anemia to blood doping: hematological issues in … best.pdfanemia to...

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Thomas M. Best, MD, PhD, FACSM

February 10, 2013

Anemia To Blood Doping: Hematological Issues In Athletes

Presentation Notes

I have no commercial, financial, or research relationships or interests within the past 12 months that affect my ability to provide a fair and balanced presentation for the proposed CME activity.


Laboratory Evaluation of Anemia Sports Anemia (Dilutional Pseudo- anemia) Iron Deficiency Anemia Foot Strike Hemolysis Sickle Cell Trait

What Is Ideal Hematocrit?

~ 40% for a long life?

~ 50% to win the big marathon?

~ 60% to climb Mt. Everest without an oxygen tank?

~ 60% to die from blood doping?

Sports Medicine

Who Gets Anemia?

Heavy menses Vegetarian Calorie cutter Breakfast skipper Sky-high carb diet

Sports Medicine

Work up for Anemia

Detailed history – Symptoms of: fatigue, sob, decreasing

performance, palpitations, tachycardia, pica – GI, urinary bleeding – Menstrual history – Nutritional practices – Training – Use of medications

Sports Medicine

Physical Exam

Resting bp, pulse, orthostatics Skin – pallor, jaundice Cardiopulmonary Abdominal Possibly rectal exam

Sports Medicine

Laboratory Studies

Hemoglobin/Hct including MCV, MCH Reticulocyte count <2% Possible smear – for abnormal cells Serum iron, ferritin Total iron-binding capacity/transferrin LDH, bilirubin, haptoglobin Possibly further GI/GU evaluation Consider CRP, ESR, TSH, electrophoresis if

ruling out other dz

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
MCV – size – microcytic – iron defiiency, thal, chronic disease – small cells due to not able to make enough retics

Sports Anemia

Also called “Dilutional Pseudoanemia” Not true anemia Increased plasma volume in response to

exercise – Increase in aldosterone, renin, ANF, vasopressin – increased renal retention of water and salts – Increase in plasma proteins – Increased hydration

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Defined 1970 by Yoshimura

Sports Anemia

Endurance athletes mainly Expanded plasma volume Dilutes Hgb down 1.0-1.5 g/dl In men, most common “anemia” Waxes and wanes with training Benefit, not a detriment Shaskey & Green, “Sports Haematology,” Journal

Sports Medicine 29 (1):27-38, 2000

Sports Medicine

Iron Deficiency Anemia

#1 Nutritional Deficiency in U.S. – Iron Deficiency ~ 11% of women – Iron Deficiency Anemia 1-2% adults

#1 cause of Anemia in Athletes – Up to 12.5% of athletes

↓ Dietary intake Menstruation ↑ Loss from other sources (GI, GU, hemolysis,

sweating) ↓ Absorption

Sports Medicine

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Hg <12g/dL (36 Hct) Female Hg < 14 g/dL (42 Hct) Male MCV < 75

– (if < 60 consider hemoglobinopathy) Ferritin <12 Low Serum Iron w/ High TIBC High Hg – think doping/steroids

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
HCT = The proportion of the blood that consists of packed red blood cells. The hematocrit is expressed as a percentage by volume. MCV = Abbreviation for mean cell volume, the average volume of a red blood cell. Ferritin = The major iron storage protein. The blood level of ferritin serves as an indicator of the amount of iron stored in the body.

Iron Deficiency Anemia

Stage 1- “prelatent anemia” – Depleted Iron Stores – ↓Ferritin NL-TIBC/Iron NL-HCT

Stage 2- “iron-deficient erythropoisesis” – above plus ↓Ferritin ↑TIBC ↓IRON, Mild ↓HCT – Normocytic to mildly microcytic, mild Hypochromic

Stage 3- overt Microcytic and Hypochromic anemia – ↓ Ferritin ↑TIBC ↓IRON ↓HCT

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Normocytic – normal size Hypochromic - % of hemoglobin in the rbcs is low

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Athletes

Particularly in distance runners, triathletes Following endurance events stool occult

positive 13-85% – Overt hematochezia was reported in 6%

Increased blood loss with increased intensity Mixed results on increased blood loss with

concurrent use of NSAIDs Blood loss can be trivial to severe

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Lower percentages with marathons, higher percentages with ultras

Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage in Athletes

Visceral ischemia due to decreased splanchinc perfusion

Gastritis and espohagitis most frequently noted abnormalities on endoscopy – but also cases of small bowel and colonic ischemia – Exercising at 70% of VO2 max reduces blood flow

to the gastrointestinal tract by 60-70%; more intense exercise may cause reductions in excess of 80% - worsened by dehydration

– Up and down motion of running appears to be risk factor - ? Direct trauma to viscera

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Gastritis and esohagitis – due to lack of blood flow or reflux

Genitourinary System Losses

Exercise-induced hematuria Typically microscopic Usually resolves within a few days of event Renal causes

– Renal vasoconstriction – decreased renal plasma flow with damage to

nephron – direct trauma to GU system

Intravascular hemolysis causing hemoglobinuria

Sports Medicine

Iron Deficiency Anemia - Impact on Performance

Reduction in aerobic capacity, endurance and energetic efficiency due to decreased oxygen delivery

Correction of anemia with iron supplementation improves performance

? No improvement in performance shown with iron supplementation in nonanemic, iron-deficient athletes

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
This is why it is important to treat recent trial, however, found that iron supplementation can improve endurance after training in iron-deficient but nonanemic women

Iron Deficiency Anemia - Treatment

Discuss Dietary consumption – Males require 10mg/day, female 15mg/day – Heme iron (meats) more bioavailable (10-35%) vs non-he

iron (2-5%) – Handouts/Websites -

Consider Iron Replacement – Stage 1&2?, Stage 3 yes

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Usual diet 5mg iron per 1000kcal

Iron Replacement need 150-200mg/day

Ferrous vs Ferric Ferrous is absorbed better sulfate 325mg(65mg) gluconate 325mg(36mg) Replace w/ palatable forms Increased absorption w/ Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid)

GI side effects – Take w/ food (but can ↓absorp

up to 65%)

Do not use enteric coated forms (do not dissolve in stomach)

Drug Interactions (H2 blocke PPI, tea and coffee tannates Caffeinated drinks)

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Ferrous 2+, Ferric 3+ Sulfate ideal – but could cause increased side effects – nausea, constipation Fumarate?

Iron Deficiency Anemia - Treatment

Re-evaluate – CBC in 1 month – Reticulocytes and MCV increase first – If HCT not up despite therapy – consider further evaluation

Replaced Iron stores complete when Ferritin = 50

Can take 4-6 months to treat then maintenance therapy

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
No evidence for PPIs helping

To Prevent Anemia

Lean red meat No coffee at meals OJ with breakfast Iron cookware Mixed meals Supplements

Sports Medicine

Eichner ER, Curr Sports Med Rep 9:122-23, 2010

Intravascular Hemolysis

• Also called “Foot Strike Hemolysis” Caused by RBC destruction from repeated

trauma • Elevated temperature in muscle, turbulence

and acidosis may also be involved Robinson et al, MSSE 38:480-83, 2006

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
1st recognize in 1881 German physician “march hemoglobinuria”

Foot Strike Hemolysis


↑ Bilirubin ↓ Haptoglobin ↑ Schistocytes Slight ↑ MCV & Reticulocytes

– Preferential breakdown of older rbcs Hemoglobinuria Anemia resolves w/ d/c exercise Telford RD et al, J Appl Physiol 94:38-42, 2003

Presentation Notes
Haptoglobin down b/c of binding of free serum hemoglobin to hg, Hemoglobinuria when hg spills into urine b/c haptoglobin saturated

Foot Strike Hemolysis Treatment

Change Shoes Change Running Surfaces Modification of Training Program

• Search for other causes of hemolysis - Drugs (ABX, INH) - Acute Illnesses (Mycoplasma, Mono, Sepsis, Viral)

- Chronic Illnesses (Autoimmune) - Heredity (G6PD, Thalassemia, Sickle Cell)

Presentation Notes
Hemolysis has been shown to be worse after runs on a hard surface Correlated to race distance –

