aci sp-17 column interaction diagram

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Column Interaction Diagram Spreadsheet

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

Column Interaction Diagram Spreadsheet - Introduction

This spreadsheet is an educational module that shows how axial and flexural stresses are com ined to produce anominal and design strength cur!e for a rectangular reinforced concrete column" A detailed explanation of thecalculations are gi!en in Columns #xample 1" This content of this spreadsheet is separated into se!eral sheets ytopic" To na!igate to the different topics, select the ta s at the ottom of the page"

Input fields are ha!e a lue ac$ground" The rest of the cells in the spreadsheet are loc$ed ut the formulas in thecell are !isi le for the users information" A rief description of the topics are pro!ided elow%

Introduction &'heet 1( — A description of the content of the Column Interaction Diagram Spreadsheet.

Terms of Use &'heet 2( — The legal terms and condition of use of this Column Interaction DiagramSpreadsheet are stated. All users of this educational material must agree to these terms before usingthe content herein.

Inputs &'heet )( — This spreadsheet analyzes rectangular columns with ties. The analysis is for oneaxis along the h dimension. The number of layers refers to the number of bars in the h direction.!ayer " is always placed as close as possible to the face of the concrete that creates the greatest#alue for d. If two layers are entered$ the next layer is placed as close as possible to the face of theconcrete that creates the lowest #alue for d. %or more than two layers$ the additional layers aree#enly spaced between the outer layers and numbered in order from the greatest #alue of d to thelowest. The remaining inputs are self explanatory. &ote that one #alue of f y is used for both thelongitudinal and trans#erse reinforcement.

Critical Diagram Points &'heet *( — %i#e 'ey points of the interaction diagram are calculated on thispage( pure compression$ pure tension$ pure bending$ balanced point$ strain at the extreme tensionreinforcement is zero$ and strain at the extreme tension reinforcement is half the yield strain. Thecalculations and descriptions are gi#en.

Select Axial Load &'heet 5( — This sheet allows the user to input an axial load. The related moment onthe interaction diagram is calculated. This is helpful when designing columns in intermediate and

special moment frames$ where the nominal or probable moment must be determined.

Interaction Diagram Points &'heet +( — Calculation of the data points on the interaction diagram areshown on this sheet.

Nominal Diagram &'heet ( — The nominal strength interaction diagram is plotted on this sheet. The)#e critical diagram and input points are also shown.

Design Diagram &'heet -( — The design strength interaction diagram is plotted on this sheet. The )#ecritical diagram and input points are also shown.

Re ar Data ase &'heet .( — This is a reference sheet that contains a table of reinforcing steel #ariablesused by the formulas throughout the spreadsheet.

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

Column Interaction Diagram Spreadsheet —Terms and Conditions of Use

/ #A'# #A A3 ACC#/T T4#'# T# ' A3 C63 ITI63' 67 8'# CA #78 9 :#76 # 8'I3; T4#C6 8 3 I3T# ACTI63 IA; A '/ #A '4##T"

1" ACC#/TA3C# 67 T# ' A3 C63 ITI63' 67 8'#" Access and use of the Column Interaction iagramspreadsheet is su <ect to the terms of the Column Interaction iagram spreadsheet terms and conditions of use&=Terms and Conditions=(" :y use of this spreadsheet, your are ac$nowledging your understanding and agreementto e ound y these terms of use" Throughout the Terms and Conditions, the term =use= shall include any and allaccess or !iewing of any information or part of this spreadsheet"

2" T4# C63T#3T" 7or purposes of these terms and conditions, the term =Content= includes all information,communications, software, scripting, photos, text, !ideo, graphics, music, sounds, images and other materials andser!ices which are found in the spreadsheet, whether or not they are !isi le to you as you use this spreadsheet"9ou here y ac$nowledge that &i( a su stantial portion of the Content a!aila le on this spreadsheet is highlytechnical in its nature and su stance and that the proper use and interpretation of such Content will re>uire asignificant le!el of ase $nowledge, training, and expertise on the part of the user and &ii( you will not authori?e orpermit the use of the Content y persons or entities that do not possess the re>uired le!els of $nowledge, training,and expertise"

