agenda highlights...with an overview of planned conops tasks, schedule, and future opportunities for...

Post on 19-Sep-2020






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San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council

Thursday, September 17, 2020 9:30 a.m.

**Teleconference Meeting**

Agenda Highlights • Comprehensive Corridor Management Program


• Regional Transportation System Management and Operations

MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT AMIDST COVID-19 PANDEMIC: The San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council (SANTEC) meeting scheduled for Thursday, September 17, 2020, will be conducted virtually in accordance with Governor Newsom’s State of Emergency declaration regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, Executive Order N-29-20, and the Guidance for Gatherings issued by the California Department of Public Health. Working Group Members will primarily participate in the meeting virtually, while practicing social distancing, from individual remote locations. This meeting will be held via Zoom. There are a few ways for you to participate in the meeting.

Please click the link below to join the meeting:

Or join by phone:

iPhone one-tap:

US: +16699006833, 99508887605# or +13462487799, 99508887605#

Telephone (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):

US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 929 205 6099 or +1 301 715 8592

Webinar ID: 995 0888 7605

International numbers available:

SANDAG is relying on commercial technology to broadcast the meeting. With the recent increase of virtual meetings, platforms such as Microsoft Teams, WebEx, GoToMeeting, and Zoom are working to scale their systems to meet the new demand. If we experience technical difficulty or you are unexpectedly disconnected from the broadcast, please close and reopen your browser and click the link to rejoin the meeting. SANDAG staff will take all possible measures to ensure a publicly accessible experience.

Public Comments: Persons who wish to address the members on an item to be considered at this meeting, or on non-agendized issues, may email comments to the Clerk at (please reference: “September 17 SANTEC Meeting” in your subject line and identify the item number[s] to which your comments pertain). Comments received by 4 p.m. on Wednesday, September 16 will be provided to members prior to the meeting. You may also provide a live verbal comment during the meeting. All comments received prior to the close of the meeting will be made part of the meeting record.

June 2020

Welcome to SANDAG. Members of the public may speak to the Working Group on any item at the time the Working Group is considering the item. Public speakers are limited to three minutes or less per person. The Working Group may only take action on any item appearing on the agenda.

In order to keep the public informed in an efficient manner and facilitate public participation, SANDAG also provides access to all agenda and meeting materials online at Additionally, interested persons can sign up for email notifications at

SANDAG operates its programs without regard to race, color, and national origin in compliance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act. SANDAG has developed procedures for investigating and tracking Title VI complaints, and the procedures for filing a complaint are available to the public upon request. Questions concerning SANDAG nondiscrimination obligations or complaint procedures should be directed to the SANDAG General Counsel, John Kirk, at (619) 699-1997 or Any person who believes himself or herself or any specific class of persons to be subjected to discrimination prohibited by Title VI also may file a written complaint with the Federal Transit Administration.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), SANDAG will accommodate persons who require assistance in order to participate in SANDAG meetings. If such assistance is required, please contact the SANDAG ADA Coordinator, the Director of Diversity and Equity, at (619) 699-1900, at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting. To request this document or related reports in an alternative format, please call (619) 699-1900 or (619) 699-1904 (TTY), or fax (619) 699-1905.

SANDAG agenda materials can be made available in alternative languages. To make a request, call (619) 699-1900 at least 72 hours in advance of the meeting.

Los materiales de la agenda de SANDAG están disponibles en otros idiomas. Para hacer una solicitud, llame al (619) 699-1900 al menos 72 horas antes de la reunión.

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请在会议前至少 72 小时打电话 (619) 699-1900 提出请求.

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Mission Statement The 18 cities and county government are SANDAG serving as the forum for regional decision-making. SANDAG

builds consensus; makes strategic plans; obtains and allocates resources; plans, engineers, and builds public transit; and provides information on a broad range of topics pertinent to the region’s quality of life.

San Diego Association of Governments ⋅ 401 B Street, Suite 800, San Diego, CA 92101-4231 (619) 699-1900 ⋅ Fax (619) 699-1905 ⋅


San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council Thursday, September 17, 2020

Item No. Action

1. Introductions

+2. Approval of Meeting Minutes Approve

The SANTEC is asked to review and approve minutes from its August 20, 2020, meeting.

3. Public Comments

Members of the public shall have the opportunity to address the San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council (SANTEC) on any issue within the jurisdiction of SANDAG that is not on this agenda.


+4. Comprehensive Corridor Management Program Overview

Richard Chavez, SANDAG


Richard Chavez will provide a brief overview of the Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Program (CMCP). CMCPs promote a planning process that utilizes a holistic and multimodal approach and strives to achieve a balanced transportation system program. In September 2019, the Board of Directors identified 5 of 12 corridors as priority corridors, with completion of the CMCPs by fall 2021. Enclosed is the summary report presented to the Board at its July 10, 2020, meeting.

5. Regional Transportation System Management and Operations

Alex Estrella, SANDAG Information

SANDAG has initiated the development of a Smart Intersection System (SIS) Concept of Operations (ConOps).The purpose of the SIS ConOps is to examine advancements in traffic signal control technologies to improve safety, signal timing operations, and also consider advancements in connected infrastructure technology. SANTEC members will be provided with an overview of planned ConOps tasks, schedule, and future opportunities for SANTEC engagement throughout the development of the SIS ConOps.

6. Round Table on Effects of COVID-19 on Local Traffic Patterns Discussion

Open roundtable discussion regarding the recent impacts of the COVD-19 pandemic and the subsequent Stay-At-Home orders on local and regional roadway traffic. Topics to include any new traffic policies under consideration or practice, impacts of local street closures to accommodate increased bicycle and pedestrian traffic, new traffic patterns generated during quarantine, lesson learned from local activities or practices, etc.

7. Caltrans Updates and Announcements Information

Caltrans staff will provide updates on various local programs, funding program deadlines, and announcements regarding upcoming conferences.


