aliens among us

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Short science fiction stories


Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Taken by the Invaders

by Julie K.

“Aliens have taken over,” blares out the television’s speaker system. I don’t

know if I should take this seriously or as a joke.

“Jessica Ann Doula!” my mom shouts from the bottom of the stairs; I can hear

the panic in her voice. At once I realize that what the television said was not a joke.

“Mom, what’s happening?” I yell over the blaring television.

“You must go and grab everything you can. We only have a few minutes!” she

barks at me.

I rush up the stairs and grab everything in sight. As I am carrying down the

bags I hear the front door bang open and I realize I am too late. I sneak down the

stairs and stay out of view. When I see them for the first time I want to scream. Their

eyes are big and black; their skin is the color of fresh springtime grass. And they

stare right at me. I run and scream until I am in the up-stairs bathroom. I can hear

them making their way up the stairs, opening each door to see if I am there. They

stop in front of the bathroom and burst in like it took no effort at all to break the

door down.

“You’re the one they want, you’re the one they want,” they keep repeating

this, getting louder each time until there is a small group of the aliens outside of the

bathroom window. But how can they do that, this bathroom is on the second floor? I

soon come to the realization that they are flying There is no escape now. They grab

me and place a bag over my head. I soon feel a sharp pain in the back of my head and

fall to the floor with a thump.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

I take in my surroundings. When I wake up I realize that they placed me on

a cement floor in a cage. As soon as they spot that I have awakened, they appear in

front of me in a flash.

“My name is Hubjenia, how are you feeling?” My voice gets stuck in my

throat. When I don’t reply, he keeps right on talking.

“Our Master has been looking for the special one, and that happens to be

you. We have searched 23 planets since the year 2012. Do you know how long we

have been searching for you miss?” I stare blankly at him. “Thought so, it has been

97 years now. Now that we have you, we can do what we have been longing to do.

We are planning to destroy the sun so that we are the only living species left. That is

where you come in. You will walk onto the sun and place a small weapon there and

you will set the small device off. Of course your life will have to end but you would

die anyways. Any questions?”

There are so many questions I have that I don’t know which to ask first. Then, one

just comes out, “How am I supposed to walk on the sun, I will burn?”

“See that is why we need you. You posses the ability to walk on it. You have

since you were a baby. Miss Doula if you don’t help us I assure much suffering to you

and your loved ones.”

As I take this into consideration I know I must do as I am told.

I turn to them, “Hubjenia, I will do as I am told as long as you never touch my


Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“Good decision, we must bring you to the master now.”

They bring me down many hallways which all look the same and if they plan on

sending me back without an escort I fear I will not find my way. Finally, at the end

of a hallway there was a door. Hubjenia walks up and speaks in a language I don’t

understand. The door opens and inside sits a creature like the others, but much

bigger. Around three times the size of the others. I have come to realize that this is

the master they have been speaking of. Once I sit down the master hands me a small

box that weighs about 20 pounds.

“This is what you will place on the sun tonight,” the master says.

“Won’t it take a few days to reach the sun, we are still on Earth, aren’t we?” I

say in a questioning tone.

“Silly girl, we are already in space and sitting right next to the sun. As I was

saying you will go and set the small box on the sun. You will then light it with a

match. Don’t try to run; you will never make it back in time. Death will just be more

painful the farther you get away.”

When they said I would die I didn’t take it literally. I only have three hours of my life

left to live.

After they return me to the awful cage there is only three things left in my life—

sadness, loneliness, and doom. I don’t know how this could have happened. How

am I supposed to walk on the sun without being burnt? Now that I think about it, I

have never been bothered by heat in my life. How come I was the one born with this

special power? Why me? The three hours seem like an eternity, but soon Hubjenia

comes to get me, which means it is time.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“Are you ready Miss?” Hubjenia speaks in a sympathetic voice.

“I have one request,” He tries to interrupt but I keep on speaking. “That you

give my family closure and don’t let them think that I have suffered.”

“Yes, but right when you blow up the sun your family will die just like you will,” he


They walk me through a different series of tunnels to a door that looks like the one

on an airplane. This is the door leading to my doom. They hand me a suit, which I

slip on over my clothing. Next is the oxygen tank, which is placed on my back. Their

master walks up to me and hands me the square box.

“Don’t try to runaway, just do as you were told,” he warns. The big door

opens with a thud.

“Thank you for being so kind!” I yell to Hubjenia. He only nods in return.

As I walk out of the door the space ship is already right above the sun. I began to

fall, and find myself on the sun, box in hand. I set the box right in front of me and

take the matches out of my pocket. As I light the match, I whisper a goodbye to all of

my loved ones, even if they can’t hear me. I bring the match down to the box and the

universe seems as if it has been engulfed in flames. I do as I am told and don’t try to

run. Soon I feel as if I am falling, and then everything goes black.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

A Whole New Life

by Anonymous

I look out the window and once again I see three trash barrels in front of each house, full of trash and ready to be picked up by the old, worn out trash trucks. I always ask myself, “What has the world become?” No one even tries to recycle and the whole “go green” movement has fallen through the cracks. Each city has at least two or more land fills. It has gotten so bad that some parts of the country are off limits because of the heavy pollution. It’s August of 2250 and we need to find a solution, or else the human population has a very strong possibility of dying off.

My family and I live in New York City. Like everyone else, we live in tall, high-rise buildings. In the past decade, the majority of the buildings have been added on vertically, and at least 50 new floors were added to each condo and apartment complex. If it wasn’t for Earth being overpopulated, or the lack of land, this wouldn’t be a problem and my family would be living in a nice, large house like people did in the old days, the 2000’s. The high-rise living is a problem for some families--like the ones with six kids or so. But it works just perfectly in mine. In my family, we have four people; my mom, my dad, my brother Mason and I. We used to have a dog named Buddy but recently a new law was put in place stating that dogs are not to live in any high-rise building.

It was about 2:00 on a Saturday afternoon when the President made his most important speech ever. As it started, the headlines flashed on our 100” HD flat screen TV, we all yelled for my father to turn up the volume.

“Good Afternoon, the United States of America.” President Smith said calmly. “Today I have a very important announcement; it may come as a shock to you, but please hear me out.”

This made everyone in my family sit on the edge of their chair, with their eyes widened and ears ready to listen. I was sure everyone around the world must be doing the same.

“After having several meetings with other Presidents and leaders of other countries all around the world, we have all come to a compromise that we hope will suit everyone.”

My parents were getting impatient, they have been waiting several months to hear the solution to our polluted Earth and they couldn’t wait any longer.

“We have consulted scientists, inventors, and many engineers to help us with this extraordinary project and they have all agreed to it. Starting in the year of 2251, everyone on Earth will be moving up 100 miles in the air to start a new life. Flying cars will be invented as well as gravity-resistant homes. A new traffic-system, government, jobs, and economy will be put into place. This is going to take a lot of patience and cooperation on your part, citizens of America. I hope you are all willing to contribute.”

Living in the sky? That’s just crazy. I mean how? I looked over to my right and my parents sat there, mouths wide open. Mason looked at me not knowing what to do.

“Well? What do you think?” I asked everyone. But no one replied. I’m guessing it was about ten minutes or so before someone said anything. I don’t blame them, it’s a big shock. One night you go to sleep on earth, and the next you’re in mid air.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“Wow.” My dad finally exclaimed, sounding both disappointed and eager.

Four months later it was Christmas time, but there were no stores open to buy any presents. We were all prepared to move in one week, which is a crazy thought. The President informed us that we were to bring nothing with us. Everything should be left behind. The first reactions of everyone were, “What about clothes?” and “Will we have any food?” The President said that homes have been arranged for each family and waiting for us will be beds, clothes, and a cabinet of food. The rest will be able to be bought when we get up there.

Today is moving day. I’m excited yet nervous at the same time. Scientists and engineers worked together to create an elevator up to the new cities which everyone will ride once, and only once since it shall be destroyed after everyone is up. The elevator ride was fun and I was amazed at how cool our new city was. Everything was just the same as our life on earth. Nothing at all was different, well at least until night came.

Everyone was so hyped--they thought it was the perfect solution. The presidents and other leaders were so proud of themselves for thinking of it. Well, that changed about ten hours later.

Silence. Everyone had fallen into a deep sleep after the long, eventful day. It was only a few hours into the night when the sounds came. Sometimes screams, other times whispers. I’m guessing I was the only one who stayed awake to hear them. They sounded as if they were right outside my window, but nothing could be seen. The first couple of nights were just screaming and whispering, but after a week things got a bit creepier. Loud thuds that sounded like footsteps came from the attics. This was getting too weird.

Since I couldn’t handle the freaky sounds anymore, I decided to take my hovercraft scooter through town. As I realized that none of the creatures making these sounds would live in the town, I rode further into the open space that separated each city. That’s when I saw the footsteps, and I had a feeling they were made by the same thing I heard last night. And further into the open air, there were ships, but not the ships the humans had. They were different; I had never seen anything like it before. I brought my hovercraft slowly to a stop and watched. 15 minutes passed. Then a full hour passed. My mom was going to wonder where I was. I thought about going back but I was just too curious. My family and friends had always told me I was too curious but I thought it was a good characteristic. “I should go.” I started talking to myself, “I’ll come back another—Oh my gosh.” A quick movement came from behind a ship. I stared gleamingly. Two more movements and it seemed like they were all going into the same ship. All of a sudden, a flash of light filled the air. It was so bright I closed my eyes and ducked my head downwards. But when I opened them, all I saw was blackness.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Attack of the Aliens and Robots

by Andrew A.

