
Post on 24-Feb-2016






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Altruism. By: Simon Lu. Real Life Situation 1. Real Life Situation 2. Knowledge Issue. To what extent does Altruism exist?. Ways of Knowing. Language Reason. Areas of Knowing. Ethics. Definition. Altruism: One’s behavior or action that benefits others while risking one’s self. . - PowerPoint PPT Presentation



AltruismBy: Simon LuYour first page should be more specific than this. What is it about altruism do you intend to present?1Real Life Situation 1

Where did this happen? What city/town?It is really important that you give your source. E.g. The Daily Mail reported that. It was quoted that Bystanders actively discouraged other bystanders from assisting the man . You need to be very specific about what you claim.You may want to list the important facts about the RLS on your slide.2Real Life Situation 2

Practice pronouncing arrogance properly.What do you mean by benefactor?Who reported the presidents quote? Was it on a govt website? Was it in the news? If so, which news organisation?The claim of damanded VIP treatment is really important to get correct word for word because this is language that implies that she is less than altruistic. It must be a quote that you put on a slide in quotes and in italics and cite the exact source of who said it. How do we know that no other famous people demanded anything? You have made a very definite statement, which we might never know is 100% true. But what you can say is that there are no reports of other celebrities requesting special treatment, or if it is a quote from an important political or charity figure in Malawi that no other person has made similar demands, than include the quote.I like your quote about the difference between the claims building a school vs just building classrooms however it is important to know what Madonna is claiming. Did SHE claim she built schools?Be specific about where and when she promised to build an academy and who reported it. In addition to giving the specific amounts of money donated, you may want to give Madonnas contribution as a percentage so your audience doesnt have to do their own maths on this.The claim of exploitation is on that you may need to distinguish as being your own conclusion unless it has been used by other sources. E.g. you could say based on Madonnas demands, especially when compared with the relatively little amount she has contributed, it may be argued that she is exploiting her charity work for positive publicity. I would recommend that you use the words from your KI throughout your presentation as a way to reinforce that the evidence and explanations that you are making gives an argument for or against altruism existing. The audience should not be confused as to what point your are making therefore using deliberate language about altruism is important.

3To what extent does Altruism exist?Knowledge IssueIn your presentation I think you go from describing your RLS to presenting your KI too quickly. This means that you do not have time to explain and analyse what the real issue is and HOW you came to create your KI.It is not advisable to list you WOKs or AOKs and especially when you have your RLS1 slide up.You make a comment about emotion being used (just before you introduce the bystander effect) but I would suggest you analyse this later. Just concentrate on introducing the RLS and KI well.You then go on to define the bystander effect with your RLS1 slide up. Not good. It is really hard to follow your presentation this way.My concern is that you start to explain the bystander effect but not what altruism is yet.A 10 minute presentation is difficult enough to follow just to concentrate on one thing for 10 mins so it is really important that your visual presentation is interesting and follows what you are saying. From your practice presentation you just have 1 slide up and you talk about your issue. Your verbal style is also very monotone which makes it really difficult to know what is the really important information, i.e. there is no emphasis.You introduce a situation in Nanjing where a man was fined for helping an old woman. It is a good source of evidence but not necessarily for causing debate, but I would present it in terms of explaining the knowers perspective of the bystanders who did not help.The quote about the description from the man who helped the old man who fell is good, but you need to go the next step and explain it in terms of his knowers perspective and how he may have used sense perception and emotion to know that it was the right thing to help, instead of those who didnt help who may have used reason which is the fact that others in China had been blamed and fined for similar actions.You have gone back to the RLS1 slide, I would recommend you full cover your RLS1 and then move to your KI.4Language

