and yurt/hut information -...

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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C O L O R A D O P A R K S & W I L D L I F E

Camping, Cabin, and Yurt/Hut Information

Passes and PermitsA Colorado state parks vehicle pass and a camping permit are both required for all campground users. Passes and permits may be purchased at the entrance stations or at the Moose Visitor Center. Park passes must be displayed in the lower right corner of the vehicle windshield. Camping permits must be displayed on campsite markers. A member of the camping unit must be present to obtain a camping permit for a site. No person may reserve or hold a campsite for another party. Passes available:• Daily Parks Pass • Annual Parks Pass• Aspen Leaf Annual Pass

(Colorado residents 64 and older)• Daily Camping Permit

(required in addition to parks pass) •Basic(non-electric) •Electric •Primitive

Please call or visit us online for current pricing.All other state and park laws apply. Your cooperation in keeping the park peaceful and safe is appreciated.

ReservationsCampsites and Cabins:

Denver Metro Area: (303) 470-1144Outside Denver: (800) 678-2267Online:

Yurts and Huts by Never Summer NordicCall (970) 723-4070 or


State Forest State Park 56750 Hwy. 14 • Walden, CO 80480

(970) 723-8366 • E-mail:

Campground FacilitiesState Forest State Park offers campers 158 developed campsites in four campgrounds. These campsites can accommodate tents, trailers, or motorhomes. There are also Primitive Sites in selected areas. Campgrounds include some pull-through sites for larger vehicles and some handicapped-accessible sites. Some sites are tent-only. Water is available at North Michigan, Bockman, Crags, and Ranger Lakes Campgrounds as well as at the Maintenance Shop. Ranger Lakes Campground offers 32 electric sites. Sewer and water hookups are NOT available. A dump station is located on the Maintenance Shop road, off of County Road 41.

Campsite MaximumNo more than one single family or a group of six people may occupy any single campsite. Only one camping unit is allowed in each campsite. A camping unit consists of one of the following:• 1 passenger vehicle and 2 tents • 1 motorized vehicle towing 1 camping trailer,

and 1 tent (if space allows)• 1 motor home and 1 tent• 1 pickup truck camper or van camper and 1 tentOne additional passenger vehicle may be parked, if space allows, for any of the above units.Checkout time is noon. Sites not renewed by that time may be reassigned.

Camping and Cabin ReservationsCampground and Cabin reservations can be made by calling (303) 470-1144(Denver Metro Area), (800) 678-2267(Outside Denver), or online at: Reservations can be made from late May until September 30th. Reservations have to be made at least three days prior to the date of arrival, up to a maximum of six months in advance. A non-refundable fee is charged for each reserved campsite. Any campsites not reserved are available on a first-come basis and require immediate occupancy. Please respect “reserved” signs that are already posted. Crags Campground and the Primitive Sites are available only on a first come first serve basis.

AlcoholOnly 3.2% alcoholic beverages are allowed.

Camping Supplies, Medical and Other FacilitiesCamping supplies and groceries are available seasonally nearby. Religious, community, grocery, gas stations, pool/showers, restaurants, and medical facilities are available in Walden, 20 miles west of the park.

EmergenciesCall 911. Contact Park Ranger or other staff.Moose Visitor Center: (970) 723-8366Jackson County Sheriff’s Office: (970) 723-4242Campgrounds are regularly patrolled for your safety.

Quiet HoursAll generators, radios or other loud noises are prohibited between the hours of 10:00 pm and 6:00 am.

FiresFires are allowed only in fire rings and grills in designated areas. Camp stoves are permitted. No fireworks are permitted in the park.

PetsAll pets must be leashed (6ft or less) and under control. Horses are not permitted in campgrounds. Horse corrals are available at Bockman campground and near primitive sites #469-485.

BearsBlack bears are frequent visitors to our campgrounds. Although black bears are generally shy and avoid human contact, they are attracted by food and trash left out by campers. Please store all food and coolers safely in cars or hard-sided vehicles, or suspend at least 10 feet off the ground. Make sure all trash is deposited securely in dumpsters. Burn all grease off grills and camp stoves. Don’t keep food or cosmetics in your tent. Please keep your campsite clean!

Protect Natural ResourcesKeep all vehicles on designated roads, trails, parking areas and hardened campsites. Tying ropes and nailing items to trees is not permitted. Please do not remove or damage signs, markers, fences, trees or other vegetation.

Primitive CampingPrimitive camping is permitted in designated sites around the park. These are primitive campsites with a fire-ring and no picnic table or toilets. Contact the park for more information (970) 723-8366.

