all courses must be family, community and human development fillable major sheet 8-28-18.pdffamily,...

Post on 20-Mar-2020






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Family, community and human developmentall courses must becompleted with a c-

or better

FCHD Required core

FCS 1500 lifespan human development (3) BFfcs 2400 modern family (3) BFfcs 3010 intro to fcs careers (2)fcs 3200 research methods (4)fcs 3210 statistics (4) QB QIChoose one family finance/econ. course from this list: FCS 3450 Family Economic Issues bf qi FCS 3500 Financial Skills for Life qichoose one community focused course from this list*: FCS 2180 family, school and community connections (3) Fcs 3420 housing policy and issues (3) cw fcs 3430 family advocacy and policy (3) fcs 3510 tax preparation and community engagement (3) fcs 3600 consumer and community policy (3) fcs 3620 environmental psychology and sustainability (3) fcs 4980 internship (3) fcs 5200 families and social policy (3) fcs 5450 nonprofit community organizations (3) fcs 5630 healthy communities (3) fcs 5700 analyzing community growth (3) qi fcs 5730 community and environmental change (3) fcs 5800 human development and social policy (3)

22 c



FCHD Electives (6 credits must be 5000-level or above)

12 c



FCS 2216 Interacting with Infants and Toddlers (3)FCS 2570 Middle Childhood: The School Years (3) bfFCS 2600 Introduction to Early Childhood Education (3)FCS 2610 Understanding Children’s Behavior (3)FCS 2620 Child Development Practicum (pre or co-req 2610) (3)FCS 2640 Integrated Curriculum Methods (3)FCS 3215 Beginnings: Development in Infancy & Childhood (3) bfFCS 3240 Family Belief Systems (3) cwFCS 3245 Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity (3) dvFCS 3260 Fatherhood (3)FCS 3270 Parenting (3)FCS 3290 Ethnic Minority Families (4) dv hfFCS 3370 Parenting Across Cultures (3) irFCS 3380 Social Science and Medicine (3)FCS 3630 Intimacy & Love (3) bfFCS 3640 The Science of Play: Creative Planning for Early Learners (3)FCS 5170 Creativity in Young Children (3)FCS 5230 Adolescence (3)FCS 5240 Mid/Later Life Development and Family (3)FCS 5250 Theories of Human Development (3) cwFCS 5280 Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage (3)FCS 5282 Conflict and Mediation (3)FCS 5305 therapeutic play in health care settingsFCS 5310 Foundations of Child Life (pre-req FCS 1500) (3)FCS 5311 Childhood Healthcare I (several pre-reqs see advisor) (3)FCS 5312 Childhood Healthcare II (pre-req FCS 5311) (3)FCS 5370 Family Violence (3) cwFCS 5380 Family Problems (3)FCS 5390 Gender and Minorities Across Lifespan (3) dvFCS 5430 Families, Consumers, and Health (3)fcs 5510 building family wealth: investment and life insurance planning (3)Fcs 5520 retirement and benefits planning for families (3)Fcs 5530 income tax planning for families (3)fcs 5540 protecting family wealth: insurance and Estate planning (3)FCS 5940 Attachment Theory Across the Lifespan (3)FCS 5950 Undergraduate Research (3)FCS 5962 Special Topics (3)

ALLIED COURSES (12 Credit Hours): The Goal of this requirement is to foster a broader educational base for FCHD majors. Consistent with the general aims of a liberal arts degree. This requirement can be waived with the completion of a second major, minor, or certificate.

If a second major/minor/certificate is not desired Courses from any of the following departments, with a letter grade of C- or above, will count towards this requirement:

accounting, Anthropology, biology, business, chemistry, city and metropolitan planning, communication, communication science disorders, Economics, education, education, culture and society, educational psychology, entrepreneurship and strategy, ethnic studies, finance, gender studies, geography, health, education and promotion, health, society and policy, honors, management, marketing, nursing, nutrition, occupational and recreational therapies, parks, recreation and tourism, peace and conflict, philosophy, political science, psychology, religious studies, social work, sociology, special education

allied coursework

12 c



REQUIREMENTS SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Students areencouraged to meet with an academic advisor regularly. | 801-581-6521Alfred Emery Building (AEB) Room 228

*courses not used to fulfill community requirement can count as an elective.




Academic Planning

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