academic planning & learning objectives · 2. give the significance of miller’s theorem and...

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“Electronic Circuits”


FACULTY: Dr. P. Naresh & Mr.CH Sunil Chowdary



Academic Year 2016-17




Program Outcomes(PO) of B.Tech Course

Graduate will be able to

a) Apply mathematics, basic sciences and electrical engineering fundamentals to solve

technical problems with the background of multi disciplinary knowledge

b) Identify, formulate, research literature and analyze complex electrical and electronics

engineering problems attaining reasonable conclusions using fundamentals of

mathematics, basic and engineering sciences

c) Design solutions for complex electrical and electronics engineering problems and the

process to attain the specified solutions with societal, environmental and safety


d) Bring out alternate solutions using research based knowledge and methodology

e) Create, select and apply modern tools to carryout complex electrical and electronics

engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations

f) Apply contextual knowledge in professional engineering practice to enhance the society

in the aspects of economy, health, safety, legal and culture

g) Understand the impact of engineering solutions on the environment to mitigate any ill

effects and ensure sustainability of the solutions arrived.

h) Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of

the engineering practice

i) Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse and multi

disciplinary teams

j) Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering

community and with society at large

k) Administer and regulate projects subjected to financial personnel and time constraints

l) Engage in lifelong learning to adopt or develop the technological advancements to meet

the growing and changing societal needs

Electronic Circuits (EC)


WHY?: EC is most important course of EEE Branch of Engineering, because it will

give complete knowledge on how to analyze the transistor and how to model a

transistor and calculate its parameters. It also gives basic knowledge on analysis of

linear, Nonlinear wave circuits and different types of multivibrators thereby able to

understand the important applications.

WHAT?: In this course Students will grasp the Through Knowledge of Transistor

Analysis, Design of amplifiers and oscillators, analyze the different kind of linear,

Non linear wave circuits and different types of multivibrators.

HOW?: Through an effective teaching of the mentioned topics using BBT, PPT,

Exercises, Seminars/workshops and Student Presentations/Discussions and

Assignments/Tutorials, POGIL etc.

Transistor Analysis: Drawing the ac equivalent of the circuit and replacing the

transistor with its equivalent h – parameter model and finding the parameters like

voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance etc.

Design of amplifiers and oscillators: Depending on the feedback connection involved

it can behave either like amplifier or oscillator.



Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering


II Year B. Tech EEE – II Sem L T/P/D C

4 1 4

Subject: EC Subject Code: 5EC16

Number of working days : 90

Number of Hours / week : 5

Total number of periods planned : 70

Name of the Faculty Member : Dr. P. Naresh, CH Sunil Chowdary

Course Prerequisites: EDC

Course Objectives:

. To learn the Analysis of transistor, multistage amplifier design and its application

. To understand the operation of oscillators and different linear and nonlinear wave


. To understand the operation and applications of multivibrators

Course Outcomes

After completion of this course the student is able to

1. Design of multistage amplifier and oscillators

2. Analyze the importance of feedback in amplifiers.

3. Analyze the performance of power amplifiers and its applications.

4. Design mutivibrators for some particular application.

UNIT –1 :

MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS: Multi Stage Amplifiers, Methods of Inter Stage

Coupling, n- Stage Cascade Amplifier, Equivalent Circuits, Miller’s Theorem, Frequency

Effects, Amplifier Analysis, High Input Resistance Transistor Circuits. Cascade –

Transistor Configuration, CE-CC Amplifiers, Two Stage RC Coupled JFET Amplifier (in

Common Source (CS) Configuration), Difference Amplifier.

BJT and FET frequency response: Logarithms, Decibels, General frequency

considerations, low Frequency response of BJT Amplifier, low Frequency response of

FET, Miller effect capacitance, High frequency response of BJT amplifier.



Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators: Concepts of Feedback, Classification of

feedback amplifiers, general characteristics of Negative Feedback amplifiers, effect of

Feedback on amplifier Characteristics, voltage series, voltage shunt, current series and

current shunt feedback configurations, simple problems.


Conditions for oscillations, RC and LCA type Oscillators, Crystal Oscillators, Frequency

and amplitude stability of oscillators, generalized analysis of LC oscillators, Quartz,

Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators, RC, Phase shift and wein bridge oscillators

UNIT –3:

Large Signal Amplifiers: Class A Power Amplifiers, Maximum Value of Efficiency of

Class A Amplifier, Transformer coupled amplifier-Push Pull Amplifier- Complimentary

Symmetry Circuits (Transformer less Class B Amplifier)- Phase Inverters, Transistor

Power Dissipation, Thermal Runaway, Heat sinks.

Linear Wave Shaping:

High pass, Low pass RC circuits, their response for sinusoidal, step, pulse, square and

ramp inputs.

Unit 4

Clippers and Clampers

Diode clippers, Transistor clippers, clipping at two independent levels, transfer

characteristics of clippers, Emitter coupled clipper, Comparators, Applications of voltage

comparators, clamping operation, clamping circuits using diode with different inputs,

Clamping circuit theorem, practical clamping circuits, effect of diode characteristics on

clamping voltage, Transfer characteristics of clampers.

Switching characteristics of devices

Diode as a switch, piecewise linear diode characteristics, Transistor as a switch, Break

down voltage consideration of transistor, saturation parameters of Transistor and their

variation with temperature, Design of transistor switch, transistor – switching times

Unit 5:


Analysis and Design of Bistable, Monostable Astable Multivibrators and Schmitt trigger

using transistors


TEXT BOOKS 1. Electronic Device and Circuit Theory, Robert L.Boylestad, Louis

Nasheisky, 9 th Edition 2007, Pearson Education

2. Electronic Devices and Circuits by S.Salivahanan, N.Suresh Kumar and A.Vallavaraj,

2nd edition 2008, Tata McGraw Hill Companies.

3. Solid State Pulse Circuits by David A Bell 4th Edition, Prentice Hall of India.

REFERENCES 1. Introductory Electronic Devices and Circuits(Conventional flow

version) – Robert T.Paynter, 7 Edition 2009,PEI.

2. Electronic Devices and Circuits, Anil K.Malin, Varsha Agrawal, Ist Edition,WILEY

3. Pulse, Digital and Switching Waveforms by Jacob Milliman , Harbert Taub and

Mothiki S.Prakash rao, 2nd edition 2008, Tata McGraw Hill Companies.