)" T4I /A T9 C63T#3T" 9ou here y ac$nowledge that a portion of the Content &=Third /arty Content=(a!aila le in this spreadsheet has een or will e created and de!eloped y third party content pro!iders, which areunrelated to and outside the control of ACI" 9ou agree that while ACI may re!iew Third /arty Content as to theappropriateness of the su <ect matter, ACI has not underta$en &nor will it e underta$ing( any su stanti!e re!iew oranalysis of the Third /arty Content as to its accuracy, safety, or usefulness" Therefore, ACI shall not e responsi lefor the information, materials, or other components of the Third /arty Content" ACI ma$es no representations orwarranties of any $ind or nature regarding the Third /arty Content"

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+" 8'# C6 83ICATI63'" Any communication or material you post or transmit to ACI using this spreadsheet,including without limitation any feed ac$ you pro!ide, is and will e treated as, non@confidential and non@proprietary" :y transmitting or posting any communication or material regarding this spreadsheet, you agree that

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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." T# I3ATI63" 9our a ility to use this spreadsheet and to access the Content is pro!ided y ACI solely as acon!enience" As a result, ACI reser!es the right to terminate your a ility to use this spreadsheet and to access theContent, and to remo!e or alter this spreadsheet and the Content at any time"

10" I'C AI # '" ACI ma$es no representation a out the accuracy or the suita ility of the Content of thisspreadsheet for any purpose" All Content is pro!ided =as is= and =as a!aila le= asis, without any warranty of any$ind" ACI and the Third /arty Content /ro!iders disclaim any warranty as to this spreadsheet and or the Content,including without limitation, any implied warranty of merchanta ility or fitness for a particular purpose, in addition toany implied warranty of title and non@infringement of any intellectual property right ACI does not warrant or !erifythe source or accuracy of any data or information used in this spreadsheet y the user"

11" I ITAI63 67 IA:I ITI#' A3 #DC 8'I63 67 A A;#'" 9ou assume all ris$ and responsi ility from anyuse of this spreadsheet" In no e!ent shall ACI or the Third /arty Content /ro!iders e lia le for any direct, indirect,conse>uential, incidental, special, or puniti!e damages arising out of or in anyway connected with &1( The users ofthis spreadsheet or the Content, &2( Any change to the Content, &)( #rrors, omissions, misprints, or technical,typographical, calculation, or any other errors appearing on or y using this spreadsheet, &*( Any action or inactiony you ased on this spreadsheet or the content or your reliance on this spreadsheet or Content, &5( ata orinformation used in connection with this spreadsheet" These limitations apply without regard to whether any suchclaim may e grounded in contract, tort, strict, lia ility in tort, or any other theory"

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1)" C4A3;#' A3 6 I7ICATI63'" ACI reser!es the right, in its sole discretion, to change these Terms andConditions" I ha!e read the foregoing and I agree to a ide y and e ound y these Terms and Conditions"

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International


'ection /roperties and ;eometry 3um er of :ars /er ayer 3o" layers% ) ayer 3o" long" ars

5,000 psi ) 2"500 ) 2")

0"-0 2 12"000 2 1"5-b = 2* in" 1 21"500 ) 2")h = 2* in" 0"000 0"00

+0 $si 0"000 0"00

2.,000 $si 0"000 0"00Tie ar si?e% * 0"000 0"00

Cl" co!er to tie F 1"50 in" 0"000 0"00ong" ar si?e% - 0"000 0"00

0"000 0"00Σ +")2

:ar 'pacing Chec$s21"50 in"

."50 in" 6B

."50 in" 6Bin" cl" sp" &in"( F 1"50 in" & "+")(

'train efinitions0"0020


uctile 'train F @0"005:rittle 'train F @0"002



d i &in"( A si &in"2(

f' c =

β1 F

f y =

E s =

d 1 =

c c ar sp" & h( Fc c ar sp" & b( F

fy/E Fε cu F

* tension+controlled F

* comp controlled F

Input section geometryincluding number of bars inthe highlighted regions.

