adult stem cells and growth factors

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Scientific research


William Amzallag, M.D. Adult stem cells, July 2011

Adult stem cells; growth factors and cytokines in skin rejuvenation

William Amzallag, M.D.

“From face and breast lifts to stunning success with repairing muscles, bones and cartilage, adult stem cells promise to revolutionize modern medicine. The good news: They are available right now. The better news: You already have them inside you.”

J.P. Faber

New You Spring 2011

What are stem cells?

So what exactly are stem cells, and why are they so important? Stem cells are found in all multi-cellular organisms, humans included. They are a kind of undifferentiated prototype cell that can take on the identity of other cells. The ones most people are familiar with are embryonic stem cells, found in the unborn fetus, which become all the different organs of the body. It was the use of these controversial embryonic stem cells in research that enraged the pro-life community.

There is another kind, however—the adult stem cell—and this is what all the excitement is about. It’s been known for decades that all human organs have stem cells in them, and that these stem cells can act in the same chameleon way as embryonic stem cells. The

William Amzallag, M.D. Adult stem cells, July 2011

problem was that the only way to acquire any of these cells was from bone marrow, a painful process that did not yield an abundance of them.

Then, around ten years ago, a team of plastic surgeons at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center discovered that there were a huge amount of stem cells in fat. With liposuction already popular at the time, it didn’t take long to figure out that, if you could just extract those stem cells from the fat, you could probably find a lot of good uses for them.

The discovery of all those fat or ‘adipose’ stem cells answered another question, which came from cosmetic surgeons who for years had been transplanting fat. The early advocates of what is called an ‘autologous fat graft’—meaning the fat comes from you—were reporting great success with breast augmentations, butt lifts and even facelifts. More incredibly, they were reporting improvements in the skin itself

Rejuvenate, Repair, Rebuild

After it was revealed that the fat was loaded with adult stem cells, doctors began figuring out ways to extract them, or at least concentrate them. Scientists developed a simple technique using a centrifuge, where the fat was spun around in a tube until it separated into layers. One layer of thick white fat was extremely rich in stem cells.

“In terms of the cosmetic part of this, to use it the stem-cell rich fat in the breasts, hands or face, is changing the whole concept of plastic surgery,” says Nathan Newman, MD, a cosmetic surgeon in Beverly Hills and medical adviser of Jeunesse who dubs his fat-transfer procedures a ‘stem cell facelift.’

William Amzallag, M.D. Adult stem cells, July 2011

“In the old days we only had the knife as a tool, not even the laser. All we could do was cut and pull… it made patients look smoother but not necessarily younger,” he says. “The idea with fat grafting is that it’s the volume that makes you look younger.”

And while fat transfers have been around for a long time, their results were irregular, with around 50 percent of the transferred fat being lost. But that was before the fat was enriched with stem cells.

“The concept that has changed with stem cells is that the skin texture can be much better, the fat can take much better, we can improve the whole thing by improving the ratio of stem cells to fat,” says Dr. Newman. “I really see a difference. It’s not just a matter of volume. This is live tissue, this is a graft, and it becomes incorporated into your tissue so that it looks natural. It grows and ages with you over time. My patients look better over time, because the stem cells are building blood vessels and the collagen matrix. It’s truly the closest thing we have to a fountain of youth.”

Adult stem cells in skin care products

Adult stem cell technology is the future of next generation cosmetic products. Meanwhile stem cells cannot survive in a cosmetic environment, therefore how Dr Nathan Newman, the creator of Luminesce can claim almost the same benefits with a serum or a cream?

The answer is in Dr Newman patented process used to extract and cultivate stem cells from fat tissue:

1. After cosmetic procedures with fat removal, Dr Newman extracts stem cells from the fat tissue.

William Amzallag, M.D. Adult stem cells, July 2011

2. The stem cells are sent to a laboratory for analysis to screen and test the cells for any issues, diseases, etc. We receive Certificates of Analysis on every single batch before sent to our lab.