Mapping of Course Outcomes(CO) with Program Outcomes(PO)



a b C d e f g h I j K l remarks

I 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 CO1

II 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 1 2 3 CO2

III 3 3 3 2 3 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 CO3

IV 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 3 CO4

Course Assessment Methods

Mode of

Assessment Assessment Tool Periodicity


Weightage Evidences


Mid Terms

Examinations Twice in a semester 30 Answer Scripts

Assignment, Quiz

etc. At the end of each unit 10


Books / Quiz

sheets etc.

End Semester


At the end of the

Semester 60 Answer Scripts

Indirect Course End

Survey At the end of Semester 100 Feedback forms

UNIT –1 :

MULTISTAGE AMPLIFIERS: Multi Stage Amplifiers,Methods of Inter Stage

Coupling, n- Stage Cascade Amplifier, Equivalent Circuits, Miller’s Theorem, Frequency

Effects, Amplifier Analysis, High Input Resistance Transistor Circuits. Cascade –

Transistor Configuration, CE-CC Amplifiers, Two Stage RC Coupled JFET Amplifier (in

Common Source (CS) Configuration), Difference Amplifier.

BJT and FET frequency response: Logarithms, Decibels, General frequency

considerations, low Frequency response of BJT Amplifier, low Frequency response of

FET, Miller effect capacitance, High frequency response of BJT amplifier.

Learning Objectives:

After completion of unit 1 student able to

• Explain the need for multi stage amplifiers

• Explain different types of coupling methods used in multi stage amplifiers

• Explain Miller’s Theorem and its significance in amplifier circuit analysis

• Explain the procedure to make analysis of BJT multi stage amplifiers CC-CC,

CE-CC and two stage RC coupled amplifier.

• Explain the procedure to make analysis of JFET multi stage amplifiers CD-

CS,CD-CG and two stage RC coupled amplifier

• Explain the procedure to make analysis of BJT difference amplifier

Lesson Plan:

Lecture 1: Basic structure of Multi Stage Amplifier and need for Multi Stage Amplifier

Lecture 2: Different types of coupling methods used in multi stage amplifiers.

Lecture 3: Miller’s Theorem and its significance in amplifier circuit analysis

Lecture 4 & 5: Analysis of BJT multi stage amplifiers CC-CC, CE-CC and two stage RC

coupled amplifier.

Lecture 6 & 7: Analysis of JFET multi stage amplifiers CD-CS, CD-CG and two stage

RC coupled amplifier

Lecture 8: Revision class on Unit-1 part 1

S.No. Description of Topic No. of


Method of


1. Basic structure of Multi Stage Amplifier and need for

Multi Stage Amplifier


2. Different types of coupling methods used in multi stage



3. Miller’s Theorem and its significance in amplifier circuit



4. :Analysis of BJT multi stage amplifiers CC-CC, CE-CC

and two stage RC coupled amplifier

1 Chalk and Board

5. 1 Chalk and Board

6. Analysis of JFET multi stage amplifiers CD-CS, CD-CG

and two stage RC coupled amplifier

1 Chalk and Board

7. 1 Chalk and Board

8. Revision class on Unit-1 part 1 1 Chalk and Board

9. BJT high frequency hybrid PI model and its importance. 1 PPT

10. Relation between hybrid PI parameters and H parameters 1 PPT

11. Hybrid PI parameter variation with Ic and Vce and



12. CE amplifier high frequency analysis using hybrid PI


1 Chalk and Board

13. Derivations for Fβ and FT 1 Chalk and Board

14. CE amplifier high frequency analysis with resistive load 1 Chalk and Board,


15. CB high frequency analysis 1 Chalk and Board,


16. Revision class on Unit 1 part 2 1 Chalk and Board


1. Explain the need for multi stage amplifiers.

2. Give the significance of Miller’s Theorem and Dual of Miller’s Theorem in the

amplifier circuit analysis.

3. Explain the procedure to find out the 3db band width of the multi stage amplifier.

4. Explain the procedure to find out the overall voltage gain, current gain, input and

output impedances of the multi stage amplifier.

5. Three identical non interacting amplifier stages in cascade have an overall gain of

1db down at 30Hz compared to mid band. Calculate the lower cut off frequency

of the individual stages.

6. Draw the circuit of two stage RC coupled JFET amplifier and explain its


7. Draw the circuit of single stage RC coupled BJT amplifier. Discuss the effect of

an emitter bypass capacitor on low frequency response

8. Derive the relation between f2 and f2n when such n-identical amplifier stages are


9. Discuss about different types of distortions that occur in amplifier circuits

Learning Objectives:

After completion of unit 1 student able to

• Define high frequency and low frequency operation of amplifiers.

• Draw the BJT CE high frequency hybrid PI model and explain about the model


• Explain the variation of hybrid PI parameters with Ic and Vce and Temperature.

• Derive an equation for CE short circuit current gain and define Fβ and FT

• Derive equations for relation between hybrid PI parameters and H parameters.

• Derive an equation for CE current gain with load.

Lesson plan:

Lecture 9: BJT high frequency hybrid PI model and its importance.

Lecture 10: Relation between hybrid PI parameters and H parameters

Lecture 11: Hybrid PI parameter variation with Ic and Vce and Temperature

Lecture12: CE amplifier high frequency analysis using hybrid PI model

Lecture 13: Derivations for Fβ and FT

Lecture 14: CE amplifier high frequency analysis with resistive load.

Lecture 15: CB high frequency analysis

Lecture 16: Revision class on Unit 1 part 2


1. Distinguish between the high frequency and the low frequency operation of BJT

amplifiers and give their analysis techniques.

2. Distinguish between the high frequency and the low frequency operation of FET

amplifiers and give their analysis techniques

3. Draw the high frequency equivalent model of JFET.

4. Explain how the hybrid parameter varies with temperature.

5. What is the order of magnitude of each resistance in the hybrid- model.

6. Explain why the 3db frequency for current gain is not same as f H for Voltage gain.

7. Draw the small signal equivalent circuit for an emitter follower at high frequencies

8. Explain how the parameters of hybrid-Π model vary with Ic, VcE and temperature

9. Draw the typical hybrid – Π model for a transistor in CE configuration. Derive the

hybrid Π conductance in CE configuration.

10. Show that the hybrid- Π model is valid for frequencies up to approximately 3


11. The LF parameters of a transistor at Ic=20mA,VCE =10V,and at room temperature hie

= 400 , hoe= 10-5 A/V, hfe = 150, hre = 10-4 . At the same operating point f T =60MHz

and Cob= 3PF.Compute the values of all the hydrid- Π parameters

12. Derive the expression for f T and f of CE amplifier using HF model.

13. Given the following transistor measurements made at Ic=5mA, VCE=10V and at

room temperature hfe=100, hie=600 , ieA =10 at

10 MHz, Ce=3PF, find f , f T ,Ce, rb1

e and rbb1

14. Derive the expression for the CE short circuit current gain Ai as a function of

frequency using hybrid- Π model.

