alterations in dopamine and benzodiazepine receptor binding precede overt neuronal pathology in mice...

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Brain Research 1039

Research report

Alterations in dopamine and benzodiazepine receptor binding

precede overt neuronal pathology in mice modelling early

Huntington disease pathogenesis

Laura Kennedya, Peggy F. Shelbournea, Deborah Dewarb,TaDivision of Molecular Genetics, Faculty of Biomedical and Life Sciences, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G11 6NU, UK

bDivision of Clinical Neuroscience, Wellcome Surgical Institute, University of Glasgow, Garscube Estate, Glasgow, G61 1QH, UK

Accepted 10 January 2005


Huntington disease (HD) is an inherited, late onset, progressive neurodegenerative disorder. Primary degeneration appears to selectively

occur in striatal medium spiny neurones but this is most likely preceded by a period of neuronal dysfunction. Altered levels of

neurotransmitter receptors may disrupt neuronal function and contribute to a toxic environment within the brain. In the present study, a

knock-in HD mouse modelling early stages of the disease was used to determine whether alterations in neurotransmitter receptor densities

occurred before overt neuronal loss. Receptor autoradiography demonstrated reduced dopamine D2 and increased benzodiazepine receptor

binding in the striatum of HD animals compared to wild-type littermates. The density of benzodiazepine receptor binding was also increased

in the cerebral cortex of the HD mice. Changes in opioid and dopamine D1 receptor densities were more subtle and influenced by the genetic

background of the mice. Our findings are consistent with the hypothesis that alterations in neurotransmitter receptor density precede cell loss

and may be an active cellular response to the initial stages of HD pathogenesis.

D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Theme: Disorders of the nervous system

Topic: Degenerative disease: other

Keywords: Huntington disease; Knock-in mouse; Neurotransmitter receptors

1. Introduction

The progressive neurodegenerative disorder, Huntington

disease (HD), is an autosomal dominant disease caused by

the expansion of a polymorphic CAG triplet repeat sequence

within exon 1 of the HD gene [17]. The expansion mutation

results in an extended polyglutamine stretch within the N-

terminus of the ubiquitously expressed protein called

huntingtin [17]. The initial pathological basis of HD is

selective degeneration of the medium spiny neurones within

the striatum [16], although progression of the disease is

0006-8993/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


T Corresponding author. Fax: +44 141 943 0215.

E-mail address: (D. Dewar).

associated with degeneration of additional brain regions,

most prominently, the cerebral cortex [43]. Currently, it is

not understood how the presence of mutant huntingtin leads

to the cell-selective aspects of HD pathology.

The profound neuronal loss observed in end-stage

disease must clearly be a major causal factor in the clinical

picture. However, the disease course is so prolonged that

vulnerable neurones may be disposed to long periods of

dysfunction prior to cell death. The demonstration that a

small number of symptomatic HD patients show no overt

neuropathology (Grade 0) [42,43] argues that massive

striatal cell loss is not an absolute pre-requisite for onset

of disease. A number of functional imaging studies using

positron emission tomography (PET) have demonstrated

reduced striatal glucose metabolism in the early stages of

(2005) 14–21

L. Kennedy et al. / Brain Research 1039 (2005) 14–21 15

human HD [1], lending support to the idea that synaptic

activity and, therefore, neuronal function is compromised

early in HD. The precise nature of the cellular or

biochemical changes that mediate neuronal dysfunction is

not well understood. However, since neurotransmitters and

their receptors have a central role in maintaining the normal

operation of neostriatal circuitry, some effort has been

invested in determining whether neurotransmitter systems

are altered in HD brain tissue.

Studies of human postmortem brain tissue from HD

cases have indicated changes in a variety of neurotransmitter

receptors, including those associated with dopamine, ace-

tylcholine, GABA and glutamate [9,10,15,31]. Although

some early stage cases have been investigated [15], it is

possible that the deficits detected may reflect loss of specific

sub-populations of neurones rather than a primary role in the

disease process. The advent of functional imaging studies

has allowed investigation of HD patients throughout their

disease course. These studies have indicated that altered

brain neurochemistry is present early; PET studies have

revealed reduced levels of dopamine D2 receptors in the

caudate and putamen of asymptomatic mutation carriers,

coincident with reduced glucose metabolism [2,3]. Studies

using PET ligands have also showed altered opioid and

benzodiazepine receptor binding early in HD [19,46].