Intravascular hemolysis in non-foot strike sports


– Compression from contracting muscles

Cyclists, other sports

- ? Increase in body temperature may increase red cell turnover

- oxidative and osmotic stress

Sports Medicine

Sickle Cell

Inherited disease of abnormal hemoglobin S – Polymerizes under physiologic stress = destruction of rbcs

Sickle disease – usually incompatible with participation in intense physical activity

Sickle Trait - Heterozygous state where Hgb S is present with Normal Hgb A in RBC – < 50% Hgb is Hgb S – Usually Asymptomatic w/ no anemia – Up to 8% of African Americans – 1/10,000 Whites

Sports Medicine

Sickle Cell Risks

Gross hematuria Splenic infarction Exertional heat illness

– Rhabdomyolysis – heat stroke – renal failure

Idiopathic sudden death Physiologic changes associated with exercise

– (regional hypoxemia, acidosis, dehydration, hyperthermia) – all increase risk of sickling

Sports Medicine

Sickle Cell Trait


Rare in sickle cell trait – 47 reported cases Due to microvascular occlusion Severe Hypoxia - Elevations > 10,000 feet Descend to lower height, O2, hydration

Sports Medicine

Sickle Cell – Treatment/Prevention

Train wisely Stay hydrated Avoid heat and elevation Rest when sick Report hematuria Respect pain – abdominal, muscles, cardiac

Sports Medicine

Sports Medicine

Blood Doping

Erythropoietin (EPO)

Glycoprotein hormone regulating RBC production Produced by renal cortex (90%), brain, lung & uterus Binds to CFU erythroid stem cells in bone marrow EPO regulation controlled by gene on chromosome 7

with hypoxic inducible factor New circulating erythrocytes seen 1-2 days after EPO

levels rise

Sports Medicine

Blood Doping

Increasing the number of red blood cells in the body

to increase the oxygen carried to muscle – Administration of blood, red blood cells, or related blood products

– Erythropoietin (EPO) or rHuEPO

o Stimulates bone marrow to produce red blood cells

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Sporting world alerted to importance of hi-alt training and the resultant physiologic effects by the results of the 1968 Summer Olympics in Mexico City (significant advantage in endurance sports for those who trained at hi alt) Estimate 3-7% of elite sport athletes utilize rHuEPO EPO naturally secreted when renal oxygenation is decreased, increases RBC production in the bone marrow

Blood Doping

1968 Mexico City Olympics (Alt. 7300 ft) – Most endurance race winners from highlands – Athletes from high altitude had “thick blood”

Elblom et al (1972)* – 3 men, 800ml autologous transfusion (4 weeks)

o 13% increase in Hg o 9% increase in VO2max o Run time to exhaustion increase 23%

1976 Blood Transfusions Banned by IOC 1987 rHuEPO first available in Europe 1990 – IOC prohibited use of EPO

*Eichner, ER. Sports Med (2007) Sports Medicine

Blood Doping - Does It Work?

Performance Studies- (Williams and Branch

summarized study findings)

– 7% increase in Hgb

– 5% increase in VO2 max

– 34% increase in time to exhaustion at 95% VO2 max

– 44 second improvement in 5 mile treadmill run time

Presentation Notes
Decrease 10k run time 69sec, 3mi run time 24sec, 1500m run time by 5sec

Blood Doping - Side Effects

Infections with transfusions

Inhibit endogenous EPO production

Increased viscosity of blood – Stroke, MI, venous thromboses. PE

– HTN (direct relation to dose), CHF

Recombinant Human Erythopeietin (rHuEPO)

rHuEPO isolated from chineese hampster ovaries – SQ administration, 50-300 u/kg, 2-3/week – Hct increases noted after 2-6 weeks

Clinical Applications: – treatment of anemias related to renal failure,

chemotherapy, HIV infection, prematurity, hemoglobinopathies, autoimmune disease and malignancy

Adverse Effects: – headache, fever, nausea, anxiety, lethargy – hypertension & hyperkalemia in dialysis population – hyperviscosity syndromes – Seizures and hyperkalemia (rare)

Sports Medicine


1987-1991, 20 top European cyclists died unexpectedly, suspected EPO use

1998-2000, 18 more cyclists with suspected EPO use died of thromboembolic complications (PE, CVA, MI)

