animal husbandry

Post on 29-Nov-2014






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The branch of agriculture that deal with the feeding caring & breeding of domestic animal is called animal husbandry. Husbanding means to use a resource carefully & without waste. Thus, animal farming or animal husbandry requires planning for domestic animals shelter breeding health disease control &proper economic utlisation. Our domestic animals or livestock includes those animals which are raised for farming, e.g., cattle(cow ,bull or ox), buffalo, yak ,horse ,ass, goat, sheep, camel etc. As the population increase &as living standard increase, the demand for milk egg & meat is also going up .also ,the growing awareness of the need for humane treatment of livestock has brought in limitation in livestock farming. Thus, livestock production also needs to be improved.

Cattle husbandry is done for two purposes-Milk &draught labor for agricultural work such as tilling, irrigation & carting. Indian cattle belong two different species , Bos indicus, cow,& Bos bubalius , buffaloes. Milk-producing females are called milch animal (dairy animal),while the ones used for farm labour are called draught animals.

The requirement of proper cleaning & shelter for cow & buffaloes is must due two reasons (1).for the production of clean milk; (2)for the heath of animal. Both cow & buffalo require regular brushing to remove dirt & loose hairs. They should be sheltered under well-ventilated roofed sheds that protect them fro rain ,heat, cold. The floor of the cattle shed needs to be sloping so as to stay dry & to facilitate cleaning. The requirements of dairy animals are of two type; Maintenance requirements: the food is required by the animal to perform the basic function of life.Milk producing requirement: it include the type of food require during lactation period .

Cow & buffalo suffer from various diseases. The diseases adversely affect the production of milk & causes mortality of sick animal .

Skin diseases

The poultry farming industry with its production in the form of egg & meat is of particular importance in providing a balanced diet for the human population. The word poultry has originated from the old French word ‘poult’ means chickens the young one common domestic fowl. So this word should have been used only for domestication of chicken or fowls. However, poultry also includes ducks ,geese , turkeys , guinea-fowls and pigeons .poultry is the choice of million has staple food world over. In our country also chicken and egg are choiced poultry products of large section of non-vegetarian population, since it serve as a cheep source of animal protein. India is the fifth largest country in the world in poultry production after china , former USSR,USA and Japan.


The programmes of cross breeding between Indian &foreign breeds for verity improvement are focused to developed new varieties for the following desirable traits:1.Quantity &quality of chicks;2. Dwarf broiler parent for commercial chick production for summer adaptation capacity/ tolerance to high temperature;3. Low maintenance requirement;4.Reduction in the size of the layer with ability to utilize more , cheap diet formulated using agricultural by products.

Broiler chicken are fed with vitamin-rich supplementary feed for good growth rate & better feed efficiency. care is taken to avoid mortality & to maintain feathering &carcass quality. They are produced as broiler & sent to market for meat purposes.

For good production of poultry bird s good management practices are important. These includes maintenance of temperature &

hygienic condition in house & poultry feed, as well as prevention & control of diseases & pests. The housing nutritional &environmental

requirement of broiler are somewhat different from those of egg layers. The ration (daily food requirement) for broiler is protein rich

with adequate fat. The level of vitamins A& K is kept high in the poultry feed.

Poultry fowl suffer from a number of diseases caused by virus, Bactria fungi, parasites, as well as from nutritional deficiencies. These necessitate proper cleaning, sanitation, spraying of disinfectants at regular intervals. Appropriate vaccination can prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases & reduce loss of poultry during an outbreak of diseases.

Birds suffering from skin disease

Fresh water resources includes canal, pond, reservoirs & river. brackish water resources, where sea water &fresh water mix together, such as estuaries & lagoons are also important fish reservoirs. While capture fishing is also done in such inland water bodies, the yield is not high. Most fish production from these resources is through aquaculture.Fish culture is sometimes done in combination with a rice crop, so that fish are grown in the water in the paddy field. More intensive fish farming can be done in composite fish culture system. Both local & imported fish species are used in such system.In such system , a combination of five or six fishes spices is used in a single fishpond. These species are selected so that they do not compete for food habits. As a result, the food available in all the part of the pond is used & this increase the fish yield from the pond.

One problem with such composite culture is that many of these fish breed only during monsoon. Even if fish seed is collected from the wild , it can be mixed with that of other species as well. So, a major problem in fish is lack of availability of good quality seed to overcome this problem , ways have now been worked out to breed these fish in pound using hormonal stimulation . This has ensured the supply of pure fish seed in desire quantities


The practice of bee keeping is called apiculture. It is done to get honey, beeswax, etc . Honey is known to have medicinal value . it is fond to be

quite useful in the treatment of various disorders of humans relate to digestion, dysentery, vomiting& stomach & liver ailment. Honey is

supposed to be blood purifier, cure against cough,& cold sore throat, ulcers of the tongue, ulcer of stomach& intestine , etc. since honey is rich

in iron &calcium, it helps in growth of human body .Bee keeping being a low – investment enterprise has become a favourite source of some extra income for the Indian farmers. Hey have started to do bee keeping along with their usual agricultural practices.bee keeping

also help in cross pollination of flowers of crop plant, since pollen are transferred from one flower to another by bees while they are collecting

the nectar.

Poison of bee used in manufacturing of certain ayurvedic & homeopathic medicines

The value & quality of honey depend upon the pasturage, or the flower available to the bees for nectar and pollen

collection .in addition to the adequate quality of pasturage , the kind of flower available will determine the taste of the


Honey bee are commonly infected by viruses ,bacteria , fungi and protozoa. For example , the bacterium bacillus apisceptious infect blood of bee causing septicemia.




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