Whilst supporting the hypothesis that primary deficits in

neurotransmitter systems may contribute to neuronal dys-

function in early HD, subtle cell loss could still account for

the deficits.

In the past, one of the obstacles hampering studies in this

field of was the paucity of appropriate tissue for analysis.

However, the development of genetic models of HD

provides in vivo systems that can be used to examine

pathological cascades that culminate in clinical symptoms.

Accordingly, we have used a knock-in HD mouse model

[38] to investigate molecular and cellular changes involved

in early HD pathogenesis. The insertion of a perfect CAG

repeat tract into exon 1 of the mouse Hdh gene has provided

the opportunity to explore the consequences of the HD

mutation in its appropriate genomic and protein context.

Previous studies of these mice have demonstrated several

phenotypic changes including behavioural and motor

abnormalities [21,38], as well as abnormalities of long-term

potentiation in the hippocampus [41]. The phenotypic and

cellular changes appear to occur before frank neurodegen-

eration as histological and immunohistochemical analyses

have failed to reveal any evidence of overt neuronal loss in

the striatum of 18-month-old HD mice [38].

In the present study, we have determined the density of

dopamine, opioid and benzodiazepine receptor binding sites

in the brains of knock-in HD mice using quantitative ligand

binding autoradiography. The ligands selected for this study

were based on those used previously in human brain

imaging studies of pre-end stage disease patients and we

focused on the striatum as the region of primary pathology.

In order to investigate the presence of potential genetic

modifiers of the early disease process, a post hoc subgroup

analysis of animals with different genetic backgrounds was


2. Materials and methods

2.1. Animals

The generation of the knock-in HD mice used in the

current study has been described previously [38]. All

experiments were performed on female progeny of the

founder mouse line Hdh4/Q80 inbred onto either a C57BL/6

(N6–7 generation) or FVB/N (N4 generation) genetic

background. A total of 15 HD and 15 wild-type mice was

used. The genotype of the mice was determined by PCR

analysis of tail DNA biopsies using standard procedures

[38]. All experiments were carried out using 17- to 18-

month-old heterozygous mutant animals and wild-type

controls (littermates, where possible, or matched wild-type

mice from other litters). Mice were killed by rapid

dislocation of the neck, the brain removed, rapidly frozen

in dry-ice chilled iso-pentane and stored at �70 8C.

2.2. Receptor autoradiography

Quantitative receptor ligand binding autoradiography

was used so that multiple receptor binding sites could be

examined in adjacent sections from each animal. Receptor

binding assays and autoradiographic analyses were per-

formed by experimenters blinded to animal genotype.

Coronal sections (20 Am) were cut in a cryostat and

sections containing the striatum, motor and parietal cortices

corresponding to Bregma 0.98 mm [12], thaw-mounted onto

gelatin-coated microscope slides and stored at �70 8C. Priorto receptor autoradiography, sections were allowed to come

to room temperature for 15 min. For each ligand, triplicate

sections were used to determine levels of total binding and

duplicates to determine non-specific binding. Dopamine D1

receptors were labelled with 0.5 nM [3H]-SCH23390 (75.5

Ci/mmol, Amersham) by incubating sections in 10 mM

Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4 for 150 min at room

temperature. Non-specific binding was determined in the

presence of cis-flupenthixol (1 AM). After incubation,

sections were washed twice for 10 min at 4 8C in buffer.

