acyclic matrices with a small number of distinct...

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Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with a small number of

distinct eigenvalues

Presenter: Xavier Mart́ınez-Rivera

Iowa State University

April 26, 2017

Reshmi Nair, Bryan Shader.Acyclic matrices with a small number of distinct eigenvalues.Linear Algebra and its Applications, 438 (2013), 4075–4089.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References


Basic terminology

Smith normal form technique

Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues


Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

The graph of a symmetric matrix


Let A = [aij ] ∈ Rn×n be symmetric.The graph of A, denoted by G (A),whose vertex and edge set is V and E , respectively,is defined as follows:

1. V = {1, 2, . . . , n};2. For i 6= j in V , ij ∈ E ⇐⇒ aij 6= 0.


Let G be a simple, n-vertex graph. Then

S(G ) := {A ∈ Rn×n : AT = A and G (A) = G}.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

The graph of a symmetric matrix


Let A = [aij ] ∈ Rn×n be symmetric.The graph of A, denoted by G (A),whose vertex and edge set is V and E , respectively,is defined as follows:

1. V = {1, 2, . . . , n};2. For i 6= j in V , ij ∈ E ⇐⇒ aij 6= 0.


Let G be a simple, n-vertex graph. Then

S(G ) := {A ∈ Rn×n : AT = A and G (A) = G}.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

The graph of a symmetric matrix


Let A = [aij ] ∈ Rn×n be symmetric.The graph of A, denoted by G (A),whose vertex and edge set is V and E , respectively,is defined as follows:

1. V = {1, 2, . . . , n};2. For i 6= j in V , ij ∈ E ⇐⇒ aij 6= 0.


Let G be a simple, n-vertex graph. Then

S(G ) := {A ∈ Rn×n : AT = A and G (A) = G}.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices


A matrix A is acyclic if it is symmetric and G (A) is a tree.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Smith normal form technique

In 2009, Kim and Shader introduced a technique for studyingthe multiplicities of the eigenvalues of an acyclic matrix Abased on the Smith normal form of the matrix xI − A.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References


Let B ∈ (R[x ])n×n.Then ∆k(B) is defined to bethe monic gcd of all k × k minors of B .

Notation: q(A) denotes the number of distinct eigenvalues ofa matrix A.

Theorem (Kim & Shader; 2009)

Let A ∈ Rn×n be symmetric and let B = xI − A.Then q(A) = n − degree



Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References


Let B ∈ (R[x ])n×n.Then ∆k(B) is defined to bethe monic gcd of all k × k minors of B .

Notation: q(A) denotes the number of distinct eigenvalues ofa matrix A.

Theorem (Kim & Shader; 2009)

Let A ∈ Rn×n be symmetric and let B = xI − A.Then q(A) = n − degree



Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References


Let B ∈ (R[x ])n×n.Then ∆k(B) is defined to bethe monic gcd of all k × k minors of B .

Notation: q(A) denotes the number of distinct eigenvalues ofa matrix A.

Theorem (Kim & Shader; 2009)

Let A ∈ Rn×n be symmetric and let B = xI − A.Then q(A) = n − degree



Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Notation: Given A ∈ Rn×n and X ⊂ {1, . . . , n},A(X ) denotes the submatrix of A resulting fromdeleting the rows and columns indexed by X .

Theorem (Kim & Shader; 2009)

Let T be a tree, let A ∈ S(T ) and let B = xI − A;let G1, . . . ,Gk be vertex-disjoint paths, whereV := V (G1) ∪ · · · ∪ V (Gn) contains t vertices.Then

1. ∆n−k(B) divides det(B(V )


2. degree(∆n−k(B)) ≤ n − t.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Notation: Given A ∈ Rn×n and X ⊂ {1, . . . , n},A(X ) denotes the submatrix of A resulting fromdeleting the rows and columns indexed by X .

Theorem (Kim & Shader; 2009)

Let T be a tree, let A ∈ S(T ) and let B = xI − A;let G1, . . . ,Gk be vertex-disjoint paths, whereV := V (G1) ∪ · · · ∪ V (Gn) contains t vertices.Then

1. ∆n−k(B) divides det(B(V )


2. degree(∆n−k(B)) ≤ n − t.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Notation: Given A ∈ Rn×n and X ⊂ {1, . . . , n},A(X ) denotes the submatrix of A resulting fromdeleting the rows and columns indexed by X .

Theorem (Kim & Shader; 2009)

Let T be a tree, let A ∈ S(T ) and let B = xI − A;let G1, . . . ,Gk be vertex-disjoint paths, whereV := V (G1) ∪ · · · ∪ V (Gn) contains t vertices.Then

1. ∆n−k(B) divides det(B(V )


2. degree(∆n−k(B)) ≤ n − t.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

A well-known fact


Let T be a tree and let A ∈ S(T ).Then q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Another well-known fact


If A ∈ S(Pn), then q(A) = n.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Notation: mA(λ) denotes the multiplicity of λ as aneigenvalue of A.

