agenda april 10/11, 2014 today’s topics state of oregon: key elected officials debate work...

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Oregon’s Top ExecutiveBranch Officials

AGENDAApril 10/11, 2014

Today’s topics State of Oregon: Key Elected Officials Debate work

Administrative Road Ahead Next class: Meet in library (5th + 7th periods only)

Homework Coordinate work with your debate team Review: Chapter 24+25 Glossary terms

The Road Ahead…

April 10-17: Debate research and preparation (part of 3 class periods)

April 21: Debates begin All “Works Cited” pages due

April 28: Begin Unit 8 (Comparative Political & Econ. Systems)

May 21: Unit 8 presentations begin

June 3/4: Senior Final Exams

Learning Goals

Unit 7 Guide

What are the structures and functions of Oregon’s state, county and local governments?• What are the key elective offices in Oregon state

government? What are the names and key responsibilities of those elected officials?

State of Oregon: Executive Branch Officials

State of Oregon: Executive Branch Officials

GOVERNORCurrent: Dr. John Kitzhaber

Main duties/ Roles:1. Chief Executive/Chief Administrator (appointments, etc.)2. Judicial Leader (pardons, reprieves, etc.)3. Head of Party (sometimes…)4. Commander-in-Chief (Oregon National Guard)5. Legislative Leader (veto, calls special sessions, etc.)What’s missing…?

State of Oregon: Executive Branch Officials


Main duties/ Roles:1. Auditor of Public Accounts2. Chief Elections Officer3. Chief Records Officer4. Serves as Acting Governor / Next in line of succession

State of Oregon: Executive Branch Officials

STATE TREASURERCurrent: Ted Wheeler

Main duties/ Roles:1. Chief Financial Officer

State of Oregon: Executive Branch Officials

ATTORNEY GENERALCurrent: Ellen Rosenblum

Main duties/ Roles:1. Chief Legal Officer2. Legal Counsel for all state


Learning Goals

Unit 7 Guide

• Engage in informed and respectful deliberation and discussion of issues, events, and ideas.

• Explain the role of government in various current events.

TOWN HALL DEBATES1. Should Oregon law be changed to allow the legal manufacture

by, and sale of marijuana to, persons 21 years of age and older?2. Should Oregon ban the use of Native American mascots by

schools?3. Should Oregon privatize the sale of liquor and allow stores that

already sell beer and wine and are at least 10,000 square feet to stock liquor on store shelves?

4. Should Oregon repeal a law that allows a resident ‘driver card’ without requiring proof of legal presence in the United States?

5. Should Oregon require food produced using genetic engineering to be labeled as genetically engineered when offered for retail sale?

6. Should Oregon require criminal background checks for private gun sales?


Should Oregon require criminal background checks for private gun sales?

Town Hall DebateRules of Civility and Decorum

• A coin toss will decide which side begins• The sides will alternate: ONLY 1 speaker at a time

Any participants (debaters or audience) displaying inappropriate behavior will be excluded

• Each debater must speak at least twice• Every debater on your side must speak before anyone

on your team speaks a 2nd time (and so on…)

In addition Audience debate notes: You must write at least 4

arguments/notes for each side

Debate PreparationEach side should research both PRO and CON arguments

Work with your group to Review and discuss the materials Look for evidence to support your position:

How will you use evidence to advocate your side’s position in the debate?

How will you use evidence to discredit your opponents’ arguments?

Decide who will present which points

Remember to prepare a “Works Cited” page Minimum of 5 sources for each team

HomeworkBefore you leave

Pick up your belongings Straighten desks

Homework Coordinate work with your debate team Review: Chapter 24+25 Glossary terms

Next class: Meet in library (5th + 7th periods only)

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