D2 receptors were labelled with 240 pM [3H]-YM09151-2

(85.5 Ci/mmol, Amersham) in 10 mM Tris–HCl, 1 mM

EDTA, pH 7.4 for 180 min at room temperature. Non-

specific binding was determined in the presence of

dopamine (50 AM). After incubation, sections were washed

twice for 10 min at 4 8C in buffer. For labelling

benzodiazepine receptors, slides were preincubated in 10

mM Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.4 at 4 8C for 10 min and

allowed to dry for 10 min. Sections were then incubated

with 1.5 nM [3H]-Ro15-1788 (70.8 Ci/mmol, Amersham) at

4 8C for 120 min. Non-specific binding was determined in

L. Kennedy et al. / Brain Research 1039 (2005) 14–2116

the presence of flunitrazepam (10 AM). After incubation,

sections were rinsed twice at 4 8C for 1 min in buffer. To

label opioid receptors, sections were preincubated for 15

min at room temperature in 0.17 M Tris–HCl, pH 7.4 and

allowed to dry for 10 min. Sections were then incubated

with 2 nM [3H]-diprenorphine (50 Ci/mmol, Amersham) at

room temperature for 60 min. Non-specific binding was

determined in the presence of naloxone hydrochloride (10

AM). [3H]-Diprenorphine binds to all three of the major

opioid receptor subtypes: mu, kappa and delta and has been

used previously in brain imaging studies of HD patients

[46]. After incubation, sections were washed twice for 5

min in buffer at 4 8C. For all ligands, sections received a

final rapid wash in distilled H2O before being dried in a

stream of air.

Dried slides were exposed to autoradiographic film

(Hyperfilmk-3H, Amersham or BioMax MR-1, Kodak

Scientific Imaging) along with a set of radioactive standards

(1.4–33.3 nCi/mg tissue equivalent, Amersham) for 2

(dopamine receptor binding) or 3 (opioid and benzodiaze-

pine receptor binding) weeks before being developed (D-19,

Kodak Scientific Imaging). Autoradiographic images were

quantified using an MCID M4 image analyser (Imaging

Research, Canada) with reference to the standards and the

specific activity of each ligand. Densitometric measure-

ments were made in the striatum for all four ligands and in

the cerebral cortex for opioid and benzodiazepine binding

only as dopamine receptor binding in the cortex was too

low for reliable analysis. Specific binding is expressed in

fmol/mg tissue equivalent.

2.3. Statistics

The effect of genotype and genetic background on

receptor binding was analysed by two-way ANOVA and

appropriate post hoc tests as indicated.

3. Results

Autoradiograms of total binding for the different ligands

are presented in Fig. 1 for illustrative purposes. On visual

inspection, differences in the levels of binding between HD

and wild-type mice were not marked. However, the

quantitative analysis data revealed there to be statistically

significant differences between the two groups.

3.1. Striatum

The level of dopamine D2 receptor binding in the

striatum of HD knock-in mice was significantly reduced

compared to wild-type controls (P b 0.05, Fig. 2). HD mice

also had significantly higher levels of benzodiazepine

receptor binding sites compared to wild-type mice (P b

0.05). The level of opioid receptor binding in the striatum

appeared to be slightly higher in HD compared to wild-type

mice although this trend did not reach statistical signifi-

cance, even when the data were subdivided according to

genetic background (Table 1) and compared across geno-

types using the unpaired, two-tailed, Student’s t test [HD

versus wild-type; P N 0.05 (FVB/N) and P N 0.05 (C57BL/

6)]. The effect of the HD mutation on D1 receptor binding

was less clear-cut. When data from the mice on different

genetic backgrounds were combined, little or no difference

in the level of dopamine D1 receptor binding was apparent

when HD and wild-type groups were compared (Fig. 2).

However, the mutation seemed to have a different effect on

D1 binding in the two genetic backgrounds used in this

study (Table 1). In the C57BL/6 lines of mice, D1 receptor

binding was significantly higher in the HD mice than their

wild-type littermates (P b 0.01, unpaired, two-tailed,

Student’s t test). By contrast, in the FVB/N lines, D1

receptor binding appeared to be lower in the HD mice than

their wild-type littermates, although this trend did not reach

statistical significance (P = 0.12, unpaired, two-tailed,

Student’s t test).

3.2. Cerebral cortex

In line with similar findings in the striatum, the level of

benzodiazepine receptor binding in the cerebral cortex was

significantly higher in the HD compared to wild-type mice

(P b 0.005, Fig. 3). There was no significant difference

between HD and wild-type mice in the level of opioid

receptor binding in the cerebral cortex. In comparison to the

striatum, very low levels of dopamine receptors are present

in the cerebral cortex and at the concentrations of the

ligands used in this study (chosen to assess striatal binding

levels), the levels of D1 and D2 binding were too low to be

accurately determined.

