afl 2016- touched

Post on 08-Mar-2016






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Analysis of TOUCHED.


TOUCHEDMinimal Level 110 23 marksBasic Level 2 2435 marksProficiencyLevel 3 3647 marksExcellenceLevel 44860 marks

framing a shot, including and excluding elements as appropriate14- The shots could have been framed better as the artist looks awkwardly positioned in them and some of them are irrelevant images. The artists hair and arm is missing in some of the images so they could have been framed better to fully capture the artist.

using a variety of shot distances as appropriate27- A variety of shots have been used, ranging from close ups, mid-shots and long-shots. There are examples of these mainly on the double page spread and involve different poses. They are still at a basic level as they could have been framed better, however there are a range of shots.

shooting material appropriate to the task set10- The images do not seem to relate to the task at all. The front cover looks as though it is meant for a beauty product or the cover of an in-flight magazine. The contents page includes an image of the main artist in a boring pose and another image of two girls who look as though they are posing for a best friend photo. The double page spread images are taken outside a country house which makes it look like an advert for a hotel; having no relevance to the task at all.

selecting mise-en-scne including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting10- The clothing of the artist is simple and looks like office clothing. This has nothing to do with music and you wouldnt be able to tell it is a music magazine until you see the small image of music notes on the cover. The setting, again, doesnt suit the task as it is taken outside a country house which doesnt have any relevance to music.

manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including cropping and resizing10- The images have been cropped so the feet and legs arent shown. This looks unusual as the shot type should include the legs of the artist instead of cropping them out and keeping a large gap above the artists head which could have been cropped instead of the body. The cover image could have been re-sized as it looks too big and covers the masthead which doesnt look professional.

accurately using language and register26- The language used relates to music as it uses musical jargon such as charts and iTunes which shows the creator has a basic knowledge. The register is fairly formal which is professional, however it isnt completely standard as there are contractions and other features used to make it slightly informal.

appropriately integrating illustration and text30- The text fits nicely on the contents page and double page spread, however the cover looks messy. The image is placed over the masthead which makes it unreadable and the 50 is placed over the right hand shoulder which could be made smaller and moved to a different place. Other than that, the images and text work well together and uses colours that dont clash.

showing understanding of conventions of layout and page design28- There is a basic knowledge of layouts as the creator uses the H structure on her cover as the masthead is at the top, subtext down the sides of the image and the artist name across the artists body. This makes it easier to see all the text clearly. The contents page is laid out relatively simple in categories, however the images could be moved. The article is in two columns, but would look better if the images down the side were removed and the text had more room.

showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size20- A minimal knowledge of size variety has been used to emphasise the masthead and the artists name, as well as important information by the use of larger text. Some pieces of text could be smaller and a variety in fonts would look better as the masthead is the same font as the rest of the text in the magazine.

using ICT appropriately for the task set18- It seems as though the creator has minimal IT skills and the magazine could look better if those skills were known. It looks as though a basic use of Photoshop has been used to put the magazine together, but hasnt been used to their full advantage as the text could be lined up better etc.

Summary Comment: Overall, the magazine could have been more relevant to music by the use of images and colours, however the text links well to the task. MEDIA STUDIES AFL 2016

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