8. Cities/County Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Briefing Information

SANTEC members will be provided with an overview of the Cities/County Transportation Advisory Committee (CTAC) discussion items presented during the most recent CTAC meeting.

9. Matters from Members Information

SANTEC members are encouraged to discuss additional topics of general interest.

10. Upcoming Agenda Items Discussion/ Possible Action

Members are asked to provide input to SANDAG staff on possible items for future meeting agendas.

11. Upcoming Meetings Information

The next SANTEC meeting is scheduled for October 15, 2020, at 9:30 a.m.

12. Adjournment

+ next to an agenda item indicates an attachment


San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council

Item: 2 Action Requested: Approve September 17, 2020

August 20, 2020, Meeting Minutes

Please note: The audio file of the meeting is available on the SANDAG website,, on the San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council (SANTEC) page.

Chair Jim Newton (Coronado) called the meeting of the SANTEC to order at 9:30 a.m.

1. Welcome and Introductions

Self-introductions were made. The attendance sheet for this meeting is included.

2. Approval of meeting minutes (Approve)

Action: Upon a motion by Duncan Hughes (City of San Diego) and a second by Ryan Zellers (Del Mar), the SANTEC approved the minutes from its February 20, 2020 meeting.

Yes: Chair Newton, John Kim (Carlsbad), Paul Oberbauer (Chula Vista), Coronado, Del Mar, Mario Sanchez (El Cajon), Virpi Kuuka-Ruotsalainen (Escondido), Jason Stack (Imperial Beach), Mike Kinnard (La Mesa), Mike James (Lemon Grove), Luca Zappiello (National City), Teala Cotter (Oceanside), Melody Rocco (Poway), City of San Diego, Vice Chair Minjie Mei (Santee), Jim Greenstein (Solana Beach), Sam Hasenin (Vista) and Zoubir Ouadah (County of San Diego).

No: None.

Abstain: None. Absent: Encinitas, San Marcos, Caltrans, MTS, and NCTD.

3. Public Comments/Communications/Member Comments

Members of the public had the opportunity to address the SANTEC on any issue. No public comments were made.


4. 2019 State of the Commute Report (Information)

Ellison Alegre, Senior Regional Planner, presented the 2019 State of the Commute Report, which includes data on the region's urban highways, bus systems, and rail services.

5. Effects of COVID-19 on Local Traffic Patterns (Discussion)

Open roundtable discussion regarding the recent impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent Stay-At-Home orders on local and regional roadway traffic.

6. Caltrans Updates and Announcements (Information)

Rob Owen, Caltrans, provided members with an update on various local programs and funding program deadlines.

7. Cities/County Transportation Advisory Committee Meeting Briefing (Information)

The August 6, 2020, Cities/County Transportation Advisory Committee meeting was cancelled.


8. Matters from Members (Information)

Abraham Bandegan (Encinitas) asked SANTEC members for advice on requesting signed and stamped Traffic Control Plans (TCPs) for various projects citywide. The City of Encinitas currently does not have a formal policy and the TCPs submitted by the applicants don't necessarily need to be signed and stamped by licensed engineers. Roundtable discussion followed.

9. Upcoming Agenda Items (Discussion)

There were no upcoming agenda items discussed.

10. Upcoming Meetings (Information)

The next SANTEC meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 17, 2020 at 9:30 a.m.

11. Adjournment

Chair Newton adjourned the meeting at 11:10 a.m.


Meeting Start Time: 9:30 a.m. Meeting Adjourned Time: 11:10 a.m.

Confirmed Attendance at SANDAG San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council Meeting

August 20, 2020

Jurisdiction Name Attended Comments

Caltrans Rajpreet Singh Yes

Arrived 9:39 a.m.

Melina Pereira, Alternate No

City of Carlsbad John Kim Yes

Miriam Jim, Alternate No

City of Chula Vista

Eddie Flores No

Paul Oberbauer, 1st Alternate Yes

Scott Barker, 2nd Alternate No

City of Coronado Jim Newton, Chair Yes

David Johnson, Alternate No

City of Del Mar Ryan Zellers Yes

Jake Swim, Alternate No

City of El Cajon Mario Sanchez Yes

Raul Armenta, Alternate No

City of Encinitas

Abraham Bandegan Yes Arrived 9:41 a.m.

Bob Goralka, 1st Alternate No

Ed Wimmer, 2nd Alternate No

City of Escondido Virpi Kuukka-Ruotsalainen Yes

Craig Williams, Alternate Yes

City of Imperial Beach Jason Stack Yes

Stephen Manganiello, Alternate No

City of La Mesa Michael Kinnard Yes

Philip Kern, Alternate Yes

City of Lemon Grove Mike James Yes

Mark Jugar, Alternate No

City of National City Luca Zappiello Yes

Carla Hutchinson, 1st Alternate No

City of Oceanside Hamid Bahadori Yes Left 9:58 a.m.

Teala Cotter, Alternate Yes

City of Poway Melody Rocco Yes

Jon Collins, Alternate No

City of San Diego

Duncan Hughes Yes

Maureen Gardiner, 1st Alternate Yes

Claudia Brizuela, 2nd Alternate Yes

City of San Marcos Nicholas Abboud No


Jurisdiction Name Attended Comments

Michael Rafael, Alternate No

City of Santee Minjie Mei, Vice Chair Yes

Jeff Morgan, Alternate No

City of Vista Sam Hasenin Yes

Melinda Rehfeldt, Alternate No

City of Solana Beach Jim Greenstein Yes

Dan Goldberg, Alternate No

County of San Diego Zoubir Ouadah Yes

Murali Pasumarthi, Alternate No

Metropolitan Transit System Vacant N/A

Vacant, Alternate N/A

North County Transit District Vacant N/A

Vacant, Alternate N/A

Other Attendees

Rob Owen, Caltrans

Emanuel Alfajora, City of San Diego

Mayra Perez

Ali Shahzad, City of Temecula


Ellison Alegre

Grace Mino

Sam Sanford


Board of Directors Item: 6:

July 10, 2020

Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plans


On September 27, 2019, the Board of Directors took action to allocate $40 million over the next five fiscal years to complete Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plans (CMCPs) for 12 corridors throughout the region.