3.3. Influence of genetic background

The influence of genetic background on receptor

binding densities was analysed by two-way ANOVA

(Table 1). Although genetic background had no signifi-

cant influence on the density of dopamine D2 or

benzodiazepine receptors, it did have an influence on

opioid receptor density. Comparison of the wild-type

mouse cohorts indicated significantly higher levels of

opioid receptor binding in the striatum and cortex of the

FVB/N strain compared to the C57BL/6 strain [P b 0.05

(striatum), P b 0.05 (cortex), unpaired, two-tailed,

Student’s t test]. The presence of the HD mutation

appeared to have similar effects on opioid receptor

binding on both genetic backgrounds (slightly increased

although not statistically significant). By contrast, genetic

background appeared to differentially influence the effects

of the HD mutation on D1 receptor binding in the

striatum. A two-way ANOVA confirmed this interaction

(Table 1). Further work will be required to determine the

precise molecular nature of the influence and whether it

Fig. 1. Distribution of ligand binding sites in representative sections from wild-type mice. Images show levels of total binding in striatum and cerebral cortex at

a representative coronal plane used for densitometric analyses and are adjusted for maximum contrast. (A) 3H-YM09151-2 binding to D2 receptors; (B)3H-

Ro15-1788 binding to benzodiazepine receptors; (C) 3H-SCH23390 binding to D1 receptors; (D)3H-Diprenorphine binding to opioid receptors. Differences in

the densities of bindings sites between wild-type and HD mice could not be discerned on visual inspection of the autoradiograms although the quantitative

analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences.

L. Kennedy et al. / Brain Research 1039 (2005) 14–21 17

represents a bona fide modifier of mutant huntingtin

protein activity.

4. Discussion

The present study demonstrates that 18-month-old

knock-in HD mice expressing full-length mutant huntingtin

appropriately have reduced levels of D2 receptor binding

Fig. 2. Quantitative autoradiographic measurements in wild-type (WT) and

HD mice of 3H-YM09151-2 binding to dopamine D2 receptors (WT n = 14,

HD n = 10); 3H-SCH23390 binding to D1 receptors (WT n = 13, HD n =

11); 3H-diprenorphine binding to opioid receptors (WT n = 15, HD n = 14)

and 3H-Ro15-1788 binding to benzodiazepine receptors (BZ) (WT n = 15,

HD n = 15) in the striatum. Data are mean + SEM; *P b 0.05 WT compared

to HD by Student’s two-tailed t test.

sites in the striatum and increased levels of benzodiazepine

receptor binding sites in the striatum and cerebral cortex.

There is also a trend towards increased opioid binding

densities in the striatum and, to a lesser extent, in the cortex

of the HD mice, although these changes do not reach

statistical significance. All these changes appear to occur

independently of the genetic background (C57BL/6 and

FVB/N) of the mice tested. By contrast, dopamine D1

receptor binding densities in HD striatum are affected by the

genetic background, showing a significant increase in the

C57BL/6 strain and a slight decrease (statistically non-

significant) in the FVB/N strain. The reduced neurotrans-

mitter receptor densities observed may be the result of subtle

cell loss although a previous study has shown that the mice

used in this study do not exhibit significant levels of

neurodegeneration at 18 months of age [38]. However, HD

mice of this age do show significant motor deficits

compared to their wild-type littermates [21]. The increased

levels of benzodiazepine receptor binding observed in the

HD mice argues against cell loss as the GABAA/benzodia-

zepine receptor complex is highly expressed on virtually all

striatal neurones and axon terminals [29,30]. Thus, changes

in neurotransmitter receptor binding in the HD mice may

represent early cellular components of HD pathogenesis.

Medium spiny striatal neurones are selectively affected

early in the disease course. Those projecting to the external

segment of the globus pallidus preferentially express

dopamine D2 receptors, whilst neurones of the direct

pathway to the internal segment of the globus pallidus

preferentially express D1 receptors [13]. Comparison of

dopamine receptor binding levels has been previously

Table 1

Density of receptor binding sites in mice with different genetic backgrounds

Striatum Wild type HD ANOVA

FVB/N C57BL/6 FVB/N C57BL/6 Genotype Genetic background Factor interaction

Dopamine D2 138.9 F 7.0 (5) 124.7 F 5.3 (9) 116.1 F 7.4 (4) 113.0 F 6.0 (6) 0.02T 0.2 0.4

