andrew, mr. k. m.— (continued)

Post on 07-Jan-2022






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ANDREW , Mr. K. M .— (con tinued)

D efence—

A . Bill o n , (2R ) 3736.


C onscientious ob jec to rs , position of, in, 3736.

N ational serv icem en, 7578.

Party-political involvem ent in , 7579.

Finance (B ill), (2R ) 10308; (C) 10334-6.

K aolin exp lo itation a t N o o rd h o ek , 695 (S).

M int, S .A . 10308, 10334-6.

M o to r vehicle insurance, com pulsory, 6179.

R ainw ater, storage of, 695 (S).

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 13039; (C) 13149, 13213-5, 13278-85.

T eachers, position of, 6081.

T ran sp o rt Services A p p ro p ria tio n , (C) 2813.

U niversities (A . B ill), (2R ) 9232; (C) 9372-91.

V o te rs’ ro lls , use o f popu lation register in th e com pilation of, 7772.


A lienation o f L and (A . Bill), (2R ) 4994; (C ) 5014.

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4433; V otes: F inance and A ud it, 6988; Industries, C om ­m erce and T ourism , 494 (S).

A ppropria tions (C entra l G o v ern m en t)— (continued)

Part, (2R ) 1213.

C orrup tion in the public and private sec­to rs, 4434.

E conom y, conditions in th e , 1217, 4436, 6989.

R egional grow th, incentives and conces­sions fo r, 1220, 4438, 6992, 496 (S).

Sales Tax (A . Bill), (2R ) 10387.

Tax avoidance, 1215.

BADENHORST, the Hon. P. J.(Oudtshoorn)—

[Deputy M inister o f Internal A ffairs]

A ppropria tions (C entra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain— V otes: In te rn a l A ffairs, 7792, 7905.

Part, (2R ) 1474.

C oloureds, 7905.

E ducation , 7912.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 9814, 9836; (C) 9840-1.

T echnical, 7910.

Farm ers, assistance to (A . B ill), (2R ) 4904, 4916.

R ural areas (A . B ill), (2R ) 4889, 4901.

C onstitu tional d ispensation for R epublic , p roposed , 1476.

Bill on , (3R ) 13580.

Publications con tro l, 7793.

Photographic M atte r, Indecent or O bscene (A . B ill), (2R ) 8231-7.

BADENHORST, the Hon. P. J .— (con tinued)

V ideo cassettes, 8231.

V o te rs’ roll, com pilation of, 7798.

BALLOT, Mr. G. C. (Overvaal)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: F inance and A ud it, 7014; Police 63 (S).

E conom y, conditions in th e , 7015.

E m ploym ent, Basic C onditions of (B ill), (2R ) 501; (3R ) 697.

Iscor (A . Bill), (2R ) 5905.

L and , A lienation of (A . B ill), (2R ) 5000.

Post Office A p propria tions—

A dditional, (2R ) 1571.

M ain, (2R ) 3169.

T errorism , 63 (S).

BAMFORD, Mr. B. R. (Groote Schuur)—

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm ent}—

M ain— V otes: Parliam en t, 5053, 5065; C onstitu tional D evelopm en t and P lanning, 8472.

C ape Tow n. U niversity o f (P rivate A . B ill), (2R ) 7739, 7748.

M inister (the H on. S. P. B o th a), S .C . on conduct o f (m otion ), 5612.

Parliam entary d in ingroom , access to , 5054, 5065.

Port E lizabeth , U niversity o f (P rivate A. B ill), (2R ) 7724.

R oads, N ational (2 A . B ill), (2R ) 6485.

Schlebusch C om m ission, 8472.

Speaker, trib u te to (the H on. J. P. du T o it), 890.

BARNARD, D r. M. S. (Parktow n)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4741; V otes: N ational E d u ­cation , 6065; D efence , 7584; In ­terna l A ffairs, 7913; E ducation and T rain ing , 207 (S); H ealth and W elfare , 249 (S), 378 (S); E nvironm en t A ffairs, 712 (S); (3R ) 10649.


B irth ra te am ongst, 4742, 254 (S), 379 (S).

E ducation fo r, effect o f m alnu trition on , 208 (S).

N urses fo r, 10871.

Child C are (B ill), (2R ) 6564; (C) 8149- 231.

C ho lera , 2193.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (C) 12402,12435.

D efence Force, m edical services o f, 7585.

E m ploym ent, Basic C onditions o f (B ill), (C ) 630-55; (3R ) 711.

H ealth , 249 (S), 378 (S).

A . Bill on , (2R ) 2192.

D octo r/popu lation ra tio , 253 (S).

H ospital services, 250 (S).

H um an Tissue (B ill), (2R ) 6351, 6380; (C) 6432-43; (3R ) 6557.

“ K eep South A frica T idy” cam paign, 712 (S).

BARNARD, Dr. M. S.— (continued)

M achinery and O ccupational Safety (B ill), (C ) 675.

M edical aid schem es, 381 (S).

M onum ents C ouncil, N ational, 6066.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (2R ) 10946; (C) 11064; (3R ) 13110.

Pensions, First R ep o rt o f S .C . on , 9735.

Pharm acy (A . Bill), (2R ) 2171.

Prisons (A . B ill), (C ) 11170.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (C ) 2738.

M edical schem e of, 2739.

W elfare services, discrim ination against peop le o f co lour in the field of, 4745 ,7914 , 10650, 378 (S).

BARNARD, M r. S. P. (Langlaagte)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5255; M ineral and E nergy A ffairs, 5707, 5739; F inance and A u d it, 6984, 7018; M anpow er, 7684 In ­dustries, C om m erce and T o u r­ism , 437 (S); C om m unity D evel­o p m en t, 747 (S), 878 (S); (3R ) 10640.

B reakfast cereals, toxic, 439 (S).

C hain sto res—

Price changes in, 440 (S).

Scanning m achines, use of, in, 7019.

Coal (B ill), (2R ) 3526.

C om m unity D evelopm ent, 747 (S), 878

A. Bill on , (2R ) 6343.

C om petition , M aintenance and Prom otion of (A . B ill), (2R ) 5985; (3R ) 6256.

C onstitu tion of the R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (C ) 11581-97, 11639-96, 11717-26, 12325-51, 12486, 12706, 12771.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t, Law s on (A . B ill), (C ) 11026.

E ducation—

A dvanced Technical (A . B ill), (2R ) 9528; (3R ) 9746.

F ree , 6985, 6987.

E m ploym ent, Basic C onditions o f (B ill), (2R ) 504; (C ) 647 ,653 .

E ngineers, Professional (A . B ill), (2R ) 8243.

E xchange contro l, 6986.

Facilities, opening up of, 880 (S).

Fuel R esearch Institu te , A bolition of the (B ill), (2R ) 3496.

H ousing, 2567 , 2706 , 6988 , 748 (S), 879

A. Bill on , (2R ) 6283.

S trategy (m otion), 2913.

Indians, position of, in M ayfair, 2707, 2917,5258, 10641.

Iron and Steel Industrial C orp o ra tio n , L im ited, S .A . (A . B ill), (2R ) 5907, (C ) 6239-41 ;(3 R ) 6245.

L abour R elations, 7685.

A. Bill on , (2R ) 480; (3R ) 614.

BARNARD, M r. S. P.— (continued)

L iquor (A . B ill), (2R ) 5940; (3R ) 6247.

M inew orkers, 5708.

M inister (th e H on . S. P. B o th a), S.C . on conduct o f (m otion ), 5646.

Property T im e-sharing C ontrol (B ill), (2R ) 5824; (C ) 6548-55.

R oad T ran sp o rta tio n (A . B ill), (2R ) 769; (C ) 1017, 1023; (3R ) 1114.

Sectional T itles (A . Bill), (2R ) 8261.

Sporting events, a ttendance of, by Blacks, 11026.

S ta te co rporations, investm ents in, 5739.

Tourism B oard , S. A . (B ill), (2R ) 9792.

T ransport Services, S .A .—

A ppropri ations—

A dditional (C ) 1097.

M ain, (2R ) 2564; (C) 2706.

C onditions o f E m ploym ent (B ill), (2R ) 1145, 1598; (C ) 1718-43; (3R ) 1978.

Finances, 2565, 2708.

H ousing, 2567, 2706.

T ravel A gents and T ravel A gencies (B ill), (2R ) 5871.

U nem ploym en t, 7685.

BARTLETT, M r. G. S. (Amanzimtoti)—

A ccountan ts and A u d ito rs , Public (A . Bill), (2R ) 1691.

A gricu ltu re, conditions affecting, 8081.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

A dditiona l, (C ) 2018-9.

M ain, (2R ) 4423; V otes: T ran sp o rt, 6167; F inance and A u d it, 6964; A gricu ltu re , 8081; Industries , C om m erce and T ourism , 425 (S); 445 (S); (3R ) 10704.

P art, (2R ) 1204; (3R ) 1922.

C om petition , M ain tenance and P rom otion o f (A . B ill), (2R ) 5994; (3R ) 6259.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (2R ) 7156.

C onstitu tional change, 181.

C opyright (A . B ill), (2R ) 6659; (C ) 6678; (3R ) 6685.

C o rru p tio n in business and public adm in­istration , 4430.

C ustom s and Excise (A . B ill), (2R ) 10052.

E conom y, conditions in th e , 184, 1205, 1839, 1925, 4423, 6965, 10705; 426 (S).

Finance (B ill), (2R ) 10304.

Incom e Tax (B ill), (2R ) 10350.

Inflation , contro l o f (m o tio n ), 1839, 1892.

Iscor, (A . B ill), (2R ) 5913; (C ) 6239-42; (3R ) 6244.

L and , A liena tion of (A . B ill), (2R ) 4998.

L and B ank (A . B ill), (2R ) 4349.

L iquor (A . B ill), (2R ) 5949.

M arine Traffic (A . B ill), (2R ) 986.

M oto r V ehicle Insu rance , C om pulsory (A . B ill), (2R ) 744.

BARTLETT, Mr. G. S.— (continued)

N ational S ta tes, developm ent of, 427 (S).

N o-confidence d eb ate (m otion ), 180.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (3R ) 13114.

P aten ts (A . Bill), (2R ) 6693.

Perishab le P roducts E x port C ontro l (B ill), (2R ) 976.

P roperty T im e-sharing C on tro l (B ill), (2R ) 5832; (C ) 6523-32; (3R )8618.

R esearch , 445 (S).

R evenue Laws (A . Bill), (2R ) 10238.

R oad tran sp o rta tio n , 2458, 6168.

A. Bill on , (2R ) 776 , 901; (C ) 1009-60; (3R ) 1115.

R oads, n a tional, 6172.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 945; (C ) 1066, 1072; (3R ) 1549.

Salem affa ir, 1923.

Sales Tax (A . B ill), (2R ) 10398; (C) 10415.

Shipbuilding industry , 428 (S), 447 (S).

Tax incentives, 6966.

T ransport Services, SA , 1814 (m otion).

A. Bill o n , (2R ) 1657; (C ) 1758.

A p propria tions—

A dditiona l, (2R ) 1086; (C ) 1103, 1110.

M ain, (2R ) 2453; (C ) 2713, 2730; (3R ) 2974.

T ransport Services, SA— (continued)

A ppropriations— (continued)

C atering , 2713.

Finances and A ccounts (B ill), (2R ) 1678; (C ) 1761-74; (3R ) 2095.

Financial m atters , 1086, 2453, 2730, 2976.

H ousing, 2714.

Passenger services, 2459, 2715, 2975.

BLANCHE, M r. J. P. I. (Boksburg)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4663.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (2R ) 7180; (C ) 12262, 12774.

C opyright (A . Bill), (2R ) 6655.

E ngineers, Professional (A . B ill), (2R ) 8240.

G oldm ines, S ta te aid to , 4666.

Local G overnm en t A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 9907; (3R ) 10201.

P aten ts (A . B ill), (2R ) 6690.

Post Office A pp ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 3156; (3R ) 3364.

Tourism B oard , SA (B ill), (2R ) 9718.

BORAINE, Dr. A. L. (Pinelands)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4619; V otes: P rim e M inis­te r , 5349; Foreign A ffairs and In fo rm ation , 6768, 6897; M an­pow er, 7608, 7705; E ducation and T rain ing , 235 (S); (3R ) 10513.

BORA INE, Dr. A. L .— (continued)

Black S ta tes, developm ent in , and re ­lations w ith , 6769.


D evelopm en t of, 151.

E ducation fo r, 235 (S).

Cam pus N ew s, d istribu tion of, 5349.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (2R ) 7276; (Instruction) 11291; (C) 11573, 11601, 12199, 12285, 12348, 12385, 12451-62; (3R ) 13503.

C onstitu tional reform , 4620, 10513.

D efence (A . Bill), (C ) 3936-56.

E m ploym en t, conditions o f—

Basic (B ill), (3R ) 729.

South A frican T ran sp o rt Services, in, 1628.

L ab o u r re la tions, 7706.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 453; (3R ) 610.

M anpow er, 7608, 7705.


A . Bill on , (2R ) 439.

M otion , 2840.

M inim um w age, national, 7608.

M ixed M arriages A c t and certain sections of the Im m orality A ct, app o in t­m ent o fS .C . on , 5350.

No-confidence debate (m otion ), 150.

Political In terference A ct, repea l o f P ro ­hibition o f (m otion ), 2309.

Television and radio services, 6898.

T rad e unions, 7615, 7706.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA (C onditions of E m ploym en t) (B ill), 1628.

U nem ploym ent, 7610.

U niversities (A . B ill), (2R ) 9144; (C) 9338-55, 9394-402, 9421; (3R ) 9579.

BOTHA, Mr. C. J. van R. (Umlazi)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4604; V otes: Prim e M inis­te r , 5103; Foreign A ffairs and In fo rm ation , 6874; C o n stitu tio n ­al D evelopm en t and P lanning, 8399.

Part, (3R ) 1928.

C oloureds and Ind ians, hom elands for, 4604, 5105.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (2R ) 7158.

C onstitu tional d ispensation , new , 8400.

D urban-W estville , U niversity o f (B ill), (2R ) 8980; (C ) 9071.

E ducation , A dvanced T echnical (A . Bill), (C ) 9640; (3R ) 9749.

Facilities, open ing up of, 1928.

Post Office—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3402.

A ppropriations—

A dditiona l, (2R ) 1565; (C ) 1595.

M ain, (2R ) 3145.

Financial m atte rs , 1566, 3148.

BOTHA, M r. C . J. van R.— (continued)

Post Office— (continued)

H ousing, 3402.

Tariffs, 3146.

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 13004; (C) 13191.

Southern A frica , R S A ’s ro le in developing (m otion ), 2406.

Television and rad io services, 6874.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2462.

C onditions o f E m ploym en t (B ill), (2R ) 1625.

BOTHA, the Hon. P. W „ D .M .S . (George)—

[Prime Minister]

A frica, position o f R epublic in, 115, 135.

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain— V otes: P rim e M inister, 5126, 5269, 5353; (3R ) 10673.

