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Post on 11-Mar-2021






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ytpd oewize gka `p`ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH

iKabbalah4All Siddur

About Our SiddurAs an international online Sephardic Jewish community, it was important to create a siddur thatwould meet the needs of those who join us from all around the world and could be downloaded to acomputer or tablet. Our Siddur follows Nusach Ari and Nusach Edot HaMizrach (Sephardic). Wewelcome you to use our siddur whether you are joining us for services or praying on your own.

Kabbalah4All Transliteration Guidelines

a as in father

ai or ay as in aisle

e as in red

ei as in eight

i as in pizza

o as in no

oy as in toy

u as in tune

ch as in Bach in German (strong sound from the throat)

g as in give

tz as in lots

’ typically adds an “EH” sound after a consonant, this is known as a Shva Na orpronounced Shva as in the word “Sh’ma”.

- a dash is simply used to aid in pronounciation, usually if two like vowels follow eachother, as in the word “da-at.”

In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes falls somewhereelse in the word. In our transliteration, when the syllable falls somewhere else other than the lastsyllable, that stressed syllable will be underlined. Example: Melech.

Hebrew Rules

The following are some of the Hebrew rules you may notice in our siddur.

Kj¤l«¤n In Hebrew, the accent generally falls on the last syllable, however it sometimes fallssomewhere else in the word. Whenever a syllable other than the last is accented, a“meteg” (the vertical line under the first letter) will appear.

lÇk The “masoret” above the letter Chaf indicates that this is a Kamatz Katan, which ispronounced as “o”; in this example the word is “kol.”

Egœ§n §U ¦i The “rafe” above a letter indicates it is a Shva Na. This example is pronouncedyism’chu.Note that the rafe does not appear above the first letter of a word that has a Shvaas that is ALWAYS a Shva Na.

Please do not publish or distribute without permission.

All prefaces to prayers written and adapted by David Aharon L. Curtis for Kabbalah4All.Translated by David Aharon L. Curtis.Edited by David Aharon L. Curtis.

Copyright ©

ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`


Considered by the Kabbalists to be the most powerful and mystical prayer of all; thissequence of Hebrew letters is known as the 42-Letter Name of the Creator. Theimportance of this prayer is not in the words themselves but in the first letter of eachword. The words only help us to make the sounds of each first letter. This prayer canconnect us to the energy of healing and before we say it, we should think of others thatneed healing in order that we too may receive healing in our own lives. There are also 42angels that are associated with each letter of the 42-Letter Name, they appear above eachword.

l`iwcv l`inez l`itei l`ixab l`ea l`iptxe`

«¨ `P§Aa ©g «Ÿk§b z©lEc§i Lœ§p ¦n©Yz xi ¦Y§v.dxExAna b’choach g’dulat y’min’cha tatir tz’rurah.

Release all those in captivity, we beseech You, Almighty One Whose power sets us free.


uzi ba`

l`ixbp l`iteh l`iyny l`ifefer l`igax l`ivaw

©w l ¥A¦x z©P©r Lœ§n©Uy Ep«¥aœ§b©hEp «¥x£dp .`xFKabel rinat am’cha sag’venu taharenu nora.Accept the singing of all Your people who praise and glorify You alone.


ohy rxw

l`ixry l`iyak l`ixedi l`ipc l`ixeab l`ilgp

p`¦b xFAc i ¥Wœ§xF¦i Lœ§cEg§Mk z©aaÇWy.m ¥x §n

Na gibor dor’shei yichud'cha k’vavat shomrem.Preserve those who seek Your unity, guard them like the pupil of the eye.


yki cbp

l`ixecb l`inexz l`ipetv l`ingx l`ihth l`ikxa

«Aa m ¥kœ§x©hm ¥x£d©x i ¥n£g¦v Lœ§z «w §cYz ci ¦nÇBb.m¥l §nBar’chem taharem rachamei tzidkat’cha tamid gomlem.

Bless and purify them and always grant them Your compassionate righteousness.


bzv xha

l`inr l`ixep l`ixdh l`iwxa l`inew l`fg

g oi ¦qw WFc§Aa aFxh Lœ§aE©p l ¥d£r.L«¤zcChasin kadosh b’rov tuv’cha nahel adatecha.

