ann link - the violet flame

Post on 08-Sep-2014






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The Violet Flame


At the core of every single electron of energy, even a negatively charged electron, is the divine aspect of pure being. When the Violet Flame is consciously blazed through any electron of energy, it awakens the pure spark of divinity within it, which then burns up the outer negativity and transmutes that electron back to its original state of pure love.

• Cosmologists have often said their explanations could reach back almost to, but not beyond, “time zero.”


The Violet Flame permeates every cell and atom of our bodies, minds, emotions, memory, subconscious and spirit. It transmutes anything negative that is lodged anywhere in our spiritual or physical being, raising it to a high vibration of love and light.

Anything unresolved within our energy field will keep manifesting itself in our

physical / mental / emotional / spiritual life

until we heal it. There is no escaping this.

The Violet Flame

• Some times called The Violet Fire.

• With Violet Flame Meditation you can consciously access powerful Fifth Dimensional frequencies that dissolve lifetimes of unresolved, unhealed energies with love and light. Until the dense negativity is transmuted into love and light, we, both as individuals and as a race, suffer from the resulting chaos and negativity that we’ve experienced for eons on this planet. Violet Flame Meditation can help us do that. We recognize that where we place our attention in the present moment is what creates our essential experience.

• Before we can align ourselves with this Higher Love we must remove all blocks that trap negative energies within us

• Biggest blocks = worldly negativity & self-unforgiveness

• We live and work in an environment that is made of concrete, steel, hard sharp corners, and unbending walls of glass. Also with the increasing addition of electronic emails, bbm and text communication which holds no emotion our inter-relationships are muted and limited. The pace in which we live is accelerated and unnatural. The negative energies around us are bouncing back onto us at rapid speed.

• Forgiveness is needed in our personal relationships’ struggle with the ones we love as well as within ourselves. We need to restore the balance and the natural pace meant by our Creator in order to counter attack the increasing negative energies that invade our well being.

• Forgiveness is needed in our personal relationships’ struggle with the ones we love as well as within ourselves. We need to restore the balance and the natural pace meant by our Creator in order to counter attack the increasing negative energies that invade our well being.

• We need to Align Ourselves

• Align: Arrangement or position in a straight line or in parallel lines. The process of adjusting parts so that they are in proper relative position:

• Align with the divine, god, the Universe or what ever you believe to be the ultimate Creator requires adjustment change

Meditation of the White Light

Meditation: Clearing Negativity

Return to Nature in a state of Peace to remind us of the natural pace intended.

Once we experience compassion for ourselves, self forgiveness is the next natural step in emotional healing. Until we bring forgiveness to ourselves, we THINK we are cut off from The Divine, Source, God or what ever name you give it. This false belief of being separate from our Creator is at the core of all suffering and disease.

When we look deeply enough inside we see that keepings ourselves “unforgiven” is actually motivated by love. We hold

ourselves as unforgivable in hopes that we never do that thing again because we don’t want to hurt anyone else or ourselves. This is usually unconscious.

The only way to heal this false belief of being unlovable is to first bring enough love and self forgiveness to ourselves that we can then open to the Divine and feel the wellbeing that is always available to us when we align ourselves with it. Many of us feel we’ve done things that make us unforgivable.

Look back on any experience in your past where you are carrying guilt or shame. Look at what your true intention was when you did what you did.

If you look deep enough you will discover that your truest intention was to take care of yourself in the best way you knew at the time.

You may have had a limited awareness of options and perhaps made choices that brought yourself and others undesirable results, but you did the best you could at the time. You need to see the truth of this for yourself – that all of your actions came from a basic human survival instinct, which in essence is loving yourself.

During Violet Flame Meditation you can experience the Violet Flame as infinite Love, forgiveness, tenderness and freedom. When we call it forth with the intention of forgiveness and healing, it bursts as a flame within our hearts. When we consciously direct it into a situation, it blazes through it with a loving force so undeniable that everything in its path has no choice but to resonate with its love.

Source loves you just as you are, just as you ever were before, and just as you’ll ever be. And, since your Creator loves you unconditionally, you have full permission to love yourself unconditionally too.

Everything is energy, including us. We are always vibrating something. What we focus attention on determines how we are vibrating.

Start with learning the physical breathing during meditation when invoking the violet flame

Learn about the Masters and Holders of the Violet Flame

Quan Yin St. Germain

There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. This is the basic method Saint Germain taught me over 30 years ago and he wishes everyone to use as a foundation for Violet Flame work. It is very simple with only four steps. Once you understand the principles behind this practice, you can adapt it and use it in unlimited ways. • Step 1. Bring the Violet Flame into

your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Guide or Angel to assist you to do so, or just ask the Flame to "be made manifest," whichever is most comfortable. It is helpful to visualize (doesn't matter if you can or cannot actually see it) or pretend that there is a ball of violet fire above your head. Then ask that ball of fire to come into your body and fill every speck of your entire body.