B lack popu lation—


C ontribu tion o f R epublic tow ards de ­velopm ent of, 120.

E stab lishm en t of, 10686.

Sw aziland, p roposed incorporation o f K angw ane and Ingw avum a in to , 145.

U rb an , 122.

A p po in tm en t o f special C ab ine t com ­m ittee on , 124.

C oloureds, position of, 5138.

C oloureds, position of— (continued)

H om eland for, idea of a , 10688.

C onstitu tional dispensation for R epublic , proposed—

Bill on , (3R ) 13508, 13512.

R eferendum on , 4284, 5148, 5272, 10690.

E conom y, sta te of, 109.

D ecen tralization o f econom ic activities, 126.

Inflation, 110.

Indians, 5280.

In O range F ree S ta te , 5157.

Industries, decen tra lization of, 126.

M ixed M arriages and Im m orality A cts, 5277.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m otion ), 106, 109.

Parliam en t, m em bers of, salaries of, 10673.

P opulation grow th, rep o rt o f P resid en t’s Council on , 5127.

Seychelles, a ttem p ted coup in , 138.

South W est A frica, 131, 5356.

Speaker: T rib u te to re tiring (the H on . P.J. du T o it), 890; e lection o f new (the H on. J. W. G reeff), 897.

Sta te P residen t, d eath o f ex- (the H on. C. R . Sw art), 13.

U S A , a ttitu d e of, tow ards SA , as sta ted by M r. E ag leburger, 10674.

BOTHA, the Hon. R. F ., D .M .S . (West-dene)—

[Minister o f Foreign A ffa irs and In for­mation]

A frica, S o u th ern , re la tions betw een R e­public and countries of, 299, 2413 (m otion ). 6852.

A ngola, 6854.

L esotho, 6852.

M ozam bique, 6725.

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5311; Foreign A ffairs and In form a­tion , 6706, 6746, 6783, 6849, 6926.

D iplom atic service, non-W hites in , 6851.

No-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 293.

South W est A frica , 294, 6855.

A ngola, contacts w ith, 6854.

U S A , a ttitu d e tow ards R epublic , 299, 6709.

Council on Foreign R elations, 6754.

BOTHA, the Hon. S. P ., D .M .S . (Soutpans- berg)—

[Minister o f M anpow er and Leader o f the H ouse]

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (C ) 2006-8.

M ain— V otes: M anpow er, 7655,7712.

C onstitu tional dispensation fo r R epublic , proposed—

Bill on , (3R ) 13421.

L abour m atters—

Basic C onditions o f E m ploym en t (B ill), (2R ) 491, 521, 526; (C) 630-55; (3R ) 691 ,731 .

W om en, 523, 691.

O ccupational Safety, M achinery and (B ill), (2R ) 533, 567; (C ) 659-90, 736-8; (3R ) 1004.

R elations, 7655, 7712.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 450, 483; (C ) 576; (3R ) 624.

T rain ing , 2876 (m otion ), 2006.

Bill on , (2R ) 437, 448.

W orkm en’s C om pensation benefits , d e ­lays in paym ent of, 7665.

BOTMA, Mr. M. C. (Walvis Bay)—

A p p ro p ria tio n (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: In terna l A ffairs, 7779; E nvironm ent A ffairs, 698 (S).

Part, (2R ) 1509.

D efence (A . Bill), (2R ) 3626.

R eferendum s (B ill), (C ) 13140.

Sea fisheries, 698 (S).

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3872.

W alvis B ay, situation a t, 1509, 7779.

BREYTENBACH, Mr. N. W. (Kroonstad)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Justice and Prisons, 5559; T ran sp o rt, 6200; D efence , 7450; C onstitu tional D ev elo p ­m ent and P lanning, 8389.

P art, (2R ) 1250, 1373.

BREYTENBACH, Mr. N. W .— (continued)

Civil av ia tion , 6200.

C o n stitu tion , R epublic o f South Africa (B ill), (C ) 12438, 12767, 12769.

C onstitu tional developm ent o f South A fri­ca, 8389.

D efence (A . B ill), (3R ) 4117.

O nslaught against South A frica, 7452.


A. Bill o n , (2R ) 11164; (C ) 11169.

Service, 5559.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A pp ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2484; (C ) 2772.

E m ploym en t, C onditions o f (B ill), (2R ) 1602; (3R ) 1984.

Housing, 2488.

L abour re la tions in , 2487.

U nau thorized E x pend itu re (B ill), (2R ) 9027.

CLASE, Mr. P. J. (Virginia)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4597; V otes: Prim e M inis­te r , 5327; N ational E ducation , 6017, 6130; Foreign A ffairs and In fo rm ation , 6894; C o-operation and D ev elo p m en t, 8721, 8857; E ducation and T rain ing , 169 (S); (3R ) 10644.


A ttendance o f sporting even ts, 11019.

E ducation , 169 (S).

H ousing, 8722.

C oloureds, hom eland for, 4601, 5328, 10645.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (2R ) 7284; (C ) 12274.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t, Laws on (A . Bill), (C ) 11019.

C ulture P rom otion (B ill), (2R ) 2280; (3R ) 4145.

E ducation , equal o p p ortun ities and s tan ­dards in, 6021.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 271.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (2R ) 10952; (C ) 11058.

Parks, N ational (A . Bill), (2R ) 3015.

Port E lizabeth , U niversity o f (P rivate A . B ill), (2R ) 7725.

Separate developm ent, 273.

Sport, 6130, 11019.

Television, 6894.

U niversities—

A. Bill on , (2R ) 9049; (C ) 9328, 9369- 75, 9414; (3R ) 9554.

Adm ission of people o f colour to W hite , 6022.

COETSEE, the Hon. H. J. (Bloemfontein West)—

[Minister o f Justice]

A dvocate-G eneral (A . B ill), (2R ) 5443-8.

A ggett case, 5490.

A nim al Protection (A . B ill), (2R ) 5435- 41.

COETSEE, the Hon. H. J.— (con tinued)

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain, (2R ) 4722; V otes: Justice and Prisons, 5478, 5521, 5564.

A tto rn ey s (A . B ill), (2R ) 5449-52; (C) 5774.

C om puter E vidence (B ill), (2R ) 5775, 5789.

C onstitu tional dispensation for R epublic, p roposed—

Bill o n , (2R ) 7355.

C ourts o f Justice (A . Bill), (2R ) 5430-5.

C rim inal cases, delay in disposing of, 5530.

C rim inal law (A . Bill), (2R ) 5374, 5420; (C) 5802, 5811-4; (3R ) 5894.

D eath penalty , 5484.

E states, A dm in istra tion of (A . Bill), (2R ) 9841, 9859; (C ) 9864.

Inquests (A . Bill), (2R ) 5368-72.

Justice, D ep artm en t of, staff position in, 5522.

Justices o f the Peace, appo in tm en t of, 4722.

Legal aid , 5533.

Prison popu lation , 5567.

Sentences to com m unity service, 5528.

COETZER, Mr. H. S. (East LondonNorth)—

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Foreign A ffairs and In ­form ation , 6810; D efence, 7545;

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t— (con tinued).

M ain— (continued)

C onstitu tional D evelopm ent and P lanning, 8414; E nvironm ent A ffairs, 673 (S).

C onservation p rogram m es, div ided con­tro l over, 674 (S).

C onstitu tional change, 8415.

N eighbouring countries , Sou th A frica 's in­volvem ent in, 6811.

South W est A frica, 7546.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (C) 2726, 2734.

Role of, in b o rd er areas, 2734.

CONRADLE, Mr. F. D. (Sundays River)—

A ppropria tion (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: N ational E ducation , 6111; C onstitu tional D evelop­m ent and Planning, 8505; Indus­tries, C om m erce and T ourism , 481 (S); E nvironm ent A ffairs,587 (S).

E nvironm ent C onservation (A . B ill), (C) 4250.

E sta tes, A dm inistra tion of (A . B ill), (2R ) 9847.

M onum ents, nationa l, 6112.

Physical developm ent p lan , national, 8505.

Physical P lanning (A . B ill), (2R ) 10022.

Port E lizab e th -E ast L ondon developm ent a rea , 482 (S).

P roperty T im e-sharing C o n tro l (B ill), (C) 6504, 6513, 6529; (3R ) 8611.

CONRADIE, Mr. F. D.— (continued)

Provincial A ffairs (B ill), (2R ) 10032.

Sundays R iver valley, supply o f w a ter to ,588 (S).

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A pp ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2543; (C ) 2782.

Finances and A ccounts (B ill), (2R ) 1683; (3R ) 2093.

R ationaliza tion , p rog ram m e of, 2543, 2784.

T rain passengers, p ro tec tio n and safe­guarding of, 2782.

CRONJE, the Hon. P. (Port Natal)—

[D eputy M inister o f W elfare and o f C om m unity D evelopm ent]

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4533; V otes: H ealth and W elfare , 361 (S); C om m unity D evelopm en t, 857 (S), 897 (S).

C onstitu tional d ispensation for South A frica , p roposed , 4533.

E ngineers, Professional (A . B ill), (2R ) 8237-46.

G roo te Schuur Z o o , 899 (S).

H ousing, provision of, 2940 (m otion ), 858 (S), 897 (S).

R entals, 857 (S).

Sectional T itles (A . B ill), (2R ) 8247, 8285; (C ) 8593-607; (3R ) 8945.

W elfare housing—

C hild ren 's hom es, 859 (S).

O ld-age hom es, 367 (S), 860 (S).

Pensions, 361 (S).

Laws (B ill), (2R ) 10418, 10424; (C) 10425-7.

M eans te s t, 363 (S).

Supplem entary: F irst Bill on , (2R ) 10427; Second Bill on , (2R ) 13595.

State departm en ts , office fu rn itu re fo r, 900 (S).

CRONJE, Mr. P. C. (Greytown)—

A p propria tions (C entra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: T ran sp o rt, 6197; M an­pow er, 7674; In terna l A ffairs, 7884; C onstitu tional D evelop­m ent and P lanning, 8418; E n ­vironm ent A ffairs, 615 (S); C om m unity D evelopm en t, 891 (S).

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (C) 12270-93, 12380.

C onstitu tional developm ent, 8418.

D efence (A . B ill), (C ) 3977.

D urban-W estville , U niversity o f (B ill), (2R ) 8973.

E ducation , A dvanced T echnical (A . Bill), (2R ) 9535.

H ousing, 2931 (m otion), 891 (S).

Indian com m unity, 7884, 891 (S).

M achinery and O ccupational Safety (B ill), (C ) 665-90; (3R ) 1001.

M ining R ights (A . Bill), (2R ) 4967.

Perishable P roducts E x p o rt C ontro l (B ill), (C) 1125-8.

R eferendum s (B ill), (3R ) 13307.

C R O N JE , Mr. P. C .— (continued)

R oad T ran sp o rta tio n (A . B ill), (C) 1043-58.

R oads, N ational (2A . B ill), (2R ) 6476.

Sea F isheries (A . B ill), (2R ) 3868.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA —

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2490; (C ) 2806.

C osts, cutting of, 2491.

H om e loans, 2807.

M otion , 1825.

Pricing policy, 2494.

Steam trac tio n , 2808.

T ransport system , p lanning of, 1825, 6198.

U nem ploym ent, 7674.

U niversities (A . B ill), (C) 9429.

W ater, 615 (S).

CUNNINGHAM, M r. J. H. (Stilfontein)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: M ineral and E nergy A f­fairs, 5741; M anpow er, 7699; Com m ission fo r A dm inistra tion , 7954; H ealth and W elfare , 382 (S).

Coal (B ill), (2R ) 3528.

E lectoral (A . B ill), (2R ) 4372.

Labour sphere , p ressure on foreign com ­panies to m eet certa in req u ire ­m ents in , 7700.

M anpow er T rain ing (A . B ill), (2R ) 444.

M ining industry , 5743.

M inister (th e H on . S. P. B o th a), S .C . on conduct o f (m otion ), 5642.

Pensions, 383 (S).

Public Service, 7954.

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 13062.

CUYLER, M r. W. J. (Roodepoort)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain— V otes: In terna l A ffairs, 7853; C onstitu tional D evelopm en t and Planning, 8378, 8381; Police, 89 (S).

Part, (3R ) 1947.

C oloureds, hom eland fo r, 1950.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (Instruction ) 11408; (C) 12142-55.

Explosives (A . B ill), (2R ) 2147.

Indians, hom eland fo r, 8380.

Police, 89 (S).

A . Bill o n , (2R ) 2103; (C ) 2216; (3R ) 3086.

Publications co n tro l, 7854.

R eferendum s (B ill), (C ) 13261.

DALLING, Mr. D. J. (Sandton)—

A dm iralty Jurisd ic tion R egula tion (B ill), (2R ) 11174; (C ) 13109-10.

A dvocate-G enera l (A . B ill), (2R ) 5445.

A nim al P ro tection (A . B ill), (2R ) 5437; (3R ) 5442.

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4526; V otes: Justice and Prisons, 5455, 5536; N ational

D A LLING , M r. D. J .— (continued)

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)— (continued)

M ain— (continued)

E ducation , 6115; Foreign A ffairs and In fo rm ation , 6867, 6869; In ­terna l A ffairs, 7835; C o n stitu ­tional D evelopm en t and P lan ­ning, 8501 ; (3 R ) 10562.

A tto rneys (A . B ill), (2R ) 5450; (C) 5774; (2A . B ill), (2R ) 11080.

C apita l pun ishm ent, 5460.

C onstitu tion , R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (2R ) 7126; (Instruction ) 11372, [guillotine m otion , 11898], 12469, 12507, 12887-909; (3R ) 13460.

C onstitu tional change, 278, 4528, 8501, 10563.

C ourts o f Justice, 5456.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 5431.

C rim inal Law (A . B ill), (2R ) 5377, 5383; (C ) 5793, 5804, 5809, 5814; (3R ) 5888.

Facilities, open ing up o f, 4532.

H o ex ter C om m ission, 5458.

Inquests (A . B ill), (2R ) 5368.

M atrim onial p ro perty law , 5459.

N ew spapers, con tro l over, 7835.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 278.

Prison officers’ c lub’s m em bersh ip o f a rugby association , 5536, 6116.

SA B C , 6867, 6869, 7836, 8504.

Small claim s courts, 5457.

Sport, 278, 5536,6115.

A ttendance o f events by d ifferen t race g roups, 4531.

DE BEER, M r. S. J. (Geduld)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5305; M ineral and E nergy A ffairs, 5580, 5704.

C onstitu tional re fo rm , 5305.

O ccupational diseases, 5580, 5707.

Southern A frican S tates, in te rdependence of, 5705.

DE JAGER, Mr. A. M. van A. (KimberleyNorth)—

A ppropria tions (C entra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain— V otes: N ational E d u ca tio n , 6030; T ran sp o rt, 6173; E duca­tion and T rain ing, 177 (S); E n ­vironm ent A ffairs, 585 (S).

