alcohol chapter 22. ethanol active ingredient in beer, wine and liquor

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Chapter 22


Active ingredient in beer, wine and liquor

Alcohol is a sedative

Depresses, quiets the nervous system Coordination is impaired Brain can’t control mind and body correctly Scarring of the liver

Alcohol is a sedative (cont’d)

Dehydrates the body Bad breath Ulcers in stomach Inhibitions slowed: talk more, slurred

speech, clumsy


Scarring of the liver by alcohol Jaundice: yellowing of the skin, eyes, waste

in the blood stream High blood pressure


Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)

Drinking while pregnant Smaller baby Heart defects Mental retardation Hyperactive

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

Blood Alcohol Level

Amount of alcohol in bloodstream 0.08% is legally intoxicated

Alcohol Content

1 Beer (12 oz) 4% alcohol 1 Glass of wine (5 oz) 13% alcohol 1 Shot of liquor (1 ½ oz) 40% alcohol All the same alcohol content

Alcohol Content

Factors of Intoxication

Eating before and during drinking Weight Length of time consuming alcohol Gender

Multiplier Effect

Mixing alcohol with other drugs Increases the affect Highly dangerous due to not knowing the

amount of intoxicants

Why Drink?

Escape pressures of life Problems Feel better Relax Friends and peer pressure Gain self confidence Family Values

Why not to drink?

Don’t need it Makes the body sick, inTOXICated Bad taste Cost Bad for long term health Against the law Don’t want to lose control

Drunk Driving

Cannot judge distances (1 second compared to more than 3)

Take greater risks Fail to signal Sleepiness

Drunk driving

Drunk Driving


Physiological and psychological addiction/dependence to alcohol

Alcoholism Stages

1) Social drinking: legal, become drunk most of the time

2) Drinks most of the time/hide drinking: must have it to function, in denial

3) Drinking out in the open: drunk all of the time, malnutrition, loss of job

Delirium Tremens

Also known as DT’s, Detox or Detoxification Withdrawal symptoms Hot and cold flashes Shakes Vomiting Nightmares

Characteristics of a Drug Habit

Tolerance: Become used to drug’s affect, need more to get the same feeling

Physical Dependence: The body needs the drug or it becomes physically ill

Characteristics of a Drug Habit (cont’d)

Psychological Dependence: Need for the drug (in the mind), hardest part of the addiction to break

Habituation: Take the drug at the same time, need/compulsion

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