advent acrostic · 2020. 11. 28. · advent acrostic december 2020/ january 2021 number 549 . 2...

Post on 05-Feb-2021






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    The monthly magazine of

    Belmont Road Baptist Church, Carey Baptist Church and The Church of the Resurrection, Grovehill

    (Anglican/Free Church)

    A is for Anticipation – Mary’s excitement about this child promised by God to her and to the world proved justified. What amazing news! What better gift?

    D is for Darkness – Jesus came to a people shrouded in darkness and the shadow of death. Not dissimilar to us in 2020 with the shadow of Covid. Jesus is with all those who mourn this year (please visit: for an online event from 6 December and throughout this Christmas season).

    V is for Veneration – This precious new life was worshipped by all those who had a close encounter with the Christ child: the angels, Mary, Joseph, the animals, the shepherds, the wise men. God comes close to us the Advent and invites our worship also.

    E is for Emmanuel – In the words of a carol, ‘the dear Christ enters in’. Every Advent we rejoice that ‘God is with us’. Not wishful thinking, but a deeply glorious and intimate reality.

    N is for Nation – In the words of the prophecy about our Messiah in Isaiah chapter 9, Jesus, you have enlarged this nation’s joy. This month we rejoice at the advent of a whole number of Covid vaccines. And we give thanks for all our key workers who have, in many different ways, helped us through this crisis and continue to help us.

    T is for Time – Jesus said: “Now is the time… the Kingdom of God is upon you”. To each of the four points of the compass we can each


    DECEMBER 2020/ JANUARY 2021

    Number 549

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    declare, west, north, east and south, this four-fold truth: ‘Christ has come, Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again’. God deserves all our praise this Advent and Christmas.

    Finally, three things to mention briefly in closing. Firstly, Chris and I would like to give our thanks to Carey, Belmont and Grovehill, for all the love and support you have given to us since Chris tested positive for Covid on 7 November. We give thanks to God for you all and especially give thanks that during these difficult days God has indeed been with us. Secondly, this month we give thanks for the life and ministry Michael Putnam over many decades. There will be a funeral service for him at Peterborough on 4 December. Together we look forward to celebrating the life of this servant of God at a Thanksgiving Service to be arranged at Carey, either before Christmas or in the new year. Finally, we all look forward to a new year with all its promise of freedom from Covid. And there is another promise of freedom for us to celebrate next month: freedom from nuclear weapons. On 22 January the United Nations is due to formally ratify its new global treaty banning these weapons of mass destruction. The treaty has already been signed by 50 nations and it is likely that more will sign in the coming year. Some churches will mark the occasion by ringing their bells in celebration.

    ‘Of the increase of God’s government and peace there will be no end’ (Isaiah 9:7).

    May God bless us this Christmas and New Year, one and all, at Belmont, Grovehill and Carey, across Dacorum and beyond.

    Colin Cartwright

    Prayer Garden, Lights and WhatsApp As I write we are in the second week of this current lockdown. Once again we are unable to meet at the church for services and youth groups and we have ‘left the building’ and returned to full time zoom. This doesn’t mean however that we have lost our ‘presence’ in Belmont Rd. The residents of Belmont Rd use WhatsApp to communicate with their



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    neighbours, I have joined this group with the tag @BaptistChurch so that we can participate. The group supports those who are isolating and need provisions, unwanted items find new homes, excess produce is shared. Our Sunflower competition was highlighted and taken up by some. Sandra marked Remembrance with a display of poppies and crosses and residents visited and ‘purchased’ knitted poppies made by a resident who helps at Lunch Club.

