allergens (57)

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  • 8/6/2019 Allergens (57)


    Trends in Allergies andTrends in Allergies and

    Intolerances in Nutrition andIntolerances in Nutrition and

    Food ServiceFood Service

    Dr. HarishDr. Harish KakraniKakrani


    &&PurviPurvi KakraniKakrani


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    Progress in the Past 5 YearsProgress in the Past 5 Years

    Nearly 4% of North Americans have food allergies, manyNearly 4% of North Americans have food allergies, manymore than recorded in the pastmore than recorded in the past

    Incidence of food allergy much higher in children than adultsIncidence of food allergy much higher in children than adults(>8% compared to 8% compared to

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    Management of Food Allergies and IntolerancesManagement of Food Allergies and Intolerances

    Management of food sensitivities consists of:Management of food sensitivities consists of:

    Accurate identification of the food causing theAccurate identification of the food causing theproblemproblem

    Educating clients on how to avoid relevantEducating clients on how to avoid relevantallergens and intolerance triggers in foodsallergens and intolerance triggers in foods

    Formulating appropriate diets to avoid the culpritFormulating appropriate diets to avoid the culpritfoods and replacing them with foods of equivalentfoods and replacing them with foods of equivalent

    nutritional valuenutritional value Educating parents in measures to avoidEducating parents in measures to avoid

    sensitization of their atsensitization of their at--risk babiesrisk babies

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    The Allergic DiathesisThe Allergic Diathesis


    Food Allergy

    Atopic dermatitis




    (hay fever)






    Sleep deprivation


    Mental fogginess



    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Food AllergyFood Allergy

    Response of theResponse of the

    Immune SystemImmune System

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    Priority Food Allergens In CanadaPriority Food Allergens In Canada

    PeanutsPeanutsTree nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnutsTree nuts (almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts(filberts), macadamia nuts, pecans,(filberts), macadamia nuts, pecans, pinenutspinenuts, pistachios,, pistachios,walnuts)walnuts)

    Sesame seedsSesame seeds



    Shellfish (e.g. clams, mussels, oysters, scallops andShellfish (e.g. clams, mussels, oysters, scallops andcrustaceans (e.g. crab, crayfish, lobster, shrimp) )crustaceans (e.g. crab, crayfish, lobster, shrimp) )



    These Priority Allergens account for more than 95% ofThese Priority Allergens account for more than 95% ofsevere adverse reactions related to food allergenssevere adverse reactions related to food allergens

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Additional Factors Involved in SymptomsAdditional Factors Involved in Symptoms

    of Food Sensitivityof Food Sensitivity

    Increased permeability of the digestive tractIncreased permeability of the digestive tract

    (leaky gut)(leaky gut)



    Autoimmune diseaseAutoimmune disease

    Other diseasesOther diseases

    Immaturity (in infants)Immaturity (in infants) Alcohol consumptionAlcohol consumption

    Physical exertion:Physical exertion:

    ExerciseExercise--induced anaphylaxisinduced anaphylaxisPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Additional Factors Involved inAdditional Factors Involved in

    Symptoms of Food SensitivitySymptoms of Food Sensitivity


    Eating several different allergenic foods at theEating several different allergenic foods at thesame timesame time

    Other allergies occurring at the same timeOther allergies occurring at the same time(e.g. hay fever, asthma)(e.g. hay fever, asthma)

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Classification of Food AllergensClassification of Food Allergens

    [Sampson 2003]:[Sampson 2003]:

    Class 1:Class 1: Direct sensitization via the gastrointestinal tractDirect sensitization via the gastrointestinal tract

    after ingestionafter ingestion

    WaterWater--soluble proteins or glycoproteinssoluble proteins or glycoproteins Stable to heat, proteases, and acidStable to heat, proteases, and acid

    Many are lipid transfer proteinsMany are lipid transfer proteins

    Class 2:Class 2: Sensitization by inhalation of airSensitization by inhalation of air--borne allergenborne allergen

    CrossCross--reaction to foods containing structurallyreaction to foods containing structurallyidentical proteinsidentical proteins

    Heat labileHeat labile

    Many are pathogenesisMany are pathogenesis--related proteinsrelated proteins

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Oral Allergy SyndromeOral Allergy Syndrome

    (OAS)(OAS)OAS refers to clinical symptoms in theOAS refers to clinical symptoms in themucosa of the mouth and throat that:mucosa of the mouth and throat that:

    Result from direct contact with a food allergenResult from direct contact with a food allergenIn an individual who also exhibits allergy toIn an individual who also exhibits allergy toinhaled allergens.inhaled allergens.

