis.~ible Noise Exposures

Ouralion per Day SlllInd'Lcvcl \IIoun) h!lll" 1*'

K I)()

fo 92 4 lJ5 , 97 .' 2 1(1(1

1·1 i 2 \02 I 105 I/~ IIU 1/4 llr Ic,' lIS

. . , ·Sllllild I~wl JIIC3,urctl III1,h.' 1\ \\d~h'il1~ ,,· .. Ie uJ' a s,III1,,1

. Icvclm,',cr I1lcl'1il1l! 'he rC'IlIin'U1Cl1h "I' ,\lIIl'ril-;m N .. ,jllual SHl1lllald S \.4.' '111.

When cmployces :IfC suhjeclcu 10 sllUIlU exceeuing t huse lilllits in Tablc 'd, feasible auministrulivc m engincerinp. conlrols shall he IIliIi1.l'(1.

Ifsuch cIIIlImls f:lillo rcducl' :\l1l1nd levels wilhin Ihe leyels of Tahle AJ, pClsonal Pl'olcCliYC equipmcnt shall hc pruvided and used 10 rctlu.:e sl1lll1t1lewls wilhin Ihe lewIs of T:lhle AJ.

In all C:llieS wherc the sllllntllcvcls c.\(ceed I Ill' val lies shown ill Tahle A3, a cUlltillllin\!, cffeclive hearing C\1Il·

v,'rsalion prop.ra/ll shall he administercd.

'\9.7 Sclel,tiun lind Training IIf Operalllrs Operation of Machines, Tools, lind Equi\ll\\cnt ..

General II I Lc:lrn the machine's "pplic:lIilllls and Iimit:11 illns,

:lS well as Ihe spccifh: polenli:ll ha1.allls pe':lIli"r III this



IIIII.:hlne. Follllw avallahlc Ill'crullng IIIBtrUlJlllIllII anti ~:lfely rulc~ carefully. .

(2) Keel' wmkill!l, area c1eul\ and be slIre "de4uale lighling is availablc.

(.') Do not wcar IOllse clothing, glovcs, bra.:c1ets, necklaces, or ormlmcnls, Wear face. eye. car, respira. tory, anu hody protection devices, as illdh:alcd for the' operation or environl11ent.

(4) Do nol lise ClI II ing lOols larger or heavier than the machinc is dcsigned III accol\\modate. Nevcr oper· ale a cUlIillg toul al greatcr speed thall recommended.

(5) Keep h:mds well :lW:IY frulll sawhlades and othcr clllling luuls. Usc a Pllsh stll.:k or pllsh hlnck to huld 01' p.uide the work when wurking .:lOS!! III CUlling \(In\.

(M When!!ver possihle, usc properly lo.:ked clamps, jig, IlJ' vise Itl hold the work .

(7) C1I1I\hs (fealher hnards) sh:11I be pruvidcd for usc whcn all applic:lhle gllmd c:lllnot he uscd .

(XI Never sland dire':lly In line with a hurizontally rolal ing cull iug tUII\' This is part icularly trlle whcn nrst starling 1I new lOlli, or .. ncw loul ili illitiuJly installed Oil I he arhllr.

(I)) Be surl' Ihe power is uis':lInnccted from Ihc machinc before t01l1s arc serviced,

(10) Nevcr leavl' Ihe lIlaehinl' wilh Ihe power Oil.

III) Be \losilivc that hold·downs and unlikickback devices arc positioned properly. :and Ihal the wnrk piece is heing fed thrnugh Ihe l'ulIing 10111 in Ihe right Jil'l'r! illn.

112 I Dllnllt usc a lIull, gU\1Imy, bellI. lIT .:m.:ked CUllin!! IIIII\.

lUI Ill' surl' Ihal keys ami adjusling wren.:hcs have been remuved hefon: turning powcr on,

(14) Usc '1Il1~' :Iccessmies designed I'm the nHlehinc. ( 15) Aujllsi Ihe mach inc for minimll111 cxposure of

clIlling loulncccssary lu perfurm the upcraliun.






American National Standards

The slandard in Ihis booklel is ane of neorly 4,000 slandards approved 10 dale by the American National Standards Institute, formerly the USA Standards In­slitute.

The Standards Institute provides the machinery for creating voluntary stan­dards. It serves to eliminate duplication of standards activities and to weld con­Oicting sto,ndards into single. nationally accepted standards under the designa­lion "American Nalional Slandards."

Each slandard represenh general agreement among maker. seller. and user groups 05 to the besl current practice with regard 10 some specific problem. Thus the completcd standards cut acron the whole fabric of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. American Nalionol Standards. by reason of Institute procedures. reflect a notional consensus of manufacturers, consumers, and scientific, technical, and professional organizations(Oc:Id governmental agen­cies. The c.;)mpleted standards are used widely by industry and commerce and ohen by municipal, state, and federal governments. .

The Standards Inslilute, under whose auspices this work is being done. is Ihe United States clearinghouse and coordinating body far standards. activity an the. national level. It is a federatian of Irade associations. technical societies, profes­sional groups, and consumer organizations. Some 1.000 companies. are affiliated with the Ins.tilute as company members.

The American National Standards Institule is the United States member of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). the International Electro. technical Commission (lEC). and the Pan American Standards Commisslan (COPANT). Through these channels American industry makes its pasition felt on the international level. American Notional Standards are an file in the libraries of the nolional standards bodies of mare than 50 counlriu.

For a free list of all American National Standards, wrile:

American National Standards Institute, Inc

1430 Broadway New York, N. Y. 100\8

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