advanced art l to j quiz

Post on 25-Feb-2016






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Advanced Art L to J Quiz. BEGIN. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Slide 1

Harmony The unity of all the visual elements of a composition achieved by the repetition of the same characteristics.

Define the following term:Color Wheel Define the following term:Elements of Art Define the following term:Abstract Art Define the following term:Achromatic Define the following term:Acrylic Paint Define the following term:Additive Sculpture Define the following term:Ambigram Define the following term:Analogous Colors Define the following term:ArchitectureDefine the following term:BrushDefine the following term:CastingDefine the following term:Center of Interest Define the following term:CaricatureDefine the following term:Charcoal Define the following term:CityscapeDefine the following term:CollageDefine the following term:Color Define the following term:Complementary Colors Define the following term:CompositionDefine the following term:Contour Drawing Define the following term:ContrastDefine the following term:Cropping Define the following term:Cubism Define the following term:Depth of Field Define the following term:Design Define the following term:Drawing

Define the following term:EaselDefine the following term:EmotionDefine the following term:En Plein Air Define the following term:Etching Define the following term:ExpressionismDefine the following term:Focal Point Define the following term:Font Define the following term:Foreshortening Define the following term:FormDefine the following term:FrameDefine the following term:GalleryDefine the following term:Gesture Drawing Define the following term:GildingDefine the following term:Graphic Design Define the following term:GrayscaleDefine the following term:Harmony Define the following term:HighlightDefine the following term:Horizon Line Define the following term:Illustrate Define the following term:Impasto Painting Define the following term:Implied Line

Define the following term:ImpressionismDefine the following term:Organic ArtDefine the following term:Intensity Define the following term:Landscape Define the following term:Life Drawing Define the following term:Likeness Define the following term:LineDefine the following term:Medium Define the following term:MiniatureDefine the following term:MinimalismDefine the following term:Mixed Media Define the following term:MovementDefine the following term:Mural Define the following term:Negative Space Define the following term:Non-Objective Define the following term:Op Art Define the following term:PaletteDefine the following term:Pastel Define the following term:PerspectiveDefine the following term:PhotographyDefine the following term:PhotoshopDefine the following term:PigmentDefine the following term:Point of ViewDefine the following term:PointillismDefine the following term:Pop ArtDefine the following term:PortraitDefine the following term:Positive SpaceDefine the following term:PotteryDefine the following term:Principles of DesignDefine the following term:ProportionDefine the following term:Radial SymmetryDefine the following term:RealismDefine the following term:Reductive SculptureDefine the following term:RepetitionDefine the following term:RhythmDefine the following term:Rule of ThirdsDefine the following term:ScratchboardDefine the following term:SculptureDefine the following term:SeascapeDefine the following term:SepiaDefine the following term:ShadeDefine the following term:ShapeDefine the following term:SilhouetteDefine the following term:SilverpointDefine the following term:SizeDefine the following term:SketchDefine the following term:SpaceDefine the following term:Still lifeDefine the following term:StipplingDefine the following term:StretcherDefine the following term:SurrealismDefine the following term:SymbolDefine the following term:SymmetryDefine the following term:TessellationDefine the following term:TextilesDefine the following term:TextureDefine the following term:Three-dimensionalDefine the following term:TintDefine the following term:Trompe LoeilDefine the following term:Two-dimensionalDefine the following term:UnityDefine the following term:ValueDefine the following term:Value ScaleDefine the following term:Vanishing Point

Define the following term:Visual Balance Define the following term:Wash

Define the following term:WatercolorDefine the following term:Waterscape

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