amendments made - the warhammer fantasy battle...

Post on 08-Feb-2018






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Below you can find any changes made to the original pack that was released. These are just general copy and paste errors but all types of errors will be amended in the pack above and

shown below so they are easy to keep track of. In the army lists themselves the changes are highlighted in red on the next page onwards.


09/02/15: Team Big Nose and his 3 Mates – Matt Howley – K’Daai Destroyer added.

09/02/15: Bristol Vanguard – Russ Ward - Greater Locus of Fecundity replaces Greater Gift.

09/02/15: Rafael and his AARS – Steve Follows – Kairos point’s corrected and lesser gift taken off Palanquin Nurgle Herald.

09/02/15: Aylesbury Anal Assault – Max Williams – Lore of Light, level 4and name of Patrick all added.

10/02/15: Victorious Secret – Luke Tranter – List amended.

10/02/15: Team #FatCraig – Amit Hindocha – Master is on Dark Steed.

10/02/15: Team #FatCraig – Craig Johnson – Shield and Armour of Destiney added to Exalted Hero and Talisman of Preservation dropped. Maruaders dropped from 20 to 19.

10/02/15: Bristol Vanguard – Mark Caseliegh – Morathi added.

10/02/15: Team Portal – Barrie Norman – Added extra Knight and Greatsword.

17/02/15: Feral Herts – Zack Martin who was playing Wood Elves has dropped out, Adam Daly now playing Wood Elves and Alex Wheatley now playing Ogres. All lists still the same.

3 Queens and a Ginger



Alarielle the Everqueen (General) 350 Noble; Battle Standard, Cloak of Beards, Reaver Bow, Shield of the Merwyrm, Dragon Armour 155 Mage; Dispel Scroll, Lore of Fire 110 5 Ellyrian Reavers; Spears & Bows 95 5 Ellyrian Reavers; Spears & Bows 95 15 Archers; Full Command 180 15 Archers; Full Command 180 27 White Lions of Chrace; Full Command, Banner of the World Dragon 431 5 Shadow Warriors 70 Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers 70 Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers 70 Eagle Claw Bolt Throwers 70 6 Sisters of Avelorn 84 Frostheart Phoenix 240 Army Total: 2,200 points

Runesmith (General); 2x Rune of Spellbreaking, 3x Rune of Speed, Rune of Furnace, Rune of Stone, Shield, 133 Runesmith; 2x Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Stone, Shield 113 Master Engineer; Rune of Stone , 75 Master Engineer; Rune of Stone , 75 10 Quarrellers; Shields, Standard 140 23 Longbeards; Shields, Great Weapons, Full Command, Rune of Stoicism 410 Cannon; Rune of Forging 145 Cannon; Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning 150 Cannon; Rune of Forging, Stalwart Rune 160 Grudge Thrower; Rune of Forging, Rune of Accuracy 130 Grudge Thrower; Rune of Forging, Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Burning 135 Grudge Thrower; Rune of Forging, Rune of Accuracy, Stalwart Rune 145 Organ Gun 120 Organ Gun 120 5 Rangers 70 5 Rangers; Shields 75 Army Total: 2,196 points

Battle Wizard Lord (General); Scroll of Shielding, Level 4, Lore of Light 215 Battle Wizard Lord; Dispel Scroll, Level 4, Lore of Heavens 225 Captain of the Empire; Battle Standard, Standard of Discipline, Full Plate Armour, Shield 108 Master Engineer 65 Master Engineer 65 34 Halberdiers; Full Command, Shields 268 • 5 Archers 35 • 5 Archers 35 10 Archers; Marksman 80 6 Empire Knights 132 Great Cannon 120 Great Cannon 120 4 Demigryph Knights; Musician 242 Helblaster Volley Gun 120 Helblaster Volley Gun 120 Steam Tank 250 Army Total: 2,200 points

Daemon Prince (General); Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Sword of Striking, Daemonic Flight, Mark of Nurgle Level 1, Lore of Death 375 Sorcerer Lord; Mark of Tzeentch, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Flaming Breath, Third Eye of Tzeentch; Level 4, Lore of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch 405 Exalted Hero; Battle Standard, Mark of Tzeentch, Armour of Destiny, Great Weapon, Shield, Daemonic Mount (Barding) 254 Throgg 195 Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh 115 Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh 115 8 Chaos Trolls; Additional Hand Weapons 304 3 Skullcrushers of Khorne; Ensorcelled Weapons 234 Army Total: 1,997 points




Chaos Lord (General); Mark of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Soul Feeder, Talisman of Preservation, Dragonhelm, great weapon 333 Chaos Lord; Mark of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch,Talisman of Endurance, Sword of Might, Helm of Discord, shield, 335 Sorceror Lord: Level 4, Mark of Tzeentch, Enchanted Shield, Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Trinket, Lore of Tzeentch, 330 Exalted Hero: Mark of Tzeentch, Daemonic Mount (barding), Armour of Destiny, Scaled Skin, great weapon, Battle Standard, 271 20 Chaos Warriors: Mark of Tzeentch, full command, shield, Blasted Standard, 395 Chaos Chariot: Mark of Nurgle 125 Hellcannon 210 1,999 points

Arch Lector (General); Great Weapon, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Dawnstone, Other Tricksters Shard, 195 Battle Wizard Lord; level 4, Talisman of Endurance, Scroll, Lore of Life, 260 Battle Wizard Lord; level 4, Talisman of Protection, Scroll of Shielding, Lore of Metal, 230 Witch Hunter; Brace of Pistols, Charmed Shield, 60 Captain of the Empire; Longbow, Full Plate Armour, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Battle standard 146 36 Empire Crossbowmen; Full Command, 354 Detachment of 5 Archers, 35 Detachment of 9 Archers, 63 10 Empire Crossbowmen; Champion, 100 4 Demigryph Knights; Full Command, Gleaming Pennant, 267 Empire Great Cannon; 120 Empire Great Cannon; 120 Steam Tank; 250 Army Total: 2200

Prince; Heavy Armour, Shield, Barded Steed, Giant Blade, Dragon

Helm, Dawnstone; 271 Archmage, Level 4, High Magic, Talisman of Preservation, Power

Stone, Ring of Khaine’s Fury, 310 Loremaster – Ogre Blade, Merwyrm Shield, Dispel Scroll, 310 Noble; Dragon Armour, Barded Steed, Sword of Might, Charmed Shield, Golden Crown, Other Trickster’s Shard, Battle Standard 170 10 Silver Helms; Full Command,

Shields, 260

20 Archers; Musician, 210 5 Reaver Knights; 80 16 Phoenix Guard; Keeper, Standard, Razor Standard, 305 Repeater Bolt Throwers; 70 Repeater Bolt Throwers; 70 Repeater Bolt Throwers; 70 Repeater Bolt Throwers; 70 2196

Slann Mage-Priest (General); Channelling Staff, Crown of Command, Dragonbane Gem , Harmonic Convergence , Resevoir of Eldritch Energy, Wandering Deliberations, Battle standard, 460 Sarus Oldblood; Charmed Shield, Cold One, Great Weapon, Light Armour, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Trickster's Shard 250 Sarus Oldblood; Armor of Destiny, Cold One, Dawnstone, Great Weapon 251 Skink Priest; Dispel Scroll, Lore of Heavens 90 Tetto'Eko; 185 14 Skink Skirmisher; 98 14 Skink Skirmisher; 98 14 Skink Skirmisher; 98 12 Skinks; Kroxigor, musician, Skink Brave 130 12 Skinks; Kroxigor, musician, Skink Brave 130 5 Chameleon Skinks; 65 5 Chameleon Skinks; 65 Ancient Stegadon; Engine of the Gods 280 Army Total: 2200

Aylesbury Anal Assault



Dreadlord (Deneral) on Dark Steed; Heavy Armour, Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Giant Blade, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, Potion of Foolhardiness, 277 Supreme Sorceress on horsihorsi; Level 4 Death, Obsidian Lodestone, Dispell Scroll, 310 Master on Dark Pegasus; BSB, Lance, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 211 Master on Dark Pegasus; Lance, Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Armour of Destiny, 184 Master on Dark Pegasus; Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Cloak of Twilight, 188 9 Dark Riders; Shields, Crossbows, Champion, 190 5 Dark Riders; Shields, Crossbows, Champion, 110 2x 5 Dark Riders; Shields, Crossbows, 2x 100 5 Shades; 80 2x 5 Warlocks; 2x 125 Army Total: 2000