CMCPs promote a planning process that utilizes a holistic and multimodal approach and strives to achieve a balanced transportation system. Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Planning is undertaken to help inform the decision-making process and provide communities with an overall vision for the future of the corridor, including guidance and coordination for future improvements necessary to meet corridor plan goals. This planning process is designed to establish consensus on the scope and priority of transportation solutions within each corridor area.

CMCPs must be completed to be eligible for Solutions for Congested Corridors Program funding, a competitive funding program created by Senate Bill 1. The CMCPs will also be used to compete for other local, state, and federal funds.


On September 27, 2019, the Board approved an amendment to the FY 2020 Program Budget, which identified 5 of the 12 corridors for completion by 2021. These five corridors include: (1) Central Mobility Hub and Connections; (2) SR 52; (3) SR 67; (4) SPRINTER/Palomar Airport Road/SR 78; and (5) Purple Line/I-805/ Blue Line/ I-5 South. Staff is recommending some adjustments to the corridor definitions as approved by the Board on September 27, 2019. Because the policy consideration priorities are anticipated to be different, the SR 52/SR 67 corridor is recommended to be split into two separate corridors. Because there is overlap in the geographical area and the policy considerations priorities are anticipated to be similar, it is recommended that the Purple Line/I-805 and Blue Line/I-5 South corridors be combined. These adjustments will facilitate a more efficient process for the completion of the five priority CMCPs.

A workshop was held with Caltrans District 11 to develop guidelines for the delivery of the CMCP program; teams have been established that include staff from SANDAG, Caltrans, and the cities/County; and project management plans have been developed for each CMCP.

Geographical Study Areas

The draft geographical study area for each corridor is shown in Attachment 1. The areas have been established to capture the prevalent travel sheds for each corridor.

Action: Discussion/Possible Action

An overview of the Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plans (CMCPs) program to refine and prioritize transportation solutions on five priority corridors using a policy, data, and collaboration-driven approach will be presented.

Fiscal Impact:

Funding for development of the Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plans is included in the Capital Improvement Program Nos. 1600501, 1600502, 1605201, 1607801, and 1680501 in the amended FY 2020 Program Budget.

Schedule/Scope Impact:

The next major milestone is the summer/fall 2020 presentation on preliminary results of data analysis and stakeholder engagement for each of the five corridors.

Agenda Item No. 4 San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council

September 17, 2020



Issues and Opportunities

An issues and opportunities statement has been prepared for each corridor and is shown in Attachment 2. These draft statements are a work in progress, will evolve over time, and are included in this report for discussion purposes.

Policy Considerations

Policy considerations for transportation corridor studies established by the California Transportation Commission, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration can generally be grouped into 12 categories. These policy considerations are shown in Attachment 3. Each corridor team is in the process of prioritizing the policy considerations in an effort to provide focus on what would be the most effective transportation solutions for each corridor. The prioritized policy considerations for each corridor will be available beginning summer/fall 2020 for review and discussion.

Schedule and Next Steps

Stakeholder engagement and community outreach was originally scheduled for summer 2020. Stakeholder engagement will proceed, but the COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the public outreach to fall 2020 or winter 2020/2021. However, even with the delay to public outreach, it is believed that the CMCPs can still be completed by summer 2021, in time for anticipated Senate Bill 1 funding opportunities. Beginning summer/fall 2020, a series of presentations will be scheduled to discuss data analysis findings, policy priorities, and the status of stakeholder engagement.

Coleen Clementson, Director of Regional Planning

Key Staff Contact: Richard Chavez, (619) 699-6989, Attachments: 1. CMCP Geographical Areas

2. Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan Issues and Opportunities Statements 3. Policy Considerations


Attachment 1


Attachment 2


Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plan Issues and Opportunities Statements June 19, 2020 The following are statements of the issues and opportunities for the development of Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plans (CMCPs) for each of the priority corridors. The issues and opportunity statements are a work in progress and will evolve over time. Comments and suggested modifications are welcome. Central Mobility Hub and Connections Corridor Currently the region lacks seamless, direct, and quality transit connections to access the San Diego International Airport (SDIA). With an anticipated increase of 16 million annual passengers to 40 million annual passengers by 2050, improved transit and roadway connections are needed. Coronado is home to one of the region’s major military bases. With limited road and waterway access, Coronado experiences a high level of delay during peak periods. When traffic incidents occur on the Coronado Bridge or on the Silver Strand (State Route 75), access to and from Coronado is impacted. I-5 between downtown San Diego and I-8 provides access to SDIA, job centers in downtown San Diego, and job centers further north. I-5 experiences delays in the northbound direction in the morning peak period and southbound in the afternoon peak period. Opportunities exist for the creation of a Central Mobility Hub in the study area, providing high-speed, high-quality transit connections to destinations throughout the region. New technologies also provide opportunities for new transportation solutions to improve the efficiency of the existing transportation system. Purple Line/Blue Line/I-805/I-5 South Corridor There are high levels of congestion and delay on I-5 and I-805 between San Ysidro, downtown San Diego, Kearny Mesa, University City, and Sorrento Valley during the peak periods. Some of the region’s most problematic bottlenecks are located in the corridor. Cross-border travel and goods movement are also subject to high levels of delay. There are lengthy delays for commuters traveling to the region’s top employment centers, including downtown San Diego, Kearny Mesa, University City, and Sorrento Valley. There is a lack of high-speed transit, contiguous high occupancy vehicle, and Managed Lanes (HOV/ML), and bikeways in the corridor. Local streets and arterials typically lack accommodation for bicycle and pedestrian movement, especially at freeway crossings. Opportunities exist to increase the efficiency and frequency of the Blue Line Trolley and develop a new transit route (Purple Line) within the corridor. Opportunities exist to improve bike, pedestrians, and micromobility connections to improved transit services. New technologies also provide opportunities for new transportation solutions to improve the efficiency of the existing transportation system. Sea to Santee (SR 52) Corridor There are high levels of congestion and delay on SR 52 between I-5 near the Pacific Coast (Sea) and State SR 67 in the City of Santee, especially in the westbound direction during the morning peak period and in the eastbound direction during the afternoon peak period. Within the corridor, opportunities exist to improve transportation efficiency, travel reliability, system maintenance, traveler safety, provide bottleneck relief, and deploy technology to better manage traffic demand. Other opportunities include network integration with connectors to HOV/MLs, improve bike/pedestrian access, and develop reliable transit options. San Vicente (SR 67) Corridor Improving operational safety, emergency evacuation options, maintaining rural community character, and creating greater trip reliability and efficiency are the principal needs for this corridor. Opportunities exist to develop a multimodal transportation strategy that includes bicycle, pedestrian, transit services, and the deployment of technology to better manage traffic in the corridor.