    Usually pollens (pollinosis) are the primaryUsually pollens (pollinosis) are the primary

    allergensallergensPollens usually trigger rhinitis or asthmaPollens usually trigger rhinitis or asthma

    Occurs most frequently in adultsOccurs most frequently in adults

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Oral Allergy SyndromeOral Allergy Syndrome

    The foods cause symptoms in the oral cavityThe foods cause symptoms in the oral cavity

    and local tissues immediately on contact:and local tissues immediately on contact:


    Throat tighteningThroat tightening



    BlisteringBlisteringFoods most frequently associated with OASFoods most frequently associated with OAS

    are mainly fruits, a few vegetables, and nutsare mainly fruits, a few vegetables, and nuts

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Oral Allergy SyndromeOral Allergy Syndrome


    Pollens and foods that cause OAS are usuallyPollens and foods that cause OAS are usuallybotanically unrelatedbotanically unrelated

    Occurs most frequently in persons allergic to birchOccurs most frequently in persons allergic to birchand alder pollensand alder pollens

    Also occurs with allergy to:Also occurs with allergy to:

    Ragweed pollenRagweed pollen

    Mugwort pollenMugwort pollen

    Grass pollensGrass pollens

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Oral Allergy SyndromeOral Allergy SyndromeCrossCross--reacting allergensreacting allergens

    Birch pollens with:Birch pollens with:


    Stone Fruits (Apricot, Peach, Nectarine, Plum, Cherry)Stone Fruits (Apricot, Peach, Nectarine, Plum, Cherry)

    Kiwi FruitKiwi Fruit OrangeOrange -- PeanutPeanut -- AlmondAlmond

    MelonMelon -- HazelnutHazelnut -- WalnutWalnut

    WatermelonWatermelon -- CarrotCarrot -- AniseAnise

    PotatoPotato -- CeleryCelery -- Caraway seedCaraway seed

    TomatoTomato -- ParsnipParsnip

    Green pepperGreen pepper -- ParsleyParsley CuminCumin -- BeansBeans

    CorianderCoriander -- PeasPeas

    DillDill -- LentilsLentils Sunflower seedSunflower seed -- SoySoy

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Oral Allergy SyndromeOral Allergy Syndrome

    CrossCross--reacting allergensreacting allergensRagweed pollen with:Ragweed pollen with:


    CantaloupeCantaloupe HoneydewHoneydew


    Other MelonsOther Melons

    Zucchini (Courgette)Zucchini (Courgette)


    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Expression of OAS SymptomsExpression of OAS Symptoms

    Oral reactivity to the food significantlyOral reactivity to the food significantlydecreases when food is cookeddecreases when food is cooked

    Reactivity of the antigen depends onReactivity of the antigen depends onripenessripeness

    Antigen becomes more potent as the plantAntigen becomes more potent as the plantmaterial agesmaterial ages

    People differ in the foods which triggerPeople differ in the foods which triggerOAS, even when they are allergic to theOAS, even when they are allergic to the

    crosscross--reacting pollensreacting pollens Foods contain an antigen that is structurallyFoods contain an antigen that is structurally

    similar to the allergenic pollen, but not allsimilar to the allergenic pollen, but not allpeople will develop OAS to all foods having thatpeople will develop OAS to all foods having thatantigenantigen

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Identification of Foods ResponsibleIdentification of Foods Responsible

    for OAS Symptomsfor OAS Symptoms

    Skin tests will identify the allergenic plant pollenSkin tests will identify the allergenic plant pollen

    Skin testing has not been successful inSkin testing has not been successful inidentifying persons who react to crossidentifying persons who react to cross--reactingreacting

    food antigensfood antigens Plant antigens are unstable and do not survive thePlant antigens are unstable and do not survive the

    process of antigen preparationprocess of antigen preparation

    Crushing plant material leads to release of phenolsCrushing plant material leads to release of phenolsand degradative enzymesand degradative enzymes

    Prick + prick technique are more reliable thanPrick + prick technique are more reliable thanstandard skin testsstandard skin tests Lancet is inserted in raw fruit or vegetable, withdrawnLancet is inserted in raw fruit or vegetable, withdrawn

    and then used to prick the persons skinand then used to prick the persons skin

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    LatexLatex--Fruit SyndromeFruit Syndrome

