achieving your diploma in education training · 2014-06-20 · 4 achieving your diploma in...

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Jim Gould and Jodi Roffey-Barentsen



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This chapter sets the scene for those who are working, or are intending to work,

within Education and Training. It looks at what teachers actually do and what

is expected of them by examining the different aspects of the teaching role, the

associated responsibilities and boundaries of practice. Issues of diversity, inclusion,

differentiation and equality figure largely in this mix and the different terms are

defined and their implications for practice explained. Ways of setting ground rules

which contribute to an inclusive approach to teaching are explored before the

chapter finishes with a discussion of the importance of functional skills and the

part that teachers play in supporting the needs of learners in this respect.

When you have completed this chapter you will be able to:

categorise the different roles fulfilled by the teacher in the Further Education

and Skills sector and give examples of these roles

describe the specific responsibilities associated with the teaching role






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define the following terms: diversity, inclusion, differentiation, equality

state the different aspects of diversity exhibited by learners within

Education and Training

recognise that different learners have different preferences in learning style

list different strategies employed in providing a differentiated learning


identify different aspects of equality and how these impact on practice

evaluate different approaches to the setting of ground rules, identifying

which would be appropriate within your own teaching context

define the terms ‘minimum core’ and ‘functional skills’

describe what is meant by the term ‘embedding functional skills’

differentiate between activities that fall within and outside of the role of

the teacher.

Teaching in Education and Training

Teaching qualifications within the Further Education and Skills sector have under-

gone several changes in the last few years. The Level 5 Diploma in Education and

Training was introduced in 2013 replacing the previous Diploma in Teaching in the

Lifelong Learning Sector (DTLLS), as a consequence of the findings of the 2012

Lingfield report (BIS, 2012) into professionalisation within the sector. The new

diploma is part of a suite of qualifications (including the Level 3 Award and the

Level 4 Certificate in Education and Training) introduced with the intention of sim-

plifying the overall qualification structure and bringing it into line with the Quali-

fications and Credit Framework (QCF). The diploma is built up by combining a

number of units. These are divided into two groups. Group A contains a number

of mandatory units at Levels 4 and 5, which will be taken by everyone who is

enrolled for the diploma. They are:

Teaching, learning and assessment in education and training (20 credits,

Level 4)

Developing teaching, learning and assessment in education and training (20

credits, Level 5)

Theories, principles and models in education and training (20 credits, Level 5)

Wider professional practice and development in education and training (15

credits, Level 5)


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The remaining 45 credits at Levels 4 and 5 required to complete the diploma are

taken from a list of optional units contained in Group B.

Although there is some overlap with various optional units, the chapters in this

book primarily address the requirements of the mandatory units. The ‘fit’ between

chapters and units can be found in the mapping document in Appendix 1 at the

end of the book.

Role of the teacher in education and training

When we think about a ‘role’, we consider the duties or activities we associate

with a given job or position. If you take on the role of a lorry driver, for

instance, your role is to drive a lorry. If you are a dancer, you dance; if you are

a cleaner, you clean. Logically then, if you are a teacher, you teach. Is this the

full story of the role of the teacher though? Certainly, teaching will constitute a

large proportion of what you do, but unlike the other examples above, being a

teacher involves much more than the ‘core’ role that the name of the occupation


Activity 1.1

Take a moment to reflect on everything that you do in a working day. Keep a brief

log for a week of all the activities in which you engage during your working day

to get an idea of the scope of the job that you are doing. For example:


9.00 Answer emails – two course enquiries.……………..

Activity 1.1 illustrates that although it is reasonable to assume that passing on

knowledge or skills to learners is the main activity in which teachers are

involved, a good proportion of the working day is spent on other pursuits.

Your analysis of your daily work pattern will have identified a number of sub-

roles, many of which will appear in Figure 1.1. The initial impression given by

the results of this exercise is that the list is scarily long and one is tempted to

wonder how we can possibly fulfil all of these functions within the hours

allocated – but somehow we do!

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An analysis of the overall role that we fulfil helps in coming to a conscious rec-

ognition of all that we do. This recognition can help us in managing and organising

our time. For this purpose, it can be helpful to consider the various roles as falling

into discrete categories. For example:

Teaching-related roles

Writing schemes of work and session plans; preparing resources; preparing and

delivering teaching sessions; marking work; giving feedback to learners; acting as

an internal verifier; taking part in course development.

Administrative roles

Writing reports; marking registers; keeping learners’ records; implementing qual-

ity procedures; corresponding with parents, employers and examining bodies.

roles in








with EV


student records




courses and







acting as a

personal tutor







liaising with

exams office and

awarding bodies

Figure 1.1 Roles of the teacher

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Institutional roles

Attending parents’/open evenings; preparing prospectus entries; dealing with course

enquiries; acting as a mentor to new colleagues; attending meetings; providing data.

Pastoral roles

Acting as a personal tutor; chasing absences; dealing with lateness or discipline


Once identified, the various sub-roles can be prioritised, enabling them to be more

effectively and efficiently managed. Tensions can still arise, however, as various roles

compete for our time and difficult decisions often have to be made. A further com-

plication arises in that considerations of what constitutes a priority can depend on the

viewpoint taken. Others may put pressure on us to engage in what we consider to

be less important tasks at the expense of what we see as more important tasks. Your

view and your line manager’s view, for instance, may differ as to whether thorough

preparation of tomorrow’s teaching session is more important than completing those

employer feedback forms that have been lying around for some time now. If both

have to be completed for the next day and there is only sufficient time to tackle one

properly, which will it be?