Runesmith (General); x2 Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Stone, Rune of Iron, Shield, 133 Runesmith; x2 Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Stone, Rune of Furnace, Shield, 118 Thane (Battle Standard Bearer); Master Rune of Grungi, Shield, 153 2x Master Engineer; 2x 70 21 Longbeards; Full Command, GW, Rune of Stoicism, 359 18 Quarrellers; Full Command, Great Weapons, 282 2x Gyrocopter; 2x 80 Cannon; Rune of Forging, 145 Cannon; Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 150 Grudge Thrower; Rune of Accuracy, Runeof Forging, Runeof Burning 135 Grudge Thrower; Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Forging, 130 Organ Cannon; Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Burning, 150 Organ Cannon; Runeof Accuracy,145 Army Total: 2199

Deamon Prince (General); Mark of Nurgle, Chaos Armour, Deamonic Flight, Level 4 Death, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem,, Other Trickster’s Shard, Deamonblade, Scaled Skin, Soulfeeder, 550 Chariot; Mark of Nurgle, 125 Chariot; Mark of Nurgle, 125 Chariot; Mark of Nurgle, 125 Chariot; Mark of Nurgle, 125 Chariot; Mark of Nurgle, 125 Chimaera; Regenerating Flesh, Flaming Breath, 275 Chimaera; Regenerating Flesh, Flaming Breath, 275 Chimaera; Regenerating Flesh, Flaming Breath, 275

Army Total: 2000

Arch Lector on War Altar, GW, Armour of Destiny, 305 Patrick - Battle Wizard Lord, Talisman of Preservation, Ironcurse Icon, Level 4, Lore of Light, 250 Captain, BSB, Full Plate, Shield, Dragonhelm, 108 Captain on Pegasus, Full Plate, Lance, Enchanted Shield, Dragonbane Gem, 128 Battle Wizard, Level 1 Light, Scroll, 90 31 Halberds, FC, 258 Detachment – 9 Archers, 63 31 Halberds, FC, 258 2x Great Cannon, 2x 120 2x Steam Tank, 2x 250 Army Total: 2200




Count Mannfred, 530 Tomb Banshee, 95 Tomb Banshee, 95 Tomb Banshee, 95 Cairn Wraith, 60 Cairn Wraith, 60 Cairn Wraith, 60 Cairn Wraith, 60 Necromancer; Level 1, Vampires, Dispel Scroll, 90 40 Zombies; Musician, Standard, 130 46 Skeletons; Full Command, banner of Swiftness, 275 5 Dire Wolves, 40 5 Dire Wolves, 40 5 Dire Wolves, 40 5 Dire Wolves, 40 5 Dire Wolves, 40 Terrorgheist, 225 Terrorgheist, 225 Army Total: 2200

Runesmith(General); shield, Armour - Rune of Stone, Talisman - Rune of spellbreaking x2 - Rune of the Furnace, 118 Thane; shield, BSB, Armour - Rune of stone, 98 Runesmith; shield, Armour - Rune of Stone, Talisman - Rune of spellbreaking x2, 113 Master Engineer; Dwarf pistol, 76 19 Quarrellers; great weapons, champion, 276 19 Quarrellers; great weapons, champion, 276 22 Ironbreakers; champion, standard - Rune of Stoicism, 363 Dwarf Cannon; Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 150 Dwarf Cannon; Rune of Forging, 145 Grudgethrower; Rune of Penetrating, 120 Gyrocopter, 80 Gyrocopter, 80 Gyrocopter, 80 Gyrocopter, 80 Organ Gun; Rune of Accuracy, 145 Army Total: 2200

Slaughtermaster; level 4, Lore of Heavens, great weapon, Talisman of Endurance, Crown of Command, Dispel Scroll, 385 Butcher; level 1, Lore of the Great Maw, great weapon, Hellheart, 159 Bruser; BSB, great weapon, heavy armor, Rune Maw Banner, 205 9 Iron Guts; Full command, lookout gnoblar, Standard of Discipline, 437 4 ogres, 120 2 Mournfang Cavalry; ironfists, heavy armour, 140 4 mournfang cavalry; iron fists, heavy armor, musician, standard, Dragonhide Banner, 350 1 sabertusk, 21 1 sabertusk, 21 1 sabertusk, 21 Iron blaster, 170 Iron blaster, 170 Army Total: 2199

Orc Great Shaman; Level 4, Big Waaagh, Talisman of Endurance, Crown of Command, 265 Black Orc Boss; BSB, Standard of Discipline, shield, 132 Goblin Boss; Gigantic spider, shield, light armour, Talisman of preservation, Tormentor Sword, 129 Night Goblin Shaman; Level 2, Little Waaagh, Dispel Scroll, 110 29 Orc Boyz; Full Command, shields, 238 32 Night Goblins; Full Command, Bows, 2 Fanatics, Netters, 221 5 Wolf Riders, 50 5 Wolf Riders, 50 5 Wolf Riders, 50 Orc Boar Chariot, 85 Orc Boar Chariot, 85 Goblin Wolf Chariots, 50 Goblin Wolf Chariots, 50 Goblin Wolf Chariots, 50 Goblin Spear Chukka, 35 Goblin Spear Chukka, 35 Goblin Spear Chukka, 35 Goblin Spear Chukka, 35 Goblin Spear Chukka, 35 Rock Lobbers, 85 Rock Lobbers, 85 Doom Divers, 80 Doom Divers, 80 Mangler Squig, 65 Mangler Squig, 65 Army Total: 2200



Daemon Prince, General, Nurgle, Level 3 death, Flight, Chaos armour, Soul feeder, Flaming breath, Scaled skin, Dawnstone Daemon Prince, Nurgle, Flight, Chaos armour, Enchanted shield, Dragonbane gem Exalted hero, Bsb, Barded daemonic mount, GW, Shield, Mark of Tzeentch, Third eye, Talisman of preservation Exalted hero, Barded daemonic mount, GW, Shield, Mark of tzeentch, Armour of destiny Throgg 7 trolls, Additional hand weapons 2 x Khorne chariots 1995

Kairos Fateweaver Herald of Nurgle, Greater Locus of Fecundity, lesser gift 10 Pink Horrors 28 Plaguebearers, standard 6 Beasts of Nurgle 5 Chaos Furies 2 Nurgling Bases Skull Cannon Skull Cannon 1999

Morathi – 375 Dreadlord - Shield, Sea dragon cloak, dark pegasus, lance, armour of destiny, dawn stone, potion of strength, 305 Master - heavy armour, shield, sea dragon cloak, dark pegasus, lance, cloak of twilight, BSB. 213 Sorceress - dispel scroll, dark steed, Lore of Heavens. 115 11 Dark Riders - shield, Rxbow, musician. 230 6 Dark Riders - shield, Rxbow, musician. 130 6 Dark Riders - shield, Rxbow, musician. 130 3 Reaper bolt throwers. 210 5 warlocks. 125 6 warlocks. 150

Grey seer, talisman of preservation & earthing rod 310

Warlord, shield & Fellblade 193 Warlock engineer & Doomrocket 45 Warlock engineer & obsidian lodestone 60 Warlock engineer, lvl1 & dispell scroll 90 Cheiftan, shield, bsb & storm banner 122 3 x 50 Skaven slaves, musician & champion 106 40 stormvermin, full command, banner of eternal flame 315 5 giant rats & Packmaster 23 5 giant rats & Packmaster 23 2 x 6 gutter runners, slings & poisoned attacks 108 20 plague monks, musician & champion 155 Doomwheel 150 Warplightning cannon 90 Warplightning cannon 90 Total 2200

Bristol Vanguard 2



Black Orc Warboss (General) ; Crown of Command, Enchanted Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 245 Orc Great Shaman; Level 4, Earthing Rod, Talisman of Endurance, 255 Goblin Big Boss; BSB, Light Armour, Shield, Spider Banner, 149 Night Goblin Shaman; Level 2, Obsidian Amulet, 115 Night Goblin Shaman; Level 1, Dispel Scroll, 75 97 Night Goblins; Full Command, Short bows, Netters, 3 Fanatics, 441 5 Wolf Riders; Spears, Shields, 60 5 Wolf Riders; Spears, Shields, 60 8 Trolls; 280 Rock Lobber; 85 Rock Lobber; 85 Doom Diver; 80 Doom Diver; 80 Mangler Squigs; 65 Mangler Squigs; 65 Snotling Pump Wagon; Giant Explodin’ Spores, 60 Army Total: 2200