Lemma (Johnson, Duarte, Saiago; 2013)

Let T be a tree and let A ∈ S(T ).Then mA(λmax) = 1 = mA(λmin).

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Notation: mA(λ) denotes the multiplicity of λ as aneigenvalue of A.

Lemma (Johnson, Duarte, Saiago; 2013)

Let T be a tree and let A ∈ S(T ).Then mA(λmax) = 1 = mA(λmin).

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 2 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 2 ⇐⇒ G (A) = K2.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Type-I matrices

Definition (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let n ≥ 4. The matrix A ∈ Rn×n is a type-I matrix if it issimilar via a permutation matrix to a symmetric matrix of theform

? ∗ ∗ · · · ∗∗ β∗ β...

. . .

∗ β


Observation (Nair & Shader; 2013)

The graph of a type-I matrix is a star (which is a tree).

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Type-I matrices

Definition (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let n ≥ 4. The matrix A ∈ Rn×n is a type-I matrix if it issimilar via a permutation matrix to a symmetric matrix of theform

? ∗ ∗ · · · ∗∗ β∗ β...

. . .

∗ β


Observation (Nair & Shader; 2013)

The graph of a type-I matrix is a star (which is a tree).

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Remark (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an n × n type-I matrix. Then

1. q(A) = 3;

2. A has an eigenvalue of multiplicity n − 2.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Another well-known fact


Let A ∈ Rn×n be symmetric with λ as an eigenvalue.Then one of the following holds for all j ∈ {1, . . . , n}:

1. mA({j})(λ) = mA(λ)− 1;

2. mA({j})(λ) = mA(λ);

3. mA({j})(λ) = mA(λ) + 1.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

The Parter-Wiener Theorem

Theorem (P-W Theorem)

Let T be a tree on n vertices.Let A ∈ S(T ), and let λ be an eigenvalue with mA(λ) ≥ 2.Then there is a vertex j such that mA({j})(λ) = mA(λ) + 1.

j is called a Parter vertex for λ.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

The Parter-Wiener Theorem

Theorem (P-W Theorem)

Let T be a tree on n vertices.Let A ∈ S(T ), and let λ be an eigenvalue with mA(λ) ≥ 2.Then there is a vertex j such that mA({j})(λ) = mA(λ) + 1.

j is called a Parter vertex for λ.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

Acyclic matrices with exactly 3 distinct eigenvalues

Theorem (Nair & Shader; 2013)

Let A be an acyclic matrix. Thenq(A) = 3 ⇐⇒ A is a type-I matrix or G (A) = P3.


• Let A be an n × n acyclic matrix.

• =⇒ A ∈ S(T ) for some tree T .

• Suppose q(A) = 3.

• =⇒ n ≥ 3.

• Let α < β < γ be the distinct eigenvalues of A.

• Recall that q(A) ≥ diam(T ) + 1.

• =⇒ diam(T ) ≤ 2.

• What trees on n ≥ 3 vertices have diameter 2?

• Answer: Stars and P3.

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• If T = P3, then we are done.

• So, suppose T is a star on (n ≥ 4 vertices).

• Previous lemma =⇒ mA(α) = 1 = mA(γ).

• =⇒ mA(β) = n − 2.

• =⇒ mA(β) ≥ 2.

• The Parter-Wiener Theorem implies that T contains aParter vertex for β.

• Let j be a Parter vertex for β.

• =⇒ mA({j})(β) = mA(β) + 1 = (n − 2) + 1 = n − 1.

• Which vertex of the star could j be?

• Answer: it must be the central vertex. Why?

Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• ? ∗ ∗ · · · ∗∗ ?∗ ?...

. . .

∗ ?


• ? ∗ ∗ · · · ∗∗ β∗ β...

. . .

∗ β


Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

• ? ∗ ∗ · · · ∗∗ ?∗ ?...

. . .

∗ ?


? ∗ ∗ · · · ∗∗ β∗ β...

. . .

∗ β


Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References


Basic terminology Smith normal form technique Acyclic matrices with few distinct eigenvalues References

I.-J. Kim, B. L. Shader.Smith Normal Form and acyclic matrices.J. Algebraic Combin. 29 (2009), 63–80.

R. Nair, B. L. Shader.Acyclic matrices with a small number of distincteigenvalues.Linear Algebra Appl. 438 (2013), 4075–4089.

C. R. Johnson, A. Leal Duarte, C. M. Saiago.The Parter Wiener theorem: refinement andgeneralization.SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl. 25 (2003), 352–361.

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