achieving balance between online and offline life smahrt conference 2014 - seattle, wa. anna dinoto...

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Achieving Balance Between Online and Offline Life SMAHRT Conference 2014 - Seattle, WA.

Anna DiNoto - Neils Clark


Neils Clark Anna



Outline of Tools: Intake process

Assessment of executive functioning skills Assessing functionality of tech use Addiction assessment

Individualizing treatment Make a plan Start replacing behaviors Maintain progress Contingency planning

Your Questions

getting started…

what we can and can’t discuss

things to consider

Anna won’t be discussing client details This isn’t a “one-size-fits-all” solution Ducks

tools for: clinical assessmentself-assessment

where are you at right now?

intake process

1. Assessing current functioning• “What brings you here?”• History of problem (frequency, duration,

severity, etc.)• Interweave – executive functioning• Hypothesize – “What is their behavior

communicating?”• Begin to formulate treatment plan

1. Assessing for addiction• Chicken or the egg?

Video games tap into vulnerabilities - increased susceptibility in children

Devil is in the details – individual characteristics in player

understanding gaming addiction in kiddos

motivation level for changing how much you play

1. Precontemplation (denial)2. Contemplation (ambivalence)3. Preparation (motivation)4. Action (doing it)5. Maintenance (evolving it)

elicit help from a roommate, spouse, or other observer

monitoring software - both paid and free

tracking console play


account for: stress level!

what 5 things REALLY stress you out?

account for: cues/triggers

what 5 cues, or triggers, remind you to game?

tools for: making a plan

once we’ve established a pattern, we can hack it

making a plan

we‘ll look at three kinds of plan:


harm reduction

play reduction


harm reduction

play reduction

how much would you like to play vs. your current play

black out times leechblock – mozilla firefox chrome nanny – google chrome binaryswitch eclipse – internet explorer concentrate or isolator – mac watch me or selfrestraint - windows

parental controls: warcraft!

parental controls: warcraft!


use accountability software

use post-its

physically block distractions

optional alternate use for post-its note the music player, for white noise

do your work on a burner computer

separating work and play computers Neils doesn’t even keep wifi drivers on his

work laptop

use timers

make a delightful list

mantras, and mindfulness

tools for: maintenance

save your progress!

treat yo self (token economy)

treat yo self (cheat days)

setting reminders

go outside, eat something modestly fresh

find, then hang, with good people

create realistic short- and long-term goals

for what you want to change

and what you want to achieve

make the long-term reasonably major

choice of goals using project management tools for personal

life here‘s an approach I stole from an indie game


tools for: recalibration

you’ll need the occasional tune-up!

“wh” questions!

1.Where do I start?2.What’s working?3.What isn’t working?4.When might I change?5.How might I change? 6.Why keep going?7.Who could help?

remember: you are a human being!

learn to be patient with yourself

most intelligent life forms are fallible accept stumbles remember that changing behavior takes time learn to ask for help when you need it

if you need more specific help:

if you don’t have insurance:

crisis hotline: 800-621-4636

have some questions?have your own tools??

anna –

neils –

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