aks 42: absolutism and enlightenment

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AKS 42: Absolutism and Enlightenment. Chapter 21 – PAGES 589-617 Chapter 22.2 & 22.3 – PAGES 629-639. France Background:. Henry of Navarre (Henry IV) 1st king of Bourbon Dyn. Conv. to Catho. Devoted reign to rebuilding France & its prosperity Edict of Nantes Issued by Henry - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


AKS 42:Absolutism and Enlightenment

Chapter 21 – PAGES 589-617

Chapter 22.2 & 22.3 – PAGES 629-639

FranceBackground: Henry of Navarre (Henry IV)

1st king of Bourbon Dyn. Conv. to Catho. Devoted reign to rebuilding France & its prosperity

Edict of Nantes Issued by Henry Huguenots could live in peace in France & set up

their own houses of worship in certain cities

FranceBackground: Cardinal Richelieu

No walls in Protest. cities Weakened power of nobles by ordering them to

take down their castles & by ↑ power of gov’t agents

FranceLouis XIV (14th) Comes to Power (4 yrs old ): France suffered from

riots by nobles – Louis’ life threatened at times

Louis never forgot fear/anger – vowed to be so strong nobles could never threaten him again

“I am the state.”

- Louis XIV

So distinguished

FranceLouis XIV Comes to Power: Jean Baptiste Colbert:

Made France economic power Followed mercantilism – make France self-

sufficient Expanded & protected French indus. Encouraged migration to Canada (fur trade)

FranceSun King’s Grand Style: Controls Nobility

Nobles expected to be at Palace at Versailles – if not, incomes & social status ↓

Made nobility totally dep. on Louis Patron of the Arts

Pop. opera & ballet Supported writers Promoted art that glorified monarchy & supported

absolute rule


FranceDisastrous Wars and Legacy: Expansion

Wanted to expand – succeeded at first Countries banned together to match France’s

strength – balance of power

FranceDisastrous Wars and Legacy: War of Spanish Succession (1701-1714)

Charles II of Spain died – throne went to Louis’ grandson – Spain & France now ruled by French Bourbon kings

Treaty that ended war allowed Louis’ grandson to stay in power as long as thrones of Spain & France not united

Big winner - Great Britain: Took Gibraltar ↑ involvement in slave trade

FranceDisastrous Wars and Legacy: Death and Legacy:

People rejoiced at news of Louis’ death Pos.:

Military leader of Europe Ranked above all others in art, lit., statesmanship

Neg.: War & construction of Palace at Versailles = massive debt Tax burden by poor & Louis’ abuse of power would plague

his heirs & set stage for revolution

RussiaThe First Czar: Ivan the Terrible

1st to call himself “czar” 1547-1560 – “good period” – won victories, added

lands, code of laws, ruled justly Terror

1560-1584 – “bad period” – Ivan accused boyars (nobles) of poisoning his wife, Anastasia

Using secret police – executed boyars, their families, & peasants who worked their land

1581 – killed oldest son – left only weak son to rule

Wow, he’s ugly

RussiaThe First Czar: Romanovs:

Ivan’s son died – period of turmoil w/ no leader

1613 – leaders from Russian cities met to choose next czar – chose Michael Romanov

Begins Romanov Dynasty (1613-1917)


RussiaCzar Peter the Great: Russia Different Than Europe:

Had looked to Constantinople for leadership Mongols & geog. barriers had cut Russia off from

Ren. & Age of Expl. Relig. Diff. – Russia was E. Orthodox; W. Euro.

mostly Cath. or Protest. Russia viewed them as heretics

RussiaCzar Peter the Great: Peter Visits West:

Believed future depended on having warm-water port

1697 – “Grand Embassy” – long visit to W. Europe

Goal: learn about Euro. customs and manuf. techniques

RussiaPeter Rules Absolutely: Reforms:

Brought Russian Orthodox Church under state control

↓ power of great landowners Modernized army by hiring Euro. officers who

drilled soldiers in Euro. tactics w/ Euro. weapons Paid for army w/ heavy taxes

“For you know yourself that, though a thing be good and necessary, our people will not do it unless forced to.”

- Czar Peter the Great

RussiaPeter Rules Absolutely: Westernization:

Intro. potatoes Started 1st newspaper ↑ women’s status Ordered nobles to adopt W. fashion Advanced Edu. - *believed this was key to

Russia’s progress

RussiaPeter Rules Absolutely: St. Petersburg:

Wanted a seaport easier to travel to the W Fought Sweden for land on Baltic Sea Had St. Petersburg built on a piece of swampy

land Estimated 25,000 – 100,000 people died in the

effort to build it

EnglandDefying Parliament: James I (1603-1625):

Struggled w/ Parliament over $ Agreed to new trans. of Bible

EnglandDefying Parliament: Charles I (1625-1649):

Forced to sign Petition of Right: Not imprison subjects w/o due cause Not levy taxes w/o Parl.’s consent Not house soldiers in private homes Not impose martial law during peacetime

Set forth idea that law was higher than king


EnglandEnglish Civil War (1642-1649): Background/Causes:

Parl. passed laws to limit royal power – king outraged – arrested Parl. leaders – mob began to form

Loyal to Charles – Royalists/Cavaliers Puritan supporters of Parl. – Roundheads

EnglandEnglish Civil War (1642-1649): Result:

Roundheads win Oliver Cromwell:

Roundhead General Tried, beheaded Charles for treason - 1649 Est. commonwealth (repub. form of gov’t)

SpainSpanish Empire: Philip II:

Seized Portugal (no heir) – now had empire that circled the globe

Emp. gave him lots of wealth Duty = defend Cath.