    Allergy to latex often starts as:Allergy to latex often starts as:

    Contact allergy to a latex protein, usuallyContact allergy to a latex protein, usually


    Abraded (nonAbraded (non--intact) skinintact) skin

    Mucous membraneMucous membrane

    Exposed tissue (e.g. during surgery)Exposed tissue (e.g. during surgery)

    Inhalant allergy:Inhalant allergy:

    Inhaled powder from latex glovesInhaled powder from latex gloves

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Latex AllergyLatex Allergy

    CrossCross--reacting allergensreacting allergens

    As antigen comes into contact withAs antigen comes into contact with

    immune cells, repeated exposure leads toimmune cells, repeated exposure leads to

    IgE mediated allergyIgE mediated allergy

    Proteins in foods with the same structureProteins in foods with the same structure

    as proteins in latex trigger the same IgEas proteins in latex trigger the same IgE

    response when they are eatenresponse when they are eatenIn extreme cases can cause anaphylacticIn extreme cases can cause anaphylactic


    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Latex AllergyLatex Allergy

    Related foodsRelated foods

    Examples of foods that have been shown toExamples of foods that have been shown to

    contain proteins similar in structure to latex:contain proteins similar in structure to latex:

    BananaBanana -- MangoMango -- TomatoTomato

    Citrus FruitsCitrus Fruits -- MelonMelon -- CeleryCelery

    Kiwi FruitKiwi Fruit --P


    ineapple -- AvocadoAvocado FigFig -- PapayaPapaya -- Tree NutsTree Nuts

    Passion FruitPassion Fruit -- PeachPeach -- ChestnutChestnut

    GrapesGrapes -- PotatoPotato -- PeanutPeanut

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Common allergens in unrelated plantCommon allergens in unrelated plant

    materials:materials: SummarySummary

    OAS and latex allergy are examples ofOAS and latex allergy are examples of

    conditions in which common antigens,conditions in which common antigens,

    expressed in botanically unrelated plants,expressed in botanically unrelated plants,are capable of eliciting a hypersensitivityare capable of eliciting a hypersensitivity


    In practice, when a specific plant foodIn practice, when a specific plant foodelicits an allergic response, foods in theelicits an allergic response, foods in the

    same botanic family rarely elicit allergysame botanic family rarely elicit allergy

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Food IntolerancesFood IntolerancesBiochemical and PhysiologicalBiochemical and Physiological


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    Symptoms of Carbohydrate IntoleranceSymptoms of Carbohydrate Intolerance

    Watery loose stool (diarrhea)Watery loose stool (diarrhea)

    Abdominal bloating and pressureAbdominal bloating and pressure

    Cramping pain in abdomenCramping pain in abdomen



    Poor weight gainPoor weight gain

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Cause of CarbohydrateCause of Carbohydrate

    IntoleranceIntoleranceLack of the enzyme that digests theLack of the enzyme that digests thecarbohydratecarbohydrate

    Lactose intolerance is due to the lack ofLactose intolerance is due to the lack oflactase:lactase:

    Milk sugar (lactose) is not digestedMilk sugar (lactose) is not digested

    Sucrose intolerance is lack of the enzymeSucrose intolerance is lack of the enzymesucrasesucrase

    Sucrose (table sugar; syrup of all types; someSucrose (table sugar; syrup of all types; somefruits) is not digestedfruits) is not digested

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Management of Lactose IntoleranceManagement of Lactose Intolerance

    Only the milk sugar, lactose, needs to be avoidedOnly the milk sugar, lactose, needs to be avoided

    This is not a milk allergy:This is not a milk allergy:

    Milk proteins are toleratedMilk proteins are tolerated

    Lactose occurs in the whey (liquid) fraction of milkLactose occurs in the whey (liquid) fraction of milk

    Milk products free from lactose and free from whey are safeMilk products free from lactose and free from whey are safe

    These foods include:These foods include:

    Milk treated with lactase (LactaidMilk treated with lactase (Lactaid;Lacteeze;Lacteeze))

    Hard cheeses (whey is removed; casein remains and isHard cheeses (whey is removed; casein remains and isfermented to form cheese)fermented to form cheese)

    Many people tolerate yogurt, where lactose is broken downMany people tolerate yogurt, where lactose is broken downby bacterial enzymesby bacterial enzymes

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Reactive Chemicals in FoodsReactive Chemicals in Foods