C ultural affairs, 6030.

C ulture P rom otion (B ill), (2R ) 3273, 3412, 3413; (C ) 3808, 3820, 3835.

E ducation—

A dvanced T echnical (A . B ill), (2R ) 9473; (3R ) 9764.

B lacks, 177 (S).

C ulture Laws and (A . B ill), (2R ) 3437.

T echnikons (E ducation and T rain ing) (A . B ill), (2R ) 4924.

U niversities (A . B ill), (2R ) 9106.

U niversity o f th e W estern C ape (B ill), (C) 8990.

DE JAGER, M r. A. M . van A.— (continued)

Irrigation fa rm ers, 586 (S).

M arine Traffic (A . Bill), (2R ) 983.

Spitskop D am , 586 (S).

Traffic con tro l, 6173.

T ransport Services, SA —-

A p p ro p ria tio n , (C ) 2789.

M arketing o f services of, 2789.

DE KLERK, the Hon. F. W. (Vereeniging)—

[Minister o f Internal Affairs]

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (C) 2027-32.

M ain, (2R ) 4551, 4552; V otes: In terna l A ffairs, 7802, 7863, 7916, 7931; C om m ission fo r A dm in istra tion , 7957; (3R ) 10519.

C itizenship, dual, 7871.

Civil Service, 7957.

C oloureds—

U niversity o f the W estern C ape (B ill), (2R ) 8951, 8967; (C) 9073-84.

C onstitu tional dispensation fo r R epublic, p roposed , 398.

Bill on , (2R ) 7096; (C ) 12196, 12281; (3R ) 13556.

E lectoral A cts (A . B ill), (2R ) 4365, 4374.

Im m igration, 2027, 7871.

Indians, 7918.

E ducation , 7919.

U niversity o f D urban-W estville (B ill), (2R ) 8971, 8999; (C) 9073-84.

Indians— (continued)

In O range Free S ta te , 7863.

M inister o f M anpow er, participa tion as M inister o f W ater A ffairs in N jele le w a ter schem e, allega­tions in connection w ith , 5591.

M ixed M arriages and Im m orality A cts, 7806.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 398.

O il supply to South A frica (Salem case), 2626.

Political In terference A ct, P roh ib ition of, p roposed repeal o f (m otion ), 2357.

Publications con tro l, 2028.

B ishops’ C onference, rep o rt of, on SW A , 7867.

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 12965, 13069; (C ) 13150-286; (3R ) 13312.

Sunday legislation, 7870.

V oters, reg istra tion of, 7807.

DELPORT, Mr. W. H. (Newton Park)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: C o-operation and D evel­opm en t, 8714; C om m unity D e ­velopm en t, 789 (S).

A tto rneys—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 5451; 2A . Bill, (2R ) 11087;(C ) 11161.

B orders o f Particu lar S tates E x tension (A . B ill), (2R ) 2211,2224.

C o-operation and D ev elo p m en t, T h ird R ep o rt o f S.C . on (on consolida­tion o f kw aN debele), 13360.

DELPORT, M r. W . H .— (continued)

D eeds offices, 790 (S).

E aste rn C ap e, 8715.

Post Office—

A pp ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 3186.

Staff of, 3186.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (C ) 12014.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA —

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2497.

H arb o u rs , 2498.

O perating results of, 2498.

Staff of, 2497.

T ravel A gents and T ravel A gencies (B ill), (2R ) 5874.

U niversity o f P o rt E lizabeth (P rivate A . Bill), (2R ) 7721,7730.

U rb an B lacks outside B lack S ta tes, D evel­opm en t o f (m otion ), 1350.

DE PONTES, Mr. P. (East London City)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5334; Justice and Prisons, 5472, 5562; Police, 99 (S); C om m unity D e ­velopm en t, 882 (S).

D uncan V illage, 882 (S).

H ousing, 3379, 882 (S).

Justice, adm in istration of, 5472.

Police (A . B ill), (2R ) 2109.

Post Office—

A dditional A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 1576.

Post Office— (continued)

A p p ropria tion , (3R ) 3378.

H ousing provided by, 3379.

Prisons Service, In form ation and liaison service of, 5562.

R egional developm ent, 5335.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (C) 12039.

R hodes U niversity (P rivate A . Bill), (2R ) 7732.

DE VILLIERS, Dr. the Hon. D. J. (Piket- berg)—

[Minister o f Industries, C om m erce and Tourism]

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Industries , C om m erce and T ourism , 449 (S), 534 (S).

Black residen tial areas, supply o f liquor in , see “ L iquor (A . B ill)” .

C om petition , M ain tenance and P rom otion of (A . B ill), (2R ) 5976, 5999; (C) 6253-5; (3R ) 10821.

C onstitu tional dispensation fo r R epublic , p roposed , 224.

Fuel R esearch Institu te , A bolition of (B ill), (2R ) 3489-500.


D ecentralization of, 534 (S).

D evelopm ent of (K leu re p o rt) , 449 (S).

P ro tection of, 451 (S).

Fertilizer industry , 458 (S).

Shipbuilding industry , 538 (S).

DE VILLIERS, Dr. the Hon. D. J.— (con ]tinued)

Industries— (continued)

W ine and spirits industry , 544 (S).

Iscor (A . B ill), (2R ) 5902, 5915; (C ) 6235- 42; (3R ) 6246.

L iquor (A . B ill), (2R ) 5927, 5963; (3R ) 6251.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 223.

Scientific R esearch C ouncil (A . B ill), (2R ) 3503,3515.

Strategic supplies, stockpiling of, 540 (S).

T ourism , 3135, 545 (S).

SA T ourism B oard (B ill), (2R ) 9692, 9796; (C ) 10782-818; (3R ) 10821.

W ine collectors, sale o f stocks of, 5930.

DU PLESSIS, the Hon. B. J. (Florida)—

[Deputy M inister o f Foreign A ffa irs and Inform ation]

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: Foreign A ffairs and In ­form ation , 6914.

P art, (2R ) 1382.

Inform ation Service, SA , and news m edia, 6924.

SA BC, 6917.

DU PLESSIS, M r. G . C . (Kempton Park)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: T ran sp o rt, 6159; Indus­tries, C om m erce and T ourism , 527 (S).

A irports, catering services a t, 6161.

A irw ays, 2449, 2710.

N ational roads, 6159.

A. Bill on , (2R ) 937; (C ) 1068; (3R ) 1547; 2A . Bill o n , (2R ) 6228.

Post Office—

A p p ropria tion , (C) 3342.

T elephone and telex services, 3342.

T ourism , 5868, 527 (S).

T ransport Services, SA , 1799 (m otion)—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2446; (C ) 2710.

T ravel A gents and T ravel A gencies (B ill), (2R ) 5868.

DU PLESSIS, the Hon. P. T. C. (Lyden- burg)—

[Minister o f M ineral and Energy A ffairs]

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

A dditional, (C ) 2034-5.

M ain— V otes: M ineral and E nergy A f­fairs, 5680, 5756; (3R ) 10599, 10602.

C oal, 5763.

Bill on , (2R ) 3518, 3533; (C ) 3538-45.

E xport of, 5683.

D iam ond industry , 5766.

E lectricity , saving of w ater in generating , 5685.

K oeberg nuclear pow er s ta tio n , 5688.

M ines—

A ssistance to , 5690.

DU PLESSIS, the Hon. P. T. C.— (con tinued)

M ines— (continued)

G o v e rn m en t’s labour policy, 5759.

Pensions fo r sufferers from occupa­tional diseases, 5683.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (2R ) 10942, 10964; (C ) 11062-8; (3R ) 13117.

M ining R ights (A . Bill), (2R ) 4964-75; (3R ) 4977.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m otion ), 359.

O il supply to R epublic , 1894 and 2598 (Salem inciden t), 2659, 5692.

P etro leum products , decrease in price of, 1489, 5695, 5756.

Petro l—

L ead in, 5757.

Levy on sale of, a fte r-hours, 5769.

Price of, 1489, 5695, 5756.

Sasol p e tro l, determ in ing price of, 5771.

Solar energy, 5764.

DURR, Mr. K. D. S. (Maitland)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain— V otes: P rim e M inister, 5229; Foreign A ffairs and In form a­tion , 6796; C onstitu tional D evel­opm en t and Planning, 8526; E n ­vironm ent A ffairs, 650 (S); C om m unity D evelopm en t, 875 (S).

Econom ic o p p o rtu n ities outside m etro ­po litan a reas, crea tion of, 5230.

E nvironm ent conservation , 650 (S).

A . Bill on , (C) 4259, 4265; (3R ) 4871.

H ousing, 875 (S).

A. Bill o n , (2R ) 6312.

N ational Parks (A . Bill), (2R ) 3001.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7175; (Instruction ) 11286;(C) 11524, 11538.

R obben Island, 650 (S).

Sectional T itles (A . B ill), (2R ) 8281.

Southern A frica , R S A ’s ro le in develop­m en t o f (m otion ), 2392.

Southern C ape, 653 (S).

EGLIN, Mr. C . W . (Sea Point)—

A ppropriations (C entra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4469; V otes: P rim e M inis­te r , 5285, N ational E ducation , 6135; Foreign A ffairs and In fo r­m ation, 6696, 6828; C o nstitu ­tional D evelopm ent and P lan­ning, 8464; C om m unity D evelopm ent, 809 (S).

B lack and W hite value system s, 6830.

B orders o f Particu lar S tates Extension (A . Bill), (3R ) 3252.

D efence (A . Bill), (C) 4063, 4066.

G ranger Bay, developm ent of, 2822, 6135.

H ousing, 2890 (m otion ), 809 (S).

A. Bill o n , (2R ) 6265.

Im pact of in ternal policies and sta tem en ts on S A ’s ex ternal relationships, 6697.

EGLIN, Mr. C . W .— (con tinued)

Local G overnm en t A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 8298; (C ) 10088, 10123, 10157.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 283.

Provincial A ffairs (B ill), (2R ) 10031.

R elations am ong peoples o f SA , p ro m o ­tion of (m otion ), 1275.

R eferendum , 5288.

R elationships betw een SA and ne ighbour­ing states, 284, 6701.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (In troduction ) 6366; (2R ) 7346; (C ) 11495, 11566, 11741. 11748, 11828, 12025, 12041, 12077, 12238, 12337, 12370, 12425, 12514, 12543, 12586, 12644, 12651, 12687, 12715, 12746, 12826, 12910; (3R ) 12586.

Sectional T itles (A . B ill), (2R ) 8249.

Socio-econom ic and political policies of G overnm en t, 4469, 5285.

S outhern A frica , R S A 's ro le in develop­m ent o f (m otion ), 2376.

South W est A frica/N am ibia, 284, 6704.

T ransport Services, SA—

A partheid signs on suburban tra ins, re ­m oval of, 2821.

A p p ropria tion , (C) 2821, 2832.

E conom ical use o f land occupied by, 2832.

FICK, Mr. L. H. (Caledon)—

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4615; V otes: In terna l Af-

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)— (con tinued)

M ain— (continued)fairs, 7838; A gricu ltu re , 8119; E nv ironm en t A ffa irs , 692 (S).

Part, (2R ) 1527.

C oloured com m unities, developm ent of, 7838.

Fishing industry , 692 (S).

M alt and b eer industry in SA , 4615.

Plant Im provem ent (A . B ill), (2R ) 4315.

R eform in SA , 1527.

SA T ourism B oard (B ill), (2R ) 9726.

FOUCHE, Mr. A. F. (W itbank)—

A kasiapark , 751 (S).

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5167; M ineral and E nergy A ffairs, 5586, 5736; In te rn a l A ffairs, 7821; C onstitu tional D evelop­m ent and P lanning, 8405; H ealth and W elfare , 352 (S); C om m uni­ty D evelopm en t, 750 (S).

Basic C onditions o f E m ploym ent (B ill), (2R ) 509; (3R ) 707.

C oal, 5586.

D em ographic trends in SA , 752 (S).

H ealth (A . B ill), (2R ) 2202.

H ousing, 2572, 2825, 754 (S).

A. Bill on , (2R ) 6276.

H um an Tissue (B ill), (2R ) 6412; (C ) 6437.

Indecen t o r O bscene Photograph ic M atte r (A . B ill), (2R ) 8235.

FO U C H E, Mr. A. F . (con tinued)—

L and division of D ep artm en t o f C om ­m unity D evelopm en t, 751 (S).

Local G o v ern m en t A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 9893.

L o rd ’s day , observance of, 7822.

M ines, w orked-ou t. pollu tion a t. 5737.

M inew orkers, 5737.

Pension Laws (A . B ill), (2R ) 10421.

Pensions, 352 (S).

R eferendum s (B ill), (3R ) 13302.

R ura l C oloured A reas (A . B ill), (2R ) 4897.

Sectional T itles (A . Bill), (2R ) 8267; (C) 8591-4; (3R ) 8933.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA —

A dditional A p p ro p ria tio n , (C ) 1105.

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2572; (C ) 2824.

H ousing prov ided by, 2573.

M ayfair housing schem e, 2825.

Staff of, 1105.

FOURIE, Mr. A. (Turffontein)—

A dvanced Technical E du ca tio n (A . Bill), (2R ) 9509.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4643; V otes: Foreign A f­fairs and In fo rm ation , 6844; In ­tern a l A ffairs, 7768; C o nstitu ­tional D evelopm en t and P lan­ning, 8491; C o-operation and D evelopm en t, 8759; Industries, C om m erce and T ourism , 490 (S); (3R ) 10458.

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)— (con tinued)

Part, (2R ) 1402.

B orders o f P articu lar S tates E xtension (A . Bill), (2R ) 2234.

C oloured hom eland , 4643.

C onstitu tional p roposals, 1402, 4646, 10458.

D ecentralization , 8491, 490 (S).

E lectoral (A . Bill), (2R ) 4369.

Fuel R esearch In stitu te , A bolition of (B ill), (2R ) 3494.

Indecent o r O bscene P hotographic M atte r (A . Bill), (2R ) 8233.

Inform ation Service, SA , 6844.

Local G overnm ent A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 9930.

N ational R oads (A . Bill), (3R ) 1552.

Population register, 7769.

Prohibition o f Political In terference A ct, repeal o f (m otion ), 2319.

R eferendum , 4643.

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 13015; (C) 13197.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (Instruction) 11226; (C) 11776, 12001, 12048, 12353, 12453, 12679, 12699.

SA Tourism B oard (B ill), (2R ) 9705.

U rban Blacks, 8760.

GASTROW, Mr. P. H. P. (Durban Cen­tral)—

A frikaner-W eerstandsbew eging , activities of, 118 (S).

GA STRO W , Mr. P. H. P .— (continued)

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditiona l, (C ) 2033-4.

M ain, (2R ) 4656; V otes: Justice and P risons, 5500; M ineral and E nergy A ffairs, 5746; Foreign A ffairs and Info rm ation , 6839; Police, 117 (S); H ealth and W el­fa re , 373 (S).

