animal experiments and cloning

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25 October 2011

Animal experiments, genetic modification

and cloning of animals.

Learning objectives:

A. Examine the arguments for and against animal experimentation

B. Examine the Christian arguments for and against genetic modification and cloning.

Key words: Animal experiments – Testing on animals, either for medical or cosmetic purposes, to ensure that the product is safe for use by humans. Genetic modification - Animals that have had their natural make-up altered by scientists.

Starter: Case study – Food for thought - An argument for animal testing - What do you think?

Andrew was 18 when he was diagnosed with cancer and told he only had a couple of years to live. When his time was almost up he was offered a new treatment. It had been tested on animals but not humans and they needed human volunteers. Andrew agreed. His condition improved for quite a long time but then began to get worse. Andrew died two weeks after his 22nd birthday.

Andrew had four extra years with his family. He knew that the treatment probably would not save his life, but believed that it was a step on the way and his experiences might lead to a cure in the future. That could never have happened without animal testing.

Starter: Case study – Discuss Andrew’s situation in pairs.

Person1 - Imagine you are someone arguing

for animal testing. What

arguments would you put forward

for animal experimentation?

Person 2 - Imagine you are an animals rights

activist. What arguments would you put against animals testing

and experimentation?

Main: Christian arguments FOR genetic modification. Watch the Clip and then copy one quote you can use in the test.

1. In Genesis God told Adam to ‘rule over’ all living creatures. Some Christians believe humans can use animals in experiments as long as it is done for the right reasons and with proper care.

2. God made humans ‘in His image’. Many Christian scientists believe that God gave them the brains and abilities to find cures for humans by experimenting on animals and to not use these abilities would be denying God’s plan for them.

3. Jesus said ‘Look at the birds of the air…are you not much more valuable than they?’ Some Christians say that this quotes supports human rights being more important than animal rights.

Main – Genetic Modification

1. How can genetic modification or selective breeding animals help humans? e.g. Belgium blue cow clip

2. In the clip what arguments does Giles give against genetic modification?

3. Do you think genetic modification is a good idea? Give reasons for your answer.

Main: Christian arguments AGAINST genetic engineering. Copy one quote and explain it so you can use it in the test.

1. When God created the world and all that is in it he saw that ‘it was good’. Some say that this means we should not experiment on animals because they are a part of God’s wonderful creation. It is like ‘playing God’

2. God created a world with natural order. It is not natural to cross-breed and experiment on animals. It may cause long term harm to human health in the food chain.

3. Jesus said ‘love your neighbour’. Jesus said to love other humans. Could this also be for animals as it is cruel to experiment on animals and not loving? It is treating animals as commodities.

Plenary –What are religious attitudes towards cloning?

Clip ‘Religious believers should be against cloning

animals.’ Do you agree? Give reasons for your answer, showing that you have thought about more than one point of view. Refer to religious arguments in your answer. (6 marks) Tip = Use the religious teaching you have just looked at both for and against.

‘Religious believers should be against cloning animals.’

AGREE - Christians should be against cloning because

DISAGREE – Christians might be

for cloning

• It is playing God, e.g., Dolly the sheep • It is not natural. • Tampering with creation. • Cruel to animals

• Selective breeding of animals to improve variety. • Cloning might help cure diseases.


• Revise the last 6 lessons for a test next lesson.

• The grade will go on your report after half term.

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