Primitive Site

Backcountry CampingBackcountry camping is allowed at various locations throughout the State Forest including Jewel, Kelly, Clear and American Lakes. Before camping in the backcountry, campers should check with a Ranger or at the Moose Visitor Center for information.

Backcountry Camping Permitted

No camping the Lake Agnes Basin

• No backcountry fires allowed. Camp stoves only.

• Camping allowed 1/4 mile past established facilities, trailheads, and roads.

• Camp and tether horses at least 100 ft from lakes, streams, and trails.

• Camp in groups no larger than six.• Pack out your trash.• Adhere to Leave No Trace Principles.

Never Summer Nordic “Advertisement Panel”

6.5w x 3h



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#402, 403

Primitive Campsites and Backcountry Camping Area


Bockman Four Wheel Drive Road to Montgomery Pass and Highway 14

To County Road 41 and Highway 14

Bockman This campground is located one mile north of North Michigan Reservoir and sits in view of the Medicine Bow Mountain. It hosts a total of 52 sites, with 13 pull-through sites. On-site accommodations include water, horse corrals, and restroom facilities.






79 10 11


1215 16

17 1820



26 24




To Highway 14

Crags Road


Crags Crags Campground is in a dense high-altitude forest of lodgepole pine and spruce-fir, offering visitors 26 sites. It is located off the road to Lake Agnes, about two miles west of Cameron Pass. On-site accommodations include water and restroom facilities. Access to this campground is steep, narrow, and winding (trailers and motorhomes are not allowed).



North Michigan Campground This campground borders the North Michigan Reservoir and provides easy access to fishing and hiking on the State Forest. Boating on the reservoir is wakeless speeds only. No swimming is permitted. On-site accommodations include water, restroom facilities, and two boat ramps.The campground is divided into two sections, the North Side and South Side. The North Side contains 13 campsites and six cabins. Site #207 is accessible through the reservation system to persons with disabilities displaying a handicap license or placard. The South Side offers 35 campsites, with five pull-through sites available.


228227225 T

222 T221 T

219 T217 T

216 T

215 T




238239 240 241






246214 218220 223 224 226


Grass CreekRoad

Water views obstructed by hillside in sites 231-241To County Road 41 and Highway 14

North Michigan ReservoirTo Highway 14






202 203204


211 T212 T

213 T

45 6

3 2 1

County Road 41

CabinsState Forest State Park boasts six historic mountain cabins on the north shore of North Michigan Reservoir available for rent year-round. The cabins are charming but basic, equipped with tables, benches, and bunk beds with mattresses. Outside there are fire grills and picnic tables. There is no electricity, running water, blankets, or bedding. In the winter bring a sled to carry belongings 100 yards from parking to cabins 4, 5, and 6.These cabins are accessible by vehicle all year. Cabins 1 and 2 have a maximum capacity of 21 and 15 people respectively. These cabins are perfect for reunions, hunting camps, youth groups, or as an alternative to family camping. Cabins 3, 4, 5, and 6 have a maximum capacity of six people.

Cabin Rules:1. Do not exceed cabin capacity for any reason.2. Pets are allowed inside the cabins for an additional fee.3. Check out time is noon/check-in is 2 p.m.4. No tents or camping allowed outside of cabins.

Camp in designated sites only.5. All trash must be packed out to a dumpster.6. All wood must be split outside.7. Bunks and interior furnishings must be kept in

original position and not moved from cabin to cabin.8. Sweep and clean cabin for next visitors.9. Outdoor fires are permitted only in approved facilities.10. Wood provided for cabins 4, 5, and 6 is for wood

stove use only.

Cabin Facilities:Heat: Cabins 1, 2, & 3 - propane stoves

Cabins 4, 5, & 6 - woodburning stovesLight: All cabins have solar powered lights.Water: Summer - near cabins

Winter - Maintenance ShopSanitation: Outdoor vault toilet.














117 115112







114116121 122


Day Use Parking Area

To Day Use Area


To Day Use Area

To County Road 41and Dump Station

Highway 14

Ranger Lakes This campground is accessible from Highway 14 and is situated within a short walk of Ranger Lakes fishing areas. The access road is approximately six miles west of Cameron Pass. Ranger Lakes Campground on-site accommodations include 32 electric sites, water, and restroom facilities. A nature trail is accessible from the campground. Interpretive programs are offered on summer weekend nights in the amphitheater. Boats are not permitted on Ranger Lakes.

NOTE: The dump station is located on the Maintenance Shop road, off of County Road 41.


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