ah ch 5 egypt

Post on 11-May-2015






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What is the importance of the Nile River to the Ancient Egyptians?What is the role of a Pharaoh?What is the importance of mummification?What are the differences and impact of the different eras of the Old Kingdom, Middle Kingdom, and New Kingdom? 

locate Upper and Lower Egypt on a map.describe the political iconography and formal conventions of the Palette of Narmer.describe the Egyptian concept of death and the process of mummification.compare the Temple of Hatshepsut with the Temple of Amon-Mut-Khonsu.list the major Egyptian gods and their functions.compare Old Kingdom sculpture style with that of the Amarna Period.describe the development of the pyramid from the mastaba.describe the Egyptian conventions of painting and sculpture.trace the style of royal representation from the Old to the New Kingdom.discuss Akhenaton's revolution.compare the Meroë pyramids with the Giza pyramids.describe the relationship between Egypt and Nubia.

Step pyramid, funerary complex of King Djoser Saqqara, Egypt, c. 2750 B.C.    Designed by IMHOTEP

Ground Plan of Djoser Necropolis

Pyramids at Giza, Egypt, c. 2500 - 2475 B.C.

Seated statue of Khafre, Giza, c. 2500 B.C.

Seated scribe, Saqqara, c. 2400 B.C.

View of the hypostyle from the courtyard, Temple of Amon-Mut-Khonsu, Luxor, begun c. 1390 B.C.

Hatshepsut as pharaoh, 18th Dynasty, c. 1473 - 1458 B.C.

Opening of the Mouth Ceremony, from the Book of the Dead of Hunefer, New Kingdom, 19th Dynasty, c. 1307 - 1196 B.C.

Rosetta Stone

Papyrus Paper

Presentation of Nubian tribute to Tutankhamon (restored), tomb chapel of Huy, Thebes, 18th Dynasty, c. 1360 B.C.

Temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel, Nubia, 1237 B.C.

Shield ring with Amon as a ram, Meroe, Nubia, c. 200 B.C.

Cartouche - oval with a horizontal line at one end, Indicating that the text enclosed is a royal name

Amulets-small object that a person wears, carries, or offers to a deity because he or she believes that it will magically bestow a particular power or form of protection. Often found With mummified remains.

Scarab- imagery popular in amulets in ancient Egypt. According to ancient Egyptian myths, the sun (Ra) rolls across the sky each day and transforms bodies and souls. Modeled upon the Scarabaeidae family dung beetle, which rolls dung into a ball for the purposes of eating and laying eggs that are later transformed into larva, the scarab was seen as an earthly symbol of this

heavenly cycle

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