animated videos today’s ultimate marketing toolebook.pdf · in particular, emails can struggle to...

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Animated VideosToday’s Ultimate Marketing Tool

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A wideo publication

Wideo is an online DIY video creation platform that allows anyone to create and share

professional animated videos.

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A wideo publicationTable of Contents






06 How to Create and Effective Video




Animated Videos

Why is Video Useful in Business?

Why does Video resonate better with humans? Where Can I Publish my Videos?

Extra Tips


Why Video Works

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Owing to the abundant information available, the

millennial generation has demonstrated the

increasing issue of shortened attention spans. This

younger generation is more likely to acknowledge

information that contains less formal text and

more visually appealing elements than their

older counterparts. Marketers globally are being

forced to become more concise and articulate when

targeting consumers.

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 5

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A study by Wiman and Mierhenry shows that “people will generally remember”:

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 7

50%of what they hear and see

20%of what they hear

10%of what they read

30%of what they see

Why Video Works

As human beings, we are


“physically hard-wired to respond to movement, the intonationand pitch of voices and body language; all of which createstrong emotional connections.”

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 8

“the brain processes visual data 600000 times faster than text.”

What distinguishes video from other marketing

strategies is its ability to tap into viewers’ emotions

in terms of motivations and affective learning

styles. Videos provide ‘greater cognitive learning,’

which is beneficial when trying to reach a wider

demographic characterized by different social and

professional statuses.

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 9

Video contains different levels of engagement as

the viewer is presented with sound, color,

pictures, animation, images, and words that

speak to all types of people through “multiple

entry points.” In addition, statistics now show

that if a video is informative, the viewer “will

re-watch it 2 or more times.”

Audiences are therefore demanding more

video across various platforms.

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 11

Animation attracts attention fromall types of people,

Animated Videos

even more so than real life images. The fictitious

nature of the image draws in the audience and

prompts the use of their own creativity in bringing

the image to life. Animation guides spectators in

an innocent and pure way, presenting the

necessary context and information in an

open-minded manner.

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 13

Creativity has taken on a new form and it isn’t

going backwards. Companies are now being

pushed to expand their creative minds to produce a

story that will stand out from the rest.

Video animation, as a brand positioning strategy,

is brilliant because it moves away from the

undertone of a firm preaching. It simply shows

viewers the possibilities offered, they form their own


Giving customers the space they need to watch,

observe, and act removes the feeling of company


This produces a general positive reaction


A huge benefit of working with a DIY video

platform is having the power to modify and

improve your content according to the audience’s

measured reactions to your finished product.

“58% of consumers consider companies that produce video content to be more trustworthy.”

Why is Video Useful in Business?

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 15

E-mail Marketing Youtube

In particular, emails can struggle to grab users’

attention as they usually omit any sort of brand

information that might look like spam. However,

“video can increase the reading rates

of emails by 5.6%, while marketing

emails including video can increase

click-through-rates by 96%.”

Although YouTube is the largest video-sharing site in

the entire world, how do you know if it’s right for

your brand? YouTube is efficient in terms of SEO.

Using keywords within your video description should

be a top priority to increase searches as well as links.

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“Vimeo screams professionalism in the same way that Linkedin does”

If you’re looking to impress the more ‘creative

crowd,’ then consider sharing your videos on

Vimeo. Unlike YouTube where the Internet throws

suggestions and too many options in your face the

moment your video finishes, Vimeo is video

marketing for the pure and focused.

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 16

Facebook Vimeo

Facebook is the second most visited website,

with over 500,000 viewers actively engaged

on the site every day, including mobile users.

Therefore, it is crucial that you ensure that any

video created is displayed on the site.

Moreover, Facebook allows posts to be

featured on Google search, the largest search

network in the world. So by incorporating your

marketing video on this site, you are killing two

birds with one stone, so to speak.

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Because landing pages with videos increase

conversion rates by 86%, it is a wise tactic to

include videos on company landing pages. It

has been shown that people are more likely to

watch a video first when presented with the


The enjoyment of a video has also been shown to:

“increase purchase intent by 97% and brand association by 139%.”

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 17

Company Websites

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 18

Sound overwhelming?

It doesn’t need to be. Wideo helps to get the job done. Our platform

allows you to easily achieve

high-quality animation within

minutes and without headaches.

Start from scratch, or use our

templates designed for explainers,

product demos, and tutorials.

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 20

Developing your ‘beginning’ is essential in the original

planning process for making all ideas more coherent

and helping the content fall into place.

Define your target audience, what you want

their reaction to the video to be, and its

message before outlining the content and look.

Identify an ‘issue’ and meticulously outline how you

can solve this problem.