Benzodiazepine 86.1 F 6.7 (6) 88.1 F 3.7 (9) 97.7 F 3.8 (5) 97.7 F 3.35 (10) 0.03T 0.8 0.8

Dopamine D1 208.1 F 17.8 (6) 181.2 F 9.4 (7) 170.9 F 9.9 (5) 212.1 F 2.9 (6) 0.8 0.5 0.007TOpioid 140.5 F 6.4 (6) 112.6 F 8.2 (9) 167.0 F 15.6 (5) 123.9 F 9.8 (9) 0.07 0.002T 0.4


Benzodiazepine 225.1 F 10.4 (6) 217.5 F 17.9 (9) 257.9 F 13.8 (5) 262.2 F 5.7 (10) 0.008T 0.9 0.7

Opioid 86.7 F 4.5 (6) 70.2 F 4.9 (9) 95.1 F 3.75 (5) 80.3 F 6.7 (10) 0.1 0.02T 0.9

Data are mean F SEM expressed as fmol/mg tissue; number of animals in parenthesis. FVB/N and C57BL/6 strains are shown for wild-type and HD groups.

ANOVA columns indicate P values.

T P b 0.05 by two-way ANOVA.

L. Kennedy et al. / Brain Research 1039 (2005) 14–2118

employed to investigate temporal patterns of selective

neurodegeneration within the HD brain. Some studies have

concluded that D2- and D1-expressing neurones are affected

in a similar time frame [14,23,40,45], whereas others

conclude that D1 neurones are affected before D2 neurones

[20,35]. Data from the present study (at least from mice on

an FVB/N strain background) are most consistent with

previous studies indicating the D2-expressing striatal effer-

ents are affected before the D1-expressing efferents [4,15],

an observation supported by studies of HD brain tissue

using additional cell-type selective immunohistochemical

markers [33,36,37]. Furthermore, one brain imaging study

showing a decline of both D1 and D2 receptor density in

early HD noted an earlier and greater annual loss of D2

receptors compared to that of D1 receptors in presympto-

matic HD gene carriers [2].

Discrepancies between the human studies mentioned

above may be due to differences in the stage of HD

pathogenesis at which receptor levels were assessed. How-

ever, it is interesting to note that data from the present study

suggest that one or more genetic modifiers may influence the

effect of the HD mutation on D1 receptor binding levels in

mice. A similar scenario in humans may contribute to

Fig. 3. Quantitative autoradiographic measurements of 3H-Ro15-1788

binding to benzodiazepine receptors (BZ) (WT n = 15, HD n = 15) and 3H-

diprenorphine binding to opioid receptors (WT n = 15, HD n = 15) in the

cerebral cortex. Data are mean + SEM; *P b 0.01 WT compared to HD by

Student’s two-tailed t test.

variability within the D1 data set and could help explain the

apparently inconsistent findings.

The results in this study are also consistent previous

reports of progressive dopamine D2 binding deficits in the

striatum of R6 mice [7,8], another mouse model of HD

generated by the random integration of a 5V fragment of the

mutant human HD gene [28]. However, in contrast to our

findings, Cha and colleagues also report a concomitant

reduction in D1 receptor binding in the R6 mice. Unlike the

knock-in HD mice used in this study, the R6 mice have

shortened lifespan and a dramatic symptom profile. The

discrepancy in D1 binding profiles may reflect the fact that

the knock-in mice provide a wider time window through

which to observe temporal patterns of pathological change.

Alternatively, D1 receptor binding profiles could be influ-

enced by other factors that differ between the HD mouse

lines, for example: genetic background, the CAG mutation

length and/or the size of the mutant protein expressed.

It has been suggested that reduced levels of D2 receptors

may play a role in the progression of HD pathology given

the proximity of dopaminergic and glutamatergic synapses

in striatal neurones and the ability of dopamine to modulate

medium spiny neurone excitability [18,26]. D2 receptors,

located either on corticostriatal inputs or postsynaptic sites,

attenuate neuronal responses to glutamate and therefore

reduced levels of D2 receptors could enhance excitotoxicity

in striatal neurones [5,11,24]. Interestingly, both increased

excitatory synaptic activity and enhanced release of

glutamate occurs in dopamine D2 receptor-deficient mice

[6]. Progressive loss of D2 receptors in HD may therefore

contribute to the toxic environment in the striatum that

eventually culminates in neuronal degeneration.