An awareness of all that is asked of us also means that we are better able to identify

which aspects of our role we feel uncertain about so we can plan our CPD opportuni-

ties accordingly. Whilst we may feel reasonably confident in the performance of the

main duties we have to carry out, we sometimes have to take on a role with which we

feel less comfortable. You may have been asked to take on a tutoring role, although you

feel you do not have the necessary experience or preparation, especially if having to

teach aspects of social and personal education are included in this. This could be raised

as a developmental issue at appraisal or you could enquire at an earlier stage about the

possibilities of shadowing a more experienced colleague who was in this role.


As we have seen, a lorry driver has a narrower and more easily definable role than a

teacher. Within that narrower role, however, there are a number of responsibilities.

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There is an expectation that the lorry will be driven in a safe manner showing due

respect for other road users and with regard to any speed restrictions that might apply.

The lorry driver will be expected to keep up to date with relevant legislation, such as

the number of hours that can be spent driving in a 24-hour time period; to check the

roadworthiness of their vehicle and ensure that it is securely loaded before venturing

onto the road. Lorry drivers are not unique in this respect, and, over and above the

defining of tasks or duties associated with the specific role to be filled, all jobs are

accompanied by an associated set of responsibilities. As well as carrying out all of the

duties associated with the teaching role we are to fulfil, there is also an expectation

that we do a ‘proper job’, subscribing to what is considered ‘good practice’, carrying

out the role in a professional manner. But what exactly does this mean?

For a start, we are expected, like our lorry driver, to be aware of and keep up to

date with the various bits of legislation that apply to our role.

Activity 1.2

Whilst some legislation is at least in part subject-related, there is a considerable

body of legislation that applies within the Further Education and Skills sector as

a whole. List as many examples as you can of legislation which must be adhered

to in the performance of the teaching role.

You may be surprised by the amount of legislation you have identified and by the

range of activity it covers. To help make sense of it all, we can consider it as falling

into the following categories:

1. Legislation relating to health and safety – the responsibility to provide a safe

environment, both physical and psychological:

Health & Safety at Work Act (1974)

Manual Handling Operations Regulations (1992)

RIDDOR – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences

Regulations (1995)

Management of the Health & Safety at Work Act (1999)

COSHH – Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations (2002)

2. Legislation relating to equality – the responsibility to treat others with due

respect and ensure equality of opportunity for all:

DDA – Disability & Discrimination Act (1995)

SENDA – Special Educational Needs and Disability Act (2001)

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Sex Discrimination Act (1975)

Race Relations Act (1976, amended 2000)

Human Rights Act (1998)

Equal Opportunities Act (2004)

Most of the above have now been subsumed into and replaced by the Equality

Act of 2010.

3. Legislation of a more general nature – including the responsibility to safeguard

learners and their rights:

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006)

Data Protection Act (1998)

Copyright Designs and Patents Act (1998)

Computer Misuse Act (1990)

Protection from Harassment Act (1997)

The range of legislation is vast and is subject to periodic change. Fortunately, the

institution that you work in will have responded to the vast majority of the legislation

listed above and will have translated it, through a variety of different committees, into

institutional policy. You will, for example, have to undergo a DBS (Disclosure and

Barring Service – formed through a merging of the Criminal Records Bureau [CRB]

and the Independent Safeguarding Authority [ISA]) check before you can take up a

placement or enter into employment in most institutions in the sector. New staff will

be informed of institutional policy as part of their induction programme and all staff

will be informed of policy updates and changes. By following institutional policy, you

will therefore generally be complying with the appropriate legislation. You still need

to be aware of any particular legislative requirements related to your subject special-

ism, however, and follow the procedures these demand (e.g. filling in risk assess-

ments before taking students off-site or wearing appropriate personal protection

equipment in workshop environments) in a responsible manner.

There is also a more general responsibility to comply with a Code of Conduct. A

new professional body for the sector – The Education and Training Foundation

(originally proposed as the Further Education Guild) – came into being in 2013 and

part of its remit is to promote professionalism in the sector, which includes the set-

ting of professional standards and code of conduct. This will replace the Code of

Conduct originally provided by the Institute for Learning (IfL) which covered Integrity,

Respect, Care, Practice, Disclosure and Responsibility (IfL, 2008).

Alongside this runs the ‘doing a good job’ or ‘exemplifying good practice’ element

and this is more difficult to pin down. Sometimes, it can be difficult to identify ‘good

practice’ as it leads to a smooth running process. It is often better to start with a

consideration of ‘bad practice’, which is easier to identify as its results are more

easily recognisable.

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Activity 1.3

Drawing on your own experiences of being taught, make a list of what you consider

to be ‘bad practice’ in teaching and use it to construct a ‘good practice’ list. What

does this list tell you about the responsibilities associated with the teacher’s role?

You might like to check your list against the points made in the following chapters,

but in the meantime use it as a checklist against which to compare your own ‘good


The next section looks at another major responsibility associated with teaching

within the sector and relates to differences in learners and their implications for the

way we go about teaching.

Diversity and inclusion

Activity 1.4

You will come across the terms diversity, inclusion, equality and differentiation

frequently in your reading around practice in the sector and in your conversations

with colleagues. Before you read the next section, think about what these terms

mean to you. When you have finished this chapter, you may want to come back

and revisit these thoughts.

Imagine you are at a social gathering and are taking part in a conversation with a

reasonably large group of friends and acquaintances. The topic of conversation is

quite contentious but involves something that everyone in the group has some

familiarity with, although the level of knowledge is quite varied. You know quite a

lot about the topic and know most of the group but not all of them. How would

you participate in the conversation? Would you talk to everyone in the same way?