    May act on the body in two ways:May act on the body in two ways:

    chemical acts directly on body tissues ratherchemical acts directly on body tissues ratherlike a druglike a drug

    chemical reacts with a system (stops orchemical reacts with a system (stops orenhances the process) that acts on the bodyenhances the process) that acts on the bodytissuetissue

    Symptoms occur when the body is unableSymptoms occur when the body is unable

    to get rid of the chemical quickly enoughto get rid of the chemical quickly enough The level in the body rises and the symptomsThe level in the body rises and the symptoms

    that develop are due to the excessthat develop are due to the excess

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Histamine reactions can be clinicallyHistamine reactions can be clinicallyindistinguishable from food allergyindistinguishable from food allergy

    Hives, facial swelling, and headaches are examplesHives, facial swelling, and headaches are examplesof histamine excessof histamine excess

    Tests for food allergy are usually negativeTests for food allergy are usually negative Histamine sensitivity is becoming recognized as aHistamine sensitivity is becoming recognized as a

    disease entity quite distinct from allergydisease entity quite distinct from allergy

    Sensitivity may be deficiency in the enzymes thatSensitivity may be deficiency in the enzymes that

    break down excess histaminebreak down excess histamine Histamine intolerance can exacerbate allergy to theHistamine intolerance can exacerbate allergy to the

    extent of eliciting an anaphylactic reaction whenextent of eliciting an anaphylactic reaction whenthe two conditions occur togetherthe two conditions occur together

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sources of Histamine in FoodsSources of Histamine in Foods

    Fermented foods:Fermented foods:

    Microbial activity on proteins produces histamineMicrobial activity on proteins produces histamine



    Processed meats and sausages:Processed meats and sausages:




    Vinegar and foods containing vinegar:Vinegar and foods containing vinegar:


    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sources of Histamine in FoodsSources of Histamine in Foods

    Fermented beverages:Fermented beverages:


    Beer, ale, lagerBeer, ale, lager

    Fish and shellfish:Fish and shellfish:

    Incorrectly storedIncorrectly stored Bacteria in the intestine of the fish start to breakBacteria in the intestine of the fish start to break

    down fish proteindown fish protein

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sources of Histamine in FoodsSources of Histamine in Foods

    Some foods contain high levels of histamineSome foods contain high levels of histaminenaturally, especially:naturally, especially:



    Berries (Berries (strawberries and raspberriesstrawberries and raspberries))


    Citrus fruitsCitrus fruits (orange; lemon; lime; grapefruit)(orange; lemon; lime; grapefruit)

    Some foods may release histamine by aSome foods may release histamine by amechanism which is only partially understoodmechanism which is only partially understood

    example: egg whiteexample: egg white

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Other Sources of HistamineOther Sources of Histamine

    MicroMicro--organisms in the body:organisms in the body:

    Certain types of bacteria in the large bowelCertain types of bacteria in the large bowel

    use undigested food material for theiruse undigested food material for their

    reproduction and growthreproduction and growth

    People with these microPeople with these micro--organisms absorborganisms absorb

    histamine from their own intestinehistamine from their own intestine

    It is possible that probiotic bacteria could beIt is possible that probiotic bacteria could beused to displace these strainsused to displace these strains

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Tyramine sensitivityTyramine sensitivity

    Symptoms when tyramineSymptoms when tyramine--rich foods are eaten:rich foods are eaten:

    Sharp rise in blood pressureSharp rise in blood pressure HeadacheHeadache

    Caused by:Caused by:

    Deficiency in the enzymes that break down

    Deficiency in the enzymes that break downexcess tyramineexcess tyramine

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Tyramine in FoodsTyramine in Foods

    Formed by microbial action in foodFormed by microbial action in foodpreparation:preparation: cheesecheese


    yeast extractyeast extract vinegarvinegar

    Small amounts occur naturally in someSmall amounts occur naturally in somefoodsfoods::

    chicken liverchicken liver -- eggplanteggplant avocadoavocado -- tomatotomato

    bananabanana -- plumplum

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sensitivity to Food AdditivesSensitivity to Food Additives

    Characteristics common to personsCharacteristics common to persons

    sensitive to food additivessensitive to food additives::

    History of asthma and hay feverHistory of asthma and hay fever

    Occasionally hives and facial swellingOccasionally hives and facial swelling

    Aspirin sensitiveAspirin sensitive

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Additives Most Frequently CausingAdditives Most Frequently Causing