15. Draw an approximate equivalent hybrid –Π circuit for the calculation of the short

circuit CE current gain and derive the same.

16. Derive the expression for the CE Voltage gain Avs using hybrid- Π model.

(i) Exact analysis (ii) Approximate analysis


Feedback Amplifiers and Oscillators: Concepts of Feedback, Classification of

feedback amplifiers, general characteristics of Negative Feedback amplifiers, effect of

Feedback on amplifier Characteristics, voltage series, voltage shunt, current series and

current shunt feedback configurations, simple problems.


Conditions for oscillations, RC and LCA type Oscillators, Crystal Oscillators, Frequency

and amplitude stability of oscillators, generalized analysis of LC oscillators, Quartz,

Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators, RC, Phase shift and weinbridge oscillators.

Learning Objectives:

After completion of unit 2 student able to

• Understand the concept of negative feedback and its importance in analysis of

different kind of amplifiers.

• Understand the concept of positive feedback and its importance in analysis of

different kind of oscillators

Lesson Plan:

• Lecture 1: Concepts of Feedback, Classification of feedback amplifiers.

• Lecture 2: general characteristics of Negative Feedback amplifiers.

• Lecture 3 ,4&5 : effect of Feedback on amplifier Characteristics, voltage series

• Lecture 6 & 7: voltage shunt, current series and current shunt feedback


• Lecture 8: simple problems.

• Lecture 9&10: Conditions for oscillations, RC and LCA type Oscillators

• Lecture 11&12: Crystal Oscillators, Frequency and amplitude stability of


• Lecture 13: generalized analysis of LC oscillators

• Lecture 14: Quartz, Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators

• Lecture 15&16: RC, Phase shift and weinbridge oscillators

S.No. Description of Topic No. of


Method of


1. Concepts of Feedback, Classification of feedback 1 LBD


2. general characteristics of Negative Feedback amplifiers. 1 PPT

3. effect of Feedback on amplifier Characteristics, voltage



4. 1 Chalk and Board

5. 1 Chalk and Board

6. voltage shunt, current series and current shunt feedback


1 Chalk and Board

7. 1 Chalk and Board

8. simple problems 1 Chalk and Board

9. Conditions for oscillations, RC and LCA type Oscillators 1 PPT

10. 1 PPT

11. crystal Oscillators, Frequency and amplitude stability of



12. 1 Chalk and Board

13. generalized analysis of LC oscillators 1 Chalk and Board

14. Quartz, Hartley and Colpitts Oscillators 1 Chalk and Board,


15. RC, Phase shift and weinbridge oscillators 1 Chalk and Board,


16. 1 Chalk and Board

UNIT –3:

Large Signal Amplifiers: Class A Power Amplifiers, Maximum Value of Efficiency of

Class A Amplifier, Transformer coupled amplifier-Push Pull Amplifier- Complimentary

Symmetry Circuits (Transformer less Class B Amplifier)- Phase Inverters, Transistor

Power Dissipation, Thermal Runaway, Heat sinks.

Linear Wave Shaping:

High pass, Low pass RC circuits, their response for sinusoidal, step, pulse, square and

ramp inputs.

Learning Objectives:

After completion of unit 3 student able to

• Define DC and AC load lines of the amplifiers.

• Distinguish among Class A, B and C amplifiers.

• Explain the operation of Class A and Class B amplifiers.

• Derive an equation for maximum efficiency of series –fed Class A power


• Derive an equation for maximum efficiency of transformer coupled Class A

power amplifier

• Derive an equation for maximum efficiency of Inductive coupled Class A power


• Explain the operation of Class B Push pull and complimentary Symmetry circuits.

• Derive an equation for maximum efficiency of Class B power amplifier

• Explain the operation of Class D and Class S power amplifiers

• Explain the need for Heat sinks in power amplifiers. And give the design

procedure for Heat sink design.

Lesson Plan:

Lecture 1: DC and AC load lines

Lecture 2: Classification of Class A, B and C amplifiers and their operations.

Lecture 3 & 4: Analysis of Class A Series – fed and transformer coupled power amplifier

Lecture 5: Analysis of Inductive coupled Class A power amplifier

Lecture 6 & 7: Analysis of Class B Power amplifiers

Lecture 8: Heat sink and its design.

Lecture 9&10: High pass, Low pass RC circuits

Lecture 11&12: response for sinusoidal, step

Lecture 13&14: response for pulse, square and ramp inputs

S.No. Description of Topic No. of


Method of


1. DC and AC load lines 1 LBD

2. Classification of Class A, B and C amplifiers and their



3. Analysis of Class A Series – fed and transformer coupled

power amplifier


4. 1 Chalk and Board

5. Analysis of Inductive coupled Class A power amplifier 1 Chalk and Board

6. Analysis of Class B Power amplifiers 2 Chalk and Board

7. Chalk and Board

8. Heat sink and its design. 1 Chalk and Board

9. High pass, Low pass RC circuits 2 PPT

10. PPT

11. response for sinusoidal, step 2 PPT

12. Chalk and Board

13. response for pulse, square and ramp inputs 2 Chalk and Board

14. Chalk and Board,



1. Mention the difference between Voltage amplifiers and power amplifiers.

2. Give the different analysis techniques to make the analysis of power amplifier.

3. What do you mean by harmonic distortion? How this distortion can be minimized

in power amplifier.

4. Classify large signal amplifiers based on its operating point. Distinguish these

amplifiers in terms of conversion efficiency.

5. Draw the push-pull power amplifier circuit. Derive the expression for the output

current in push-pull amplifier with base current as ib = Ibm sinωt.

6. Draw the circuit of two stage RC coupled JFET amplifier and explain its


7. Draw the circuit of single stage RC coupled BJT amplifier. Discuss the effect of

an emitter bypass capacitor on low frequency response.

8. What is the harmonic distortion in transistor amplifier circuits? Discuss second

harmonic distortion.

9. A single transistor is operating as an ideal class B amplifier with 500Ωload. A dc

meter in the collector circuit needs 10mA. How much signal power is delivered to

the load?

10. Write short notes on requirement and types of heat sinks for power dissipation in

large signal amplifiers.

11. With the help of a neat circuit diagram, explain the operation of a complementary

Symmetry configured class B power amplifier.

12. Compare and contrast push-pull and complementary symmetry configurations for

class B power amplifiers.

13. In transformer coupled class A power amplifier, show that conversion efficiency

is 50%.

