agile test

Post on 10-May-2015






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Personal conclusion about What I am thinking agile and test CURRENTLY


Agile test? Test agilely?-Personal conclusion about test and agile

Xuebin MA 2012.10.4


TestBe agileAgile Test?


TestBe agileAgile Test?

Tests during dev processDesign phase

Review or other static test methods

Coding phase

Unit test

Test phase

Integration test, functional test, system test, QA, user acceptance test...

Regression test, smoke test, stress test, performance test...


Test to keep quality from the beginning

The earlier phase you test, the easier to find bug

The earlier you find the bug, the lower cost to fix

More tests, less bugs (not linearly!)


As resources are always limited, test strategy should be built by fixing or trying to fixing the followings:

test objective, test approach, total test time, test priorities, test schedule, test closure

Approach or MethodWhite box

Control flow test, data flow test

Code coverage (c0, c1, c2)

Black box test

boundary value analysis, all pair testing, state transition graph or tables, decision table tests, specification tests...


TestBe agileAgile Test?

Agile Software Development

Not a sliver bullet!!! No common solution

Different projects need different agile solution

Process is needed

Rome was not build in one day

Retrospective is needed

Improve by find and fix problem agilely

Agile in my opinion

We have many weapons

XP, scrum, daily stand meeting, Kanban, velocity tracking, retrospective meeting...

TDD, automation, continuous delivery, emergent design, lean software development...

Find problems and solve them with above weapons agilely in every iteration

Agile VS other methods

Not enemy relationships!!! ‘Standing on the shoulders of giants’

Always be improving agilely, comparing to other methods and agile method itself


TestBe agileAgile test

Agile test

Following V model in one agile iteration seems very difficultBut no step can be jumped and these tests must be doneProblems become how to adopt these tests in one or several iterations


No common or best solution!!! Only have better solutions

SolutionsTDD would be a good choice

Flexible and agile test strategy

Info share in team (dev and test)

Emergent design

XP, especially at design phase

Adjust test priorities for every iteration (scrum)

Test automation, continuous delivery ...

In another word

Agile test is test agilely ^_^

Always improve Always advance

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