andrew charlton : making the choice between planet and progress

Post on 10-Aug-2015






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Andrew Charlton

Making the Choice between Planet and Progress

Andrew Charlton : Man Made World Essay

Andrew Charlton’s 2011 essay Man-Made World: Choosing between progress and planet, garnered him the 2012 John Button Prize, recognizing his contributions to the national discussion and for offering an insightful and in-depth analysis of the ongoing conflict between economic growth and environmental sustainability. Also known as Quarterly Essay 44, Man-Made World offers the reader an professional economist’s look into this ongoing battle, as well as the challenges both Australia and the world face as both attempt to maintain environmental and economic health simultaneously.

Andrew Charlton : Quarterly Essay 44

Andrew Charlton, through Quarterly Essay 44, examines the rift that exists between both sides, as well as how this argument is, and will continue to shape our future for generations well into the future. This rift, which has left an indelible mark on the Australian political arena, has left many searching for cohesive solutions to the biggest problems facing leaders in business, politics and environmentalism; ideas that will help to both preserve economic health and progress while maintaining a sustainable environment future generations can live within and enjoy.

Man-Made World attempts to provide the reader careful and thorough evaluations of proposed solutions to each global crisis, and argues that the only way future generations will be able to survive and thrive will be for us to find agreement on tangible and cohesive solutions as soon as possible. Andrew Charlton takes a look at such solutions as organic and genetically modified food, renewable and nuclear energy and more to help the reader determine the most effective ways to preserve the environment while pursuing healthy economic growth and progress.

Andrew Charlton

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