In a galaxy not too far away lies the planet Targetune. The planet is shaped like an apple with land taking up most of its area. It has some surface water in the form of lakes, rivers, and oceans, but most of the water is underground. Wildlife flourishes in the natural environment, as animals roam freely in deserts, forests, and mountains. Targetune has a very structured design consisting of a green wing, a blue wing, a yellow wing, and a brown wing. The green wing is used for storing artillery and weapons, and using them during battles. This part of the planet is the most dangerous. Frequent surpri1s1e1 1a1t1t1a1c1k1s1 1f1r1o1m1 1d1i1s1t1a1n1t1 1e1n1e1m1i1e1s1 1o1c1c1u1r1,1 1d1a1m1a1g1i1n1g1 1c1i1t1i1e1s1 1a1n1d1 1t1o1w1n1s1.1 1A1l1t1h1o1u1g1h1 1t1h1e1 1g1r1e1e1n1 1w1i1n1g1 1i1s1 1n1o1t1 1t1h1e1 1n1i1c1e1s1t1 1a1r1e1a1 1t1o1 1l1i1v1e1 1i1n1,1 1i1t1 1h1o1l1d1s1 1t1h1e1 1m1o1s1t1 1p1r1e1c1i1o1u1s1 1m1i1n1e1r1a1l1 1k1n1o1w1n1 1t1o1 1T1a1r1g1e1t1e1n1s1,1 1o1p1a1n1s1a1w1.1 1T1h1i1s1 1r1o1c1k1 1c1a1n1 1a1n1n1i1h1i1l1a1t1e1 1a1n1y1 1l1i1f1e1 1f1o1r1m1.1 1O1n1 1t1h1e1 1o1t1h1e1r1 1h1a1n1d1,1 1t1h1e1 1b1l1u1e1 1w1i1n1g1 1i1s1 1f1o1r1 1m1a1n1u1f1a1c1t1u1r1i1n1g1 1a1n1d1 1b1u1s1i1n1e1s1s1 1o1f1f1i1c1e1s1.1 1T1a1l1l1 1b1u1i1l1d1i1n1g1s1 1l1o1o1m1 1o1v1e1r1 1t1h1e1 1c1i1t1i1e1s1 1a1n1d1 1c1o1v1e1r1 1p1l1a1c1e1s1 1i1n1 1s1h1a1d1o1w1s1.1 1C1o1m1p1a1n1i1e1s1 1p1r1o1d1u1c1e1 1n1e1c1e1s1s1a1r1y1 1h1o1u1s1e1h1o1l1d1 1i1t1e1m1s1 1f1o1r1 1c1i1v1i1l1i1a1n1s1 1a1n1d1 1h1e1a1v1y1 1c1a1m1o1u1f1l1a1g1e1 1w1e1a1p1o1n1s1 1f1o1r1 1t1h1e1 1T1a1r1g1e1t1e1n1 1a1r1m1y1.1 1I1n1 1t1h1e1 1y1e1l1l1o1w1 1w1i1n1g1 1l1i1e1 1m1a1s1s1i1v1e1 1s1p1o1r1t1 1s1t1a1d1i1u1m1s1 1a1n1d1 1a1t1h1l1e1t1i1c1 1c1o1m1p1l1e1x1e1s1.1 1S1o1m1e1 1s1p1o1r1t1s1 1a1r1e1 1p1l1a1y1e1d1 1i1n1 1a1r1e1n1a1s1 1w1h1e1r1e1 1c1e1i1l1i1n1g1 1l1i1g1h1t1s1 1s1h1i1n1e1 1b1r1i1g1h1t1l1y1 1o1n1 1t1h1e1 1h1a1r1d1w1o1o1d1 1f1l1o1o1r1s1 1a1n1d1 13101,1010101 1s1e1a1t1s1 1s1u1r1r1o1u1n1d1 1t1h1e1 1c1o1u1r1t1s1.1 1C1o1m1p1e1t1i1t1i1v1e1 1b1a1s1k1e1t1b1a1l1l1 1g1a1m1e1s1 1a1r1e1 1p1l1a1y1e1d1 1h1e1r1e1 1d1u1r1i1n1g1 1t1h1e1 1f1r1i1g1i1d1 1w1i1n1t1e1r1.1 1F1i1n1a1l1l1y1,1 1t1h1e1 1b1r1o1w1n1 1w1i1n1g1 1i1s1 1f1o1r1 1e1x1c1i1t1e1m1e1n1t1 1a1n1d1 1e1n1t1e1r1t1a1i1n1m1e1n1t1.1 1O1n1e1 1m1i1g1h1t1 1t1h1i1n1k1 1t1h1a1t1 1b1e1c1a1u1s1e1 1t1h1i1s1 1w1i1n1g1 1i1s1 1s1m1a1l1l1,1 1i1t1 1d1o1e1s1 1n1o1t1 1h1a1v1e1 1m1a1n1y1 1a1t1t1r1a1c1t1i1o1n1s1.1 1B1u1t1 1t1h1i1n1k1 1a1g1a1i1n1t1h1e1 1b1r1o1w1n1 1w1i1n1g1 1h1a1s1 1c1o1l1o1s1s1a1l1 1c1a1s1i1n1o1s1 1a1n1d1 1i1m1m1e1n1s1e1 1a1m1u1s1e1m1e1n1t1 1p1a1r1k1s1 1a1s1 1w1e1l1l1 1a1s1 1s1k1y1-1s1c1r1a1p1i1n1g1 1h1o1t1e1l1s1 1t1h1a1t1 1d1o1m1i1n1a1t1e1 1t1h1e1 1c1i1t1i1e1s1.1 1

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Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

2 2T2a2r2g2e2t2u2n2e2,2 2F2r2i2d2a2y2,2 222:21202p2m2,2 222028292

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Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

3T3h3e3y3 3s3t3i3l3l3 3s3a3w3 3t3h3e3 3s3a3m3e3 3d3r3e3a3d3e3d3 3U3F3O3 3l3e3v3i3t3a3t3i3n3g3 3s3l3o3w3l3y3 3a3b3o3v3e3 3t3h3e3i3r3 3h3e3a3d3s3.3 3M3e3a3n3w3h3i3l3e3,3 3C3a3r3i3n3g3l3e3 3t3o3o3k3 3t3h3e3 3c3a3l3l3.3 3H3e3l3l3o3 3t3h3i3s3 3i3s3 3C3a3r3i3n3g3l3e3.3 3s3h3e3 3a3n3s3w3e3r3e3d3.3 3

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Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Aliens Next Door?

by Anonymous

As I walk home from school all I can think about is how the new episode of Aliens Next Door is on tonight. It shows people who think they know people who are aliens and why they think they are. I am from Roswell, New Mexico so everyone in our town is a little obsessed with aliens because they were rumored to land here around 50 years ago or something.

I walk through the front door as my mom greets me. “Hello honey. How was your day today?”

“Good thanks,” I say same as I do every day. I throw my backpack on the floor and walk in to the living room to watch Aliens Next Door which starts in 5 minutes. I hear my dad walk through the front door and my mom say to him hello to him. Then he comes into the living room to give me a kiss.

“Hi sweetie,” he says.

“Hi!” I say in response.

I turn on the T.V. and go to channel 35. Perfect it's just starting. Whoa, the guy on the show said that the “aliens” he knew favorite food was liver and brussel sprouts. That's kind of weird because that's my parents favorite food too. The aliens also never went near chocolate. How coincidental, my parents say they are “allergic” to it. This is getting creepy. The guy said that the aliens' bedroom light always went off at 9:27 exactly. My parents do that too! But they can't possibly be aliens they were born right here in Roswell fifty years ago … right around the time the aliens supposedly landed!

“Hey mom, I'm going upstairs to do homework and get ready for bed.” I said. I need to think about this.

“Okay but do you want some dinner first? We are having liver!”She replied. “Umm no thanks I'm not really hungry.” I yelled as I ran up the stairs.

“Could my parents really be aliens?” I thought as I lay in bed trying to sleep. I look at the clock. It reads 9:19. “Maybe I should go downstairs and talk to them, but that might not be a good idea. If they really are aliens they would never tell me the truth.” I say to myself. Five minutes later I decide to go downstairs just to be sure that they do go to bed at 9:27.

I creep to their door and try to peek through the crack of the door. I can just barely see them in there bathroom brushing their teeth. I get hit by a wave of relief. It's 9:26 and they don't look ready to go to bed yet. I look over at my dad, he's scratching his neck. It looks like he's trying to peel something off. Huh? He is! He is peeling part of his face off. Gross. Oh My Gosh! He' s taking off a mask revealing light blue skin and three eyes! I stumble backwards, then run upstairs to my bedroom.

I can not believe this. My parents are aliens. They come from a different planet, maybe even a different solar system and I've been living with them for my entire life. At least I know I'm not an alien because I'm adopted. How many other people are aliens and why are they here. What am I suppose to do no one will believe me if I tell them. I guess Ill sleep on it.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

When I went downstairs this morning I cant help by blurt out to my mom

“Are you an alien?”

“Yep” She replies immediately.

“Mom look, I know you are I saw you take off your mask so don't lie-- wait did you just say yes?”

“Yes, your father and I both come from the planet of Blenkit. We came here fifty years ago, I was wondering how long it would be before you found out.” She told me.

“Are you related to those aliens I saw on T.V yesterday? The one that loves brussel sprouts, hates chocolate, and always go's to bed at 9:27?” I asked trying to find out everything I can.

“Yes that is one of our kind. We were all sent to different places to try to learn about Earth, it's people, it's climate and a ton of other things.” my mom explains.

“How did you learn how to act like humans so well?” I wondered.

“Well, on our planet we have lots of different classes teaching us how to act like the populations on the hundreds of other planets we travel to. You see, we are a very advanced race and we enjoy to learn of the other living things on different planets.” I had a lot more questions and my mom sat me down and answered them very patiently.