Would you use the same tone of familiarity and the same level of vocabulary with

everyone? Would you talk to some of the group and not to others? Would you treat

all contributions to the conversation with the same respect?

The above is quite a common situation and we normally call on a variety of social

skills when engaging in such a conversation. We may explain a point or express a view

in a different way depending on who we are talking to; we would probably smile

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encouragingly or ask a straightforward question of someone who seemed to be strug-

gling to take part in the conversation so that they wouldn’t feel left out. Although we

disagreed with some of the points made, we would still acknowledge the right of oth-

ers to hold and express their own opinions. We would probably do all of these things

intuitively without even thinking about them. In short, we would recognise the differ-

ences in the various people in the group and respond accordingly, allowing effective

communication with everyone and making them all feel part of the conversation.

When we teach, we are faced with a similar situation. Any group that we meet

will contain a rich mix of learners with their own particular backgrounds, capa-

bilities, previous experience and confidence levels. The term we use for this vari-

ety in learner characteristics is diversity. We will, however, want to ensure that,

regardless of difference, all learners participate fully in and feel part of the ses-

sions we deliver. We will want our sessions to be inclusive of all learners in the

same way that we would want everyone to feel part of the conversation described

above. We would want to demonstrate ‘inclusive practice’, engaging in ‘an

approach to teaching and learning that endeavours to encourage the fullest par-

ticipation of learners and that recognises and respects equality and diversity’

(Duckworth and Tummons, 2010: 21).

In conversation, we achieve this through tailoring our exchanges with others in

a way that we think is appropriate to that particular individual. To achieve this in a

teaching situation, we would need to recognise the differences in our learners and

respond to these through the use of differentiation strategies, an approach which

‘both recognises the individuality of learners and also informs ways of planning for

learning and teaching that take these individualities into consideration’ (Duckworth

and Tummons, 2010: 21).

Just as we would be respectful of others and their views in a social setting, we

would also have to ensure that all learners felt their contributions would be valued

and opinions respected, encouraging them to participate fully in the teaching ses-

sion. This would form part of the equality policy that operated during our sessions.

In normal life, we deal with all of these quite naturally, using the social skills we

have built up over the years. In our teaching life, we need to develop an equivalent

set of teaching skills to manage the same issues when we meet them within the

learning environment.

We will consider the issue of diversity first.

Activity 1.5

We have defined diversity as the range of different characteristics displayed by

learners. What differences have you noticed in learners you have met?

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When we are born, we have no experience of the outside world – we are essentially

a blank page waiting to be written on, and so early on in life the diversity within a

group is relatively limited. As we progress through life, we begin to form a sense of

our own identity which is shaped by the experiences we have. As we grow older

and gain further experience, this sense of identity, or who we are, gradually becomes

more clearly defined but also more complex. By the time learners reach the stage of

young adults, this process is fairly well advanced and so groups of learners within

the sector tend to exhibit a far greater range of diversity than, for instance, the

schools sector. Diversity in learners is thus more prevalent in the Further Education

and Skills sector and needs to be recognised and taken account of.

Diversity can be viewed in different ways. It can be considered as a further

complication to be taken account of in teaching – a problem to be solved.

Alternatively, it can be regarded as a characteristic which enriches, rather than

complicates, the learning environment. Diversity can be thought of as introduc-

ing new ideas and ways of looking at things – it can broaden horizons and

become a resource for learning. It is this latter view of valuing or ‘celebrating’

diversity that leads to the positive inclusive learning environment that we would

wish to create.

Aspects of diversity

What form does this diversity take?

The 2010 Equality Act describes diversity in terms of nine protected characteristics:



gender reassignment

marriage and civil partnership

pregnancy and maternity


religion and belief


sexual orientation.

Definitions of these can be found at


The issues raised by these characteristics will largely be addressed through institu-

tional policy, and our view of diversity needs to be wider ranging and consider all

aspects of diversity which have a direct impact on learning. When we first meet a

group of learners, some aspects of diversity are fairly evident, others less so. The anal-

ogy that is often used to illustrate this point is that of an iceberg. When we see an

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iceberg, what is visible to us is that part of the iceberg which protrudes above the

surface of the sea. The vast bulk of the iceberg, however, lies beneath the surface. To

obtain an accurate picture of the whole of it, we would have to explore beneath the

surface as well as above it; similarly with the learners we meet. They display a physical

presence that we can see, but if we wish to understand them as a whole, we need to

probe beneath the surface to see what is hidden there. Some of the characteristics we

might come across are illustrated in Figure 1.2, along with their relative visibilities.

How do we get to know our learners? How do we begin to find out what lies

beneath their various surfaces? The first steps in this process may be taken before

the course itself actually commences. Initial assessment can provide a preliminary

picture, and has two principle functions:

1. To ensure that learners are placed on the appropriate course or programme of study.

2. To identify any form of additional support that will be required in order for

learners to be successful on their chosen course.

Figure 1.2 The diversity iceberg

Source: ©

learning style


physical ability





learning style

self concept

previous educational

experience and


previous experience





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The first of these functions is normally met through some form of interview pro-

cess and we may make contact with our prospective learners at this point. The

interview process should answer questions such as:

Does the learner fulfil any entry requirements that exist?

Is this course a natural progression from qualifications already held?

Is the course pitched at an appropriate level?

Is the course compatible with learner aspirations and career goals?