Grand Master (General); Runefang, Charmed Shield, Luckstone, Potion of Speed, 255 Luthor Huss; 155 Captain; Barded Warhorse, Full Plate, Great Weapon, BSB, Dawnstone, Helm of Skavenslaying, Ironcurse Icon, 158 Wizard; Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Heavens, 125 Priest; Barded Warhorse, Heavy Armour, Crown of Command, Enchanted Shield, 123 12 Inner Circle Knights; Full Command, Standard of Discipline, 345 9 Knights; Full Command, 228 10 Archers; Musician, 80 3 Demigryph Knights, 174 3 Demigryph Knights, 174 Celestial Hurricanum, 130 Steam Tank; 250 Army Total: 2197

Runesmith (General); Shield, 2 Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of the furnace, Rue of Stone, 118 Runesmith; Shield, 2 Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Stone, 113 Thane; BSB, shield, Master Rune of Grugni, 153 37 Warriors; Full Command, Great Weapons, 400 25 Longbeards; Full Command, Shields, Rune of Stoicism. 390 20 Hammerers; Full Command, Master Rune of Valaya, 375 Gyrocopter; 80 Gyrocopter; 80 Cannon; Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 150 Grudge Thrower; Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Penetrating, Rune of Forging, 170 Organ Gun; Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Forging, 170 Army Total: 2199

Vampire Lord (general); level 4 Vampires, shield, lance, barded nightmare, red fury, Quickblood, beguile, amour of destiny, dawnstone, 507 Vampire Lord; level 4 shadow, shield, barded nightmare, heavy armour, dragonhelm, talisman of preservation, red fury, quickblood 533 Vampire; level 1 Vampires, shield, heavy armour, barded nightmare, red fury 185 Necromancer; level 1 Vampires, dispell scroll 90 10 Black knights; barding, lances, full command, banner of eternal flame 300 2 Fell bats; 32 33 Zombies; full command 109 33 Zombies; full command 109 33 Zombies; full command 109 32 Zombies; full command 106 5 Dire wolves; 40 5 Dire wolves; 40 5 Dire wolves; 40 Army Total: 2200

Cheltenham Warchiefs A



Dreadlord (General); Pegasus, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Armour of Destiny, Ogre Blade, Dragonbane Gem, 296 Dreadlord; Pegasus, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Lance, Cloak of Twighlight, Dawnstone, 289 Supreme Sorceress; Level 4 Shadow, Dark Steed, Talisman of Preservation, Dispel Scroll, 310 Master; BSB, Dark Steed, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Lance, Repeater Crossbow, Ring of Hotek 178 5 Dark Riders; Repeater Crossbows, Shields, 100 10 Dark Riders; Herald, Musician, Repeater Crossbows, Shields, 220 10 Dark Riders; Herald, Musician, Repeater Crossbows, Shields, 220 10 Doomfire Warlocks; Master of Warlocks, 260 5 Doomfire Warlocks; 125 Total – 1,998 points

Kairos Fateweaver (General); 565 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch; Musician 140 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch; 130 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch; 130 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch; 130 3 Beasts of Nurgle; 180 2 Beasts of Nurgle; 120 2 Beasts of Nurgle; 120 3 Plague Drones of Nurgle; Full Command, Gleaming Pennant, Plague Proboscis, 215 Skullcannon of Khorne; 135 Skullcannon of Khorne; 135 Total - 2,000 points

Slaughtermaster (General); Level 4 Great Maw, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Crown of Command, 380 Bruiser; BSB, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, 190 Firebelly; Level 1 Fire, Dispel Scroll, 145 6 Ogres; Bellower, Standard Bearer, Ironfists, 212 7 Ironguts; Full Command, Standard of Discipline, Look-out Gnoblar, 351 7 Maneaters (Poisoned Attacks, Stubborn); Bellower, Standard Bearer, Gleaming Pennant, Additional Hand Weapon x 4, 383 3 Maneaters (Immune to Psychology, Scouts); Additional Hand Weapon x 3, 156 Sabretusk; 21 Sabretusk; 21 Ironblaster; 170 Ironblaster; 170 Total - 2,199 points

Arch Lector (General); War Alter, Heavy Armour, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 304 Battle Wizard Lord; Level 4 Light, Dispel Scroll, 225 Captain of the Empire; Battle Standard Bearer, Full Plate Armour, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, 121 Battle Wizard; Level 1 Light, 65 Battle Wizard; Level 1 Light, 65 40 Halberdiers; Full Command, 270 [Detachment] 7 Archers, 49 5 Empire Knights; Musician, 120 5 Empire Knights; Musician, 120 4 Demigryph Knights; Standard, Musician, Gleaming Pennant, 257 4 Demigryph Knights; 232 Great Cannon; 120 Steam Tank; 250 Total – 2,198 point

Dudley Darklords



Supreme Sorceress, Level 4, Death, Dispel Scroll, Dark Steed = 265pts Dreadlord (General), Light Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Cloak of Twilight, Ogre Blade, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone, Dark Pegasus = 298pts Master, Battle Standard Bearer, Dark Pegasus, Lance, Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation = 211pts Master, Dark Pegasus, Lance, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Armour of Destiny = 184pts 13 Dark Riders, Crossbows, Shields, Champion = 270pts 11 Dark Riders, Crossbows, Shields, Champion = 230pts Repeater Bolt Thrower = 70pts Repeater Bolt Thrower = 70pts Repeater Bolt Thrower = 70pts Repeater Bolt Thrower = 70pts 5 Doomfire Warlocks, Champion = 135pts 5 Doomfire Warlocks = 125pts Total = 1998pts

Arch Lector (General), Heavy Armour, War Altar, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation = 304pts Battle Wizard, Light = 65pts Battle Wizard, Light, Level 2, Dispel Scroll = 125pts Battle Wizard, Light, Level 2, Scroll of Shielding = 115pts Captain, Battle Standard Bearer, Light Armour, Shield = 87pts 16 Archers = 112pts 5 Archer Detachment = 35pts 5 Archer Detachment = 35pts 40 Halberdiers, Musician, Banner = 260pts 18 Free Company Detachment = 108pts Great Cannon = 120pts Great Cannon = 120pts 4 Demigryph Knights = 232pts 4 Demigryph Knights = 232pts Steam Tank = 250pts Total = 2200pts

Spellweaver (General), Level 4, Shadow, Dispel Scroll, Moonstone of Hidden Ways = 285pts Glade Captain, Battle Standard Bearer, Hail of Doom Arrow, Shield = 132pts 17 Glade Guard, Trueflight, Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame = 295pts 14 Glade Guard, Trueflight, Musician = 220pts 14 Glade Guard, Trueflight, Musician = 220pts 7 Wild Riders, Shields = 196pts 7 Wild Riders, Shields = 196pts 7 Wild Riders, Shields = 196pts Great Eagle = 50pts Great Eagle = 50pts 9 Waywatchers = 180pts 9 Waywatchers = 180pts Total = 2200pts

Slaugtermaster (General), Maw, Level 4, Crown of Command, Fencers Blades, Glittering Scales, Dragonbane Gem = 385pts Bruiser, Heavy Armour, Battle Standard Bearer, Great Weapon, Runemaw Banner = 205pts Bruiser, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, Ironcurse Icon = 170pts Bruiser, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny = 166pts Firebelly, Fire, Additional Hand Weapon, Hellheart = 172pts Firebelly, Fire, Additional Hand Weapon, Dispel Scroll, Potion of Speed = 152pts 13 Ironguts, Full Command, Lookout Gnoblar, Standard of Discipline = 609pts Ironblaster = 170pts Ironblaster = 170pts Total = 2199pts

Feral Herts



Grey Seer (General); Dispel Scroll, Obsidian Lodestone, Lore of Ruin & Plague, 310 Grey Seer; Power Scroll, Lore of Ruin & Plague, 275 Warlord; Fellblade, Shield, 193 Chieftain; BSB, Great Weapon, 74 Warlock Engineer; Level 1, Warp Energy Condenser, Lore of Ruin, 85 Warlock Engineer; Doomrocket, 45 Warlock Engineer; Brass Orb, 65 Warlock Engineer; Potion of Foolhardiness, 20 3 X Warlock Engineer; 15 41 Stormvermins; Full command, Razor Standard, 357 50 Skavenslaves; Musician, 102 3 X 20 Skavenslaves; Musician, 42 5 Giant Rats, 1 Packmaster; 23 2 X Warp Lightning Cannon. 90 2 X Doomwheel, 150 Army Total: 2200