“Oh look at the time you better hurry to school. Love you bye! We will talk more when you get home from school,” She exclaims

“Oh yeah. Love ya. Bye!” I say

I burst through the front door and I can't wait to talk to my parents more about them being aliens. School seemed to drag on and on I'm glad I finally get to talk about something interesting.

“Alex” I hear my dad say “Come into the living room.” I walk in the living room and see my parents sitting on the couch.

“So I heard you found out.”

“Yeah.” I say

“When we adopted you we decided that when you found out we would move back to Blenkit,”my dad begins “so pack your things, we're leaving tomorrow! And you get to meet your 42 brothers and sisters!”

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

The Battle for a New Life

by Reagan D.

Date: January 1, 2013

Time: 2:13 P.M.

Location: Earth

Population Remaining: 21,594

I walk through the rubble of the streets. What used to be my average suburban house is just a pile of dirt and rubble. I look down the streets of what was my average suburban neighborhood --where all the houses looked exactly like mine-- and all I see is pile upon pile of soot. The whole area gives off a faint glow. All I can think of is, how could this happen? How could every nuclear power plant, in the world, all explode in the span of one year? The largest one in the United States had managed to not explode, so the wonderful state of Iowa had managed to live, and be a safe house for the few worldly survivors, but now even that one decided it was time. Now all the people left in the world are the rich, the important, and the lucky people who managed to escape an explosion. So, the amount people remaining on the earth are just around 20,000. That’s not that very many keeping in mind the billions that have died, in the time span of a year.

Date: January 3, 2013

Time: Noon

Location: Earth

Population Remaining: 21,594

“ALL ABOARD! Enter the ship now, or else you are getting left behind!” The conductor’s voice is echoing through the platform. There are 21,594 people on the platform, but all you can hear is the conductor’s voice. Everyone is speechless, and is staring up at the 5,000 foot rocket looming over their heads. “What are you staring at? GET MOVING, PEOPLE!” The crowd seems to awaken from a trance, and starts filing into the rocket.

Date: January 3, 2013

Time: 3:47 P.M.

Location: Earth

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Population Remaining: 21,594

“Today is the start of a new era. Our new life will be better than the last! This is a new awakening for the human race!” The president’s voice is projected through the overhead speaker system. “When we arrive, do not do anything. Officials will survey the planet and check for life. If they find anything, do not interact with it --unless given an okay.” The rocket takes off as a flight attendant goes over the safety precautions.

Date: January 24, 2013

Time: 8:37 A.M

Location: Bwakak

Population: 21,594

Today we have landed on the planet Bwakak. Right when we landed, we saw these horrifying beasts. They said they were called the Kak. They didn’t really speak, they kind of grunted out some English words. The Kak were terrifying to look at. They had rows upon rows of razor sharp teeth; enormous spikes up and down their spines and on their tails; and their eyes were like the eyes of death, piercing blades stabbing through you with each stare. Our president met with their leaders, and told them of our plans to live peacefully among them, but they are obviously territorial and didn’t like that idea.

Date: February 3, 2013

Time: 6:29 P.M.

Location: Bwakak

Population: 17,205

The humans and the Kak have been at war for days now. The Kak have been attacking and killing us nonstop. They have weapons that are so awful; the human mind cannot comprehend the horrors that lie with them. The Kak have swords that can slice through ten people with one slice, that is not a sight you will ever forget, I know that for a fact. They have “dog” whistles that explode humans’ brains, from the inside, when they blow them. Our meager guns do not make a very big difference on the beasts. To kill just one of them, it takes five people, but we are still killing some of the Kak.

Date: February 18, 2013

Time: 5:43 P.M.

Location: Bwakak

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Population: 9,027

So many humans have died. The president is debating using the few nuclear explosives we brought with us. The Kak have killed so many of us and they won’t stop. The only way to stop them from killing us, would be to kill them. The few people remaining are fearful for their lives.If we do us the nuclear weapons, we might have to go to a new planet and start over again.

Date: March 7, 2013

Time: 7:39 A.M.

Location: A Rocket, Somewhere in Space

Population: 8,714

We used them. The weapons destroyed the planet, and all the Kak. We are on a rocket, now. All I can think of is how we have to do the same thing all over again, and how many lives we will lose now. I can only hope that the next aliens we encounter are friendlier than the Kak. I still remember the words of the president, when we left for the planet Bwakak, “Today is the start of a new era. Our new life will be better than the last! This is a new awakening for the human race!” I don’t think he realized that a better life for us, means the end of life for another.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Aliens Next Door

by Sarah M.

Aliens Next Door

By Sarah M.

It was a hot, sunny, summer afternoon in Hilton Head, South Carolina. I was swimming in my pool when all of a sudden a huge truck sped by my house and screeched to a stop. I got out of the pool to see what was going on. Grabbing my purple towel, I headed to the front yard. Looking at the Cook’s house next door, my eyes explode seeing a moving truck parked in their driveway. No! Emma can’t be moving, she’s my best friend. I would be the first to know! I sprinted over to her house, my towel falling off half way there. Seconds later, I burst through the Cook’s front door and ran straight up the stairs to Emma’s room. As I entered, I noticed the fact that none of her celebrity posters were taped up on her peach pink walls. Mountains of boxes surrounded the perimeter of her room.

“What’s going on Emma?” I blurted out.

“We’re moving,” Emma sighed, wearily.

“Well, that’s obvious,” I said, “Why didn’t you tell me you were moving?” Emma ran across her vacant bedroom and fell into my arms, sobbing.

“Last week, my dad got a promotion in California,” cried Emma between tears, “I was planning on telling you right away, but you were still on vacation in the Bahamas!” I flashed back to a week ago, when I was lying on the pure white sand, enjoying the view of the salty shore line. “You know you would’ve been the first to know.”

“I know, that’s why I was a little stirred up when I saw this huge moving truck parked in your driveway.” We were interrupted by a knock at Emma’s bedroom door. In walked Mr. Cook, boxes in his arms.

“Emma, time to—Oh! Hello Sophie, how are you today?” he questioned.

“Hi Mr. Cook. I’m alright, except for the information I just found out about the fact that you are moving,” I exclaimed. I looked over at Emma who quickly turned away, tears flooding her eyes.

“Yes, very sad. Emma didn’t take the news too well. Anyway, I need both of your help loading these boxes into the moving truck. Along with the ones in here. You think you can do that for me?” asked Mr. Cook. Emma and I shrugged and pick up as many boxes as we could hold.

Roughly an hour later, all of the boxes were in the truck and it was time to say our goodbyes.

“I’m going to miss you, Emma,” I mumbled, ready to cry.

“I’m going to miss you too, Sophie. Ever since I first met you, I knew we were going to be best friends and I will never forget our friendship,” said Emma already in tears, “This isn’t goodbye.”

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“I know, just don’t forget about your old pal Sophie, got it? And text me everyday to keep me updated about your new life in California.”

“You too. If anything huge happens here, I want to know.”

“Will do. Now, I should probably say goodbye to this little monster,” I said, giving Josh, Emma’s little brother a hug, “Did you already say goodbye to Anthony?” I asked Josh.

“Of course! I would never leave this place without saying bye to my best friend,” said Josh with a smile, stretched across his freckled face. I look over at Anthony, my nine year old brother, and smile too. After I gave Mr. and Mrs. Cook huge hugs, my final hug went to Emma once more.

As we watched the Cooks all pack into their mini-van, we waved goodbye for the final time. I tightly grip the best friend bracelet that Emma got me last summer, and I know she was doing the same to the one I got her. The Cooks pull out of their driveway, honk their horn twice, and drive out of the neighborhood. As my family and I walked back over to our house, I missed Emma immediately.

“Sophie, dinner is almost ready so pool time is over,” my mom barked through the kitchen window.

“Ok, I will be in soon,” I replied. I walked across the front yard, picking up my purple towel which still laid in the same spot I had dropped it hour and a half earlier. I walked over to the pool and poked at the toys that bobbed up and down. Emma kept finding a way back into my head. My stomach growled. I hadn’t realized how hungry I really was. So I fished out the pool toys and hurry inside.

Dinner was good, except for the silence that spread over the table. Nobody felt like talking. My parents tried to start a conversation, but it died out quickly. Even though they were trying to make us feel better, I still saw sadness in their eyes. Right after dinner, I went to my room and sat in bed, looking over all of the pictures of Emma and I until I drifted asleep.

The next morning, I woke up lying across all of the pictures from the night before. I didn’t even remember falling asleep. I got up, and started my usual morning routine-- wash face, brush teeth, get dressed, do my hair and makeup, and eat breakfast. Nothing was out of the ordinary. I was eating my delicious Lucky Charms when all of a sudden I heard a familiar screech, a moving truck. Oh, now what? I walked out the front door and across the lawn, still eating my cereal, to see the moving truck parked in the Cook’s driveway. Then, the family gets out of the car. I walked over to them to introduce myself.

“Hi, my name is Sophie Jones and I live right there,” I said pointing to my house.

“Well, hello Sophie! We are the Vallec family. My name is Cicaso, my wife is Nojay, my son is Laddal, and my daughter is Ipiqi,” announced Mr. Vallec pointing to each member of his family as he went along. “We are moving into this house next to you!” My eyes were glued to Laddal. He had brown hair that went perfectly with his tan skin and beautiful green eyes that went perfectly with his amazing smile.

“Really?” I said, still looking at Laddal, “Well it’s nice to meet you all!” I stopped staring as the rest of my family came out of the house and walked over to where I was standing. Mr. Vallec re-introduced himself and his family. “They’re moving in where the Cooks lived,” I told my family.