Its purpose lies in ensuring that learners are placed on the most appropriate course

in the first place. Retention has a major impact on funding and we wish to ensure

that once accepted onto a course learners will ‘stay the distance’. Having arrived at

an appropriate choice of course, will learners require any additional support in

order to ensure a successful outcome? We would not want to set anyone up to fail,

and wish to avoid the consequences for funding of lack of achievement on the part

of learners. Initial assessment normally includes, therefore, a number of tests relat-

ing to capability in numeracy, literacy and ICT, as well as a possible identification

of learning styles. So it is possible, depending on our level of involvement and the

rigour of the initial assessment process, that we will have some advance knowledge

of our learners, but at a minimum we should be aware of the results of the tests

they have taken as part of the initial assessment process.

Once we meet learners as a group in the learning environment, we gradually get

what is colloquially termed ‘a feel for’ both the group and the individual learners within

it through the work they produce, the comments they make and the conversations we

have with them, either on an informal basis or as part of a tutorial function; in short,

by doing all of the things we normally do in the process of getting to know people.

Diversity and learning

Given that any mature group we meet in everyday life will exhibit a range of indi-

vidual differences, why is it of particular concern to us as a teacher within the sector?

The simple answer is that the differences identified above have an effect on the way

in which people engage in the learning process.

Activity 1.6

Look at the characteristics in the ‘diversity iceberg’. Pick out three characteristics

and identify the effect each might have on a person’s learning. How might you

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respond to each characteristic in your teaching? Use a grid like the one below to

structure your response. An example entry has been provided.

Table 1.1

Aspect of diversity Effect on learning Teaching response

Self-concept If poor, might lead to lack of confidence Set work which results in successful

outcomes, increasing confidence

Learning styles: an example of diversity

Ginnis (2002: 23) suggests that teachers may feel overwhelmed when faced with the

diversity referred to above, but suggests that models of learning styles provide some

relief in that they ‘simplify the complexity and enable us to manage the territory’.

Many definitions of learning styles have been put forward but, for our purposes,

we will turn to that suggested by Tennant (2006: 81), who defines learning style as

‘an individual’s characteristic and consistent approach to organising and processing

information’. Similarly, there are numerous models which try and explain this pro-

cess by identifying what the different ‘approach(es) to organising and processing

information’ are. Perhaps the most well-known models are those of Kolb (Conver-

ger, Diverger, Assimilator, Accommodator) and Honey and Mumford (Activist, Theo-

rist, Pragmatist and Reflector), but this section focuses on the model proposed by

Gregorc, as described in Ginnis (2002), which suggests that a learning style has two

parts to it:

1. Taking information in

2. Processing the information

Taking information in

Before you can use a piece of furniture you have bought in the form of a flat

pack, your first job, on arriving home, is to assemble it. How do you approach

this task?

Some people will start by tipping all of the bits onto the floor and picking out

various parts and starting to put them together in a fairly experimental manner

until finally all the bits are used (hopefully) and the piece of furniture is fully

assembled. Others will take the pieces out and lay them out on the floor in a sys-

tematic manner, first checking what they have against the parts list before follow-

ing the instructions in a step-by-step manner until the job is completed. Others will

start off by looking at the diagrams which are included as part of the instructions

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and identify the appropriate pieces and assemble them as the diagram suggests.

Each approach will work but different individuals may well have a preference for

one or the other – they will feel more at home tackling the task in one particular

way. What happens, however, if someone’s preference is the ‘get on with it’

approach, but half way through they find they have more bits left than they

thought and can’t work out where they go? One solution is to just throw it all out

and resolve never to buy flat-pack furniture again. A cheaper option, however, is

to either look at the diagrams and try to make sense of where they have got to, or

start reading the instructions on the recommended method of assembly and see if

that can resolve the dilemma. The point is that although individually we have a

preference for one approach, it does not mean we are incapable of doing it any

other way. We can adopt any of the three approaches described above but have a

preference for one. Similarly, with accessing information in a learning situation, we

are capable of using all approaches but have a preference for one or another. We

can all take in information by listening, looking or engaging with it in a more

practical manner but have our own particular preferences. For some of us these

preferences are strong, for others less so.

Whatever approach we finally take, initially information is taken in through the

five senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Sonbuchner (2008: 3) suggests

that the use of different combinations of the senses, equates to the use of different

‘learning channels’. These are the visual channel, the auditory channel and the

kinaesthetic channel and relate principally to seeing, hearing and doing respectively.

This approach to categorising learning styles has its roots in neuro-linguistic pro-

gramming (NLP) and is commonly referred to as the VAK model. Learners’ prefer-

ences in these areas are often identified as part of the initial assessment process.

Ginnis (2002: 40) suggests that, statistically, the combination of learners found in

any group we encounter will span the VAK range and so, as far as possible, the

‘minimum requirement is to check that all lessons have sufficient elements of all

three modalities’. So, the way in which we prefer to take in information when we

learn is an aspect of diversity, and Ginnis suggests that when we teach we should

include elements of listening, looking and doing within a session to take account

of this.

Gregorc uses the terms ‘concrete’ and ‘abstract’ to describe how we take in and

make sense of information. Concrete refers to things which are ‘real’ and can be

accessed through the senses – not unlike the kinaesthetic or ‘doing’ approach

described above. ‘Abstract’ refers to information presented in a more intangible or

conceptual form such as words, which would suit an auditory or ‘hearing’ approach.

The VAK model can be related to Gregorc’s categories of concrete and abstract, as

shown in Figure 1.3. The visual approach can be thought of as occupying a central

position as a picture or a diagram, for instance, whilst not real (concrete) is less

conceptual than a verbal description (abstract).