    The residents plan to have a collective Christmas Light ‘switch on’, Saturday 5th Dec at 6pm. With neighbours coming out onto the road to greet each other as the road lights up. Even before I knew this was planned, I felt a prompt to recreate the Prayer Garden with a theme of ‘Light’ as we moved towards Christmas. In amongst the lights of the road I feel it is vitally important that we as God’s representatives shine out. That we point to the true light of Jesus “The light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. The true light that gives light to everyone is coming into the world”. (John 1 v 5,9)

    So do visit the prayer garden, late afternoon/early evening will probably do it most justice! Pray for the residents of Belmont Rd that they will also visit the garden, be prompted to seek Jesus this Christmas and join us on zoom for our Christingle and Carol service. Hazel Barton

    Tribute to Michael Putnam We are sad to record the death of Michael Putnam, who died on 10th November at the age of 87. Michael was born in the ‘Mill House’ at Piccotts End Mill on 11th October 1933. He attended Hemel Hempstead Grammar School. His family had close ties with Marlowes Baptist Church and his father was, at various times, secretary of the Men’s Contact Club, Deacon (1938 – 1960), Life Deacon, Home Work Fund Secretary, Envelope Scheme Secretary, Minutes Secretary, representative on the Belmont Road Committee and on the Herts Baptist Association (HBA). Michael went on to follow in his father’s footsteps in his commitment to the life and work of the church.

    Michael was baptised and became a member of the church in 1948. In 1951 it was recorded that he and Mr R J Avery had been running the BB Life Boys (Anchor Boys) for nearly a year “without the assistance of any senior leader”. That autumn he went to university (Aberystwyth), where,


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    in 1954, he was awarded a BSc in Agriculture. He went on to do National Service and married Ilid in December 1955. They eventually settled in Kent and had three children, Andrew, Marion and Glenda (who sadly died in September 1975 at the age of 14).

    During the years Michael was away from Hemel he was involved in the setting up, in 1961, of the development charity Operation Agri by the Baptist Men’s Movement. Russell Ashley-Smith from OA has sent the following contribution to this tribute: ,

    “During the Baptist Men’s Movement (BMM) conference at Swanwick in March 1961, three young men volunteered to take responsibility for Operation Agri. Michael was one of these young professionals and until his resignation due to ill-health in June 2017 was almost continuously one of the charity’s leaders (there was a short gap in the early 70s), for many years as treasurer. He was also a committee member of BMM.” (There is a lovely photo of Michael on the Operation Agri website . If you would like to support the work of Operation Agri when buying your Christmas presents, please see item on page 9)

    In 1975 the family moved to Potten End and he and Ilid were received into membership at Marlowes in January 1976. Later that year Michael was elected as a deacon and then as Church Secretary. He served in this post for two periods (1976-80 and 1987-92). In 1977 he was involved in the organisation of the Three Arts Festival to raise funds for the new Grovehill Church. He was also chairman of the Hemel Hempstead Baptist Council, the first chairman of the joint committee set up to plan for the coming together of the Boxmoor and Marlowes churches and chairman of the Fabric Committee until 1987 (although he remained very involved in the work). Michael sang in the choir until it was disbanded in the late ‘80s and in April 1980 he was interviewed when the BBC recorded ‘Songs of Praise’ at the church. For many years from the mid ‘80’s Michael and Ilid invited the Carey fellowship to visit their lovely garden for a summer garden party.

    In 1994 Michael was elected president of the HBA for a year. He was appointed as a Life Deacon in November 2001 and acted as Moderator during the fairly short interregnum from 2002-3. In recent years Michael continued to attend deacons’ meetings and to be very involved in the life of Carey, while also serving other Baptist churches in Hertfordshire as a lay preacher. Following Ilid’s diagnosis of Parkinson’s Disease, he reduced his commitments at the church in order to care for her. Ilid died

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    in March 2016 shortly after their Diamond Wedding Anniversary. Following a stroke in 2018, Michael moved to a care home in Sawtry to be near Andrew. He has been, and will be, greatly missed at Carey.

    (Much of the detail in this tribute has been found in the updated version of the church history (up to the end of 2010), which Michael himself completed.)

