all or nothing; getting things right during the final presentation_ tina altieri

Post on 21-Jun-2015






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We've all been there: a final bid against tough competition to win a vital contract or the bid to host a strategically important international meeting. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose, but always there's a feeling that more could have been done to make a better impact or to sway the decision-makers rationally or emotionally. There are numerous ''tricks of the trade'' that can make a massive difference, and in this session, communication expert and regular ICCA Congress contributor Tina Altieri will share her best tips and tricks. How can you turn ''question time'' into ''conviction time'', how can you emotionally empathise with the concerns of key decision-makers, how can your team's body language shout out ''champions'' instead of ''anonymous''!



All Or Nothing

Getting Ready to Present to Win


To give your audience a compelling reason to want to listen to you, believe you, buy from you.

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A common goal of every presentation?

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To persuade.

You are the most important visual aid

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Remember to create your PowerPoint around your main messages – not the other way around.

Touch. Turn. Talk.

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P – Persuade. It’s what your audience is waiting for you to do !

Have you got your EM and N’s sorted?




Three components of a great presentation


Q : So what does a successful presenter look and sound like on the big day?

A : More often than not they look and sound exactly as they last rehearsed it.

When was the last time you rehearsed like real winners ?

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“Rehearsing my presentation will me look staged and mechanical and I want to come across authentic and genuine.” REHEARSE OUT LOUD - VERBALISATION FACT : It’s rare that a good presentation will just materialise without verbalisation.

P – Persuade

E – Em & N your content

R – Rehearse like winners

F – Font friendly


At the very least write your intro and

conclusion out in full

Learn your opening lines by heart


Large font for your own notes – at least Font 20!

Don’t adlib or expect to memorise


Write for the ear and not for the eye.

E – Enter-cisely Or Enter Precisely

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Your entrance ? Your stance? Your eyeline? Your segue between your team members

Team Presentations

“Well that’s all I wanted to say for now. I’d like to introduce you to my

colleague Anna who’ll share with you the financials.”


Team Presentations

“Now that you’ve seen the business opportunity and how we’re going to open

doors to that opportunity, it’s important that you know how we’re positioned financially.

Our CFO – Anna is the best person to reveal some surprising figures that you’ll be

interested in…Anna.”


Team Presentations

Anna :

“And what is most surprising about these figures is that if we were

presenting to you 12 months ago – we would be telling a very different

story. This is what I mean.”


A) Subject matter expert B) Stage performer C) Sales performer D) Technical advisor

C – Confident performer

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B) Stage performer

C – Confident performer

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Being a successful business performer

• Confident • Warm • Energetic • Dynamic • Sincere • Charismatic • Authoritative


What’s written on your performance jacket?


Being a confident business performer

• This is my wonderful opportunity to engage, build trust and goodwill.

• Look alive- 50% more!

• Energy in voice and presence • Composure = Credibilty


What an effective presenter should be aiming towards

• Better breathing • Work towards greater variation

in pitch and pace. • Making the most important tool

of your trade work for you and not against you – your mouth!


Make your mouth work

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Exaggerate A.E.I.O.U

Say with emphasis

“May Mee My Mow Moo”

Vibrate your lips freely as a child would do

a raspberry

Remember the importance of vocal

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Ignoring the power and potential of the voice is a bit like driving a Ferrari and only driving it in first gear. In other words, you’ll still get to your destination but you’ll never realise its full power and potential.

Look who’s showing palms?

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1. Anticipate the questions

2. Ask for clarity 3. Don’t over answer 4. Learn non answers 5. Show interest/energy 6. Road test your Q & A

P- Persuade E- Em & N R- Rehearse out loud F- Font E- Enter-cisely C- Confident performer T- Tackling Q & A

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“That’s a good question and that’s exactly what we’re looking into. It’d be premature for me to comment until we have all the data in but what I can tell you is ….”

P- Persuade E- Em & N R- Rehearse out loud F- Font E- Enter-cisely C- Confident performer T- Tackling Q & A

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“There’s no right or wrong answer to that question but from our experience we’ve discovered that the best way to tackle the issue is …”

P- Persuade E- Em & N R- Rehearse out loud F- Font E- Enter-cisely C- Confident performer T- Tackling Q & A

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1. Anticipate the questions

2. Ask for clarity 3. Don’t over answer 4. Learn non answers 5. Show interest/energy 6. Road test your Q & A

P- Persuade E- Em & N R- Rehearse out loud F- Font E- Enter-cisely C- Confident performer T- Tackling Q & A

P- Persuade E- Em & N R- Rehearse like winners F- Font E- Enter-cisely C- Confident performer T- Tackling Q & A

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Record your presentation It’s the best dress rehearsal you’ll get!

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Wait for it…. You’re witnessing a smooth transition to Ian. Hopefully right now Tina and Ian are proving to you that they are a strong, cohesive team – worthy of winning over the audience! Clap loudly for Ian!

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What you need

The Basic (total under Euro 500) • iphone (someone’s bound to have one)

• Smart Phocus kit (a range from Euro 150 – now comes with shotgun mic)

• Professional microphone (Euro 200)

• Lightweight tripod (Euro 50)

• CableJive ProJive XLR Microphone Adapter for Iphone (Euro 35)

• Microphone extension lead – 5m (Euro 20)

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What you need

The Step Up (total under Euro 1,200) • Canon semi pro (Euro 750)

• Pro Mic – Audio Technica AT 8033 (Euro 200)

• Lapel Mic (Euro 150)

• Lightweight tripod (Euro 50)

• Microphone extension lead – 5m (Euro 20)

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Not really necessary, but … Computer / laptop PLUS editing software:

• iMovie

• Premier

• Final Cut Pro

Apple Mac’s come with iMovie, which is quick and easy to use.

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You don’t need ‘professional’ kit

This is how easy it is …

Worried about quality? No need to be.

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Presentations vary, so vary your video framing to suit, so you see what your audience will see.

Media Interview

• Head and shoulders

Small to medium sized presentation

• Upper body

Large theatre-style or team presentation:

• Whole body/bodies

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In each case try:

• holding mic and

• placing mic nearby

(say on table on stage, or mic stand)

You will be able to achieve this with a 5-10m mic cable

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Other Tips

Use a quiet environment

Make sure there is enough light

Take short clips first to check framing / positioning, light and sound quality

Mark your optimum position, and on long shots mark maximum area you have before going out of shot

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Other Tips

Get someone to help shoot your presentation.

They can also feedback on your performance, which can help to speed up your progress

Shoot a number of short sessions, reviewing each time, rather than one long session


To wrap up




Practice. With your performance jacket on!



The End

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