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Processing the information

Gregorc next considers the way in which this information is organised and arranged.

He suggests that some learners like to organise (and therefore receive) information in a

linear, step-by-step manner following a logical train of thought. He called this a ‘sequen-

tial’ approach. Others prefer to take a ‘random’ approach, organising information in

chunks in no particular order and then making their own particular sense out of it.

Gregorc’s model of learning styles

The different combinations of these four characteristics leads to four different learn-

ing styles, as demonstrated in Figure 1.4. You can identify your own preferred

‘Gregorc style’ at

As in the VAK model, learners can access all of the different styles, but will have

their own particular preferences to some degree or another. The table in Figure 1.5

shows how the different styles might influence approaches to learning.

kinaesthetic visual auditory


Figure 1.3 VAK and Gregorc













Figure 1.4 Gregorc’s learning styles

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Although it should not be taken too literally, Gregorc’s model gives us some

ideas about an appropriate range and mix of teaching strategies which can be

used to accommodate the diverse ways in which people learn. Coffield et al.

(2004) suggest that this should probably be the limit of our use of learning styles

as serious question marks exist over the accuracy of the tests used to identify

them. A systematic matching of teaching styles and learning styles is, he sug-

gests, unrealistic and, in any case, the tendency to label people with one learn-

ing style or another is unhelpful. Generally, however, the view taken is that

different people learn best in different ways, and Coffield et al. agree that the

concept of learning styles gives teachers and learners a language with which to

discuss these.

This particular aspect of diversity suggests, therefore, that learners have dif-

ferent preferences in the way in which they access and process information, and

learn best from particular activities. We would respond to this by trying to

include a balance of learning activities in the sessions we deliver to accommo-

date the mix of different learning styles, thus creating an inclusive learning


Activity 1.7

What is your own preferred approach to learning? At a simple level, are you

more visual, aural or kinaesthetic? If you do not know, try the exercise at: www. Do you teach in a way that is similar to

your preference or do you think your teaching style is sufficiently varied to accom-

modate all the preferences for learning exhibited by your learners?

Style Like Learn best from



An ordered, structured, practical hands-on


Practical activities, structured

workshops, using checklists



An independent, experimental, investigative


Games and simulations, practical

problem-solving activities



A logical, academic, intellectual, structured


Lectures, independent research,




An imaginative, !exible, deep, sensitive


Group discussion, role play, short


Figure 1.5 Learning styles and learning preferences

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Differentiation in learning

The approach outlined above, where the diverse learning styles within a group are

taken account of when teaching, is an example of a differentiated approach. As

teachers, we are aware of this aspect of diversity and try to respond to it in our

teaching. Petty (2009: 587) defines differentiation as ‘adopting strategies that ensure

success in learning for all, by accommodating individual differences of any kind’.

In your response to Activity 1.6, you identified first an area of diversity and then

by considering its effect on learning, arrived at a way of responding to it in your

teaching. You identified a differentiation strategy appropriate to that particular

aspect of diversity.

One of the most common aspects of diversity encountered in the groups we

teach is the difference in previous knowledge and experience learners may bring

with them and the aptitude they possess for the subject. Put simply, some learners

may pick up on the ideas and concepts within the subject we teach more easily

and quickly than others or engage with the subject matter at a deeper level. This

can result in situations where, for instance, some learners or groups finish an exer-

cise that has been set whilst others are still some way off completing it. How can

a differentiated approach be used to take account of this particular aspect of diver-

sity, whilst still maintaining the momentum of the group as a whole? Some possi-

bilities include:

Having an extra task ready for those that complete early. This task should be

slightly more difficult to stretch learners that bit further as it is evident they can

complete tasks of the original level of difficulty. For this reason, it is known as an

‘extension’ task as it extends learners that bit more.

Using worksheets in which the questions or exercises gradually increase in com-

plexity and difficulty. Each person completes as many of the questions or exer-

cises as they can.

Having stronger learners ‘buddy up’ with and help weaker learners. This is ben-

eficial to both parties as one is receiving extra support whilst the other has to

think hard and deep about the subject in order to provide that support.

When questioning, nominating who is to answer and matching the difficulty of

the question to the level at which the learner is working.

Within reason, spending extra one-to-one time with those that need it most.

Setting individualised objectives which demand different levels of achievement

around the same learning, thus stretching stronger learners whilst providing a

more achievable goal for weaker learners. Typically, this might involve three

levels of objective. An ‘all will’ basic objective, a ‘some will’ objective and ‘a few

might’ objective. This approach needs to be managed carefully, however, and

Ginnis (2002: 234–45) gives an excellent explanation of how to go about this.

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Generally, the more open an activity, the more control learners have. Learning

becomes self-regulated and is therefore more likely to occur at a level which is

manageable but challenging for each individual. It can be argued that, given the

opportunity, learners themselves manage differentiation more effectively than



Consider the following extract from a conversation between Jeremy Paxman and

Tony Blair from the BBC programme Newsnight (BBC, 2002):

By definition, a meritocracy is not the same as equality in our economic circumstances. ( Jeremy Paxman)

It depends how you define ‘equality’. If you want to define ‘equality’ as equality of outcome then I agree. If you don’t define ‘equality’ as a quality of an outcome, if you define it, well I call it equal worth actually, because I think it is more than just equality of opportunity, but certainly it includes equality of opportunity, then that’s exactly what a meritocracy is. (Tony Blair) (BBC, 2002)

As long ago as 1952, Tawney (p. 35) suggested that ‘equality possesses more than

one meaning’. What does equality mean to you? Try Activity 1.8 before reading on.