A rm s and A m m unition (A . B ill), (2R ) 2152.

C hild C are (B ill), (2R ) 6587; (C ) 8151- 229.

C om puter E vidence (B ill), (2R ) 5777.

C rim inal Law (A . Bill), (2R ) 5416.

D efence (A . Bill), (2R ) 3775; (C ) 3909, 3919, 3963, 4075.

Inform ation Service, SA , 6839.

Inquests (A . B ill), (2R ) 5371.

Insolvency (A . Bill), (2R ) 11069; (C ) 11078.

Legal a id , 5500.

M alnu trition , 373 (S).

M inew orkers, 5746.

M khize, Saul, shooting of, 4657.


A. Bill on (2R ) 2014; (C ) 2212, 2222.

Stations, advertising a t, 120 (S).

Prisons (A . Bill), (2R ) 11097.

R epublic o f South A frican C onstitu tion (B ill), (In struction ), 11449; (C) 12490, 12693, 12736.

GELDENHUYS, Mr. A. (Swellendam>—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: D efence , 7497; H ealth and W elfare , 308 (S); E nv iron ­m ent A ffairs, 659 (S).

Part, (2R ) 1542.

Child C are (B ill), (2R ) 6593; (3R ) 8582.

H ealth inspectors, 308 (S).

M issile testing range a t B red asd o rp , 7497, 659 (S).

N ational Parks (A . B ill), (3R ) 3080.

Pharm acy (A . B ill), (2R ) 2181.

R eferendum s (B ill), (C ) 13201; (3R ) 13290.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7227.

SA D efence Force , 1542.

GELDENHUYS, Dr. B. L. (Randfontein)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4689; V otes: P rim e M inis­te r , 5189; D efence , 7532; C o n ­stitu tional D evelopm en t and P lanning, 8375; H ealth and W el­fa re , 283 (S).

Child C are (B ill), (2R ) 6611; (3R ) 8581.

C onstitu tional proposals, 4689, 8375.

D efence (A . Bill), (2R ) 3743; (3R ) 4125.

D estab ilization , 7532.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (3R ) 13111.

P opulation grow th in SA , 283 (S).

GELDENHUYS, Dr. B. L.— (con tinued)

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7162; (Instruction) 11254; (C ) 11604, 11688, 11989.

T erro rists , activities of, 5189, 7532.

GOLDEN, Dr. S. G. A. (Potgietersrus)—

Post Office—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (C ) 3321.

Study aid and bursaries available to staff o f, 3322.

GOODALL, Mr. B. B. (Edenvale)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (C ) 2021-50.

M ain, (2R ) 4455; V otes: F inance and A u d it, 6993, 7033; D efence, 7483; H ealth and W elfare, 321 (S) 349 (S); In dustries , C om m erce and T ourism , 501 (S).

P art, (2R ) 1522.

D efence (A . B ill), (2R ) 3593; (C ) 4044, 4065; (3R ) 4128.

Econom ic p lann ing , 6993.

Fiscal policy, 6994.

F ree en terprise system , 501 (S).

Incom e Tax (B ill), (2R ) 10359.

Inflation, 1522, 4455.

N ational P arks (A . Bill), (C ) 3070; (3R ) 3073.

Pensions, 1522, 4459, 321 (S), 349 (S).

Cost o f equalization of, 1526.

O ld-age, 1523, 323 (S), 349 (S).

Pensions— (continued)

Pension Laws (A . Bill), (2R ) 10421; (C) 10426.

Supplem entary (B ill), (2R ) 10427.

Public A ccountan ts and A ud ito rs (A . B ill), (2R ) 1689.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (Instruction ) 11230.

R etirem en t, provision for, 350 (S).

R evolutionary w arfare , 7484.

Tax basis, erosion of, 7033.

W elfare paym ents, effect o f inflation on , 4455.

GROBLER, Dr. J. P. (Brits)—

A p propria tion (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4726; V otes: Foreign A f­fairs and In fo rm ation , 6902; D e ­fence, 7526; M anpow er, 7643; E ducation and T rain ing , 224 (S); H ealth and W elfare , 256 (S); C om m unity D evelopm en t, 894 (S).

Part, (3R ) 1918.

C haplains’ service, 7526.

C hild C are (B ill), (2R ) 6573; (3R ) 8571.

D urban-W estville , U niversity o f (B ill), (C) 9072.

Fund-R aising (A . Bill), (2R ) 9179.

H ealth—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 2197.

C are , cost of, 257 (S).

Housing, 2928 (m otion ), 894 (S).

A . Bill on , (3R ) 6335.

GROBLER, Dr. J. P.— (continued)

H um an Tissue (B ill), (2R ) 6382; (C ) 6444.

Pensions, First R ep o rt o f S.C . on , 9733-5.

S porting activities and sport transm issions on Sundays, 6903.

W orkers, p ro tec tion of, 7643.

HARDINGHAM, M r. R. W. (Mooi River)—

A gricu ltu re, 4670, 564 (S).

C redit (A . B ill), (2R ) 4333, 4801.

Pests (B ill), (2R ) 3899, 4267.

R esources, conservation o f (B ill), (2R) 4828; (C ) 4853.

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

A dditional, (2R ) 2001; (C ) 2050.

M ain, (2R ) 4670; V otes: C o-operation and D evelopm en t, 8709 , 8743; E nv ironm en t A ffairs, 564 (S).

D airy Industry (A . B ill), (2R ) 4292; (C) 4300.

D rough t, 4670, 564 (S).

E nvironm ent C onservation (A . Bill), (2R ) 3482; (C ) 4263.

Forest (A . Bill), (2R ) 3452.

Inflation, con tro l o f (m otion ), 1861.

Land, consolidation of, 8709, 8743.

M achinery and O ccupational Safety (B ill), (2R ) 565; (C) 664.

N atal, w ater crisis in , 564 (S).

N ational Parks (A . Bill), (2R ) 3017; (C) 3069; (3R ) 3079.

Plant B reeders’ R ights (A . Bill), (2R ) 4310.

Plant Im provem ent (A . B ill), (2R ) 4318.

Sea Fisheries (A . B ill), (2R ) 3881.

H A R TZEN B ER G , Dr. F. (Lichtenburg)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4488; V otes: P rim e M inis­te r , 5089, 5345; A gricu ltu re , 8077; C o-operation and D ev el­o p m en t, 8659; E d u ca tio n and T rain ing , 165 (S); (3R ) 10693.

B orders o f Particu lar S ta tes E xtension (A . B ill), (C ) 3104-16; (3R ) 3220, 3222.

C onstitu tion—

R eferendum on p rop o sed , 4285, 4489, 10698.

R epublic o f South A frica (B ill), (2R ) 7290; (C ) 11526-54; (3R ) 13427.

C onstitu tional p roposals, 378, 4490, 5089, 5345.

L an d , consolidation of, 8661.

M aize industry , 8078.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m otion ), 377.

Parliam ent—

Speaker, resignation of (the H on. J. P. du T o it), 891.

U rban Blacks, 8659.

HAYWARD, the Hon. S. A. S. (Graaff-Rei- net)—

[Minister o f E nvironm en t A ffa irs and Fisheries]

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

A dditional, (C ) 2049-50.

HAYW ARD, the Hon. S. A. S.— (continued)

A pp ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G ov ern m en t)- (con tinued)

M ain— V otes: P rim e M in ister, 5263; E n v ironm en t A ffairs, 568 (S), 622 (S), 668 (S), 705 (S); (3R ) 10556.

E nvironm ent C onservation (A . Bill), (2R ) 3458.

Forest industry , 580 (S ), 628 (S).

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3448-55; (C ) 3457.

Price o f tim ber, 624 (S).

Parks, acquisition o f land fo r, 583 (S).

N ational (A . Bill), (2R ) 2575, 3021; (C) 3066-71; (3R ) 3082.

S tate-ow ned land , rep o rt of S.C . on, 13366.

W ater m atte rs , 4335, 10557, 570 (S), 634 (S), 668 (S).

B orehole tariffs, 626 (S).

Irrigation system s, subsid ization of, 627 (S).

N jelele schem e, involvem ent o f M inis­te r (the H on. S. P. B otha) in, 5263, 5605.

O range R iver schem e, 631 (S).

Pollu tion , 576 (S).

R and W ater B oard S ta tu tes (P rivate A. B ill), (2R ) 10067, 10077; (C) 10082.

R iet R iver schem e, 629 (S), 669 (S).

W ater, availability of, 4335, 570 (S).

L eso tho H ighland schem e, 2050, 623 (S).

N atal, 10560. 637 (S).

HEFER, Mr. W. J. (Standerton)—

A dm inistration B oards, 8756.

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5221; D efence, 7429; A gricu ltu re, 8007; C o-operation and D evel­opm en t, 8756; E ducation and T rain ing , 183 (S).

P art, (2R ) 1451.

B orders o f Particu lar S ta tes E xtension (A . Bill), (2R ) 593.

C ulture Prom otion (B ill), (2R ) 2302; (C ) 3837.

D efence, 7429.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3565, 3574; (C ) 3907; (3R ) 4111.

E ducation , 183 (S).

A dvanced Technical (A . B ill), (2R ) 9440; (C) 9624; (3R ) 9744.

U niversities (A . B ill), (2R ) 9206; (C ) 9332, 9366.

U niversity o f C ape T ow n (P rivate A . B ill), (2R ) 7743.

U niversity o f the W estern C ape (B ill), (C ) 8993.

L and , consolidation of, 8758.

L ivestock farm ing, 8008.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (3R ) 13455.

V eterinary services, 8008.

HEINE, Mr. W. J. (Umfolozi)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5341; D efence, 7573.

H E IN E , Mr. W . J .— (continued)

C onstitu tional developm en t, 5341.

Crim inal Law (A . B ill), (2R ) 5404.

D efence, 7573.

A . Bill on , (C) 4071.

Perishable P roducts E xport C ontro l (B ill), (2R ) 977.

HEUNIS, the Hon. J . C ., D .M .S . (Helder-berg)—

[Minister o f C onstitutional D evelopm ent and Planning]

A ppropriations (C entra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4781, 4783; V otes: C onsti­tu tiona l D evelopm en t and P lan­ning, 8428, 8433, 8468, 8540.

C onfederation of S ta tes, p rogress to ­w ards, 8548.

C onstitu tional d ispensation fo r R epublic , 204, 822 (m otion ), 4786.

Bill on , (In troduction ) 6363, 6377; (2R ) 7045, 7361, 7365; (Instructions) 11349, 11472; (C) 11505-96, 11613-700, 11716-48, 11810-58, 11952-12087, 12127-62, 12210, 12298-372, 12415-66, 12499, 12550-612, 12624-753, 12780- 909, 12912-56; (3R ) 13594, 13597.

Sittings o f S.C . o n , 8433, 8544, 8555.

Local G overnm en t A ffairs, P rom otion o f (B ill), (2R ) 8288 , 9965; (C) 10096-165; (3R ) 10204, 10212.

R elations betw een peoples of South A frica, p rom otion of sound (m o­tion ), 1299.

D evelopm ent B ank o f S outhern A frica, creation of, 8550.

Local G overnm en t A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 8288, 9965; (C) 10096-165; (3R ) 10204,10212.

Provincial A ffairs (B ill), (2R ) 10028-34.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 197, 199.

Oil supplies to R epublic (m otion ), 2610.

Peoples o f South A frica , p ro m o tio n of good re la tions am ongst (m o ­tio n ), 1299.

Physical P lanning (A . B ill), (2R ) 10013, 10026.

HEYNS, Mr. J. H. (Vasco)—

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4415; V otes: T ran sp o rt, 6180; Foreign A ffairs and In fo r­m ation , 6836; F inance and A u ­d it, 6961; Industries , C om m erce and T ourism , 408 (S); C o m ­m unity D ev elo p m en t, 797 (S).

C om m odity prices, 6962, 411 (S).

C om petition , M ain tenance and P rom otion of (A . Bill) (3R ) 6260.

D ecen tra liza tion , 6181, 409 (S).

H ousing, 4422, 6964, 799 (S).

Incom e Tax (B ill), (2R ) 10355.

Inflation, 413 (S).

In terna tional deb t situation , 4420.

Paarl M ountain (A . B ill), (2R ) 4953.

P roperty T im e-sharing C on tro l (B ill), (2R ) 5835.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (C ) 12760.

R evenue Law s (A . B ill), (2R ) 10251.

HEYNS, M r. J. H.— (continued)

Sou th A m erica , visit to , 6836.

T h ird pa rty insurance, 6180.

Subsidies, 6963.

HOON, Mr. J. H. (Kuruman)—

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4633, 4641; V otes: Parlia­m en t, 5058; Prim e M inister, 5307; N ational E d u ca tio n , 6106; T ran sp o rt, 6190; Foreign A ffairs and In fo rm ation , 6799; M an­pow er, 7694, 7695; C onstitu tion ­al D evelopm en t and Planning, 8519; C o -operation and D evel­o p m en t, 8699.

P art, (2R ) 1495.

Black labour, 7694, 7695, 10888.

B lacks, influx of, in to W estern C ape, 8699, 10894.

C oloureds—

Farm ers A ssistance (A . B ill), (2R ) 4910.

H om eland , 1495, 4633, 4641, 5307.

R ural A reas (A . Bill), (2R ) 4895.

C onstitu tional P roposals, 1495, 2523, 4634, 5307.

C onstitu tion Bill, (In tro d u ctio n ) 6369; (C) 11575-83, 11608, 12011-19. 12908; (3R ) 13472.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t, Laws on (A . B ill), (2R ) 10888; (C) 11002.

C ultu re P rom otion (B ill), (C ) 3849; (3R ) 4160.

D airy Industry (A . B ill), (2R ) 4282.

D efence (A . Bill), (2R ) 3750.

E nvironm ent C onservation (A . B ill), (2R ) 3467; (C ) 4252; (3R ) 4874.

Forest (A . Bill), (2R ) 3451.

Influx con tro l, 8699, 10893.

K w aN debele, consolidation of, 10896.

Local G overnm ent A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 9943, 9950.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (2R ) 10954.

P lanning, 8519.

Physical (A . B ill), (2R ) 10021.

R egional gu ideplan , 8519.

Post Office—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (C) 3348.

M anual exchanges, 3349.

Separate postal facilities, 3351.

W renchville, Post Office a t, 3350.

Pow er-sharing, 1495, 4634, 4641.

R eferendum s (B ill), (C ) 13129-266; (3R ) 13295.

R epublic o f South A frica C onstitu tion (B ill), (In troduction) 6369; (C) 11575-83, 11608, 12011-9, 12908; (3R ) 13472.

R oad m o to r tran sp o rt, 6191.

Sea F isheries (A . B ill), (2R ) 3871.

Southern A frica, R S A ’s ro le in developing (m otion ), 2385.

Sport, 6106, 10892.

H O O N , M r. J . H .— (continued)

T ransport Services, SA —

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2523; (3R ) 2981.

B oard o f, 2527.

Sishen-Saldanha line, 2983, 8519.