North County Regional (SR 78) Corridor Population and employment growth in this corridor have led to an increase in travel demand and travel-related delay. These factors have resulted in high levels of congestion on SR 78. Opportunities exist to improve the efficient movement of people and goods by providing missing freeway-to-freeway connectors at the I-5/SR 78 interchange, completing the Inland Rail Trail bikeway, improving the efficiency and frequency of SPRINTER transit service, closing gaps in the arterial roadway system, and providing HOV/MLs on SR 78. New technology also provide opportunity for new transportation solutions to improve the efficiency of the existing transportation system.


Attachment 3


Policy Considerations Policy considerations for the development of Comprehensive Multimodal Corridor Plans are the overarching goals used to refine project scope and define the priority transportation solutions for each corridor. Per transportation corridor planning guidelines established by the California Transportation Commission, Federal Transit Administration, and Federal Highway Administration, policy considerations include: 1. Public safety and security

2. Preserve existing transportation infrastructure

3. Multimodal focus

4. Economic development and goods movement

5. System operations and congestion relief

6. Low-income and disadvantaged community focus

7. Reduce greenhouse gas emissions and Vehicle Miles Traveled

8. Improve air quality and public health

9. Active transportation and micromobility

10. Prevent residential and small business displacement

11. Increase supply of affordable housing

12. Improve jobs/housing balance


California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11 DISTRICT LOCAL ASSISTANCE ENGINEER (DLAE) UPDATES

San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council (SANTEC) September 17, 2020 Meeting

September 18, 2020 – Deadline for Initial Damage Estimates from the Valley Wildfire (CA20-3) On September 6, 2020, the Governor issued a new Disaster Proclamation (CA20-3, Sept. 2020 Wildfires), which is currently limited to the Valley Wildfire within this region (and in two other California locations). For agencies in San Diego County, to qualify for FHWA Emergency Relief funding for disaster damaged federal aid roads, Caltrans first needs a rough estimate with the costs and magnitude for damage. Caltrans District 11 must receive Complete Damage Assessment Form (DAF) packages before December 31, 2020. Please contact the assigned Local Area Engineer with any questions.

Inactive Projects Projects must be billed within the specified and agreed-upon timeframe to avoid de-obligation of funds. As of September 10, 2020, the INACTIVE and Future Inactive list was updated. Action is required by the County of San Diego and SANDAG as well as these cities: Coronado, Encinitas, Escondido, La Mesa, National City, Oceanside, and San Diego. August 20, 2020 is the deadline to submit Inactive invoices. District 11 must receive accurate and complete invoices to prevent de-obligation of federal funds! Verify on the “Inactive” link shown below for Inactive Project dates. Note: An invoice is not cleared from either “Inactive” or “Future Inactive” lists until paid by the State Controller’s Office. Provided local agencies adhere to the format described in Chapter 5 of the Local Assistance Procedures Manual (LAPM), invoices typically are paid by check within 60 days of receipt (or 50 days if paid through Electronic Funds Transfer). A complete list of Inactive Projects –

October 19, 2020 – Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10 Call for Projects (update) Caltrans Division of Local Assistance (DLA) announced the local Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 10 Call for Projects on May 5, 2020. The latest application deadline is October 19, 2020. For additional information on the HSIP Cycle 10, please see the following link –

Resources and presentations from the recent Webinar are now posted through the following link –

Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 19/20 Requests for Authorization CLOSED! FFY 20/21 Obligations Due! Funding Requests for Authorization (RFA) during this federal fiscal year were due by January 31, 2020. Please continue to transmit all RFA submittals, so that funding approval may continue in mid-October.

Note the Obligation Authority (OA) funds for redistribution are dwindling faster than in prior years. Also, make sure that funds are programmed appropriately.

Page 1 of 14

Agenda Item No. 7 San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council

September 17, 2020






As of:August 2019

2020California Transportation

Commission (CTC)

Meeting Schedule

Local Agency Submits Off System

Funds Requests, Program

Amendments, and Time Extensions to Caltrans Districts

District Submits

Off System and On System

Requests to HQ Divisions

HQ Divisions Submit Final Off System and On

System Requests to Budgets

Final Agenda

LanguageDue From HQ

Divisions toOffice of CTC


Final Book Items Due

from HQ Divisions to

Office of CTC Liaison

Date andLocation:

10:00 AMDistrict & CTC

10:00 AMHQ Divisions

5:00 PMBudgets

10:00 AMCTC Liaison

10:00 AMCTC Liaison

Jan 29-30 - Sacramento Area Mon, Dec 2, 19 Mon, Dec 9, 19 Fri, Dec 13, '19 Fri, Dec 20, '19 Tue, Dec 24, '19

Mar 25-26 - Santa Barbara Mon, Jan 27, 20 Mon, Feb 3, 20 Mon, Feb 10, '20 Wed, Feb 19, '20 Thu, Feb 20, '20

May 13-14 - San Diego Mon, Mar 16, 20 Mon, Mar 23, 20 Mon, Mar 30, '20 Wed, Apr 8, '20 Thu, Apr 9, '20

