
Post on 29-Jun-2015






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Cartoon drawn in 1935 by David Low – it comments on the Italian invasion of Abyssinia.

Remember – Mussolini had invaded the country saying he was going to give them ‘civilisation.’

Explain what is going on in the cartoon and what the message of the carton is.

1-10 back of your starter1. In what year were the Locarno Treaties?

2. Where is Locarno?

3. Who were the countries involved?

4. Who joined the LON following Locarno?

5. In what year was this?

6.In what years were the Manchurian Crisis?

7.When was the Disarmement Conference?

8.When was the Abyssinian Crisis?

9.What year was the Wall St Crash?

10.What is Abyssinia called today?


1-10 back of your starter1. In what year were the Locarno Treaties? 1925

2. Where is Locarno? Switzerland

3. Who were the countries involved? FRA, UK, GER, ITA, BEL, POL, CZE

4. Who joined the LON following Locarno? GER

5. In what year was this? 1926

6.In what years were the Manchurian Crisis? 1931-33

7.When was the Disarmament Conference? 1932-34

8.When was the Abyssinian Crisis? 1935-36

9.What year was the Wall St Crash? 1929

10.What is Abyssinia called today? Ethiopia


Review our timed essays by group peer assessment.....

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1. Intro

2. Literacy

3. Conclusion



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How did Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia damage the


Lesson objectives:

• To understand some of the reasons for Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia

• To consider the invasion’s impact on the League of Nations.

• Complete a timeline activity

• Half of P4 / P5 = meeting : Source Work and then a DVD

Presenting new information

Task 1• Turn to page 250.

• Answer the following questions in full paragraph answers from the text you’ve just read through.

1. How was the Abyssinian crisis different to the Manchurian incident?

2. Source 15 is intended to be sarcastic. Explain how it is sarcastic or implies that the League of Nations was feeble.

3. What reasons where there for Mussolini’s invasion of Abyssinia? There are more than 4!!! - Explain them with detail.




Task 2 – Abyssinia in 2 phases.

• Complete the timeline activity.

• Decide whether the actions were British, French and the League or German and Italian.

• Stick all events on the timeline in the correct order.

Dispute between Ethiopian and Italian soldiers at the Wal-Wal oasis in Abyssinia.

Mussolini prepares an army whilst demanding that Haile Salassie, the Abyssinian emperor, provides an apology.

January 1935 – Mussolini starts to send a huge army to Africa whilst at the same time pretending to find a peaceful solution through the League.

January / February 1935 – the British and French fail to take the whole situation seriously.

February / March 1935 – The British and French, keen not to keep friends with Italy, sign Stresa pact – this was a protest and the Germans rearming.

March 1935 – British and French do not raise the issue of Abyssinia at the meeting to sign the Stresa Pact. Mussolini thinks this is because the British and French will turn a blind eye to what Italy is doing – Mussolini presses on with his military planning.

April / May 1936 – public opinion around Europe is growing for the British and French to do something as Italy’s actions are clearly in breach of the League’s rules.

April / May 1935 – A ballot is taken in Britain – it shows that most British people want the League to do something to stop Italian aggression.

August/ September 1935 – British politicians talk about collective security at the League’s assembly and how smaller nations should be protected from aggression by more powerful nations. Unfortunately this proves to be just talk and the Italians fail to change any of their plans.

September 1935 – the League puts forward a plan that would give Mussolini part of Abyssinia. Mussolini rejects this plan.

October 1935 – Mussolini’s army is ready and he invades Abyssinia. The Italians win quickly using gas and modern day weapons.

October 1935 - The attack was a clear case of a strong country attacking a weak one. The League reacted by imposing a range of sanctions. The sanctions had to be imposed quickly and by all countries or they would fail.

October 1935 – the League imposed a ban on selling weapons to Italy. The League also banned oil, rubber, tin , and various metals. Countries of the league were also told they could not buy Italian goods.

December 1935 – the League finally banned oil from being sold to the Italians, this had been slow coming and should have been introduced with the other sanctions in October.

The British were especially worried about imposing sanctions as the loss in trade may cause job losses in Britain.

Task 3

• Look at Source 16 – Page 251.

• What has Mussolini let out?

• Do you think the way the League acted in Abyssinia sums up the League as a whole? Why? Discuss

Task 4

• Turn over the page to 252.

• Read the info.

• Answer questions 1 a, b, c and question 2.

• Then look at source 24 on page 253 – write a caption for either of the cartoons.

Source work task – League's failure. [50](Answer the following source questions – you have 35 minutes to do this.)


1. Do you agree with he statement in source A? Explain your answer providing evidence to back-up your argument. [10]

2. Source B takes a very negative view of the ‘Big Four’. Do you think this is justified? Explain why [10]

3. How accurate is the statement in Source C? - Explain your answer.[10]

4. All 3 sources appear to be very negative in their attitude towards the League of Nations. Do you think the League should be remembered in such a negative way? Why?[10]

5. If the Americans had played a part in the League of Nations How do you think this would have made a difference to the success of the League?[10]

Source A

The league was doomed to failure from the outset. The minute that Woodrow Wilson failed to get America to join the League spelled its demise. It was not a case of if but rather when the League would collapse.