    Sunday worship If the technology will allow us, we are hoping to be able to meet at the church and on Zoom at 10.30am from Sunday 6th December and up to and including Christmas Day, in much the same way as Belmont Road were doing before the most recent lockdown. If the signal is not strong enough in the sanctuary, we will have separate services at the church in the morning and on Zoom later in the day. Please watch out for further announcements in the weekly newsletter. The service on 27th December will be on Zoom only.

    Baby and Toddler Group The Baby and Toddler Group has been taking place on Zoom during the recent lockdown. Please use the Facebook page to contact Olivia - to find out when the Group is due to re-start at the church.

    Christmas Offerings The retiring offerings at the Carol Service and on Christmas Day will be for the work of Spurgeons Children’s Charity. (see page 16)

    Church Meeting There will be a Church Meeting at 7.30pm on Wednesday 13th January (date tbc) in the Memorial Hall. (Please note change of Wednesday in month.) Non-members interested in taking part in the discussions about the life and work of the church are welcome to attend without voting.

    ‘Socially distanced’ walks We hope to be able to re-start our walks for groups of up to six in the local area once the current lockdown is lifted, weather permitting. If you would be interested in meeting up with others from Carey in this way, please contact Hilary Donovan.

    Mission Partners Please continue to pray for our Mission Partners, Phil and Louise and Peter and Louise and the country of Bangladesh.

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    For all Zoom events, please send an email to: to receive an invite.

    • Sundays 11am - Communion Service in Church and on Facebook 'Grovehill Church of the Resurrection - The Church behind the Chippy' page. (Services can also be found on the 'Grovehill Church of the Resurrection' YouTube Channel.)

    • Sundays 12 noon - Zoom Coffee • Mondays 9am to 12noon - Church open for private prayer • Thursdays 11am to 1pm - Church open for private prayer • Wednesdays 12 noon - Ladies Bible Study Zoom • Wednesdays 7pm - Prayer and Meditation in church • Mondays to Fridays 9.30pm - Night Prayer by Zoom

    Fundraising event This will be a 12-hour ZOOMathon on Saturday 9th January from 9am - 9pm, using the wonders of ZOOM. Austin and others will be reading the New Testament from the beginning. If you want to join in or sponsor the event please contact Austin. The money raised will be used to support the ongoing ministry in Grovehill and Woodhall Farm. (contact details below)

    Easy Fundraising Shopping on-line this year? Raise money for the church at the same time at NO COST to you. See new website for more details.

    Messy Church We will be delivering crafts and stories to do during Advent and Revd Austin will be holding a ZOOM meeting with Facebook and help from Karl between 2 o’clock and 3 every Saturday from 28

    November until 19

    December. Please email Sally if you would like to take part in both or either event/s or contact Revd Austin. (contact details below). You must register for the craft pack before 23

    November to allow for delivery.


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    December Prayer Calendar Sunday 6th Seventh Day Adventist Church Sunday 13th Society of Friends (Quakers) – Old Town area Sunday 20th All Churches celebrating the birth of Jesus Sunday 27th Pray for God's blessing on His world as we prepare for a New Year

    Videos for Advent Churches Together is hoping to put a short video (4 minutes) on their website each day of Advent from 1st December, contributed by Christians from churches in the town, about how they get ready for Christmas from a faith point of view. The new website – - is well-worth looking at in any case.

    ‘Tiny Advent Poems’ These very short poems, written by Amy Scott Robinson and presented visually by Richard Lyell, are available at . There is one for each day of Advent and there are a number of suggestions as to how they can be used, by individuals and churches.

    Book Review 37 Kings and a Budgerigar By Richard Littledale, Authentic, £7.99 For many of us, putting out a crib set is one of our treasured Christmas traditions. But what do these scenes really tell us about the original Christmas story? Richard Littledale, a regular contributor to Daily Service and Sunday Worship on BBC Radio 4, shares reflections, Bible readings and prayers for each day of Advent, based on his own personal collection of nativity sets from around the world. Just like unexpectedly finding a figure of a budgerigar in one of his nativity sets, this accessible



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    devotional will surprise you anew as you see the familiar nativity story with fresh eyes. Parish Pump (Richard Littledale is the minister of Newbury Baptist Church. Ed.)