Spellweaver (General); Level 4, Obsidian Lodestone, Dispel Scroll, Iron Curse Icon, Lore of Death, 295 Spellsinger; Level 2, Power Stone, Elven Steed, Lore of Death, 145 Glade Captain; BSB, HODA, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane gem, 144 15 Glade guards; Standard, Musician, True flight arrow, Gleaming Pennant, 250 10 Glade guards; Musician, True flight arrow, 160 10 Glade guards; Musician, True flight arrow, 160 9 Deepwood Scout, Hagbane tip, 144 9 Deepwood Scout, Hagbane tip, 144 10 Wild Riders; Champion, shields, 290 9 Wild Riders; Standard, shields, Banner of Eternal Flame, 272 7 Wild Riders; shields, 196 Army Total: 2200

Great Bray Shaman (General); Level 4, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Endurance, Mark of Nurgle, Lore of Shadow, 300 Doombull; Enchanted shield, Talisman of Preservation, Arabyan Carpet, great weapon, heavy armour, Mark of Tzeentch, 372 Doombull; Armour of Destiny, Gnarled Hide, Dawnstone, Biting Blade, shield, Mark of Tzeentch, 351 Bray Shaman; Level 2, Obsidian Amulet, Scroll of Shielding, Mark of Nurgle, Lore of Shadow, 165 Wargor; BSB; blackened plate, shield, Mark of Nurgle, 142 11 Gors, Additional Hand Weapon, Mark of Khorne, 110 10 Gors, Additional Hand Weapon, Mark of Khorne, 100 2 X 10 Gors, AHW, Mark of Khorne, Champion, 110 5 X 5 Ungor Raiders, Mark of Slaanesh, 35 30 Bestigors, Full command, Mark of Nurgle, Standard of Discipline 465 Army Total: 2400

Slaughtermaster (General); Glittering Scales, Dispel Scroll, Talisman of Preservation, Level 4 Wizard, great weapon, Lore of Great Maw, 390 Slaughtermaster; Hellheart, Level 4 Wizard, Lore of Heavens, great weapon, 345 Bruiser; Rune Maw, great weapon, Battle Standard, 201 Bruiser; Armour of Destiny, great weapon, 166 Bruiser; Talisman of Endurance, The Other Trickster's Shard, great weapon 161 10 Ironguts; Gutlord, Bellower, standard bearer, Standard of Discipline, Look-out Gnoblar, 480 10 Gnoblars 25 10 Gnoblars 25 10 Gnoblars 25 1 Sabretusk 21 1 Sabretusk 21 Ironblaster 170 Ironblaster 170 Army Total: 2200



Vampire Lord; Nightshroud, The Other Trickster's Shard, Talisman of Preservation, Red Fury, Quickblood, Level 4 Wizard, great weapon, heavy armour, 521 Vampire; Obsidian Amulet, Scroll of Shielding, Enchanted Shield, Level 2 Wizard, Lore of Death, heavy armour, Battle Standard, 219 Necromancer; Dispel Scroll, Level 2 Wizard, Lore of Death, 125 Tomb Banshee; 95 Tomb Banshee; 95 22 Zombies; musician, standard bearer, 76 20 Zombies; musician 65 5 Dire Wolves, 40 36 Crypt Ghouls; Crypt Ghast, 370 8 Crypt Horrors, 304 2 Fell Bats, 32 2 Fell Bats, 32 Terrorgheist, 225 Army Total: 2,199 points

Morathi, (General) 375 Master; Charmed Shield; Talisman of Preservation; heavy armour; lance; repeater crossbow; Sea Dragon cloak; Battle Standard; Dark Pegasus, 216 Master; Cloak of Twilight; heavy armour; lance; Sea Dragon cloak; shield; Dark Pegasus, 188 Master; Armour of Destiny; lance; repeater crossbow; Sea Dragon cloak; shield; Dark Pegasus, 189 5 Dark Riders; shields; repeater crossbows; musician, 110 5 Dark Riders; shields; repeater crossbows; musician, 110 22 Witch Elves; Hag; musician; standard bearer (Banner of Eternal Flame), 282 Reaper Bolt Thrower, 70 Reaper Bolt Thrower, 70 Reaper Bolt Thrower, 70 Reaper Bolt Thrower, 70 5 Doomfire Warlocks, 125 5 Doomfire Warlocks, 125 Army Total: 2000

Battle Wizard Lord; (General) Dispel Scroll,Level 4 Wizard, Lore of Heavens 225 Battle Wizard Lord; Power Stone, Level 4 Wizard, Lore of light 220 Captain of the Empire; Standard of Discipline, heavy armour; shield, Battle Standard 104 40 Halberdiers; Sergeant, musician, standard bearer, 270 • 10 Archers, 70 • 20 Spearmen, 100 5 Empire Knights, 110 4 Demigryph Knights; Gleaming Pennant, musician, standard bearer, 257 4 Demigryph Knights; musician, 242 4 Demigryph Knights, 232 Great Cannon, 120 Steam Tank, 250 Army Total: 2,200

Daemon Prince (General); Mark of Slaanesh, Lvl 4, Lore of Slaanesh, Chaos Armour, Daemonic Flight, Sword of Striking, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Soul Feeder, Scaled Skin, 495 Exalthed Hero; Mark of Tzeentch, Barded Daemonic Mount, Battle Standard Bearer, Shield, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, Third Eye of Tzeentch, 259 Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115 Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115 Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115 Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115 5 Chaos Warhounds; Vanguard, 40 Chimera; Regeneration, Fiery Breath, 275 3 Skull Crushers; Ensorcelled Weapons, 234 3 Skull Crushers; Ensorcelled Weapons, 234 Army Total: 1997

International Allstars



Spellweaver (General); Level 4, Elven Steed, Scroll of Shielding, Obsidian Lodestone, Lore of Death, 300 Spellweaver; Elven Steed, Dispel Scroll, Level 4 Wizard, Lore of High, Elven Steed, 265 Glade Captain; Elven Steed, Asrai spear, Starfire shafts, Hail Of Doom Arrow, Enchanted Shield, Battle Standard, 151 15 Glade Guard; trueflight arrows, Musician, 235 7 Glade Riders; starfire shafts, 161 10 Glade Guard; trueflight arrows, Musician, 160 8 Sisters of the Thorn; Standard Bearer, Standard of Discipline, 233 12 Wild Riders, 312 10 Waywatchers, 200 9 Waywatchers, 180 Army Total: 2197

Slann Mage-Priest (General); Level 4, Channeling Staff, Harmonic Convergence, Becalming Cogitation, Standard of Discipline, Battle Standard, Lore of Shadow, 410 Slann Mage-Priest; Level 4, Book of Ashur, Soul of Stone, Lore of Life, 395 Skink Priest; Level 1, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Beasts, 90 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 Skink Skirmishers; Javelins, 70 50 Temple Guards; Full Command, halberds, shields, Banner of Swiftness, 745 Army Total: 2200

Vampire Lord (General); Level 4, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Nightshroud, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Trickster's Shard, Red Fury, Aura of Dark Majesty, Beguile, Lore of Vampires, 531 Master Necromancer; Level 4, Scroll of Shielding, Obsidian Lodestone, Lore of Death, 260 Vampire; Level 1, Heavy Armour, Shield, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Battle Standard, Lore of Vampires, 166 3 X Tomb Banshee, 95 40 Skeleton Warriors; Full command, Shields, Banner of Swiftness, 245 35 Zombies; musician, standard bearer, 115 20 Zombies; musician, standard bearer, 70 5 Dire Wolves, 40 5 Dire Wolves, 40 5 Dire Wolves, 40 9 Crypt Horrors, 342 2 Fell Bats, 32 2 Fell Bats, 32 Army Total: 2198

Loremaster of Hoeth (General); Level 2, Book of Hoeth, Talisman of Preservation, Sig Spells, 330 Caradryan, 420 Noble; Halberd, Heavy Armour, Enchanted Shield, 106 18 Archers; Full Command, 210 15 Archers; musician, 160 5 Ellyrian Reavers; Champion, 90 5 Ellyrian Reavers; Champion, 90 18 White Lions of Chrace; Full Command, Banner of the World Dragon, 314 Frostheart Phoenix, 240pts Frostheart Phoenix, 240pts