“His smile and his dagger were very close.” - Phillip’s court historian

SpainDefeat of Spanish Armada:

Background: Philip launched

Armada in attempt to punish Protest. Eng. & Queen Eliz. I, who supported Protest. subj. who rebelled against Philip

SpainDefeat of Spanish Armada: What Happened:

Spanish Armada defeated Impact:

Seriously weakened Spain

SpainSpanish Art and Literature: El Greco (“the Greek”):

Showed deep Cath. faith of Spain Velasquez:

Court painter for Philip IV of Spain Cervantes:

Don Quixote de la Mancha (1605) Birth of modern European novel

SpainEmpire Weakens: Inflation:

2 causes: Spain’s pop. ↑ Silver bullion flooded marked value ↓

Taxes: Spain’s nobles don’t pay; burden on lower classes

never dev. middle class Bankruptcy:

Finance wars = Spanish kings borrowed $ Philip declared Spain bankrupt 3 times

SpainDutch Revolt and Dutch Prosper: 1579 – 7 N. provinces of Protest. Netherlands

– united, declared ind. from Spain Art:

Rembrandt – painted portraits of wealthy middle-class merchants

Trade: Stability of gov’t concentration on econ. growth Dutch E. India Co. – dominated Asian spice trade

PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Causes:

Lutheran & Cath. princes tried to gain followers Split in 2 leagues

Spark: Ferdinand II (HRE) closed some Protest. churches,

Protest. in Bohemia revolted

PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Hapsburg Wins:

1st 12 yrs Haps. armies crushed troops hired by Protest.

princes Hapsburg Losses:

Protest. drove Haps. armies out of N. Germany

PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Peace (Treaty) of Westphalia:

Weakened Spain & Austria (Haps.) Strengthened France German princes ind. of HRE Ended relig. wars New method of peace negot.

PrussiaThirty Years’ War (1618-1648) Results:

Trade & agric. disrupted Germany’s econ. ruined Treaty recognized Euro. as a group of ind. states Beginning of modern state system

AustriaGrows Stronger: Austrian Haps. reconquered Bohemia –

wiped out Protest. Cent. gov’t; created standing army

AustriaMaria Theresa: Charles VI convinced

leaders of Europe to sign agreement Maria heir to all Haps. territories

Faced yrs of war – main enemy: Prussia

PrussiaRise: Army of 80,000 men paid for w/ perm.

taxation Weakened rep. assemblies of their territories Became rigidly controlled, militaristic soc.

PrussiaFrederick the Great: Military policies,

softened some laws Encouraged relig.

toleration, legal reform Ruler should be a

father to his people

“…the fundamental role of governments is the principle of extending their territories.”

- Frederick the Great

PrussiaWar of Austrian Succession (1740-1748) Over Silesia (bordered Prussia) Hungary & Britain helped Maria Theresa –

stopped Prussian aggression Prussia became major Euro. power

PrussiaSeven Years’ War (1756-1763) Fought in Euro., India, & N.Am. No change in territory in Euro. British real victors

France lost colonies in N.Am. Britain gained sole econ. domination in India

EnlightenmentTwo Views on Government: Thomas Hobbes:

All humans naturally selfish & wicked Gov’ts need to keep order

Social Contract: Ppl had to hand over rights to strong ruler in exchange for

law & order B/c ppl acted in own self-interest, ruler needed total power

to keep citizens under control (abs. monarchy) Changing Idea:

EnlightenmentTwo Views on Government: John Locke:

Criticized abs. mon.; for self-gov’t People had 3 nat. rights – life,

liberty, property Gov’t purpose protect these rights If they don’t, ppl have right to

overthrow it Gov’t’s power comes from consent

of the ppl His ideas = foundations of modern


EnlightenmentPhilosophes: Core Beliefs:

Reason - Truth through reason & logical thinking Nature – what is natural is good & reasonable Happiness – seek well-being on earth Progress – society/humankind could improve Liberty – Liberties won in Glorious Rev. & Bill of


EnlightenmentPhilosophes: Voltaire:

Fought for tolerance, reason, freedom of relig. & speech

Montesquieu: Sep. of powers – no 1 group could gain total control

of gov’t (checks & balances) Rousseau:

Only good gov’t is one formed by ppl & freely governed by “general will” of soc. (dir. democ.)

“I do not agree with a word you say but will defend to the death your right to say it.” - Voltaire

“Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains.” - Rousseau

Legacy of the Enlightenment Belief in Progress:

Success of Sci. Rev. = confidence human reason could solve soc. prob.

Urged end to slavery, soc. equality, democ. gov’t Secular Outlook:

Non-religious; ?ed relig. beliefs & teachings of church Wanted to rid relig. faith of superstition & fear & promote

relig. tolerance Importance of Individual:

Looked to selves instead of church or gov’t Use own ability to reason to judge right from wrong

EnlightenmentIdeas and Art: Diderot:

Encyclopedia – collection of artic. & essays from leading scholars – spread Enlightenment ideas

Neoclassical: “New classical”; borrowed themes from Greece &

Rome Music & Literature:

Classical music – Bach, Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven Writers wrote novels – lengthy works of fiction

EnlightenmentMonarchies: Enlightened Despot:

Rulers embraced new ideas & made reforms reflecting Enlightenment spirit

Frederick the Great (Prussia): Granted relig. freedom, ↓ censorship, improved

edu., reformed justice sys., abolished use of torture; did nothing to end serfdom

“A ruler is only the first servant of the state.” - Frederick the Great

EnlightenmentMonarchies: Joseph II (Austria):

Legal reforms, freedom of press & worship, abolished serfdom & ordered peasants be paid w/ cash

Catherine the Great (Russia): Comm. often w/ Voltaire Put together commission to allow relig. toleration,

abolishing torture & cap. punish. Commission didn’t accomplish these goals

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