As the beginning process is essential, you can

try making a storyboard:


The Beginning

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 21

Create and tell a story.

Stories convert viewers into followers.

Establishing a coherent and cohesive subject matter

and a flowing storyline are crucial to the success of

your video, otherwise the video can look

unprofessional and choppy.

Font size, consistency, color, background, and

text all are key elements when creating an

effective and enticing video.

Creating a Visually Cohesive Story: Making it Flow

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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 22

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Styling your video is the next step once you’ve

decided on the content and tone. Your target

audience defines what types of audiovisual aspects

your video will include.

Animation, in particular, creates a more neutral

tone that all people can relate to. It transfers

knowledge to an audience, with your personality and

vision shaping the video’s content and theme.

For further information on how animation can

improve your marketing video click the link:


Click the link to see more animation ideas and

implementing personal images:


Getting the right visuals

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 23

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Using voiceover can bridge the gap between

personalizing the video and making it

professional. This can create a more finished look

that accesses people’s auditory learning style, which

allows them to focus on hearing and to absorb

information in the best way.

Viewers respond to female, male, and children’s

voices entirely differently, considering each to

have a different underlying tone.

Voiceover presented in the third person takes on an

objective tone, and this can be effective for putting

forth information to an audience that will inspire trust.

The voiceover shouldn’t tell the entire story;

Remember not to overwhelm the viewer with too

much information. Stick to the three main points that

are necessary to portray. Finally, make sure you

keep the voices consistent to avoid confusing the


The Next Step: Voiceover

When is Voiceover most effective?

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 24

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Necessary Length of a Video

One survey found that

83% of consumers state that the ideal length of a video that will inform a purchase decision is 5 minutes or less.

Better yet, videos between 1-2 min attract most

audience attention. For this reason, it’s important to

aim to get your message across within this time-frame

to ensure boredom doesn’t get the better of your

audience. You do not want viewers dropping off before

finishing the video and engaging in your call-to-action.

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 25

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Consider the following comments from customer reviews:

Use only High-quality images and visuals

[for video marketing to consumers]

Funny videos but with no nonsense

Show a 360 degree view of the product!

Demonstrate what the product can do!

Info-rich videos are way better than blatant advertising!

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 26

Call-to-action and logo Call-to-action and logo

In addition to an enticing storyline that grabs and

holds viewers’ attention, including a compelling

call-to-action at the end of your video will ensure

that viewers are not distracted from the point of

your message. It is a psychological cue for

humans that triggers their need to finish their

interest in your company, generally placed at the

end of your video. A call-to-action should not only

sum up the video but also bring the serious

aspect of your video to life.

The key to an effective call-to-action is therefore

to evoke a sense of urgency and excitement about

the information and interest.

You can mix and match these words to

create an effective CTA

Verbs Nouns and Adverbs





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How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 28

Extra Tip

Understanding how to use different colors in

interesting ways is important for grabbing viewers’

attention. For example, try using colored text

combined with a large white background to narrow

the focus onto the call-to-action. Don’t be shy: make

sure to place the call-to-action front and center. It is

imperative that the call-to-action is apparent in a

non-aggressive way.

Remember to add your website URL and social

media pages as well.

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Extra Tips

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 29

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To Sum it Up

Make sure you appreciate your viewer’s effort and

make them feel like they’ve made the right decision.

In addition, ensure that you follow up on your

video’s progress with metrics. This is easy to find on

Facebook and YouTube and monitor how viewers

are responding to it. If video is a key component of

your marketing plan, it is crucial to follow up with

your users and those who do choose to act on the

call-to-action. This is all a part of creating an

impactful video story and message.

Cruse, Emily. “Using Educational Video in the Classroom: Theory, Research, and Practice.” Pp. 1-24.

Vidyard Ayaz Nanji. “The Power of Video for Businesses [Infographic].”

Dave Evans, “Social media marketing.”

Kafai, Yasmin B., and Kylie A. Peppler. “Youth, technology, video animation,

Review of Research in Education. Pp. 1-31.

Marketing techblog. Douglas Karr. “10 steps to improving video marketing.” Grant Crowell. “10 Reasons Facebook Video Marketing is Valuable for Business.” Pam Dyer. “20 marketing statistics that will drive 2014 Marketing Strategies.” Christopher Ratcliff. “What is storytelling for brands and why do you need it.” Ellen Friedland. “How Important is Voice over for Video.”

How to Build an Effective Video Marketing Strategy 30

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DIY: Developing participatory Competencies in Creative Media Production.”

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Wideo is the go-to tool that gives you plenty of creative room to create unique animations and get the results you’re after.

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