Invincible and Mighty One, with the abundance of Your goodness, watch over Your people.


rph awg


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`

l`iyecw l`ixkf l`ept l`iadl l`icb l`xyi

i ci ¦g¥Bb d ¤§l Lœ§O©r§Rt d¥pf i ¥xœ§kF§w.L«¤zWEcYachid ge-eh l’am’cha p’neh zoch’rei k’dushatecha.

O Exalted One, turn to Your people who remember Your holiness.


wft lbi

l`ixaz l`itli l`ixev l`iee l`iaxw l`ibly

©Wy Ep«¥zr §e©w l¥AEe r ©n §W©v Ep«¥z ©w£ri ©r «¥cF©Yz.zFnEl£rShavatenu kabel ushma tza-akatenu yode-a ta-alumot.

Turn to us and hear our prayers, You Who know all hidden things.


ziv ewy

This verse is said in a whisper.

!c¤re mlFr §l FzEk §l ©n cFa §M m ¥W KExABaruch shem k’vod malchuto l’olam va-ed!

Blessed is the Name of His glorious realm for ever and ever!


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`


The Tikun HaNefesh (Correction of The Soul) is also known as the Merkavah Meditation.This system was revealed by The Arizal (Rabbi Yitzchak Luria). Through this meditationwe can meditate to elevate the Nefesh level of our soul in the world of Assiyah. Thenikud (point) of each Sefirah brings the Light into our soul. Think of this as theKabbalistic Chakra System.


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`

dpia3 Binah (Left Brain)


xzk1 Keter (Head)


dnkg2 Chochmah (Right Brain)


6 (Left Ear)

dd e`e id ceidedi l`

oeilr zrc4 Da-at Elyon (Higher Knowledge)

id e`e id cei .id e`e id ceiid e`e id cei .id e`e id ceiid e`e id cei .id e`e id cei

id e`e id cei

5 (Right Ear)

dd e`e id ceidedi l`

9 (Left Eye)

`d cei ,`d cei ,cei,e`e

`d e`e `d ceidedi dedi

dedidedi dedi

oezgz zrc7 Da-at Tachton (Lower Knowledge)

¥de¥dŸi ¥de¥dŸi8 (Right Eye)

`d cei ,`d cei ,cei,e`e

`d e`e `d ceidedi dedi

dedidedi dedi

12 Left NostrilInside:

id e`e id ceiOutside:

did` did` did`

10 Nose

did` dedi did`miig :'nib

11 Right NostrilInside:

id e`e id ceiOutside:

did` did` did`13 Mouth

id e`e id cei Inside: ,e`e `d cei ,`d cei ,cei d"r did` Outside:

id e`e id ceisnea uxyqf zplhc wkib rdd`

lewdxeab eix 'ib zeize` 'c mr xeac .l`itei 'ib d"rd"n `d e`e `d cei dedi e"k

xeac`d e`e `d cei ,e`e `d cei ,`d cei ,cei l"w 'iblew dedi xeac idpecd`i = ipc`


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`

dxeab15 Gevurah (Left Arm)


zx`tz 16 Tiferet (Torso)


cqg14 Chesed (Right Arm)


18 Hod (Left Leg)


ceqi19 Yesod (Brit)


gvp17 Netzach (Right Leg)


22 Left Foot

id e`e id ceiid cei id sl`

zekln20 Malchut (Crown of the Brit)

dedi21 Right Foot

id e`e id ceiid cei id sl`


Kabbalah teaches that an angel presides over each day of the week. After the TikunHaNefesh, take a moment to think about the day ahead of you and what you need toaccomplish. This is a good time of introspection and intention.

oey`x meiSUNDAY

¥i¥d ¥e ¥ ¥e ¥i¥d ¥c¥e¥i ©i©d ©e©i©e ©i©d ©c©e©iiiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l`

dxexv xizz jpini zlecb gka `p`¤d¤e¤d¤i ¤d¤ed§i u¤z¤i§ba §

¤l ¤¤e ¤n¤l ¤l ¤¤p ¤r¤e ¤l ¤¤i ¤x¤f¤b ¤d¤i ¤x¤e ¤h ¤n¤q

lebq z"x


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`

ipy meiMONDAY

Ÿ Ÿd FŸ F Ÿ Ÿd ŸcFŸi §i§d §e § §e §i§d §c§e§i ¥i¥d ¥e ¥ ¥e ¥i¥d ¥c¥e¥i``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l``xep epxdh epaby jnr zpx law