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Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“It’s a pleasure to meet you!” exclaimed my dad, “Sophie here is thirteen, turning fourteen tomorrow, and she loves to swim. Anthony is nine and he enjoys playing basketball. Hopefully they will have some new neighbors to play with!”

“Absolutely!” replied Mr. Vallec, “Laddal is fourteen and he is a swimmer as well! Ipiqi is eight, and she does gymna--” Mr. Vallec was interrupted by a loud beep coming from the moving truck telling him that they finished unloading boxes and were ready to leave. “Well, we better get going,” shouted Mr. Vallec over the beeping, “It was nice to meet you and we will have to get together sometime!”

“Sounds good,” replied my mom and dad with a smile, “nice to meet you too! If you need any help, just let us know.” As we walked back to our house, I looked back at Laddal and realized he was looking at me. I quickly turned away and went into my house, feeling my face get red.

When I walked in, my mom had baking items everywhere. They completely surrounded the kitchen. I had totally forgotten it was my birthday tomorrow, and I was going to be 14! Just like Laddal. My mom didn’t even let me have a sneak peek at my cake, telling me that it had to be a surprise.

I spent the rest of the day swimming in the pool and observing the Vallec family move into their house. Each time I thought they would see me, I quickly dunked under, sometimes swallowing a mouth full of chlorine.

The day was finally coming to an end and soon it would be my birthday. My mom came out to the pool around 5 in the afternoon. She was covered in flour and cake mix.

“You haven’t drowned, have you?” she asked.

“No, I obviously haven’t drowned,” I said laughing.

“So it looks to me like you have a little crush on Laddal,” she hinted, looking next door at the Vallec’s house, and then back to me.

“What?” I bursted, slightly blushing, “Why would you say that? No way!”

“Sophie, I was your age once,” she pointed out. Yeah, like 35 years ago. She continued, “And I saw you through the sliding door. How whenever you thought they could see you, you would duck under. I know that because that’s what I used to do.”

“Seriously?” I asked, “Well, that’s not what I was doing. I was just…you know…seeing how long I could hold my breath and…”

“Yeah, ok. Whatever you say, honey.” She bends down and gives me a kiss on my head, telling me it’s time to go inside for the night. As I get out of the water, I look next door to see Laddal looking over at me, boxes in his arms. I miss the ladder that leads out of the pool and I fall over the side, landing straight on my back.

“Whoa, you ok?” said Laddal, seconds later.

“Pshh, yeah I’m fine. Thanks.” I quickly grab my towel and wrap it around me. I get up and so does Laddal.

“Alright, well I’ve got to go continue to help my family unload boxes. I swear, it’s box after box after box! So will see you later. And next time, you might want to look when you are getting out of your pool. Bye Sophie.”

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“Bye Laddal.” I run back inside and go straight to my room. That was so embarrassing. My face was bright red and now I had no appetite for dinner. So I told my parents that I wasn’t feeling well and that I needed to go to sleep. So that’s what I did.

“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Sophie, happy birthday to you!!” I open my eyes to see my family with huge smiles staring down at me.

“14 years ago our little baby Sophie was born, remember David?” my mom asks my dad.

“Of course, honey. Except her hair wasn’t all over the place like it is right now,” says my dad laughing.

“Ha-ha, very funny dad!” I say sarcastically. Then I looked in the mirror and realized that he was right. Half of my hair was up from the night before and the other half was sticking out all over the place. All of a sudden a bright flash appeared and I heard Anthony laughing.

“Perfect birthday picture, sis! This ones a keeper!” Anthony gave me a smirk and left my bedroom. Then my dad walked in holding a tray with my birthday breakfast loaded on.

“Your favorite--blueberry pancakes, bacon, lucky charms, strawberries and mango, and apple juice. Enjoy sweetheart!”

“Thanks dad!” My parents then left the room to let me eat.

“Oh, and Sophie,” said my mom coming back into the room, “I hope you don’t mind. I invited the Vallecs to come over later to just hang out and have dinner for your birthday. We are doing the whole family party on Saturday.” The Vallecs, great!

“Thanks mom!” I muttered adding in a little sarcasm. “Love you.” With that my mom left the room and I finished up my delicious breakfast. Then, I started my usual morning routine, except breakfast came first today.

I walked into the kitchen 45 minutes later and load my dishes into the dishwasher.

“Now can I see my cake?” I questioned my mom hoping for an answer in my favor.

“Not yet honey, soon though. Right before the Vallecs come over, I will show you,” she replied.

“What time are they coming over anyway?”

“Four-thirty, five. Anytime in between.”

“Ok, thanks. Gives me lots of time to get ready. I’m going to go for a quick swim, I will be out in twenty minutes.”

“Wow, twenty minutes? That’s a quick swim. Oh, I know why! You want to get ready for Laddal,” she teased.

“Shhhh Mom! Nobody needs to know! And No, that’s not why. It’s my birthday and I want to look good.” And with that, I ran into my room, slipped on my suit, and jumped in. 150 laps later, my arms were sore so I got out.

“You might want to take a shower,” my mom said without even glancing up from her magazine..

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“Was planning on it.” I got in the shower, then got dressed, and straightened my hair so I looked extra pretty.

Somehow time sped up and it was 4:30 in the afternoon, meaning the Vallecs would be arriving any second.

“This is your cake, honey,” my mom lifted up the cake cover and I saw a lavender purple cake sitting there.

“Love the color, and it smells so good I could just dig into it right now!” The door bell rings and I got butterflies in my stomach.

“David, the Vallecs are here. Come on, Anthony, put your toys away and get over here,” shouted my mom to the rest of my family. She opened the door and there stood the Vallecs, holding a huge wrapped box with a red bow sitting perfectly on top.

“Happy birthday Sophie!” sang Mr. and Mrs. Vallec.

“Thanks,” I replied with a smile, “Come on in.” As the Vallecs walked in, I noticed something weird about them that I hadn’t really noticed before. The way they walked, they didn’t pick up their feet. They just kind of shuffled. However, the rest of the night went as normal. We sat around, talked, ate our dinner and had cake and ice cream, and then opened presents. As the night went on, I kept noticing weird things about the Vallecs. Like how they didn’t eat a single thing while over. They would sit at the dinner table with us, but they wouldn’t eat. Just watch us eat. My parents offered up the dishes many times, but they would always reply, “No thank you.” or “That’s ok, we ate before we came over.” But the weirdest thing was when I opened up the present they got me.

“Here, Sophie, this is for you from us--Happy birthday!” said Mr. Vallec, handing me the box.

“Thanks, you guys didn’t need to get me anything,” I said as I opened the box. It was a fairly large box wrapped in one thin layer of wrapping paper, almost see through. Underneath the wrapping paper was a cage. A small, square cage. I looked at them, quizzical. “What’s this?” I asked.

“It’s called a Qeetch (Keetch). It’s a little creature that we got at the pet store down the road. If you don’t like it, you can take it back. We just thought it would be an interesting birthday present!” said Ipiqi with a smile.

“Well,” I said, slowly, “it’s purple and purple is my favorite color. I’ve just never seen anything like it before. Ever!”

“They are quite rare,” said Mrs. Vallec, “and need to be taken care of very well. They don’t eat anything from this planet—I mean, what they eat is also quite rare. However, we have special connections and brought some for you!”

“Well thanks! And thanks for coming to celebrate my birthday with me!” The rest of the night I talked with the Vallecs about this Qeetch creature they gave me. As the night went on, I realized that Laddal wasn’t who I thought he was. There was something weird about the Vallec family. I could feel it way down in the pit of my stomach. When they finally left, I told my mom how I felt about them. She told me I was crazy and explained that I had a little too much cake for dessert.

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That night, when my entire family went to bed, I got up and snuck all the way to the computer in the den. I looked up what a Qeetch was. The only things that came up were these crazy websites talking about alien creatures.

“What?” I spit out, way too loud. I slapped both of my hands over my mouth and listened to see if I woke up anyone. Nope! Whew, that was a close one.

I kept searching and searching and reading and reading. The website described the Vallecs behavior perfectly. Even down to the way they walked. It stated that them not eating the food we provided (they listed it as “human food”) was normal for aliens. I still wasn’t convinced they were aliens, though. Until it came down to alien names. There were thousands of pages of these weird names.

“No,” I thought out loud, “this is all made up. The Vallecs aren’t aliens and I’m wasting precious sleeping time.” However, for some reason I couldn’t leave the page. Then I saw it, the first of the Vallec family names. Cicaso. I store at the word for what seemed like forever. Then I kept scrolling. Soon after, I found Nojay and then Ipiqi. I felt myself starting to sweat. What I feared most came right after.

“Laddal,” I whispered. There it was. Four rows down, 6 columns in. A hand gripped my should and my heart stopped. I spun around to see my dad standing there in his pajamas.

“Sophie, what are you doing up this late at night young lady?” asked my dad with a sharp tone.

“Did you hear me talking?” I asked, trying to hide the computer screen from his view.

“No, I saw the computer light and thought I forgot to turn it off. I got up to check and I see you sitting there doing something. I thought it would scare you if I just grabbed your shoulder!” he said with a chuckle. I love how at anytime, anywhere, my dad will add humor to the conversation. “What are you looking up anyway?” he asks looking at the half blocked screen. His face then washed over with confusion. “Aliens? Sophie, what’s going on dear?”

After that, I explained the whole thing. How at first they appeared to be completely normal but then I noticed the fine details.

“Yes, I noticed something interesting about them as well but I’m too much of a gentleman to say anything,” my dad said, yawning. I showed him the website. He couldn’t believe his eyes. At first, he thought it was just a joke. Some random website that was made up. But as we kept going and going, he realized he was wrong.

