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Post on 20-Feb-2017






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Atlantan tells uncles Holocaust storyBy David Cohen August 24, 2015 Atlanta resident J.D. Moor was so impressed by a family members experiences during World War II that he wrote a screenplay.Titled simply The Film, the script centers on the journeys of his uncle Ulli Pickardt through Europe from 1933 to 1947.Moor is shopping the screenplay, which he completed in June, to national and international producers.This is my first script, and its based on a remarkably true story, he said. Its the story of how members of my family were thrown into a series of life-or-death situations and close calls. I think its a compelling drama with a heartwarming touch.His inspiration, Pickardt, is approaching 97 years old and lives in Paris with his wife and son. In 1933, he was forced to separate from his family after a court case involving his father in Germany revealed secrets of the Nazi master plan. A film of the trial sparked a decade-long pursuit of Pickardts family across Europe and North Africa.Moor wants the world to see Pickardts story on the big screen.Im at the stage now where Id love to have this work produced, Moor said. But Im finding out the hard way that the best way to get a script produced is to have an agent. These literary agents specialize in representing screenwriters and screenplays. But its a Catch-22: Most good agents these days like their clients to have a track record, but its almost impossible to have a track record without an agent.Martin Kelley, whose film credits include Immigration Tango (Roadside Attractions) and Step Off (Lionsgate), co-wrote the script with Moor, who lives in Inman Park.The script can be read on Moors LinkedIn page at www.linkedin.com/pub/jon-david-moor/7/a55/778.This project has been a labor of love for me, he said, and I did it as a tribute to my family.

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