Sheet will chec' to ensurebar spacing is ade,uate.



d i

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

Pure Compression

0"+52,-00") $ips

1,-20"2 $ips

!"#$%&' (ips

Pure Tension

0".@) ."2 $ips

-)#!&) (ips

φ FP o =

φP o FP

n *max+ ,

φ FP nt F

P nt ,

- ./0 ./ 12 - ./ 12 35 _ _ + _ _ 5 _ ( _ − _ + _3 _

- .45 0Compression Controlled3

Calculation assumes that column has appropriate tiesand con)nement to ACI 6"/ speci)cations.

= _ _ - .7 0Tension Controlled3

This point corresponds tothe ACI maximumallowable load with aminimum eccentricity of8 9

This point corresponds tothe maximum tensilecapacity of the steel withinthe concrete section.

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

Pure ending

., -/&$%/0!5,000 psi -1&1!00'/#

0"-0 c F )"11 in" )".1.1.1+ .+ Note2 Compression is positi3eb = 2* in" a F 2"*. in"h = 2* in" 1&1(ips 25)". $ips

+0 $si )%#&) ft-(ips Cc F 22 "+ $ips

2.,000 $si

0"00 0".00


@0"0020 1&1(ips

0"00) )'0&/ ft-(ips

Steel Dataayer 7si &$ips( dsi &in(

) 2"500 2") 0"0005. 12". )0"5 ."5 2*"12 12"000 1"5- @0"0020 @+0"0 @.*"- 0"0 0"01 21"500 2") @0"0020 @+0"0 @1*2"2 @."5 112"+ 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0

0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0Σ +")2 @20+"5 1)+"+.

f' c = ε t ,β1 F

P n , C c F

f y = 4 n ,

E s =

As,min = in"2 φ F As,max = in"2

εt F P n ,

Gcu F 4 n ,

d i &in"( Asi &in"2( εsi &in" in"( f si &$si( nsi &ft@$ips(



d ihdn


d ih

:ure ;ending :oint

".3 The pure bendingpoint is where theinteraction diagramcrosses the x+axis0moment axis3$ where theaxial load capacity iszero.

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

alanced Point

5,000 psi c F 12" 2 in" Note2 Compression is positi3e

0"-0 a F 10"1 .+ in"

F 2* in" !"1'5&# (ips 1,0)-") $ips

h F 2* in" /!$&! ft-(ips 5. ".+0 $si

2.,000 $si 0"+5

0"0000"000 %%5&! (ips

@0"0020 $'5&/ ft-(ips0"00)

Steel Dataayer 7si &$ips( dsi &in(

) 2"500 2") 0"0020 55"- 1)2"1 ."5 10*"+2 12"000 1"5- 0"0001 0" 1"1 0"0 0"01 21"500 2") @0"0020 @+0"0 @1*2"2 @."5 112"+ 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0

Σ +")2 @."0 21 "1-

fHc F

β1 FP n , C c F

4 n , concrete F

f y F

# s F * F

As,min F in"2

As,max F in"2 P n ,

εt F 4 n ,Gcu F

d i &in"( Asi &in"2( εsi &in" in"( f si &$si( nsi &ft@$ips(



d ih

At ;alanced :oint

".3 At balanced point$extreme layer of tensionsteel yields at the sameload as the concretereaches its maximumusable strain.