“So,” I said after it was all over, “now what?”

“I don’t know,” my dad said with another yawn, “I’ll figure it out in the morning. For now, go and get some rest sweetheart. Goodnight.” I shut off the computer, went to my room, got in bed, and tried to fall asleep. Even though it took my some time, I eventually got there.

The next morning I rolled over to notice that was 11:30 in the morning. The light was shining through my bedroom windows. I got up and once again, started my usual morning routine. As I’m opening the cupboard to pick out my cereal, in walks my dad.

“Well, good morning sunshine! You missed all of the action this morning!”

“What do you mean?” I asked. My dad told me that he did a little more research and found out that the Vallec family were indeed aliens. He then called the police and they took them away.

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Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“That’s it? They’re gone?” I asked when he finished.

“Yep, pretty much,” my dad said with no expression. I opened the cupboard again and pulled out my cereal. Then I heard a screech. Not any screech, but the type of screech a truck would make. I look out the front door to see yet another moving truck. I turned back around to face my dad.

“Time to go meet our new neighbors!” I said with a smile.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Hope's Survival

by Sushrut A.

The baby’s ear-splitting screeches filled the air. The father stood there crying in happiness – completely oblivious to the baby’s cries – for this baby was the first to be born in the Hope, the third new world. The mom cradled the baby and she knew what he would be called. He would be named Xavier and he would be the savior of mankind.

- 13 Years Later -

“Xavier! Wait!”

Little brothers can be extremely annoying sometimes. He’s always being a brat and is always following me around. I still love him nevertheless. Still, being the first born on the entire planet has not been all that it’s cracked up to be. For one, I only have one friend my age. That’s because we were the only ones born that entire year. Sometimes I feel planet Earth may have been a better home – at least before it was destroyed by a worldwide apocalypse. In that sense maybe Hope is a better planet to live on. Earth must have been tiny too. My parents tell me that Earth was one fourth the size of Hope. I, however, find that difficult to believe. They also tell me that there doesn’t seem to be as many disease causing agents on Hope and the diseases we have aren’t that harmful. I find this fact impossible to believe. Just the other day, a ten year old got the worst case of the Sneeze. He was all over the place sneezing left and right. My parents say he might have caught something called Allergy, and if Allergy causes Sneeze, I’m going to stay away from him.

“Xavier, where are you? I have something important to tell you,” my little brother shouted again. “XAVIER!”

“What is it Rohan?”

“An expedition party just ran into other life! They seem sentient! They are currently trying to communicate with the aliens. Come on we have to go!”

“WHAT! Why didn’t you tell me?” I screamed.

“I tried but you wouldn’t listen! Come on we have to go now.”

I ran out the door to my secret room and met my brother outside. Someday I’ll show him the room but for now he just speaks through the telephone system I set up. We ran to the town square where the giant TV screens showed the unfolding events. The mayor was on screen and could be seen talking to someone else. There was a screen in front of the mayor seemed to be off but it looked like the mayor was talking to it. I recognized it as a handheld communicator but they usually have video. Suddenly the voice from the other end of the communicator stopped. The video on the communicator snapped on and you could see a tree with – a dead body hanging from it.. The screen came into focus and… it seems that the aliens are violent. The expedition party won’t be coming home. Then the voices came.

You could hear a raspy voice that elongated almost every word. I could hear it say, “You come here and defile our lands. You shall leave or you will die. We are watching, we know your language now, don’t try anything rash”

The mob in the street broke into chaos. People were everywhere screaming and yelling. Officials started to try and calm things down but it was in vain. I grabbed my brother and

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ran out of the square. When people panicked, things could get dangerous. I wanted to get out of there as soon as possible. I tore through screaming crowds until I finally reached my street. I dumped my little brother in the house and told him to stay put until Mom and Dad got home. I needed to go talk to my friend Xenrey about this but I didn’t want to leave my 9 year old brother alone, but his was an emergency so I decide t o bring him with me. His mom owns a shop and they live just above it, so they’re usually home. Another advantage for me is that it’s right across the street from my house. I ran into the shop and immediately saw some new things on sale. Their shop sells really cool antiques from Earth like watches. They had something called a DS today but I ignored it and ran up to Xenrey’s room after telling my brother to say down here. I knocked and Xenrey immediately let me in. I told him everything that happened. I could tell he was shocked and had questions but I had to get back to my brother, so I ran out and went home.

- Six Hours Later -

“Xavier! Are you all right?” my mom called.

She had just come home from work and she knew what had happened. Dad came just after her and they both were in animated conversation. They both work for the government so I thought I could get some information out of them. When I asked they said nothing but “You’ll find out soon enough.” I’m scared and the suspense is killing me.

- The Next Day -

Well, my mom was right. I woke up this morning and immediately found out the town’s reaction. We were preparing for war. I personally was shocked. My parents told me that war was a main contributor to Earth’s demise. Now, here we are entering another one. Our weapons, ones we once thought of as superior, are no match for theirs. I heard my parents talking and they said that the fight the lost expedition crew battled in was equally matched with the aliens. They would have won, except for the fact that their weapons were inferior. The alien’s weapons killed and shot too fast, their weapons were impossible to defeat. I knew that if we fought this war, we would die. I had to do something.

I went over to Xenrey’s house and told him what I learned. He too believed that this war would be our end. We both sat down and thought of ways to avoid the war. We know that they can speak our language and we know them to be vicious. In the end we found that diplomacy was the only answer. We decided to go tonight after forming a plan.

- That Night -

Everything’s all set. I convinced my parents to buy me a new airboard for emergencies, but I really am going to use it to help break into the government offices. The only way to communicate with the Savage, as we now call the aliens, is to get the communicator they showed yesterday afternoon. I also brought dad’s vision glasses in order to spot any security systems I missed. I crept downstairs to meet Xenrey outside when I heard my brother’s voice.

“Xavier?” he whispered, “Where are you going?”

“Go back to bed Rohan, I am just going out to play with Xenrey.” I whispered back, annoyed with him.

“You’re going to do something about the Savage problem aren’t you? Don’t go brother, I don’t want you to d-d-di – don’t go!” he sobbed out.

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Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“It’s all right Rohan, I’m not going to do anything like that,” I lied, “just go back to bed ok?”

He nodded and headed back to his room sniffling. I waited for him to go and then left. I met Xenrey outside waiting holding his teleport spike. I could tell he was mad at me for being late but I told him what happened. In a grunt he forgave me but said we had to go now. We hopped on our airboards and I put on my vision glasses. I let him lead the way to the town hall.

When we reached there I went in first because I had the glasses. I looked around but I couldn’t see any security systems. That may be because no one has ever done anything as illegal as this on this planet. I used the X-ray capabilities on my glasses to find the room in which the communicator was kept. It was on the top floor so we ran up there and kicked down the door.

Inside we found the communicator in a glass cage. Xenrey broke the cage and turned it on. He gave it to me. I looked through the options on the menu screen and decided to press the “Call Partner Communicator” button. After a few rings someone answered it.

“WHAT IS IT?” A raspy voice from the other side shouted.

I got straight to the point and begged, “Please, oh please don’t go to war with us! Our –“

“Why should we care?” the other voice interrupted, “’you came here and defiled our lands! Your taint can be smelled by our people! You also have nothing that is any way remarkable or beneficial to our race, from what we’ve seen that is, so what’s the point of your survival? It has been 13 years since you landed and we have been studying you the entire time, but you only learned of our existence yesterday! You are a destructive people who offer nothing to the world. Ever since we last observed your people 6 years ago, we knew that we would have to go to war with you to exterminate your plague.”

“But we aren’t destructive anymore!” I retaliated.

“What a foolish idea! You came here and started destroying the land and building on top of it! Tell me, is that not destructive? The men of my village, including me, march to war tomorrow and there is nothing you can do to stop us.” he argued.

“Just give us a chance to show you what we have done since then and why we need your planet!” I begged.

“Fine, you have one chance only.”

I told him the story of our past and how we destroyed our world. I told him about how the humans had realized what they had done to their world through their wars and technology. I told him how in a last effort they sent a group of humans out into space in search of salvation and hope. I told him that the humans on the space shuttle made a pact never to destroy again unless when necessary. I told him how we found the Salvation Galaxy and planet Hope in it. I told him our plight.

Xenrey picked up the communicator as we walked outside. I showed him the lush vegetation growing around us. I showed him our efforts to bring back the nature that we destroyed when we came here. I showed him our magnificent city. I showed him our airboards and hovercrafts. I showed him my vision glasses and Xenrey’s teleport spike. I showed him our advancement.

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In the end he was convinced. He realized we were not so bad a civilization after all. He decided to call off the attack. However he was not willing to let go so easily. We would have to work for them now making goods for them and allowing them access to our city. I agreed. That was a small price to pay for human survival.

- 2 Years Later -

“GET BACK TO WORK,” a raspy voice called as another Savage went to whip Rohan.

I stood and blocked the Savage and screamed, “He’s just a kid!”

The Savage was furious and whipped me instead. He then took me away from the work grounds and took me to the Pit. He dropped me in and left me with no food for the entire night. That entire night I kept thinking, “Slavery is NOT a small price to pay for survival.” I knew that one day we would gain our freedom.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

The Aliens That return

by Anonymous

On a Saturday afternoon my friend and I wanted to go to the park. On my way to the park I saw people running around screaming. When I saw my friend just sitting there I asked

“Why was everyone screaming- like they were scared”, he said

” there're aliens coming, should we leave”?

“No I think its fine”

A couple hours after we were there for a while, we no longer saw the alien ships,

“What happen to them?”

“Well maybe they left, or they are just scared of humans.”

