advert analysis – bombay bicycle club

Post on 26-May-2015






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Advert Analysis – Bombay Bicycle Club

The first thing I notice when looking at the advert is the use of a dull, drab colour scheme that is constant throughout the whole image. This is a reference to the name of the album because it seems like a “flawed” colour scheme, as there are no bright and vibrant colours, only dark blacks and maroon. The image that accompanies the advert is a photograph of a girl with a sad expression. This also helps give off the idea of “flaws” as it can be assumed that this girl is unhappy at one thing or another, maybe her “flaws”. Straight away we can already pick up on why certain things have been used. One thing about this type of music is that it is not meant to be mainstream, which is why the dull colours are used. The advert hints more towards realism than trying to look colourful as that is another element of the indie genre of music. The fact that the album description and the quote of a different font colour helps them both stand out separately and draws attention which helps get the message across.

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