U niversities—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 9212; (C ) 9431.

T echnikons, and , A dvisory Council fo r (B ill), (3R ) 10764.

W ine and Spirit C ontro l (A . B ill), (2R ) 4864.

HORWOOD, Prof. the Hon. O. P. F .,D .M .S .—

[Minister o f Finance]

A ccountan ts and A u d ito rs (A . B ill), (2R ) 1689.

A griculture, assistance to , 1705, 4214, 4218 ,5045 ,6997 .

A p propria tions (C entra l G overnm ent)—

A dditional, (2R ) 1987, 2002; (C) 2004- 5 ,2 0 2 1 -6 ,2 0 4 2 ,2 0 5 1 .

M ain, (2R ) 4184 (budget), 4798, 5033; V otes: F inance and A ud it, 6929, 6996, 7038; (3R ) 10428, 10706.

Part, (2R ) 1151, 1693; (3R ) 1893, 1962.

Buidling societies, 1163, 4202.

C onstitution of the R epublic (B ill), (2R ) 7269; (3R ) 13407.

Econom ic situation , 1152, 4184, 5037, 6929, 10428.

Inflation, 1698, 6930, 10433.

Finance Bill, (2R ) 10282, 10319; (C) 10325-34.

F inance d ep artm en ts , staff position in, 2022-23, 699.

G old , price of, 1893, 7043, 10431.

G oldm ines, assistance to , 4195, 5049.

H ousing, 4210, 5049.

Im ports, surcharge on , 1164.

In terest ra tes , ad jus tm en t of, 5033.

K ruger rands, 7006, 10720, 10334.

L and B ank , accom m odation fo r officials o f, 10713.

M int, the SA , 2026, 7005, 10323.

Oil supply to R epublic , 1711 (Salem case), 1970.

SFF A ssociation , auditing o f funds of, 1967.

Pensions, 1703, 4208.

Transferability of, 1708.

Public D eb t C om m ission, activities of, 4197.

South W est A frica , finances of, 10709, 10724.

Sugar price, 1967.

T axation—

Blacks, 4200, 6998.

D onations, 4221.

Fringe benefits, 1162, 4199.

G enera l sales tax , 1164.

A dvertising and publicity services, 4222.

HORW OOD, Prof. the Hon. O. P. F.D .M .S .— (con tinued)

T axation— (con tinued)

Incom e, 1702.

In su rance , long-term , 1161, 4199.

M arried w om en, 10717.

T ax-free investm ents—

Post Office savings bank certificates, 4221.

HUGO, Mr. P. B. B. (Ceres)—

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4629; V otes: A gricu ltu re, 8000; Industries , C om m erce and T ourism , 434 (S); E nv ironm en t A ffairs, 64 (S).

B lacks, taxa tion of, 4631.

B reede R iver valley, 605 (S).

C o m petition , M aintenance and P rom otion of (A . B ill), (2R ) 5988.

C W D , 5989.

D rought relief, 4632, 8001.

Industrial p ro tec tio n , 8002, 434 (S).

Inflation, 4631.

K W V , 4633.

L and B ank, 4633.

L iquor (A . B ill), (2R ) 5947.

Local au tho rities, finances of, 4631.

Public D eb t C om m ission, 4631.

W ater conservation , 604 (S).

W ine and Spirit C ontro l (A . B ill), (2R ) 4860.

HULLEY, Mr. R. R. (Constantia)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (C) 2048.

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5247; M ineral and Energy A ffairs, 5713, 5732; In dustries , C om ­m erce and T ourism , 485 (S); E n ­vironm ent A ffairs, 549 (S), 639 (S).

Part, (2R ) 1456.

C onscientious o b jec to rs , 3756.

C onstitu tion (Bill) (C ) 11796, 11852, 12034-5, 12089, 12565-93, 12639-59.

D efence (A . Bill), (2R ) 3756.

D e H oop missile testing range, 642 (S).

E nvironm ent C onservation (A . B ill), (2R ) 3458; (C ) 4256.

E nvironm en t, C ouncil fo r th e , 3459, 4256, 460 (S).

K oeberg pow er sta tion , 5733.

“ K reef” ro u te , 649 (S).

L iquor trad e , recom m endations o f C o m ­petition B oard on , 485 (S).

M ercenaries, 3762.

N ational Parks (A . B ill), (2R ) 2577, 2999; (C) 3063, 3070.

N uclear N on-P ro lifera tion T rea ty , 5732.

Pelagic fishing industry , 1457, 646 (S).

Pe tro l, lead con ten t of, 5713.

H U LLEY , M r. R. R .— (con tinued)

Post Office—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (C ) 3324.

B ergvliet-M eadow ridge post office, 3327.

Postm en , wages of, 3325.

T elephones, 3324, 3326.

R an d W ater B oard S ta tu tes (P rivate A. B ill), (2R ) 10068; (C ) 10082.

R eferendum s (B ill), (C ) 13285.

W ater conservation . 549 (S), 639 (S).

JORDAAN, Mr. A. L. (False Bay>—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: C o-operation and D evel­opm en t, 8696.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2504, 2507; (C) 2818.

C om m ercial airline services, 2819.

Passenger train services, 2509.

W estern C ape, influx contro l in , 8696.

KLEYNHANS, Mr. J. W. (Algoa)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: Police, 26 (S); C om m uni­ty D evelopm en t, 888 (S).

B ethelsdorp S e ttlem ent (A . Bill), (2R ) 4937.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (C ) 12686.

H ousing, 888 (S).

Iscor (A . Bill), (3R ) 6244.

Local G overnm en t A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 8307.

Police, use of fire-arm s by, 26 (S).

KOORNHOF, Dr. the Hon. P. G . J ., D .M .S .(Primrose)—

[Minister o f Co-operation and D evelop­ment]

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (C ) 2009-17.

M ain— V otes: P arliam en t, 5064; C o­o p eration and D evelopm en t, 8625, 8763, 8773, 8837, 8875.

B lack population—

C onstitu tional d ispensation for R ep u b ­lic and , 160.

Laws on C o-operation and D ev elo p ­m ent (A . B ill), (2R ) 10730, 10918; (C ) 10971-11052; (3R ) 11147.

Local au tho rities fo r, estab lishm ent of, 8630.

R ese ttlem en t of, 838 (m o tio n ), 8779, 8784, 8887 (M atoks and R am a- goep).


C onsolidation of, 2015, 8786, 8883 • (N atal).

kw aN debele (M outse), 10734, 10935,11043.

D evelopm ent o f, 8764, 8770, 8775.

U rb an , outside B lack S ta tes (m otion ), 1361.

A lexandra , 8778.

C ontract w orkers, rights o f (R hiko to- ju d g m en t), 8637, 10731, 10925, 10984, 11150.

K O O R N H O F, D r. the Hon. P . G . J . ,D M .S .— (continued)

Black p opu lation— (continued).

U rb a n , ou tside B lack S tates— (con­tinued)

E aste rn C ape, 8773.

Inanda, 8634.

K hayelitsha, 8632, 8796, 8878.

C onstitu tional d ispensation for R epublic , p rop o sed , 160.

Bill on , (2R ) 7075; (3R ) 13390.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m otion ), 158.

Parliam entary d in ing-room , access o f all races to , 5064.

K O TZE, the Hon. G . J . (M alm esbury)—

[D eputy M inister o f Agriculture]

A b a tto irs, 8074.

A gricultural m atters , 8045, 8074, 8121.

C red it (A . B ill), (2R ) 4321, 4802; (3R ) 4809.

F arm ers, necessity to follow business princip les, 8047.

Land valuations, 8122.

R esources, C onservation o f (B ill), (2R ) 4811, 4839; (C ) 4844, 4851; (3R )4856.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: A gricu ltu re, 8044, 8045, 8074, 8121.

W ine and Spirit C on tro l (A . B ill), (2R )4857, 4867; (C ) 4869.

K O TZ E , the Hon. S. F . (Parow)—

[Minister o f C om m unity Developm ent]

A p propria tions (C entra l G overnm ent)—

M ain, (2R ) 4501; V otes: C om m unity D evelopm en t, 731 (S), 766 (S), 836 (S), 839 (S), 900 (S).

C om m unity D evelopm ent (A . Bill), (2R ) 6337-47.

H ousing, 4504, 731 (S), 766 (S), 836 (S). 900 (S).

A . Bill on , (2R ) 6263, 6321; (3R ) 6336.

A ged, fo r th e , 4506.

C ato M anor, 770 (S), 906 (S).

D istrict Six, 768 (S), 771 (S).

Inform ation service ab o u t, 837 (S).

In terest subsidy schem e, 732 (S).

L and available for, 780 (S).

Pre-em ptive right o f N H C , local a u th o r­ities and C om m unity D evelop­m ent B oard , 6264, 6322, 6337.

D istrict Six, 771 (S).

R ese ttlem en t o f com m unities, 782 (S).

U tility com panies, 6263, 6321, 734 (S).

K R IT Z IN G E R , M r. W . T .—

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: In terna l A ffairs, 7776.

E lections, p rocedures re la ting to , 7776.

R eferendum s (B ill), (C ) 13187.

LANDMAN, M r. W . J . (Carletonviile)—

A dm inistration boards, 8725.

LANDM AN, M r. W . J.— (continued)

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: M anpow er, 7692; Co-op- e ra tion and D evelopm en t, 8725.

M anpow er T rain ing (A . Bill), (2R ) 447.

M ines and W orks, O ccupational D iseases in (A . Bill), (2R ) 10959; (C) 11061; (3R ) 13116.

U nem ploym en t, 7692.

LE GRANGE, the Hon. L ., D .M .S . (Potchef- stroom)—

[M inister o f L a w and Order]

A frikaner-W eerstandsbew eging, 77 (S).

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (C ) 2035-6.

M ain— V otes: Justice and Prisons, 5493; Police. 1 (S ), 37 (S), 76 (S), 134 (S ) ;(3 R ) 10699.

Part, (2R ) 1418.

A rm s and A m m unition (A . B ill), (2R) 2149,2165.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7302; (3R ) 13433.

Explosives (A . B ill), (2R ) 2142-48.

N o-confidence debate (m otion ), 344.

Police m atters , 1419, 1 (S), 37 (S), 76 (S), 134 (S).

A. Bill on , (2R ) 1692, 2121; (C ) 2220-3; (3R ) 3090.

C rim e, prevalence and com bating of, 1419, 89 (S).

D e ten tion , regulations governing, 44 (S), 55 (S).

Police m atters— (con tinued)

D e ten tio n , regu la tions governing— (continued)

D eaths in, 87 (S).

D etainees P a ren ts’ S upport C om m it­tee , 347.

Fatal shootings in which m em bers o f police w ere involved (case o f D uvenhage , M khize and o th ers), 2592, 42 (S ) ,5 1 (S).

R oad blocks, erec tion of, see “ A . Bill o n ” .

Salaries, inform ation ab o u t, 137 (S).

Staff position , 1422, 143 (S).

Sta te security , action on , 1423.

LANGLEY, Mr T. (W aterkloof )*—

C onstitu tional d ispensation , p roposed , 1296.

R elations am ong peoples, p rom otion of sound (m otion ), 1291, 1298.

LEMMER, Mr. W. A. (Schweizer-Reneke)—

A gricultural R esources, C onservation of (B ill), (2R ) 4824.

A nim als P ro tection (A . B ill), (2R ) 5440.

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4675; V otes: A gricu ltu re, 8027.

C rim inal Law (A . Bill), (2R ) 5395.

M aize farm ers, financial position of, 8028.

Post Office—

A gency services of, 3336.

*MP for W aterkloof till 20 February, 1983.

L E M M E R , M r. W . A.— (continued)

Post Office— (con tinued)

A pp ro p ria tio n , (C ) 3334.

M anual exchanges, 3337.

Stock th eft, 5395.

LE ROUX, Mr. D. E. T. (Uitenhage>—

A p propria tions (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: P rim e M in ister, 5290; N ational E d u ca tio n , 6059, 6117; E nv ironm en t A ffairs, 682 (S).

C onstitu tional dispensation—

C oloureds, ro le of, in , 5292.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (Instruction ), 11 428 ;(C ) 12795.

C onstitu tional co u rt, 11428.

M arine resources, exp loitation of, 683 (S).

M inister (the H on . S. P. B o th a), S.C . on conduct o f (m otion ), 5627.

N ational Parks (A . B ill), (3R ) 3075.

Sea Fisheries (A . B ill), (2R ) 3869.

Sm all-boat h a rb o u rs , 6118.

T ransport Services, SA—

A ppren tices, train ing of, 2811.

A p p ro p ria tio n , (C ) 2810.

C uyler M an o r com plex, 2813.

U niversities—

Role of, 6059.

W estern C ape (B ill), (2R ) 8961.

LE ROUX, Mr. F. J. (Brakpan)—

A dvocate-G eneral (A . B ill), (2R ) 5446.

A nim als P ro tection (A . Bill), (2R ) 5439.

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

A dditional, (C ) 2007, 2034.

M ain, (2R ) 4714; V otes: Prim e M inis­te r , 5192, 5294; Justice and Pris­ons, 5551; M ineral and Energy A ffairs, 5583; Foreign A ffairs and In fo rm ation , 6738, 6878; M anpow er, 7623; C o-operation and D evelopm en t, 8864; E n ­v ironm ent A ffairs, 701 (S).

A tto rneys (A . Bill), (2R ) 5452.

C onstitu tional dispensation—

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7246; (Instruc­tion) 11388; (C) 11498, 11558- 63, 11728-57, 11848, 11985- 12016, 12057-88, 12156, 12172, 12277, 12326-95, 12454, 12497- 520, 12595, 12631-758, 12770- 823, 12883-906; (3R ) 13384.

C onstitu tional co u rt, 11388.

Local governm ent affairs, 9885.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t, Laws on, (A . Bill), (C ) 10993,11031.

C ourts o f Justice (A . B ill), (2R ) 5431.

C rim inal Law (A . Bill), (2R ) 5392.

C rude oil supplies for R SA (m o tio n ), 2619.

Salem affair, 2619.

E ducation and C u ltu re Law s (A . Bill), (2R ) 3437.

E m ploym ent, Basic C onditions o f (B ill), (C) 648-53; (3R ) 698.

LE ROU X, Mr. F. J .— (continued)

E n v ironm en t C onservation (A . B ill), (C) 4182, 4248, 4263.

Influx co n tro l, 8864, 10994.

Inquests (A . Bill), (2R ) 5369.

L abour R ela tions (A . Bill), (2R ) 465; (C) 575.

Local G overnm en t A ffairs, Prom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 9885; (C ) 10153.

M achinery and O ccupational Safety (B ill), (2R ) 542; (C) 655-90, 735-9.

M anpow er train ing (m otion ), 2852.

M ining R ights (A . Bill), (2R ) 4971.

M inister o f M anpow er—

A llegations against, 4715, 5192, 5295.

S.C. on conduct o f (m otion ), 5590, 5662.

