andy warhol presentation

Post on 19-Jan-2015






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Guide To Andy Warhol yourself.

Step 1:

You open Photo shop. Once photo shop opens you then go onFile- New- then click on the tab where it Says clipboard and then select international paper then clickOk.

You should now have this in front of your computerScreen.

Okay now you have Photoshop open correctlyBy following these stages now I can show you how tomake an Andy Warhol image by going onto the nextSlide which is stage two.

You now click on the tab File- Open and browse the image you want to work on or example I have chosen this image of me to work with then you just click Open.

Step 2:

Now you have your image on there Zoom out not to much just till you can see the full screen so you can see better that’s What i do because it helps me see more clearly. So as you canSee to your bottom right of the screen the highlighted layerWhat you do is drag that layer and drop it in the new layer.

By doing that as you can see you should have two layers now.Change the layer that says background copy and rename it cut away. Just right click on the name click on layer properties and rename it and click okay.

On the left of the screen there is a long tab with different tools rightClick on the fourth one down and select magic wand tool make sure you Are on the cut away layer because that’s the one you are going to workOn.

This time I want you to just click on ne layerThen do the same routine so right click layerProperties and rename it colour.

If you clicked on the background of the image after selecting the magic wand tool or the selectiontoo you should have small black dashed lines around the actual image Just like this if it is like this then your on track. What this does is deletes all the Pixels in the background.

Step 3:

Now you need to make sure that you are on the cut away layer

Now we are working on the contrast so you click It should now look exactly like this.On the tab Image- Adjustment- Threshold click on it… easy.

Now play about with the slider till it showA good shadow to show the shape of the picture I would say round 90-100 and then just click ok.

You should now have something like this.

Step 4:Now you no how to create a new layer. Create one and call it shirt – hold ctrl and alt j. And make sure you are onThe shirt layer.

Once you clicked on ctrl alt j this should appearOn your screen then you should change the layer To shirt, hair what ever you would like to work on First for example I have chosen shirt to work with.

After that has been done click on the layer you Chose to work with and make sure you stay on that layerTill you have finished the edit on that same layer. Then select the magic wand tool and go round the object you chose to work with so I willBe going round the shirt because that’s what I chose to work with first.

After that you go on edit it’s the tab at the topOf the screen then go down click on fill then clickOn colour then choose any colour you like I have Chosen blue as you can see.

You should no have something like this now I am going to do the otherSide of my shirt the same colour so now you know how to do this justFollow the same procedures.

Now this is what it looks like if it is like this and then your keeping on track

Step 5:

Now you are going to create several layers matching to the objects on the Picture the same way I did it for the shirt. I'm going to show you how. I'm goingTo show you for one of them then you can do the rest.

This time I have highlighted the Vest so thisTime I am going to be working on the vest simple…Now you hold ctrl-alt-j then a new layer bow shouldAppear in the middle of the screen. Then just name the layerAnything you want to work on so for example I have highlightedThe vest so I am going to name the layer vest because that’s theOne I am working on. Then click on the arrow just below whereIt says normal and go down click on multiply and click ok.

Do this for every object in the picture weather its hair eyes anything that stands out.

Always make sure you lock the layer you are not working on.

After that make sure you are on The vest layer then highlight the Vest part on the image with the Magic wand or the polygon tool Its entirely up to you.

Then once you highlighted it click on the edit tab then fill then colour as show before With more detail you can go back to that slide… as you can see I have chosen a Bright yellow colour this is how it should look if you have followed the instructions Carefully.

You should now have something like this with all the seperate layers on the sideMatching each part of the photo.

After being cropped here is the final product and a before and after.

To make this you must follow the easy set procedure in this PowerPoint Presentation.

Before After

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