and it all started with mania m: m ilitarism a: a lliances n: n ationalism i: i mperialism a: a...

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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And it all started with MANIA

M: MilitarismA: AlliancesN: NationalismI: ImperialismA: Assassination

It is a beautiful Saturday morning. You wake up to sunlight filling your room and are greeted by the

pleasant melody of birds chirping in a nearby tree. Just as you stretch and begin to head downstairs for a nice breakfast of two eggs, sunny-side up with a side of wheat toast and

hash browns an awful rumble shakes your entire house. Picture frames rattle, dishes shake and fear washes over you. What could this be?! An

earthquake?! In Wheaton, Illinois, this is doubtful, so you run to the window just as your

neighbor, Bob, sits revving the engine of a 55 ton tank. Yes, a tank. Complete with camouflage

and some sort of missile launcher that is currently aimed…at YOU!

What is your first reaction? How do you respond? Describe what you would do, and why.

Belief in a strong military

Large standing armies

Be prepared!

Glorify the military

“The entire able-bodied population are preparing to

massacre one another; though no one, it is true, wants to attack…yet the

whole world feels that it only requires some unforeseen

incident, some unpreventable accident, for the spark to fall

in a flash…and blow all Europe sky-high.”-Frédéric Passy

A formal agreement between nations to help

each other and work together

Great Britain






Extreme pride in one’s nation

Creates competition among nations

Inspires countries or ethnic groups to seek independence

When a bigger, stronger country takes over

another country

Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie: June 28, 1914

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