June 24-25 - Sacramento Area Mon, Apr 27, 20 Mon, May 4, 20 Mon, May 11, '20 Wed, May 20, '20 Thu, May 21, '20

Aug 12-13 - Oakland Mon, Jun 15, 20 Mon, Jun 22, 20 Mon, Jun 29, '20 Wed, Jul 8, '20 Thu, Jul 9, '20

Oct 14-15 - Central Valley Mon, Aug 17, 20 Mon, Aug 24, 20 Mon, Aug 31, '20 Wed, Sep 9, '20 Thu, Sep 10, '20

Dec 2-3 - Riverside Mon, Oct 5, 20 Mon, Oct 12, 20 Mon, Oct 19, '20 Wed, Oct 28, '20 Thu, Oct 29, '20

* No Scheduled Meeting in: February, April, July, September and November

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California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11 DISTRICT LOCAL ASSISTANCE ENGINEER (DLAE) UPDATES

San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council (SANTEC) September 17, 2020 Meeting

Preparation Schedule for California Transportation Commission (CTC) Allocation Requests Please review the preceding schedule of deadlines to send allocation request packages for California Transportation Commission (CTC) approval by the December 2020 CTC meeting. When possible, do not wait to submit requests. All documents must be received by the Caltrans District 11 Office at least two months prior to the preferred CTC meeting date. Friday, October 2, 2020 is the next deadline (for the December 2-3, 2020, CTC meeting).

Per the Interim Timely Use of Funds Policy (officially adopted at the May 13-14, 2020 CTC meeting), project components that are programmed in Fiscal Year 2019-20 that have not yet allocated:

The deadline to request an allocation was extended from the June 24-25, 2020 CTC meeting to the December 2-3, 2020 CTC meeting.

Under this new Interim Timely Use of Funds Policy, any agencies that need extensions past this extended December deadline must submit new time extension requests for consideration by the CTC in December.

In addition, per the Interim Timely Use of Funds Policy, projects that received a construction allocation (capital and/or support) at the October 2019, December 2019, or January 2020 Commission meetings:

The contract award deadline will be revised to allow 12 months to award instead of six months. Agencies require no additional action for this extension.

Further information is in a list of “Frequently Asked Questions” available online at the following link –

New Invoice Form Required – Effective Immediately In January 2020, Caltrans updated the new invoice form to incorporate many suggestions from staff and local agencies. Please transmit all invoices on this new LAPM Exhibit 5-A. These following links have details with instructions -

For questions, please contact either the assigned Local Area Engineer or the Local Assistance Program Support Analyst, Alma Sanchez, via email at or by phone: 619-278-3735. Temporary Exception for Requiring “Wet” Signatures on Invoices The current process of requiring wet signatures on invoice documents in order to process for payment is temporarily exempted. Until further notice, scanned copies of invoices will be accepted. For questions, please contact either the assigned Local Area Engineer or the Local Assistance Program Support Analyst, Alma Sanchez, via email at or by phone: 619-278-3735.

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California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11 DISTRICT LOCAL ASSISTANCE ENGINEER (DLAE) UPDATES

San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council (SANTEC) September 17, 2020 Meeting

At-Risk Preliminary Engineering (PE) – Office Bulletin (OB) 20-03 (attached here as pages 10-13) Caltrans Division of Local Assistance released OB 20-03 on August 11, 2020, with these policy changes: Except for projects with federal funds that require California Transportation Commission (CTC) allocation (Active Transportation Program, Trade Corridor Enhancement Program, State Transportation Improvement Program, etc.), local agencies may begin reimbursable Preliminary Engineering (PE) work prior to receiving federal authorization for such work, assuming the project and PE phase are included in a federally-approved Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (FSTIP) document or an FSTIP amendment prior to incurring costs. Programming projects in the FSTIP or starting reimbursed work prior to authorization does not necessarily ensure a project is eligible for federal aid reimbursement. National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA) approval will not occur until subsequent Right of Way and Construction phases are identified as fully funded and programmed in the FTIP.

Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle 5 Call for Projects – CLOSED! The California Transportation Commission call for Active Transportation Program (ATP) projects began March 25, 2020. September 15, 2020, was the last deadline for all ATP applications. Although financing projects statewide, the ATP is oversubscribed and cannot meet all needs. This following link opens a list of additional programs that fund active transportation-related projects –

Local Roadway Safety Plan (LRSP) Requirement Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) Cycle 11 (around April 2022) will require a mandatory Local Roadway Safety Plan (or the equivalent) from any agency applying for HSIP project funds. Details regarding this requirement are available through the following link –

Construction Contract Administration Guidance Construction on critical transportation infrastructure and most public works is designated an “essential service” by the U.S Department of Homeland Security. Check this link for general guidance on potential impacts to current and upcoming (awarded) projects – For questions, please contact the assigned Local Area Engineer.

Quality Assurance Program (QAP) – Renewals for 2021 The schedule on the following page lists due dates for all eligible agencies in San Diego County. As a reminder, Quality Assurance Program (QAP) approval expires in 2021 for the City of San Diego and SANDAG. Poway and Solana Beach require QAP approval if federal funds are needed for future projects. Updated QAP packages must be submitted to the assigned Local Area Engineer. Otherwise, no Construction funding authorization requests will be processed.