14. Discuss in detail the cross over distortion. How do you avoid the cross over

distortion in power amplifier circuit. Discuss in detail.

15. Draw a simple series fed class A amplifier circuit and derive the relationship for

output power in terms of load resistance RL?

16. Sketch the output waveforms for class A, class B and class C with respect to

conduction angle.

17. What is thermal resistance? What is the unit of thermal resistance?

18. Derive the relation between f2 and f2n when such n-identical amplifier stages are


19. Briefly explain the operation of Transformer coupled class A power amplifier?

20. Calculate the effective load resistance RL seen looking into the primary of a 10:1

transformer connected to an output load of 16Ω.

21. Explain the method of determination of total harmonic distortion in push-pull

power amplifiers using 5-point analysis?

22. Calculate the harmonic distortion components for an output signal, in push pull

power amplifiers having fundamental amplitude of 2.5 volts, third harmonic

amplitude of 0.1 volts, fourth harmonic amplitude of 0.05 volts, also calculate the

total harmonic distortion.

23. Show that even harmonics are eliminated in class B push pull configuration.

Unit 4

Clippers and Clampers

Diode clippers, Transistor clippers, clipping at two independent levels, transfer

characteristics of clippers, Emitter coupled clipper, Comparators, Applications of voltage

comparators, clamping operation, clamping circuits using diode with different inputs,

Clamping circuit theorem, practical clamping circuits, effect of diode characteristics on

clamping voltage, Transfer characteristics of clampers.

Switching characteristics of devices

Diode as a switch, piecewise linear diode characteristics, Transistor as a switch, Break

down voltage consideration of transistor, saturation parameters of Transistor and their

variation with temperature, Design of transistor switch, transistor – switching times.

Learning Objectives:

After completion of unit 4 student able to

• Design of clippers and clampers

• Working of Emitter coupled clipper

• Effect of diode characteristics on clamping voltage

• Switching characteristics of diode and transistor

Lesson plan:

Lecture 1: Diode clippers

Lecture 2: Transistor Clippers

Lecture 3: Transfer characteristics of clippers

Lecture 4: Emitter coupled clipper

Lecture 5: Comparators

Lecture 6: Clampers

Lecture 7: Effect of diode characteristics on clamping voltage

Lecture 8: Switching characteristics of diode and transistors

S.No. Description of Topic No. of


Method of


1. Diode clippers 1 LBD

2. Transistor Clippers 1 PPT

3. Transfer characteristics of clippers 1 PPT

4. Emitter coupled clipper 1 Chalk and Board

5. Comparators 1 Chalk and Board

6. Clampers 1 Chalk and Board

7. Effect of diode characteristics on clamping voltage 1 Chalk and Board

8. Switching characteristics of diode and transistors 1 Chalk and Board

Unit 5:


Analysis and Design of Bistable, Monostable Astable Multivibrators and Schmitt trigger

using transistors.

Learning Objectives:

After completion of unit 5 student able to

• Analysis and design of Multivibrators.

• Schmitt trigger

Lesson Plan:

Lecture 1: Analysis and design of Bistable multivibrators

Lecture 2: Analysis and design of Monostable multivibrators

Lecture 3 Analysis and design of Astable multivibrators

Lecture 4: Schmitt trigger using transistors.

Lecture 5: Revision of Unit 5

S.No. Description of Topic No. of


Method of


1. Analysis and design of Bistable multivibrators 2 LBD

2. PPT

3. Analysis and design of Monostable multivibrators


4. Chalk and Board

5. Analysis and design of Astable multivibrators 2 Chalk and Board

6. Chalk and Board

7. Schmitt trigger using transistors 2 Chalk and Board


9. Revision of Unit 5 1 Chalk and Board



Business Economics & Financial Analysis


Business & New–Economic environment:

Characteristic features of Business, features and evaluation of sole proprietorship,

partnership, joint stock company, Public enterprises and their types. Changing

Business Environment in post–liberalization scenario.


After studying this unit, you should be able to :

❖ Define the term Business and explain feature of Business.

❖ Explain the forms of organizing business enterprises.

❖ Determine the factors which help in identifying suitable form of organization.

❖ Pin–point the rationale of the present large-scale presence of public

enterprises in our economy.

❖ Outline economic and non-economic objectives of public enterprises.

❖ Analysis various forms of organizing public enterprises.

❖ Explain problems of PEs and also suggest measures to solve the same.

❖ Analyze the changes in business environment ( Recent trends in Business

sector )

LECTURE PLAN: Total no_ of classes: 17



2 Business, characteristics of business, types

1 Types of business organizations-sole proprietorship

1 Partnership-features, advantages & Demerits

1 Joint stock company-features, merits, demerits

1 Formation a company

2 Differences between private limited & public Limited Company.

1 Public enterprises-features, advantages and demerits

1 Forms of organizing PEs

1 Objectives, problems and solutions of PEs

1 New Industrial Policy 1991 and its critical evaluation

2 Public Sector and financial sector reforms

2 Privatization & Globalization

1 Changing business environment after 1991


1. What are the characteristics of a business unit?

2. Explain the features of sole trader form of organization. Discuss the

advantages and limitations of sole trader form of organization?

3. Evaluate the partnership form of business organization. How does it

overcome the limitation of proprietary form of business?

4. What qualities do you expect in persons to become good partners in


5. What do you understand by Joint Stock Company? What are its salient


6. What are the reasons for joint stock company being popular as a form of


7. Discuss the factors affecting the choice of forms of business organization?

8. Distinguish between public limited and private limited company?

9. What is need for public enterprises? Explain the recent achievements of

public enterprises.

10. Explain briefly various steps involved in formation of a company?

11. Distinguish between public corporation and government company?

12. Examine the impact of changes that have taken place in business

environment on business enterprise functioning.

13. What do you understand by privatization & Globalization?

14. Vertically evaluate new industrial policy 1991.


Introduction to business economics, and demand analysis

Definition; Nature and scope of managerial economics - demand analysis

determinants; Law of demand and its exceptions.

Elasticity of demand and demand forecasting

Definition; Types; Measurement and significance of elasticity of demand; Demand

forecasting; Factors governing demand forecasting; Methods of demand forecasting

- survey methods, statistical methods, expert opinion method, test marketing,

controlled experiments, and judgmental approach to demand forecasting.


After studying this unit, Student should be able to :

❖ Define “Managerial Economics”

❖ Identify the factors that constitute scope of Managerial Economics.

❖ Explain significance of Managerial Economics and how it helps business

managers in performing decision – making function.

❖ Define what is Demand

❖ Analyze the important factors determining demand for a commodity.