    BU Advent Quiet Day Waiting, Hoping Rejoicing – An Online Advent Quiet Day Thursday 3 December 10:00 – 15:00

    After the fantastic response to our last online Quiet Day in June, Geoff Colmer, BUGB vice president and team leader at Central Baptist Association, and Beth Powney, team leader of Eastern Baptist Association, are back! They will offer us a further guided opportunity to be still and reflect, timed to coincide with the start of Advent. The day will run from 10:00 - 15:00 with input at the beginning of each session followed by space for us to sit alone in the company of God. The timing is as follows:

    10:00 - Session 1, Waiting 11:30 - Session 2, Hoping 12:50 - Midday Prayer 13:00 - Break for lunch 13:45 - Session 3, Rejoicing 14:45 - Closing Prayer (Access via the BU website )

    Other BU Advent and Christmas Resources See website above for other resources.

    Extracts from the latest newsletter from the Liberty Tea Rooms and

    Community Hub

    We may not be able to reopen the doors of Liberty Tea Rooms just yet,

    but our Community Hub is being VERY active all the way through


    • Through our partnership with Dacorum Foodbank, we’ve been ensuring that families have had enough food. Please do support Dacorum Foodbank!


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    • Our wonderful Community Bakers have been providing cakes to bless local families, Care Homes, Hemel Fire Station and Hemel Police Station. Each lovely home-made cake is a gesture of Love, Hope and Encouragement for everyone who receives them. So many people have been blessed. Thank you to our Community Bakers!

    • Our team of CAP Befrienders have been calling, encouraging and supporting local families who are receiving help through our CAP Centre Services. Again thank you for valuing people.

    • Dacorum Street Pastors have continued to patrol the streets of our town and have even ventured into town on Saturday afternoons in order to engage with our community. Love is a verb!

    • Our CAP Debt Centre has been working tirelessly, supporting families on their journey out of debt. Becoming debt free is not a quick fix. Some of our families have been faithfully working with us for over two years. But hard work has its rewards. Amazingly since lockdown we have helped 8 families find freedom on their journey out of debt, through the work of Christians Against Poverty! This means that through the work of our Community Hub we have brought Liberty to 14 families in our community, in the past 12 months!! We really do think this is a cause for celebration!!

    Like many other charities, Operation Agri, offers ‘alternative gifts’ on their website: ‘Presents with a Purpose enables you to make a gift to friends or family in the form of a donation to one of our life-changing projects. We send you a card to pass on to them. Inside the card it gives details and a picture of the project their gift supports.’ The suggested gifts range in value from £10 to £500, with many at the lower end of this range.

    It is also possible to order tangible gifts under their ‘Hope from Hobbies’ scheme, with a selection of pens, bowls etc. made from recycled wood. If you are interested in finding out exactly what is available, please contact Nigel Jones by email at: or phone him on 07889 023706.


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    The Camels Are Coming! A Virtual World premiere of Roger Jones’ New Christmas Musical!

    Well-known Christian musical composer Roger Jones has recently launched a new Christmas musical – Three Wise Camels! It was composed this year, during lockdown, and is based on a short play by Jane Hicks. Professional illustrator George Hicks brought the characters to life, and between them they have created a musical which will appeal to young and old alike!

    Camelia, Humphrey and Samson are the Three Wise Camels who set out on what proves to be the most exciting excursion of their lives. Seen through the camels’ eyes, the musical reveals truths about the costly gifts of the Magi as they follow the extra-bright star to Bethlehem and ends with them all bowing down in praise and worship of Jesus, the true King. The musical comprises eight songs, including a truly beautiful arrangement of H.W. Baker’s hymn ‘The King of Love’ and a lively hoedown version of the carol ‘We Three Kings with ‘The First Nowell’ thrown in for good measure!

