alice in wonderland

Post on 31-Mar-2016






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A mock of the Childrens story Alice In Wonderland.


Alice In Wonderland

By: Logan Smith

Once there lived a girl named Alice. She had a wild imagination and was very opinionated. As she grew older her views on marriage were quite different from her moms. Her mother was going to force her into marriage with a horrid man. Alice and her mother arrived at the proposal party. Some time went by and Alice finally was standing in the garden in front of everyone and her soon to be husband asked for her hand in marriage. She didn’t know how to answer so she paused and stuttered, then ran past the crowd of people deeper into the garden. While running, she found a mysterious rabbit repeating “I’m late! I’m late Oh dear, I’m late!” She followed him to a giant tree where she found an unusually big rabbit hole. Alice went to look into the hole and her hand slid on the dirt and she fell through.

She landed in a strange world, a new world, and she was curious about it so she proceeded to walk about aimlessly. Alice eventually ran into the Mad Hatter, the two twin dummies, and the rabbit and mouse. She thought it strange that the animals could talk. She soon found out about the Red Queen; a Queen so terrible that the citizens of wonderland tried to avoid her and the ones who worked for her were terrified of her.

The Red Queen believed in a dictatorship. She had no respect for anyone and thought of herself as the almighty power. She did not allow her people to speak there mind (first amendment) , allowed her men to take over someone’s home whenever, as well as gave no power to the people ( tenth amendment). Alice quickly found out that the queen wanted her. The

Mad Hatter begged her to run and hide, but Alice grew curiouser and curiouser. The Queen wanted her because Alice was destined to fight the jabberwocky and bring the White Queen, the Red Queen’s sister, back into power. Alice did not know of this until she ran into the caterpillar and the Cheshire Cat. The wise caterpillar tried to spark her memory, for she had visited Wonderland many times as a child, but she thought it was merely a dream. The Cheshire Cat, a mysterious cat, befriended Alice and helped her understand what she must do. He and the Mad Hatter explained to her that before the Red Queen, the White Queen had ruled over Wonderland. They described it as a marvelous place to live and they thrived and lived happily.

The White Queen believed in the rights of the people. She thought that her people should have the right to own a weapon for protection (second amendment), that unreasonable searches were forbidden ( fourth amendment), anyone going through a trial deserved a speedy, fair trial (sixth amendment), and the people retain rights not enumerated (ninth amendment). She also believed that suits at common law should be recognized.

This means that the right to a trial by jury is preserved and that no fact tried by a jury should be re-examined in any court of Wonderland (seventh amendment). Under the White Queen there was great nationalism (one’s loyalty and devotion to it country).

While this was happening the Mad Hatter was captured for the belief of helping Alice hide. Alice did not like this at all so she decided to go under disguise as a lost foreign girl and find out the Red Queen’s plan and to save the Mad Hatter.

Alice met up with the rabbit and ate a piece of his growing cake. She grew and grew and grew until she stood so tall she could be seen above the bushes. The Queen noticed her and asked, “ What is your business here miss? And who are you?” Alice then replied,” Umm, I am Um from Umbridge. I was cast out of my town because I grew too large.”

The Red Queen then took her in and welcomed her because she was strange just like all of the Queen’s other people. She ordered her servants to clothe the girl and make sure she is taken care of well. Meanwhile, Alice took advantage of being under the Queen’s

wing and began looking and listening for information about the Queen’s plan and ways to free with the Hatter. Alice was talking with the Queen one day and the topic of the Mad Hatter came up. The Queen asked her opinion on the topic, but Alice, trying to stay on the Queen’s good side, said she didn’t have an opinion on it. The Queen then replied, “ Off with his head shall be his punishment then!”

This punishment violated the ninth amendment; excessive fines and unusual punishments are forbidden. Alice soon realized she had to come up with a plan to save the Hatter. She decided that she would sneak into his room that evening and set him free. However, he did not want her to set him free because the Queen and her people would find it suspicious. Instead, he told her to get the special sword that kills the Jabberwocky. Alice snuck out and was on her way to get the sword when one of the Queen's apprentices came onto her. Alice shoved past him, but he had already figured out who she was. Alice did manage to get the sword from the Bandersnatch though, and escaped to the White Queen’s castle by morning. The White Queen welcomed Alice warmly. Alice explained to the Queen what was going to happen to the Mad Hatter. The White Queen called for the Cheshire Cat and they planned what they would do to save the Hatter. The next morning the Cheshire Cat snuck into the castle and told the Hatter the plan. Alice watched as the Hatter was escorted out in handcuffs fearing the plan may not work, but right as the executor swung his sword, the “Hatter” disappeared and the hat floated in the air to reveal the Cheshire Cat. The real Mad Hatter then appeared free and ran away with Alice and the Cheshire Cat to the White Queen's castle.

The White Queen was so overjoyed that her eyes watered a bit. The White Queen proceeded to get straight to business planning war against her sister the Red Queen. The plan was that Alice would kill the Jabberwocky while the White Queen’s army would fight against the Red Queen’s army; the goal hopefully to be protect Alice so she has time to kill the Jabberwocky.

Alice agreed to the plan and they began preparing for battle. The next day the White Queen, Alice, the Mad Hatter, Cheshire Cat and all of the White Queen’s army met the Red Queen and her army face to face on the battlefield. The sisters exchanged glares as the White Queen said “ I believe in peace sister. Why don’t you just surrender and there will be no repulsive violence.” The Red Queen sneered back, “ I would never do that in a million years. This land is mine and you know it. I am the eldest so it should be mine!” The White Queen then ended the conversation with, “ As you wish. May the best win.”

The battle then began with a loud yell from the Red Queen’s side and the soldiers charged at each other as Alice snuck up to the Jabberwocky. There was a tedious struggle between the Jabberwocky and Alice, but Alice eventually slayed the Jabberwocky, signifying the White Queen’s victory.

The White Queen was restored as ruler of the land again. She brought back the old way of government and ratified new amendments including the prohibiting of slavery (thirteenth amendment), civil rights for ex-slaves (fourteenth amendment), women's suffrage (nineteenth

amendment), and lowering the voting age (twenty-sixth amendment). The White Queen thanked Alice for everything she had done and offered for her to live here. The Mad Hatter begged Alice to stay, but Alice said she could not live here her whole life and leave people wondering where she went. After the battle the great since of nationalism returned, much like the Era of Good Feelings after the War of 1812.


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