Calling the Violet Flame

• Step 2. Spin the flame in and around your body. Keep the Flame inside your body while asking it to also come out through your heart chakra and spin around or encircle the outside of your body so that it's encompassing your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

• Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. Some people like to mention everything like a shopping list - all karma, negative feelings such as anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc., which is fine. But you can also do a catch-all phrase, such as "transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, or of becoming a Christed Being." Again, it's the intent and the feeling behind it. One important phrase to add is, "on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future" to your request. That covers all your lifetimes and your multidimensional selves.

• Step 2. Spin the flame in and around your body. Keep the Flame inside your body while asking it to also come out through your heart chakra and spin around or encircle the outside of your body so that it's encompassing your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

• Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. Some people like to mention everything like a shopping list - all karma, negative feelings such as anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc., which is fine. But you can also do a catch-all phrase, such as "transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, or of becoming a Christed Being." Again, it's the intent and the feeling behind it. One important phrase to add is, "on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future" to your request. That covers all your lifetimes and your multidimensional selves.

• Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. Some people like to mention everything like a shopping list - all karma, negative feelings such as anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc., which is fine. But you can also do a catch-all phrase, such as "transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, or of becoming a Christed Being." Again, it's the intent and the feeling behind it. One important phrase to add is, "on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future" to your request. That covers all your lifetimes and your multidimensional selves.

• Step 4. Change negativity into Divine Light and fill your body. "Holes" are created in your aura where the dense energy and blocks were consumed by using the Violet Flame. It is very important to fill those spaces up with healing energy. Some people like to do the list again. "Please transmute everything into love, prosperity, abundance, peace and happiness." Or you can ask for specific colour rays which are pure energy. Example, Pink is unconditional love. Blue is peace and tranquility. Green is health and abundance. Deep dark blue is spiritual knowledge and intuition. Violet is spiritual advancement and knowledge. Either way works fine. The Violet Flame Invocation below turns everything into the Golden Platimum light of the Christ Consciousness, which encompasses all the qualities of the other colors.

• Step 4. Change negativity into Divine Light and fill your body. "Holes" are created in your aura where the dense energy and blocks were consumed by using the Violet Flame. It is very important to fill those spaces up with healing energy. Some people like to do the list again. "Please transmute everything into love, prosperity, abundance, peace and happiness." Or you can ask for specific colour rays which are pure energy. Example, Pink is unconditional love. Blue is peace and tranquility. Green is health and abundance. Deep dark blue is spiritual knowledge and intuition. Violet is spiritual advancement and knowledge. Either way works fine. The Violet Flame Invocation below turns everything into the Golden Platinum light of the Christ Consciousness, which encompasses all the qualities of the other colors.

Violet Flame Decrees are one of the many tools we can use to grow in consciousness and advantage on the path. Violet Flame Decrees can give you great strength and clarity. How do you know if this really works? Take some time to do the work.

• The following Invocation was given to me directly by Saint Germain as an example of the 4-step Alchemical Violet Flame Meditation, which will transmute your karma and negative thoughts, actions and emotions. Once you understand the process, please individualize the Invocation using words from your heart and say them with great feeling and intention. Saying the words out loud is best because the power and vibration of the spoken word has energy, which helps create the maximum results of the Violet Flame. If you are among people, you can just say it quietly in your mind.

• Center yourself. Take a few deep breaths to prepare, and then say:

• Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely. Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness. Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being That I AM. Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Golden Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails. Send this Golden Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time. So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen.

• Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely. Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness. Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being That I AM. Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Golden Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails. Send this Golden Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time. So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen. It is suggested that you do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night, or anytime you feel a

little overwhelmed or upset. Just Violet Flame what is going on, right then and there. First published in The Spirit Mountain Chronicle, Mt. Shasta, CA, Winter 2007 issue.

I AM that Immortal Freedom and limitless use in my outer activity, moment by moment, until the full Mastery of these Powers removes all limitations wherever I AM.

Other Decrees

Mighty Angels of the Violet Flame, Consume from the atmosphere of Earth everything that is of the cruelness of human nature. Purify the human consciousness of all on Earth . Oh, Beloved Mighty 'I AM' Presence, Oh, Beloved Violet Flame

With Violet Flame Meditation we can transmute negative energy from thousands of lifetimes back into the pure positive GOD God essence that is at the core of all energy. Essentially, we can transmute our negative karma before it comes back to us!

you change the world, by changing yourself

• Psychic Society of Toronto • Ann Link/Presentation: March 4th- Violet Flame/research


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Thank you for participating in this Presentation today. I have merely shared my own personal experience of using the Violet Flame that brings a higher form of spiritual stillness to my life. Love and Positivity to you all. 2013 Ann Link

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