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Post on 19-Aug-2015






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EMPOWERING YOU FOR A BETTER LIFE: AUTISM STEM CELL TREATMENTAutism is a complex neurobehavioral disorder which includes impairments in social, developmental and communicative skills combined with rigid and/or repetitive behaviors.A BIT OF A BACKGROUND ON AUTISMThe word autism comes from the Greek word autos meaning self and has been used for more than100 years. The termautism, therefore, describes a condition where a person is detachedfrom social interaction, and hence, an isolated self. A Swiss psychiatrist,Eugene Bleuler, began using the term autism around 1911 to refer to the group of symptoms for schizophrenia. 1980s- Autism is givenits own category for diagnosisin the DSM (the "Bible" of psychology), now fnally separate from that of schizophrenia.1990-The Americans with Disabilities Actis passed, making it illegal to discriminate against those with disabilities, including autism.2005- Autism Speaks was founded, merging two years later with Cure Autism Now.STEM CELLS THERAPY PRESENTS HOPEWHAT IS THE RATIONALE BEHIND USING STEM CELLS TO TREAT AUTISM?Current investigative therapies for autism attempt to reverse these abnormalities through administration of antibiotics, antiinfammatory agents, and hyperbaric oxygen.Mesenchymal stem cells can regulate the immune system.It is thought that they may help to reverse infammatory conditions and is currently in the fnal stages of clinical trials in the US for Crohns disease, a condition resembling the gut infammation in autistic children.DEFINITION OF A STEM CELLIt can replicate himselfIt can give rise to more specialized cellsStem Cells home to areas of infammation to help repair and replace injured tissues.KINDS OF STEM CELLSEmbryonic AdultUmbilical CordWHICH TYPES OF STEM CELLS ARE USED TO TREAT AUTISM AND HOW ARE THEY OBTAINED?The adult stem cells used to treat autism at the Stem Cell Institute come from human umbilical cord tissue (allogeneic mesenchymal).These stem cells are recovered from donated umbilical cords.Before they are approved for treatment all umbilical cord-derived stem cells are screened for viruses.HOW ARE THE CORD STEM CELLS GIVEN?Most babies given the stem cells via a subcutaneous injection.Older children and adults are typically given in intravenous infusions.Best results occur with high doses given by intra arterial catheter into cerebral arteries.WHAT ARE THE ADVANTAGES OF TREATING WITH ALLOGENEIC UMBILICAL CORD TISSUE-DERIVED STEM CELLS?The stem cells with the best anti-infammatory activity, immune modulating capacity, and ability to stimulate regeneration can be screened and selected.Allogeneic stem cells can be administered multiple times over the course of days in uniform dosages that contain high cell counts.Umbilical cord tissue provides an abundant supply of mesenchymal stem cells.HOW ARE THE STEM CELLS ADMINISTERED FOR AUTISM TREATMENT?The umbilical cord-derived stem cells are administered intravenously by a licensed physician.UMBILICAL CORD STEM CELL HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE BENEFICIAL IN:AutismCerebral PalsySeizuresParkinsons diseaseStrokeTraumatic Brain InjuryDiabetes Type I and IIUMBILICAL CORD STEM CELL HAVE BEEN FOUND TO BE BENEFICIAL IN:AutismCerebral PalsySeizuresParkinsons diseaseStrokeTraumatic Brain InjuryDiabetes Type I and IITHISIS A STORY OF CALEB.A STORY OF HOPEData: 5 years old,Male from Alaska seen on 7/25/11Chief Complaint: Does not speak,mental delay (2 Years)BEFORE THE TREATMENTNo speech, no focus, no attention, get angry easily and throws temper tantrums, does not respond to gifts.AFTER THE TREATMENTChanges in attention seen immediately by the mother, Improvements in eye contact and response time more in tune,needing less prompting ..a lot lessJune 03, 2013 Calebs mother wrote:I currently recommend stem cell treatments to people all the time. There are no guarantees what help you will get from the, but the changes we saw were worth every penny.KAREN DAVILA AND DAVID Broadcast journalist Karen Davilas frstborn, David, was 3 years old when he was diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Not Otherwise Specifed (PDD/NOS) in the Autism Spectrum, a severe form of autism. The development pediatrician said there was no cure for Davids condition.David didnt have the classic signs of autism, but clearly he wasnt developing like other children his age, says Davila. At the age of 3, he wasnt speaking spontaneously, although he could read. He had tantrums, couldnt express his needs, whether he was hungry or sad, and didnt reach out to other children his age.She is quick to point out, however, that stem-cell therapy, especially for children with her sons condition, isnt the magic pill. David, his mom stresses, wouldnt have improved through the years if not for his biomedicines and special diet.I believe credible, proper, and autologous stem cells will make a diference in certain conditions, Davila says. Ive met patients myself, but safety along with proper traditional doctor-guided medication for any illness is important.Thank you for listening

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