Page 4 of 1418

Agency QAP Current QAP Expires Additional Comments

City of Carlsbad 2/23/2017 2/23/2022

City of Chula Vista 10/17/2019 10/17/2024

City of Coronado 10/15/2019 10/15/2024

City of Del Mar 2/28/2020 2/28/2025

City of El Cajon 6/23/2020 6/23/2025

City of Encinitas 12/11/2019 12/11/2024

City of Escondido 4/13/2020 4/13/2025

City of Imperial Beach 7/9/2024

City of La Mesa 10/10/2019 10/10/2024

City of Lemon Grove 11/7/2019 11/7/2024

City of National City 10/10/2019 10/10/2024

City of Oceanside 2/12/2020 2/12/2025

City of Poway

City of San Diego 5/14/2016 5/14/2021

City of San Marcos 1/31/2020 1/31/2025

City of Santee 10/10/2019 10/10/2024

City of Solana Beach

City of Vista 5/12/2020 5/12/2025

County of San Diego 10/31/2019 10/31/2024

S.D. Association of Govts. 3/11/2016 3/11/2021

Port of San Diego

QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM (QAP)Updated on 7/24/2020 by A. Sanchez


8/27/2020 8/27/2025

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California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) District 11 DISTRICT LOCAL ASSISTANCE ENGINEER (DLAE) UPDATES

San Diego Regional Traffic Engineers Council (SANTEC) September 17, 2020 Meeting

New Caltrans Architectural & Engineering (A&E) Oversight Videos Online Now available are short videos about key topics on the A&E Resources Website –

Federal Aid Series Recordings Now Available for Project Contract Administration This recording of a recently delivered class is now available online. Training focuses on both State and federal aid highway projects. Click this link for the recording – PowerPoint presentation page – Subsidized Classes for Local Agencies – Many Are Now Presented Online The California Local Technical Assistance Program is a jointly funded effort between Caltrans and the Federal Highway Administration to provide local governments with training, information, technology and direct assistance to help transportation infrastructure. Upcoming courses are listed at the following link –

Send any questions to the California Local Technical Assistance Program Center:

For questions about additional training opportunities, please contact the District 11 Local Assistance Training Coordinator, Alma Sanchez, via email at or by phone: 619-278-3735.

Title VI Nondiscrimination Program A reminder that local agencies shall comply with all Title VI requirements. See LAPM Section 9.2, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Title VI) and Related Statutes: Title VI and the additional nondiscrimination requirements are applicable to all programs and activities administered by a recipient, in addition to programs receiving federal financial assistance, due to the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987. Nondiscrimination provisions apply to all programs and activities of federal-aid recipients, subrecipients, and contractors, regardless of tier (49 CFR part 21). The requirements include providing and maintaining the following, as detailed in LAPM Section 9.2: Title VI Nondiscrimination Statement, Assurances (as part of the Master Agreement and Program Supplement Agreement), Designation of a Title VI Coordinator, Complaint Procedures, Data Collection, Training, Limited English Proficiency (LEP) accessibility, Dissemination of Information, Contracts and Agreements, Environmental Justice, Public Hearings and Meetings, Right-of-Way activities, Construction Contract Compliance, Monitoring, and others. Note that an agency is subject to Title VI program and compliance review at any time. Link to guidance for Title VI complaints - Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Procedure Updates: Office Bulletin (OB) 20-04 (attached) Caltrans Division of Local Assistance OB 20-04, issued on September 4, 2020, has several updates to Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) procedures to better reflect federal regulation requirements.

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Division of Local Assistance - Office Bulletin DLA OB #20-04: DBE Procedure Updates Office of Guidance & Oversight for LAPM Chapter 9 and Related Exhibits

Issued – September 4, 2020

Expires – Upon Issuance of LPP

DBE Procedure Updates for LAPM Chapter 9 and Related Exhibits


The local Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Program was identified as a potential area of risk for non-compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). A DBE Evaluation Report published by Caltrans in May 2020 indicated that the average compliance in the California local DBE program was only 43%. Compliance for the majority of Federal Regulations were below the average compliance rate, such as DBE goal setting, prompt payment, and performance monitoring. In order to improve the performance compliance of the local DBE program, it is necessary to update the Local Assistance Procedures Manual Chapter 9: Civil Rights and Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (LAPM Chapter 9) and related exhibits to reflect the requirements of 49 CFR 26 more clearly.


Upon the publication of this Office Bulletin, local agencies are required to submit the updated Exhibit 9-A to the District Local Assistance Engineer (DLAE), and follow the updated DBE procedures in LAPM Chapter 9 and related exhibits for all Federal-Aid projects that have sub-contracting opportunities.


LAPM Chapter 9, Exhibit 9-A (DBE Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies), Exhibit 9-B (Local Agency DBE Annual Submittal Form), Exhibit 10-R (AE Sample Contract Language), Exhibit 12-G (Required Federal-Aid Contract Language) were updated on DBE policies and regulations.

1. LAPM Chapter 9

(1) Section 9.6: Local Agency Responsibilities under Caltrans DBE Program Plan

• Revised subsection of Race-Neutral Component • Added a section of Prompt Payment of the Agency to Contractors • Revised the section of Prompt Progress Payment to Subcontractors to include the

fifteen (15) days requirement of California Civil Code to subconsultant after receipt of each progress payment

• Revised the section of Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Subcontractors to include the regulations of California Laws.

• Added a new section of Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanism for Prompt Payment

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Division of Local Assistance - Office Bulletin DLA OB #20-04: DBE Procedure Updates Office of Guidance & Oversight for LAPM Chapter 9 and Related Exhibits

Issued – September 4, 2020

(2) Section 9.7: DBE Participation on Contract

• More explanations were added into the Section of Setting the DBE Contract Goal • Revised the subsection of Commercially Useful Function • Revised the subsection of Decertification

(3) Section 9.8: Good Faith Efforts

• A link to sample GFE procedures was listed • A new subsection of Bidder/Offeror’s Requirements for Good Faith Efforts was

added • The subsection of “Substitution” was renamed as “Termination and Substitution of

DBE Subcontractors” and the context was revised • A link to sample reconsideration procedures was listed to the section of

Administrative Review and Reconsideration • A new subsection of Monitoring and Enforcement Mechanism for DBE Termination

and Substitution was added

2. Exhibit 9-A: DBE Implementation Agreement for Local Agencies

• Revision was made to include California Regulations for Prompt Progress Payment to Subcontractors

• Revised the section of Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Subcontractors to include requirements of California Laws

• Added a new section of Prompt Payment from the Agency to the Contractors

3. Exhibit 9-B: Local Agency DBE Annual Submittal Form

• Revised the Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to subcontractors to include California regulations.