    Christian Music Ministries would love everyone to join them on their You Tube channel for the virtual world premiere performance of Three Wise Camels on FRIDAY 11TH DECEMBER at 8pm. The performance will feature many singers and instrumentalists (some local!!) in a special recording of the musical, and during the performance viewers will be able to join in with live chat with the composer, performers and associates from around the country and across the world. (I’m very excited to be part of this performance, and have been busy at home recording a number of the songs as part of a specially commissioned vocal group – Sarah Moreton, Belmont Road)

    To watch the performance simply go to You Tube and search for Christian Music Ministries and the channel should come up near the top of the search. Look out for the CMM logo. Alternatively you can email and he will send you a direct link to the virtual performance. He would be delighted to hear from you!

    Three Wise Camels is now available on CD, and along with other Camel-related products, can be purchased online via CMM’s website or Amazon.


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    We are excited to begin our Eco-Church journey following Carey’s recent registration in the Eco-Church programme run by A Rocha. This programme allows churches to complete an online survey regarding how they care for God’s earth in different areas of their life and work. The more a church does, the more points it gets!

    The survey involves five key areas of church life: 1. Worship and teaching 2. Management of church buildings 3. Management of church land 4. Community and global engagement 5. Lifestyle

    Upon initial completion of this survey, it is clear Carey is doing well with its teaching and global links but we have yet to gain a bronze award under the categories of building, land and lifestyle, highlighting where our main challenge lies.

    However, it is important not to be disheartened that Carey’s score doesn’t gain an Eco Church Award straight away! The idea is to complete further actions in order to gain the points necessary for an Award and Carey hopes in the near future to be able to achieve a bronze Eco-Church award, and then work towards a gold award, as we seek to encourage our church to become more environmentally aware and more active in creation care.

    One of the ways Carey could push itself into the bronze-level under the ‘lifestyle’ section was identified in the completion of a lifestyle survey. This should help to set a benchmark of where Carey is right now in terms of environmental awareness and combating global warming. This survey is currently being circulated for our congregation to fill in however, please be assured, no judgement intended in any of these questions and the surveys can of course be filled in anonymously. However, please feel under no obligation to fill in this survey. The Intention is simply to get an idea where the church is on our journey to becoming more of an eco-church.

    The findings of the survey and the comments will be reported back to the deacons and church meeting in 2021. Further in the future, we hope to send out this same survey again and hopefully this will show that we


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    have made some progress along the way. Baptist churches like High Street, Tring, have been using a survey similar to this to one for some time. Tring has just this year become the first Baptist church to attain gold eco-church status. Our hope is that Carey engaging with this Lifestyle Survey will play a part in our church attaining bronze status, God willing, next year! Bhagya Leeniyagoda

    Don’t forget to save the stamps from your Christmas cards (and other post). Carey is collecting stamps to raise money for BMS World Mission and they can be put in the box which is available in the vestibule at the front of the church or given to Janice Breckell. Grovehill is collecting to raise money for Home Mission. There is a box in the lobby and Bob Baker is responsible for the collection. Stamps should be cut out neatly, ideally leaving a margin of about ¼ inch (approx. ½ cm).

    Paul Martin from Belmont Road has drawn our attention to an article by Crystal McDowell on GodTube, entitled ‘7 Christian Songs To Overcome Depression And Feel Joy’. It includes YouTube recordings of the songs.

    The following link will take you to the article:



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    Concluding our series looking at church life at Marlowes Baptist Church

    in 1920, with material copied from The Baptist Home Messenger. We

    have further copies of ‘Marlowes Notes’ spanning the years 1921-6, but

    not as many for each year as there are for 1920, so we will continue to

    print extracts in the new year, but on an occasional basis.