    Tartrazine (and other artificial food colours)Tartrazine (and other artificial food colours)





    Monosodium glutamate (MSG)Monosodium glutamate (MSG)

    Nitrates and nitritesNitrates and nitrites

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Symptoms of Tartrazine SensitivitySymptoms of Tartrazine Sensitivity

    Asthma in asthmaticsAsthma in asthmatics



    NauseaNauseaMigraine headachesMigraine headaches

    Evidence of hyperactivity in childrenEvidence of hyperactivity in children

    Excess tartrazine may increase levels ofExcess tartrazine may increase levels of

    inflammatory mediators in allergy, such as:inflammatory mediators in allergy, such as:

    leukotrienesleukotrienes important mediators in asthmaimportant mediators in asthma


    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Foods Frequently ContainingFoods Frequently Containing


    Soft drinksSoft drinks

    Liqueurs and cordialsLiqueurs and cordials

    Candy and confectioneryCandy and confectionery

    ReadyReady--toto--eat cerealseat cereals

    Jams and jelliesJams and jellies

    Ice cream, sherbet, milk shakesIce cream, sherbet, milk shakes

    Commercial gravies and soup mixesCommercial gravies and soup mixes

    Flavor packetsFlavor packets

    Pickles, relish, salad dressingsPickles, relish, salad dressings

    Prepared baked goodsPrepared baked goods

    Smoked fish and fish productsSmoked fish and fish productsPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Foods Frequently ContainingFoods Frequently Containing


    Snack foodsSnack foods

    Meal replacementsMeal replacements

    Any food containing artificial color mayAny food containing artificial color may

    contain tartrazine unless it is labeledcontain tartrazine unless it is labeledtartrazine freetartrazine free

    NonNon--food items:food items:

    Medications (prescription and OTC)Medications (prescription and OTC)

    Vitamin and mineral supplementsVitamin and mineral supplements

    Toiletries and cosmeticsToiletries and cosmetics

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sulphite SensitivitySulphite Sensitivity

    Most common in asthmaticsMost common in asthmatics

    SteroidSteroid--dependent asthmatics are most at riskdependent asthmatics are most at risk

    Adverse reactions to sulphites is estimated to be asAdverse reactions to sulphites is estimated to be ashigh as 1% of the U.S. populationhigh as 1% of the U.S. population

    Sulphite sensitivity in nonSulphite sensitivity in non--asthmatics is considered toasthmatics is considered tobe quite rarebe quite rare

    Symptoms occur in most organ systems:Symptoms occur in most organ systems:


    Gastrointestinal tractGastrointestinal tract Skin and mucous membranesSkin and mucous membranes

    LifeLife--threatening anaphylactic reactions inthreatening anaphylactic reactions inasthmatics have been recorded, but occur veryasthmatics have been recorded, but occur veryrarely.rarely.

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Symptoms Reported in SulphiteSymptoms Reported in Sulphite


    Urticaria (hives)Urticaria (hives)

    Angioedema (swelling, especially of theAngioedema (swelling, especially of the

    mouth and face)mouth and face)Contact dermatitisContact dermatitis

    Anaphylaxis (in asthmatics)Anaphylaxis (in asthmatics)

    Anaphylactoid reaction (nonAnaphylactoid reaction (non--asthmatics)asthmatics)

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Forms of Sulphites Permitted inForms of Sulphites Permitted in

    FoodsFoodsSulphites are permitted in the form of:Sulphites are permitted in the form of:

    Sodium metabisulphiteSodium metabisulphite

    Potassium metabisulphitePotassium metabisulphite Sodium bisulphiteSodium bisulphite

    Potassium bisulphitePotassium bisulphite

    Sodium sulphiteSodium sulphite

    Sodium dithioniteSodium dithionite

    Sulphurous acidSulphurous acid

    Sulphur dioxideSulphur dioxidePurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Forms of Sulphites Permitted inForms of Sulphites Permitted in

    FoodsFoodsUse of sulphites on fresh fruits and vegetables notUse of sulphites on fresh fruits and vegetables notallowed except on sliced raw potatoes and raw grapesallowed except on sliced raw potatoes and raw grapes

    Sulphites are not allowed on raw foods in salad barsSulphites are not allowed on raw foods in salad barsor for sale in markets, with the above exceptionsor for sale in markets, with the above exceptions