ReasonWays of KnowingEthicsAreas of KnowingThis is really concerning that you have not addressed Ethics, or any other AOK. You should have two AOKs somewhere within your presentation. If its Ethics, which ethical tool have you used to decide whether something is or is not ethical? Utilitarianism?6Altruism: Ones behavior or action that benefits others while risking ones self. DefinitionIn your practice presentation you have given the KI after about 1min, but the definition of the key word in your KI 6mins in. This is not helpful to the overall understanding of your presentation.If this is your definition, I dont think the risk part is strictly accurate. You may want to consider replacing it with something that indicates a sacrifice in some way a sacrifice may be in terms of time and energy or even physically relocating to another country, or perhaps donating a very large percentage of their overall wealth e.g. US$100 is not a lot to someone who is worth US$10million, but it is to someone who earns US$10,000 per year.It is also important that you make clear whether the definition is a dictionary definition (and from which dictionary cite it) or whether it is yours either do this verbally or on your slides.7According to the definition of Altruism, the following criteria can be used to justify whether ones action is altruistic:The result (end) should benefits people other than ones self.Ones self is taking some kind of risk when doing this action. The motive of the action is not benefiting ones self.Criteria for RLSThis slide is confusing in that your have the same bullet point for the explanation of the criteria and the actual criteria itself.I think the the first and last criteria are too similar to be useful. The last criteria is really difficult to KNOW i.e. like in Jung Woos presentation it can never really be known what someones motives are because (at least in 2013) you can never be inside someones head.

8The result (end) should benefits people other than ones self.Ones self is taking some kind of risk when doing this action. The motive of the action is not benefiting ones self.

RLS 1RLS1: Dont say it matches all 3 criteria straight away. You must identify each in succession. I would recommend a table format or some sort of visual to make it easier for your audience to follow your information very quickly. It is not helpful to replicate the criteria alone, you must present the actual argument in relation to the RLS.This is in essence a summary of the points you made earlier with regard to the ways of knowing so explore the real WOKs here, especially if your criteria lend themselves to WOKs.

9The result (end) should benefits people other than ones self.Ones self is taking some kind of risk when doing this action. The motive of the action is not benefiting ones self.RLS 2Same suggestions as in RLS1.I think I like the depth of your explanations in this situation but it must be presented as a summary, meaning these ideas must have been elaborated on before.

10Altruism exist when ones action/behavior benefits others while risking oneself, and the motive of the action/behavior is not benefiting ones self.ConclusionThis is far too brief. You havent mentioned RLS1, or any other situation that may be deemed altruistic. The other problem I have with this is that you are not answering to what extent you are just saying yes it exists when these criteria are met. So do you believe based on your analysis that altruism is common?? Is it rare? So, to what extend does it happen? Do you know who Mother Theresa is? Would she be an example of displaying altruism? How about World charities? Do they show altruism? What are the reasons why people may or may not be charitable? How can people show they are altruistic? E.g. is visiting a grandparent/great-grandparent altruism? What is the intent? My personal stance on this is that if altruism exists it is very rare. Even if someone is very charitable it very often comes with a sense of happiness or fulfillment or pride that they have helped someone out. This is certainly not a bad thing, but it means they are getting something out of it because they can feel good about themselves. Does this still count as altruism? Please consider these ideas. Your opinions CERTAINLY do not need to be the same as mine, but you must have considered these ideas and have a comeback to these questions.11The Criteria and definition for Altruism could be biased.Secondary InformationLack of experience

LimitationJust because you set these, why are they bias? Why might you not be the best person to know what these are? What are YOUR limitations?I think you have not presented exactly how important the idea of secondary information is. To the point where everything you said could be false and based on a lie. This is why you must push for specific citations of sources and get as close to first hand quotes as you can.If you say you lack experience you must explain further. Experience of what? Of that exact situation? Or of similar situations? You lack being a bystander of any sort? You lack being a millionaire? Be specific in relation to the WOKs.

12Thank you for watching!The EndI would recommend to KNOW your topic a lot better you research several other situations of altruism either true altruism or false altruism so that you may talk off the cuff easily in response to questions. Dont say thank you for watching hopefully we have heard you well and in this presentation it was mostly hearing you.13

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