N jelele dam , 702 (S).

N o-confidence debate (m otion ), 167.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (C) 11054-67.

Paarl M ountain (A . B ill), (2R ) 4949.

P aten ts (A . Bill), (2R ) 6692.

Post Office (A . Bill), (2R ) 3403.

Prison p o pu lation , 5552.

R eferendum s (B ill), (C ) 13275.

SA B C , 6878.

Salem affair, 2619.

S ep ara te developm ent, 168.

Sunday and overtim e w ork , 648-53.

T rade un ions, 466, 575, 7625.

U niversities (A . B ill), (2R ) 9132.

LE ROUX, Mr. Z. P. (Pretoria West)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Justice and Prisons, 5504; C o -operation and D evel­o pm en t, 8650, 8809; E du ca tio n and T rain ing , 210 (S).

Blacks outside B lack s ta tes, developm ent of, 1342 (m otion ), 8652, 8809.

B orders o f Particu lar S ta tes E x tension (A . Bill), (3R ) 3231; (2A . B ill), (2R ) 13331.

C onscientious o b jec to rs , 3645, 3933, 3994, 4050.

C onstitu tional d ispensation—

Bill o f rights, idea o f a, 11240.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7203; ( In tro ­duction) 11239; (C ) 11529, 12234.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t—

Laws on (A . B ill), (2R ) 10832, 10833; (C ) 10975, 11034; (3R ) 11114.

Third R ep o rt o f S .C . o n , 13354, 13363.

D efence (A . B ill), (2R ) 3644; (C ) 3932, 3994, 4050.

D efence Force, conscientious ob jec to rs and , 3645, 3933, 3994, 4050.

Justices o f th e Peace , ap p o in tm en t of special, 5506.

M outse question , 11116.

N otaries, 5508.

R ikhoto ju dgm en t, 10832, 10975, 11117.

LIGTHELM, M r. C. J. (Alberton)—

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: M anpow er, 7649.

Fuel R esearch In stitu te , A bolition of (B ill), (2R ) 3496.

M anpow er tra in ing , 2834 (m otion).

A . Bill on , (2 R )4 4 1 .

LIGTHELM, Mr. N. W. (Middelburg)—

A gricultural Pests (B ill), (2R ) 3891.

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: D efence , 7488; H ealth and W elfare , 327 (S).

D efence (A . B ill), (2R ) 3753.

D efence Force, conscientious ob jec to rs an d , 3754.

Fund-raising (A . Bill), (2R ) 9190.

Incom e Tax (B ill), (2R ) 10345.

Pensions, 329 (S).

P lant B reed ers’ R ights (A . B ill), (2R ) 4306.

P lant Im provem en t (A . Bill), (2R ) 4317.

LLOYD, Mr. J. J. (Roodeplaat)—

A dm iralty , Ju risd ic tion R egulation (B ill), (2R ) 13100.

A pp ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain— V otes: T ran sp o rt, 6164; Foreign A ffairs and In fo rm atio n , 6832; M anpow er, 7617.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (C ) 12017, 12724.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t, Laws on (A . B ill), (C ) 11032.

E m ploym ent, Basic C onditions o f (B ill), (C) 650; (3R ) 724.

L abour R elations (A . Bill), (2R ) 458; (3R ) 612.

M achinery and O ccupational Safety (B ill), (C) 666-81; (3R ) 998.

M otor-vehicle th eft, 6164.

R oad T ran sp o rta tio n (A . B ill), (2R ) 916; (C ) 1021-61.

R oads, N ational (Second A . Bill), (2R ) 6457; (C ) 9015.

T oll-road system , 6457, 9015.

T ran sp o rt services o f the R SA (m otion ), 1788.

LOUW, the Hon. E. van der M . (Namakwa- land)—

[Deputy M inister o f Finance]

A gricu ltu re, assistance to , 6977.

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4477; V otes: F inance and A ud it, 6975.

Econom y, sta te of, 44.

Inflation, 1881 (m otion ), 4481.

Land B ank (A . B ill), (2R ) 4338, 4363.

No-confidence debate (m otion ), 43.

Public A ccountants and A u d ito rs (A . Bill), (2R ) 1691.

T axation—

C ustom s and Excise (A . Bill), (2R ) 10034, 10055; (C) 10060-67.

Incom e (A . Bill), (2R ) 10266, 10367.

LOUW, the Hon. E. van der M.— (con­tinued)

T axation— (continued)

R evenue Laws (A . B ill), (2R ) 10082, 10257.

Sales (A . B ill), (2R ) 10374, 10410; (C) 10414-7; (3R ) 10418.

LOUW, M r. M. H. (Queenstown)—

A gricu ltu re—

C redit (A . B ill), (2R ) 4332.

Policy, 8011.

R esources, C onservation of (B ill), (3R ) 4855.

A m ato la fo restry d istrict, 614 (S).

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: A gricu ltu re , 8011; Police, 132 (S); E nvironm ent A ffairs, 612 (S).

P art, (2R ) 1531.

T im ber industry , 613 (S).

MALAN, Gen. the Hon. M. A. de M. (Mod- derfontein)—

[Minister o f Defence]

A p propria tions (C entra l G overnm ent)—

M ain— V otes: D efence , 7409, 7436, 7535, 7556, 7602.

D efence m atters , 314, 7409, 7535, 7556.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3545, 3788; (C ) 3904-5, 4006-13, 4033-86; (3R ) 4102, 4143.

C onscientious o b jec to rs , 3546, 3791 et seq. (See “ A . Bill o n ” ).

D efence m atters— (continued)

D estabilization process in Southern A frica , 314, 7535.

A ttacks by S A D F on A N C targ e ts in M apu to , 7605.

P L O , ro le of, 7563.

D rough t aid by D efence F orce , 7557.

N ational service, im plem en tation of new system of, 7417.

SA Navy, 7559.

South W est A frica , 7413.

Testing site on B red asd o rp coast, 7436.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m o tio n ), 312.

MALAN, Mr. W . C . (Randburg)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: M anpow er, 7677; C onsti­tu tiona l D evelopm en t and P lan­ning, 8475; (3R ) 10569.


B orders o f P articu lar S ta tes E xtension (A . B ill), (3R ) 3215; (2A . Bill), (2R ) 13340.

C o-operation and D ev elo p m en t, Laws on (A . B ill), (2R ) 10883; (C) 10981.

Influx con tro l, 10981.

M outse , 10884.

R ikhoto ju d gm en t, 10884.

T haba ’N chu, in co rp o ra tio n of, in to Bo- p hu thatsw ana , 13341.

C onstitu tional d ispensation , 99.

Bill of rights, id ea o f a , 11331.

M ALAN, Mr. W. C .— (continued)

C onstitu tional d ispensation— (continued)

Blacks, exclusion of, 10572.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7239; (Instruc­tion) 11330; (C) 11846, 11994, 12024, 12055, 12530, 12667-739, 12839-50; (3R ) 13538.

D efence (A . B ill), (2R ) 3763.

D efence F orce , conscientious o b jec to rs and , 3763.

M anpow er C om m ission, re p o rt of, 7678.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m otion ), 98.

MALCOMESS, M r. D. J. N. (Port ElizabethCentral)—

A irw ays, SA , 1795, 2511, 2756.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain— V otes: P rim e M in ister, 5225; M ineral and E nergy A ffairs, 5576, 5697; In terna l A ffairs, 7828, 7830; Police, 110 (S); In ­dustries, C om m erce and T o u r­ism , 429 (S); E n v ironm en t A f­fairs, 600 (S); (3R ) 10593.

P art, (2R ) 1513.

C itizenship, acquisition of South A frican , 7829,7831.

Coal (B ill), (2R ) 3520; (C ) 3537-43.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (C ) 11520.

C rude oil supplies for the R epublic , 2601 (m otion).

Funds fo r the p ro cu rem en t of, 1515, 5227.

Salem affair, 1515, 2601, 5229, 5579, 10595.

D airy Industry (A . Bill), (2R ) 4275; (C) 4299-301.

E sta te du ty , 10249.

Fuel R esearch In stitu te , A bolition of (B ill), (2R ) 3491.

Job reserva tion , 5702, 10594.

N uclear energy, 5701.

O range R iver schem e, 601 (S).

Petro l—

L ead con ten t o f, 5699.

Price of, 1513,5698.

Pre toria bom b explosion, 10596

R evenue Laws (A . B ill), (2R ) 10245.

R oads—

N ational (A . Bill), (2R ) 932; (C ) 1062, 1073, 1118, 1120; (3R ) 1546.

R oad T ran sp o rta tio n (A . B ill), (2R ) 911.

Scientific R esearch Council (A . B ill), (2R ) 3504.

T ransport Services, SA , 1792.

A irw ays, 1795, 2511, 2756.

A ppropria tions—

A dditional, (C ) 1098.

M ain, (2R ) 2511; (C ) 2756.

Finances and A ccounts o f (B ill), (C ) 1770-8.

U niversities (A . Bill), (C ) 9356, 9426-32.

MALHERBE, Mr. G. J . (Wellington)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: In terna l A ffairs, 7789; A gricu ltu re , 8100; H ealth and W elfare , 376 (S); Industries, C om m erce and T ourism , 516 (S); E nv ironm en t A ffairs, 598 (S).

C anning industry , 8101.

C om petition , M ain tenance and Prom otion of (A . Bill), (3R ) 6257.

D ried-fru it industry , 517 (S).

Irrigation w ater tariffs, 598 (S).

L iquor (A . Bill), (2R ) 5957.

R oads, N ational (2A . B ill), (2R ) 6473, 6475.

P lan t B reed ers’ R ights (A . B ill), (2R ) 4308.

Publications co n tro l, 7789.

R ural C om m unity D evelopm en t F ou n d a­tion , 376 (S).

W ine and Spirit C on tro l (A . B ill), (2R ) 4864.

MARAIS, Dr. G. (W aterkloof)*—

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Industries, C om m erce and T ourism , 421 (S).

Inflation, con tro l o f (m otion ), 1870.

Kleu rep o rt, 421 (S).

M achinery and O ccupational Safety (B ill), (2R ) 546.

*MP for W aterkloof since 10 May, 1983.

Post Office—

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 3173.

Tariffs, 3175.

MARAIS, Mr. P. G. (Stellenbosch)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4777; V otes: N a tional E d u ­cation , 6082; Police, 120 (S).

Part, (2R ) 1429.

D iam ond-cutting industry , 10236.

D rug abuse, 120 (S).

Explosives (A . B ill), (2R ) 2144.

L iquor (A . B ill), (2R ) 5934.

Property T im e-sharing C o n tro l (B ill), (2R ) 5829.

R evenue Laws (A . B ill), (2R ) 10235.

Stellenbosch, U niversity o f, 1430, 6083, 9140.

U niversities—

A. Bill on , (2R ) 9137; (3R ) 9575.

Stellenbosch, 1430, 6083, 9140.

MARE, Mr. P. L. (Nelspruit)—

A dm iralty Jurisd ic tion R egu la tion (B ill), (2R ) 11178; (C ) 13109.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Justice and Prisons, 5498; A g ricu ltu re , 8094; H ealth and W elfare , 371 (S).

Child C are (B ill), (2R ) 6622.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (In stru ctio n ) 11395, 11398.

M ARE, Mr. P. L .— (continued)

F orest (A . B ill), (2R ) 3454.

Insolvency (A . B ill), (2R ) 11073.

P roperty T im e-sharing C o n tro l (B ill), (C) 6534; (3R ) 8616.

MAREE, Mr. M . D. (Parys)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l Q overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: D efence , 7600; A gricul­tu re , 8031.

P a rt, (2R ) 1441.

D efence (A . B ill), (2R ) 3785; (C ) 3913.

McINTOSH, M r. G. B. D. (PietermaritzburgNorth)—

A gricultural C red it (A . B ill), (3R ) 4807.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditiona l, (C) 2014-9.

M ain— V otes: A gricu ltu re , 8097; C om ­m unity D ev elo p m en t, 735 (S).

Child C are (B ill), (2R ) 6619.

C om m unity D evelopm en t (A . B ill), (2R ) 6338.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (C ) 12466.

D efence (A . B ill), (C ) 3917, 3985, 3997, 4079.

Paarl M oun ta in (A . B ill), (2R ) 4943.

Pasturage A reas , D isposal o f C om m on (B ill), (2R ) 8903; (C ) 8924-5.

Police (A . B ill), (2R ) 2112.

R oadblocks, 2115.

R eligious ob jec to rs , see “ D efence (A . B ill)” .

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A. Bill on , (C ) 1755,1756; (3R ) 1759.

A ppropriations—

A dditiona l, (C ) 1109.

M ain, (2R ) 2550; (C ) 2717.

Blue R oom re stau ran t, 1109.

C onditions of E m ploym ent (B ill), (2R ) 989; 1130; (C ) 1730-49; (3R ) 1972.

Finances and A ccounts (B ill), (3R ) 2089.

Inform al business, encouragem en t of, b y , 1757.

L abour situation in , 2551.

Pelican Poin t, je tty a t, 1110.

P ie term aritzburg m echanical eng in ­eering w orkshop , 2718.

T ran sp o rt Services B o ard , 2554.

Travelling concessions: 40-off schem e, 1109.

MEIRING, M r. J . W. H. (Paarl)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4460, 4464; V otes: N ational E ducation , 6074; Foreign A ffairs and Info rm ation , 6824; F inance and A ud it, 7021; A gricu ltu re, 8104; H ealth and W elfare , 315 (S); Industries, C om m erce and T ourism , 509 (S).

Part, (2R ) 1199.

C oloured Persons E d u ca tio n (A . Bill), (2R ) 9828.

C opyright (A . Bill), (2R ) 6650; (C ) 6674; (3R ) 6684.

M EIRING, M r. J . W . H .— (continued)

C ustom s and Excise (A . Bill), (2R ) 10049.

D ecentralization , 4467.

Fam ily planning, 315 (S).

F inance (B ill), (2R ) 10313; (C ) 10332.

Inflation, contro l o f (m otion ), 1847.

Paarl M ountain (A . B ill), (2R ) 4945.

T extile industry , 510 (S).

T im e-sharing C ontro l, P roperty (Bill), (2R ) 5818; (C ) 6522-9; (3R)8619.

W estern C ape, U niversity o f th e (B ill), (2R ) 8955.

W heat industry , 8104, 10314, 10333.

MENTZ, Mr. J . H. W . (Vryheid)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4651; V otes: Prim e M inis­te r , 5251; Foreign A ffairs and Info rm ation , 6814; D efence, 7469; A gricu ltu re, 8017; C o o p ­e ratio n and D evelopm ent, 8711, 8850; E ducation and Train ing, 217 (S); (3R ) 10653.

B orders o f Particu lar S ta tes E xtension (A . Bill), (2R ) 601; (C ) 3121.

C onscientious o b jec to rs , 3677.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t, Laws on (A . B ill), (2R ) 10899.

D efence (A . B ill), (2R ) 3677.