Orc Warboss (General); Wyvern; Sword of Striking, Opal Amulet, Charmed shield, 310 Savage Orc Great Shaman; Level 4, Spells of the Big Waaagh, Dispel Scroll, Warrior Bane 235 Black Orc Big Boss; Battle Standard; Obsidian Loadstone, Shield 162 Goblin Big Boss; Gigantic Spider: Dragonhelm, Luckstone, Shield, Spear, Light armour 96 Goblin Big Boss; Gigantic Spider: Dragonbane Gem, Enchanted Shield, Spear, Light armour 89 5 Goblin Wolf Riders; Spears, Shields, Boss 70 2 X 5 Wolf Riders; Spears, Shields 60 18 Savage Orc Big Un’s; full command, additional choppa, 223 20 Night Goblins; Musician, Boss, Short Bows, 2 fanatics 130 2 X Goblin Wolf chariot 50 Orc Boar chariot 85 2 X Spear Chukka 35 2 X Mangler squig 65 Doom Diver 80 Arachnarok 290 Army Total: 2200

Bretonnian Lord; (General) knights vow, Virtue of Heroism, Sword of Swift Slaying, Gromril Great Helm, Potion of Foolhardiness, shield, barded Bretonnian Warhorse 234 Prophetess of the Lady; Level 4 Wizard, Lore of Heavens, Prayer Icon of Quenelles, Crown of Command, Warhorse 300 Paladin; knights vow; Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, Battle Standard, barded Bretonnian Warhorse 109 Paladin; knights vow; Virtue of the Impetuous Knight, Dragonhelm, morning star, lance, shield, barded Bretonnian Warhorse 127 Damsel of the Lady; The Silver Mirror; Level 2 Wizard, Lore of Life, Bretonnian Warhorse 155 Damsel of the Lady; Dispel Scroll; Level 2 Wizard, Lore of Beasts, Bretonnian Warhorse 140 13 Knights of the Realm; Gallant, Musician; Standard Bearer (Standard of Discipline) 351 5 Knights of the Realm; Gallant 120 5 Knights of the Realm; Gallant 120 3 Pegasus Knights; Gallant 165 5 Mounted Yeomen; shields 80 Field Trebuchet 90 Field Trebuchet 90 3 Grail Knights 114 Army total: 2,195

Dreadlord; (General); Cloak of Twilight; Ogre Blade; Luckstone; heavy armour; repeater crossbow; shield; Sea Dragon cloak; Dark Pegasus 307 Supreme Sorceress; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Life; Ring of Hotek; Dispel Scroll; Dark Steed 315 Master; Charmed Shield; Talisman of Preservation; heavy armour; great weapon; repeater crossbow; Sea Dragon cloak; Dark Pegasus; Battle Standard 214 Master; Dawnstone; The Other Trickster's Shard; Dragonhelm; heavy armour; lance; repeater crossbow; Sea Dragon cloak; shield; Dark Pegasus 193 2 X 5 Dark Riders; shields; repeater crossbows 100 13 Witch Elves; musician; standard bearer (Banner of Eternal Flame) 173 10 Dark Riders; shields; repeater crossbow 200 Reaper Bolt Thrower 70 Reaper Bolt Thrower 70 6 Shades; AHW, 108 6 Doomfire Warlocks 150 Army total: 2,000

Spellweaver; (General); Lore of Shadow, Level 4, Moonstone, Dispel Scroll 285 Spellweaver; Lore of High magic; Level 4, Elven Steed, Powerstone 260 Glade Captain; Battle Standard, Starfire Shafts, Shield, Hail of Doom Arrow 136 12 Glade Guard; Trueflight, Champion, Musician 200 11 Glade Guard; Trueflight, Musician 175 11 Glade Guard; Trueflight, Musician 175 7 Wildriders; shields, 196 5 Wildriders; shields, 140 3 Warhawk Riders; 135 8 Sisters of the Thorn; Standard, Musician, Lichbone Pennant 243 9 Waywatchers 180 Eagle 50 Eagle 50 Army total: 2199pts



Vampire Lord (General); Level 4, Great Weapon, Heavy Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Nightshroud, Sceptre of Stability, Red Fury, Quickblood, Lore of Vampires, 521 Vampire Lord; Level 4, Shield, Armour of Destiny, Book of Arkhan, Sword of Striking, Dragonbane Gem, Forbidden Lore, Master of the Black Arts, Lore of Light, 523 Vampire; Shield; Heavy Armour, Dispel Scroll, Forbidden Lore, Lore of Light, 161 Vampire; Shield, Heavy Armour, Forbidden Lore, Lore of Light, 136 30 Crypt Ghouls; Champion, 310 25 Skeleton Warriors; Full Command, Banner of Swiftness, 170 20 Zombies; Musician; Standard, 70 7 Crypt Horrors; Champion, 276 2 Fell Bats, 32 Army Total: 2,199

Loremaster (General); Power Stone, Ironcurse Icon, 255 Loremaster; Shield of the Merwrym, Dispel Scroll, Sword of Antiheroes, Golden Crown of Atrazar, 310 Archmage; level 4, Book of Hoeth, Lore of Light 275 Noble; Dragon Armour, Shield, Standard of Discipline, Battle Standard, 122 5 Ellyrion reavers; bows, 85 5 Ellyrion reavers; bows, 85 5 Ellyrion reavers; bows, 85 6 Silverhelms; musician, 148 6 Silverhelms; musician, 148 28 White Lions; Full Command, Banner of the World Dragon, 444 Frostheart Phoenix, 240 Army Total: 2197

Dreadlord (General); Dark Pegasus, Seadragon Cloak, Heavy Armour, Ogre Blade, Cloak of Twilight, Charmed Shield, Luckstone 304 Morathi, 375 Supreme Sorceress; Level 4, Dark Steed, Ring of Hotek, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Life 315 Master; Dark Steed, Heavy Armour, Halberd, Dragonhelm, Seadragon Cloak, Talisman of Endurance, Battle Standard, 162 10 Dark Riders; Repeater Crossbows, Shields, Full Command, 230 5 Dark Riders; Repeater Crossbows, Shields, Musician, Champion, 120 10 Witch Elves; Full Command, Banner of Eternal Flame, 150 6 Shades; Additional Hand Weapons, 108 9 Warlocks; Champion, 235 Army Total: 1999 points

Kairos (General); 565 Herald of Nurgle; Regeneration Locus, Battle Standard, 160 Herald of Nurgle; Palanquin, 140 35 Plague Bearers; Full Command, Banner of Swiftness, 500 3 Beasts of Nurgle, 180 3 Beasts of Nurgle, 180 Skullcannon, 135 Skullcannon, 135 Army Total: 1995



Daemon Prince: Scaled Skin; Soul Feeder; Charmed Shield; Dragonbane Gem; The Other Trickster's Shard; Chaos armour; Daemonic Flight; Daemon of Nurgle 360 Chaos Lord (General): Talisman of Preservation; Dragonhelm; Third Eye of Tzeentch; great weapon; Mark of Tzeentch; Disc of Tzeentch 323 Sorceror Lord: Dispel Scroll; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Tzeentch; Mark of Tzeentch 310 Exalted Hero: Armour of Destiney; Mark of Tzeentch; great weapon; Shield, Disc of Tzeentch 209 Exalted Hero: Talisman of Endurance; Mark of Tzeentch; great weapon; Battle Standard; Daemonic Mount (barding) 231 3 X Chaos Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh 115 19 Chaos Marauders: Mark of Tzeentch; shield; light armour; Marauder Chieftain; musician; standard bearer 220 1,998 points

Dreadlord (General) Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Dark Steed, Giant Blade, Dawnstone, Other Tricksters Shard, Repeater Crossbow: 282 Supreme Sorceress (death) Level 4, Dark Steed, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, Ring of Hotek, Warrior Bane: 325 Master, BSB, Dark Steed, Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Repeater Crossbow, Ogre Blade, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem: 170 Master, Heavy Armor, Sea Dragon Cloak, Repeater Crossbow, Lance, Shield, Potion of Strength, Obsidian Amulet, Dark Steed: 153 17 Dark Riders, Shields, Full command:319 8 Dark Riders, Shields, Crossbows, Full Command: 190 3 Repeater Bolt Throwers: 210 9 Warlocks: 225 5 Warlocks: 125 Total: 1999

Kairos Fateweaver 565 12 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Gleaming Pennant; standard bearer 171 12 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: standard bearer 166 12 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: standard bearer 166 3 Screamers of Tzeentch 120 3 Screamers of Tzeentch 120 4 Beasts of Nurgle 240 1 Beast of Nurgle 60 4 Plague Drones of Nurgle: Rot Flies (Plague Proboscis); standard bearer, Scarecrow banner 255 Skull cannon 135 1998