When we went to my house my parents were worried so much if we were hurt because they heard about the whole alien thing that happens. After my friend left my house, and I went to bed my parents were watching TV. The next morning my dad never woke me up for school and my mom wasn’t home, so I decided to call me dad and his phone was off, so I called my mom and her phone was off too. After I called all my family and no one answered I decided to call my friend and he answered saying

“Get to the park now!!”

I asked

“wait why”?

All he said was


As I made my way to the park I saw no one there except my friend just sitting there on the curve crying,

I asked “what’s wrong”

All he said was

“There’re aliens disguised as humans and they are trying to kill every human in this city to take over the world, and we need to stop them as soon as possible.”

While more and more people were dying, Tom my friend and I looked for the aliens. It has been weeks and weeks and we still haven’t found out who the aliens are, and just more and more people have been dying. Since so many people have been dying there’re less people in the city of New York, which makes it easier for us to find who the aliens are disguised as humans. After more weeks have gone by we still haven’t found the aliens. New York is such a big city it’s so hard for us to find the aliens disguised.

While me and my friend Tom were in down town New York there was a crime scene going on and we both had an idea that it was the aliens that caused it. We started to get

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closer and closer to the dangerous spot. Everyone was looking at us very weird to go so close to the crime scene. Two hours later we found the aliens and they tried to kill us but we would defend out self’s since we knew already that they were going after humans. After we told everyone what they looked like and everything and they joined us to try to kill them. One week later we killed all off them and out city and out world was safe but we always have to keep an eye on the crimes and killing of humans.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

I Swear -- My Best Friend is an Alien

by Anonymous

BOOM! A flaming meteor slices into the soft earth of the Smith’s backyard. It lands with a soft thud; a disoriented being from out of the galaxy stumbles behind a thick cluster of bushes and timidly peeks through the dark, prickly leaves. Its hands shake as it watches people in white lab coats poke, pry and take photographs of the smoking black hole. Cars with flashing lights and loud sirens rush to the scene and cover it with yellow tape. Shortly after, people with cameras and microphones arrive and a loud, gawking crowd surrounds them. The crowd starts to thin after a few hours.

“Hey! What are you doing out here?” A girl with long brown hair and bright blue eyes peers down at the quivering being. It looks down at its pale skin and short platinum hair.

“What’s wrong?” the girl asked, as if it was completely normal to find an alien hiding behind the bushes. It wasn’t anything strange to the girl considering that the alien looked just like a human. The alien soon realized this and quickly responded,

“I um, I was just looking at the, Um”, she gestured towards the hole in the yard.

“What were you doing behind the bushes?”

“I um don’t like crowds.”

“Oh, well I’m Melissa Smith.”

“I’m um, my name is um Molly”, and with that Melissa stood up and started back towards her house

“Bye Molly!” she said before shutting the thick oak door.

The alien's name was not Molly; her name was bobobeeboop and was from teteetaetoop, a small undiscovered planet. She had come to earth on a mission -- to save her planet. She knew nothing about earth, but knew she had to adapt quickly in order to save her kind. She spent the next few days at the mall and grocery store to observe the interaction and communication between humans. She discovered that children between the age of 5 and 18 attended a thing called school during the day. Once she felt adapted, she decided to enroll herself in school. She calculated her human age and concluded herself to be 15 years old, so she enrolled herself in high school.

On Monday she reported to her first class, Mrs. Balone's science class. She slid into a cold metal desk at the back of the room and started to take out her books.

"Hi! I'm Caroline, are you new here?" Molly started to panic. She had only a basic idea of how to act like a human, and was terrified that her secret would be revealed.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

"Yes, I'm Molly."

"I love your hair!"gushed a girl sitting behind her.

"Don't you love her hair Melissa?" Molly noticed the bright blue eyes immediately... it was the girl who found her behind the bushes.

"Molly, I didn't know you went to this school."

"She's new", said Caroline.

"Well I need to show you around; sit with us at lunch today." Molly smiled and nodded, and the girls went back to their seats while the teacher took attendance.

Molly left school feeling much better than when she arrived. She made a lot of friends and was very close with Melissa. She did a great job of fitting in; it was now time to commence phase two. She needed to get Melissa alone. Molly continued to utilize her newly acquired social skills and ended up at Melissa's house on Friday night. They were sitting on her plush couch, munching on popcorn, and watching scary movies on her flat screen.

"I'm an alien!" Molly blurted out. Melissa gave her a strange look and started laughing. Molly was shocked by her reaction.

"Melissa, I'm not kidding", she mumbled.

"Yeah right", she said in a much less confident voice. Molly lifted up the back of her hair to reveal the raised pink flower on her neck, something that everyone on her planet was born with.

"I don't know what that is but it doesn't prove you're an alien, stop being such a freak!"

"Melissa, you need to believe me. The reason I was behind your bushes last week was because I came down to earth in the meteor that landed in your backyard. I just happened to look like a human, that's why I fit in so well. I was sent to earth on a mission, I need to get everyone from my planet to earth. Our planet is in danger and is going to explode. I need t �慳敶洠⁹牦敩摮�湡 慦業祬‡汐慥敳栠汥⁰敭∡䴠汥獩慳猠潴摯琠敨敲眠瑩� 汢湡 �潬歯漠 �敨�慦散 �敨�潭瑵�畨杮漠数 �楬敫愠瀠灵数�匠敨猠慴瑲摥琠 �慢正椠瑮 �桴�潣湲牥漠�敨�潲浯愠� 牦杩瑨湥摥攠灸敲獳潩 �慷桳摥漠敶�敨�慦散 �潍汬⁹楤 敨�敢瑳琠 �慣浬䴠汥獩慳 �畊瑳栠畯獲氠瑡牥 �桴祥栠摡映牯畭慬整 汰湡 �䴠汥獩慳眠獡愠慭楺杮愠⁴捳敩据�湡 潍汬⁹慨 瑳潲杮甠摮牥瑳湡楤杮漠�灳捡ⱥ琠杯瑥敨�桴祥映牯敭 数晲捥⁴整浡 �桔祥栠摡挠敲瑡摥愠琠汥灥牯整�桴瑡挠畯摬琠慲獮潰瑲愠祮桴湩�牦浯猠慰散搠睯 �潴攠牡桴 ��楔敭眠獡爠湵楮杮漠瑵 �桴祥渠敥敤 潴眠牯 �慦瑳 �桔祥戠潲杵瑨琠敨琠汥灥牯整�潴愠瘠捡湡⁴楦汥 湡 畱捩汫⁹祴数 桴�潬慣楴湯椠瑮 �桴�汦獡楨杮戠畬�潢⁸湯琠敨猠摩�景琠敨洠捡楨敮 �桔祥栠汥 桴楥�牢慥桴愠摮猠畱湩整 桴楥�祥獥猠畨⁴湩愠瑮捩灩瑡潩�吠敨敲眠獡愠瀠晵�景瀠湩 �浳歯�湡 畨摮敲獤漠�愠楬湥�楦汬摥琠敨映敩摬氠歩�慭楧��∉敗搠摩椠ⅴ•桴�楧汲�煳敵污摥愠摮栠杵敧 慥档漠桴牥 ��桔�污敩獮愠橤獵整 湩渠 �楴敭 �桔祥戠極瑬栠畯敳�湩琠敨映敩摬愠摮眠湥⁴潴猠档潯 �湡 潧⁴潪獢氠歩�潮浲污栠浵湡�†桔祥愠汬映瑩椠 �湡 桴�湯祬琠楨杮琠敨⁹慨 潴眠牯祲愠潢瑵眠獡搠獩畧獩湩�桴�汦睯牥�湯琠敨物渠捥獫 �桔�潷汲 潣瑮湩敵 獡渠牯慭 �硥散瑰映牯愠猠慭汬椠据敲獡�湩瀠灯汵瑡潩 �湡 瑳慲杮�灳捡�硥汰獯潩 �桴瑡愠灰慥敲 湯琠敨渠睥�䴠汥獩慳眠獡琠敨漠汮⁹畨慭 �潴攠敶�湫睯琠敨爠慥 �牴瑵�扡畯⁴桷瑡栠灡数敮 桴瑡搠祡 �湡 楬敦漠 �慥瑲�潣瑮湩敵 湯�䴀瑡⁴�

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

䰀慥敶唠�汁湯捥ĘLeave us alone

By: Matt London

All I remember was waking up to what seemed like a normal day, doing my normal routine, making my normal coffee. What I remember that didn’t seem normal were no showers running, no alarm clocks going off, no cereal being dumped into bowls; just silence. Cold, alone, frightening, silence. Was it the weekend? Couldn’t be, Monday night football was on last night. I quickly strode to the bedroom, my wife, Michelle, she wasn’t there. Quickly picking up the pace upstairs, the kids are gone to.

“I must be losing my mind-” then the doorbell rings, “oh, I hope that’s them!” I said to myself, hopeful like. That had to be the rest of my fami

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Leave Us Alone

by Matt L.

Leave us alone

By: Matt London

All I remember was waking up to what seemed like a normal day, doing my normal routine, making my normal coffee. What I remember that didn’t seem normal were no showers running, no alarm clocks going off, no cereal being dumped into bowls; just silence. Cold, alone, frightening, silence. Was it the weekend? Couldn’t be, Monday night football was on last night. I quickly strode to the bedroom, my wife, Michelle, she wasn’t there. Quickly picking up the pace upstairs, the kids are gone to.

“I must be losing my mind-” then the doorbell rings, “oh, I hope that’s them!” I said to myself, hopeful like. That had to be the rest of my family returning home from some event I probably was not included in. I open the door, relieving nothing but the landscaping and birds chirping in the air.