    Sunday School Social Evening for Parents and Teachers

    ‘On Dec.1st, at the invitation of the Junior and Primary Departments between 50 and 60 parents joined with the teachers to spend a Social Evening together. Miss Woolcock kindly took the chair and at the commencement very heartily welcomed all present and in a few brief sentences touched upon the various points of interest in connection with the School. She mentioned that the Primary Department has now 84 names on books and the Junior Department 62, and how impossible it is for teachers to visit every home to discuss with the parents the most beneficial methods of using the one hour per week given to them in the interests of the little ones. Her few words were received with loud applause by all.

    During the evening of the helpers entertained a very appreciative audience with songs and recitations. Mr. L.J. Dunbar spoke as one of the parents and said how important it is for the parents to co-operate with the teachers and how much home influence goes towards the making or marring of young life, as it is always the first impression that lasts the longest… After refreshments and a few other songs and recitations, the Pastor closed with a few words in which he endorsed the words of Miss Woolcock and Mr. Dunbar, and spoke of the great and valued helper we have in the person of Miss Woolcock as Secretary.

    This is the first time in which the Junior and Primary Departments have actually met the parents of their little ones and it is hoped that during the winter months similar evenings will be held that their work may go ahead strengthened with the cooperation of parents and teachers. D.R.D. (The children had their annual ‘Christmas Treat’ on 28th December.)

    The Choir held their social (described as ‘always one of the jolliest events of the year’) on December 8th and the following Sunday sang “Worthy is the Lamb” by Handel and “Hear my Prayer” by Mendelsohn at


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    a special ‘Musical Service’. In addition to the regular choir, there was a ‘Carol Choir’, which ‘In continuance of their practice of the last few years…again visited many of the larger houses in the district in aid of St. Dunstan’s Hostel for blinded soldiers…’

    The year ended as usual with a Watch-Night Service –‘a good company gathered together to spend the closing hour of the Old Year in worship. The service was most impressive, and the address of Rev, A. Phillips on the words “I will go in the Strength of the Lord” was very timely. Let us seek in the New Year to faithfully carry out the resolutions solemnly made in the Presence of God.’

    There are an estimated 800,000 young carers across the UK who take on extra responsibilities when caring for close relatives and loved ones. Dispensing medication, doing the weekly shop, taking care of the washing, ironing and childcare are just some of the tasks taken on by children. Imagine then, the added stress and isolation that Covid-19 has brought to many of their lives, as well as the worry of shielding their vulnerable loved ones from further sickness or injury. Many children have become even more overwhelmed as support groups and meeting with friends has been restricted during lockdown. Our Young Carer projects across the UK are providing services and support to some of these children, giving them the space they need to be a child. By providing whole family support, and space to listen, we are helping relieve the pressure felt by young carers across the country and letting them know they are not alone. Please pray this Christmas for the work of our Young Carer projects.

    (Carey will be supporting Spurgeon’s with their Carol Service and Christmas Day


    We are better givers than getters… The Christmas story – the one according to Luke, not Dickens – is not about how blessed it is to be givers, but about how essential it is to see ourselves as receivers. - William Willimon



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    2020 has been an unusual year for ‘Grapevine’, as for everything else! Apart from the February and March issues it has been distributed mainly online, with a few paper copies printed since July for those unable to access the internet. Thank you to everyone who has helped in any way with the magazine during this year – especially Clifford Clarke, Keith Fern and those who helped to collate and/or to write the names on the copies for Carey early in the year. Thank you also to those who have contributed to the magazine. Items for the February 2021 issue should be with Hilary Donovan (258268 / ) or Paula Moore (Belmont Road) by Sunday 24th January. Thank you Editor

    BELMONT ROAD Sunday 6th 10.30am Worship led by our Moderator, Tim

    Keightley Sunday 13th 10.30am Nativity Service led by Jen Balding

    and the Sunday Club Thursday 17th 8.00pm Communion with Carols on Zoom Sunday 20th 10.30am Christingle Service led by Hazel