D efence Force , conscientious ob jec tors a n d ,3677.

D estabilization agents in SA , 5252, 7471.

M eat industry , 8067.

M ozam bique, R epublic’s re la tions w ith, 6814.

U rban iza tion , 8712, 10900.

MEYER, Mr. R. P. (Johannesburg West)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain— V otes: N ational E d u ca tio n , 6068; C onstitu tional D evelop­m ent and Planning, 8386; E d u ­cation and T rain ing , 231 (S).

P art, (3R ) 1937.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7253; (C ) 12058, 12518-48, 12606, 12646, 12762, 12777, 12831, 12899-903.

C ultu re Prom otion (B ill), (2R ) 2287.

H ousing strategy (m otion ), 2921.

M ayfair, alleged con traven tions o f G roup A reas A ct in, 2922.

R and A frikaans U niversity (P rivate A . B ill), (2R ) 13121,13124.

T eacher train ing , 233 (S).

U niversities—

A. Bill on , (2R ) 9224.

R and A frikaans U niversity (P rivate A . Bill), (2R ) 13121-4.

T echnikons, and , A dvisory C ouncil for (B ill), (2R ) 9618.

MEYER, Mr. W. D. (Humansdorp)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

M ain— V otes: A gricu ltu re, 8085.

D airy Industry (A . Bill), (2R ) 4283, 4286.

D efence (A . B ill), (C ) 4025.

Forest (A . Bill), (2R ) 3450.

MILLER, Mr. R. B. (Durban North)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditiona l, (C ) 2005-8.

M ain, (2R ) 4512; V otes; Prim e M inis­te r , 5209; M ineral and Energy A ffairs, 5589, 5675, 5724; N a t­ional E d u ca tio n , 6032, 6123; M anpow er, 7635; C om m unity D evelopm en t, 825 (S); (3R ) 10624.

C oal (B ill), (2R ) 3531.

C onstitu tional d ispensation—

Bill o f rights, provision fo r, 11274.

C onsensus g overnm en t, 5209.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7313; (Instruc­tion) 1 1 274 ;(C) 12344.

Local governm ent in term s o f, 9900.

Provincial councils, fu tu re of, und er, 7317.

R eferendum on , 4513, 5211.

C ulture P rom otion (B ill), (2R ) 2292; (C) 3833-6.

D efence (A . Bill), (C ) 3965, 4076.

E ducation and C u ltu re Laws (A . Bill), (2R ) 3438.

E m ploym ent, Basic C onditions o f (B ill), (2R ) 512; (C ) 632-43.

Fuel R esearch In s titu te , A bolition of (B ill), (2R ) 3498.

G roup A reas A ct, 825 (S).

H ousing, 4512.

Ingw avum a, 396.

L ab o u r R elations (A . B ill), (2R ) 472; (C) 574; (3R ) 620.

Local G overnm ent A ffairs, P rom otion of (B ill), (2R ) 9900.

M achinery and O ccupational Safety (B ill), (2R ) 550; (3R ) 997.

M anpow er train ing , 2005, 2008, 2865 (m o­tion).

A. Bill on , (2R ) 445; (C) 574.

M ines, subsidies to m arginal, 4515.

M ining R ights (A . B ill), (2R ) 4973; (3R ) 4976.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 390.

O ccupational D iseases in M ines and W orks (A . B ill), (2R ) 10961; ( C ) 11060.

O il supplies for the R epublic (m otion ), 2633.

Salem affair, 2634.

P etro l, price of, 5725.

R elations am ong peoples, p rom otion of sound (m otion ), 1283.

Religious o b jec to rs in D efence Force , 3966.

R oads, N ational (2A . B ill), (C ) 9009.

Scientific R esearch Council (A . B ill), (2R ) 3512.

S port, non-W hite, 6125.

T axation , jo in t, 10627.

Technical E ducation , A dvanced (A . B ill), (2R ) 9462; (C ) 9627-35; (3R ) 9754.

T ourism B oard , SA (B ill), (2R ) 9722.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

C onditions o f E m ploym ent (B ill), (2R ) 1607; (C ) 1732-47; (3R ) 2052.

MILLER, Mr. R. B.— (con tinued)

T ran sp o rt Services, SA — (continued)

U n au thorized E xpend itu re (B ill), (2R ) 9026.

U nem ploym en t, 4516.

U nem ploym ent Insurance Fund, 7636.

U niversities—

A. Bill on , (2R ) 9096; (C ) 9334, 9365, 9404-6, (3R ) 9560.

C ape Town (Private A. B ill), (2R ) 7745.

N atal (P rivate A . Bill), (2R ) 8147.

Port E lizabeth (P rivate A . B ill), (2R ) 7726.

Q uo ta system fo r adm ission to , 3441, 9097,9334, 9365,9561.

S tuden ts , en ro lm en t of, a t, 6033.

W ages, m inim um , report o f M anpow er C om m ission on , 516, 7635.

MOORCROFT, M r. E. K. (Albany)—

A gricultural R esources, C onservation of (B ill), (2R ) 4813; (3R ) 4855.

A griculture—

Financial prob lem s in, 7981.

Subsidization and pro tection ism in, 4775, 7986.

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (2R ) 2001.

M ain, (2R ) 4772; V otes: A griculture, 7981; C o-operation and D evel­opm ent, 8819; E ducation and Train ing, 202 (S); E nvironm ent A ffairs, 591 (S), 676 (S).


R esettlem en t of, 3241.

U proo ting of Black com m unities (m otion ), 874.


D rought, effect of, o n , 8819.

E ducation o f ch ild ren , 202 (S).

B orders o f Particu lar S ta tes E x tension (A . Bill), (2R ) 605, 2209; (3R ) 3237.

C oloureds—

R esettlem en t o f S tockenstrom com ­m unity , 606, 2209.

Role in agriculture of, 4773.

M arine reserves, n eed fo r, 679 (S).

R hodes U niversity (P riva te A . Bill), (2R ) 7731,7739.

Seaw eed, harvesting of, 677 (S).

T im ber industry , 593 (S).

Forest (A . B ill), (2R ) 3449.

W ater resources, 591 (S).

MORRISON, Dr. the Hon. G. de V. (Cra- dock)—

[D eputy M inister o f C o-operation]

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: C o -operation and D evel­o p m en t, 8686, 8861.

Black p o pu lation , 8686.

S tates, consolidation o f (S .C . re p o rt) , 10727.

MORRISON, Dr. the Hon. G. de V.— (con­tinued)

B lack popu lation— (con tinued

U rb an , outside Black S ta tes, 1327 (m o­tion).

In an d a, 8695, 8861.

K hayelitsha, 8691.

MUNNIK, Dr. the Hon. L. A. P. A ., D .M .S . (Durbanville)—

[M inister o f Posts and Telecom m unica­tions]

Post Office m atte rs—

A . Bill o n , (2R ) 3396, 3409.

A ppropria tions—

A dditiona l, (2R ) 1557, 1581; (3R ) 1596.

M ain, (2R ) 3042 (b u d g e t), 3203, 3277; (C) 353; (3R ) 3383.

Financing, 3203, 3396.

Postal services, 3052.

Staff, 3050.

T elephone service, 3044, 3385.

C ordless, 3358.

O ptical fibre, use of, 3387.

MYBURGH, Mr. P. A. (Wynberg)—

A gricultural policy, 8053.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o v ern m en t)—

A dditiona l, (C ) 2052.

M ain— V otes: D efence , 7420, 7542, 7603; A gricu ltu re, 8053.

D efence—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3550; (Instruction ) 3901; (C ) 3902-12, 3972, 4021, 4050-8; (3R ) 4106.

C onscientious o b jec to rs , see “ A . Bill on D efence” .

D efence Force—

C om position of, 3555.

Role of, 3556, 7543.

N ational service obligations, 7420.

D e H oop n a tu re reserve, p roposed missile test site involving, 7422.

D estabilization of ne ighbouring S ta tes, al­leged, 362, 4059.

M eat industry , 8053, 8055.

M ercenaries, 3564, 4051, 4059, 4110.

N o-confidence debate (m otion ), 362.

Southern A frica , R S A ’s ro le in devel­oping, 366, 2401 (m otion).

NEL, Mr. D. J. L. (Pretoria Central)—

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm ent)—

M ain, (3R ) 10543.

B lacks, a ttendance of sports functions by, 11029,11134.

C onstitu tional proposals, 10546.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7215; (In stru c ­tion) 11197; (C ) 11794.

Bill o f R ights fo r, 11197.

R estriction of d eb ate o n , 11873.

O pposition to , 64 ,10544.

N EL, Mr. D. J. L .— (continued)

C o-operation and D evelopm ent, Laws on (A . B ill), (C ) 10995, 11029; (3R ) 11133.

C rude oil supplies for the R SA (m otion), 2648.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 63.

Parliam ent, sittings o f (m otion ), 11873.

Southern A frica, R S A ’s role in developing (m otion ), 2368.

S port, norm alization of, 11135.

NIEMANN, Mr. J. J. (Kimberley South)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: M ineral and E nergy A f­fairs, 5710; In terna l A ffairs, 7897.

“ B el-en-ry-na” o rgan ization , 742.

C onstitu tional d ispensation , p roposed , 2985.

C P ’s hom eland policy for C oloureds and Indians, 7898.

D iam ond industry , 5710.


H om eland concept o f CP for, 7898.

N om inee system for businessm en, 7897.

M otor V ehicle Insurance, C om pulsory (A . Bill), (2R ) 742.

Parks, N ational (A . B ill), (2R ) 3020.

Post Office—

A p p ropria tion , (C) 3352.

Public telephone facilities, 3352.

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 13046; (C ) 13147, 13219.

T ransport Services, SA —

A p p ro p ria tio n , (3R ) 2984.

B oard of, 2986.

SA R ailways Police Force , w om en in, 2988.

NOTHNAGEL, Mr. A. E. (Innesdal)—

A ppropriations (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4572; V otes: Prim e M inister 5122; Foreign A ffairs and In fo r­m ation , 6803; In tern a l A ffairs, 7754; C om m ission for A dm inis­tra tio n . 7939, 7950; C o n stitu ­tional D evelopm en t and P lan­ning, 8367; C o -operation and D evelopm en t, 8802; Industries, C om m erce and T ourism , 441 (S); (3R ) 10472.


C o-operation and D evelopm en t, Laws on (A . B ill), (2R ) 10907; (C) 11000.

H ousing for, 2938,11000.

R elations betw een W hites and , see “ R ace re la tio n s” .

U rban—

D evelopm ent of, outside Black S tates, 1309 (m otion ), 2938, 8370, 8804, 10917.

Political d ispensation fo r, 176, 1315.

C om m ission fo r A d m in istra tion , see “ Pub­lic Service” .

C om petition , M ain tenance and P rom otion of (A . B ill), (2R ) 5983.

NOTHAGEL, M r. A. E.— (continued)

C oloureds—

F arm ers A ssistance (A . B ill), (2R ) 4906.

R u ra l, developm ent of, 4907.

C onservatism , concept of, 176, 1312, 2346,6805.

C o nstitu tional p roposals, 4574, 8367, 8803, 10472.

C hange, need for, 174, 1313, 2341, 4573, 5125, 10474.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (C ) 11836, 11970.

R eferen d u m on , see under “ R e feren ­dum s” .

H ousing—

Blacks, for, 2938, 11000.

Public se rvan ts , fo r, 7943, 7951.

Strategy (m otion ), 2936.

In terna l A ffairs, D ep artm en t of, 7754.

Iro n and S teel Industrial C orp o ra tio n , L td. (A . Bill), (2R ) 5910.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m o tio n ), 172.

Press, th e , 7755.

Proh ib ition o f Political In te rfe rence A ct, repea l o f (m otion ), 2340.

Public Service—

H ousing, 7943, 7951.

O ccupational d ifferen tia tion , 7942.

Parliam entary liaison w ith, 7939.

Politics, partic ipa tion by public servants in, 7951.

Race re la tions, 177, 1310, 1317, 2342, 4572, 5124, 8803, 9066, 9069, 9079,10908.

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 12994; (C ) 13134-65, 13233.

Sport, norm alization of, 10908.

T eachers, participation in politics by, 7952.

Technology, utilization in econom y of, 8370, 441 (S).

U niversity o f D urban-W estville (B ill), (C) 9065-77.


A gricultural—

Financing, 8039.

M arketing , 8037.

R esources, C onservation of (B ill), (2R ) 4831; (C ) 4850-1.

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm ent)—

M ain, (2R ) 4757; V otes: A gricu ltu re, 8037; C onstitu tional D evelop­m ent and P lanning, 8498; Indus­tries, C om m erce and T ourism , 498 (S); E nv ironm en t A ffairs, 607 (S).

C oloured hom eland , 4760, 8499.

CP policy, 4759, 8498.

D ecen tralization of econom ic activities, 8500, 498 (S ), 608 (S).

E nvironm ent C onservation (A . B ill), (2R ) 3463; (C ) 4255.

P la tte land , repo p u la tio n of th e , 8038.

Scientific R esearch C ouncil (A . B ill), (2R ) 3508.

W ater resources, fOO (S), 608 (S).

OLIVIER, Prof. N. J. J .—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm ent)—

M ain, (2R ) 4761; V otes: Prim e M inis­te r , 5201; C onstitu tional D evel­o p m en t and P lanning, 8392; C o­o p e ra tio n and D evelopm ent, 8752; E ducation and Train ing , 180 (S).

P art, (3R ) 1934.

B ethe lsdorp Settlem en t (A . Bill), (2R ) 4932; (3R ) 4941.


C itizenship, 3210, 8754, 13345.

C om m unal ow nership o f land by, 3212.

C ontract w orkers, 10873.

R ikhoto case, 8753,10873, 10880.

C o-operation and D evelopm en t—

Com m ission fo r, 3214.

D ep artm en t of, im age of, am ong u r­ban B lacks, 10878,11105.

Laws on (A . B ill), (2R ) 10871; (C) 10978, 10995, 11040-51; (3R )11104.

S.C . on , T hird R ep o rt o f, 13351.

C ulture of, p rom otion of, 3129.

E ducation , 10738, 180 (S).

Exclusion of, from C o n stitu tion , 254, 788, 7239, 8755, 9668,13533.

Housing, 10876, 10978, 10996, 11108.

States, national—

D evelopm ent of, 10877.

Independence fo r, 3209, 3213, 8754, 11110, 13345, 13352.

B lacks— (co n tin u ed )

S tates, national— (continued)

L and for, 3210, 3213, 13343.

K w aN debele , 10881, 11041, 11047, 11051,11109,13351.

U rban—

A dm inistra tion boards and D e p a rt­m en t, im age of, am ong, 10878,11105.

F reeho ld rights fo r, 13345.

K hayelitsha, 8753.

Political d ispensation fo r, 791, 5202,8393, 8755, 13534.

B orders o f P a rticu lar S ta tes E xtension—

A . Bill o n , (3R ) 3208.

2nd A . Bill on , (2R ) 13343.