4. Exhibit 10-R: A&E Sample Contract Language

(1) Article X: Subcontracting • A new section of Prompt Progress Payment was added • A new section of Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Subconsultants was added

(2) Article XVI: Non-Discrimination Clause and Statement of Compliance

• A new section I was added

(3) Under the Article XVIII Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE) Participation

• Deleted a portion of how to count DBE participation • Deleted subsection Nondiscrimination Statement • Added a subsection Contract Assurance • Deleted the subsection Prompt Progress Payment • Deleted the subsection of Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Subconsultants • Added a subsection of Termination and Substitution of DBE Subconsultants • Added a subsection of Commitment and Utilization • Deleted existing subsections I and F

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Division of Local Assistance - Office Bulletin DLA OB #20-04: DBE Procedure Updates Office of Guidance & Oversight for LAPM Chapter 9 and Related Exhibits

Issued – September 4, 2020

(4) Article XXXI Retention of Funds was deleted

(5) Added an Article XXXI Prompt Payment of The Agency to Consultant

5. Exhibit 12-G

(1) Section of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)

• Added a subsection of Nondiscrimination Statement • Added a subsection of Contract Assurance • Added a subsection of Prompt Progress Payment • Added a subsection of Prompt Payment of Withheld Funds to Subcontractors • Added a subsection of Termination and Substitution of DBE Subcontractors • Added a subsection of Commitment and Utilization

(2) Deleted the previous section of Prompt Payment of Funds Withheld to Subcontractors

(3) Added a section of Prompt Payment of the Agency to the Contractors

(4) Revised the section of Federal Trainee Program

6. A sample procedure for Good Faith Efforts was developed.

7. A sample procedure for Reconsideration Hearing was developed.

DLA and local agencies will follow the new updated LAPM and related exhibits upon the OB’s publication.


This Office Bulletin applies to all Federal-aid projects that have sub-contracting opportunities.

Original Signature By 09/04/2020 Recommended: ________________________________________ __________________________

Wenyi Long, DBE Oversight Engineer Date Office of Guidance & Oversight

Original Signature By 09/04/2020 Approved: ________ _________ __________________________

Felicia Haslem, Chief (Acting) Date Office of Guidance & Oversight

Attachments 1) LAPM Chapter 9, Sections 9.6 to 9.8 2) Exhibit 9-A, Revised September 2020 3) Exhibit 9-B, Revised September 2020 4) Exhibit 10-R, Revised September 2020 5) Exhibit 12-G, Revised September 2020

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Division of Local Assistance - Office Bulletin DLA OB #20-03: At-Risk PE Office of Implementation - South Issued – August 11, 2020

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Expires – Upon Issuance of LPP

At-Risk Preliminary Engineering


On March 19, 2019, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a Memorandumtitled “At-Risk Project Pre-Agreement Authority for Preliminary Engineering” which clarifiesSection 1440 of the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (FAST Act). Section 1440of the FAST Act authorizes FHWA to reimburse recipients and subrecipients forpreliminary engineering (PE) costs incurred prior to project authorization, assuming thecosts are for otherwise eligible activities on eligible projects, and the project and phase areincluded in a federally-approved Federal Statewide Transportation Improvement Program(FSTIP) document or amendment. If eligible, and once federal authorization is received,incurred costs can be reimbursed back to the effective date of the FAST Act, October 1,2015 or the federal approval date of the FSTIP, whichever occurs later.

Section 1440 of the FAST Act does not waive any additional Federal-Aid HighwayProgram requirements, projects must still meet all applicable cost eligibility conditions, andall conformity requirements of the Clean Air Act must be met. Section 1440 of the FASTAct does not waive any federal A&E requirements and approvals (as documented inChapter 10 of the Local Assistance Procedure Manual), such as for Consultants in aManagement Support Role (CMSR), nor does it release local agencies from establishingDBE goals and requirements and evaluating GFE’s.

However, until authorized and obligated, these funds are still considered “At-Risk”. Thereis no guarantee of Federal funding for any pre-authorized/pre-obligated PE work;recipients and subrecipients invoking Section 1440 authority assume all risk.


Except for projects with federal funds that require allocation by the California TransportationCommission (CTC) (e.g., Active Transportation Program, Trade Corridor EnhancementProgram, and State Transportation Improvement Program funds), local agencies may beginreimbursable PE work prior to receiving federal authorization for such work, assuming theproject and phase are included in a federally-approved FSTIP document or amendment priorto incurring costs. Programming projects in the FSTIP or starting reimbursed work prior toauthorization does not necessarily constitute eligibility of such projects for federal aidreimbursement.

For projects with federal funding that require CTC allocation, only costs incurred after CTCallocation are eligible for reimbursement.

Full funding for a subsequent phase of the project (final design, right-of-way acquisition, orconstruction) must be included in an approved FSTIP document or amendment before theNEPA document can be signed. Also, all project phases must be included in the fiscallyconstrained Regional/Metropolitan Transportation Plan before a NEPA document can besigned. If the “No Build” alternative is selected, the project may still be eligible forreimbursement under Section 1440.

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Division of Local Assistance - Office Bulletin DLA OB #20-03: At-Risk PE Office of Implementation - South Issued – August 11, 2020

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To invoke the flexibilities allowed under Section 1440 of the FAST Act when submitting arequest for authorization for the PE phase (LAPM 3-A), a local agency must provide both theoriginal and current FSTIP document listing or amendment as supporting documents. As analternative, only the current FSTIP listing may be provided if it references the date of theoriginal FSTIP listing. However, in such instances, the original listing must be provided ifrequested by Caltrans to meet programming requirements or if there are any questions orconcerns for funding authorizations. The original FSTIP federal approval date documentinginclusion of the PE phase will be the “Effective PE Reimbursement Date”, whereby allotherwise eligible costs incurred on or after this Effective PE Reimbursement Date will bereimbursable. The original FSTIP listing does not need to specify federal funds to beginreimbursable work; however, federal funds will need to be included in the current FSTIPwhen an agency submits their authorization request.