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

Stress , 1 f6

., 1&11&1

5,000 psi c F 21"50 in" )".1.1.1+ .+ Note2 Compression is positi3e

0"-0 a F 1 "20 in"

F 2* in" !"5#1&% (ips 1, 5*"* $ips

h F 2* in" %1!&0 ft-(ips Cc F *. "1 $ips

+0 $si

2.,000 $si 0"+50


0"000 !"'%!&# (ips

@0"0020 )5!&! ft-(ips0"00)

Steel Dataayer 7si &$ips( dsi &in(

) 2"500 2") 0"0020 55"- 1)2"1 ."5 10*"+2 12"000 1"5- 0"001)) )*"2 5*"0 0"0 0"01 21"500 2") 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0

0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0Σ +")2 1-+"2 10*"+0

ε t ,fHc F

β1 FP n , C c F

4 n ,

f y F

# s F φ F A s,min F in"2

A s,max F in"2 P n ,

εt F 4 n ,Gcu F

d i &in"( Asi &in"2( εsi &in" in"( f si &$si( nsi &ft@$ips(



d ihdn


d ih

At z- (

".3 Strain in extremetension layer is zero.<nce tension de#elops inthis layer$ tension lapsplices are re,uired.Compression lap splicesare no longer allowed.

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

Stress , 1&$ f6

., 1&$1&11!1)

5,000 psi c F 15".. in" )".1.1.1+ .+ Note2 Compression is positi3e

0"-0 a F 12" . in"

F 2* in" !")5)&! (ips 1,)0*"+ $ips

h F 2* in" 001&' ft-(ips Cc F +0.") $ips


2.,000 $si 0"+500"000

0"000 51$&$ (ips

@0"0020 $11&0 ft-(ips0"00)

Steel Dataayer 7si &$ips( dsi &in(

) 2"500 2") 0"0020 55"- 1)2"1 ."5 10*"+2 12"000 1"5- 0"000 5 1 "* 2 "+ 0"0 0"01 21"500 2") @0"0010) @)0"0 @ 1"1 @."5 5+") 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0

0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0Σ +")2 --"+ 1+0"-.

ε t ,fHc F

β1 FP n , C c F

4 n ,

f y F

# s F φ F As,min F in"2

As,max F in"2 P n ,

εt F 4 n ,Gcu F

d i &in"( Asi &in"2( εsi &in" in"( f si &$si( nsi &ft@$ips(



d ihdn


d ih

At z- .5 Gy(

".3 !ength of tension lapsplices are changed afterthe strain in the tensionsteel reaches .5 Gy"

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

Select Axial Load

., -%&$1#-1&1!)#$0

5,000 psi c F )".2 in" )".1.1.1+ .+ Note2 Compression is positi3e

0"-0 a F )"1* in"

F 2* in" !11&1 (ips )1."- $ips

h F 2* in" ##!&0 ft-(ips Cc F 2 -"0 $ ips

+0 $si

2.,000 $si 0".00


0"00 51&1 (ips

0"0020 )50&% ft-(ips0"00)

ayer 7si dsi) 2"500 2") 0"0010. 2 ") +*"+ ."5 51"12 12"000 1"5- @0"0020 @+0"0 @.*"- 0"0 0"01 21"500 2") @0"0020 @+0"0 @1*2"2 @."5 112"+ 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"000 0"00 0"00000 0"0 0"0 0"0 0"0

Σ +")2 @1 2"* 1+)" 1

ε t ,fHc F

β1 FP n , C c F

4 n ,

f y F

# s F φ F A s,min F in"2

A s,max F in"2 P n ,

εt F 4 n ,=cu -

d i &in"( Asi &in"2( εsi &in" in"( f si &$si( nsi &ft@$ips(

d n

d 1

d ih

". >nter nominalstrength #alue inthe : n box.Spreadsheet wil loutput dataincluding(a. SteelStrains?Stressesb.c. &ominal @omentCapacity

d. Design Axial!oad and @omentCapacity.