Activity 1.8

Does equality mean we should treat all learners in the same manner or differ-

ently? What examples can you provide to support your answer?

Perhaps the way we treat learners depends on the type of equality we are thinking

of but, generally, within a learning context, equality is considered to embody:

an expectation of fair treatment

an opportunity to participate on equal terms.

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In your response to Activity 1.8, you will probably have cited examples of treating

learners with equal respect. In this sense, we would treat learners in the same

way and they would expect to be treated fairly and consistently, ‘without fear or

favour’. This requires us to be non-judgemental and accept that others see the

world differently to us, recognising others have a right to their own viewpoint.

We would doubtless all claim to do this, but it is inevitable that our views of

learners will be subject to some bias – we are only human after all. Recognition

that learners have a right to their own point of view, however, does not mean that

we have to agree with all of the opinions they express, and we may well wish to

challenge and debate some of them. We would certainly wish to challenge atti-

tudes, behaviour or language exhibited by learners that is at odds with this par-

ticular view of equality.

Recognising diversity means that we may have to treat learners differently, how-

ever, if they are all to ‘participate on equal terms’. Some learners may have issues

relating to access or opportunity due to their personal circumstances. For this rea-

son, institutions may provide additional support such as crèche facilities for learners

with a need for childcare, bursaries for those for whom finance represents a barrier

to access, and ramps and lifts for learners with a physical disability. Within a teach-

ing session, other barriers may exist – access to resources, access to the teacher’s

time and support, for instance – and we need to be aware of these.

Initial assessment may have identified learners who require additional support

with areas such as literacy or numeracy. Most institutions will provide such support

either on an individual or group basis, as well as offering a number of other kinds

of support designed to allow all learners to participate on equal terms. It can be

seen that issues of diversity, equality and inclusion permeate the teaching and learn-

ing process and operate at different levels, and addressing these is another respon-

sibility inherent in the role of the teacher.


Inclusion operates at many different levels and in many different contexts. Tomlin-

son (1996: 26) defined inclusion as ‘the greatest degree of match or fit between

individual learning requirements and provision’. His main concern was the inclusion

of students with learning difficulties and disabilities into mainstream college provi-

sion, but from a more general viewpoint we can consider inclusive teaching as that

which allows all learners to potentially benefit and learn from any aspect of a teach-

ing session. Inclusion is both about planning so that all learners are included and

about learners feeling included. Taking account of the issues outlined above relating

to diversity, differentiation and equality help us to create a truly inclusive learning


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Setting ground rules

When a group comes together for the first time, it enters an initial period of uncer-

tainty when its new members are unsure both of each other and of what is expected

of them. To help overcome this, we would normally establish some ground rules

which provide a structure within which the group can function effectively, setting

the scene for the ways of working and the relationships which are to follow. Estab-

lishing a climate for learning in this manner is another of the responsibilities associ-

ated with the teaching role. Figure 1.6 illustrates a number of ways in which this

can be achieved.

Which of these approaches is adopted will depend on a number of practical

considerations such as:

the nature of your subject

the level of maturity displayed by your learners

the confidence that you have in yourself and your ability to control or influence

the group.

Normally, rules will be in place at an institutional level which cover areas such as

mobile phones, eating and drinking in class. Similarly, rules which cover health and

safety legislation within various learning environments such as workshops will exist.

Ground rules are more to do with the day-to-day organisation and practices and

procedures within the group which will lead to the best environment in which to

learn. Whichever of the ways below of establishing ground rules is adopted, the

process should begin with a reminder of the existing institutional and safety rules

and an explanation of the purpose of and necessity for ground rules.

Generally, ground rules would be set by the teacher if the group was not consid-

ered mature enough to either take the process seriously or contribute sensibly,

although despite impressions to the contrary, such groups can respond well to

being given some responsibility. The sector is often viewed as a ‘second chance’ for

many and taking this more authoritarian route can serve to reinforce some of the

Tell them Agree between you Let them decide





Figure 1.6 Approaches to setting ground rules

Source: Francis and Gould, 2013: 19

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messages received by learners as part of their previous educational experience.

Nonetheless, it may well be appropriate to adopt this approach in some situations

and it leads to a clear and precise understanding of expectations. It should be rec-

ognised, however, that ground rules are ‘owned’ by those that set them and who

are therefore responsible for ensuring they are followed. If, on the other hand, the

rules are set by the learners, ownership passes to them and it is their responsibility

to ensure that they are adhered to. Responsibility for formulating ground rules

should not be given to learners, however, unless the teacher is prepared to accept

the conclusions reached. A certain level of trust has been placed in the group to

carry out this task and this trust must be maintained. Perhaps for this reason, the

approach most often adopted is one which is nearer to the middle of the diagram

in Figure 1.6. If so, ground rules become an agreed and shared responsibility,

although this may lie more heavily with one party than the other, depending on the

exact position chosen on the continuum.

Do you have a set of ground rules that has been established within your diploma

group? Adult groups will sometimes feel that they are sufficiently mature to operate

without the benefit of ground rules. Experience suggests that this is not necessarily

the case. In some circumstances, however, it can be agreed that ground rules are

not established at the outset but are agreed on and built up during the course in

response to events as they occur.

Activity 1.9

Ground rules need to be as few in number as possible but it is always a good idea

to have in mind those that are important to you before entering into any negotia-

tion or agreement. Identify THREE ground rules that you think are essential to

the orderly running of a group of learners.