    U.S. government regulations require sulphites inU.S. government regulations require sulphites inexcess of 10 ppm in manufactured foods andexcess of 10 ppm in manufactured foods andbeverages, including alcoholic beverages, to be listedbeverages, including alcoholic beverages, to be listed

    on labelson labelsSulphites are permitted in a wide rage of dried,Sulphites are permitted in a wide rage of dried,frozen, and processed foods, sweeteners, and snackfrozen, and processed foods, sweeteners, and snackfoodsfoods

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sulphite SensitivitySulphite Sensitivity

    There is no evidence that avoiding all sources ofThere is no evidence that avoiding all sources ofdietary sulphites improves asthmadietary sulphites improves asthma

    Exposure to sulphiting agents poses very little risk forExposure to sulphiting agents poses very little risk for

    individuals who are not sensitive to sulphitesindividuals who are not sensitive to sulphites

    Sulphites in foods are not denatured by cookingSulphites in foods are not denatured by cooking

    Sulphites avidly bind to several substances in foods,Sulphites avidly bind to several substances in foods,

    such as protein, starch, and sugars. They are notsuch as protein, starch, and sugars. They are not

    removed by washingremoved by washing

    Sulphates do not cause the same adverse reactionsSulphates do not cause the same adverse reactions

    as sulphites. They are inert in the body and need notas sulphites. They are inert in the body and need not

    be avoided by people who are sensitive to sulphitesbe avoided by people who are sensitive to sulphites

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Benzoate IntoleranceBenzoate Intolerance


    Reported to induce:Reported to induce:



    AsthmaAsthma RhinitisRhinitis

    Purpura (allergic vasculitis)Purpura (allergic vasculitis)

    Hyperactivity in childrenHyperactivity in children

    May lead to increase in histamineMay lead to increase in histamine

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Benzoates and Parabens:Benzoates and Parabens:Use in FoodsUse in Foods

    One of the most commonly used foodOne of the most commonly used foodadditives worldwideadditives worldwide

    Benzoic acid and sodium benzoateBenzoic acid and sodium benzoate

    (benzoates) are used as antibacterial and(benzoates) are used as antibacterial andantimycotic agents in foods and beveragesantimycotic agents in foods and beverages

    Benzoates are most effective as preservingBenzoates are most effective as preservingagents at an acidic pHagents at an acidic pH

    Benzoyl peroxide is used as a bleachingBenzoyl peroxide is used as a bleachingagent, especially in white flour, white bread,agent, especially in white flour, white bread,and some white Italian cheesesand some white Italian cheeses

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Naturally occurringNaturally occurring

    Benzoates occur widely in nature as simpleBenzoates occur widely in nature as simplesalts (sodium, potassium), esters, and amidessalts (sodium, potassium), esters, and amides

    Natural benzoates are present at the highestNatural benzoates are present at the highest

    levels in:levels in: Cinnamon, Clove, Anise, NutmegCinnamon, Clove, Anise, Nutmeg


    Black TeaBlack Tea


    Especially Raspberry and CranberryEspecially Raspberry and Cranberry

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)

    Flavouring common in Chinese cookingFlavouring common in Chinese cooking

    and increasingly used to flavourand increasingly used to flavour

    Western foodsWestern foodsSensitive individuals report a variety ofSensitive individuals report a variety of

    symptoms that are usually classified assymptoms that are usually classified as

    Chinese Restaurant Syndrome (alsoChinese Restaurant Syndrome (alsoknown as Kwoks syndrome)known as Kwoks syndrome)

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    MSG SensitivityMSG Sensitivity

    Experts are widely divided on theExperts are widely divided on thesubject of MSG sensitivitysubject of MSG sensitivity

    One review led to the conclusion thatOne review led to the conclusion that

    Chinese Restaurant Syndrome is anChinese Restaurant Syndrome is ananecdote applied to a variety ofanecdote applied to a variety ofpostprandial illnessespostprandial illnesses

    Some clinicians have estimated that theSome clinicians have estimated that theprevalence ofChinese Restaurantprevalence ofChinese RestaurantSyndrome may be as high 1.8% of theSyndrome may be as high 1.8% of theadult populationadult population

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Characteristics of MSG SensitivityCharacteristics of MSG Sensitivity

    Alcohol may increase the rate of absorptionAlcohol may increase the rate of absorption

    of MSG and increase theof MSG and increase the severityseverityandand rate ofrate of

    onsetonsetof symptomsof symptoms

    Symptoms usually occur about 30 minutesSymptoms usually occur about 30 minutesafter eating a meal high in MSGafter eating a meal high in MSG