Runesmith (general), Shield, 2 x Spellbreaking, 108 Runesmith, Shield, 2 x Spellbreaking, Furnace, 113 Thane, BSB, Grungi, Strollaz, Shield, 188 24 Longbeards, FC, Great Weapons, Shields, Stocism, 425 10 Quarrellers, Muso, 130 25 Hammerers, FC, Strollaz, 415 Cannon, Forging, 145 Cannon, Forging, Stalwart 160 Gyrocopter, Steamgun, 80 Gyrocopter, Steamgun, 80 Gyrocopter, Steamgun, 80 Gyrocopter, Steamgun, 80 5 Rangers, 70 Gyrobomber, 125 2199



Runesmith, 2x rune of spellbreaking, rune of furnace 110 points Thane, bsb, master rune of grungni 150 points Master engineer 70 points 13 quarrellers, great weapons, standard champion 202 points 12 quarrellers, great weapons, standard 178 points 12 quarrellers, great weapons, standard 178 points Canon 120 points Canon, rune of forging 145 points Gyrocopter 80 points Gyrocopter 80 points Gyrocopter 80 points Grudge thrower 80 points 23 hammerers, standard, musician 342 points Organ gun, rune of accuracy 145 points Organ gun, rune of accuracy, rune of forging 170 points 5 rangers 70 points

Dreadlord. Dark steed. Sea Dragon Cloak, shield, crossbow. Armour of destiny, Ogre blade, Luckstone. 271 Dreadlord. Dark Pegasus. Heavy Armour, Sea Dragon Cloak, halberd. Dragon helm, Cloak of twilight, Dawnstone. 292 Supreme Sorceress. Level 4 death. scroll. 245 Master. Battle standard. Dark Pegasus. Heavy armour, lance, sea dragon cloak, charmed shield, talisman of preservation. 211 15 Dark shards. Full command, banner of eternal flame. 220 9 dark riders. Crossbows, shields. 180 13 witch elves. musician. 153 5 shades. 80 3x repeater bolt thrower. 210 5 warlocks. Champion. 135 1997 points

Teclis (General) - 450 points Fire Ball, Savage Beasts, Searing Doom,Speed of Light, The Dwellers Below, Okkam's Mindrazor, Purple Sun of Xereus, Iceshard Blizzard Anointed of Asuryan, Frostheart Phoenix, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Dragonhelm, Other trickster's Shard, Golden Crown of Atrazar – 515 Noble, Battle Standard Bearer, Dragon Armour, Halberd, Banner of World Dragon - 157 points Noble, Dragon Armour, Halberd, Reaver Bow, Potion of Strength - 127 points 5 Ellyrian Reavers, Harbinger - 90 points 45 Archers Full Command - 480 points 5 Shadow Warriors - 70 points Eagle claw Bolt thower - 70 points Eagle claw Bolt thower - 70 points Eagle claw Bolt thower - 70 points Great Eagle - 50 points Great Eagle - 50 points

Karl Franz (General), Barded Warhorse, Ghal Maraz ,394 Battle Wizard Lord, Level 4 Wizard, Lore of Heavens, Warhorse, Opal Amulet, Dispel Scroll, 258 Captain of the Empire, Battle Standard, Full Plate Armor, Charmed Shield, Barded Warhorse, Sword of Anti-Heroes, Luckstone, Potion of Speed, 152 Battle Wizard, Level 2, Lore of Metal, 100 14 Inner Circle Knights, Full Command, War Banner, 415 10 Archers, 70 10 Archers , 70 Great Cannon, 120 Great Cannon, 120 Steam Tank, 250 Steam Tank, 250 Total - 2199

Team Andy Joyce



Runesmith (General); Rune of Iron, Rune of Stone, 2 x Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of the Furnace, Great Weapon 141 Runesmith; Rune of Stone, 2 x Rune of Spellbreaking, Great Weapon, 116 Thane; Battle Standard Bearer, Master Rune of Grugni, Great Weapon, 156 25 Longbeards; Great Weapons, Shields, Full Command, Rune of Stoicism, Rune of Sanctuary, 455 10 Quarrellers; Shields, 130 20 Ironbreakers; Full Command, Rune of Stoicism, 345 3 X Gyrocopter, 80 Grudgethrower, 80 Grudgethrower, 80 Cannon; Rune of Forging, Rune of Burning, 150 Cannon; Rune of Forging, 145 10 Irondrakes; Musician, 160 Army Total: 2198

Prince; Star Dragon; Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Trickster’s Shard, Star Lance, Heavy Armour, Shield, Lion Cloak, 645 Archmage; Elven Steed; Level 4, Lore of Life, Book of Hoeth, Talisman of Endurance, Ironcurse Icon, 330 Noble; Elven Steed; Ithilmar Barding, Battle Standard Bearer, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, Potion of Foolhardiness, Lance, Dragon Armour, 161 17 Silver Helms; Shields, Full Command, 421 5 Ellyrian Reavers, 80 5 Ellyrian Reavers, 80 Frostheart Phoenix, 240 Frostheart Phoenix, 240 Army Total: 2197

Spellweaver (General); Level 4, Talisman of Preservation, Lore of Shadow, 265 Glade Captain; Battle Standard Bearer, Hail of Doom Arrow, 130 Spellsinger; Level 2, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Shadow, 140 13 Glade Guard; Musician, Trueflight Arrows, 205 13 Glade Guard; Musician, Trueflight Arrows, 205 13 Glade Guard; Musician, Trueflight Arrows, 205 5 Glade Riders; Trueflight Arrows, 110 10 Deepwood Scouts; Musician, Starfire Shafts, 180 5 Wild Riders; Musician, 140 7 Wild Riders; Full Command, Gleaming Pennant, 217 10 Waywatchers, 200 10 Waywatchers, 200 Army Total: 2197

Daemon Prince (General); Daemon of Nurgle, Level 3, Lore of Death, Daemonic Flight, Chaos Armour, Sword of Striking, Charmed Shield, Dragonbane Gem, Chaos Familiar, Scaled Skin, Soul Feeder, 490 Exalted Hero; Daemonic Mount; Barding, Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation, Burning Body, Third Eye of Tzeentch, 266 Chaos Chariot; Mark of Khorne, 120 3 X Chaos Chariot; Mark of Slaanesh, 115 5 Chaos Warhounds; Poison, 35 Chimera; Regenerating Flesh, 245 Chimera; Regenerating Flesh, 245 3 Skullcrushers of Khorne; Ensorcelled Weapons, Musician, Standard Bearer, 254 Army Total: 2000



Tyrion-410 Noble ;battle standard bearer,ithilmar barded sreed, dragon armour, Starlance, Charmed shield,golden crown of atrazar -165 Mage;high ,Lv2, ithilmar barded steed, Dispel scroll, khaines ring of fury -185 5 reavers; Bows -95 5 reavers ;Bows -95 5 reavers; bows -95 5 reavers; bows-95 15 archers;Hawkeye, musician-170 28 white lions fc ; banner of the world dragon -444 9 dragon princesfc; banner of swiftness -306 Bolt thrower-70 Bolt thrower-70 Total:2200

Sorcerer Prophet Level 4, Hashut, Charmed Shield, Siverjirs Hex Scroll, Talisman of Preservation 400pts Daemonsmith Sorcerer Lore of Fire Dispel Scroll 120pts Hobgoblin khan Wolf, Shield,Warrior Bane, Dragonbane Gem 64pts Dark castellan, BSB, Enchanted Shield, Opal Amulet, Black Hammer of Hashut 185pts 30 Chaos Dwarf Infernal Guard Full Command, Razor Standard 437pts 20 Hobgoblin Cutthroats Bows, Musician, Champion, 114 pts Chaos Dwarf Magma Cannon 145pts Deathshrieker Death Rocket 100pts Deathshrieker Death Rocket 100pts Chaos Dwarf Hellcannon 210pts K’Daai 325 pts Total 2200pts

Vampire Lord; general, lvl 4 lore of vampires, night shroud, talisman of preservation, other tricksters shard, aura of dark majesty, beguile, red fury, heavy armour, great weapon - 531 Master necromancer; Lvl 4 lore of death, dispel scroll, obsidian lodestone - 270 Necromancer; lore of death, book of Arkhan, iron curse icon - 95 Tomb banshee - 95 Tomb banshee - 95 Tomb banshee - 95 Tomb banshee - 95 51 x skeleton warriors; fcg, banner of swiftness - 300 20 x zombies; mus - 65 20 x zombies; Mus - 65 5 x dire wolves - 40 5 x dire wolves - 40 5 x dire wolves - 40 9 x crypt horrors - 342 2 x fell bats - 32 2200