T. Hughes – historian.

Source B

The failure of the League can laid at the door of the ‘big four’. (Britain, France, Italy and Japan). Despite all the talk of collective security when the chips were down the countries acted in their own best interests. Britain attempted to hold onto its empire, France was concerned only with dealing with Germany and Japan and Italy wanted to have an empire like Britain.

M. Smith – Civil servant in 1938

Source C.

In years to come people will look back on the league and view it only as a failure. But how it failed will be down to a many reasons. One might argue that its successes in the 1920 were apparent simply because it didn't face the same sort of problems that it faced in the 1930s.

Extract from History text book.

Source work task – League's failure.(Answer the following source questions – you have 35 minutes to do this.)


Level 1 : [1-3]

Level 2:[2-5]

Level 3:[4-7]

Level 4:[6-10]

Source work task – League's failure.(Answer the following source questions – you have 35 minutes to do this.)


1. Do you agree with he statement in source A? Explain your answer providing evidence to back-up your argument.

Source A

The league was doomed to failure from the outset. The minute that Woodrow Wilson failed to get America to join the League spelled its demise. It was not a case of if but rather when the League would collapse.

T. Hughes – historian.

Level 1 : Simple answer, Yes or No. Lacks detail

Level 2: One sided argument. Yes or No

Level 3: Balanced argument. Yes and No and explains reasons why.

Level 4: Balanced argument and SUPPORTED CONCLUSION.

Source work task – League's failure.(Answer the following source questions – you have 35 minutes to do this.)


2. Source B takes a very negative view of the ‘Big Four’. Do you think this is justified? Explain why

Source B

The failure of the League can laid at the door of the ‘big four’. (Britain, France, Italy and Japan). Despite all the talk of collective security when the chips were down the countries acted in their own best interests. Britain attempted to hold onto its empire, France was concerned only with dealing with Germany and Japan and Italy wanted to have an empire like Britain.

M. Smith – Civil servant in 1938

Level 1 – Simplistic answer. Yes/ No it is justified. Lacking in facts.

Level 2. One sided answer. Yes or No it is justified. More detail.

Level 3. Balanced answer. YES and NO.

Level 4. Balanced answer + SUPPORTED CONCLUSION

Level 2 max if does not quote from the source.

Level 3 max if does not place in context.

Source work task – League's failure.(Answer the following source questions – you have 35 minutes to do this.)


3. How accurate is the statement in Source C? - Explain your answer.

Source C.

In years to come people will look back on the league and view it only as a failure. But how it failed will be down to a many reasons. One might argue that its successes in the 1920 were apparent simply because it didn't face the same sort of problems that it faced in the 1930s.

Extract from History text book.

Level 1 – Simplistic answer – Yes it is accurate, or no it isn’t

Level 2 – Yes or No answer. More detail.

Level 3 – YES and NO – Balanced answer – It is accurate because it is from a text book and also in the 1920s the LON didn’t face that many problems like in the 1930s with Mussolini, Japan and Hitler. However in the 1920s it did face problems such as America not joining, problems post TOV.

Level 4 – Balanced answer and SUPPORTED CONCLUSION – must mention – 1929 and WALL ST CRASH.

Source work task – League's failure.(Answer the following source questions – you have 35 minutes to do this.)


4 All 3 sources appear to be very negative in their attitude towards the League of Nations. Do you think the League should be remembered in such a negative way? Why?

Source A

The league was doomed to failure from the outset. The minute that Woodrow Wilson failed to get America to join the League spelled its demise. It was not a case of if but rather when the League would collapse.

T. Hughes – historian.

Source B

The failure of the League can laid at the door of the ‘big four’. (Britain, France, Italy and Japan). Despite all the talk of collective security when the chips were down the countries acted in their own best interests. Britain attempted to hold onto its empire, France was concerned only with dealing with Germany and Japan and Italy wanted to have an empire like Britain.

M. Smith – Civil servant in 1938

Source C.

In years to come people will look back on the league and view it only as a failure. But how it failed will be down to a many reasons. One might argue that its successes in the 1920 were apparent simply because it didn't face the same sort of problems that it faced in the 1930s.

Extract from History text book.

Level 1 – Simplistic answer – does NOT refer to the sources

Level 2 – Agrees or Disagrees. May refer to sources.

Level 3 – Agrees AND Disagrees. MUST refer to all x 3 sources

Level 4 – BALANCED answer re-LON being remembered for being negative.

NB must refer to all x 3 sources.

Source work task – League's failure.(Answer the following source questions – you have 35 minutes to do this.)


5. If the Americans had played a part in the League of Nations How do you think this would have made a difference to the success of the League?

Level 1 Simplistic answer. Yes they would have made it a success.

Level 2 YES or NO it would have been a success. EXPLAINS reasons for either.

Level 3 YES AND NO it would have been a success. EXPLAINS reasons for BOTH.

Level 4. Balanced answer and SUPPORTED CONCLUSION.

Learning outcome

Reviewed our understanding of the LON

Begun to examine why peace collapsed in 1939

H/W feedback

[4] mark question : Not sit on the fence....it’s about facts etc

Very pleased with the work

Point and Explain.....

Poem about the league of nations failures.

• Having completed our examination of the League I now want you to look once more at the reasons why it failed - Page 254.

• Using all your inventive powers I want you to write a poem – Baldrick style if you wish - to sum up the League’s failures.

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