❖ List out the conditions or situation under which law of demand does not hold


❖ Explain assumptions of Law of Demand.

❖ Suggest the appropriate measure to accelerate the product demand.

❖ Measurement of change in Quantity demanded as a result of change in

demand determinant.

❖ How Elasticity of Demand helps businessman in fixing right price for his


❖ Factors determining nature of Demand for a product.

❖ Types of Elasticity of Demand and measurement of the same.

❖ Importance of estimating demand for commodities.

❖ Factors to be taken into account while undertaking demand forecasting


❖ Possible approaches to forecast demand of new and established products

LECTURE PLAN: Total no_ of classes: 16



1 Introduction to Economics

1 Introduction to Managerial Economics

1 Scope & significance of Managerial Economics

1 Relation of Managerial Economics with others subjects

1 Introduction to Demand & Types

1 Demand Determinants

1 Law of Demand – Def , Assumptions & Exceptions

1 Discussion of old Question papers

1 Elasticity of demand, its definitions, types

1 Types price Elasticities

1 Factors determining elasticity of demand

1 Significance of Elasticity of demand

1 Meaning of demand forecasting & its significance

1 Criteria for good forecasting

1 Factors involved in demand forecasting

1 Methods of demand forecasting

1 Discussion on old question papers


1. “Managerial Economics is the discipline which deals with the application of

economic theory to business management”. explain

2. Managerial Economics is the study of the allocation of resources available to

a firm. Explain

3. Managerial Economics is prescriptive rather than descriptive in character.

Explain this statement.

4. Discuss in detail the role of economics in Engineering Industry and its

influence on the technical decisions.

5. Define Managerial Economics. Explain its relationship with other branches

and also explain the role of managerial economist in running business

enterprise on prudent commercial practice.

6. What is demand analysis ? Explains the factors influencing the demand for a


7. What is meant by demand ? Everyone desires for an Ambassador CAR – does

this mean that the demand for Ambassador CAR is large ?

8. State and explain the law of demand. Are there any exceptions to the law ?

9. What is meant by elasticity of demand ? Explain by giving suitable examples,

how elasticity of demand determines the price policy of a firm.

10. Explain the concepts and kinds of elasticity of demand that are relevant to

the manages of a firm.

11. What is cross – elasticity of demand ? Is it positive for substitutes or for

complements? Show in a diagram the curve relating the demand for coffee to

the price of tea

12. Define income – elasticity of demand and distinguish it’s various types ? How

does income elasticity differ from price elasticity of demand ?

13. Explain the factors determining Elasticity of demand ?

14. What do you mean by demand forecasting ? Explain briefly various methods

of demand forecasting ?

15. What criteria should be adopted to choose a good forecasting Method to

estimate product demand?

16. What are the factors that are considered while estimating a firms sales ?

Enumerate the difficulties in forecasting sale of consumer durables?


Cost analysis

Cost concepts - opportunity cost, fixed vs. variable costs, explicit costs vs. implicit

costs, and out of pocket costs vs. imputed costs; Break-even analysis (BEA) -

determination of break-even point (simple problems), managerial significance, and

limitations of BEA.

Capital and capital budgeting

Capital and its significance; Types of capital; Estimation of fixed and working capital

requirements; Methods and sources of raising finance.

Nature and scope of capital budgeting; Features of capital budgeting proposals;

Methods of capital budgeting - payback method, accounting rate of return (ARR),

and net present value method (simple problems)


After studying this unit, you should be able to :

❖ Define various types of costs

❖ Distinguish between one type of cost and the others.

❖ Analyze the nature of various costs and how they influence the total cost.

❖ Explain the significance of cost analyses in taking right decisions in business


❖ Determine the level of output at which there is neither profit nor loss.

❖ Calculate / Identify the volume of sales at which a desired amount of profit

can be earned.

❖ Estimate capital requirements of a business enterprises.

❖ Describe the sources of mobilization of long-term & short-term capital.

❖ Explain factors determining working capital and fixed capital requirements.

❖ Evaluate the investment opportunities in terms of cost and benefit.

❖ Identify the best investment opportunity which yields higher rate of return.

❖ Explain importance of capital budgeting and also explain basic procedure

involved in selection of best investment proposal.

LECTURE PLAN: Total no_ of classes: 11



2 Cost concepts, Cost classifications

1 Break – Even – Analysis, Assumption, Significance & Limitations

2 Problems of BEA

1 Arithmetical & Graphical presentation of BEA

2 Capital budgeting- definition, feature, importance, steps involved

1 Methods of capital budgeting; payback methods

1 Accounting rate of return, merits demerits

1 Net present value method, merits, demerits


1. Explain the relationship between marginal cost, average cost and total cost,

assuming a short run non – linear cost function ?

2. What is opportunity cost ? Give some examples of opportunity cost. How are

these costs relevant for managerial decisions ?

3. Write short notes on

a. Fixed cost and variable cost

b. Out of pocket costs and imputed cost

c. Explicit cost and Implicit cost.

d. Shutdown cost and Abandonment cost

4. What is meant by break even Analysis ? Explain the uses and limitation of


5. Describe the Break – Even point with the help of diagram and its uses in

business decision – making ?

6. How do you determine BEP in terms of Physical units and sales value ?

7. If sales is 10,000 units and selling price Rs.20 per units, variable cost Rs.10

per unit and fixed cost is Rs.80000, find out BEP in units and in sales revenue.

What is profit earned ? What should be the sales for earning a project of Rs.

60000 ?

8. The PV ratio of VNRVJIET Ltd. Is 40% and the margin of safety is 30% you

are required to work out the BEP and net profit, if the sales volume is


9. Sales are Rs.110000 producing a project of Rs.4000 in period – I sales are Rs.

150000 producing a project of Rs,12000 in period – II. Determine BEP and

fixed expenses.

10. Describe the institutions providing long term finance.

11. What are the major sources of short term finance?

12. What are the components of working capital? Explain each of them?

13. Explain the following with respect to working capital management

a. Kinds of working capital

b. Significance of maintaining adequate working capital.

c. Estimation of working capital requirements.

14. What do you understand by working capital cycle and what is its


15. What is importance of capital budgeting? Explain the basic steps involved in

evaluating capital budget proposals?

16. What are the merits and limitations of pay back period ? How does

discounting approach overcome the limitations of payback method?

17. What is meant by discounting and time value of money? How is it useful in

capital budgeting?