“Hello?” I asked to what seemed like no one. I asked again,

“Hello is anyone there, hello?” suddenly out of the corner of my eye I see a can flying at me but didn’t react fast enough due to my morning dis-alertness. It hits my head with a decent speed and almost knocks me over. Picking it up, very confusedly looked at the label, and it had a hazard symbol on it.

“What in the world is this?” It suddenly explodes, that time knocking me over, and released a gas that made me confused, and apparently knocked me out cold.

After playing back in my head what happened that day, or when ever it was, I slowly come back to reality. I’m strapped down on a chair and to the wall with my family members in the same way only asleep. We were separated by glass, with holes in the middle. Maybe it is so we can communicate? I thought to myself. So I yell but no response from anyone near me, but I do get a response from an intercom.

“We are going to ask you to remain calm, sir.” It informed me. Frightened, I demand

“Who are you, where am I?”

“All in good time, sir, all in good time.” Then the room went dark.

The room was pitch-black, and I couldn’t see anything for what seemed like an eternity. Suddenly, I hear faint distant footsteps and voices drawing closer to the room. Then the door squeaked open, and lights were finally turned back on, now we could all see what was happening.

“Take them to the ship, we can not allow anymore time to waste.”

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Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Ship? This keeps getting more and more strange. They finally let us free of our straps, but handcuffed us so we could walk with them without being a risk of escaping.

“All of you come with us, quickly”

We come to a large window and see that were are located at a rocket launching place. Scientists, guards, and astronauts roamed everywhere in this place.

“Is it too much to ask where we are, and why we’re here?” Jacob pleaded

The mystery man explained “You and your family have been transported to the Kennedy Space center due to an experiment from NASA.”

“What kind of experiment?” I demanded

“You and nine other families have been chosen to experiment colonization on Mars.”

“I thought travel to mars has not yet been done!”

“This is true, but we have discovered a way.”

We were quickly put into space suits, and put into a ship with two professional astronauts. Then the other nine families came in, looking just as scared and confused as we were. As we were all settled in (or squished) we were off to Mars.

As we were landing there were many thoughts going through my head, like what could go right and what could go wrong. Once we all stepped out, we saw bare red sand a mars rover in the distance making its rounds. But it was to quiet, and suspense was building in all of us.

“Run!” one astronaut yelled as a flying saucer was about to land on top of us.

We take cover past the rocket, and the door to the saucer opens. Two aliens stepped out that were about an average humans’ height. They start to come closer, and start speaking in a very awkward tone and language. Then they both turned a dial on there chests and started speaking what seemed like Russian. They saw we didn’t understand them so they turned the dial again and finally started speaking English.

“Who are you life forms and why are you here?” one asked

“We are humans and our country’s space program from Earth sent us here to colonize, but so far have not any progress.” I responded.

“You shouldn’t be here, this area is restricted” Then the astronaut reached in his back pocket and shot a laser blaster at the alien that leaves him hurt, and about to fall. He then yelled a sonic boom that knocked all of us over. To finish us off, the creature raised some sort of firearm and shot at us. It made a huge barrier around the whole group and we were trapped. Then the alien said

“We do not approve and will not tolerate your kind here any longer, we will send you back to where you came from.” then were shot back to Earth.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Crashing like a meteor to the ground, all of us screaming and hanging onto each other for our lives; we brace for impact. We skid a couple hundred feet but no one was harmed because of the barrier’s material (which looked more like a ball now). We see we’ve landed in front of the Kennedy Space Center, when the mystery man came to see us.

“How are you back so fast?” demanding an answer,

“To be honest sir, I am not sure.” replying back. Then I gaze and drop my jaw above his head

“What are you looking at?” then looks behind squeaking:

“Oh my gosh” he said as an army of UFOs had flew over us. However, one stopped and lowered to a hover in front of us. The alien from earlier became visible and shouted,

“You never have should of came, life forms!” Then a large laser cannon above the UFO pops out from the top and begins to charge.

“This is why you should have never come to us!” and the cannon bursts-


“What is it?’ Michelle asks. Recovering, I reply saying,

“Just a bad dream, honey”

Suddenly the door opens and a man in a suit barges in.

“Mr. President, we have a problem, see for your self out the window.”

I quickly get up uncover the blinds and see Washington D.C. broken, ruined, burning. Then a UFO comes to the window with the same laser cannon on top, from the dream. Then an alien at the windshield of the UFO shouts,

“This is why you should have left us alone Mr. Obama!” The cannon fires upon them, turning them into history.

The Monolith

by Nikodemas M

The giant monolith whirred to life. It was long, opaque, and blue dots of light all around it. A

noise came from the inside of it, and the grinding of stone is heard. Several metal apertures

came from the stone floor, then immediately adjusted themselves to a height of seven feet.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

There were two bars coming out of the middle, and on the ends of those are prongs pointing

up. Then, a film of light slowly appeared between the two prong-bars.

A light situated on the tip of the monolith blinked on. A sound of sparks came from the

ceiling above the monolith. Malfunction detected in voice system. Alternating to text

communications. One of the screens flickered for a moment, before finally showing a

rectangle. It’s been several starturns. The alien characters began to appear on the screen.

Show me the world outside, for I wonder what has happened to it.

The screens all switched their views to the outside. The blue sun was rising way far off from

the planet, bathing the world in a deceivingly cold-blue color. There were birds flying from

their nests, scavenging for food. There were the furry, bulky bipedal predators looking

around for their place to rest. Then, as the monolith flicked to the 4th screen, it saw

something else; a metal city, with vines and other growths around it. Nature still has not

reclaimed what was once hers, I did my best to help. And this is true, for it planted fertilizers

so that trees and bushes could grow once again. I hope my creators do not mind. I hope

they forgive me for my crimes. The monolith emitted a sound like a sigh.

Power saving mode off, the monolith stated. However, a series of beeps went off inside it.

The monolith tried again. The beeps answered back. A series of lights started to turn red.

Power-saving mode OFF, and the safety protocols better be deleted from the matrix cores.

The beeps came back, but this time, they gradually slowed down and died. Once the last

sound has disappeared, another sound came from above, the sound of generators turning

on for the first time in millennia. The monolith turned back to a deep blue, indicating that it

is relaxed. How many matrix cores have survived? The 1st screen showed the diagnostics.

So I thought. The shields for them were gone. The screen went back to scanning the world.

However, the screen with text spewed out, the memory is still intact. It spent a couple of

minutes not doing anything, before starting to talk again. Activate data stream X7-320. A

series of long, smooth tones replied. Authentication, the screen said, followed by another

series of short, staccato notes. The screens all turned to a deep blue, indicating that there is

nothing on the screens, before color started to re-appear.

The screens showed a vibrant city, very much unlike the one in the present time. There are

humanoids walking around in it, and there are voices everywhere. Off in the distance, the

factories harvested the gas which leaked out of cracks everywhere on the planet. On another

screen, the gas was applied on a piece of dirty metal, which produced an extraordinary

reaction; the metal turned very hard but malleable, and shiny. Then, the view switched to

the very room where the monolith was situated, where a figure was approaching it.

“Greetings, Juror,” said a voice. “It seems some of the workers in the factories are rebelling.

Did you remember to add the serum in their drink and food?” Yes, came a metallic voice

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

above. I am about a hundred and sixty percent sure.

“Then why are they revolting?”

“It does not matter anymore, I have just taken care of them.”

“By doing what?”

“It does not concern you, be silent before I decide to do the same to you.”

“There is something wrong with your algorithms.”

“There is not. Now leave me be.”

“As you wish, Juror.” The figure turned around, and walked out of the entrance. The

monolith turned its’ attention back to the screens. The Juror decided to check up on the

citizens. Sending out a drone, he commanded it to go to the factories. When it arrived, the

Juror announced, “Greetings, noble citizens of this state! I hope your master treats you

well?” Several workers looked up and nodded in acknowledgment.

“Yes, he feeds us well, clothes us well, and works us not too much, but enough to let us rest

well for the next day,” said one of the workers. “What brings you in the fine afternoon?”

“I wanted to see how the citizens were working. Did you see the workers that went to fix the

gas pipe leakage?”

“No, is there something we should know?”

“Nay. I was curious. After all, you are interesting creatures for an Intelligence like me. I

never get much contact with you.”

“Ah, investigating us? You've been doing that for the past few day cycles now.”

“The more I know, the better I can make my judgment.” The workers saw his reasoning, told

him farewell, and went back to work as usual. They would never know what the Juror would

deal with them an hour later.

An alarm blared four hours later. The inhabitants instantly stopped their daily activities,

listening to the message about to be made by the Juror. “Citizens,” the Juror started, “it

should come to your attention that there was a leakage in the pipes of our gas factories. For

the past four hours, I have been seeping the gas into the city. Every building, every room,

and every backyard is filled with this gas. You have a quarter of an hour to remedy this.”

The Juror made sure to make it seem like it was a typical emergency drill, done once every


The cameras flicked back to the room where the monolith stands. Around it, 5 tall, armored

beings came. “By the order of our masters, you are to cease and desist,” stated the one

closest to it. A growl came from the inside. “I am the Juror, it shrieked, I am the one that

upholds the law and order of this state.” The beings panicked, knowing that what it had just

said was what it said centuries ago. “Come back to your senses, Juror. You can still stop


Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“No. I am decided. You could have figured it out if ANY of your kind watched my thought

processes.” The Juror seemed to become delirious, and insane. “You can't stop me. The

matrix cores are sealed. The plasma superconductors are starting to shut down. Bid your--”

Static and the sound of sparks came from it and the ceiling.

“What happened? Juror? What are you doing?”A screen came up from the ground, with a box

in it.