Great Unclean One:General; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Death 480 Herald of Nurgle: Greater Locus of Fecundity 135 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician 140 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch 130 25 Plaguebearers of Nurgle: Plagueridden; musician; standard bearer 355 5 Beasts of Nurgle 300 5 Chaos Furies: Daemon of Nurgle 70 3 Screamers of Tzeentch 120 Skullcannon of Khorne 135 Skullcannon of Khorne 135 2,000 points



Teclis, 450 Spells: Fulminating Flame Cage The Amber Spear Final Transmutation Banishment Throne of Vines Comet of Casandora The Withering The Purple Sun of Xereus Noble: Shield of the Merwyrm; The Reaver Bow; heavy armour; Battle Standard 139 Mage: Level 2 Wizard; Light 120 Mage: Dispel Scroll; Light 110 Mage: Forbidden Rod; Light 120 28 Archers: Hawkeye; musician; standard bearer 310 5 Ellyrian Reavers 80 5 Ellyrian Reavers 80 5 Ellyrian Reavers 80 27 White Lions of Chrace: Guardian; musician; standard bearer (Banner of the World Dragon) 431 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70 Eagle Claw Bolt Thrower 70 Total - 2,200

Chaos Lord Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny ,Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard ,Flaming Breath ,Scaled Skin, Shield, Disc of tzeentch - 403 Chaos Lord - Mark of Tzeentch, Great Weapon, Shield, Dragonhelm, Talisman of Preservation , Crown of Command ,Soul Feeder, Third Eye of Tzeentch , Disc of Tzeentch - 373 Exalted Hero - Exalted Hero of Tzeentch ,Battle Standard Bearer, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield, Barding, Sword of Might, Talisman of Endurance, Daemonic Mount 248 Chaos Sorcerer - Mark of Tzeentch, Level 2 Wizard, Lore of Tzeentch, Enchanted Shield, Chaos Familiar, Dragonbane Gem, Daemonic Mount - 230 Chaos Sorcerer - Level 2 Wizard, Lore of Metal, Dispel Scroll ,Obsidian Trinket - 185 2 X Chaos Chariot - Mark of Slaanesh- 115 16 Chaos Warriors - Full Command, Blasted Standard, Mark of Tzeentch, Shield - 327 Total - 1996

Morathi 375 General: Dreadlord: Dawnstone; Giant Blade; heavy armour; shield; Sea Dragon cloak; Dark Steed 262 Dreadlord: Ogre Blade; Cloak of Twilight; Luckstone; heavy armour; shield; Sea Dragon cloak; Dark Pegasus 302 Master: Talisman of Preservation; heavy armour; lance; Sea Dragon cloak; shield; Dark Steed; Battle Standard 168 Sorceress: Dispel Scroll; Obsidian Trinket; Lore of Death; Dark Steed 130 5 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows; musician 110 10 Dark Riders: shields; repeater crossbows; Herald; musician; standard bearer 230 12 Witch Elves: musician; standard bearer (Banner of Eternal Flame) 162 10 Doomfire Warlocks: Master of Warlocks 260 1,999 points

Kairos Fateweaver - 565 Herald of Nurgle - Battle Standard, Locus of Fecundity(Regen), Razor Standard - 205 Herald of Nurgle - Greater Gift, Palaquin - 190 35 Plaguebearers; Full Command, Banner of Swiftness - 500 Beast of Nurgle - 60 5 Plaguedrones - Full Command, Plague Proboscis(Poison), Lichbone Pennant - 345 Skull Cannon - 135 Total: 2000

Team Portal



Arch Lector (General); Great Weapon, Armour of Meteoric Iron, Dawnstone, The Other Trickster's Shard 195 Wizard Lord; Level 4 Wizard, Lore Of Shadow, Dispel Scroll 225 Captain of the Empire; Lance, Full Plate Armour, Charmed Shield, Imperial Pegasus 123 Captain of the Empire; BSB, Full Plate Armour, Enchanted Shield, Luckstone 101 14 Crossbowmen 126 6 Knights; Muscian, Standard Bearer 152 10 Inner Circle Knights; Full Command 280 28 Greatswords; Full Command 338 4 Demigryph Knights; Musician, Standard Bearer, Steel Standard 287 Cannon 120 Cannon 120 Celestial Hurricanum 130 Total: 2197 points

Spellweaver Level 4 (lore of High Magic): Talisman of Preservation; Dispel Scroll; Elven Steed 310 Spellweaver Level 4 (lore of Shadow): Channelling Staff; Obsidian Lodestone; Elven Steed 300 Glade Captain: Asrai Spear; Starfire Shafts; Hail of Doom Arrow; Charmed Shield; Battle Standard; Elven Steed 151 15 Glade Guard: Hagbane Arrows 225 10 Glade Guard: Hagbane Arrows 150 12 Glade Guard: Trueflight Arrow 180 7 Sisters of the Thorn: Champion; Standard; Musician; Standard of Discipline 227 6 Wild Riders: Standard; Musician; Shield 188 6 Wild Riders: Standard; Musician; Shield 188 7 Waywatchers 140 7 Waywatchers 140 Total: 2199 points

Grey Seer: Talisman of Preservation; Dispel Scroll; Skalm 340 Warlord: The Fellblade; shield 193 Chieftain: Armour of Destiny; shield; Battle Standard 122 Warlock Engineer: Doomrocket 45 3 X 50 Skavenslaves: shields; Musician 127 30 Clanrats: shields; Clawleader; Musician; Standard Bearer 155 3 X 5 Giant Rats: + 1 Packmaster 23 35 Stormvermin: Fangleader; Musician; Standard Bearer (Storm Banner) 320 • Weapon Team: Poisoned Wind Mortar 65 5 Gutter Runners: slings; Poisoned Attacks 90 5 Gutter Runners: slings; Poisoned Attacks 90 Warp Lightning Cannon 90 Warp Lightning Cannon 90 Doomwheel 150 Total: 2,200 points

Bretonnian Lord on barded warhorse (General) w/ Shield, Sword of Swift Slaying, Gromril Great Helm, Potion of Speed, Virtue of Heroism ­ 234 Level 4 Prophetess of The Lady (Lore of Beasts) on warhorse, Silver Mirror ­ 280 Paladin BSB on barded warhorse w/ Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, Biting Blade­ 119 Paladin on barded warhorse w/ Virtue of the Impetuous Knight, Shield, Morning Star, Lance 117 Paladin on barded warhorse w/ Shield, Morning Star, Lance 82 Paladin on barded warhorse w/ Shield, Morning Star, Lance 82 Level 1 Damsel of The Lady (Lore of Beasts) on warhorse w/ Dispel Scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin ­130 12 Knights of the Realm w/ Full Command, Standard of Discipline ­ 327 11 Knights Errant w/ Full Command, Gleaming Pennant ­ 246 10 Peasant Bowmen w/ Braziers, Musician ­ 70 10 Peasant Bowmen w/ Braziers, Musician ­ 70 5 Mounted Yeomen w/ Shields, Musician ­ 87 3 Pegasus Knights w/ Gallant, Musician ­ 175 2 X Field Trebuchet ­ 90



Supreme Sorceress: Ring of Hotek; Dispel Scroll; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Dark Magic 295 Master: Cloak of Twilight; heavy armour; lance; Sea Dragon cloak; shield; Dark Pegasus 188 Master : Talisman of Preservation; Charmed Shield; heavy armour; lance; Sea Dragon cloak; shield; Dark Pegasus 188 26 Black Ark Corsairs AHW: Reaver; musician; standard bearer (Gleaming Pennant) 321 10 Witch Elves 110 10 Witch Elves 110 War Hydra: Fiery Breath 180 War Hydra: Fiery Breath 180 5 Doomfire Warlocks 125 Bloodwrack Shrine 175 5 Doomfire Warlocks 125 1,997 points

Slaughtermaster: Armour of Destiny; Crown of Command; Dragonbane Gem; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Beasts; great weapon 385 Bruiser: Talisman of Preservation; Potion of Foolhardiness; great weapon; heavy armour; Battle Standard 195 Butcher: Hellheart; GW 159 8 Ogres: ironfists; Crusher; Bellower; standard bearer 286 8 Ironguts: Gutlord; Bellower; standard bearer (Standard of Discipline; Look-out Gnoblar) 394 1 Sabretusk 21 1 Sabretusk 21 1 Sabretusk 21 6 Maneaters: 3× additional hand weapon; 3× great weapon; Scouts; Stubborn; Maneater Captain; Bellower; standard bearer (Gleaming Pennant) 374 Ironblaster 170 Ironblaster 170 2,196 points