Functional skills and Minimum Core: the background

There has been a longstanding concern in this country with the standards of lit-

eracy and numeracy of the population. The 1992 DES discussion paper on ‘Cur-

riculum Organisation and Classroom Practice in Primary Schools’ stated that ‘to

function effectively in the 21st century, our children will need higher standards of

literacy and numeracy than ever before’ (DES, 1992: 11), and led to the introduc-

tion of the ‘literacy hour’ and the ‘numeracy hour’ in schools in 1998 and the

establishment of the teaching assistant role in an attempt to raise standards of

literacy and numeracy.

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In 1998, a working group looking at the basic skills of the post-school population

was set up under Sir Claus Moser and concluded that ‘Something like one adult in

five in this country is not functionally literate and far more people have problems

with numeracy’ (DfE, 1999: 1). It identified the consequences of this situation as low

economic productivity at a national level and potential social exclusion at an indi-

vidual level, and resulted in the setting up of the Adult Basic Skills Strategy Unit and

subsequent launch of the Skills for Life programme (the national strategy for

improving adult literacy and numeracy) in 2001.

This focus on adult literacy and numeracy skills didn’t, however, include the

population of younger learners who were engaged in full- or part-time education

on both vocational and academic routes within the Further Education (FE) system.

Concerns had been expressed by employers concerning the literacy and numeracy

capabilities of this group, and on the recommendation of the Dearing Report of

1996 Key Skills qualifications were introduced with the intention of equipping learn-

ers with the skills regarded as essential to succeed not only in education and

employment but also their own lifelong learning and personal development.

The Key Skills programme received a mixed reception, however, and was not as

successful as perhaps the government had hoped and anticipated, suffering from

‘an image and publicity problem from the day it was introduced’ (Peart in Wallace,

2010: 46–7).

A number of different approaches existed then to the raising of literacy and

numeracy levels amongst the population at large. In 2010, these began to be

brought together under the generic title of ‘functional skills’. Functional skills are

now defined as those skills required for competence in the use of English, maths

and ICT and it is considered essential that young people and adults possess these

in order to participate in life, learning and work. Functional skills are not just about

knowledge in English, maths and ICT, however; they are also about knowing when

and how to use that knowledge in real-life situations. Functional skills are therefore

considered to include:

identifying a problem or engaging in a task

selecting the appropriate skills required

using these skills, or knowing where to access them if we don’t already possess

them, to arrive at a solution.

Functional skills now form a core part of all four of the different qualification routes

open to young people – GCSE/A-Level, Foundation, Diploma and Apprenticeship,

as well as being stand-alone qualifications in their own right at Entry Level, Level 1

and Level 2.

A related concept is that of the Minimum Core. The Minimum Core identifies two

requirements placed on teachers working within the sector. The first of these requires

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teachers to recognise the ways in which low levels of literacy, numeracy and ICT skills

might constitute a barrier to the learning of their students. Within the teaching of their

own particular subject specialism, teachers should be able to support learners in these

areas, which leads to the second requirement that they themselves must possess a

minimum level of personal skills in these areas, currently set at Level 2.

Delivering functional skills as part of the Minimum Core

The proposals for reform in the 14–19 sector suggest that the teaching and learning

of functional skills can be achieved through a number of different approaches rang-

ing from discrete lessons through to fully embedding them within subject delivery.

The Excellence Gateway (n.d.) defines embedding as ‘teaching and learning [which]

combines the development of literacy, language, numeracy with vocational and

other skills’ and suggests that ‘the skills acquired provide learners with the confi-

dence, competence and motivation necessary for them to succeed in qualifications,

in life and at work’. Embedding, then, seeks to integrate the teaching of subject and

functional skills, taking advantage of naturally occurring circumstances in which the

two come together. A study conducted by Casey et al. (2006) into the embedding

of literacy and numeracy into vocational courses, in which literacy and numeracy

specialists worked alongside subject teachers, found that the approach produced

extensive benefits for learners:

increased retention and success rates, particularly on Level 2 programmes

learners more likely to achieve literacy, language and numeracy qualifications

learners’ belief that they were better prepared for work in the future.

This type of approach is quite resource-intensive, however, and although it is

expected that in the long-term functional skills will remain the responsibility of

specialists in this area, it is anticipated that they will be reinforced throughout the

rest of the curriculum in all sessions (DCSF, 2009: 6).

The issue was felt sufficiently important for the LLUK to suggest, in 2007, that all

initial teacher training courses ‘must prepare trainee teachers to teach their own

learning programmes in ways that take account of the language, literacy, numeracy

and ICT needs of their learners’ and that ‘all teachers need to be confident in work-

ing with colleagues to ensure the development of the language, literacy, numeracy

and ICT needs of their learners’ (LLUK, 2007: 2).

It is evident that, at some level, there is a responsibility on teachers within the

sector to be alert to and address the functional skills needs that learners experience

within the subject they are studying. This does not mean that as teachers of history,

hairdressing or whatever our subject specialism is, we also become functional skills

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teachers. For one thing, we lack the necessary expertise and, for another, as a par-

ticipant in the Casey study remarked, ‘You wouldn’t expect a maths teacher to teach

plastering’. What is required is the following:

We should be able to provide support for individual learners we teach, when a lack

of some aspect of a functional skill proves a stumbling block to further progress.

On the basis that functional skills are developed through practice, we should

identify opportunities that may exist within our teaching where such prac-

tice can be accommodated without distracting from the main purpose of the


Naturally, this entails our own functional skills being at a level sufficient to allow us

to do this, hence the second requirement of the Minimum Core.

Activity 1.10

Identify at least three specific examples of ways in which you do, or can, embed

functional skills within your teaching.

