analysing my music video survey!!!

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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Analysing My Music Video Survey!!!



What Gendre Are You?

Male female

While doing the music video survey I tried to make a quota of 50 per cent females and males. Unfortunately, when uploading a surveys to social networking such as Facebook and twitter it is difficult to manage who does the survey. This is because very few people do it anyway; I was lucky to get. Therefore, I obtained 49% male and 50%1 female responses. Thus there is a possibility my results could be biased on females views on music videos.

Due to Facebook and Twitter having the broad target market of 13-50 I thought it would be great to post my survey on their. However, it isn’t all that easy to grab peoples attention. This is because when I think about it I do not go on Facebook to specifically look at peoples status’ I go to update mine and if I happen to glance over them then they are fortunate that I like it. This is the same with twitter I only really go on it if I have something to say under 140 characters otherwise I go on Facebook. Another reason I used to go on Facebook was to play games but now I have an iPhone there is no need because of the apps. Nevertheless, I managed to get 102 responses. Although this is a trustworthy amount of data the ages are quite biased. This is as a result of the age of my friends and followers on the social networking sites.

At first I thought that there would be more students and unemployed because of how many younger people too the survey compared to all the other ages and due to the economic crisis that is currently happening. Maybe it is because I live in the suburbs of London where it is easy to commute to jobs. It could also be because my school is located in Buckinghamshire which is a very affluent area. I am pleased to know that most people full time workers because it means they have the money to buy my digipak and can afford the magazines equipment such as iPods TV and internet in order to watch my music video and see my CD advert.





What is your Occupation?

Students Full time part time unemployed

Considering, more girls did this survey than boys I must say I am quite surprised. This totally goes against the stereotype that boys are louder than girls. However, more younger people did the survey which probably explains it. As young people are more energetic and usually like faster paced music. Nevertheless, I was talking to someone the other day about this survey and they said it depended what mood they were in. For example when I am in a happy contented mood I seem to listen to calm sad songs and when I excited or sad I like listening to cheery up beat songs.



Which do you prefer?

slow paced and quiet fast paced and loud

Thinking about it now I should have worded my question like I did below instead of “Once a day” etc. This is because daily could mean however many a day not just once as some put a few times a day and others put two options (for those I added to the other option). So I did not get a very clear idea of how often people watch music videos. On the whole most people watch music videos once a week. This is revealed as 32% chose this option.

Daily Weekly Monthly Other

Series1 24 33 23 20


How Often Do You Watch Music Videos?




A whopping 57% watch music videos digitally that’s more than half go on sites such as Vevo and YouTube. This is probably unlike the television you can search specifically what the user wants. Therefore, both mainstream and niche customers can use it. I was surprised that ¼ of the people watch them on TV. This may be due to the notion that most mainstream songs from the pop genre are on the channels such as 4Music which I do not really watch. Moreover, iTunes has recently updated their software so people can download music videos however this takes up a large amount of data.









Where Do you Watch The Music Videos?


Due to the idea that both Narrative and Performance based are pretty much the same I am going to combine the ideas. To be honest I should have created an option for combining them or an other option. What’s done is done as they say there's no going back. Therefore, I am probably going to design my music video like the Weezer and Avril Lavigne music videos; the narrative ends up at a performance.




What Kind of Music Videos Do You Like The Most?

Narrative Based Performance Based Concept Based

I was quite disappointed of this result because my bands name is Conquer of the Decade. So I wanted to make my music video black and white to portray that it was in an antiquated era. Then again it wouldn’t work bearing in mind I want a couple to be rebellious as this wouldn’t of happened in the past. Thus, what the target market wants the target market gets. In this case 81% said colour so they are going to get colour.

Colour Black and White

Series1 83 17






Which Effect do you like more?




I will try my best to make my music video between 2 and 3 minutes. The problem is that each shot needs to be at least 3 seconds in order for the audience to clearly take it in. Also the fact that I want the narrative to start in one of the English rooms, go into an art room then to the Shikara drama room it may be challenging to confine the time frame. It is most likely going to be closer to 3 minutes than 2 because only 22% said that they would expect a music video to be1-2 minutes.

smile by Lilly Allen great words and tune alt-j breezeblocks due to the fact it tells a story in reverse therefore you spend so

much of the video learning the story and even then they never give anything away not only that but it needs to suit the song and with this is does

Park Life by blur because I like the band Genesis - Land of Confusion. This music video is not just a music video but music and

film are used to convey a global political message. Fat Boy Slim, Praise you. I Love the dancing in the video. They are really enjoying

themselves and do not care who is watching. La la la. - There's a story 2 it love is easy – mcfly because it is fun and it looks like the performers are having a

good time making it as well. I enjoy Meatloaf's videos. They are like little movies with super costumes. Visually

beautiful. Royals lorde because the editing is sick! take a bow by Rhianna just like her music Flo rida I cry because its cool!!!

In order to get inspired I asked what is your favourite music video and why and these are a few of my responses…

Its interesting how different ages like different music!

Conclusion So my music video is going to be the

following: fast paced and loud Posted onto YouTube narrative and performance based Black and whiteThis is because my target audience is 10-25 for the pop punk genre. Therefore I am glad that this is the highest age range that responded

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