This study also showed that the HD mice had increased

levels of benzodiazepine receptor binding in the striatum

and cerebral cortex. Previous postmortem and imaging

studies of benzodiazepine receptor binding in human HD

cases suggest that, as with other receptor types, variations in

the extent and severity of neuronal loss are likely to exert a

major influence on the level of benzodiazepine receptor

binding observed. Accordingly, postmortem studies have

revealed reductions in GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor

L. Kennedy et al. / Brain Research 1039 (2005) 14–21 19

binding in the striatum of HD patients [10,31,34,44] whilst

brain imaging studies of early-stage HD patients have

reported increased GABAA/benzodiazepine receptor density

in the putamen, despite a reduced dopamine D2 receptor

density [22,32], and decreased benzodiazepine receptor

binding in the caudate nucleus [19,22,32].

Postmortem studies have also demonstrated a ~30–40%

increase in benzodiazepine receptor binding in frontal

cortex, globus pallidus and the substantia nigra pars

reticulata despite brain atrophy [15,31,34,39]. Our mouse

findings are therefore largely consistent with data from

early-stage human HD. As the GABAA/benzodiazepine

receptor complex is highly expressed on most cortical and

striatal neurones and axon terminals [29,30], one might

tentatively speculate that our observations reflect com-

pensatory up-regulation of these receptors by medium

spiny neurones to reduce the excessive firing brought

about by the loss of inhibitory D2 receptors. Similarly,

increased levels of benzodiazepine receptor binding in the

cerebral cortex might represent an attempt to counteract

increased firing of cortical neurones due to basal ganglia


[3H]-Diprenorphine binding to opioid receptors in the

striatum was slightly, but not significantly higher in the

HD mice compared to wild-type. This contrasts with a

PET study in which [11C]-diprenorphine uptake was

reduced in the striatum of symptomatic HD patients [46].

The discrepancy between this human study and the present

study could most easily be accounted for by significant

degeneration of striatal neurones in the HD patients who

were exhibiting chorea at the time of their scan, compared

to the HD mice that exhibit minimal striatal degeneration

[38]. In addition, as [3H]-diprenorphine binds to all three

of the major opioid receptors (mu, kappa and delta), we

cannot exclude the possibility that the use of this ligand

may mask selective alterations of receptor subtypes in the

HD mice.

How does mutant huntingtin alter neurotransmitter

receptor levels? Previous studies in R6 mice have shown

that decreases in dopamine receptor mRNA levels occur

before detectable changes in the corresponding receptor

binding densities [7,8]. Similarly decreased levels of

dopamine receptor mRNA levels were also observed in

early stage human HD tissue [4]. Subsequent microarray

analyses of R6 HD mouse brains have revealed altered

expression levels of many genes prior to cell loss [27],

reinforcing the view that transcriptional dysregulation may

play a key role in the pathogenic mechanisms of HD [25].

Accordingly, future studies of D2, D1, GABAA/benzodia-

zepine and opioid receptor gene expression in knock-in

HD mice may be informative and would therefore be of

interest. As a final point, the HD mice used in the present

study had been backcrossed onto two different genetic

backgrounds. Our findings indicate that genetic back-

ground can influence certain receptor binding levels in the

presence or absence of the HD mutation. This illustrates

the importance of considering genetic background when

comparing any data obtained from different mouse models

of HD.

In summary, the present study has revealed altered

neurotransmitter receptor binding densities in the striatum

and cortex of HD mice. Differences in the spatial and

temporal profiles of each receptor type studied suggest a

sequence and pattern of neurodegenerative changes that

might inform discussions of early human HD patho-

genesis. Although the mechanistic basis of the observed

changes is not known, elucidating molecular aspects of the

pathogenic cascade that precedes onset of neuronal

degeneration may reveal potential targets for treatment

design in HD.


The authors are grateful to Colin Hughes, Dennis

Duggan, Margaret Ennis and staff at the Wellcome Surgical

Institute for technical assistance and The University of

Glasgow Dynamic Mutation Group and Professor J.

McCulloch for helpful discussion. This work was funded

by the Hereditary Disease Foundation. L.K. was supported

by a studentship from The Huntington’s Disease Associa-

tion of Great Britain.


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