§d§e§d§i d§e¡d©i oh §W¤r §x©w§l§ §i§p§d § §l § §i§k §x§a §l § §i§r §n §W

`ey z"x

iyily meiTUESDAY

¥d¥d ee ¥d¥d ŸcFŸi ©i©d FŸ F Ÿ Ÿd ŸcFŸiddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l`

mxny zaak jcegi iyxec xeab `pŸdŸeŸdŸi ©d¦e¡d©i U©k¦i ¤c§b©p

ŸlŸ ŸiŸpŸgŸn ŸlŸ ŸiŸcŸdŸl ŸlŸ ŸiŸpŸg

mlg z"x


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`


¥d¥d ee ¥d¥d ŸcFŸi Ÿ Ÿd ŸeŸ Ÿe Ÿ Ÿd ŸcFŸiddddceeieddddscle`i ipc` l`

mlnb cinz jzwcv ingx mxdh mkxa¦d¦e¦d¦i §d§e¡d©i b §z§v ¤x §h©a

¦l¦¦i ¦y ¦c¦w ¦l¦¦i ¦h¦d ¦x ¦l¦¦i¦w¦f¦g

wxg z"x

iying meiTHURSDAY

Ÿ Ÿd ŸeŸ Ÿe Ÿ Ÿd ŸcFŸi §i§d §e § §e §i§d §c§e§i ¥i¥d ¥e ¥ ¥e ¥i¥d ¥c¥e¥i``ddcee`ie``ddscle`i dedi l`jzcr ldp jaeh aexa yicw oiqg

ªdªeªdªi ©d¦e¡d©i r©p ¦h¤a§w©gªl ªªiªpªw ªl ªªi ªnªr ªx ªlªrªe ªn ªy

wxy z"x(wxey z"xa eik`ln ueawd)


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`

iyiy meiFRIDAY

¥i¥d ¥e ¥ ¥e ¥i¥d ¥c¥e¥i ©i©d ©e©i©e ©i©d ©c©e©iiiddcee`ieiiddscle`i icy l`

jzyecw ixkef dpt jnrl d`b cigiEdpEeEdEi dŸe¡di wfŸt ¤l§bi


wxy z"x


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`


¥i¥d ¥e ¥ ¥e ¥i¥d ¥c¥e¥izenelrz rcei epzwrv rnye law epzrey

¥d¥e¥d¥i ¡d¡e¡d¡i d¦e¡d©i zi¦v¤e§w ©y§l§ §i§p§d § §l § §i§k §x§a §l § §i§r §n §y

`ey z"x¤l ¤¤e ¤n¤l ¤l ¤¤p ¤r¤e ¤l ¤¤i ¤x¤f¤b ¤d¤i ¤x¤e ¤h ¤n¤q

lebq z"x¥l ¥¥i ¥t¥e¥i ¥l ¥¥i¥f ¥x ¥l ¥¥i ¥x¥e¥v

ixiv z"x


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`


©i©d ©e©i©e ©i©d ©c©e©i id eie id ceizenelrz rcei epzwrv rnye law epzrey

dedi ¢d¢e¢d¢i d¦e¡d©i zi¦v¤e§w ©y§l§ §i§p§d § §l § §i§k §x§a §l § §i§r §n §y

`ey z"x

l ¨ ixev l ¨ ikln l ¨ incwunw z"x


ANA B’CHOACH V’TIKUN HANEFESH ytpd oewize gka `p`


© ©d ©e © ©e © ©d ©c©e©i Ÿ Ÿd ŸeŸ Ÿe Ÿ Ÿd ŸcFŸizenelrz rcei epzwrv rnye law epzrey

©d©e©d©i £d£e£d£i d¦e¡d©i zi¦v¤e§w ©y§l§ §i§p§d § §l § §i§k §x§a §l § §i§r §n §y

`ey z"x

©l ©©i ©c©q©g ©l ©©i ©n ©l©z ©l © ©c ©tgzt z"x


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