Note: The current FSTIP listing may reference the date of the original FSTIP listing and statethat the original listing can be provided if requested to meet programming requirements.Caltrans, however, may request the original listing if there are questions or concerns forfunding authorization.

Reimbursements of funds can begin after funds are authorized and obligated by FHWA viathe E-76. To ensure timely processing of invoices, local agencies will need to include theEffective PE Reimbursement Date on all invoices (LAPM 5-A) for reimbursement of incurredPE costs on all projects invoking Section 1440 of the FAST Act.


The At-Risk PE option is only available for the PE phase of federally funded projects. It isnot available for the Right of Way, Construction, Construction Engineering, Non-Infrastructure, or Other phases.

LAPM 3-A and LAPM 5-A have been revised and are available for download at theDivision of Local Assistance website. This new policy will be incorporated into Chapter 3(Authorization) and Chapter 5 (Invoices) of the LAPM during the next LPP update.

This policy should lead to expedited delivery of local projects, fewer Inactive projects,more timely obligations, and fewer PE>10 projects.

Approved: _________________________________ ______________________ Heidi Borders, Acting Chief Date Office of Project Implementation - South

Original Signature By 8/11/2020

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Division of Local Assistance - Office Bulletin DLA OB #20-03: At-Risk PE Office of Implementation - South Issued – August 11, 2020

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At-Risk Preliminary Engineering - FAQs

1. Does an agency need to “invoke their rights under Section 1440 of the FAST Act” at time of authorization?Yes, that’s a good analogy.

2. How far into Design can we go? Can we request PE and CON Authorizations at the same time?There is not a limit on how far into design an agency can go before requesting authorization of At-Risk PE.Yes.

3. A&E Issues with Design Consultants?Locals still need to follow the federal requirements including the LAPM 10-C, FHWA approval required forCMSR (Consultant in a Management Support Role) prior to advertisement, DBE requirements and reporting,etc. Also, ICRP rates must be approved before contract execution.

4. How do agencies show that their project was programmed at the time work was performed? How do wesatisfy the requirement for programming?The project must have funds for the PE phase programmed in an approved FSTIP or approved Amendmentprior to start of work for which the agency is seeking At-Risk PE reimbursement. This is referred to as theoriginal FSTIP document listing, and this original FSTIP listing does not need to show a federal fundingpresence to establish an “Effective PE Reimbursement Date.” When a local agency is ready to request anauthorization of federal funds, the project must be included in a current approved FSTIP or Amendment, andthe federal funds requested must be shown as programmed.

5. What about multiple-funded projects, such as CTC Allocated funds - how does this affect getting reimbursedfor work prior to Authorization? Can agencies identify multiple reimbursement dates, one for federal, one forstate?CTC Allocated projects that have federal funds embedded in the programs (ATP, TCEP, STIP) will only beable to invoke Section 1440 reimbursement for costs incurred AFTER CTC Vote and Programming. TheCTC considers individual votes for the ATP, TCEP and STIP projects to cover State and Federal funds, sobeginning work on these program projects prior to the CTC Vote will not be reimbursable.

6. Apportionment Impacts? OA Impacts?Programming will handle by deducting when it comes in; Programming sees no additional risk beyond thecurrent process.

7. Do we require an E-76 prior to NEPA Document? Prior to PES?No and No, but …. the NEPA environmental review process can begin without demonstrating fiscalconstraint, however, full funding for a subsequent phase of the project (e.g., final design, right-of-way (ROW)acquisition, or construction) must be included in the approved FSTIP before the Record of Decision (ROD),Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI), or Categorical Exclusion can be signed. All project phases (e.g.,PE, final design, ROW, utility relocation, construction, and/or construction phases) planned within the life ofthe transportation plan have to be included in the fiscally constrained RTP/MTP in order for Caltrans to signthe ROD, FONSI or approve the CE.

8. How far back can charges go?The effective date is the same as the FAST Act: October 1, 2015.

9. Do At-Risk options apply to “Other” phase?No, At-Risk PE only applies to the PE phase and cannot be invoked on the “Other” phase, which may still befederally eligible, but is not the PE phase.

10. Can we go “back in time” on a previously authorized PE request?Yes, this is allowable, but a PE modification electing Section 1440 At Risk PE would be required. Agenciescan get reimbursed for eligible work back to October 1, 2015 if they can show the project was programmedin an approved FSTIP or Amendment at that time.

11. What if the “No Build” option is selected in the NEPA document?The project would still be eligible for reimbursement under Section 1440.

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Division of Local Assistance - Office Bulletin DLA OB #20-03: At-Risk PE Office of Implementation - South Issued – August 11, 2020

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12. If the PE Phase is programmed in the FTIP but outside the Four-Year Element - does this qualify for the At-Risk PE?No. PE needs to have been programmed within the Four-Year Element to qualify for At-Risk PE.

13. Where can I find more information regarding this policy?FHWA’s March 19, 2019 Memorandum titled “At-Risk Project Pre-Agreement Authority for PreliminaryEngineering” and FAQ’s can be found on FHWA’s website.

14. What date is used when applying the “10 year PE rule”?The date of federal authorization of PE is the date used not the effective reimbursement date established byinvoking Section 1440 of the FAST Act (AKA At-Risk PE).

15. What amount is eligible for federal reimbursement?FSTIP programming utilized to determine effective PE reimbursement date only determines start date notamount of reimbursement eligible. Any federal reimbursement will occur after authorization and is limited tofunds authorized.

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Value Capture strategies can be a reliable and sustainable transportation gap funding tool. These strategies also help local governments achieve a variety of economic development goals, including job creation, growth in property values, and protection of the local tax base.

FHWA’s Value Capture Implementation Team, in partnership with local experts, will conduct a virtual peer exchange on Thursday, September 24, 2020 from 1:00–3:00 p.m. ET.

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Source: USDOT/Getty

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