“africa” by toto … into song … 4:34. goals … tuesday, april 28 th … a day please...

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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“Africa” by Toto … into song … 4:34

GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28thth … … A DayA Day Please remember to “TURN OFF” & “PUT AWAY” all Electronic Devices. Homework Calendar:

… What’s due TODAY … Wed. April 29th

VIDEOS [ .ppt ] : … David Attenborough's Africa (BBC) – Introduction … 2:53 … Africa Geography Song … 1:48

GEOGRAPHY: … AFRICA: “Political” Map

POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Africa: Geography 26 slides

VIDEOS [ .ppt ] : … Geography of Africa 10:17

POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Traditional African society 20 slides

ATTENDANCE “must” be taken. “Please CHECK IN with me [ Mr. Joyce ]. “Thank you.”

QUIZ Grade: 175 out of 100 for cooperating & No problems.

Practice Regents “online” DUE

GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28thth … … A DayA Day

VIDEOS [ .ppt ] : … David Attenborough's Africa (BBC) – Introduction … 2:53 … Africa Geography Song … 1:48

GEOGRAPHY: … AFRICA: “Political” Map

POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Africa: Geography 26 slides

VIDEOS [ .ppt ] : … Geography of Africa 10:17

POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Traditional African society 20 slides

GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28thth … … A DayA DayGEOGRAPHY: … AFRICA: “Political” Map

POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Africa: Geography 26 slides

VIDEOS [ .ppt ] : … Geography of Africa 10:17

POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Traditional African society 20 slides

“Cultural DIVERSITY”

… “ diverse “ …

GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28GOALS … TUESDAY, April 28thth … … A DayA Day POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Africa: Geography 26 slides

VIDEOS [ .ppt ] : … Geography of Africa 10:17

POWERPOINT [ .ppt ] : … Traditional African society 20 slides

Practice Regents “online” DUE

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