ahmed and autism (kids story)

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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kids story


Ahmed and Autism

By: Mariam Mohamed200701992

Dr. Steve Lydiatt

Ahmed is a lovely boy; he was born in 2003 as a first baby boy for two

wonderful couples from Dubai.

When Ahmed grew up, by the time, his mom

discovered that Ahmed is not acting and playing

normally with other babies of family

She thought he has a quite personality.

But even when he entered his first year

in kinder garden, the problem was similar,

his personality didn’t change, and his mom

and dad cannot understand their son’s

real problem.

Ahmed’s mom and dad took him to a doctor,

where he discovered that Ahmed has a mental

error called: Autism. Mom and Dad tried to know

more about the case

First, they started to find out the meaning of having

autism, and why their son had it? The doctor explained

for them Autism by saying:

It is a condition resulted from a neurological disorder,

this means an effect on brain function, causing an effect

over the development of communication and social

development skills of person.

It is mainly discovered at the first

three years of person’s life.

Ahmed’s daddy and mammy were worried

if they were late in discovering their son’s

mental error. But the doctor said:

I know my friends, you have similar questions that Ahmed’s

Daddy and Mommy have, why Ahmed having autism?

How does it happen? ,, let’s see together Ahmed’s brain

function to discover the reason:

There is no single direct reason for the causation

of Autism. However, all of the disorders occurring due

to linkage with genetic abnormalities, which leads to

alterations in brain function.

This alteration makes the individual having

difficulty in some of functions such as regulating

social interaction or speaking directly.

Ahmed’s mama went to the school and excused

the teacher to take his son out of his school,

she tried to find other schools which is proper

to Ahmed’ case

Now, my friends, let’s see together some of symptoms,

where you can recognize your Autistic friends, such as Ahmed:

He is making very little eye contacts

He is offensive in his comments

Ahmed lacks the skills of playing and talking

Ahmed finds it hard to understand feelings

Ahmed doesn’t like to be touched or expressing

physical contacts

Ahmed doesn’t like the sudden lights,

new smells and loud voices

Ahmed often cries and struggle as he feel

not prepared for new sudden actions

As he grows, Ahmed still having

problems in talking,

he prefers every day to stay quite

Ahmed plays every day with only single toy,

moving around and around in same place

daily, and getting bored from repetition

How will Ahmed’s new school will be different?

It will provide for Ahmed treatment techniques,

not only teaching him,

such as:

Physical therapy to gain control over body

Implement music exercises for focus helping

Ahmed feels the pain, love, sadness such others,

but he cannot express that

Autism will not disappeared

with the correct dealing with him,

he will be performing better

The End

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