18. A business firm is thinking of choosing the right machines for their purpose

after financial evaluation of the proposal. The initial cost and the net cash

flow over years. ( Income less running expenses but not depreciation ) to the

business firm have been calculated for each machine as follows

Machine X


Machine Y


Initial Cost 20000 28000

Net cash flow 1 year 8000 10000

2 year 12000 12000

3 year 9000 12000

4 year 7000 6000

5 year 6000 6000

Choose the machine based on a. Payback period

b. Accounting rate of return

19. A company has at hand two proposals for consideration ( M and N ). The cost

of the proposals in both the cases is Rs. 500000 each. A discount factor of

12% may be used to evaluate the proposals. Cash inflows after tax are as


Proposal M


Proposal N


1 year 150000 50000

2 year 200000 150000

3 year 250000 200000

4 year 150000 300000

5 year 100000 200000

Which one will you recommend under present value method.

UNIT-IV Theory of production

Production function - isoquants and isocosts, least cost combination of inputs, and

laws of returns; Internal and external economics of scale.

Market structures

Types of competition; Features of perfect competition, monopoly, and monopolistic

competition; Price-output determination in case of perfect competition and


Pricing policies and methods

Cost plus pricing; Marginal cost pricing; Sealed bid pricing; Going rate pricing, Limit

pricing, Market skimming pricing, Penetration pricing, Two-part pricing, Block

pricing, Bundling pricing, Peak load pricing, Cross subsidization.

Learning Objectives:

❖ Define “Production Function”

❖ Classify various production Functions.

❖ Explain Input – Output relationship in the short – run and in the long – run

❖ Identify least cost combination of inputs.

❖ Find out the different combinations of inputs which yields a desired amount

of output.

❖ Explain the economies and diseconomies of large scale production / business


❖ Classify the markets based on type of completion prevailing for a product

❖ Explain the role of time factor in the determination of price.

❖ Also explain price – out determination in different market situation.

❖ Describe the features of different markets.

❖ Explain different pricing strategies.

❖ Analysis the situations under which what type of price strategy must be

adopted in pricing the products.

LECTURE PLAN: Total no_ of classes: 13



1 Production & Production function, Assumptions

1 Types of production Functions, their utility

1 Laws of production Function

1 Economies & Diseconomies of scale

2 Market , its types, their features

1 Price – output determination in monopoly

1 Price – output determination in perfect competition

1 Price – output determination in monopolistic competition

2 Pricing function, its objectives and functions.

2 Different price strategies


1. Define production function, Discuss in detail the different types of production


2. What is meant by internal and external economies of scale ? what are its

sources ? And what are various types of internal economies available to a

firm ?

3. Explain and illustrate the “ Law of Diminishing Returns “ and “Law of Returns

to scale?

4. What is optimum combination ? Explain the principles of least cost

combination of factors

5. Distinguish between Law of Diminishing returns and law of returns to scale?

6. What are isocosts and Isoquants ? Do they intersect each others ?

7. Explain the following with reference to production function ?

a. Marginal rate of technical substitution ( MRTS )

b. Variable proportions of factors

8. Compare between monopoly and perfect competition or Distinguish between

perfect and Imperfect markets?

9. What is price discrimination? What are the essential conditions for price


10. What are the causes for the emergence of monopoly?

11. Explain the objectives of pricing and determinants of price of a product?

12. What are the features of monopolistic competition? How is it different from


13. Explain how the price is determined under conditions of perfect competition.

Illustrate this with help of diagram?

14. Define monopoly. How is price under monopoly determined?

15. What are the various popular pricing practices? Which of them are most

suitable for a firm facing competition?


Introduction to financial accounting

Double-entry book keeping; Journal; Ledger; Trial balance; Final accounts - trading

account, profit and loss account, and balance sheet with simple adjustments.

Financial analysis through ratios

Computation; Analysis and interpretation of liquidity ratios - current ratio, and

quick ratio; Activity ratios - inventory turnover ratio, and debtor turnover ratio;

Capital structure ratios – debt-equity ratio, and interest coverage ratio; Profitability

ratios - gross profit ratio, net profit ratio, operating ratio, P/E ratio, and EPs.


After studying this unit, you should be able to :

❖ Record the business transaction systematically in the books of accounts.

❖ Post journal entries into concerned accounts in the ledger book.

❖ Find out the gross and net results of business operations.

❖ Prepare balance sheet at the end of business year.

❖ Distinguish between fixed assets and current assets, Deft and equity, Gross

profit and net profit, Debtors and creditors.

❖ Explain the basic accounting concepts and conventions and also give


❖ Analyze the liquidity, solvency, profitability of the business organization.

❖ Calculate liquidity ratios, activities ratio, solvency ratios and profitability


❖ Elaborate the importance of finance function for evaluating the economic

status of a business unit.

❖ Explain how different ratios help concerned parties in interpreting financial

position of business in general and interested financial aspect of business in


LECTURE PLAN: Total no_ of




1 Introduction to accounting

1 Double entry book keeping

2 Rules of debit & credits & types accounts

2 Recording business transactions in ‘Journal’

1 Posting Journal entries into concerned accounts

2 Balancing accounts & preparations of trial balance

1 Rules of preparing final accounts

2 Preparation of trading & profit and loss account

2 Preparation of balance sheet with simple examples

1 Analysis & Interpretation of financial statements, methods

2 Ratio analyses, types of ratios-Liquidity ratios, calculation

1 Activity ratio-significance, calculation

1 Capital structure ratios-significance, calculation

2 Profitability ratios, significance, calculation


1. Explain the basic accounting concepts and conventions. Give examples.

2. What do you understand by double entry book keeping ? What are its


3. What is Journal ? How is it ruled?

4. Define ledger ? state what is meant by sub division ledger

5. What is three column cash book? What is contra entry? Illustrate

6. What “Trial Balance”? State the main objectives of preparing the Trial

Balance. Explain the rules of preparing the trial balance.

7. What do you mean by final accounts? What are its constituents? Name them

and briefly explain the purpose of each of them.

8. What are financial statements ? Why they needed? How are they prepared?

9. Pass Journal entries for the following transactions in the books of M/s. Raghu

on 1st August,2003 commenced business with Rs.100000


4.8.2003 Purchased goods 25000

5.8.2003 Purchased furniture 4000

6.8.2003 Opened bank account with 50000

10.8.2003 Sold goods 15000

11.8.2003 Sold goods to srihari 10000

15.8.2003 Purchased goods from kalyan 5000

16.8.2003 Paid commission 100

20.8.2003 Printing & stationery 250

25.8.2003 Purchased typewriter 2500

21.8.2003 Drawn money from bank 6000

27.8.2003 Received interest 150

30.8.2003 Paid rent 1500 and salary 800

10. Journalize the following transactions and post them to the ledger.

a. Ram invests Rs.10000 in cash

b. He bought goods worth Rs.2000 from shyam

c. He bought a machine for Rs.5000 from Lakshman on account

d. He paid to Lakshman Rs.2000

e. He sold goods for cash Rs.3000

f. He sold goods to ‘A’ on account Rs.4000

g. He paid to Shyam Rs.1000

h. He received amount from ‘A’ Rs.2000

11. In the books of Vani prepare trading, profit & loss account and balance sheet

for the year endings 31st March 2003 from the following particulars.