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

. *ar itrar6+ 1"000 0"..0 0".-0 0". 0 0".+0 0".50

0"0020 0"00205 0"0020) 0"00201 0"001.. 0"001.c +."2- + " ++")) +*".5 +)"+2 +2")5a 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00

Cc 2**-"00 2**-"00 2**-"00 2**-"00 2**-"00 2**-"000"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+.

7s' 0"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+. 0"0020+.0"0020+. 0"0020*- 0"00202- 0"00200 0"001.-+ 0"001.++

7s# 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"0000000"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000

7s% 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"0000000"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000

7s/ 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"0000000"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000

7s!1 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"000000 0"0000008s! 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1)8s' 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1) 1)2"1)

8s) 1)2"1) 1)0" 1 12."2- 12 "-+ 12+"** 125"028s# 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"008s$ 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"008s% 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"008s0 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"008s/ 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"008s5 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00

8s!1 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00d Concrete 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00

d! ."50 ."50 ."50 ."50 ."50 ."50d' 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00d) @."50 @."50 @."50 @."50 @."50 @."50d# 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00d$ 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00d% 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00d0 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00d/ 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00d5 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00

d!1 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"004n Concrete 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00

4n! 10*"+0 10*"+0 10*"+0 10*"+0 10*"+0 10*"+04n' 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"004n) @10*"+0 @10)"*- @102")5 @101"22 @100"10 @.-".

4n# 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"004n$ 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"004n% 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"004n0 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"004n/ 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"004n5 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00 0"00

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ε s!

ε s)

ε s$

ε s0

ε s5

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

φPn 1*5+"1- 1*5+"1- 1*5+"1- 1*5+"1- 1*5+"1- 1*5+"1-94n 0"00 0" ) 1"*+ 2"20 2".) )"++

;eneral /oint InterpolationCell J / K

100"25 @+"50+0 100"00 @+"50**

-+")+ @+" 5

/ure :ending InterpolationCell J / K

2"-5-20+.5. @-"5+15 0 @-"5+-

@ "5*1.05 @-" 5

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

0".*0 0".)0 0".20 0".10 0".00 0"-.0 0"--0

0"001.* 0"001.2 0"001.0 0"001-- 0"001-+ 0"001-* 0"001-2+1"1) 5.".5 5-"-2 5 " ) 5+"+- 55"+ 5*"+.2*"00 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00 2*"00

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 246/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 248/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 250/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 260/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 261/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 262/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 264/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 266/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 267/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 268/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 269/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 270/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 272/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 274/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 280/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 281/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 283/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 285/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 288/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

@1120"000 @11)0"000 @11*0"000 @1150"000 @11+0"000 @11 0"000 @11-0"000

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

@)-1".0 @)-1".2 @)-1".* @)-1".+ @)-1". @)-1".. @)-2"012"0* 2"02 2"00 1".. 1". 1".5 1".*

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

@11.0"000 @1200"000 @1210"000 @1220"000 @12)0"000 @12*0"000 @1250"000

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 296/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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7/21/2019 ACI SP-17 Column Interaction Diagram 297/308

Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

@1* 0"000 @1*-0"000 @1*.0"000 @1500"000 @1525"000 @1550"000 @15 5"000

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

@1 5"000 @1-00"000

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Copyright © 2015, American Concrete International

@)-2"++ @)-2"+1"2. 1"2

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. " . 8 . 6 . . 5 . 4 . B . / . 7 ..

5 .

" .

"5 .

8 .

85 .

Column Nominal Strength Interaction Diagram

Stress - fyStress - .5fy;alanced :ointInput :oint:ure ;ending

Moment Capacity (kip*ft)

!ial "oa# Capacity (kip$)

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. " . 8 . 6 . . 5 . 4 ..

8 .


4 .

/ .

" .

"8 .

" .

De$ign Capacity Interaction Diagram

Stress - fy

Stress - .5 fy;alanced :oint

Input :oint:ure ;ending

Moment (kip*ft)

!ial "oa# (kip$)

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