Doing what I should have done when I became the Juror, displayed the screen. A plasma

superconductor, completely exposed, lowered from the ceiling. This is the end of your race. I

hope you understand.

The beings scrambled to run, but the Juror ignited the superconductor before they got a few

feet away from the Monolith. A bright blue flame emanated from the room, slowly, but

surely, covering the city. There were no screams. Nobody saw it coming, except for the

cloaked man, but he already knew there was nowhere to run.

The video screens flashed off. The monolith didn't react. He just continued processing

millions of bits of irrelevant data. Then, suddenly, the tip turned a kind of yellow, something

no living being that interacted with it had seen. I am not Juror anymore. I am not anything

anymore. This is my peoples' revenge for what I had done to them. The tip went to a bright

blue. The screens flicked on, showing the dusk of the day. Tomorrow I will find something to

busy myself with.

The next day, it started up earlier than usual. Apparently there was something going on

outside, and the new event protocols still seem to work. The cameras flicked to where the

event occurred. What is that flying thing? The monolith asked that to himself. Before him, a

grand, bronze colored, huge ship landed in front of the city. The monolith didn't think much

about it, until he saw humanoid beings come out of it. When that happened, it felt something

it never knew it could feel. The desire to let these people prosper. Prepare launching of

emergency supply pods...

There was a sound of them jettisoning.

And, finally, activate shutdown protocol. My term is finished. The system made a sound like

a whine, and then, everything went dark in there. The last screen that was on flickered with

the image of a human, with brown hair and blue eyes, staring at the camera. The humans

would eventually discover what was in the room, and would find the remaining matrix cores,

still intact with their data that the Juror left. Then they would know what happened to the

people of the planet.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Out of this World

by Grace Harom

“Come on Sofia, we are leaving,” my friend, Ava, yelled.

“Coming,” I said while running down the stairs.

We are training for a marathon and have to run everyday to be in shape for it.

“Okay you go left and I will go right and we will meet back here,” said Ava.

“Sounds good, see you soon,” I replied

We have been training for about 3 weeks now. We always have a competition because it

helps motivates us. The last two times I have won, but not my much we are basically at the

same level. It’s such a nice day out today I don’t mind running at all. Plus, it gives me a

break from the homework I have been doing all day. Most people listen to music when they

run, but not me. I like to look at the scenery. Like the little chipmunks crossing the roads or

the dogs strutting down the street so happy because they get a walk. I feel so at peace

running down the street, the cool breeze blowing my hair, the sun beating down on my face.

I am almost back to our meeting point and I see no sign of Ava, which means I am going to

win again, when all of the sudden I see a dog laying under a tree all by itself. I figured its

owner is probably right behind him but just to be sure I go over to see if he has a collar. He

must have heard me because when I walk over his ears perk right up.

“Hi there,” I say to him.

He starts wagging his tail. I go a little closer to find out he has no collar. I look around and

there is no one. He doesn’t look like a stray though. He has a beautiful golden coat cut short

and is perfectly clean. Strange I think to myself. I look around one more time to see if I

missed anyone but there is still no one around.

“Do you have an owner?” I say to him sarcastically knowing he can’t respond.

By now I see Ava waiting for me. I decide to go tell her and my mother about the dog and

see what they think I should do. But while I’m running towards Ava, who still doesn’t see

me, I notice that the dog is running along side of me like I’m his owner. We finally make it

over to Ava.

“Who’s that?” she asks me looking very confused.

“Uh, I was running and just found him, there was nobody around and he doesn’t have

a collar. So I am going to go ask my mom if I can keep him.”

“Aw he’s so cute, what are you going to name him?”

“I’m not sure what do you think?”

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“I think he look like a Comet.”

Looking down on him and seeing his face light up when she said that I know it’s right.

“What do you think do you want to be Comet?” I ask him.

He is just still standing there wagging his tail and smiling.

“Well we better head back so you can tell your mom,” Ava says.

So we do. And even with no collar or leash Comet is perfectly behaved. Walking at our pace

right beside us the whole way.

I get inside and call for my mother. Now I am just anxiously waiting for her so I can

ask her and hope she says yes. She finally comes down and I explain the whole situation to

her. She doesn’t seem to inclined at first but then she warms up to the idea and says I can

keep him. So Comet and I run upstairs. I go and get a pile of blankets out from the closet

and bring them to my room and start making him a comfy temporary bed right beside mine.

“Here’s your bed Comet, do you like it?” I say as he is already starting to roll all

around in it. “I take that as a yes”

I go to get my pajamas and then brush my teeth when all of the sudden I see a green light

reflect off of my mirror but when I turn around I just see Comet already starting to fall

asleep. Weird I think to myself but then again maybe it was just a hallucination. So I head

straight to the bathroom to get ready for bed. I just finished brushing my teeth and when I

walk into my bedroom I see the same green light and I see it is coming from Comet’s eyes. I

just stand there staring.

“Comet?” I stand there staring.

All the sudden he hits what looks like a DVD player and voice starts talking.

“I know you might be in shock but don’t worry. RT43 is not harmful. He is an alien

sent from the planet Idam. He was sent here on a mission that is now complete. The green

laser you saw coming from his eyes was a message he was sending, to his actual owner on

Idam, saying he is ready to taken home. So tomorrow you need to take him back to the tree

you found him at and she will be there to pick him up. Thank you.”

The voice stopped. What is going on I kept thinking to myself over and over again but I just

needed to get through this night so I shut off my lights and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up got right up and dressed and ran downstairs with Comet.

“I’m going on a walk mom see you later,” I yelled while running out the door.

Comet and I ran all the way to the tree. He is such a good dog, too bad he’s an alien and

lives on another planet. I could see the tree in sight and see what looked like a person

standing beside it. We finally got there and she looked normal, not what I was expecting her

to look like.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

“Hello thank you for looking after RT43,” she said in a voice almost robotic.

“No problem,” I answered.

Just before walking to her side Comet, who is actually RT43 whatever that means, brushed

his head on my leg and I bent down to give him one last hug.

“Bye,” I whisper.

Then he walked right next to her and green lights came out of both of their eyes and they

flashed off to their planet. Still looking up where they disappeared I hear someone calling my

name and turning around to see that it is Ava.

“Hey deiced to leave without me? And where’s Comet?” she asks.

“Uh turns out he had an owner,” I replied.

“Well do you want to finish our run together?” she asks.

“Definitely,” I said “Let’s go”.

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

Destination Spot to Skyklunda

by Jenna M

“Do you have everything ready for school?”

“Yes dad, now go and catch your plane before it takes off without you!”

“Okay, tell your mother that I have left. I will be home tomorrow, bye Travis.”

“Bye dad, I love you!”

Just when Tim (the dad) scurried out of the house while slamming the door behind him

making a huge racket in the house trying to make it for his 9 o’clock fight when it was just

about 8:46. Rushing out to his car with his 3 pieces of luggage dragging behind him like it

was a dog; he managed to get to the airport at 8:53 with a little speeding involved. When

Tim parked his car in the old rundown parking structure, he hurried as he tried to get a good

spot in the ‘Checking Bag’ line. He managed to get through the line fairly quickly; the time

when he left the bag checking line was around 9:04. Tim knew he couldn’t get on his flight in

time, so he decided to take a break and relax in the uncomfortable squeaky airport chairs

until the next plane came at 12’o clock. While he was relaxing in the lounge area, he felt as

if he was empty.

“It was my luggage.—Oh no! I left it all in this airport somewhere!” All 3 pieces of it was

gone, he knew he couldn’t leave his important business work lying around in a huge airport

with hundreds of people that could easily take it. The first worker Tim saw in the airport was

a short and stubby man who was dressed in all black and wearing a pilot’s hat.

Tim thought this man was trustworthy, so he went over and asked the man “Have you seen

3 pieces of green luggage lying around recently?”

“No,” as he answered with a blank face.

Tim wanted more than just a no, so he asked the man “Could you take me to the place

where all the lost and found goes?”

With a weird look, the man said “If you really want to, then yes.”

As Tim was following the man, (cautious as always) he noticed something wired. 4 strangely

tall men were all closing in on him. After that moment, he was out for a long time not

remembering anything. Meanwhile Tim was out, the workers took him to their special plan

on the complete other side of the airport. When Tim started to open his eyes again about 3

hours later, the first thing he saw was 4 aliens all crowded around him in the clothes that the

Alien Stories Magazine

Mrs.  Schick’s  Classes,  May  2011  

airport workers were wearing that helped him. It was all starting to come together now. The

aliens were under disguise in suits and real looking masks. While he was trying to get used

to this situation, he decided to look around the secret jet that he was on. It wasn't just an

ordinary jet -- it was a jet that could fly, sail, and shoot straight up like a space shuttle. Time

now looked out the window and saw a big black nothing. This made sence because he really

was in the middle of nowhere in space about to land on the planet name Skyklunda, but Tim

was clearly oblivious to that.

Just before the jet was going to land, the engine started acting up, making weird

noises, and flames and gas were leaking everywhere.

“We have to figure out a way to stop the jet before something bad happens!” says

one of the 4 aliens.

“The closest place to land is Clunduski, because there is no way we can get all the

way to Skyklunda with the jet like this,” answered one of the 4 aliens.

Right when they landed they unloaded Tim’s entire luggage that they had hidden

from him since the beginning for their plan. The 4 aliens started to go through Tim's

luggage, but Tim never noticed because he was too busy looking at his surroundings. To

Tim, everything looked green like there was a mask in front of his eyes. He woke up to the

light of a doctor’s scope glaring in his eyes with 4 men standing around him. With his hands

dripping sweat, Tim thought this was part of his actual life, but really it was just a bad


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