1 Opening stock 5000

2 Salaries 500

3 Sales 70400

4 Motor car 25000

5 Traveling expenses 700

6 Cash in hand 5000

7 Capital 30000

8 Interest 1800

9 Bills receivables 4000

10 Wages 2000

11 Furniture & Fixtures 3600

12 Sundry debtors 14000

13 Lighting 350

14 Printing & Stationery 100

15 Postage 50

16 Returns inwards 6000

17 Purchase 25000

18 Commission 1500

19 Bank balance 10000

20 Advertisement 1000

21 Sundry creditors 5200


1. Closing stock Rs.40000

2. Write off bad debts Rs.100

3. Prepaid commission Rs.200

4. Outstanding salaries Rs.150

12. What are the types of financial statements of a business unit and explain how

differently they interpret the financial data

13. Explain the concept of ‘Liquidity’ and narrate its importance through suitable

examples with some assured data.

14. What do you understand by ‘solvency’ position of a manufacturing

organization? How is it evaluated? Illustrate with assumed data.

15. State the different types of turnover ratios and profitability ratios and

explain their significance.

16. As a financial analyst, what precautions would you take while interpreting

ratios meaning-fully?

17. Selected financial information about siri traders limited as given below :

2001 2002

Sales 600000 430000

Cost of goods sold 570000 325000

Debtors 72000 30000

Inventories 114000 55000

Cash 15000 8000

Other current assets 40000 27000

Current liabilities 160000 110000

Compute the current ratio, quick ratio, debt collection period and inventory

turnover ratios for the above two years and comment on the result.






FACULTY: Dr. T. Nireekshana & Mr. B. Devulal


Academic Year 2016-17




Programme Outcomes (POs) of B.Tech (EEE) Course

Graduate will be able to

m) Apply mathematics, basic sciences and electrical engineering fundamentals to solve

technical problems with the background of multi disciplinary knowledge

n) Identify, formulate, research literature and analyse complex electrical and electronics

engineering problems attaining reasonable conclusions using fundamentals of

mathematics, basic and engineering sciences

o) Design solutions for complex electrical and electronics engineering problems and the

process to attain the specified solutions with societal, environmental and safety


p) Bring out alternate solutions using research based knowledge and methodology

q) Create, select and apply modern tools to carryout complex electrical and electronics

engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations

r) Apply contextual knowledge in professional engineering practice to enhance the society

in the aspects of economy, health, safety, legal and culture

s) Understand the impact of engineering solutions on the environment to mitigate any ill

effects and ensure sustainability of the solutions arrived.

t) Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of

the engineering practice

u) Function effectively as an individual and as a member or leader in diverse and multi

disciplinary teams

v) Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering

community and with society at large

w) Administer and regulate projects subjected to financial personnel and time constraints

x) Engage in lifelong learning to adopt or develop the technological advancements to meet

the growing and changing societal needs



II Year B. Tech EEE – I Sem L T/P/D C

4 1 4

(13EEE006) Power System -I

Number of working days : 90

Number of Hours / week : 5

Total number of periods planned : 70

Name of the Faculty Member : Dr. T. Nireekshana & Mr. B. Devulal

Course Objectives:

• To explain the various generation sources such as Hydro, Thermal, Nuclear and

Gas Power plants

• To describe DC and AC distribution systems and its voltage drop calculations

• To illustrate various Economic aspects of the Power plant erection, operation and

different Tariff methods.

• To describe various power system improvement methods.

Course Outcomes

After going through this course the student will be able to

• Draw and explain the layouts of Hydro Power Plant, Thermal Power station

Nuclear Power Plant and Gas Power plant

• Derive the equations for voltage drops in DC and AC distribution systems

• Define Load, diversity, demand and Plant use factors

• Describe various Tariff methods and various Power factor improvement methods


Hydro Power Stations: Choice of site, arrangement of hydroelectric installations,

Hydrology, Mass curve, flow duration curve, classification of Hydro Power Plants,

pumped storage plants.


Line diagram of Thermal Power Station (TPS) showing paths of coal, steam, water, air,

ash and flue gasses - Description of TPS components: Economizers, Boilers, Super

heaters, Turbines, Condensers, Electrostatic Precipitators, Chimney, and Cooling towers.


Nuclear Power Stations: Nuclear Fission and Chain reaction - Nuclear fuels - Principle of

operation of Nuclear reactor - Reactor Components: Moderators, Control rods, Reflectors

and Coolants - Radiation hazards: Shielding and Safety precautions - Brief description of


Gas Power Plants: Principle of Operation and Components (Block Diagram Approach



Classification of Distribution Systems - Comparison of DC Vs AC Distribution Systems -

Requirements and Design features of Distribution Systems-Voltage Drop Calculations in

D.C Distribution system for the following cases-Radial system - fed at one end - fed at

both the ends for equal and unequal Voltages, Ring Main Distribution system. Voltage

Drop Calculations in A.C. Distribution system for the following cases - Power Factors

referred to receiving end voltage, with respect to respective load voltages, Numerical



Load curve and Load duration curves-load, demand, diversity, capacity, utilization and

plant use factors- Numerical Problems. Desirable Characteristics of a Tariff Method-

Tariff Methods: Flat Rate, Block- Rate, two-part, three –part, and power factor tariff

methods, effect of load factor, demand and diversity factors on the cost of electrical

energy and power factor improvement, Economical Power factor- problems.


1.Generation and utilization of Electrical Energy – C.L.Wadhawa, New age

International (P) Limited, Publishers 1997.

2.Electrical Power Systems by C.L.Wadhawa New age International (P) Limited,

Publishers 1997.

3.A Text Book on Power System Engineering by M.L.Soni, P.V.Gupta,

U.S.Bhatnagar and A.Chakraborti, Dhanpat Rai and Co. Pvt. Ltd, 1999.


1.Elements of Power Station design and practice by M.V. Deshpande, Wheeler


2.Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution by S.N.Singh., PHI,


3.Principles of Power Systems by V.K Mehta and Rohit Mehta S.Chand

& Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2004.