    Asthma occurs 1 to 2 hours after MSGAsthma occurs 1 to 2 hours after MSG

    ingestion, and even as long as 12 hours lateringestion, and even as long as 12 hours laterVitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency may be aVitamin B6 (pyridoxine) deficiency may be a

    factor in some MSG sensitive peoplefactor in some MSG sensitive people

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sources of MSGSources of MSG

    Present in many flavouring mixtures:Present in many flavouring mixtures:

    AccentAccent ZestZest

    Gourmet powderGourmet powder GlutaveneGlutavene

    GlutacylGlutacyl Chinese seasoningChinese seasoning

    SubuSubu VetsinVetsin

    AjinomotoAjinomoto Kombu extractKombu extract

    MeiMei--jingjing WeiWei--jingjing


    Hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP)Hydrolysed vegetable protein (HVP)

    Hydrolysed plant protein (HPP)Hydrolysed plant protein (HPP)

    Natural flavour (may be HVP)Natural flavour (may be HVP)

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Sources of MSGSources of MSG

    Used as a flavouring in foods, especially inUsed as a flavouring in foods, especially inChinese cooking, in canned foods (e.g.Chinese cooking, in canned foods (e.g.

    soups), and restaurant mealssoups), and restaurant meals

    Some sensitive individuals will also react toSome sensitive individuals will also react tomonopotassium glutamatemonopotassium glutamate

    Several foods, such as tomato, mushrooms,Several foods, such as tomato, mushrooms,

    and cheese contain natural glutamatesand cheese contain natural glutamates

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Nitrate and Nitrite SensitivityNitrate and Nitrite Sensitivity

    Nitrates and nitrites are used in foods asNitrates and nitrites are used in foods aspreservativespreservatives

    Particularly protective againstParticularly protective against ClostridiumClostridium

    botulinumbotulinumImpart flavour and preserve colour inImpart flavour and preserve colour inmanufactured foods, especially meatsmanufactured foods, especially meats


    Reports of headache in sensitive individualsReports of headache in sensitive individuals

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Nitrates and Nitrites in FoodsNitrates and Nitrites in Foods

    Labels list sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate,Labels list sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate,

    sodium nitrite, and potassium nitrite insodium nitrite, and potassium nitrite in

    manufactured foodsmanufactured foods

    Present at high levels in processed meats:Present at high levels in processed meats:

    PepperoniPepperoni FrankfurtersFrankfurters

    Hot Dog WienersHot Dog Wieners SalamiSalami

    BolognaBologna Other Luncheon MeatsOther Luncheon Meats

    BaconBacon HamHam

    Smoked FishSmoked Fish Some Imported CheesesSome Imported Cheeses

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Nitrates in Plant FoodsNitrates in Plant Foods

    Nitrates occur naturally in plants: the majorNitrates occur naturally in plants: the majorsource is nitratesource is nitrate--containing fertilizerscontaining fertilizers

    Some species of plants tend to accumulateSome species of plants tend to accumulate

    nitrates more than others:nitrates more than others: SpinachSpinach CeleryCelery

    BeetsBeets LettuceLettuce

    RadishesRadishes CollardsCollards

    Turnip GreensTurnip Greens EggplantEggplant

    Purvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish KakraniPurvi Kakrani & Dr. Harish Kakrani

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    Food allergy is most prevalent in babies and childrenFood allergy is most prevalent in babies and childrenFood intolerances predominate in adultsFood intolerances predominate in adults

    Infant onset food allergy is mostly due to Class 1Infant onset food allergy is mostly due to Class 1allergensallergens

    Sensitization is by ingestion of allergenSensitization is by ingestion of allergenAdult onset food allergy mostly due to Class 2 allergensAdult onset food allergy mostly due to Class 2 allergens

    Sensitization by allergen inhalation or contactSensitization by allergen inhalation or contact

    Food allergy: must avoid all sources of the allergenFood allergy: must avoid all sources of the allergen

    Food intolerance: dose relatedFood intolerance: dose related

    Several additional factors sometimes required to elicitSeveral additional factors sometimes required to elicitsymptomssymptoms

    Food intolerance can exacerbate food allergyFood intolerance can exacerbate food allergy

    P i K k i & D H i h K k iP i K k i & D H i h K k i

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