algeb digital portfolio

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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Algebra-X Digital PortfolioBianca Pilar


Online Tasks

Task 1:

Task 3: Fractions Task 4 :

Task 5:

Task 6 Task 7:

Task 8:

Task 9: Task 10:

Task 11:

Task 12:

Task 13:

Task 14:

Task 15: Task 16:

Task 17

Task 18:

Task 19:

Task 20:

Task 21:

Task 22:

Task 23:

Page 1 Page 2

Page 3 Page 4

Page 5 Page 6

Task 24:

Task 25

Reflection/Learning Gained/ Difficulties encountered for online tasks

Reflection - I should be more careful and watchful of my problem solving and plotting the points. I’ll try harder next time not to get confused with for example, which part to shade or should it be a straight line or dashed.

Its hard to answer a test if both you and your partner don’t know the answers, so we had to really think deeper thank our stock knowledge because we weren’t prepared. We just shared answers in each number then discussed.

I realized how even though the article I’ve just read has been repeated to me numerous times, it doesn’t change the fact that it is true, I should learn to be more responsible when it comes to school works or preparing for an exam.

I learned how to think thoroughly when it comes to math, not just to answer without thinking. I was able to reflect on what I generally think of algebra and how I react to it or affects me.

Learning Gained

I learned how to think thoroughly when it comes to math, not just to answer without thinking. I was able to reflect on what I generally think of algebra and how I react to it or affects me. I should also be more careful in plotting the points. I should be prepared more, broaden my studying range. Also maybe reviewing with my partner. Though we still worked together with a strategy. I also was able to review about operations of fractions. And from what I’ve learned from the article regarding studying habits, that its best if I don’t wait til the last minute to cram, and avoid procrastination. Always keep a schedule and follow it so you’d know when to start doing tasks orderly.


I had a difficult time solving the problems correctly 3 times in a row. My carelessness would be the reason why I’d make such a small mistake in my solutions. I also had a hard time answering the test, because I was prepared for word problems when it didn’t appear on the test so basically the whole long quiz I had a hard time. Answering fractions with dissimilar denominators weren’t my strong points in Math. Lastly, I had a hard time trying to remember the basic algebra topic that I’ve already encountered in highschool. Algebra was never really one of my best subjects.


Reflection/Learning Gained/ Difficulties encountered for online tasks

Reflection – I take down notes while listening to the teacher discussing. It helps me to understand the topic easier. I also can’t stand just listening to the topic while not doing anything at the same time, that’s why I take anything down that’s written on the board or powerpoint if necessary. Plus at least if I don’t understand the topic, it helps for me to look at my notes, and I’ll be able to remember the topic.

Learning – I learned that taking down notes is essential. Very useful when it comes to reviewing.

Difficulties – I sometimes have difficulties when it comes to graphing graphs on my notebook since my notebook only has straight lines and no graphs.

Short and Long Quizzes

Reflection/Learning Gained/ Difficulties encountered for online tasks

Reflection – I’ve noticed that I’ve been getting better at the recent short quizzes than the ones before.

Learning – I learned that in order to get a high grade for the daily short quiz, I have to study the day before. It gets me to review the last topics and not forget, which is very useful since even when people say that its good to review the lessons even though there’s no test, I still don’t do it.

Difficulties – I have difficulties with remembering all the topics especially if we have a long quiz about a topic that was discussed a month ago, I would have a harder time trying to review the topic.

Midterm Exam

Reflection/Learning Gained/ Difficulties encountered for online tasks

Reflection – I was relieved, because 25 items was already little for me and it gives me ample time to answer them all. There were some items I wasn’t able to answer, so I just left them blank first then come back for it later.

Learning – I learned to take my time, don’t just guess the answers when you see your blockmates already finished and getting out of the classroom. I shouldn’t be in a hurry to join them because the test is very important.

Difficulties - there were a few numbers that I didn’t really know how to solve so I tried my best to think hard about the question, analyzing it, see if I can remember any details from the book or my notebook.

Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths:

Listening to the professor and copying notes at the same time

Last minute cramming

Answering moodle tasks before the said deadline


Getting all the moodle tasks answers correct

Linear Programming

Completing the square and square root property

Word problems; everything except number relations and work


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