an easter assembly for a primary school

Post on 08-Apr-2018






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8/7/2019 An Easter Assembly for a Primary School 1/3

 1. Welcome

2. Short Easter Quiz

How many chocolate Easter bunnies are made each year?

a) 90 million

b) 100 000

c) 3 billion

[a. that is more than one each for every single person in Britain]

How many eggs were hidden in the largest Easter Egg Hunt ever?

a) 1 million

b) ½ million

c) 100 000

[b. 510 000 at a Theme Park in Florida in 2007]

How heavy was the biggest chocolate egg ever made?

a) The weight of 5 cars

b) The weight of 1 car

c) The weight of 20 cars

[a. The largest chocolate Easter egg weighed 6,440 kg (14,197

lb 12 oz)… Brazil, on 3 April 2010]

What event happens at the White House at Easter

a) Easter Egg Roll

b) Easter Bunny Race

c) Easter Cake Fair


People do all kinds of strange things at Easter don’t they?

Why do them? All kinds of reasons … we’d like to share one of the

reasons Christians rejoice at Easter … whether they show their rejoicing

by eating lots of chocolate or by making nice cakes or by playing fun

games or by having special church services…. Tim is going to help us think

about that.

Teaching Content: One reason why Christians rejoice at Easter is that the evidence of 

Jesus’ life, death and resurrection points to the fact that Jesus is God.

Aim: to sense the credibility of the incredible news of Jesus’ death & resurrection at


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3. Talk

In a few minutes Mr Turner is going to help us learn and sing a song.

How many of you know Mr Turner? Very well?

- what school did he go to ?

- how many children does he have?

- what pets does he have?

Either a good guess or wrong …. ONLY way can KNOW Mr Turner is if he tells us … if he

reveals himself to you…

How much more is that true of God!

A famous person was once asked:

Do you know God ?

No .. we’ve never been introduced properly !

Easter is a time when Christians remember that our guessing games about what God islike are over because Jesus’ life, but especially His death and resurrection show us that

He is God on earth and through him we can know God!

Jesus’ life was extraordinary.

[PP] When Jesus taught : ‘The people were amazed at his teaching, because

he taught them as one who had authority, not as the teachers of the

law.’ (Mark 1:22)

[PP] When Jesus healed the sick it amazed everyone and they praised God,saying, "We have never seen anything like this!" (Mark 2:12)

[PP] Even His enemies saw that Jesus was doing and claiming the

things that only God can do "Why does this fellow talk like that? He's


Who can forgive sins but God alone?" (Mark 2:7) 

But weren’t they just a bit gullible in the old days?

[PP]Well, the fishermen who followed Jesus knew that storms don’t juststop when someone says ‘Stop’. I can’t even stop the waves in my bath

by shouting ‘Stop’. But Jesus stilled a storm with just his words!

They were terrified and asked each other, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves

obey him!" (Mark 4:41) 

[PP] as Jesus died, executed by the Romans an experienced Roman

soldier who must have seen many people die was amazed at how

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Jesus conducted himself and what happened as Jesus was killed on a cross: "Surely this

man was the Son of God!" (Mark 15:39)

[PP] Jesus’ death was no normal death. He himself had predicted it

repeatedly. He said it was a death with a point: ‘For even the Son of Man did

not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom

for many.’ (Mark 10:45) … A rescuing death for those trapped in theirdisobedience against God.

[PP] And they definitely knew that dead don’t rise again after 3 days

to have bodies that are . Thomas was a follower of Jesus who

missed out seeing Jesus when He had been raised to life. He refused

to believe. He said unless I put my fingers in the wounds in his

hands and side I won’t believe.

But then when Jesus appears in front of him (though the doors were locked …) Thomas

falls down and says: "My Lord and my God!" (John 20:28)

So Christians are thrilled about Easter because God has made himself known. Jesus is

the man who is God. His life, his death and his resurrection all mean that the guessing

game is over ... people from every nation in the world can know God!

So with the Centurion Christians from India, from New Zealand, Japan and Tipton say

‘Surely this man is the Son of God’ … we believe what Jesus said, that he was giving His

life as a ransom for many … for the forgiveness of sins and with Thomas we bow down

and say ‘ My Lord and My God’ as we trust and follow Him.

This Easter we giving out about 2000 of these cards … if you live in Princes End you

might get one. On the front it says this:

Inside it says this:

I am personally looking forward to lots of chocolate this Easter … but as a

Christian I’ll be rejoicing because of who Jesus is and what he has done

that makes all the difference to everything. Because of him I can know


4. ‘El Salvador’ song

- Brian …. There should be a link for you in the paragraph when I mention nations of the

world. I think we do need to be clear though that Jesus was not Spanish! But that it is a

bit of fun … a bit of extra skills to learn some Spanish before classes start!! Or


5. Prayer

For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to rv ,

and to give his life as a ransom for many . Mark 10:45

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