Ergogenic Effectiveness* – Birkeland et al (1999) EPO vs placebo, 20 athletes

o Hct increase from 43% to 51% o 7% increase VO2max o 9% increase in run time to exhaustion o Effects lasted up to 3 weeks after EPO stopped

*Eichner, ER. Sports Med (2007) Sports Medicine

Detection of rHuEPO Misuse

1990 rHuEPO banned by IOC, later USOC & NCAA Nearly identical in structure and metabolism to endogenous

EPO form, rapid half life (24 hours) – Cleared from body within 2-3 days

1997 International Cycling Union created Hct cutoffs – Males (50%), Females (47%)

2000 Mathematical Model – measuring indirect blood markers associated with rHuEPO – Hb, EPO level, reticulocyte %, soluble transferrin

2000 Isoelectric Focusing & Immunoblotting – possible to separate rHuEPO and endogenous EPO based

on differences in charge status of glycosylated side chains – rHuEPO slightly more acidic than EPO – Also able to detect Darbopoietin (rHuEPO analogue)

Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
Not allowed to race for 2 weeks if over Hct limit Mathematical model = quick, inexpensive, able to predict current or recent use; not well preserved Isoelectric Focusing & Immunoblotting = accurate; labor intensive, expensive, needs to be collected within 2-3 days of rHuEPO use to be accurate

Detection of Blood Transfusion

Advancement of rHuEPO testing, indirectly leads to a return to older practices of blood transfusion – Autologous transfusions currently undetectable – Homologous transfusions can be detected by flow

cytometry after labeling RBC membrane proteins o Multiple RBC populations o Enhanced production of RBC line

Additional Blood-Boosting Methods High Altitude Training / Altitude Tents

– In low pO2, Hg binds O2 more efficiently – Natural stimulus for erythropoiesis, over 3-4

weeks Artificial Oxygen Carriers

– Hemoblobin Oxygen Carriers (ex. Hemopure) o No positive effect on endurance or VO2max* o Hypertension, GI hypertonicity, renal toxicity

– Perfluorocarbons Emulsions o Synthetic liquid dissolves oxygen 100x greater

than plasma, requires oxygen supplementation o Flu-like symptoms, thrombocytopenia, allergic

reactions, hepatosplenomegaly, organ failure

*Aschenden MJ. Int J Sports Med (2007) Sports Medicine

Presentation Notes
AOCs used in surgery, emergency resuscitation, chemotherapy adjuct and veterinary medicine

Summary Sports Anemia – dilutional due to increase plasma

volume – Rule out other causes – No treatment needed

Iron Deficiency Anemia – Order appropriate labs – Evaluate nutritional intake – Evaluate for possible losses including GI, GU – Training adaptations

Hemolytic Anemia – Order appropriate labs – Training adaptations

Sickle Cell Trait – Higher risk for sickling crisis with heat, exertion, dehydration,


Sports Medicine


Ashenden MJ, Schumacher YO, Sharpe K et al. Effects of Hemopure on Maximal Oxygen Uptake and Endurance Performance in Healthy Humans. Int J Sports Med (2007) 28(5): 381-385.

Buzzini SR. Abuse of Growth Hormone Among Young Athletes. Pediatr Clin N Am (2007) 54: 823-843.

Casavant MJ. Consequences of Use of Anabolic Androgenic Steroids. Pediatr Clin N Am (2007) 54: 677-690.

Eichner ER. Blood Doping: Infusions, Erythropoietin and Artificial Blood. Sports Med (2007) 37(4-5): 389-391.

Kerr JM, Congeni JA. Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids: Use and Abuse in Pediatric Patients. Pediatr Clin N Am (2007) 54: 771-785.

Pommering TL. Erythropoietin and Other Blood-Boosting Methods. Pediatr Clin N Am (2007) 54: 691-699.

Robinson N, et al. Erythropoietin and Blood Doping. Br J Sports Med (2006) 40: 30-34. Saugy M, et al. Human Growth Hormone Doping in Sport. Br J Sports Med (2006) 40: 35-

40 Smurawa, TM. Testosterone Precursors: Use and Abuse in Pediatric Athletes. Pediatr Clin

N Am (2007) 54: 787-796

Sports Medicine

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