Lord: Rune of Iron; 2 Runes of Fortitude; Rune of Parrying; Master Rune of Swiftness; shield; Shieldbearers 308 Thane: great weapon; battle standard (Master Rune of Grungni) 156 Runesmith: 2 Runes of pellbreaking; Master Rune of Gromril; GW 141 Master Engineer: Dwarf pistol; great weapon 82 38 Longbeards: shields; Old Guard; musician; standard bearer (Rune of Stoicism) 559 23 Hammerers: Keeper of the Gate; musician; standard bearer (2 Runes of Slowness; Rune of Sanctuary) 417 Cannon: Rune of Forging 145 Grudge Thrower: Rune of Burning 85 Gyrocopter 80 Gyrocopter 80 Organ Gun: Rune of Accuracy 145 2,198 points

Grey Seer: Shadow Magnet Trinket; Curse of the Horned Rat; Screaming Bell 470 Warlord: Ogre Blade; Talisman of Preservation; The Other Trickster's Shard; shield 193 Chieftain: Armour of Destiny; halberd; shield; Battle Standard 124 Warlock Engineer: Dispel Scroll; Level 1 Wizard; Skaven Spells of Ruin 90 Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb 65 Assassin: Weeping Blade; Potion of Strength 170 2 X 42 Skavenslaves: shields; Musician 107 40 Stormvermin: Fangleader; Musician; Standard Bearer (Storm Banner) 355 Weapon Team: Fire Thrower 70 5 Giant Rats: + 1 Packmaster 23 5 Gutter Runners: slings; Poisoned Attacks 90 Doomwheel 150 2 X Warp Lightning Cannon 90 2,194 points

The Black Sun



Dreadlord: Giant Blade; Dawnstone; heavy armour; shield; Sea Dragon Cloak; Dark Steed; General 262 Supreme Sorceress: Dispel Scroll; Ring Of Hotek; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Death; Dark Steed 315 Master: Talisman of Endurance; lance; heavy armour; shield; Sea Dragon Cloak; Dark Steed; Battle Standard Bearer 151 Master: Cloak Of Twilight; lance; heavy armour; shield; Sea Dragon Cloak; Dark Pegasus 186 5 Dark Riders: shield; repeater crossbow; Musician 110 5 Dark Riders: shield; repeater crossbow; Musician 110 5 Dark Riders: shield; repeater crossbow; Musician 110 8 Dark Riders: shield; repeater crossbow; Musician 170 Repeater Bolt Thrower 70 Repeater Bolt Thrower 70 Repeater Bolt Thrower 70 5 Doomfire Warlocks 125 10 Doomfire Warlocks 250 1,999 points

Daemon Prince: Flaming Breath; Scaled Skin; Soul Feeder; Sword of Striking; Charmed Shield; Dragonbane Gem; Level 4 Wizard; Lore of Slaanesh; Chaos armour; Daemonic Flight; Daemon of Slaanesh 525 Exalted Hero: Talisman of Preservation; Third Eye of Tzeentch; Mark of Tzeentch; great weapon; shield; Battle Standard; Daemonic Mount (barding) 259 Exalted Hero: Armour of Destiny; Burning Body; Mark of Tzeentch; flail; shield; Disc of Tzeentch 218 5 Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh; javelins; flails 90 5 Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh; javelins; flails 90 5 Marauder Horsemen: Mark of Slaanesh; javelins; flails 90 2 X Chariot: Mark of Slaanesh 115 3 Skullcrushers of Khorne: Gleaming Pennant; ensorcelled weapons; standard bearer 249 3 Skullcrushers of Khorne: ensorcelled weapons; standard bearer 244 1,995 points

Herald of Nurgle: Greater Gift 140 Herald of Nurgle: Standard of Discipline; Battle Standard; Greater Locus of Fecundity 175 Herald of Tzeentch: Level 2 Wizard 125 25 Plaguebearers of Nurgle: Plagueridden; musician; standard bearer 355 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: Iridescent Horror; musician 150 10 Pink Horrors of Tzeentch: musician 140 5 Beasts of Nurgle 300 5 Chaos Furies: Daemon of Nurgle 70 5 Chaos Furies: Daemon of Nurgle 70 Skullcannon of Khorne 135 Skullcannon of Khorne 135 3 Plague Drones of Nurgle: Rot Flies (Plague Proboscis); musician; standard bearer (Gleaming Pennant) 205 2,000 points

Arch Lector, War altar, Heavy armour, Talisman of preservation, Charmed shield, 304 Battle wizard Lord, Level 4 lore of life, Power stone, 220 Battle wizard, Light, 65 Battle wizard, Light, dispel scroll, 90 Captain of the empire, Full plate, enchanted shield, Obsidian lodestone, bsb, 141 5 knightly orders, musician, 120 5 knightly orders, musician, 120 5 knightly orders, musician, 120 23halberdiers, full command, 168 Detachment of 5 archers 35 5demigryph Knights, Muscian, standard, Gleaming pennant, 315 1 steamtank 250 1 steamtank 250

Total points cost 2198

Victorious Secret



Chaos Lord (General); Mark of Tzeentch, Disc of Tzeentch, Hellfire Sword, Talisman of Endurance, Charmed Shield, Soul Feeder (360) Exalted Hero; Mark of Khorne, Daemonic Mount, Great Weapon, Talisman of Preservation (206) Exalted Hero; Mark of Khorne, BSB, Daemonic Mount, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, Scaled Skin (256) Exalted Hero; Mark of Slaanesh, Steed of Slaanesh, Potion of Toughness, Enchanted Shield, Dawnstone, (190) 2 X Chaos Chariot; Slaanesh (115) 2 X 5 Warhounds; Vanguard (40) 5 Marauder Horsemen; Mark of Slaanesh, Flails, Throwing Axes (95) 5 Marauder Horsemen; Mark of Slaanesh, Flails, Throwing Axes (95) 3 Skullcrushers of Khorne; Ensorcelled Handweapons, Musician (244) 3 Skullcrushers of Khorne; Ensorcelled Handweapons, Musician (244) Total 2200

Great Bray-Shaman (General); Level 4, Obsidian Lodestone, Dispel Scroll, Lore of Death, 305 Great Bray-Shaman; Level 4, Mark of Tzeentch, Talisman of Preservation, Arabyan Carpet, Shadowhide, Lore of the Wild, 345 Bray-Shaman; Level 1, Shard of the Herdstone, Lore of Shadow, 125 Bray-Shaman; Level 1, Ruby Ring of Ruin, Hagtree Fetish, Lore of Shadow, 120 Bray-Shaman; Level 1, Staff of Darkoth, Lore of Shadow, 125 Wargor; Battle Standard, Standard of Discipline, Gnarled Hide, Heavy Armour, Shield, 146 7 X Tuskgor Chariot; Slaanesh, 85 30 Ungor Herd; Mark of Slaanesh, Champion, Musician, 189 20 Ungor Herd; Mark of Slaanesh, 120 6 Razorgor Herd, 330 Army Total: 2400

Spellweaver (General); Level 4, Lore of Shadow (220) Glade Captain; BSB, Elven Steed, Asrai Spear, Enchanted Shield, Hagbane arrows (120) 10 Glade Guard; True flight arrows, musician (160) 10 Glade Guard; True flight arrows, musician (160) 10 Glade Guard; True flight arrows, musician (160) 10 Glade Guard; True flight arrows, musician (160) 10 Wild Riders, shields, full command, Banner of Eternal Flame (320) 10 Wild Riders, shields, musician, banner (300) 10 Wild Riders, shields, musician, banner (300) Eagle (50) Eagle (50) 10 Way Watchers (200) Total 2200

Master Engineer; Rune of Stone (75) Master Engineer; Rune of Stone (75) Runesmith, Shield; 2 X Rune of Spellbreaking, Rune of Stone - (113) Runesmith (General); Shield, 2 X Rune of Spellbreaking , Rune of the Furnace, Rune of Stone - (118) Thane; BSB, Shield, Master Rune of Grungi , Rune of Stoicism (188) 25 Longbeards; Full Command, Great Weapons, 2 X Rune of Slowness (430) 14 Quarrellers; Musician, Shields (192) Cannon; Rune of Forging (145) Cannon; Rune of Forging , Rune of Burning - (150) Cannon; Rune of Forging , Master Rune of Immolation (175) 3 X Gyropcopter (80) Organ Gun; Rune of Accuracy (145) Organ Gun; Rune of Accuracy, Rune of Burning - (150) Total 2196

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