Boundaries of practice

The list of responsibilities discussed so far is extensive and rather daunting, but in

reality it does not take long for many of these responsibilities to become second

nature. As well as knowing the extent of the job in which we engage, however, it is

equally important to know its limits, and it is these boundaries of practice that we

turn to next.

In many jobs which involve contact with other people, particularly if in a caring

or supportive role, it is considered important to preserve a degree of ‘professional

distance’. There is a need to remember the relationship such jobs involve, what it

is intended to achieve and act accordingly. Take nursing as an example. Without

the maintenance of professional distance, an attachment to a patient can be

formed, making it difficult to remain objective about their condition and their treat-

ment. Similarly, it is important to maintain objectivity in teaching.

A second aspect of boundaries of practice relates to the limits of our expertise.

Most people come into teaching because they have an enthusiasm for their sub-

ject that they wish to pass on to others. This is generally accompanied by a desire

to be supportive and helpful to those they teach. Learners sometimes feel we are

the only ones they can come to for help and advice about a particular issue, but

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no matter how well intentioned, being supportive and helpful can cause more

problems than it solves if it concerns matters outside of our knowledge, skills

and expertise.

Activity 1.11

Which of the following issues do you consider to fall within the role and respon-

sibilities of a teacher in the Further Education and Skills sector?

1 Bereavement

2 Study skills

3 Family problems

4 Depression

5 Prolonged absence

6 Consistently low test marks

7 Bullying

8 Stress

Items 2, 5 and 6 are directly related to learning and 7, if taking place on the prem-

ises, contravenes an institutional policy. All of these would fall within the remit of

the job and we would address them accordingly. However, 1, 3, 4 and 8 fall outside

of the boundaries of our practice. Whilst we might concern ourselves with the ways

in which they affected learning, we do not have the necessary expertise to deal with

the root causes. Rather than leave learners ‘hanging’ though, we need to be aware

of the different internal and external agencies that are equipped to deal with such

issues so we can refer learners on.

Activity 1.12

Make a list of the different points of referral that exist within your own institution

for future reference.

This chapter has set the scene for teaching within the sector by outlining what the job

involves and the context within which it is carried out. The next chapters concern the

‘how’ of teaching and look at the knowledge and skills that guide our practice.

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Summary of key points

In this chapter, we have looked at the context of teaching within the Further Education and

Skills sector, identifying the different roles taken on by teachers and the responsibilities

associated with these. The notion of diversity within learners in the sector was explored,

along with a consideration of the issues of differentiation, equality and inclusion this raises.

An inclusive environment is encouraged by the setting of appropriate ground rules and the

different ways of going about this were explored. Functional skills are an important issue at

both a national and individual level and the notion of embedding these within the teaching

we do was explored next. Finally, the extent and limits of the teaching role were investigated.

The key points in this chapter are:

Teaching in the sector involves a number of roles such as teaching, administration,

institutional and pastoral duties.

Diversity refers to the individual differences that are evident in learners.

An aspect of diversity likely to be met in most groups is that different learners have

different preferred styles of learning.

Differentiation strategies are used by teachers to accommodate the differences in

their learners.

Equality can be interpreted in different ways. All learners are treated the same in that

they are afforded equal respect, but are treated differently, dependent on their

individual needs, so they can participate on equal terms.

Inclusion means that all learners participate in and feel part of a teaching session.

Ground rules establish the ways in which a group can work most effectively and can

be established by the teacher, the group or jointly between the two. The approach

used determines the responsibility of each party in ensuring compliance.

Functional skills and the Minimum Core are important at both a national and individual

level and are best delivered by being embedded within the subject matter being taught.

It is important to recognise the limits of our responsibilities and expertise and to refer

learners on to the appropriate people or agencies when the issues they bring to us

fall outside the boundaries of our practice.


BBC (2002) Newsnight. Available online at:

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BIS (2012) Professionalism in Further Education. Available online at: https://www.

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Casey, H., Cara, O., Eldred, J., Grief, S., Hodge, R., Ivanic, R., et al. (2006) ‘You

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01_Gould_Roffey_A2A0061_CH-01.indd 26 29-Jan-14 12:37:20 PM


and numeracy in post-16 vocational programmes – the impact on learning and

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Francis, M. and Gould, J. (2013) Achieving Your PTLLS Award: A Practical Guide to

Teaching in the Lifelong Learning Sector (2nd edn). London: Sage.

Ginnis, P. (2002) The Teacher’s Toolkit. Carmarthen: Crown House Publishing.

Institute for Learning (IfL) (2008) Code of Professional Practice. Available online at:

(accessed 11/07/13).

Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK) (2007) Addressing Literacy, Language, Numeracy and

ICT Needs in Education and Training: Defining the Minimum Core of Teachers’

Knowledge, Understanding and Personal Skills. London: LLUK.

Petty, G. (2009) Teaching Today: A Practical Guide (4th edn). Cheltenham: Nelson


Sonbuchner, G.M. (2008) The Learning Styles Handbook for Teachers and Tutors.

Bloomington, IN: Author House.

Tawney, R.H. (1952) Equality. London: Allen & Unwin.

Tennant, M. (2006) Psychology and Adult Learning (3rd edn). Abingdon, Oxon:


Tomlinson, J. (1996) Report of the Further Education Funding Council Learning Dif-

ficulties and/or Disabilities Committee. Coventry: FEFC.

Wallace, S. (ed.) (2010) The Lifelong Learning Sector Reflective Reader. Exeter: Learn-

ing Matters.

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