Mapping of Course Outcomes (COs) with Program Outcomes (POs)



a b c d e f g h i j k l remarks

I 1 3 3 3 2 1 1 2 1 1 3 CO1

II 3 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 CO2

III 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 CO3

IV 3 3 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 2 1 CO4

3-storng 2-moderate 1-Week Blank-Not relevant

Course Assessment Methods

Mode of

Assessment Assessment Tool Periodicity


Weightage Evidences


Mid Terms

Examinations Twice in a semester 25 Answer Scripts

Assignment, Quiz

etc. At the end of each unit 5


Books / Quiz

sheets etc.

End Semester


At the end of the

Semester 70 Answer Scripts

Indirect Course End

Survey At the end of Semester 100 Feedback forms


UNIT-I Introduction and Hydro Power Plants

Hydro-Electric Stations-Choice of site, arrangement of hydroelectric installations,

Hydrology, Mass curve, flow duration curve, water storage, classification of hydro

electric plants, pumped storage plants.

Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit the student should be able to

1. Differentiate conventional and non-conventional energy sources

2. Explain the factors for Choice of site

3. Explain the Principle of Operation Hydroelectric Power Station

4. Draw the Line diagram of Hydroelectric Power Station

5. Define Hydrology, Mass curve, flow duration curve

6. Classify hydro electric plants

7. Explain Pumped storage plants

Teaching plan:

Total no. of periods required for the unit: 09

S.No. Description No. of


Mode of Delivery

1 Choice of site, Principle of




2 Line diagram of Hydroelectric

Power Station

01 BBT & Video

3 Hydrology, Mass curve, flow

duration curve

03 BBT & PPT

4 Classification of hydro electric


02 BBT

5 Pumped storage plants 02 BBT & Video

UNIT-II Thermal Power Stations

Line diagram of Thermal Power Station (TPS) showing paths of coal, steam, water, air,

ash and flue gasses - Brief description of TPS components: Economizers, Boilers, Super

heaters, Turbines, Condensers, Chimney and Cooling towers.

Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit the student should be able to

1. Draw and Explain Line diagram of Thermal Power Station (TPS)

2. Explain the function of Economizers, Boilers, Super heaters, Turbines,


3. Describe Chimney and Cooling towers

Teaching plan:

Total no. of periods required for the unit: 05

S.No. Description No. of


Mode of Delivery

1 Line diagram of Thermal Power

Station (TPS) showing paths of




2 steam, water, air, ash and flue


01 BBT & video

3 Brief Description of

Economizers, Boilers, Super

heaters, Turbines

01 BBT

4 Condensers, Chimney and

Cooling towers.

02 BBT

UNIT-III Nuclear and Gas Power Generation

Nuclear Power Stations: Nuclear Fission and Chain reaction.- Nuclear fuels- Principle of

operation of Nuclear reactor-Reactor Components: Moderators, Control rods, Reflectors

and Coolants.- Radiation hazards: Shielding and Safety precautions.- Types of Nuclear

reactors and brief description of PWR, BWR and FBR.

Gas Power Stations: Principle of Operation and Components (Block Diagram Approach


Learning Objectives: After completion of the unit the student should be able to

1. Differentiate Nuclear Fission and Chain reaction

2. Explain the Principle of operation of Nuclear reactor

3. Explain Reactor Components

4. Explain Radiation hazards

5. Explain Types of Nuclear reactors

6. Explain Principle of Gas Power Station

Draw Block Diagram of Gas Power Station

Teaching plan:

Total no. of periods required for the unit: 13

S.No. Description No. of


Mode of Delivery

1 Nuclear Fission and Chain

reaction, Nuclear fuels

02 BBT

2 Principle of operation of Nuclear


02 BBT & Video

3 Reactor Components 02 BBT & PPT

4 Radiation hazards 02 BBT

5 Types of Nuclear reactors 03 BBT

6 Principle and Block Diagram of

Gas Power Station

02 BBT &video

UNIT-IV General Aspects of Distribution Systems and D.C. and A.C Distribution


Comparison of DC vs. AC and Under-Ground vs. Over - Head Distribution Systems-

Requirements and Design features of Distribution Systems-Voltage Drop Calculations

(Numerical Problems) in D.C Distributors for the following cases: Radial D.C Distributor

fed one end and at the both the ends (equal/unequal Voltages) and Ring Main Distributor.

Voltage Drop Calculations (Numerical Problems) in A.C. Distributors for the following

cases: Power Factors referred to receiving end voltage and with respect to respective load


Learning Objectives:

After completion of the unit the student should be able to

1. Classify Distribution Systems

2. Compare DC and AC Distribution Systems

3. Evaluate Voltage Drop Calculations in Radial D.C Distributor

4. Evaluate Voltage Drops in Ring Main Distributor

5. Evaluate Voltage Drops in A.C Distributor

Teaching plan:

Total no. of periods required for the unit: 12

S.No. Description No. of


Mode of Delivery

1 Comparison of DC vs AC

Distribution Systems

01 BBT

2 Requirements and Design

features of Distribution Systems

01 BBT

3 Voltage Drop Calculations in

Radial D.C Distributor

02 BBT

4 Voltage Drop Calculations in

Ring Main Distributor

02 BBT

5 Voltage Drop Calculations in

A.C Distributor

02 BBT

6 Problems on Voltage drop


04 BBT

UNIT-V Economic Aspects of Power Plants

Load curve and Load duration curves-load, demand, diversity, capacity, utilization and

plant use factors- Numerical Problems. Desirable Characteristics of a Tariff Method-

Tariff Methods: Flat Rate, Block- Rate, two-part, three –part, and power factor tariff

methods, effect of load factor, demand and diversity factors on the cost of electrical

energy and power factor improvement, Economical Power factor- problems.

Learning Objectives:

After completion of the unit the student should be able to

1. Describe Load curve and Load duration curves

2. Define Load, demand, diversity, capacity, utilization and plant use factors

3. Describe Fixed charges, interest and depreciation charges

4. Explain Types of tariffs

5. Define demand and diversity factors and its effects

6. Explain Power factor improvement techniques

7. Obtain condition for Economical power factor

Teaching plan:

Total no. of periods required for the unit: 21

S.No. Description No. of


Mode of Delivery

1 Load curve and Load duration


02 BBT

2 Load, demand, diversity,

capacity, utilization and plant use

03 BBT

factors, Problems

3 Fixed charges, interest and

depreciation charges

02 BBT

4 Types of tariffs 02 BBT

5 effect of demand and diversity


03 BBT

6 Problems 02 BBT

7 Power factor improvement 02 BBT

8 Economic power factor 03 BBT

9 Problems 02 BBT

top related