C o loured peop le—

G ro u p identity of, 3126, 4767.

In terference in political life of, 2329, 13535.

K at R iver se ttlem en t, rem oval of, 3211.

C onscientious o b jec to rs , see “ D efence (A . B ill)” .

C onstitu tional p roposals, 252, 788, 1936, 2306, 2327, 3126, 5202, 8393,8394, 9336,9389.

B lacks, exclusion of, 254, 788, 7239, 8755, 9668, 13533.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7231; (C ) 11973, 12051-62, 12536, 12665- 95,12754-63, 12797; (3R ) 13532.

C onstitu tional o rdering of the R epublic (m otion ), 785.

OLIVIER, Prof. N. J. J .— (continued)

C ultu re Prom otion (B ill), (2R ) 2305, 3123; (C ) 3809-11, 3826, 3851; (3R ) 4087.

D efence (A . B ill), (C ) 4017, 4028, 4036; (3R ) 4140.

D iscrim ination , sta tu to ry , rem oval of, 257, 1934, 2332, 5203.

E m ploym en t, Basic C onditions o f (B ill), (2R ) 495; (C ) 628-49; (3R ) 693.

E thn icity , C P concept of, 4765, 11112.

Investm ents with building societies, tax- free , 4762.

Local o p tio n , N R P policy of, 9664.

M anpow er—

C onditions o f em ploym ent, see “ E m ­ploym en t” .

C on trac t w orkers, 10873.

D om estic w orkers, 498, 500, 629.

Farm w orkers, 498, 629.

T rain ing , 9484; see also “ Technical E d u ca tio n ” .

W om en in em ploym ent, 499, 695.

N o-confidence d eb ate (m otion ), 251.

Pensions, social, 4762.

Physical P lanning (A . Bill), (2R ) 10018.

Press, rep o rtin g of speeches in P arliam ent by th e , 1934.

Proh ib ition o f Political In terference A ct, repeal o f (m otion ), 2326.

R eligion, freedom of, 1936.

Statistical Services, 8392.

Technical E ducation , A dvanced—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 9481, 9485; (C ) 9636- 42; (3R ) 9767.

Q u o ta system for technikons, 9487, 9768.

U niversities and T echnikons A dvisory C ouncil, see under “ U niversi­ties” .

U niversities—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 9115; (C) 9335, 9360- 88; (3R ) 9566.

Blacks, for, 10738, 182 (S), 183 (S).

Q uota system for, 9487; see also “ U n i­versities (A . B ill)” .

U niversities and T echnikons A dvisory Council (B ill), (2R ) 9662; (C) 9781-4; (3R ) 10737.

W om en in em ploym ent, 499, 695.

OLIVIER, Mr. P. J. S. (Fauresmith)—

A batto irs, re ten tio n of ru ra l, 8071.

A gricultural Pests (B ill), (2R ) 3897.

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: A gricu ltu re, 8070; E n ­vironm ent A ffairs, 594 (S).

Councils, s ta tu to ry , m ixed rep resen tatio n on , 3488, 3855.

E nvironm ent C onservation (A . B ill), (2R ) 3487, 3854.

O range R iver p ro jec t, canal system of, 594 (S).

R oads, N ational (A . Bill), (3R ) 1551.

PAGE, Mr. B. W. B. (Umhlanga)—

A dm iralty Jurisd iction R egulation (B ill), (2R ) 13099.

PA G E , M r. B. W . B.— (continued)

A irports serving D u rb an , 6183.

A irw ays, SA , 2539, 2543.

Sm oking in a irc raft, 2764.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Parliam ent, 5063; T ran s­p o rt, 6182; Foreign A ffairs and In form ation , 6756, 6890; Police, 22 (S).

C onstitu tion (B ill), (In troduction ) 6375; (C) 12664; (3R ) 13569.

R estriction of deb ate on . 11890, 12116.

D efence (A . Bill), (C) 3941, 4013.

D estabilization of ne ighbouring S tates, al­leged, 2399, 6759.

E lectoral (A . Bill), (2R ) 4373.

Explosives (A . Bill), (2R ) 2148.

Fire-arm s, illegal, 25 (S).

Fund-raising (A . Bill), (2R ) 9189.

Inflation, 3164, 3375.

In terna tional re la tions, 6756, 6760.

O nslaught against SA , 6757.

Parliam ent—

D ining-room , en terta in ing of guests in, 5063.

Post Office in, 1576.

S.C. on conduct o f M inister (m otion), 5624.

Sittings o f the H ouse (m otion ), 11890, 12116.


A. Bill on , (2R ) 2098; (C ) 2217; (3R ) 3039, 3084.

Fatal shooting by (m otion ), 2591.

Im age of, 23 (S).

R oadblocks set up by, see "Police (A . B ill)” .

Vehicles of, identification of, 2592, 25 (S).

Post Office—

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3405.

A ppropria tions—

A dditiona l, (2R ) 1573.

M ain, (2R ) 3161; (C ) 3345; (3R ) 3374.

Business und ertak in g , as, 1573, 3162.

M ail, tran sp o rta tio n of, 2764, 3377.

Parliam en t, in, 1576.

Postal code book , 3345.

Savings B ank , 1575.

N ational Savings C ertificates, 3406.

Self-financing by, 3163.

Staff. 1574, 3168. 3376.

H ousing for. 3405.

T ariff increases, 3164. 3346, 3374.

T elecom m unication services, 1575.

Technology in , 3163.

T eleg raph services, 3168.

T elephone services, 3166, 3346.

PA G E, M r. B. W . B.— (con tinued)

Press, bias in th e , 6891.

R and A frikaans U niversity (P rivate A . B ill), (2R ) 13124.

R eferendum s (B ill), (2R ) 13000; (C) 13128-46, 13193-287; (3R ) 13299.

R hodes U niversity (P rivate A . B ill), (2R ) 7734.

R oadblocks by Police, 2098, 2217, 3039, 3085.

R oads, N ational (2A . B ill), (2R ) 6449.

SA B C , bias of, 6891.

S ou thern A frica , R S A ’s ro le in developing (m o tio n ), 2397.

S ta te P resid en t’s F u n d , 9189.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA —

A pp ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2538; (C ) 2763.

M ail, tran sp o rta tio n of, by, 2764, 3377.

W ater, tran sp o rta tio n of, by , 2541.

T ravel A gents and T ravel A gencies (B ill), (2R ) 5877.

W ater tran sp o rta tio n , 2541.

PITMAN, Mr. S. A. (Pinetown)—

A gricultural financing, 4362.

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

A dditiona l, (C ) 2035-6.

M ain— V otes: Police, 3 (S ), 130 (S); (3R ) 10576.

C onstitu tional p roposals, 10576.

D ro u g h t, 4361.

Explosives (A . B ill), (2R ) 2144.

Lam ontville and C hesterville , occupation by Police of, 10577.

Land B ank (A . B ill), (2R ) 4361.

Police, 3 (S ), 130 (S).

A. Bill on , (2R ) 2058.

D e tainees, trea tm en t of, 8 (S).

Fa tal shooting by (m otion ), 2585.

L am ontville and C hesterville , occupa­tion of, by , 10577.

Salaries, 131 (S).

Search, right of, 2058.

Security B ranch , 6 (S).

POGGENPOEL, Mr. D. J. (Beaufort West)—

A gricultural co-operatives, 8050.

A irways, SA , 2549.

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: D efence 7520; A gricul­tu re , 8049; Police, 114 (S).

D efence—

A . Bill o n , (C ) 4032.

D efence Force , discipline in , 7520.

D rought aid , 8052.

M eat industry , 8051.

Pasturage A reas, D isposal o f C om m on (B ill), (2R ) 8913.

Police, 114 (S).

R eligious ob jec to rs , 4032.

POGGENPOEL, Mr. D. J.— (continued)

T ransport Services, SA —

A p p ro p ria tio n , (2R ) 2547.

R oad tran sp o rt services, 2548.

R ole of, in S outhern A frica, 2548.

PRETORIUS, M r. N. J. (Umhlatuzana)—

A irw ays, SA , free liquor on flights of, 1657.

A ppropria tions (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: Police, 106 (S).


A. Bill on , (2R ) 2073, 2097.

Forensic science labora to ry , 108 (S).

R oadblocks set up by, 2074, 2097.

T ransport Services, SA (A . B ill), (2R ) 1656.

PRETORIUS, M r. P. H. (Maraisburg)—

A p p ro p ria tio n s (C entra l G overnm en t)—

M ain— V otes: N ational E ducation , 6103; T ran sp o rt, 6187; D efence 7581; C o-operation and D evel­opm en t, 8705.

Blacks in slum areas, re settlem en t of, 8705.

C ultu ral A ffairs B ranch o f D ep t, o f N a t­ional E ducation , 6103.

Defence Force , rem uneration of m em bers of, 7581.

E isteddfod a t R o o d ep o o rt, 6105.

M otor T ransport B ranch , G o vernm en t, 6187.

Perishab le P roducts E xport C o n tro l (B ill), (2R ) 972.

Sophiatow n, 8706.

RAW, Mr. W. V. (Durban Point)—

A ppropria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

A dditional, (C ) 2004, 2037-40.

M ain— V otes: Prim e M inister, 5113, 5179, 5302, 5331; Foreign A f­fairs and In fo rm ation , 6807; D e ­fence, 7457, 7511, 7570, 7604; C onstitu tional D evelopm en t and Planning, 8360, 8480, 8530; (3R ) 10465.

Part, (2R ) 1482.

Black population—

B orders o f Particu lar S ta tes Extension (A . B ill), (3R ) 3244.

L and fo r consolidation of B lack S ta tes, 3245.

N on-hom eland B lacks, 5302, 5332, 8364.

C onfederation of S ta tes, 5333.

C onstitu tional d ispensation fo r R epublic , p roposed , 75, 5113,5179.

Bill on , (2R ) 7108; (Instructions) 11217,11399; (C ) 11494-502, 11541,11608, 11747-69, 11806, 12038-46, 12145-57, 12181-202, 12331,12390, 12450-60, 12483, 12527,12573-81, 12631, 12734, 12780- 808; (3R ) 13399.

B lacks, 8482.

Local governm en t, 8531.

P rom otion o f Local G o v ern m en t A f­fairs (B ill), (2R ) 9954; (C ) 10125.

RAW, Mr. W. V.— (continued)

C onstitu tional d ispensation— (continued)

R eferendum on , 4286, 11951.

T axation , 8482.

D efence m atters , 7457, 7511, 7570.

A . Bill on , (2R ) 3615; (C ) 3910-4, 3990, 4054, 4072; (3R ) 4121.

A ir a ttack on A N C targe ts in M aputo , 7607.

N ational service, conscientious o b jec ­tors to , see “ A . Bill o n ” .

N ational serv icem en, travelling conces­sions fo r, 2774.

E conom ic conditions, 1486.

N o-confidence deb ate (m otion ), 74.

Political In terfe ren ce, P roh ib ition of, Act (m o tio n ), 2347, 2349.

R and W ater B oard S ta tu tes (P rivate A. Bill), (2R ) 10076.

Speaker, election o f (the H on. J. W. G re e ff) , 899.

T ran sp o rt Services, SA—

A ppropria tions—

A d ditiona l, (C) 1095.

M ain, (C ) 2774.

Dismissal o f staff, re im bursem ent of pension con tribu tions, 2775.

R eservations office, D u rb an , 1095.

RENCKEN, Mr. C. R. E. (Benoni)—

A p propria tions (C en tra l G o vernm en t)—

M ain, (2R ) 4578; V otes: M ineral and E nergy A ffairs, 5752; Foreign

A ppropria tions (C entra l G o v ern m en t)— (continued)

M ain— (continued)

A ffairs and In form ation , 6883; D efence, 7597; M anpow er, 7688; C onstitu tional D evelop­m ent and P lanning, 8397.


Political dispensation for, 4580, 8398.

T rade unions, C P policy regarding 7689.

C o loured hom eland p roposed by CP 4585, 5754,8399.

C onstitu tional p roposals, 4580. 8399.

C onstitu tion (B ill), (2R ) 7115; (C) 12400.

D efence (A . B ill), (2R ) 3604; (C ) 3949, 3970, 4026, 4052.

M anpow er—

T rade unions, 7689.

T rain ing (m otion ), 2847.

M ercenaries. 3611. 4052.

M ineral w ealth o f SA , strategic im p o rt­ance of, 5752.

N ational convention proposed by PFP 4583.

O nslaught on SA , to ta l, 7597.

R eligious ob jec to rs , see "D efence (A B ill)” .


A ppoin tm ent o f M r. E ksteen as D irec­to r-G en era l of, 6885.

C oloured clergy on television, 6884.

Im partiality of, 6884, 6886.

RENCKEN, Mr. C. R. E.— (continued)

Seychelles affa ir, political exploitation of, 3613.

S outhern A frica—

Alliance against com m unists in , 7598.

R S A ’s ro le in, 4578.

ROGERS, M r. P. R. C . (King W illiam’s Town)—

A dvocate-G eneral (A . B ill), (2R) 5447.

A gricultural—

E xtension services, 8007.

Industry , 6006.

Land, use of, 599, 4847, 4854, 8916, 8926.

R esources, C onservation o f (B ill), (C) 4846-53; (3R ) 4856.

A nim als P ro tection (A . Bill), (2R ) 5440.

A ppropriations (C entra l G overnm en t)—

A dditional, (C) 2012.

M ain— V otes: Justice and Prisons, 5475, 5557; D efence , 7529; In ­terna l A ffairs, 7893; A gricul­tu re , 8004; C o-operation and D evelopm ent, 8671, 8814; Police, 123 (S); E ducation and T rain ing, 174 (S); E nvironm ent A ffairs, 688 (S).

A ttorneys—

A. Bill on , (2R ) 5452.

2nd A . B illo n , (2R ) 11091.

B ethelsdorp Settlem ent (A . Bill), (2R ) 4940.


C o-operation and D evelopm en t—

D ep artm en t of, annual rep o rt of,8672.

Laws on (A . Bill), (2R ) 10857; (C) 10984, 11043; (3R ) 11138.

S.C. on—

First R ep o rt of, 10727.

T hird R ep o rt of, 13361.

E ducation—

R ural. 174 (S).

T echnikons, 4927; see also under “Technical E d u ca tio n , A d ­vanced” .

L and , ow nership of, by, 599, 865.

Sorghum b eer industry , 11140.

S tates, nationa l, 862, 8671, 11142.

C onsolidation of, 597 , 862 , 3228, 13339,13362.

K w aN debele, 10863. 11043, 11141.

V aluation o f land involved in, 3227.

U proo ting of com m unities, 600. 861 (m otion).

U rb an , ou tside B lack States—

D evelopm ent of, 1346 (m otion ), 8675, 10858, 11139.

Political d ispensation fo r, 329, 1348, 8674, 8676.

R esidential rights of, 8815, 10860, 10863, 10984.

U rbanization process, 329, 864, 1347,8673, 8815, 10862, 10865, 10984.

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