    Barton Christmas Day, Friday 25th

    10.30am Short Sharing and Worship time organised by Hazel Barton

    Sunday 27th 10.30am Worship led by Ken Payne from Aylesbury

    CAREY Sunday 6th 10.30am Worship in church and on Zoom (tbc)

    (page 5)



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    Sunday 13th 10.30am All-age service Sunday 20th 10.30am Worship with Communion 4.00pm Carol Service Christmas Day, Friday 25th

    10.30am Short service

    Sunday 27th 10.30am Worship led by Harold Liberty (Zoom only)

    GROVEHILL Saturday 5th 2.00pm Messy Church Takeaway on Zoom

    and Facebook Sunday 6th 11.00am Holy Communion (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook) 3.30pm Causeway Church on Skype Saturday 12th 2.00pm Messy Church Takeaway on Zoom

    and Facebook (page 6) Sunday 13th 11.00am Holy Communion (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook) 6.00pm Hard COR Youth on Zoom Saturday 19th 2.00pm Messy Church Takeaway on Zoom

    and Facebook Sunday 20th 11.00am Holy Communion (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook) Thursday 24th 3.00pm Crib Service (Hopefully in Church and

    Facebook) 11.30pm Midnight Mass (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook) Christmas Day, Friday 25th

    9.30am Carols and Communion (on Facebook and Zoom – tbc)

    Sunday 27th 11.00am Holy Communion OTHER EVENTS Thursday 3rd 10.00am

    - 3.00pm BU Advent Quiet Day (page 8)

    Friday 11th 8.00pm ‘Three Wise Camels’, Roger Jones Musical (page)

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    BELMONT ROAD Sunday 3rd 10.30am Worship led by Harold Liberty, Herts.

    Fellowship of Baptist Preachers Sunday 10th 10.30am Worship led by Les Ebdon, Herts.

    Fellowship of Baptist Preachers Sunday 17th 10.30am Open service with a pre-recorded

    message from Austin Janes Sunday 24th 10.30am Communion Service led by Maria

    Bond, Gold Hill Baptist Church Sunday 31st 10.30am Worship led by our moderator, Tim

    Keightley CAREY Sunday 3rd 10.30am Service led by? - tbc (in church and on

    Zoom?) Sunday 10th, 17th, 24th, 31st

    10.30am Service led by Colin Cartwright

    Wednesday 13th

    7.30pm Church Meeting

    GROVEHILL Sunday 3rd 11.00am Holy Communion (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook) 3.30pm Causeway Church on Skype Saturday 9th 9am -

    9pm Sponsored Bible Zoomathon (page 6)

    Sunday 10th 11.00am All Age Communion (hopefully in Church and on Facebook)

    6.00pm Hard COR Youth on Zoom Sunday 17th 11.00am Holy Communion (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook) Sunday 24th 11.00am Holy Communion (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook) 6.00pm Hard COR Youth Group on Zoom Sunday 31st 11.00am Holy Communion (Hopefully in Church

    and Facebook)


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    BELMONT ROAD (Bennetts End)

    Morning Worship - 10.30am Sunday Club (5 - 15 years) Occasional All Age Family Worship on 2nd Sunday in month 4th Sunday in month includes Communion Evening – 7.00pm BB&GA Seniors most weeks in term-time

    CAREY (Marlowes)

    Morning Worship - 10.30am – Junior Church and crèche 2nd Sunday in month All Age Family Worship 3rd Sunday in month includes Communion

    GROVEHILL ANGLICAN/FREE CHURCH (Church of the Resurrection, Henry Wells Square) Morning Worship - 11.00am - with Junior Church 2nd Sunday in month: All Age Worship


    BELMONT ROAD Vacancy

    CAREY Rev Colin Cartwright 256433

    GROVEHILL Rev Austin Janes 270585


    SUNDAY SERVICES (see Diary pages 17-19 for current variations to this pattern)

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