3. The stem cells are added to a container, where we then add a protein and nutrient rich conditioned media to the stem cells. This media is basically a food to cause the stem cells to multiply and grow many times over and over.

4. Stem cells all have a language that they speak with one another. During this process of growing the stem cells, they are secreting this language into the conditioned media. They are also secreting interleukins, cytokines and other growth factors. Over 248 growth factors can be found in this media.

5. We then extract the live stem cells after about 7-10 days of growing them. There are NO live stem cells in our products as stem cells cannot survive in a cosmetic environment.

6. We take the finished conditioned media to our manufacturer where it is immediately placed in cold storage.

7. 85% of our cellular rejuvenation serum is comprised of this active proprietary ingredient; the daily moisturizing complex contains 3%.

What are growth factors and cytokines?

The human body is a cellular factory with somewhere between 50 trillion and 60 trillion cells. Day in and day out, these cells participate in a complex manufacturing process that produces more than one trillion new cells every day. It's a complicated business that requires many rules and regulations to stay on track. To avoid anarchy, proteins called growth factors function as the supervisors of cell

William Amzallag, M.D. Adult stem cells, July 2011

growth and tell cells when to divide. Factory rules govern exactly how a growth factor speaks to a cell: It must communicate through a special receptor—another protein—that sits on the cell's surface. Adding to the bureaucracy, a growth factor is not permitted to communicate with just any receptor. It can converse only with a receptor that speaks its specific language. To send its message, a growth factor seeks out its partner receptor on a cell's surface. Growth factors and receptors are supposed to communicate only when the body needs more cells. Growth factor is sometimes used interchangeably among scientists with the term cytokine

Growth factors and skin rejuvenation

Growth factors, in addition to their crucial role in cutaneous wound healing, are also beneficial for skin rejuvenation. Due to their multifunctional activities such as promoting skin cell proliferation and stimulating collagen formation, growth factors may participate in skin rejuvenation at various levels. Growth factors are natural messenger proteins that allow communication between cells in our body. They are the control mechanism for all wound healing. One such area in which they work is by repairing skin that is damaged from natural aging. As we age, our bodies produce lower levels of natural growth factors resulting in more breakdown of collagen that is the foundational support to the skin. Multiple clinical studies show that topical application of growth factors reduces the signs and symptoms of skin aging including fine lines, wrinkles, age spots and increase in the production of collagen.

There are two main ways to harvest growth factors: 1) derive the growth factors from natural skin cells, or 2) synthetically create individual growth factors. Research demonstrates that the ideal topical product is a physiologically balanced mixture of skin-cell

William Amzallag, M.D. Adult stem cells, July 2011

derived growth factors (active proteins) that work synergistically to promote skin repair. This mixture is superior because it most closely resembles the complexity of the skin’s natural process of combating aging. Such a complex mixture cannot be reproduced by using synthetic substances and is best derived from skin cells.

Multiple controlled clinical studies in hundreds of people have shown use of Luminesce serum reverses the appearance of skin aging including fine-lines, wrinkles, pigmentation and skin texture

LUMINESCE™–the Jeunesse collection of anti-aging, stem cell technology- based skin care products.

Our flagship product, LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum, is a proven formula made with adult stem cell technology. It not only helps reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but has shown remarkable results with surface burns and light scarring. Under the guidance of renowned cosmetic surgeon, Dr Nathan Newman, the LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum formula is designed so the body can rebuild and restore damaged collagen, allowing your skin to look and feel naturally younger.

LUMINESCE™ daily moisturizing complex is a scientifically-formulated moisturizer that protects from harmful UVA/UVB rays, and when used daily, can provide visible anti-wrinkle and anti-aging benefits for both men and women. This intense moisturizer, developed with unique ingredients, helps to re-hydrate, repair and revitalize your skin. This essential moisturizing product, enhanced with stem cell technology, is the perfect companion to LUMINESCE™ cellular rejuvenation serum.

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